West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Apr 1879, p. 4

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d 44 3!| If AJ} C U Saratoga Springs. There were three heaviâ€" |. lyâ€"loaded Concord coaches, each drawn by F four horses, and the distance to the nearest | rtatidn on the tailway" was about twelve | railes. It was my good fortgme to sceurc | x seat beside the driver of the loading ) conch, the other two immediately following | us. "The conches were sufficiently ncar| each other logbl;qe to obserre someâ€" \ thing of the habits of the different drivers. | He by whose side L sat was a quiet, kind, and gentlemanly man. lHe used no bois teroms words, uttered "mo oaths, had no slashing of the whip. If.any horse was not doing his proper share of the work, he managed to touch him with the whip in sucha manper that the ofi'sr horges of the team heither Leard nor felt the blow. Sn the entire distanse was passed over without any shouting, swearing, or whipâ€" With the other two drivers it was differâ€" | ent. They whipped, and shouted, and | shouted, and swore, and thrir teams wore |. kept constantly annioyed and fretted. The three coaches arrived at the same deslinaâ€" | tion within five minutes of the same time. The horses of the teading ‘coach appeared ns fresh and quiet as though they had not travelled a mile. But not so with khc‘ others, They came to the end of â€"their route puffing and foaming. . The difference was entirely owing to the fact that the leading team was kindly driven and in no way worried, while the others were whipped, excited, and freited at almost every step. 4A Hintio Teachers. BÂ¥ C‘IARLIJ NOETHEXD, wy'urlng; I left Lake George> for It occurred to me that there was the same difference in teachers that thore was i.u& these drivers. The tasks to be performed | may be all the same, but some teachers will secure their performance in that quict and kindly manner which makes it seem pleasant ; while others, by their harshness and rigid exa¢tions and severe words, will continuallyâ€"annoy and worry their pupils, and so make all exercises irksome and unâ€" pleasant. The quiet and pleasint way need not be dull and lifeless, but may be equally énergetie and effective with th noisy and hatsh way, and far moro satisâ€" faciory to all concorned. The teacher should not be merely a commander and driver, but he should be a kind leader and director,eansing his pupils to feel that ho is thair friénd, and making all requirements known in that gentle and winping. way whiely it will bowa pleasure to regard and fulfil. And if is shall be necessary to adâ€" minister reproof or correetion, that may be done in that gentle, Private, and kindly manner whigh W)h seeure the desipd rcâ€" sults withont awakoning unkind or bilter feelings.â€"N, K. Journal of Education. The number of the population has been | NNA often reckoned, not its value as part of the | Their actual wealth of the nation. _A moment‘s|eonta conkideration will show what an important | stran; part is played in the structure of the nationâ€" | and b al wealth by tho natural and mequired | with | powors of body and mind. They are ) was st esgentially articles of wealth, and have a | about distinet economiec vaiue. . For instance, all swath wages may be considered to be paid for powers, either innate or acquired, inâ€"the human being. The lowest in point of value, because theo raott plentiful, is, of course, physieal power, or mon muscular effort with spade, shovel, or hoeâ€"the kind of Inbour least elevated above that of the horso | or ox. â€" The next is montal power, in other words those facuities of the mind whici enable the possessor to manage complicatâ€" d afffirs, to "Cthibit discretion and jadgâ€" ment, to aequire knowledge and apply it to the needs or ealture of society, whether as law yer, phystciang j'l? author, or artist. Such powers &ro not only raore rare than more brute force, but require for their fall developmeont a special edugation aud trainâ€" ing ; @ndificonsequence, demand and obâ€" tain more ample remunerition. The last is naoral power,or character,withont which, indeed, both physicata@d mental power lose much of fheir value. Without moral power, or character, there can be no guarâ€" anlcothat the daties which mind and body are fitted to discharge will be prnctaually and satisfectorily . performed.; In order that theiz labour may command its highest price, the ploughman in the field, the barâ€" rister imeourt, the physician in the sickâ€" room, the judge on the bench, must alike inspire their employer, client, pationt or suitor, with the idea thag thoy possess not merely th6 physical and intelfectual qualiâ€" feations requisige fur their respective tasks, but that the exereiso of those quatifications will be invariably associated with a due sensé of homour ; in other words, that they may be trusted. And such a combination of moral. with . physical aud intellectnal qualities distinetly adds, be it remembered, to the economic value of the labourer.â€" Leisure Hour. . T , P A farrabr, doswing to know what quality of foe@ his calves woula thrive best on, wrote to the Prairic Farme», and received the folowing reply : Grass is, of course, the basis of growth in all farm animals. We have had the best suceess by feeding oats or barley, citier singly or ground togother the first sthAinet. In the winter they may be carried nicely with 'b:li apd oi eake,â€"where u.....n:.fi ome bat the best hay The Money Value of a Man. should be givenr, bright sweet clover and timothy probably. If you have a good blac grass pasture it shouid of coarse be utilized when the season will admit. PCR CWnn s They “mbm stromgly nitugen is. | ed food to form sinew and muscle,and that Crk Phogplmte to form bove. As on animal nequires its growth, cornâ€"meal may is and »ore largely given, but whilo | growing the feed we have indicated, is, all | Bi msidered, probably the best. â€" In ‘ Ono"” grentest errors in the feedin pf young stock is that they are not kept n to their fall eapacity of ‘feeding. Anothc is they are not given suflicient variety . “0‘ to keep their .p!‘(‘h"(‘! f sfl".:‘p. Cor: \_ast alome will not do for young stoc Best Food for Calves. anxww_~_z~â€" 444 44 xn 4 4 age 4 _ ‘stromgly n itrugon ic« and muscle,and that o form boue. â€" As on "C ~OC) fever, that, if the proguction oi roma for netAALY | towns is the leading object, then selected i ordcrI‘\vrs},;w., Holeteins, on Shorbâ€"horus will highest ;;i~\>o sntisfsetion. ~If theyrard fntended for the barâ€" butterâ€"making, then the Jorsey Shortâ€"horn he sick] ang Ayrshire would be the best, taken in st alike | ;s order. â€" If for cheosoâ€"making, then the tiont 0| fTotstoin, Ayrshire, and Shortâ€"boru. It 5085. 204 | foog not, however, approve of pure breeds al qualiâ€" for dairy purposes ; but advises a cross of Y6*asks:| a yorsoy bull on a deepâ€"milking Ayrshire fiertions | mow, as tho. delicate Jerssy will be much 1 a due improved by crossing on the hardy Ayrâ€" hat they | ypiye, while the grade will yield more milk binati0n | man the former and of n richer quality @Heotu@l | qyon tiat"of the latter. â€" A equare cross of a § The Salom (Oregon) Siatesman tells a tunny story about the performance of a selfâ€" i. binder reaping machine while following been | unaitendled a team of runaway horses. f the| Their course Iay through a Geld of wheat ent‘s |eentaining about a hundred acres; and, rtant | strange to say the machine kept together, tionâ€" | and bound evory bundle that came to it aired | with lightaing rapidly. When the team are | was stopped,the machine had eut and bound ive a | about a hundred and fifty bandlos; but the o, all | swath was "crovkeder than the tangle of L for | the Mollala." hne |ling. in s ats | help, sittin ay |xoots, and nd] London T. idâ€" | of erops as ay | distress, f ly | wirtung fron | Rules for Acquiring Wealth. this, however, all feeders must be gnided‘ by cirenmstances. . In some, localitics rye is largely raised. It makes fédfllflw inferior to oats and barley, but must be fed eare{ully, A good rule in feeding is to it weight be the test of the quantity of graip to be fed, whatever the grain waay be ; but ta réach the bost results grain must be the chief integer in producing growth in any apimal intended for showl pm poses. Beâ€" sides this, warm shelter and the best of eroomin@ are most essential. grooming J | save Beé Honest. If Satan tempts you to deâ€" fraud your neighbour, itis only that he may rob you of your illâ€"gotten gain in the end. Be Temperate. Liquor has made more paupers than all other viees combized.. . Be Industrious. Improve cach> dffy as if you expected to die on the morrow. Indolence, Debt, and Diseaso are brothers. Let your word be your bond, Good eredit is a fortune to begin with. Limit your expenses by necessity and comiot gently. Deware ol the bmiuant bubbici tliat are blown ngto tenapt ingenious specu lat bu he St. Thomas complains of n searcity of houses. The town is now estinated‘to have a population of 7,000. i i. "A The British Government have accepted the tender of the Eastarn Telegraph Comâ€" The distress in the Nile Valloy is appalâ€" ling. â€" In some villages the people are past help, sitting naked like wild beasts, eating roots, and suffering with despair. The London Times, while admitting the frilure of crops as the immediate occasion of the distress, finds in the heavy tale of taxes wrung from the Fellahs to meet the extravaâ€" gance of the Khedive the true cause of the suffering of the peopic. S pt Invost ther. the shore, an‘ they U gie their wings a bit flap an‘ they‘re dry again. Now, my. friends, you come here every Sabbath, an‘ I lave you a‘ ower wi‘ the Gospel till ye‘re fairly dfooit wf it But you just gang awa hame, an! sit doon by your fireside, gie your wings a bit flap, an‘ ye‘re as dry as aver br towi two .l»lrjvcta accomplished in a true rotation â€"first, rest to the sail, by following one crop with another, which mainly subsist upon different clements, and to increase its carbongeeous matter by such erops as will add largely to it.â€" The kind of erops which may #l1 such rotation is of minor imporâ€" tance, when compared with their dissimiâ€" larity, disposition of them when grown,culâ€" ture, &e., as a suecession. To illustrate the idea here intended to be conveyed, the folâ€" lowing rotation will supply suflicient dis similarity, when their principal constituent clements are compared : Clover, rye, oats, wheat and roof erop. Wien it is noticed that the crops bers named, and in their ordor, vary widely in their principal cleâ€" A lady this order. . L for cheeseâ€"making, then the Holstein, Ayrshire, and Shortâ€"born. . It doos not, however, approve of pare breeds for dairy purposes ; but advises a cross of a Jersey bull on a deepâ€"milking Ayrshire cow, as tho. delieate Jerssy will be much improved by crossing on the hardy Ayrâ€" shire, while the grade will yield more milk than the former and of n richer quality than tint of the latter. â€" A square cross of a Jersey bull mpon selected common .cows also generaliy produces <an oxcelleat dairy grade.â€"Hs#. Resroramox® or, Tartiumty to Soms,â€" The most praticable and economical way (F the farmer to eurich or restore his partially exliausted fields, in reasonable tiee, is by & rotation of creps, aided by barnvard and other manure. ‘Thore are ments, wo can form some idea why, and how, oequilibrinm is maintained ; and by returning, or feeding down on the land,the erops thns produced, monld 14 restored, or added thereto. â€" If all erops are to be sold off the land skinnedâ€"then mould, or ferâ€" tibty, is decreased instoad of being reâ€" ou leave lthful vOLL MISCELLANEOUS. tance, a Seotch minister thus disecursed on the essiiess of his flock: "Brethren, when eave the church, just look down at the ‘s swans. They are very bonny s.an‘ they‘ll be sooming about an‘ ayo your funds earefully and intelliâ€" Beware of the brilliant bubbles m, rigut Ascension, and J ded, 24 x decination ; the uther of the 11th de, in 12 h. 11 m. right ascension, c. 31 m. north declination, moving vica by way of Aden, Zanzibar, ue,{Delagoa Bay and Natal, tersy of Clinton, N .'Y., announced rery on Saturday morning last, of ts. one of the 10th masnitade, in n 1 Live Stock ustt Cows to Ratss.â€"The best cows under ail conditions has no , as to. much depends upon the To do thi 1 i )( t 0 by 1t attention to your keen brain and body m Telegraph Com ubmarine cable t mcwon ol inilk ‘or joct, then selected m Shortâ€"horus will Journal says, howâ€" necessity and rgin for balanee iction as just fallon leath of her tances. â€" The then the iing to led fo their n in A Berctax bridegroom being about to |g star(,b:‘}:ujm hi honeymoon tour, was informed by his bride that: she thought of concealing several thousand francs‘ worth of lace about her, hoping by its sale to pay 7 the cost of their journey. The bridegroom was not amitten with this fragal project,|. and pointed out that there were eustomâ€" | 2 Houso officers and a female gearcher at Erequelinosâ€" who were cometimes struck | ~ with an unaecountable fancy for exatmining | â€" passengers‘ pockets. This he said being &A tinnd man, and his bride, to humor him, promised to give up her plan; but of course | shoe secreted the ltce all the same without telling him about it. As the train approachâ€" ed the Fronch frontier the husband reflectâ€" ed that if Iis wife wore not searched, his | fears would be mocked at as having been | groundless, and he would start on his marâ€" rigd career with prestige impaired. This I was not desirableâ€"the rather was it essenâ€" : | tial that ho. should â€" from theâ€"very : outsct | assort lis infullibility. So when the train | stopped at Erequelines, and the passengers alighted, the, Belgian bridegroom left his c\ bride‘s side for a moment, and sliding up : | to a douanier, whispered, "I think if you search that lady youder you may find some "laco," The dowanier winked, and the * | happy bride was aesosted with an invitaâ€" â€" |‘tibn to walk into the fomale searcher‘sroem. She turned pale and tottered, but was led * | away, and five winutes later dismal sounds y ‘ of hysterics wore heard, Then the douanier reâ€"appeared, and said to the horrified hasâ€" band, "Thank you, sir ; it‘s 2 good capture. The lady will be taken to prison, and half y | the fine will go to you." r| The largest bridge in Europe will ‘be olsfi inss : dnbfibiiniag. 1 F completed nextâ€"year. It â€"will cross the Volga, in the government of Samara, Rusâ€" sia, on the Siberian Railroad line, ‘The Volgi, at theé point of the bridge, is about four miles wide in the spring. season, &nd in summer is 4,782 feet, lrinc Larter, Minnic W Kenzie, Alex. Robe: jr., and School Boy 1 am composed of i My 2,15, 2, 8, is t110.4 My 13, 6, 2, 8, 14,5, My 4, 15,7, 14, .. My 13, 15, 2, 8, 4, 14, My 6, 2, 7, 12, 2, 12, My 5, 2, 12, 1, 11, 2, T am composed of cight letters, My first is in chair but not in table, My socond is in story but not in fable, My third is in man but not in wife, _ . My fourth isin Lattle but not in stife, My fifth is in bell but not in gong, My sixth is in lisp but not in song, My seventh is in muscle but not in strong, My cighthis in bad but not in wrong, And my wholc‘is the christian name of a woman. Durhamâ€"Thisd Tuesday in each month. Pricevilleâ€"Monday before Darbam. |, > Hanoverâ€"Mondsy ‘before Durham. * Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in cach month. Caeliphâ€"First Wednesday in cach month. Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Blormâ€"The dlay before Guelph. _ " ~~ Douglasâ€"Monday before Elors Fair. Hamiltonâ€"Cyrstal Palace Grounds, the Onr OQrance Sabbath sor Sehool at 2 p. Church Ward day aft Derlinâ€"Fir Bramnton ~ Fer Dunds Shelbu Marsvi monta. Walkertonâ€"Tho last Wednesday in each mont‘. Mildmay â€" Last Wednesday . of cach month. ; DURKEAKMK DIRNECTORY Thomas I}Iuider. I'.eiistmr; John A. Munro, Deâ€" putyâ€"Rogistrar, Office hours from 10 a. m, to 4 p.mi. i Tnlzemhl-la’l‘lh»ow:]avcry !fi"ldny evening from T to wl ares #1, pnnual fee 50 conts. . det Robertson, Librarian. e ramie a 0 Ofice hours from 8 a. m.io 7 p. m. . Arch. Me Kenzie, Postmaster, .. PE\ . snene h i4( t 18 t DURHAM LODGE No, 306 OF A. F. & A. M. Night of morting, Tresday on ot before full moon of each month. Visiting brethron welcome, A. Vollet, W. M, H. W. Mockler, Secratary. S TEPHEN LODGE No. 10# 10.0.F. _ _ W. Gy ing at 11 NHight of moeting every Monday at 7:30 o‘clock,in !’Am ! the Odd F‘o!llnw‘-:' finll‘.‘v \;fli\tinfi' brothren welcome. d .W. Boulden, N. G. . B, Vollet, See, ol o reuee â€"â€"â€"| | OT 22, Con, it DURHAM L. 0. L. No. 632, 4 will be sold sheap. Night of mooting, Thursday on or belors vil, MLLTAX® Hownzse, or moor in sach month. T. Carson, See. cnmi® f Lord Lome Correct answers_reccived 3,2,15,5,14,7,0,8,4 whole is the name Darham. A MONTHLY ~CATTILE ~FAIRS, emont Junc, Answors to Riddles. wel M 3 Louisa. Mary Axn Axoers 11 kcâ€"Tuesday before neâ€"Wednesday be PRESDYTERIAN CHURCH MECHANICS‘ INSTITUTE 8. G. REGISTRY OFPPICE t Hiddle No. 10. RHiddie No« A1. se ov wxv Enbbath at 11 a. m. and 6:30 School at 2:30 p. m. « Prayer in lay ovening nit %:S). Bible Clmm rin« Ab 730. â€" Rev. Wm. Park, pastor. TRI il Riddle No. 12. Riddles sday following Mount Forest. ifteenth of February, April, mat, Octouver and ])ecam%cr. »dnesday _ preceding the 11, 2. 12 POsST OFFICH naty oHufcn H at i ©USk NPR has ning nt 8 o'!fi)ck. Pustor Rev lrnt Possle No. 1. e ind Thursday in cach IODIST CHURCIH hath at 10:20 a. m. and 6:20 pm. 10 puam. Prayer moeting every t 7. walock, and HBible Class f flt 11 a . W itmore, £,0,/* â€""C cly. e of a gentleman in A. W. C., Bentinek. nams of a sea, before Orangeville. fore Orangeville. 1y before Orangeville. Vednesday in each m. and 7 p. m. Sanday B. Wray, B. A., pastor iddaugh and Elins Edge. x, Bentinck. | from Fanny { Logira Me: [olin Grabam. A. CastEron bLer river, lake, Lny, island, an archeâ€" county villa W1l "THE REVIEW" Every Thursday. At the Office, Garafraxa Street Durham, â€" â€" Ont. TERMS:â€"$1.00 per yoarin Advance, #3.$1.25 if not paid withintwo months. T n re®ssional and business cards, one inch .F.“ and under, per Y@AT) >«>>>>>> $ 4! T wo inches or 24 lines Nonpariel measur® 1 Three inches do. per Y@AP.....)>6~>**> 10 Quarter column, per yeM...).>>>>><c*t 15 Half colum», ri6 apSYp sn rp n + 26 One column, 46 ffw 5 AVYA4 BO \ Do. six month®. .. FPmasvo y :. Do, three month#. . .+« «> _ +« 15 Casaal advertiscments charged 8 cts, per tine for the first insertion, and 2 ctsfiwr line for eath subsequent insortion â€" opareil (measure. Ordinary notices 0 deaths, and all kinds free of charge. STRAY ANIMALS, 4c., weeks for §1, the advertis aced 8 Jines. Advertisements, excep by written instructions t inserted until forbidden, ular rates, â€"~~ DURIHIAN Carriage Works. ROBERT MeFARLANE, Carriages, Buggies, Demoâ€" crat Wagons, ctc,, ( ) lan:«;i:fish:;-fi'{: )r}iét-l ws low‘ns any Oth@r ostablishment in the county, Thoss in necd of Such Articles would do well to Call and Inspect My Stock. The Subscriber is ‘l ,‘_ ACRES of Land in a High State of *+ Cultivation, with a large, well finished frame houso, and all buildings thereon, and & young orchard. Hard and soft water. . This pro erty is udyiumg the corporation of the tewn of I’mrhm.u, wid known as the Charles LimeR Estate, A wellâ€"finished freme house and out buildings and lot, apposite J . H. Munter‘s atore house, westof Garn frazn St, in the said town of Durham. â€" Everything gonveniont around this property, @ good driving house, stables, woodshod, hard and soft water, &c, Now is the proper time to purchase property in aind wround the town of Durhem, as the railway will cortainly be built to Durham nextsaminer, ALbO~ A firstâ€"class fartn, lot 14, con. 2, W.G.R. townskip of Bentinck, 100 neres, 60 neres cleurne‘ and (flog buildings, known as Dugald MacFarlane‘s ; Fwrm ; and the 3rd division of lot 1, con. 1, E.G.R., Genelg. 50 acres, good log buildings, 33 neves eleared, . For Foodhae bertlehrsanply to F. MacRAE, A firstâ€"class fartm, lot 14, con of Bentinck, 100 weres, 60 mc buildings, known as Dugald and the 3rd division of lot 1, 50 wcres, good log buildings, : turther particlues apply to 1 IN ADVANCE, _ s E) Capltal authorized by Charter, £5,000,000. Proorpext: Sir Alex, T. Galt. Vicwâ€"PRESIDENT: A, . Campbell, Esq. Dinuctons: His Homor D. A. Macdonald, Liout.â€" * * Gov. of Out.; Hon, John Simpson; Hon. 8. C. Wood, Prov.¥¥eas.$ Wiliimm Thomâ€" son, Esq.; Goorze Greig, Ksq.; Douâ€" « awld Muckny, Esq., of Gordon Mackny ; G. 1. Deardmore, Esq.; Wai. Ince, Esq. Baxirms The Bank of Montreal ; The Canadian & Bank of Commerce. . No Finss. â€" Charges Low. I;UILDER, Durham, keeps on hand large stock of Sash, Doors and all kinds of Bailding materinls, 1130 A stock of Mouldings in Walnut, Rosowood, and Gilt, Plans, s;\tmcmmtiunn and bills of Lumber made out on sho notice. . A full stock of Coffins, Caskets, Bhrouds and Trimâ€" imingsalways on hand, Remember the place Loan and Investmert Co,, A PIRSTâ€"COLA®s HEAR®SE To Hink. Borrowers ean, by speciel the privilege of repaying pri and at such times as they mortgage be repmyalle in 0 ments. Interest conses ab < paid. 12~Movrtgages and other Real Estate Seâ€" curitics purchased, or advancts made on the same» A. McLELLAN, (LIMITED) C OFPERS to Lend Money on Farm, City and Town Property, on the following Liberal Verms, viz:~8 per cent. per auuum, Intecest payâ€" whle. FALEâ€"YEARLY, NOT IN ADVANCE, 8} per cont. per annum, Interest paynble Y®amUY, NOT fmâ€"1 Agontatia Figan Orpror 14 Adclaide Street Er £1,Toronte '_I‘ORONTO. GREY, AND BRUCE BRAILWAY. Co. Portland, Maine Dopart, 820 s. m., 1288 p.om., Arrive, 10:05 a. im., @10 p. m. 1 onaxamvILL®. On ‘and after MONDAY, 4th, November L87 8, trains willeid agigollo wei~ TORONTO (UNION STATION.) South, ‘[Depart 7:20 a.i., 1210 a. m., 535 p. m Arvice 1140 o my A240,Ds 1., §:00 D. Ane North, Depart, 12:05 a. m.,, 5%5 p m. Arrive, 1:50 a, m., 5:05 p. a, West. Depurt 1220a.m., 5:30 p. i. Arrive. . 11:35 a.m.,. 4:50.p. in, TERSWATEN Dopart â€"7:20 8. m., 1220 pm. Arrive 420 p. m., 10:00 p. m. For time at lntammfiou stationssee Time Triles EDMUND WRAGGT, Durham. o 66 n woek froe, N busines BC 3 UE o ts Ei ce cclin c ts o. m bfi free, No visk. Reader, if you wint a business at which {‘mmn( of either sox. cam make crest pay a1 $ ho time they work, write for particulars 10 H. Harzutr & Durhai RATES OF ADVERTISING, T THB VERY Toranto, Oct. 25th; 1878 CHANGE OF Soucxrom; Mesm Blake, Kerr & Boyd. Maxaggn : J, Purnbull. THE BRITISH CANADIAN Arrive FARM FOR SALE. Lands for Sale. f4 PUBLINTED ROBT. BULL, er is also â€"Agont for All Kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS. ROBERT MeFARLAXNE, Manufacturer of a woek in your mwn town %5 Ont ALS, &e., advertised three c advertisement not to ex* OWEX sOUND, T45 a.m., 1225 p. m 350 p.m., 9:55 p.m. lace,â€"n short distance north of the Post Office..% except when accompanied ions to the contrary, fre dden, and charged at reg» â€"ALSOâ€" f births, marriages, of local news, inserted spociel arrangoment, have ing principal t such sims ; they pleuse. whether the e in one sum or by instalâ€" es at once on amounts so EST MATERIAL, A, MCLLLLAN, Durham , Dentinek, 100 neres, . Apply on the premises to TOWXSEXD. , Upper Town one inch accompanied Durham Ont. h03 915 P vther Offer the LARGEST, BEST and . CHEAPEST Stock of Millinery, Mantles, We are also q";ing TOXxUPA CERAT CC CC oi tangs i ain and Fancy Dress Goods, Gloves, h All the Shades in Berlin, Fleecy, and Fingering Wools. We are also giving Extra â€"~#8 SCced Fall & Winter Goods now Complete. Fashionable Stock of Mantles and Ulsters at verylow prices Every Tweed Suits for $8.50 per ‘The subscriber begs to inform the public that he has a larg WARE, which will be .015 STOVES AND TINWARE ! Particular attention p C@sh for Sheepskins and Hides. Agent for the Superior Broadcast Seeder and Drill. Also the Gailoway Sullky Rakeâ€"the best Sulky rake in the Dommion, AGRICULTURAL "he Subcriber is agent for the sale Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidla: & Stewart‘s Improved Gang Ploughs,. &¢ OFFICE : At Kiernan g_g‘tu_g_}gsp_rz‘s Has just received a Large and well Assorted Stock of DRY GOODS! Cottons, Tweeds, Ducks, Denims, Bought in the very best Markets, and are selling at prices which eammot be undersold. As it is expectod there will be an Adnance shortly in all kinds of Goods, purchasers will find A wellâ€"assortetd Stock of Boots & Shoes received last week. 4" Cnskets and Coffins, with all sorts of trimâ€" raings, always on hapd. @CHMAaRCES VERZY MODERATE. WM. WATSON & SON U ndertakers, Durham, October 10, 1878. HLEAP FOR C‘ASsSEII OR P A JS Cook, Parior and Box Stoves. Durham, Feb. 26th, 1878 \ Large Stock of Crockery in Stone China Tea Sets and Toilets Sets, Do Y(h Want Money. Durham, April 4, 1878. anven f UNERALS furnished on short notice Durkam, February 25, 1873 es furnishei fres to parties buying cofins us. ‘ Remember the placs, ‘ WATEON & 40X‘3 Another Lot of those Wonderfully Cheap TINSPECTION RESPECTFULLY JOHN CAMERON ALSO Note PRICEVILLE, ONT. He would particularly call the attention of the Ladies to his #@"Call and examine my Stock betore purchasing elsewhere, raxcy pry GooDs it to their advantage to buy before the RISE takes place, id to Eavestroughing wanting a Mantle should d Winter Fashionsâ€" & A. DAVIDSON, A variety of patterns at Lowest Prices . JOHNSTON, Jr., nt for the sale of the «celsbrated MOWER manufactured | by TORONTO REAPER & MOWEKL CoNPANY. Wagon and Carriage Works, Pricevilie Ont. Value in and Book Accounts collected on reasonable terms, Agent for the sale of all kinds of Announces his Stock MANTLE CLOTHS, Ulster Cloths, Cashmeres, \ eivels, ss Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Trimmings, &e. nd Fingering Wools. Mantles and Ulsters made to Order. ppraerROrFULLY INVITED by JUST RECEIVED. . HUNTER Consisting in part of DUREANM. IMPLEMENTS, sUCH AS an 4 , Tusinss vor can enmgr in an at BEST #5 to @20 por dry mude by t the any worker of cithor sex, or 10 right in their own locrJities, shit | Particzlars and sumples worth @3 free, Imrrove anle. ) vour snore tin.e at this business, . Addgers Strysox *vl ! & Co. Portiap.d M«ine ever House and Three Acres of | Land For Sale. l A GREAT BARGAIN. ty in the consisting of three meres 6f excellent lind, under cultivation, on which is erected a smal cottage and a frame stable, This property would make a nice homesteard fo & reechame or mty one wish izg to retire from llnnim“uud live in a vilinge. Will be gold for £300, which is only £25 per quarter were lot, Apyly to the proprictor, or by Io‘lwr to TBE Snbsecber offers for Sale, Lt No .l 38, Ind Consossion, Kast of G. R., Township Glenclg, containing 100 aeresâ€"about 70 acres clery o4. "l‘rma iz.gm:('».'m d«-rn.‘ t&r. balance _ me will ho givon. Por further particulars apply MacHae, Durham, or to. * * B. WILLIANMS Nli{-";”(«':{;‘"fi x _ Priceville, Ang. 16 187. Â¥+ w :tn s Farm for Sale in (Glenelg. J. H. HUNTER. GI HE Subscriber wishing to leave this ._part of the country offers for sale his properâ€" lencl#, Bopt. 10,1878 VILLAGE OP PRICEVEILLE. of large Stock of STOVES and TIX . & A. DAVIDSON. Black Lustres, &c., &c., ‘s Store, Lower Town pURKHAM JOI®i CAMERON. T. A. HARRIS yâ€"3 on the prem \ elvets, and contains a vast amount of interesting The Large and rapidly increasing Cirewâ€" "Grey Review" in whe Townships of Glenelg, Benume Normandy, Egremont, Proten, Artemesia Orprey, Melancthon and other Tewsn ships makes it one ef the Job Department, Is now fitted up in the very beat style, and Possesses great Facilities for deing all Bost Mediums for Advertisers Good Family Newspaper Havieg lately made an addition to our »@Grey HRKReview," And with the Greatest Promptitud : can depend upon being satisfied by leavirg NEW PRESSET, TYPE, Eic MOST APPROVED KINDS "GREY REVIEW*" Best Style of the LOCAL AND FOREIGX ®B COLUMN ParcRr Pricc $1.25 per Ammum, tx" rosSTAGE FRET..53 Job Work In the County of Grey. phould subseribe fur the If not paid in advance. The office is furnished with MARKET RRPoRTs3 V OR IKG. AX who wart a lation of the OF THE LATEST done in the yery . AND EDiTORiAis PROPRIETOP "THE REVL vory TPThur At the Ofce, Garafraxa St #%.$1.25 if not paid w Durham, â€" rétwasional and bu apace and undo Two imnches or 24 In Three inches do. p» Quarter column, )9 Malt columm, Qae columm, Do, wix ns Do three Line t Ineas Advortisements, ex« h wiitten instrnction imserted mutil forbidd wlar rates, Ordinary a eath«. and 4 TERMS: â€"$1.00 per y ]{.\L'.‘J por I Bank t BUSINESS DIRECT LEGAL l ‘\L"lil‘ I{A\ll BTRAYV ANIM id woke for &l, the i Menes to Loan Bontinck Rathorfor W % 7 Pmarham, on 4 First olass work on & Forgu® D ALPRED 21 County Or YETERINARY SURG WWiild tRADUATI Morygges Bowitht t Any Person RATES OF ADVI E. D. MA ARRISTER, A English & Sco Frost & Â¥Frost ARRISTERS and Attormes Capital ©599.000, Stc * RADI 1a] ady No fin josEPIH F. M RADUATH Momber of or to EXTIST Do YFou Waut Mo missio® to "We nvent AGENTS, READ TT D ponaniiindrd ocprome : Gea. J. Matthew Cabinet Ma 1XYESTMENYT DJ [VA, be a »e faut) of wl ) Mon D: nat f the â€" o qor p Durham Repairing riwn. MILSCELLANEO MacRAR, HEAJ Watson Bros . Carpenters and Buil Roxido Durkou f Ontaurk s Brourhe L.aremont Je MEB, HECvol & 84 Ha» remo mear the 1 Arinnds s aft dbd Vn Purkan Dusid«ls ©ammn tm s n MEDLICAL LL k Dh ATY Wood T < @ it 309 N 1d L eastor d to 1 st «0t RrEMOVAL Wanting i M J UJ Ad

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