, lil ld I) van . W eaiiaro dress and . blue otrired itogham baron ; the apron 2) M up in In: bind, u “must: it hold‘ “1.. â€Min. and her but! and feet were My. Mee large eye: were of: no brown “I In! his or the same color, hung in “night min than! " hes. Then my. â€out: endure, nun. wood or child, (in: magic» of a mutual on the next He got horne from the store on that evening too [Manna too tired to go out " the things he wanted but the next uwrninghe was up before the sun :roso - nnd the sun rises pretty early during the mmmor months-and dressed and out in the streets " the first sunbeam: told the custom rky morning had come. The struts were almost deserted, and no fire crackers or piuolshou yet broke the sit. ence. But before he had walked 3 block mo clnons boomed in the die'enee, end n pearl of bolls near by ringing "God uh the queen." Whistling and ‘ingling the coins in Isis Pteketin'.tus" and time withthe music of the boi, and wishing the eta“ where he meant to buy the material for " party would be open, he â€llama slowly along until he reached the do; pound-a plue when Ill stray dogs In Men in hot weather and kept I day or bro, so that their owners may. if they choose, tech and reclaim them. If total to be triendleee " the end of that time. the 'roorthingsarxrput in . large “at F" pea "the purpose. end drowned. m wu I poor little fellow, erred-boy in the by. grocery of Biee, Clov- h Co. " don't man the brown dog, but Harry Jaehlonr), end he earned Just two dollars I week. Sixty cent- oithat want In a Sro-h. lived so in from (he no" that he '13 obliged to ride to end from it-and he gave he net to Lie motlmwho with that I“ the eighthâ€; A wed Ihe "adv“! {In the cloak factory where she worked, Hippo“ herself, her 'hihtmrw--Mirrr, twelve yearn of tup, Eddie, seven, "nnu,'yro--and Mr. The house in which he lived was on old. fashioned one in an up-town street. A quarter ofa century ago it had been A small farm house surrounded by meadows, but now it had n large tenement-house on Mela side, and a low row of brick buildings in front of it. But one splendid oak-tree rtril stood before the door--"Bul1y to tech pin-wheels on," said Hurry to himself, end there wen nny number of children mud to cry "Oh t" and “Ah !" as the fire.worhir, the more oh-ing and nh-ing there is, the brighter the fireworks look to that boy. Well. "any had laid out the supper in his mind on follows '. ice-cream, I whole quart, _twetve.eent sponge tulle, tIre sticks of tual-asses candy, pitcher of lemonade. apple pie, half . pound of cheese. and some baked potatoes-Mr. J neklow liked l-nkml potat us. And he meant to get his mother end the rest of them out of the horn hem] them down to Vieit the dress- rmlu-r, who at the lest moment was to be I tint, the secret) set the table himself, sound when all we: ready, cell them up spin. \Vouldn‘titbefnn to look at their fun when they saw the ice-cream, end the sponge-cake, and the apple-pie. and the mohascs candy. and the lemonade, and the cheese. nud the bake] potatoes t It would be almost " good so the show. Hm, had been there once, and had never forgot- t Mk how delightful it was. And then after the supper we: ever. end they tlnnght the entertainment was at an and, wouldn‘t it be fun to see their faces when he invited them down on the front to stoop to see the pyrotechnic dock ia your dictionaries) display I So “any had been saving and saving, until he found himself on the last Jay of June, with one dollar end eightrtwo cont: i l his right hand trousern pocket. Times lznd been hard, very hard, since the new yr or lwgun. and people looked very sharp after their small change, or it is likely he would have had double that amount. "But," he said to himself, "a dollar will get the feast, and the rest will buy at least one dozen fireworks. nut besides this two (when . week, Hurry, who we: a bright-eyed, willing, whistling, young clap. sometime: got I two or tive cent piece, or more rarely. . ten cent piece, from " employen' ens- Imnen when the groem' wsgonl being overloaded or the customer: in a great hurry he carried home the pnnhue for them. And it was tine money he had been saving ever since the fimt of January for the purpose of Inning I good time on the next holiday. “my heard the imprisoned Jugs yelling all hiking ', And stopping n moment to 1m... to than with . pntying look on hi. 'ae-ke, I“. m kind-heated boys, he My loud auimau--tto - aittietg up]. the loop-top I vary Putty little girl. Sh. Mr. Juklow wu her hmund l IN! the In. raid about him the better. 111mm], state that he could sit in tho noting-chair uni smoke and think longcrnnn my other man I c‘wr knew. On Christmas, they had had . reel nice time at his house. Wa "been†had given him two dollen, and the superin- tendent of the place when his mother worked had given her one, and somebody, (they had - found out who) had sent them a large turkey. and the dream-her clown stairs she put I box of tools, And Jennie a doll, in the none of Sant- Clem --nml Hnrry had presented his mum: with A new come-pot, and hie momma pre- sented him with e woolen comforter and I pair of woolen gloves, and Mr. Jackbw had bought himself I new pipe ; end when Harry saw how heppy they all were, he quickly made up his mind to give them a party on the very next holiday, which would be the First of July. It was the last day of June when my story commences. and Harry had kept his "solution of saving - penny outside of his wages. He had to pan many a heap of rosy apples without glancing at them. run away from many peanut Hamil, fogett himself not to look Into the tempting win. dows of the candy stores and go by on the other aide when he know himself near a well known bakery, to do so ' hm he had done so, and now his reward was neat. The Little Brown Dog. By this time there was a number of people in the street, and pistols were being 1 fired end torpedoes end fir-tttthem set off, end all the belle began ringing, "My Country, 'tis ofthe," end "Three Cheers for the Bed, White, Ind Blue." And Harry looked at the ice-cream stand, which the owner-e jolly-need old women, who had just arrived with a bag and. a basket of fruit. cake: end tsattdy--wa' pnpuing for the at end " an only rocket that we: going up in the sky ; and he thought of the long time he'd been suing the money, and of the intended supper. and the tire- verb, end the tenement-house children ‘oh-ing and eh-ing l and then, the door of the pound being oponed, In took Name by the hand And mined in. "hUtntd Prim. t" aid Nou, her love making he: bW1-'u dear link don?" “Ha! hat" Isaghod the nun l "that', good. Why, uun'. Atty Man dog- here, sad all of ‘em door. I think. Two doll-n apiece. Do you mt to got on. out t" “Yes, sir," laid Bury. "if you'll at. I dollar and ninny-‘Io eosto-all I but." At t'uia non-oi I tati, duh, odd-looking letTtn e an into the do-., and 'tood just behi til the children. block,in sight, 3nd Barry 'oohed It her with sunrise. Atuatuanie1,ritha smile, "I though" got up Only. but you must have got up and: “dictum I “It's ull right," said Barry, putting his breadin her hand (1n uncommon thick dice it '33. too, with plenty of butter) ; “out that." ts1ongw1rutla, “Good W! whirl pm do that for t" “'Ctnu I want to go in the very min. nu the door open. My Ptinem"-qrith I Harry helped himself, and than sway he ran nguin to where Nelly patiently awaited him, a unile of perfect twat upon her lips. “I've been hero all night," laid theehiid, in I met, â€that voice. "Here " night," "pond Hurry with “Home. mummy." coaxed Hury.“nnke it eighteen. and I'll pt, it ill buck to you soon ; and may I have s B1100 of brand and batter for a poor little girl. I'll toll you all about it by-nml-by." “I can‘t make it eighteen," aid his mo. ther ; "I haven" another cent. Take the ten ifyou want it. If: in my pocket- book in the top bureau drawer, Ind tho brcud‘a on the table. Don't bother me my more--1'm in I hurry'" T lob-“i- in there." 7 "Your dog " Mid any. “You. Btu the dernmet link he" " in 111th. world, 5nd I Ion him the best of everything 'oopt may, ma I In" him just the name when Ibo molds, and my -mauoughthimhome on. any in: before she I'd-No heaven, Ind I've had him "or since. not! his the but doe that enry livod, und never did anything wrong in bis life, 'oept out, when ho stole n pita of com beef somebody“ not out in the back any to cool, and u wouldn't have done that 'copt he know how hungry and me was ;" Mid the hm rollod down her cheeks. "Mother."he said, “will you land no oighteen cents t" "I intended to give you ten."|ho aid "for your First of July. But why do you want it so early in the morning t" "Oh! I'm so tony! Don't err," said "my. “Hero take my Mon-hie! and wipe your eyes." “Thoy'll kill him," command the child again, "if I enn't coax thorn te let him out. and I don't want him to go to bench that way, I'd rather we'd both go together ' Ind he could run on in front, and mammid say 'why here‘l Prince - Nollio must be coming." "But he wont give Prince buck union you pay him two dollars," said Hwy. "Don'tt don't l" begged Harry, the tears starting in his own eyes. You shall have Prince. I have a dollar and eighty. two cents, and I'll borrow the other eight- een cent- from mother." Harry put them back in her gluon. “You keep them till I come back." he "id, “I wou't be gun. but a little while ;" and away he ran to his home. There he found his mother making a are, mad his hthor smelling the coffee she had Inca-and out ready for boiling. "Oh, you. He won playing by our door yesterday Mternoon, 'most night, and I was poking chips in the More to make the hm. boil, and I hand him oaii'tng liko he was in some trouble, and I run out, and two awful men load him in n cart, and Jimmy O'Neil said they was going to take him to the pound. So I run one: the cart without patting my hat on, and noon it went so fast that I couldn’t unit. And then I naked when the pound was. I 'mem. bored the name by thinking of l pound of brown sugar ; and It last I got here, and it was shut mum] so I staid bore all night l and do you think they'll open it won ?" The girl's {no lit up with joy; Ibo thmu the toys into his luutd. "Take them. yon good, good boy I" she said, “tad I'll tellmy mamma about you when I my my prayers to-night." “What no you going to do when they do open it t" asked Harry. "Oo in and beg the dog mm to give me Prince buck. 110'- such alittle dog they wont min him." "I havn't any most-not 1: cent." said the chiid ; "but I've brought than," rising and holding oat her apron, which hold A tiny china doll, a headless out of the same material, a string of glu- beads, two pink motto papers and a round white shell. “These were all given to no Christmas," she said; “and 1'" Rap: them good, trll 'cept tho out. nod her head's in my pocket, nudhe an stick it on somehow, and the candies out of the motte-I Ate one and gave the other to granny - and the man may have them - one it ho will let poor Princey go." “I am afraid he won't take them," said Han-y, Buaking his hand. "He won't ? Oh dear t what. shall I do ?" cried the child. My don little dog I my dear, dear little dog !" “In the" I little brown dog hot. t" ho "Are you sure ha's in there t" naked . I m without a. coloring. Though “use A -uat hm . M, mm" Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlsn & Stands m. Mum-w no "a" "e"? m mm-rmm-w. Ann-wrac- w Improved Gang Plough» 02c [kn Spin. the 1W “In" comma tr, ,aedpttuttmnmrkioo thathe any Mt . . , m f PM" and indeed it " . . The Subunits! u up“ for tho uh ot the with-Mad Mott ER “Mud by tho tU south o ' . so W m" and still hnve . 'suae can of TORONTO 11mm & Rowan tXWPAt'h' h t WW1! “"3 in Europe " Masilus so per cont on not, allowing 10 per cont. . .." In!" h E Ml ofnlulohohddobu. ALSO Note Md Book Account- collected on mm. “In; in Tum Timon-y! thatt 9 ugh' No (notion in mm". The work in cm Kim-3 mlhson' In: Durant will show u surplus of 02,700,000 full must Accompany the unmet. I a t At 311% I Etore,Lo- Tm ‘on oedirmry expenditures. ' Aux. Canon. Durham. April 4, ms. WHAT is CASTILE b'osP.--h eulumiber wishes to know how this differe from other map. The hard soap made in this country are elmoet exclusively from animal fate; in the south of Europe. where the olive grown ebundnntly. the poorer kinds of olive oil are need for soup making. Common Heep- ere soda and animal fet,Cnetile eonp ie lode end vegetable oil. In melting Cutlle eoepy great care is ' to void en excels ot alkali (the eode.) only just enough being used to neutralize the oil, On this ecconnt the eonp is much milder, end any be need on wounde end other enrfeeoe. when eon:- mon eoep would irritate end give pain. The mottled eppeennce of Cutile Soup is due to e smell quantity of solution of Cop. pens (sulphate of iron) which is stirred into it before it hathâ€; this In". . bluish oxide of iron in the soap, which, when expend to tU Air. becomes changed tothued oxide. While We up in often sold, which in the no u the other, Can't do it," mid tho mm, "it's min“ tU kw to at. lea than he dollul." Nelliequtouob min. oudtho HI [outlaw ione found. “Your dog t" ho asked Entry. "No, sir; hers," ropllod the boy. “Your link: P" m the not! Mon. "No, it. I we! - her till thia morn- ing. I can. out to buy lone things toe . First od July My, and I took Hulk down this way 'cam the shops wun't open and I found her sitting on the door-stop, ind she'd been sitting than on night" “All night I" repented the gentleman, jut u Harry bod done, only with“. the A saw Was on use Term.-.;-, March 24.-Lims advices, March IS, any Bolivia was evidently growing impatient, awaiting the result of the Peruvian at- tempt at mediation. Tbs latest snail from Lapin: brings intelligence that Presi- dent Dan has issued proclamations calling the nation to arms to resist the invadermnd declaring an amnesty for all political omsnees. The public enthusiasm is intense. The wealthy citizens of Laplnz offered the l Government as a war contribution 60 per 1 cent of their revenues, but Dam restricted (hits acceptance to 10 per cent. of the sum _omsrerd, Peru is far from being idle. Al. _ ready two line regiments and a section of l artillery have reached Iquique. This force. with the troops sent from Arequipa to Iquique. will aggregate 1,500 men. Iron. clads are ready for sea. Two monitors have been thoroughly repaired. The fri-, gate Imlepeudeneia is rceeiving hesvieri armament, and the Rumour has all her stores and ammunition on bonrd. At Val. paraiso recently. on account of unfounded rumours regarding the armed interference at Peru on the lirlirm question, the mob attacked the Peruvian consulate. The} ringleaders were arrested; and suitable; apologies tendered by the Government to' the Peruvian diplomatic agents. And he looked so kind and good that may did tell him trll about it. And when the story In: tuuuud, the pun-mm aid to the man at the door, “You'd better an the money, Lewis. But wtur-we'll no if Prince in really here." And led by their new Month]:- children want in. There were dogs of all kinds there, all shapes, all sizes, .11 colors that dogs eould tro-NNN, barking, growling And mowing. iii-no. “Tell mo alt than! it." Nellie looked eagerly ground, sad shout. ed "Primm 2" be loud n she could shout, but could scarcely bear herself, so grunt wu the noise. But a little brown dog when ur- mutt have been much sharper than hem, sprung forward with a cry of delight that seemed to come out of the voty top of his little brown head. “It'n Prince I its Prince l" cried Nellie, clapping her hands in delight; and the next moment he was in her arms, covering her face with dog kisses. ;Hmy marched out, handing the door. man the money " he passed. The tall gentleman followed with the little girl and her dog; and when they were in the street once more, he stopped and patted Prince on the head, at the same time tucking Hmy‘s handkerchief. which was hunging half way out, into his jacket pocket, and saying, "sou'll lose that if you‘re not cm- ful, my boy." And baby Jennie came and gave her big brother a sweet kiss-in fact a very sweet kin. for some of the syrup which aha had been eating went with it; as the toddled away Harry pulled out hiu handkerchiet to wipe his mouth. It came out with a jerk, and {our bright new silver half dollars with it, and falling upon the floor with a pleasant loam]. rolled away toward the corners ar felt a: they could. Bat they were pounced upon before they had rolled a foot. "The tall gentleman!" said Hrrry. "God bless him y' said his mother. "Three cheers for our side l" shouted Eddie, and proceeded to give them. Then he kissed both children and went into the pound again. And Nellie threw her arms around Harry's neck and gum him a good hug, and told him she should love him forever. and made him promise tocomo Ind see her and Prince; and they parted. “You're a good boy, and did just right," said all the Jucklow family, with the ex- ception of Mr. Jacklow, who remarked mildly that “that dollar and ninety-two cents would have kept him in tobacco slang while." And there mu ty party, after all, and be. side! the family there were three out" guosta--ttn old woman, a small girl And a little brown dog. "And that's the and of our First of July party," said Harry, B short time after. to the Jtcklow ttumly, as he finished his breakfast and his story at the same time. “I wish I had the morning peer," said Mr. J Icklow. A.-. It in mod that rinduput bu brohn on: in . build vilhgol in Maui... It is "potted from StoPehnbuI that mu- m. in subsidizing Ydoob Klan. And in pro- paring for I diversion in his five". A uni-Aron of the Tenth Hum, foun- Iisting of I lieutenmt and 40 mu. m swept any by the can.“ whilo email; the Cstmt River on the 8Ut uit., and drown. "Mm" nid e little boy who had been sent to dry I towel before the In, "is it done when It'e brown t" A some of duty often “no“ come ludi- croue mistakes, u the following etory will illustrate t Near Duckies lived e pious timi1rwhoud Idopted on when who we: remded u hattoritud. Re had in- bibed strict View: on religion! matters. however, end once asked his adopted mo. ther ilehe did not think it wrong for the people to come to church end fell asleep. paying no better regal to the service. She replied she did. Accordingly, before going to church the next Sunday, he filled his pocket with epplee. One held-heeded old men who invlriehly went to sleep during the eeunon, particularly attracted his attention. Seeing him at last nodding and giving nose] evidence of being in the "land of dreams," he struck the astounded sleeper a blow with an apple on the top of his bald pate. The minister and aroused congre- gation at once turned round and indignant- ly gazed " the boy, who merely aid to the preacher, as he took another apple in his hand, with I sober honest expression of countenance. “You preach. I'll keep 'em My Brst is in court but not in jail, My second in in snow but not in hail, My third is in last but not in first, My fourth in in ice but not in water. My fifth is in son but not in daughter, My sixth is in eat but not in mouse, My seeenth is in ark but not in house, Mr eighth in in mat but not in rug, My ninth is in pitcher but not in jug, My tenth is in bell but not in chime. My eleventh in in poetry but not in rhyme, My twelfth in in lane but not in Itroet. My thirteenth is in heil but not in greet, Mr fourteenth in in much but not in: little, My titUenth in in critp but not in brittle, My tilteenth is ia often but not in eeldom. Mr rgenteenth it in Holland but not in non-ow, My twentieth is in and but not in go, My twentrfirst is in friend but not in foo, My whole in the nuns of I Veryimporhnt old baeUior in the County of any. E. J. th, Humor. I am composed of eleven letters, My firist in in owl but in bird, My second is in right but not in left, My third is in apple but not in plumb, My fourth in m night but not in day, My fifth is in girl but not in boy, My sixth in in Ere but not in Adam, My seventh is in village but not in town, My eighth is in land but not in ace-n. My ninth is in large but not in mm“. My tenth is in life but not in death, My eleventh is in eel but not in fish, My whole " the name of a town in the county of 1huterin. Euz. k. JACKIAN, Dundalk. - Belgium. -eH w. -__ ._. My oighteonth in in joy but not in Ion-ow. My ninthenth is in to-dny but not in to. I am composed of eight letters. My first is in rain but not in snow, My second is in went but not in go, My third is in girl but not in boy, My fourth in in crane but not in stark. My fifth is in dog but not in eat, My sixth in in make but not in bu, My "Youth in in up. but not in land, My eighth is in run but not in stand, My whole is the name of an animal. A. Canon, Latom. I m composed of seven latte", My first is in Dane but not in Celt. My second is in ring but not in belt, My third is in ours but not in theirs, My fourth is in many but not in few. My fifth is in oil but not in tar, M y sixth is in ram but not in hail, My seventh is in eagle but not in quail. My whole is the name of a village in the county of Grey. Supposing I 1nd I ttart load of gravel. and I gave my scrum. orders to unload it, what Russian Generul‘l name would I I am composed of six letters, My first is in hand but not in foot, My second is in ashes but not in soot, My third is in Dun but not in Mike, My fourth in in anti! but not in pike, My titth is in heavy but not in night. My sixth in in fun but not in tight, My whole is the name on noted mullet. amphk-I Punk No. I. Jun HILL Hum-n. Riven Bay ..........t IrGnd........, -A.r..e.uttelngo, Town City.. Archepohgo..............'.... Village Sountr----. Answers to Riddles. Riddle No. II. llldle No. M. Riddle No. I5. - No. 13. - No. ". F..'.................. Marnieliu. J. A. Axnznaox, Durham. JOHN D. Luna, Dromore. Riddles. ,.-. ‘Obn Quack-lo... No. [1. Erie. Talon. Human. Uith. Russell. HARDWARE STORE. "uutu-otmrrmru-irro-uor""""""'e"'""""' AGRICULTURAL Bar Iron, Glue, Springs, Axle patent m, htadeir,Bhove1tt and Manure Forks ac. to. cheaper than ever. nowrr's " THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP HARDWARE. Giving Away, Giving Away! IS'We respectfully inform all who are indebted to In that their “comm en ready, and we must insist on payment this month. Fall and Winter Fashions. E. & A. DAVIDSON, Otter the LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST Stock of Millinery, Mantles, Tho subscriber begs to inform the public that he llll a lar Stock of STOVBS and TIN WARE, which will belch? We no Illa giving Extra Vuluc in MANTLE CU DTHS, U Utor Cloths, t'aahmores, , club, Plain and Pulley Dra- Goodl, Gloves, Hosiery, Trimming, it. All ths Sluic- in Berlin. Fluecy, and Fingering Wool; Mantle. and Ulnar 'rodrto Order. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED by CH E Al) FOR CASII OR 'I‘R All Cook. Parlor and Box Stoves. Particula- athnhon paid to Earertrougtsing. Cash for Sheepskins and Hides. Agent tor the Superior “readout W19 nod Drill. AIM! the Gallo- Sulkv Rake -th. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats & Caps, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Cheaper than ever for Cash, Fashionable Stock of Mantles and Ulsters at verylow prices Tweed Suits, for $8.50 per ‘suit, Fall & Winter Goods now Complete STOVES AND TINWARE ! Every Lady wanting a. Mantle should see them. Barium. March 26th, "73. Durham, Feb. 26th, 1878. Durham, Oeiober I0, 1878. General Blacksmiths Supplies, Durham, Jnnuary. 1879, mNGEB BOLTS Another Lot of those Wonderfully Cheap JOHN CAMERON HASTIE & GRANTS. MOWAT’S And FANCY DRY GOODS over otUred in DUIXHAM. Ho would itartieular1r all the attention of tin ladies to " SCREWS . JOHNSTON, Jr., JOB. F. MOWAT, Agent. for the sale of all kind- of LOWER TOWN, BUREAU. [out Seeder and mill. Alan the Gullow.r Sulky but Bulky rake in the Dominion. Anna-neon his Stock of CARPENTER'S TOOLS PAINTS JUST RECEIVED. IMPLEMENTS, -hr-. AND Lower Town, E. * A. DAVIDSON. VARNISHES JOIN; CAMERON. BRUSHES. ra yl aloud-htund-odd but." READING I‘m HOST APPROVED KINDS Iuu-dmridtri-irteehre, unique-d upon being Md Lyle-m ' in an Tow-chip of (Hank. In“ Normandy. Emu-out. M. Ann-on- any. Melanin»: and “be! Foes 'hips Inh- it on cl the Job Department, And with the and“! Prompm u d a PM great Fain-'0. for “II. " Hui-g lady and. n “on h on: ls new titted up in the no" beet style, ad “Grey Review" Good Funily Newspaper “G ray Itovlow," But Madman for Lava-nun Best Style of the Art, Job Work Prio- 01.†per Anus, 31-031mm "an...†LOCAL AND FOREIGN 'hodlimistumiaud,ritit “Mini. IuhColnden-y. If not you '- “an... OF THE LATEST ‘VORK. “in“. wry In their mdees. " who wad n but!“ 1130113113“)! In CaritaU 1303.9â€. S t or English & Sc Atty Person Wanting M VETERINARY SURGEJ hh’l'il‘ll mu -Al I h It? l‘nl N “and tt-r,vrl M In dug Post "If! t tstutd, r-I‘mm AGENTS. READ Tin "',lcr'lr' _ I Cabinet Mak Durham Repairing E rium. Ilv-wl' hm It NN UH on...†um “nth. and all (m “I curee I g '/i, Two Gud Ir 24 I TEN. inchn do. 1 Quint: volnmn, I 'tut calm-on. (he calla-n. " Inn-nu â€Â£61.25.th ustluuovosuat Crpenters and Build At tke 0.“. (Au-dun Stu-ct Durham, - - Imam Pa dat V.Msrr ' n BUSINESS DIRECT LEGAL â€than“ mk Fri-m; C, lain-I kill" I h' \'l-I~"l Iw) I. Lo- and. . rum] and hum _ w and under, '4 Do You Want 1 . Muleii.liltl, I i', [HUN TEB‘S : ---tt All pet "an! advueei.. - MC“! in out “in": MUD ivory Wh u r â€dd-ls " McF'At Ill Mtitl STU-IRS tIll uni-I. ml “I I†“Ir-(nu- Ilr Geo. I. Matttscw MISCELLAN EC U h ll t9 t w lit [NIKE or Al WEI!“ bl N " Frost _ Frost. Wood Turning (In Watson Bros . MEDICAL REMOVAL qiCegt0o, “REV McA I†ll "Us I " Lt lh "I "II I " H1011 Ill UN