West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 17 Apr 1879, p. 4

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lil " h " iid the basin“. and not. wanting: Wu be dun no“ you to butter-gating and human». " [out My Y" punt. mation of . company to proNroet for gold on Ieigh ' On Amulet Crock tho, had found gold. They won in with a” tunnel 1.500 " and still “an. We. from “yacht-W91 The Big 30m“ " an 135m ond'ol 113mm Creek n. p... gnu n m work. m‘ - TF . _ the mod for the “In of chute far the "minnow. not n I" eneoaraging. The In!” . W. Tao many luv. Mow, The steamship " Glut Eadua" is 5mm; of " eurhatst a: ti lunch cl the company and own it, She is lying Idle. And. I“ he: engines are out of date. then is hula than“ of finding employ. men! for her. It would eoet about .85..- 000 to fit her with proper ancillary. A melanvhoiy list. extending out it: columns of small type. is in the Glugov Herald of 3118"!!on in the Gtaagow Bank who no to be proceedod cabins: for noutyrnent of all: ranging from w,, ooo to 115.0“). The Mummy of wonom' mum in distal-inn. Trust“: If. "o A letter written by Garibaldi before "utvirtgdim I.” c---') mu grati- tude to the Royal Home for having our Inluzted to in: unity. but it did not accom- tilish it alone. The cunntry wu mono t1onrishing under its old tyrants “an it in DEMON“. My“ Ei.-oorthing about Bo.. ton before I close. The old people In" all the good eyes. All the older municiun, scholars. authors, compacts. whose name: Inve mode Boston famous in the world of letters und art, whose fame in u broad n tho continent. appou' to In" excellent eyes. and so. lion: on the and and in the hlrrttry without the use ot gl-c-ith', so far " I hue been lid. to churn. On t t8 other hand. the younger clan of litera- tenrs And undo-h In minimally thon- sigiitod. Young men here wear eye-gluon as young men in “manna wear “when, and young man in Chicago wry samples " eordwood tor canes. I have won boys, eleven years old, come along the strut glaring " tho timid “any" through lingo cve-glnnsu that beamed in tho distaste. bees gig-lamp-hu. Burlington (1a.) Hayley» Seventeen llmuund person: in Sugmlin and neighborhood In still subsisting on CPI-my. A red but iron by M tito rolling mill in l loro'nnd on Thursday. " it came twist. iwg from the rolls, encircled a boy named Walter Raleigh. literally burning him in two, It is rumoured that the negotiations be. New Yakoob Khan And the British hue Lulu]. because the latter inststed on the rumination of Cabal. "ham, Cenewa.ro's brother, with his eld. u. no. tad 'at radon. urn-dad Il- vorulitiortally on the 2nd of Much. tusd no my in Col. Wood's camp. Ohm: in "t posed to be an nnpinut to Cek'ayo‘n throne. It in atatod that LNG Ndnilista have Iron artestad in Chnrkofr, and that the “verity with which they are treated don not seem to intimidate the conspirators. nuer.tirm mm mttk in“. mg to his work as Inn-l pithy. Ind , hardy ' running from dinner won I My“. 'lmdrltt.eftebtrb, viii. In was fixing n " on the e-ing., been-o mangled in the muhinery. In a non- onl “Inward: he In: Wt int: - I he! with I lrge circular III, and had Us left leg completely an in tum from the ankle to the “phi“ In " each. to free l.imself " hip became diaioeatod, :-nd in In Instant 130nm hll back VII taught in up death dealing whine, and meerated in A terrible hum". The un- rhiucry It“ .topped as: soon In pouiblo, I n! by than.» pot Duncan Ill .11 but mum in pieces. The "mains were con- l eyed to a house he” by. Ind medical aid rulnluoued. Subuqngully Dr, Shun-on. pf um any. was communicated with, 1nd attended the sufferer. Hin injuries, how. "iir, were of we]: a serious oharaeter unto Mil-rd but Atdht hope. of his memory. Ind “hunt 10o'eloeklast night dud) put an mu! lo’lh sufferings. He leaves u widow and five children. Mr. hm came from up lumnhip " Dma about three years mum ttttttretro', In Artluir'. ha ml Ga; M (I "o! Lambeth in tho tovnahip of Wand-dot. yesterday anamoon. Foe . -tt, put an elderly {Amer named Rob.“ Diana. who ownod 50 mo- of had on: tho - mun-d, has boon out-pd with Mr. Arthur .. ' " ' Ct" f hm): m irtrtar,.fi.Lt'i, Mundey an old “amen named Catherine Thompson, liv. ing on the 7th concession nf Merkhun em mam-din her home when Ike had lived alone for severe] yen". She had snm’e time been receiving help from the round]. The w are eke Inst have Leon dead two or three deys. Her head was [awfully cut with e sharp instrument and l eaten with a chair, which was cover- nl with blood. A box had been broken open which eonte'mcd twopuneeolnoney. one of which was emptied. and the other, nmtnining $85, left untouched. It in up- posed she we: murdered for her money. As yet there is no clue to the guilty party. BDILED Ct'srtrto.-'Nhe six eggs, beat the whites separately ' luv. one quart of milk lgoiling. add four hblupoonfuli of powdered Shannon tea-spoonful of "stills; put the whites in "Mumfuhto boil; let them boil one minute, then turn them over "minim ninth am; my. than to a dish: Mir the beaten yoke; in the milk, and boil three minutes, " more will cut-din them ; remove to another dill! ; when cold, plus the whim on the lemma herve with jolly. Latest Cnrihoo nevi unmounted the for, Horrible Accident. Louie-n. April e--NterribU udder", - n... ', recently returned from .50 and“ vary Mud (Econ-apt“! husk No.3. During A mouth named by a. river that empties into the Danube, dressed in a full suit of Islanuh south of New Brunewick, I and accompanied by my two friemU-. l town near Glasgow, Scotlnnd. and I: point East of (mpg Peninmla: each of whom were tinned with e town in Dublin Co., Ireland, while! carried there th town in "utter-ttro-tled in much of n lake in British North Americn. On the wey we shot another lake in British Sort America, in lake in California. and a town on the Rhine. Not being succeed-ll in eeptuing the object of our seerch, t euggeeted that we would go end visit our 3 river that fiows into the Mummy. My friends laid an lslndd of the Magdalen group, so we at once proceeded to their town in .Syrie. l When wh reached they were beieily an“. ed in roasting A country in Europe. in en- other country South of it. We told them to give us a river that flows into the atha hash of it, which they wry kindly did, together with e river tlnt empties into the Tay, n hey west of Florida, and n river that Bows into the Derweut, bread. After partaking hastily, we are leeeh of then; e river that 'or" into a. " at uuieo,‘ and utter uying n cape south of Greenland to them. ttNno home feeling u well u ever we did since the - we wear. ' leh in 1 Louise“. N. W. C., Bentinck. m No. ". I en: our-peed of are: letters. My tint is in danger but not in tight. " enamel ,". ht inenlt ht not in stight, " third u in [one but not in bell, " {Maurie in M but not in all, " tith in in care but not in eorrow, " sixth is in lend but not in borrow. " “ninth ie in ehte but not in slide. 'Ultrium. me of- village in Grey. H. M. A. “lo.”- Imnword compo-0d of nine Utter. Myfueuietttartmtgtettirotmw, " Iceondinin snowbct not in thom " “midis“. vlontyht notin m, " 1tr1hifitPm"rt"soer " titthiausvittarbut notitnmen, " sixthum nails but-diam. " "vetttttuitshtlbrrt-tnri._ " riehtttuiaitbotstitswise, .. nimhisin an. btatmttin play. " whohhuvilhgo-wm; -s--trb.t'." . his "rd-tie am, vs: a tall of misehiM u tho powering) ninistot'q - in M who. HO had the wsB.htrtqwn om pajama? 1)er to than“ degree. Finally, the Doctor nu] to him, that a "ttitat set of minondm: Woe, nut pn- puo your-cl! " a some whip'pilg.‘ Win. the .ppointod time can. “to Doctor "I on hand, vary much more mocha, anu- "uly, than the W0 With or. After I solemn discourse in that - multiugb-oofvoiu Gannon. cub!- get who an: Loud it, the Dodo! drew his land. " 12,2,8,11,4,9 A city in South America. " 12.14.11 is I tity in Spain. " 14,5,7,8 is s mnnnhin in Sicify. Th,, who]. in the name of . city in Eu. rope. M. J. Gut. nth- ond laid “with .onmideeaH. “do: upon the boy's bank. Nothing but duct funeral the blow. The subject of the dis. ciph‘no was antinly " bin "tar,aod evident. ly quite unecmcionl at the stroke. “Pub " your out, tir,’ on- tho next command. for the Doctor wn . little round. Main whintled the null: "mind the boy's shoulders. but with no not. Weet. ‘Tnke " your not. air I shouted the Doctor. oe want the vent, but thou wu another under it. 'thr with tho other " Ind then, to the mutunidunont oftho admiautmtor ofjultioo he expand. dried eodiUh, dofomiing the hack of the culprit like a shield, while bo- low there was which“; stretching our other exposed portions o the body I stout lather apron. 'What do" this _meln t' stud the Doctor. ‘WIIy.’ slid the great rogue. in a particulmly humble Ind por- auasiv. tone, 'yuu told mo, Doctor, to pro. pure myself for punishment. and I In" done the best I could I' It wt" out of the gnome" to pursue that not of discipline any further at that time ; Ind it it doubt. ful if tt was "or attempted again." Correct answers to all g, from Wm. Shane. Lawn. ; Colin c. Mel-‘nydon ; Wm. McKenzie. Durham ', any Laden Dur. ham, Ind Laura McKenzie. Am. to 18, M, 15, a 16, J. E. A., Durlum. To 18,14, 16. t 17, Ram. Robertson. To 12. ll, Att, John McKenzie. To Ili, 2310 Mer'. Ml“.- " A.MNgBetgemt “I... " s. Since "38.50 = 15010 00¢. 8136.50 ". "l _ " = coat per .rard, 83 A 1.20 83.60 . Idling prico per yd. to gain 20 c, 'hoe-rho-' Insult lo. B. This is compound of fourteen letters. The 1,6,8,B,M,8 in 3 city in China. , bt,_3, ii In town in Pmuia. " 3,9,13,14, is a river in Mries. " 4,14,t0,8,14,4,4,i4,14 in n riverin 13.3. " 6,10,8,6,P2,2.i8,9,4 in a city in Mary. The Iron'l mrate un- ottseyt'd tsrl, time W.“ wan-1..- ti-ia-vi who. Dnll’h‘kwuthoMnIurz-n “Thowuuo-iW-nu.millio New In“ Confucius-(And - hith- Muldvugfnlmhhubn).5n~- botofuhrxo min“ 5.5,. an. No. 13,Drolnou, " Kuhn.” Echo-val oft, 16 Omngovilh. " Colin (:3an IU. Fnydeu. tou's Victorian. - " 7,6.5,5,3,9,20,20, Eng. civil battle. My whole is the name of on. cf Ontar- io'l Political. men. Com III-mien! “I. No. I. I an: composed oi twenty latte“. My 18,19,20,i4,16,1M,4, in a my tant battle, $3.60 i- .90 " - gelling price par "rd to cover bad dehu, But selling price u 80 f; of marking price, Therein" u + .u - .5 -- ”this; price per yard. __ ___ _ _ _ _ Wm. Shem, Lanna. 3.12,8,9, in In English naval victory. t6,0,6,i0,20,i,i0,8, in a Gracia) We. 16,",r0,?0,17.,lU2,6, is one of Welling. Answers to Riddles. Riddles. N. W. C., Bontiuck. “Emir” Tm' 'iilsGGrriikiianCiGitriGG My: .3; than u “play plane. whether the Jatrrmtgtraltyt - - " " w" "M ' u once on not”. no I?!” and out" Ital In". no- -- m- m- - on nanny _ cr. 14. mm. ' _ , Wm. lace. Eu], Bantu who; of Hammad; m Canadian .. . _ 'g Com Ioucmhu: “can. nuke.‘m & Bord. Manna: I. mmu. ll Loan and Investment Co., {DRY amps and GBOCEBIES I At J. H. HUNTERS. A bmsutiptiwork of Ill) Pagan. thte Colored Flnwrr I'm. lndlln Iuuatrtstioun, with [loner‘ptiunu "tttu, but (”on all Veaahblm,uud how tor-ow them, All for I In: Cm": Sun" In .nglish or German. The - and Vegetable “swirl, 175 PM”. Ill Quin!“ Huh-.5114! many hummus En. mrh’. For I) men In paper can"; 3mm olgupqtplog; In (Barnum: nr English annual, cloth. In Genunu nr English. tteh'. Ill-urinal Monthly Mug-Illcnn'.’ Pusan, I Colored l'lntu in awry number and many an. Eryprsyimrt. PHI? 'la'0year; Five (Topic: tor Ee. snowman Number-I an! tor to Ctrttty, If " - --- AL‘ L A t .‘ _ . - "mu m" /aCcrUiiriiT,ii' iiriiiriG?i'7iv, 17n- CENT Hun" tor A Man. (buxmluonhlum an: ad Prim. “a plenty at “amnion. Ad, ron, . JAMEI S'tt'tt. ttrtettesrtcr,N, Y. A' ""Aiirtr'iti't'tt i.itrtit"ttr'q't SAVED T Night of meeting, Tuominy on or 1retoro full moon 'g 31d: "magma." Yititipg tTrthren woleomo, A. 1‘on TgQ,"iih'i."s, Mnmlm' In "cygto'e1ork. in the leluwu' l. 'ii,1tirrtt.'rn welcoma T, A, Karla. tca. W.tt. ot ms“. v‘ I DURHAM L. o. L. No. 6.12. Night ot l,",",',',',',,', Thur-nlny on or bolero u tnmmin and: mom ' 'r.CnrNort.Bvv. SIECBANXCR' INSTITUTE. Town mut <'t"m awry Friday evening from 7 to Ou'clock. Shun mi, mmuul too so cents. Alexan- der new. Librarian. B. G. REGIHTICY OFFICE. Thomas Lauder. Want: John A. Munro, De. ttoty-ibntistrar. 0mm hours from 10 n. m. to I [mu of and: month. “an? brethren woleomo, A. Yottet, W. M, n. W. “Mammary. B TI-ZI'HEN LODGE No. 169 l. 0. IF. _ Night)! syytettrugers_tTttpuay 'tt7::'O o'eiork. in W. Grant. pawn. Rovlay tqervleors -prmwh, I'at,t u B. m.: Snblnth Sohnnl " 2:30 p. mp --, ,, 2%,”. lt, PP: - Yr).', 1rrylyje', ryPy'y I’M-clung at 7 p. m. Week waning tkrvietm - Monday awning. young WW Tm?! meeting at V 'm.; 'odnvgdny m Fisimi. Bib a c Y!' at , ll. m Immense stock of Staple Dry Goods. Groceries to" mouth. Guelph-First Wednesdm’ in each month. Hnrrirston--Nd" hotel-a “no, Guelph Fuir. Imsston-s'atttr*sr, befuro' Guelph. .r Elortv-Thn any before Guelph; ' Douglas-Monday before Elnru Fair. Hamilton-cyrstul Palace Grounds, the Babhath "when at I) I. m. and 7 p. m, Sunday School " in. m. B". H. B. Wray, B. A.. plum-r Church Wardens, H. J. Mhhhmgh and Elia: Edge. Divine Bervice our; Sabbath M. tt n. m. um 6:30 p. m. y,tbtPstt1eert'htt tPl 2: Pulr.tsH meeting p. m. (“bl-Jul: school " 2:a0 y. In. Prayer muting every Wednesday awning " :10. mm (than evm Thunduy evening M 1:30. Rev. Wm. Park,pastor. Berviems no" Hubbub at loot n. m. and mo p.11). Shim-1h tettool at t1) f" m. PM)” MIMI!!!“ awry Thursday Honing n orioch, and Btblo Cltrsc, every Ma8ay owning at 8 o'clock. Punter “or. B. Mutiny. I " to inform the tstf4ittut _ dny if!" Guelph. Iurlia-c-FirMhursdsy in each mouth Brampton -First Thursday in eaehmouth. Li.towel--Firtd Friday in each month. Ferrguts--'Numsda-y fullmymg Mount b'orest. Itotauont--Mtuiusth of Pelmury. Agril, J um. August, October and lint-em Pr. Primrose-Wednesday preceding the . Orangeville Fair. or-ilk-The 2nd Thursday in etch As 511 kinda of good: must shortly go up in price. many line: having nlreuly advanced, Ill why require goods will an money by Buying now " Durhtun--Third Tuesday in each month, Prieervi1u-Monay before Durham. Rsttover--Mtyna: lefune Durham. Mount Fur-Third Wednesday in such DURHAM DIRECTORY NOW is the time to buy I CATTY of that Choice Japan Tea. It Me. put up in a. Tin Caddy. NOW is the that to bar . PIECE of GOOD CHEAP FACTORY COTTON. rams non ge. PER YARD UP. FACTORY COTTONS Fm M. per yard By the Piece. _ TEA FROM gat. PER POUND. Clover seed; Grass sad, Garden Beads G: Turnip seed mnuth. Putslurrion-Mouday, lvofnre fhatn,r.rtrville. Iruntulk--T'ttetdtDslAfore Grangerme. sqbetorne-Wednesdn.v'lseto"re ()rnngeville. MarrwiI1e--ts'eeoud Wednesday in one]: mouth. 7 Walkorton--The last Wednesday in month. Mildmny --Last Walnzsdny of mouth. Borrower: on. by - armament, In“ "privilm of mpg-Ina principal in “all unm- POST OFFICE. ofthe 11913" fir-upon. m.m 1 p. In. Arrlx. Me hail'uy iGisatsrirtrguhu Mayer meeting M Ilium Dl'REA)! LODGE No.1»; op A. P. k A. M, w. or Out; Hon. John turn non; Hon. C. woe, va-m.; 'ilh'll'l'll (than. Durban, April 2nd, 1879. MONTIILY CATTLE FAIM. Vick's Floral Guide. TH E "ll ITISH CANAHIAN A. McLELLAN, PtWNHY'tTWaAN CHURCH C. METHODIST CHum 'll _, J. H. HITNTE’R‘S. And {mind oBirue an; Ii the old LOW Bios (of 80 dun. mm the publ'ic that shortly before the hemmed~ duties, were in ' and. ttrertrrtetrd.rviur'rtriirTr'"t [\I'TMT ('Hl'm'lt THIN ITY C'HUUCH, DONT FORGET TO BUY EARLY AT BY BUYING A GOOD STPPLY Oh' ‘ro -. " y C M" '" p. ba." each one]: J. IE. HUNTERS. _ - ____..-... - .nxuvv-v-IIv-II-I hlul'l'l Re'modv and the No other. T. J. B. Hartman, Dominion Agent, Brock Villa. Ontario. . For Sula by all Dani-u " only no Doll-1 per Home. Buy It! - 'l‘ry It! noun um mum an: ,rg",'l',1lritt',',tg, ill urA mum. . m n Ian-.1375] L1h'df1ll',t', bottum Muslin-dull. trr wwmmwbzmmmz 'eir,. . on I. " . I T .t8g'lti?sutStttp,,'t,tdt,t' tttat Meat tlt', Ink-01:0: on: It?! aim): and] of In“ I In" his. mm. nvnnn . .. -- --J “to iUi “mar. aiarGiii me tor . gold in my hand Lete,ht.ttrtiiigiiieeiu-,,,. din-a. on" k tiluatr, St1',1'i'etuttTltt1 [:0 ”Wm“ ",r. of it mu mu - unn- -m. unmucam, mm but to Inch "ii '3 of it you my m 'oe., W Irnsgta _ Port W iGC. 'afl't'd,'t "W" AIR tor Pittee', Continuous! CAM l.._‘ -- _~‘A,I - A.- was: n" my, 'rho-d. Arvin-l “I'M It“ Hear what I Reverend Gentleman says of the Constitutional Remedy. T. J. B. HWMQE: Err., J. Mir. Bouldeng' Light Harness, Trimmings, Whips, etc. Imkville Milk. Bcutinek Fob. Imam " I pin ot humlulk. Illlll rivinity, that. he h null carrying (III the Trad» M "1swksrnithirtg, Ind In pm. wad to put A DAB 0|f "(GIN into un- shun that Fun-y or Necessity may dma SIIINGIJZS. LATII AND LUMBER Custom Sawing of Lumber AND SHINULES, 'IT/f Subscriber begs to inform tho pea plout l‘umlnlk.nml vicinitv. that he (I "il With the Circuhr Saw tsgnittst Mi kinda of Bar, Log, during 1878. That Bar of Iron. NO ARMLSTICE Durham, July I, 1878. m Dnromher mm. M78. done " once. and chap. to ttttit am times. And now within thud “Yl‘ly Town, He has Doclnrod . Wu; All not tho human. vine and me. To tight again“ the Bar. But limos won bog“ to mend His Iron tune in n CBr, Yo: ml! with"! advance in prim Joll- Non-l struck the Bar. Ami ygloanglfqlk 1togart to drive Bo like a; “ERIKA; iiUT." WNr "m Bis unmmcn with n-dnublod ttttee, Cm" down upon the Bur. Ttrn1V11. angles {ma Banks of non. From at“? man: an den John - don , And it 3.1:: um I the“. I He’ll lnnu it hum a Bar, - 'li',itiiyi,iiii,iiit7, GC"" "' ....... That want a. jab nu a “mug with not 110'" bind it with I mun A Bur of Iron II Nun-1'1: hunk, Will shine to pious the (‘m Bo " you wan an anchor made, He'll form It trom I Bu. JOHN NOBVAL. Blackunilh, Duxmu. Fer. (any; pet. fo Path)!“ ho ' mm» iGdiiiiilLGiikrT A139 Y.wtt gay 03" n in} o in" And when tho timnn were out of join!I And cash as name M Iv". Bo - {Mind to strike J. Null, And for. thin;- ttom I Bur. Whnn Sena worn rough and days were " _ Jo). Norygl. “up I Tar. [and " nd liiGiitiiGFGriG i He‘ll “it than trom a Bar nod um . a Huh! mind tii,idhi, post And do things tnun a 1hr. on hand ands-1d u down hill prion. J. W. CRAWFORD. ville Mille, Durham P. 0. A'I‘Alln CONSTITUTIONAL Catarrh R eme " CALL AND SEE Stock of , War ! QATAR Try It? in a. nut Vt Tho Subcriher is agent tor the Isle M the cash-M "GWEN! manufactured by the TORONTO BEAPER t MOWER COMPANY. ALSO Note Md Book Accent: collected on mum-Ink my“. omen: At """-,tgtr,,ter. Bun-0.39m for. AI. Mowers. Beapm, Bulky Hay Mes, Uidiat Improved Gang Plonghs,. an: AGRICULTURAL . IMPLEMEN TS, Agent for the Superior Broaden-t freer mil Drill. Tho nub-crib: In... to inform "tat? 'hh", 'il: has Stock of STOVES and TIN 't I I In c Cash for Sheepskins and Hides. HARDWARE STORE, This is (In place to” tour hardware “you In! to ttet tho beat who in your - PartioOr attention paid to 1lavetstrtmg1ting, Tweed Suits, for $8.50 per suit, STOVES AND TINWARE ! Bar Iron, Glue, Springs, Axle patent an“, thttuus,B1ttmt1e and Hanan Forks to. are. chaps: than ever. “owns " THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP HARDWARE. Fall & Winter Goods now Complete. Fashionable Stock of Mantles and Ulsters at verylow prices Fall and Winter Fashions. L?\Ve respectfully inform all who are indebted to In that their Iceman“ no way, and we nan-t innit! on payllout this month. E. & A. DAVIDSON, Ofter the LARGEST, BEST and CHEAPEST Mock of Mil11iery, Mantles, MOWAT’S Giving" Away, Giving Away! We m I!!!) giving h'xtra “a" in MANTLE ('LOTHS, l'hter Cloths. ('nshmem, l elven, Plain and Fancy Dre“ Goods, (Hun-n, "Mien-y, Trunlningu, lr. All the Shade. in Berlin, “my, And Fingering Wot-h. Mantle: and l'l-un math to Urdu. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats & Caps, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Cheaper than ever for Cash, Every Durham, April l, ISIS» Durham, Feb. 26th, 1878. ll Eu' AI’ E"C9Te, C’ANII OB WXeAlu" Cook. Parlor and Box Stoves. Durham. ”ember lo, [878. Dwum. Mare, M, 4878. NAILS General B1aclrsmith's Supplies, Durhnm, Jnnunry, 1879, KINGES BOLTS Another Lot of “convention-fully Cheap INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED by JOHN CAMERON HASTIE & GRANTS. And FA) m, would particularly call the "toution of llw Ladle: to his SCREWS , JOHNSTdN, Jr., NCY DRY GOODS not ofrcred in DURHAM JOB. F. MOWAT. Ann. for the sate of “I kind- of iult" ten-t Seeder and Drill. Also the "anally Salty Rm -tbe best Snlky rah in the [III-min. LOCKS Y. CA RPENTE Wb' TOOLS PA I NTS Announces his Stock of JUST RECEIVED. _‘8l'(7l M---- a. Mantle should see them. _..AT_ AND WIN. DURHAM. Lower Town, DURHAM. E. d; A. DAVIDSON. \‘ARNISIIES JOHN CAMEROX. T. A. HARRIS. " rum & Stuart's BRUSHES. yl " [081' APPROVED KINDS cum upon lasing um Ivylrm (1 's And with tho Gm: Promphtud o' "td-'hr'-"r-tat"6t-iete Elm-in. Incl: and! a album: to amuse urn-:3, Job Department, u? m: "ulnar" mxnxo on": Polio-us you Fuiliu'u for doing all Is now titted up in the my hon lylo. nmi Tho I” nad ”My indent); futu- in tho Tow-chip of Glenol‘. Dunne Normandy, lip-mom. Proton, Alumna 0-way. Hal-nah” Ind othor Town Np. lab! it one of the Good Emily Newspaper “G roy 180v it"s"; Best Style of the Art, But Kahuna for Advortmerl Job Work P1100 01.55 per Annual, an ole. is tumuked with ra" mPThriF. PREP... LOCAL All) Poll-INN . Gown PAPER in.“ when-He Gr tht If not 'aid in alum-e. In tho Cum: of Grey type. " THE LATEST ""f " Q If. do» in the wry MARKET IKII'OIKTS. " who want I 1.tiouottu AND EDITOMAIJ. rnoz’m no! Eta Durham Repairing M 2 Cabin VETER Carpc " BUSINESS Durham, - - H) tylt' rt Hutu to I Att THE “REV U11 "eo. a. tri. ';\ 0r) "e " Wow mu MS REMOVAL mum 'I‘lnu DIREC

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