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Grey Review, 1 May 1879, p. 3

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genoral clection it is ctors what the Mowat e during their term of is deserving of more r. Mowat. When to o and spotliess life are ficial reforms ho has nluul 6u e confidence to Oraozeville. ment. e confidence of the iding the determined rupulous Opposition y in the eyes of the d his colleagues have rough the ordeal of itiny. The only acy ‘ncl: the Opposition town of e conceded that the right to ask and exâ€" resentation in the 1sis, according to : the Govyernment zuce from those such an arrange~ advantage of the proved it to hare sives prime movers rs. The electors of pause before decidâ€" ea persons ; and ing the amount of nd charities by the 1 of contributions Lae ppoince »lishing and supâ€" table institutions 1. the deaf and pointed to take ary survey of ind in alenge example : um in the purâ€" s, for the purâ€" alnage of wet 6 L30 lollo'iq : contest when is assailed they is a convinein« i large numeâ€" with which Parliament & y instead of hands of the cleryvmen slmring the they may be Mowat >y shortenâ€" in‘s title io e free from for holding and fifty ccislation cures _ for u which & v oon . ewh in Parlin« pay from hose who lified, but those paid has been this they vomen to untry e illegal without lisputes become m dis n# the r their when rty those itc m 10 On motion, made and seeonded. council adjourned until May the 26th, 1879. W.MH. Ryas, T‘p Clerk. ommc nin t t 6 e 1 Aperemmome w Popalation: of St. Thomas, 7,217. Hocring are plentiful at Gore Bay. _ There are 2,000 people on St. Juseph‘s Moved by Mr. Schenk, seconded by Mr. O‘Fazrell, That cost connected with proâ€" cring quit elaim deed.as reported by clerk, be paid t» amount of $5.â€"Carried. The Reeve presented reeipts fro n trusâ€" tees of Stratford & Huron Reilway Comâ€" pany showing that debentures to the exâ€" tent of $80,000 were deposited with saig trustees, as well as a copy of agreement beâ€" M. ved by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Schouk, That William H. Ryan, hayâ€" ing paid arrears of taxes for 1876 and 1877 en lot 3rd division of 20, on 1st concession, t» amount of $6.92, the same be erased by the County Treasurer.â€"Carried. M wed by Mr. Schenk, seemded by Mr. Biyvth, That Reeve and Clerk be parid $25 cach for services relative to railway delonâ€" tures, being three days signing ||e{-eutur¢.~' »~»d coupons, one trip to Listowel of two diys, one trip to Stratford of two days and vost of railway fare, except from Listowel t~ Stratford and back to Listowel, which Stratford & Huron Railway Company gave free.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. O‘Farrell, seconded by AIr. Schenk, Trat Clork publish Court of Revision for 20th day of (May, A. D. 1879. â€"Carried. tveen company and corporation of townâ€" ship, said reecipts reciting the underst indâ€" img atrived at in refarence to caupons on the Dobontures and when interest through said coupons should commence. Moved by Mr. Koenig, seconded by Mr. B yth, Timat clerk file receipts in his office with other railway papers.â€"Carried. Moved by M~. Schenk. seconded by Mr. Flyth, That Reeve and clerk sign and put seal to memorials in favour of aid to eve und ex infirmary to be located in Toronto. â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Schenk, seconded by Mr. Blyth, That clerk procure one bundred ewres each in German and English of Auditors‘ report of 1878 accounts.â€"Car The Reeve read a letter from Mr. Fuler, President of Stratford & Huron Railway e~mpany, explain nz misunderstanding roâ€" Iitive to interest on dobentures nnder by luw No. 6 of 1878, and stating that while piving way to the view council had formedâ€" ve* he could not remember having made promise ascribed to him by the counceil. Carleton countre, N. B., has adopted the 5 stt Temperance Act, and Lanark county, UNBL, ks N."'t..:-n: tuag Dutwaist Aci« Yik M to make the Roadway or sail Deviation high enough to allow him to raise the water on a mall priviledge saig to exist on Lot No. 6 to the extent of 6 feet 8 inches from the bed of the creck, said height to be taken at a point where said creek crosses the original Road allowance between Lots 5 and 6, Con.â€"13.â€" Caribwe. A message having been received from the Presideit of the G. B. & W. Railway Comâ€" pany indicating that he would not be present at this meeting, it was moved by Mr. Laidâ€" law, seconded by Mr, Fursman, That this t‘ umncil do now adjourn, to meet again at Ukituck‘s Hotel, Allan Park, on Saturday, the 10th of May next, at the hour of 2 a‘cluck in the aftern then to take into consideraâ€" tiom the "’&'- to be granted to the G. 1i & W. Railway Co., and the agreement of said Company to this Council, and that in the meantime the Reeye obtain legal advice, if he «leams it necessary, and that the Clerk lu-(ily‘ the President of lia Railway Company of the Cate of the meeting, requesting his attendance at the same, and to be then and there preparâ€" «« to show and hand over to this Council a ntatement of the financial standing, and proâ€" ‘ spects of the Company.â€"Cartied, ‘ Council adjowrned. M 1» 1 M A special meeting of the Bentiuck Council wis held in Reil‘s nM lb.ll\'“, on Sature day, the 26th of April, for the purpose of reâ€" ceriving the Agreement and Debenturcs to hl piven and issued under Byâ€"Law No. 4 for 1878 | »rauting a bonus of $20,000 to the G. . and | Wellington Railway Company, and to hea: f Mr. Pearson in bebalf of his claim for land . token for Deviation on Lot 6, Con. 13. Memâ€" bers all present. The Reeve having lard the agreement and | Debentures before the Council and no one be imng preseut on behalf of the Company to anawer cuquiries respecting them mude, it was resolved that the Clerk telegraph to the Prosiâ€" dout of the Company asking humw to attend this meeting aud that in the meautime Mr. Powson‘s business be taken up by Council. ‘ Mr, Pearson having stated his claim, it was moved by Mr. Wills, seconded by Mr. Laid« law, That Mathew Pearson be paid the sam ol $73 in full of land taken for Deviation and funcing the same on Lot 6, Con. 13 and that l this wuncil hereby agrees with Mr. Pesrson »i» Fhos. Stevenson, trustee of P. S 8. No appeared and addressed the conneil,ask ; lands owned by Messrs. Kizby, Schraum ugla*, and Dodds, to be detached fron 8. 8. No. 1% and attached to No. 3 i d to school sections and which re 1n'ir'cd to be ne, if tmouglht adviâ€"able, before first of Toved by Mr. Stheuk Mahow, That applicn Normanby Council. Bentinck Conmncil. id Mr, the chram and Douglas oppos * + @> w« red 8 is read. Trustee was left over unti mon ; trustees no dxd by Mr rs of taxe» nurd division nded by Mr istoes. . whie npleted $25 eacl rth wes W NC esk1on isteo M uit r Of LC b The next diseussion of any consequence was m the item of printing presses, 10 per cent. Messrs. Cartwric; t, Anglin, and Ross (Mid dlesex) pointel out the opprossive nature of this impost, and the injustice of taxing printâ€" inz presses, which are not manufactured in Canada, while the machinery for cotton and woollcn mills, similarly circumstanced, was wimitted free. Mr. Cameron (Huron) directed attention to the complaint by sait manufacturers that they were not sulficiently protected, while the cost of production was largely increased. Hereâ€" quested the Fimance Minister to allow the (tem to stand for a day, so as to enable him to make personal enquiries as to the grievances, but the request was refused On the item of sugar a long debate took place, durin; which Mr. Tiley claimed credit to the tariff for an alleged decrease in the price of sugar, Lut the Opposition priked the babble, by showing that prices had already actually increased, with prospects of a future increase, notwithstanding a decrease in th: price at New York, The whole of the items c‘assified as sugars were concurred in, and the debats was adâ€" journed. Ottawa, April 24. The consideration of the details in the tariff schedule was resumed. The first item conâ€" sidered was tallow, and, contrary to general expectation ; teas passed without any discusâ€" The remaining items im the schedule subjected to duty were adopted without disâ€" cussion. The Minister of Finance introduced the Tariff Bill embodving the resolutions, and the said bill was read a first time. e: it would ceitainly increase the price of his farm ; for if the cattle, horses, grain, aud everytlhin; else the farmer hais to sell were increased in price the farm would cerâ€" tainly became more valuable. This is not the case, for farms have rapidly declined since the introduction of the new tariff. Tuais is the very strongest testimony that cou‘d be adduced to show that the Nationâ€" al Policy is injurious to the furmer. It shows that altuough there may be a fow who are in favour or indifferent to the new changes made by the new turif, yet the wiule mass of furmers tuiroughout the Dcainion feel keeuly the igjury which the Natioual Poley has doune thew. Every day the farmer is waking up more fully to the fact that the farmiug communaity have bees gulled, and those who have. land to sell will recoguics it _souucr thas, thoir Mr. Anglin said the farmers ot the mariâ€" time provinces acked protection against the butter producers of the upper provinces who sont large quantities to St. Ju{,m and other s10n iOl{AOCize The St. Mury‘s Argus says :â€"Farms have decreased in value in Ontario fully $10 an acre since last August, and yct the Natimal Policy was to have been o° imâ€" mense benefit to the farmer. Ifthe new tarif were of any great benefit to the tarmâ€" ‘The remaining items of the tariff were passed with scarcely any discussion, the price disposed The House resumed the adjourned debate on the proposed motion of Mr. Tilley, for concurrence on the item, "‘wheat flour, fifty eeuts per barrel," and the motion of Mr. Vallee in amendment thereto, pla ng flour on the free list, which was lost, 61 for and 120 against. (Un the item butter, 3 cents per Ib, Mr. Charlton said we exported last year 13,600,000 lbs. of butuer aud imported 111,â€" 557 Ihs, chielly in Manitoba and British Colâ€" umbia, â€" The price was regulated solely by the prie\.- u:‘ the market where the surplus was The only item on the free list commented m*was that of exempting steelfrails from the »peration of the tariff till January 1st, 1881. UOttawa, April 22. Mr. Colby introduced a bill to repeal the Insolvent Act for 1875 and the Act amondâ€" ing the same, and to make provision for diviâ€" sion of estates of insolvent debtors. root sagar, Aeveral motions for returns were passed. At cleven e‘clock Mr. Wallace‘s motion on the national currency question was reached, and as the discussion «n this question was likely to be protracted, and would entail keeping the rag baby out ot its cot till an unâ€" seendy hour in the mornirg, Mr. Charlten sugyested that the cousideration of the motion be postponed till Monday next, when it will be the first order. The Bill to provide for an increased repreâ€" sentation of the sharcholders of the Northern Railway Company on the Board of the said Company was read a second time. A number of questions were put to the Government and in reply to one by Mr. Skinâ€" ner, the Minister of Finance said there would be no change in the Order in Council passed in 1873 respecting the manufacture of beet. The debate was contmued until six o‘clock by a number of members. _ A day was appointed tor the second reading of the The Premicr was opposel to tke three months‘ hoist, but a vyote being demanded the amendment was lost on a vote of 44 yeas, 120 nays, majority against 76. Seven Freuchâ€" Canadian Liberals voted for the Government, and ‘fr. Cockburn (West Northumberlaud) voted against the Government. Mr. Mackenzie *strongly depreciated the introduction of such legislation, ard after further discussion he moved that the Bill be not read a second time till that day three months. Ottawa, April 21. Mr, Keeler introduced & Bill providiag fur the repoal of the Suprems Court and Lxcheâ€" yuer Act. Mc explained the ubjuct of whe Bill to be the cutr plete abolition of the Court which he claimed was umapopular aud unâ€" nuces:aAry. The Minister of Fustice analts favariI. ks The Minister of Justice spoke favorably to the continuance of the Court, and expressed a belief that the mover of the Bill must he amusing himself in introducing such a measâ€" use at so late a period in the session. â€" The I remier took similar ground. Dominion Parliament. of 1 ‘Turnips, per bush..... HHMEAC y HHF Sortes: se esd Flour, per 100 lbs............$ Flour No. 2, 4 * Corn XEOKE "**~> * ~ ....sewss Shorts, 660 Â¥4 Bran, *9,. + Fall Wheat, per bush........ Spring Wheat, R. Chaff... l Glasgow... Oats, per bushel........ Wirsoxâ€"â€"Bovt.~ â€"On the 21st ult., by the Rev. H Câ€"omer, at the residence of the bride‘s father, Mr. Ins. Wilson to Mis: Margarot Boyle,buth of the Tow? s 1ip of Normamby. Koextoâ€"®@rarF â€"At the residence of Mr. William Graff j Port Eljg'n. on the 3rd vit., by the Re, D. Dipocl Mr. Henry Kcenig, son of Mr. Ludâ€" wick Komnig, of Normanby. to Rebecen, eldest divaightor of Rev. G. M. Graf, of Alosfelds, Sutruknâ€"In Bentinck, on the 20th ult., Jumes Shutler, aged 16 sears. Npr it WELOMELe, carncnnecnnnenct us DAFICY s:yrerrrercerrerssnsersrrerce Potatoes per bag............... BUINEF .)+« crevsvsessevsaue reverces JS L e rechrerectrlacransssareerers W ool POF Ib...... ssirreseriser Sheep sking...................... Oats, Peus, Oats, per bushel....... Barley, ** Poas, * 00 aveeres FhtY, OE BOUescsssssssscscess Potatoes, per bag............ Pork, per 100 (bs............ Beef, +* Hides, _ * Sheepskins, each ............ Dutter, pQK IB :â€"..:ssâ€"s«1.+... Fxgs, per dox................. Wood, dry, per cord...... Wooly POEF Musssrexisescisse.. Apples, per bag.............. NELAONXâ€"In Dundalk, on the 2ith ult., the wifo of Ar, V nt, Nelsor, of a danghter, MiporkTox â€"In Proton, on the 25th ult., the wi e Mr. John Middleton, of n son, 1t TPHCK â€"In Dundalk, on h +27th ul., the wife o Mr. Win. Chittick, of a son. Momnmtsonâ€"‘n Egremer t. cn th > 25th ul‘, the wie of Mr. Waitor Morri. on of a daighter. Spring Wheat, per bush ... Fall ** * Oats, *% Peas, hid Potatoes, per bush............ Dressed hogs per ewt........ Deef BCY CC Crakes Cabbage per doz. ............ Eggs, per doz.................. Fall Wheat, per bush ...... Spring Wheat * Butter, per lb...... Hay per ton........ Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs 5 Bqlw‘,_ro_llé; per Ib. ]_::g‘l.pel‘duz:::......;;; The tunnel has been at Inst commenced. But it is not finished. _ Nature herself has put in a protest in the bubbling water that to‘d ofthe fiâ€"sured rocks, These fissures will rove a serious but not insurmountable obâ€" stacle, and if the peeple of Detroit go at their bridge with the energy the prejeet dcâ€" seryes, and get it ready for the crossing of trains, the tunnel at Grosse Isle may yet be abandoned, as was that which was cor. » menced at the Detrort and Milwaukeo d.â€" pot. The Kansas City News shows that the efâ€" feet of the N. 1‘. will be that the Canadains will have a chanee to try the benefits of protection, which already show themselves in the increased price of sugar, salt, cca‘, and the further depression of the lumberâ€" ing interests, from the tax on corn and mess pork, which are largely consumed in the lumbering shanties. The next election there will show a great change in public opinion on this question. Protection will bring no relief to tradeâ€"it willincrease the burdens of the people for the benefit of a few m: nu‘acturers, who will get rich, as the same class Las done here, while the workers and the consumers will become poorer. tner. tub dairy,......... FLESHERTON MARKETS. Flesherton, April 80, 1879 ; Wheat, per bush ... $0 80 to §0 v€ o «. 0 8G to 0 *+ ... 0 30 to 0 mt .0 045 to 0 es, per bush............ 045 to 0 d hogs per ewt........ 500 to 5 * % * s.s.. /4 b0ke :5 ge per doz. ............ 045 to 0 per doz.................. 0 10 to 0 y POF IDs:.:â€"ssssssss»se O 18 to 0 OF BOHtmccccrricksccivecrss ~ OO 4y & DURHAM â€" MARKETS. Durna»m, May 1, 1879. TORONTO MARKETS. Toroxto, April 30 MARRIED UP tduiiihitcistedibidl s« «+ 64 MESRs+++ +1 +s++e4 per ewb........ *4 ++ OB+ serrieserees DEATHS BIRTHS $2 50 to 2 25 to 2 00 to 0 60 to 0 50 to . 0 85 to & 78 to . 0 85 to . 0 82 to $0 98 to $1 00 0 85 to 0 91 0 45 to 0 48 to 4 75 to 0 50 to 4 50 to 4 00 to 4 50 to 0 40 to 0 10 to 0 08 to 1 50 to 0 18 to 00 to § CO to 0 : 10 to 64 to 15 to 12 to $2 50 2 25 19 t9 $0 84 0 70 0 c0o 0 0 0 £0 0 35 5 (0 0 C0o 5 00 0 70 0 14 4 75 0 20 0 10 0 15 0 90 0 32 15 17 13 The Crediters of Duncan MeDonald late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, who died on or about the 30th day of January, 1879, are roâ€" quired on or before The 20th day of May, 1879, To send by Eo:t. propaid, to E. D. McMillan, Soâ€" licitor, Durham, Ontario, their Christian and Surâ€" namos, addresses ana descriptions, the full parâ€" ticulars of their claims, & statement of their mcâ€" CIOCERES CV CNCITCIONNS, ® Statement of their acâ€" counts and the nature ef the socurities (itfany) held by thom against his estate or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the beneâ€" fit of the Intestate‘s nssets or any part thereof,upon a distribution of the same amongst the ‘:nlel enâ€" titled thereto,by the Administratrix of the Estate and e’t'h-fl.‘a of the said Duncan McDonald, having DLLLLe SCs AOD P RACTEOT MCTORAC, HaY FARMER‘S ATTENTION! May 1st, proceed through the Township of Proâ€" ton to Hopeville for the night. '1‘}1}2 undersigned offers for sale his dwellâ€" ing house and blackimith lh:g situated three wiles North of Mount Forsst, on the Gravel Road, cunsisting of oue nere of land well inclosed with board fence, woll and cistern. The huuse is rough cast 18 x 2. The nbove is a g30d business stand, well worthy the attention of purchasers, A good title and iminediste p0sstssion will bo given. For Terms &c. upply to DAVID CAXERON, A 2 Livingston, of Priceville, will travel hi Celeâ€" brated Entire Horse, 6 o 19 "Young Briton, Through this district, as follows :â€"Monday, April 28, leave his own stable and Frm:ndto Geo, Ryan‘s D. 1t, Glenelg, noon ; thence to Durham, for night. 20th, Proceed to Rocky Snugeon,for noof ; thonce to Glenelg, for night 30th, proceed across Glenelg to his own stible. 2nd, proceed north through Proton to his ewn stable for the night. 3rd, proceed to Flesherton Station for neon; thence scross through Stone‘s neighborhood to the Townline of (!lonelfi and Artemesia to his own atable, where he will remain till Monday following continuing this route during the season. regard only to theclaims of which the administraâ€" trix hus (h’;u notice ; aud she shall not be lisble for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose elaim she had not notice at time of such distribution. E. D. MACMILLAN. Solicitor for Administratrix. 2 Felrucry 20, 1879 4 Maxar with stable attuched. _ TERMS :â€"One fourth cash, belance in throe equal nnm;ul payinents with intcrest at £ per ccnt’,(lulf "A‘;{:l'y to Mr Alexander Brown, Prigeville, or to WAL. .\lORTlHEi CLARK, Vendors Solicito:, "YOUNG BRITON" is a beautiful bright dapple bay color, 7 years old this spring; 16} hamds high, and is thorough conch, or general purpose horse. Where ever ho has been exhibited.â€"Paisloy, Walkâ€" erton, Hanover, Kincardine, Listowel, and other placesâ€"ho has taken bighest prizes in his class. Last vear he served 207 mares, and therefrom 1ired 199 eolts, In cue timo posters will be issued giving mere L e t dn EO In ue timo posters will be issued sl minute particulars of his places of call, Blacksmith Shop For Monday, 19th May, 1879. At Atchenson‘s Hotel, Priceville ; Lots Nes. T & 8, sontrining one wcre, on the North side of Kinross Street, Priceville @®n the premises is the good rough cast dwelling, known as the PrespyTRIIAN 1 Noticeto Creditors Arrive â€" 4:30 p. m., For time at intermediate stationssee Time Tables EDMUND WRAGGE. A fow packages of Trout on hand $> be sold OnaxoEYILLE. South, T15 a. m., 11:35 a. m., 5:40 p. m« m 11:10 a. m., 4:45 p. m., 620 p. m« North, Depart, 11:0 a. m, 445 p m. Arrive, U:15 a. :o., 5:20 p. tw. Wost, Depart 1145 a.m. . Arrive 1100 a. in, PREFSBYTERIAN Manse, On and after MONDAY, 3th May, 1879, trains will run as follows:â€"$ TORONTO (UNION STATION.) Depart, 7:30 a. m., 11:%5 p. in., 540 p. m Arrive, 10.0 a. m., 3:0) p. m, 9;i0 p. mi, 'I‘OR()NTO, GREY, AND BRUCE RAIL WAY, CHANGE OF TIME. A. of Egremont will hold its frst «itting as a Court of revision on the Assessment Roll of 1979, at Yeovil, on FRIDAY, MAY 30th, ut 10 o‘clock in the morming 'l‘IIE Municipal Council of the Township of Exremont will hold its fOrst «ittine as a In reforence to the above I beg to inform my eld friends and the public generully that 1 am receixâ€" ing a lot of now goods which I intend selling choup for cash, and hope to be fuvored with m suare of putronage. C. L. GRANT. +. N nership heretofere subsisting betwoen the undersigned {\'um Hastie and Churles L. Grant, has this duy been dissolved by mutusl consent: The business will be continued Iz Charles L. g‘mt. to whom all debts due to thedate firm must puid. ALLAN MeKECHNIE, ) WALTERHASTIE, Witness. j C. L. GRANT. Dissolution of Partnership. April 24th, ‘79 Dated, Durham, April 16th, 1679. A Frontenac man drank a patent pailfol of cold water one day last week in sevenâ€" teen minutes. The feat was performed on a small wager. 4 7 & 8 Temple Chambers, Toronto. Apr. 24,79. td Priceville, April 16, 1879 Toronto. April 20th, 187. A movement is on fout to extend the Credit Valley Rulway from Orangeville tLrough Hockley to Decton aud Alliston. DUNCAN McDONALD TOWNSHUIP OF EGREMONT. x ROBT. LEGATE, Tp. Clerk. Egremont, April 19, 189. d4o: TNDER and by virtue of a Power of / Sule contained in a Mortgae, thero will bo sold by Public Auctin on Durham, April 20th, 1879. At 12 o‘closk noon, by Mr. Hugh McKay, Auctioneor, ] OTICE is hereby given that the Partâ€" Mortgage Sale URING this Season,. Mr. Alexander Now AdvertiS@ments. Fresh Water Trout. Arrive 4:00 p.in., 10:15 p. m, TEESW ATER Salt and Seed Grain for Sale. Court of Revision. [ OJ 8 6 DF©® 52 ROBE PRICEVILLE. (DECEASED.) Flesherton & Pricevlile Station owEX 6008b ALEX. LIVINGSTON. ALSO OF OoF At the Hour of 12 o‘slock noon, ‘l'fo'l‘! 2 ud'a 3? the 13th Cuncession of the said ‘ownship of Glenelg, containing 200 acres, more or less, of w‘fleh 110 acres nre cloarod ; On it are a good log House, Barns and Stables. The land is in a good state of cultivation, amd well fenced with TERMSâ€"Ton (10) por cent at the time of Sale, Fitteen (15) per c ‘nt within ono month thercafter, and the baisce to be secured by Mortgage with interent at 6 cent half yearly, or if additional mnfltyh!rv.:nnoeuhnod be paid, or terms may be varied in any reasonable way to suit purâ€" chasers. For further particulars apply to F. MACRAE, Esq , Durham, or to BBETHUNE, NOSS, FALCONBRIDGE & HOYLES, oF Valuable FARM Property Thorougbred Durham Bull * M A J OR " (if any) held h{lihom, against his Estato, or, in de: {ault thereof they will be peremptorily éscluded from the benefit of the ‘Tostators Assets ut any part theroof upon & distribution of the same mmongst the parties Entitled thereto ba‘ the nxâ€" ecutors of his will, having regard only to theclaims of which the Executors have then Notice, and they .:.uu I‘l“OQB‘. litl:l. for the assets or any part thereâ€" of so distributed to naz person of whose claim they had not Netice at the time ef such distribuâ€" tion, In the Township of Glenely in theCounty of Grey. Under and by virtue of ::n:fow-r of Bale contained in a certaian lom-fi. e by John Thomas and William Thomast» the Vendors, which will be preduced at the tim of sale, and in M;l.l’mnt of which default has been ma ie, there will be offered The British Hotel, in the Town of Durham, Saturday,the 3rd of May,1879 W. CALDWELL Boot and Shoemaker, for sale by Public Auction by HUGH McKAY ‘VILL SFRVE Cows this Season on Lot No.47, ind Concession, Glenelg. Price 81. Pedigroo s 10wn if required. SOUTH END, Durham, near Cattleâ€" Yard Hotol, baving commenced business in tue above line would rfidmy sulicit @ share of the patronage of the public. The very best muterial used ; workmm superier to n{&u« in the enunty, having prize work in pHuvipal Ciiige of Consds und the United Statos. urmufigmemom in Hor Majesty‘s Fine Caif Bouts, sewed,from $5.50 to §6.50. JANE LOWIE, (Deceased.) 'l‘HE Creditors of Jane Lowie, late of . the Township of Normamby in the County of Grey, who died on or about the momth of March 1879 uwre required on or before the Tenth day of May, 1879, To send by Post, mud, to E. D. McMillan, Solicâ€" itor, Durham, Ontario; theif Christian and Surâ€" uames, addresses and description of the full parâ€" ticulars of their clsims, a statement of their acâ€" counts and the nuture of the Securities (if any) held b; them aâ€"minst her Estate, or in defeult thoreof they will be perempterily excluded from the benert of the Testators nssets or any part thereof upon a distribution of the same amongst the Ysmm‘ entitled thereto by the Executors of her will having regard only to the elaims ef which the Exocuumfiuvc thon notice, and they shall not be lisble for the masets or auy part thereof so disâ€" tributed to m{lpenou of whose elnim they had not notice at the time of such distribation. E. D. MeMILLAXN. Bolicitor for Executors. At The DURHAM FOUNDRY. A. COCHRANE. Notice toCreditors orF Notice 2 Creditors A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STATIONERY aad S€ROOL â€"_ BOOKS, Always on HMHani. 'l‘ll E Creditors of Archibald Hunter, late â€" of the Town of Durham. in the Countv of Cauliflower, Cabbage, Celery, Tomato, Onion, Carrot, P&r s nip, Beet, Cucumber, Melons &c, and the differont FLOWER SEEDS. KIERNAN & HUGHSON, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Teronto, 27th March, 1879, Timothy and Clover OoF THE DIFFEREKT KINDS: TURNIP SEEDS, of The Best Quality. 0‘ the different nimed Durham, April 4th, 1879 Glenelg, April 17, 1879 Dated, Durham,8th April, 1879 ARCHIBALD HUNTER, (Deceased.) Durham, April 2ud, 1879. Durham, April, 9, 1879. SEE GANG PLOUGHS Mortgage Sale SWEEDS, YELLOW ABERDEEN, ant WHITE TURXIP. White Belgian Carrot Seed MANGEL WURTZEL. Also a full Stotk of Land Rollers HAYVE IN STOCK: NEW SEEDS, Comprising : pesged,fi. in $4.75 to $5.50, THE COLIN C. MeFAYDxX. E. D. McMILLAXN. oF STTATIONERY. Solicitor for Executors, KIERNAN & HUGHSON Vendors Solicitors yys, _â€" Durham. SUCH A8 AND Seed Millet, Hungarian Grass, Tares &c., at lowost Market rates. $co Cetalogue. Yellow, Devonshire Grey Stoue, and Carâ€" ter‘s Purple Top Mammoth ; _ Mengelâ€" wurzel, Globe nmr Large Mommoth:, Beets, Cabbage, Carrots &c. &c. Clover & Timothy " o 1 Eho Anirh, and at price establichincut in the county. DURIIA M Carriage Works. ROBERT 1879. ANNUAL 1879. IMPORTATION Te still receive the continued patronage of the CLOVER AND TIMOTHY, At JAMES BURXNETT‘S Carriages, Buggies, Demoâ€" crat Wagons, etc., F THE VERY BF, 0 mmmuw&szh&m: The Sabscriber is also Agent for All XKinas of FALYLIPLEUENTE. Seed Grain of all kinds on Carter‘s Imperial Hardy, Bangholm‘s Improved and VÂ¥ V tomers for their patronage, wishes to inti mate that he hss just reccived a fresh stock of GROCERIES “TH[LE thanking his friends and cus tomers for their patronage. wishes to inti And hopes by strict attention to business and would do well to Call and 4 Inspect My Stock. Aberdeen, Green Top and Furple Top Durham, March, 20, 1879. PER STEAMER "SARDINIAX." Sutton‘s Champion Swede. James Burnet, MEDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWXN. yâ€"60. New Garden Seods OF ALL KINDS. Low Prices finist se ie mt finish, and at prices us low as any other OfF Seeds H. PARKER. nSSXET public generally Including HAND. NcFALLANXE, of y42 Compris Ivror and Klertro Plased Geots, Go‘lg ;:(!_Sâ€"ive‘r_\}'nflnu. Ladiea and Gents* JOHN ROBERTSON, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Residenceâ€"Opporits the Canad« Ptesby. terian Church. A beautiful line of (‘hob. Iym. Violine, M‘z‘ Repairing a Specialty. LOWER TOWN, â€" .â€" DURHAM. Residence at the Old Post Office, Lower Town, DURHAM. THB subscriber is prepared to Receive and Make l,'g.'un the shortest notice, and in the Latest Style, Men und Boy‘s Clothing. A good fit guarrantooc. Sewing Machines For Sale, Spring and Summer Fashions reguina) THE subscriber dosires to inform the community of Glenelg, and surroundâ€" h&;l'ovmfiy-, that he has nfilgwd the ubove Mills, and is now prepared to do Gristing, in Firstâ€"Class Btyle. Huving had twentrâ€"five wm in the business, he can T‘lf‘nloo on to m?:{‘!)yy_my favour him with Dundalk, for which the highest thurket price will bo The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Skins. Flour and Foed for Sale. A comfortable Shed for the accommodation of Teams. WV. F. DOLL, Watchmaker, D. DAVIDSON‘S, ‘& “wmdm.fi.w' THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner, WANTED|! 1,000 Cords of Dry Wood Always on hand all kinds of Louthor uf Native aad Foreign Branus ut uy TurdcF)} Repairing done With RBeatâ€" ness and desn@tok Just call and "Eurcke $boo"â€"something Orders loft at J. W. HousfeWs urness Shop, Durâ€" ham, will reouivs prompt attontion, uo old n1 k on hand, but all my goods &re of the wtost opened out n largs oqrsign> mont :("AN.;MM French fi.'fl'.: yonts‘ fite work. lu‘sewed work I defyc cirpet? tion. . ‘The #ork i dope by workmen of * uo:vo ryone adinite M.?f:‘ax"bhwm‘ 2t bo sus; . '1‘!!3 uu'b.cn'.b:r keept ow Land no low fort l the Rockvillo I huve now facilities for manulacturing om artiâ€" she seboud o mume in the County of Groy, rad have FAIH PHICE AXD LIVIXG PROFIT. Nothing LIXE LFATEHER! Glenelg, Feb. 1, 1879. Flesherton, December 18, 1378 Shoemaker, No. 5, Garafraxa Str A also now Bowing Machines for sale." _‘ “W“““mw. Pegidance aad workciup ucar the Public ; Ducham,Jan, 30, 1879 10,006 wushels of Wheat J. C. JOPP, Rookville, Bentinck, March 1st 1878. NEW GOODS January 2, 1879. Durham, Fob. 14, 1876. & o_z 0 CE Ey Te Wedding and Engagement Ring Geld Lockets, Charme, Chains, Keys, Plllclh. Pens, &¢., &e. Durham, December 19th 1878 Cutting done to Order. Purdy‘s Mills, Glenelg. Alexander Robertson, TAILOR, CASH FOR HIDES. BOOTS AND SHOES. DURHIAM Sr., DURHAN. Chopping Done every Da;j. A fow frstâ€"class BARCLAY®8 aud other Grain at FREDERICK G, KNIGHT &e., OF AND AT K. F. DOLL, y1 T o 6 < Z

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