West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 24 Apr 1879, p. 4

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in (li, Id " N The Long and Sher. of This- ties. Cows Tin its Tat " nine years I f t much t' mnd lonspumu an and salt witt t eat the sugar , mu tho molasst Fiber. (In? bed cf the that; pa It. and mix quit 1 " it waded ; drop and sprem rake-rings at ar JUht.Ccnsc,ttrttt to Mr, (tone: 0: 1,laud,N. Y. Mr. Rom) wrote he mtuscd ttnyerrn fodder " three z; that to cure it will cost more than ttue, Mr. Crozier wrote, saying he ”and it for tweuty your: Hm] supplied, " 'rtttx “HI h mis i; tirsorcortEgrt-u"urrl'"l mlml '. our mp Lunar scant. one (up of an m u mg“. mm cup molasses, one cup of In' milk. , mm. rsvuul cum or two heaped M 2m: hhml llama one round trnspnnnfnl M lt. trt't 1' ruml tablespmmful soda mu] two ' um] ieuctutidi yellow gingrr. Mix sow b I :qul ml! with llanf. cream the butter. ' m the s'lg‘H' with it and stir in tho spice ' _ 11... molmw: and sour milk well to. ' when drop butter and sugar to the middle ' Cw tlotir 1 pour mulnsses 1rd milk upon l .an mix tum-Hy to n soft dough, mm I zil‘ if mmlml ; sprmul in sheet. pans, pr :1 p and sprcad with a teaqamn in small ' l.s~l'm:% srt into pate; sprinkle fine t raw n “max- on them ; bake crisp, I',omTt1?i Tunavln a mallow vessel melt ir,isrlset' one pmmd of brown sugar and one , uurtcr pound of butter. Stir together for 1 new mirrnters, or until the minute be. 1 ' mos brittle when Muppet] into cold Inter. l, rmon or vanilla fravoring should be ndd. ' .i Lon.“- the cooking is compleee. Itr.tter r flat plate, and pom the left" on it lo ooot, When partly cum mark in “me- with a knife; it can then be easily broken. t ennui: Ame Brmao.--To one quart m meal put one pine otriPo chopped-pp!“ one egg, e small piece oflmtter. elittle all and fresh enter enough to form e an dough. The lyplunhonld, of can“. if mleienlwvery figte, Some per- som like slink up! on the dough. Hit la gen-ell, W mt. This h . favorite with children. t1 li 'ribu 'tf, and what to feed them. Hominy): Yuan Powomt.--0tser quart cf fresh buttermilk mole up with i'iiiii) h a still batter, with a “awful of - Let it rise t then add enough flour to make . 'xtiffi1outth ; tet it rise a mom! tits" ',; put it on dishes or boards to dry in the shade; rub it up, and keep it in a hog. To on. gun of Bonr yet one tabuspoouhsl of - powder. " 1 than COCA-IE! pctrtnso.--'rittee ertrtt organ- :1 foetal“. one quart otsweat milk, two cg: and one my of white mer. Pak. in R quick oven. " years a large critical consumer in " city. and his butter had never md fault with. He said esllages mu immediatr‘y t:fter milking left long and short of thistles ch cowm m'dnsl. Mum Atl ate at tl Lot too l rd for much cows. Placed in an . “my hop until spring' Wheat ms to produce more milk for in l almost nny other grain. Except t rows. it has not much more rattle" "lust. Ml meal, or rattan seed hen eitlser can be obtained in I la at bl " to " yer 100 IU.. and ot too large quantities. gives qnnm quality to the milk. Carrots are mum». and they are more easily Inn is gmrrnlly suppnsml. Tiny early weeding and thinning out.-- J. (Human N. J. in Country Gen. The Household. l with. lie said caldmgcsl nedintv‘y unex- milking left; e in the milk, and increased k; that some kind of turnips ' milk and butler, and the Mould he cut off, an that is A ml and make I‘m th' Iacsssrs.--tht Thursday morn- in " 4.45 o'clock I Are lurch out in the More occupied by Good I C... totally ite. molidxing Firule1gh's Muck. Tho new steam fireongine and thaw buuiuesspu't of the twin. Tho following "' the losses as nm as can be ascertained: Goot E Co. _ --Loats, $10,000; insured in the Western for 81000 ', Scottish lmperill, 02.000; Gore, 01,500 ; Citizenl. 91,500. Fislnlcigln ---laotur, $3,500; insured for 92,000 in the‘ Western. Tnit-Lotus, I700: insured for $825 in the Cmnda. “to and Murine. Bur ‘ chum-10“, 5300: covered by mmmxcoi‘n‘ Material l 0200 .,UhLuraned Masonic mil-Loss, Moo; no insurance. J. B. smith-hos" ooveud by imam“. Sou maroma.--n is worth while to know how to stop bleeding from an new when it becomes executive. It the finger is pressed firmly upon the little artery that supplies the blood to the stile of me {no tdteeted, the result is accomplished. Two 1_ small niches blanching up from (in main upon it and tU bleeding will ease. Con. tinue (he plenum five minutes, until the ruptured vessels in the nose have time h eoutraet. TARIFF Cowman th' Essa! ism-Des- patehes from England state that the Cuna- ous tariff is being univemlly cnndemncd there, and mocking! an being held all over the country to protest against it. Resch- Iium an passed drawing: the attention of Has Colonial Secretary to the several points of the tariff injurims to the British trade, Iixnnsxos Is A Cost. Mrss.-m' an CE. plosion of ftroUnmp in Agrippe coal pit.‘ near Mons, Belgium. on the 17th inst" the woodwork of the shalt caught in an“ bll in. Two hundred and forty men are in the mice, and it is feared many hare perished. There is scarcely any hope of Ioscuing l any ofthe 'Utt minors in the Agrippo can] any pit. stove pipe may he mane mm... H. 5...... as new by simply rubbing it over with n piece of cloth melanoma with aw: " oil. Hy mating the; entire pipo.joinb which are “n. like in appearance will he made uniform land display A nice lustre. E A tornado on Wedrumdtty night caused {rent destruction of life and properly in Wa1terbord, S. C. Three-fourths of the inhabitants are left homeless. Fifteen nersous were killed and many more tnlusbitattts persons Wt wounded. A sun of enginoors have commenced the surrey of the Radon and Orangevilk- section of the ttussur, Httawa & Lake Huron Railway and expect to much orangeville in tt Lrluigm. weather per- mining. Correct unsiwcrx~ to ridmcs in the igstet pf We INIt iust., "eiveii from Casstt f'attcrson ; Susan Jane Cameron; II. M. A. luistoge, and A. McDonald, lhmessnn. aries-tera" Qua-Idol: No. s. _ If in n metulcw of 20 acres the grass grows " n uniform rate, and 133 oxen consume the whole of tho grass on itin 18 days, or that 28 oxen 5 acres of it in 16 (law: ', how many oxen can eat up 4 acres of it in 14 days? An arithmetical solution required. N. W. c., Bentiuck. _ 7--7 0.-.. ---" - NO. 'le. I am composed of19lottera. My lt, R. 2, 16. is something good to out. .. lo, ll, IN, is an inst-ct, and children, Ib It,2,0, is a tool, " fi, 17.12, 9, is to secrete, And my whole is the motto of auto order, P I am a word of four letters. um: um l what all bad men partinpnto in. I tonlnin part of a woman: dross, worthless, to con- tend, a concoumai gran, to Aim, 0 ”lane, willingly, n falsehood. to rest horizontally. n man's ttttme, M resist, active. the side opposite tite wind. tt womnn'n name, ' ner- _ puntine fish, wiekedttetttt, sick, ttnil a pro- l noun. N. w. c. C LEAN Find in the fullnwing verse the names of two villages in the County of Grey _ He hath tn memo“ to "ll, To porch“. it you would do well, For halo it ha! e‘er been worn, And it is wither soiled nor Mm, Answers to Riddles. I. " nu" -__".-"" V. .,,, tion the name of God in any form. a. What. bpoks were writurt by n 2.15, 11,11,l9,is a girls name. 3.4.13. li, is a very disagreeable disease. 19,2,10,1t, is useful to men, women physician. 8. Where is pan, huh, pot, montioned in the Bible. m Parses sr,aw.ermeur.-nusty may be madeto look as good simply rubbing it over with tt ab moistened with sweet oil. By a entire pipe.jolnb which are “n. mnrnnce will be made uniform My tlrst in deep. My second thins the wave, My third is heavy, All] my whole was has". What books of the Bible do not men- Riddles. .‘ODQ - No. 2-3. rd of four letters, and um - VIII-u". l, Dunc»: C. MCKENZIE. M. L. Cairns». t n. temper N, W. C. I beg to inform the public that under the o' Immense As all kinds ot Fonds tttttst, sow Clover 333d, mtrum---'rlritd Tnesdn y ir.ilrvme--suou!lay hem ii.iisovpr---uonht,v, hf“: Haunt 1porest---T him} w, month. Gutro1t--Fir:1t \Veduosd l iiirriston--Fridty befor iri)tonrrtuPr?y, hefu F,1oia--'rlte tiny before l I mu glans -yiosrelg y beftrt iiri'i'iiion--c.ctytul, Pal - " IUI. day tttter Gut-11m. "ertin-ur'irsrt Thundny in each Brampton -First Thursday in c Listoiel--First Friday in each iGvvs--'i'lres?y.T following Mn iiiC/iont--r'imhlh of Fehrlt Jane, Au.em t, October and tuo,rosp--Urtyhtt: lay prom or:uor,evillo Fair. ovamzovillc--'l'ht' 2nd Thur”? w sow is the than to bay “3sz IH Durham, Apr il w, Gram. p tat, tr. imz tit II n. In. ; Huh! l’rmrhing at 7 p. tt Monday ovenittg. yum a r. m._: wodnero.r I Thom“ Lnul mttrmrrdstrrtr. MONTHLY CATTLE It Oahu: _ “(If “main: is the time to buy a CATTY 0mm hm": ham 8 a Kensie, Puwtumntu-r. Minn.“ Lunar. my. rm. m' A, Night of momma. Tiuv'rtny on or ly ot bath month. Visiting Mama? \‘nhog w, all fl.. W. “mum: triruarr? mum: No. my 1 Nwlll of matting: ovary Manda" M We Odd Frlluwn‘ mu. 'vr.iitin,eirrw T. A. Harris, N. (i. W.h. “Met?! “CHILL“ L. o, L. NIL! Sign! of It',",',?,',',':'; Thursday on ...... a» “an tnottt . T. Con-sun. H Sign). M J,,",",',?,',',":' much In each mum _-----.. lmrMny ereniirp. r' Torn, nun} The, Flown Fauna, Nix Color grmiugs. For.' “gym: vlnlll- 1 _ . . . g...“ "an: lllunrmrn .VI’InIIv vaUiGLyuerrte.tt..'.Li"t','?,'r,r',,' tfrte Engrnvium. Prir". 31-15 a "i'ii',d.'; Hmv'um-n Nnmlmw IrhP. Med! luv uv. but 1 -- _ . mm mum-nu- n. 1”me I'm“. n (inland I'm": In l‘wv: , ..'w.'. 77, ttne F,itgrnviuu't. Prim- #1273“ 391w; l-‘ivu Cop"'" '1ii'l't "ve;iriutett Nnmbrw and birth ovum. It',", - tsrt' Ute tyest in the world. Rom] Fun rust H'rnu' tor n Ft.ottAt. r,isr,n.routniuirrg List and Prices. and plenty ot iutorrrustiom Ad- are“, 1 “avg VICK. \hchostcr, N. Y. -First wemwsdav in one]: mourn "v-Friday baton-n tho u'uotphrait' w-Saturday Itefore Guelph, The or before (howl). w-Moss/io. betitte mum Fair. on--C.vrstal. I'aluee Gnuuuls, tir , "tter Guelph. A ' . -....t. “IA'I.]I Install Borrowers can. by mount um“: “I. privilege ot repaying principal and u. inch mum a they [Ilene uni-mo M muyllnle in om; mm mm“. Intsgmrt count " once ol Lanna-Isuzu .“ other Real Ila-In If. our!!!" nub-ud.or ndvnmu undo .. the - A, McLELLAN, fm.'t Hum Orrin: "Imus Dn-II" u, u“. _._"___ H. t v woman. My: ma girl: wanted M's-ry- whrn m wort tor us. Saw is thr tirnr, Costly ttttttit Ind terns me, Adda“ Ttttw & Co. Awguita,Maiste, t goods must shortly go up in price. many Jun 1... all who require goods will save money by Buying Vick's Floral Guide. SOL“ IroBt' mxmiucs' Lxs'rvrt'Tx .11 4-1pm (”ITV 1511}va ovum gimp»! all, Humid tee 30 um mun. tgbrnriart. ti.' ii'aan'rov non. EMF. Ge ILL Myth TUE BRITISH CAN ADIAN r tt'T'twr cu G. REGISTRY OFF}??? Tuesday in one}: month. My before Durham. lay Mfum Dm'hmu. iiuidWeduesduy in cm and Investment Go,, "P, Brawn“ John A 1tttiee hams trom 10 n. 2nd. liyi0, mu.» “m,“ y Mime Fslora Fair. al l‘nlnce Uruundn, {1:01 lolph. osdny in each month 1 Thursday in onehntouth. Friday in ouch month. 1vfo)iirvcjty,' Mmtut Fnrost. +1111) of Fchrunry, April, t. ”MONT nnd Ih-m‘ml cr. “why preceding the u, Fr. .. bFP .P_. Sntmntit Swhovl at is” P. "L: p. In. Week vvenitts', S -r'.i mu yummy Hope.' I'J','l,'ir, “wrung m luy Honing. Bit, " class at a p. m c, rorrvrmi ymm’ meetitrrt at Mun trut.: Hun. John 1iv'i'll'l'l,',','i Hun. a. nod. ProveTreaau; Wil inn) Thum- I. Fwy. “our,” Graig. Em; hun- IM Muck-w. Hm..nl (hmhm Mutiny l (1.1.. Madman. Esq; Wm. (nee. Esq. The Hulk ot Mantras}: The Cmuhnn Bank ot Commerce. 1’05'1' OFFII‘E ny a CATTY of that Choice Japan Tea nt 40c. pm U" .b. .. te"'" Tin thly. in may , Hum-1 at GOOD CHEAP FACTORY COTTON. TS FROM 50. PER YARD UP. _ FACTORY COTTONS From Cur. per yard By the Piece. TEA 13mm 20e. man man. Crass seed, Garden Seeds Sc Turnip seed V'ory (Shoal). Imx'r FORGET To BU mum AT --- - u I. an“ mute money ruler It work hr us than - thing rho. Gavin] not re tttttred; qregttt canyon. Aux-or dtW at Mme mud: try tte "i1t,'!etr1t'1't Mon um: iiiiJi, man. Kerry & Boyd, humans: g, Tmbull. can. by .uet1tea,nit.ye.ete,'.e', JAMES DUST ror, (um-nth) Loud Money nn Farm, City rum-rum!) the {allnwinn Liberal u tutgtt.per mungmhlpfprogymfy. DOE No. 160 I. o. ll?, Tth' Manda" M 7:210 oilor'k, in I. 'viiitiuprothrvu welcome. W. B. \‘nnet. Sec. r rm'm‘ll. smvhw Teri Agent n I tt " AdNtsi0rStrrrt Frrt Town!» tu.to t F m be, o, 1.. No. 6:N, in one}: month Yit'k, ltnclmnsmr an ‘01- 111101-91 1 nu morn u: 1rr " 1:0!!an A. Tlysis.',':?.",'-'. YARN» John A. Elunrn, Tre. "m 10 n. m. to I pm' rvvnhm (rum 7 to m Cents. Alexan- IIITN ducipd in such mm: I' New. whether the one sum or try inst-u]; once on wvum‘a'io in tad) or nature tt in our}: uni yr'ttrn 11:!) u: III Arch, Mo M EThat Bar of Iron. 1111?. Subnrrilmr 1mg: M pl , of h-mdnlk, and vi-ini cunning nu tho Trun- ot I'hv'k» plum! to put A ma" " I’ I " that Frusey or Sum-Hui” {1‘19 many lines having tttyeady aavaueed, “In “will: now at NO ARMLSTICE HF. Suhnrrihrr Lyn tn inform the F"'?. pl' of ttnndnlk,nnd vi-init?', (hut ttrs h Mi“ Tim: on tho Trrndt' M tu:vastisithfttg, and 31 Pr'" od to put A BAR ot' "NON into nnv shape thnt Finn-y or Neturtmit.v may demand From nm-h- man: till (hwy- on, John Ncrvnl'n door 'n "jar. And it you want In Needio "may, um form is (mm a Imr. For {award past, to X‘ntrnns he "(this thankfulnma m. Par; And hows they ever will bulimia llu'll unit them trout n “M With (he Circular Saw a: Whrn f1eBR worn rough and days we“ Jar John Nan-u. “to n Tnr, rind m-vnv u Must and hold Iris [mu And mndu things trout 11 Mar. And :11er th" (1mm wrr~ mt! n And rush M Bent' t nu npxr. [iv vavr failed to strike " Nu“ And form things from I Bur. Custom Sawing of Lumber And v hm Duuutn'h :wr‘ Sn lilte tty' .\(unniug titar, .,, _. , __ tsl. ._‘..L...|. it? blilXULHS, LITll AND To mi: all Crmh‘s and r. mka of No muttvr who they at“. Thu! mm: " jolt mud-I strong w He'll Lind it with a “at. 3rrr? um" "'i‘lxiz- 'lv" ii"'1“'§‘nwn, Hr has Inn-lured u War: And wt tho DmmIIu-r, "iv-u "in! tuo, To tight llullillhf Hm Bur. Rook-ville MSW, itVi 1Crrt I'Hllll‘ Ill .. _ u. . .4 still u ittttrut wh'nm‘v in pri 'tt John Non"! struck the lttr. HU'nm's anon hogan tot "H Ilium-jun“ in tt ('ar 150 um- uy- '","f'f""' .'WWr'. in li':,")",',','),'," with rmlunlulnd torch “mus s mm mum ttw HM. ‘ r , , x\ k A. I I I K o-----.----"","'-'" CONSTITUTIONAL I Catarrh 8.311},qu ' i URES C A T ARR lThou-nndn Appfuml In Womtrrf.d tire, I Hear what a. Reva-9nd Gentleman 5 says of the pomstitutioaal Remedy. . T. J. D. Hhtmrt:fi. Wut.. a 1trovkvi11m mu. l Prun Fum-tt ig now urn Wm". sin'w‘ ynur‘T'nu I sttltutionnV'Mrr) luvmr‘dy ' “ma itttrrulticrri to nw l I have WARN] um Inna to um it thr rum would n ......-n unmmnunt Iv-fnrh doing this, my dun-.1." nu: Light. Harness, Trimming, Whips, etg, Remind. FN: Por of T, Will nhiv Hf Ilv I 1 Hear what n, Reverend Gentleman s says of the qomstitationa1 Remedy. ' T. J. B, lawman. Esq" l ttroivitlr. am. PRAY: Sra.--lt is now urn yvnr". Mme your "Cott- Mitutionn1Ovtrrttt ltrmndy ' mu intrndm-rd to um I hnve waited this long to ttPP " thr cure would pr. mnin g'h'"tt'l/i'l) befun- doing this, my mum» mu t In at t the happy enact.- seemed to mambo “ton good to be true." War, War ! (In Thou-and» Appfu-tl In “'omlrrful turn. Durham. July l, vitk, "ttut's anon hogan to mend T was amieterl in m? hard (at. yum“ betore I t4tttV vooted it to he dustarrin Kn fading in your I'irtuOr i saw mv mac dowritrert in many puticulnn. The inward 'Urop" from tho hand had become very Mu. agreeable, and A (baking Betrnrstiot1 often Newm- (n. me trom lying long, I woutri 1991 “he Imam. . . . _ _ __A.;An-.x h. .n nu In H“ ' Me In- mu lrl'lu n3"... mu... - Pr'"'-- - .7 v .77., 7., W,” ing nml he ss'orriirernedtotft IT in the bed. My health nhd whim were tum-loud F' “Hunted. Wturn . . ., -_.ht.v.-.r. M 1m...» we: 1 HUNTERS. Geuse ot duty to I‘m-crow from that imam“. aim-up, l‘ltnrrh. momma me to trend Von this (my. uncm. unwuciwl. my laws to nuke trttat m Tea at 45c. PM op ii 'ri,iiii'it' (Run h [Int irTiiidu Iiuy I” proper, no at once. and (21311ij Port Etgin, iind, Kuhn. firm. 1 Ask tor 1,itt1efseb1't, Cnr,uittttionrd Catarrh Remedv and take No Other. T. J. B. “mama. Dominion Agent, Brock. ville, Ontario. For Sale by an DruggLt" ot oniy nne Pollar per Mme. Buy It'. " "I?vy It! (m hand and sold n! 'r MLIIJ CALL AND SEE W. Bouldeng' Tit-gg C'A'T'ARR u jun! 3;;(1: Ttrag with Trur., :1 it with a “at. 'i.i7FFF.F1R..?r1f?yye Catarrh JLeny.tdy AND G iruurv, the- ('anr M :m uxv-hvr made tta".s 1w: tn to drive Blacksmith, Pcsrw wpr" mt! M joint tli-rt' Town mam he JOHN NtulVIL, SUINuLl-ZS, iUiiriiGNttiierjiiet luring ttml, Stuck of PVT“ Yonrs trnlv, TINDAIJ;v gamma Minister, IT, brrortr, anion: All kind. ot i'rar w. cIt1WFollH, Durham P. O dun n hill print in a neat wot the times Ll’MlHiR Bar Iron, Glue, Springs, Spades,Shovels and Manure Forks 65:. MOWAT‘S IS THE PLACE TO BUY Cl fur“ Giving Away, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats! & Caps, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, {Cheaper than ever for Gash, H Fall and General “My. tl E. & A. DAVIDSON, 0ilcr the LARGEST. BEST and. CHEAPEST Stock oi -i/iiiliniyry, Mantle; D "um, u are'., 26th, Ne are aim riding Extra Vail"! in MAST”. l Lu; Him- and Funny “rose Goods, Glover t.ll thr Slmdeu in Berlin. Flo-My. and l'ingvring VGu INSPECTION RBSI’ECTFU Fall & Winter Goods now Complete. In NG Fashionable Stock of Mantles and Ulsters atverylow prices Ttmo. t n m Evcry Lady war; Tweed Suits, for $850 per suit, STOVES AND TINWARE ! Cir", The subscriber begs to inf-um the rum "' l P Ptrrtieular attcutmu pui. Cash s, Sheepskins and Hides. Aw se,','" v:,vpeethm.v inform all w' and we mmt insitt on payment tl AGRICULTURAL Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlu d; Stewart's Improved Gang Ploughs,. da ‘In‘l' "OW? 52"!” N7"- 'hC'-'0t_1 GITXGE t At Ilium gag; The Subcribcr in agent. fur the “he IGES‘ BOLTS gent for the Snpcliur Broaden“ F but t Iturluun, (‘ctnhcr lo, IS? Durham, F els, 26th, Durham, April 4, 15:3. SCREWS IIASTIE $4 GRANTS. Another JOHN CAMERON And FAB" mar)“. 1ft7 '1 1‘ I ' He ALSO Note grid Blink would particularly 9.335 the Mtuutiun 1878. JCS; F. 1"iiti:hwse, Blacksmiths Supplies; LOCKS , . CA upr:N'rFnrti TOOLS PAINTS 0111.5 ll D l:‘( 'ld, (DASH 1 0R w" Cook. Parlor and Box $tgygg, . JOHNSTON. Jr., y DRY (MODS u‘cr ent " the “be M We stvlshrsted MOWER manuhptyrcd by the 'l‘olmm‘n [LEAH-2k & HOWE]; t‘nMPANY. .1 tn raavctstroughirrtg 187 ling a Mantle shculd see them. Axles, Patent Arms, Horse nails "Winter Fashions. Agent for the male of all kinds of Aunuuuccs hix of those Wonderfully Cheap MAST”: ' 1.01111“. m yuhliv that he hrs " lug: S WARE, “hick will be sol AN U. JCs'T MK rArrirr Forks 6:2. doc. cheaper than ever. TO BUY (ill-ZAP HARDWARE. Seeder and Drill. Alsu the 'ir.ilw a; Sulky nuke in the lkmuniun. PECTFULLY INVITED by as nrmth Giving Away 1K. Accrunu chunk-d on reasonable termr. Lower Town, DURHAM 1“ ”In". Ir' u“ _ A - - f _-.-- i “GREY REVIEW" an Hadron DURHAM. IMPLEMEN TS, rr'& imlehted h SEC" AN----- "Curd in Iduiilh M Honing; i/uvmirtvrs Aw s. Mnntlcs and Hm r! I " ‘f the Lm'oicu to Mn u: find I'L' TTY Stock hi htrvR.s' a"! TIN thu, "ar0ttttrrct, l the“ . DAVIDSON. 1 f nnl‘smzs. J DUN Ch M F. “ON an rr mude to “Men .wir ace-nuns Hats T. A. HARRIS. H !i!dky Rake tlse vl 3‘ " "ue Large and mpidly ine-ing Norm’ndy' Ettmmont. Proton, Mtemea Osprey, ”cinnamon gull timber Best the Town-hips of Glenda. lid-mine Good Family New "Ea'ii.r " . «w iv“ i LOCAL AX D FORE“; N Job Department, nr "" "ttrn ll“ is mm fittrd up in the wry Possesses grout rariiities for lining 1/iial.r mule In addition to out ships nuke- it M And with the (3:0th Proreput udi em depend upon being uni-60d Mylo-m: e Price ca.27 per Amman. Medium: for Adve'NUert NEW P823525. (rum. HOST APPROVED KIFDS l5 potiT.urr. FIRE)- In the Cmuny of UK}: Best Style of the Art, MARKER BEFOH'LS should Mama-ii r f. If not paid in sdvous Job Work hm“ 09th Al', who that t The can is fumialu-d mm type. imrttrs Whiting "'"f '" ti. LSD Emmm‘ms done in thc very " THE mm? " the Rt oedera. TH?- binds of of the "III”! KG "tttt V I. w rapper Gnu n-‘t '0va TROUUL'I " [l ll Ete. “THE BEVIE, b ttse " re Durham, - - ”191.25 If no” tdcuiwual and In - and msd Two inch“ or " I: “m invite. do. l quarter culumu, l .ull cMIum. URI Li In In»! , 'A'PI‘.‘ TE““HI~.1 tlui It J? .‘ BUSINESS p, ' l) w o Mt of chug». tt I‘KLY Asltt A wk: La " Ute I P? n ...1 Gal! Mx {TU ”Alums“ " (ml- IV l 1i1,,r1C' Voter A Ll'lll- W Runs 01 _ I i--,:-- ' " |\l VETERINARY SU RGEUI ARRIS‘H‘ w il lulu rhu- and I may" I: w“ frost “HUSH" HS "ttrt', Any Person no, m mutant "t-ratu, tun imam-O I will W xi, “all" IL“)! Cnpitll N wry JOSEPH the tbest w I "b-ttr mm 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Do You Want Mom-3. Ill tttben tyvr:sTub AGENTS, READ THIS w r, tl?, PW“ Er?“ " l"' tr x _ , a" ml.“- nglish & Scot M m [bur (hrs 4 an " t out, Wat-on Carpenters " w W Y" A " “and: and r m ”M. Mau “ILL! " BEST . MAY" abinet Maker awn [Wmlnn u w, amul- " Co. Pull.“ ll; MEDICAL ttttrt Y) LEG AL In! TI IN Ge h' untr- I. UAF 'rn u rad: tt F. MOWAI Bo. o. Ill qsott0'tr_ Wood A 300.000. pm DIRECTOR} h REMOVAL Wanting Mont Turnm; DI Bros . and Builder utthev " I! an“! Sherlimd IS

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