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Grey Review, 8 May 1879, p. 3

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steand one of which on this bluck Franch at pablic waye BEEN APPLIED. ......$1,181,682 0G proec ;uvu“t'lllld t over & ‘e¢ ‘ssors, and mptly and sueâ€" ko Wiiak at a* the 147,346 49 997,889 13 pursuance up to Slst i« the vasg een reliov. 05,468 36 ututy, as 11@ the 749 46 642 a7 na 32 60 The Miaister of Public Works announced that the Welland Canal would be open on Monday, and for the first time water for ful navigation w::-l be taken from Lake Ene. The C tee tuse, haviag passed the w hole of the estimates. MNr. Mackenzie again asked why the comâ€" munivation respecting the tariff sent to Eng «l by the Guvernorâ€"General bad. not beei ught dowi. lhe Minister of Pubhe Works lC'hOt' that cuquiry was being mase as to what was pule l in Eus Jaud. Mr, Mackenzie defied any one to prove the charze made against the Administration by the Mimister of Public Works. WUr. Huntingdon criticized the comduct of the Minister of Works in condemming the late Government for enforcing a measure which he \ Mr. Tupper) had enacted ; and, proceeding, he warmly comlemed him for referring to charges he could not prove$ and threatening a committce <f enquiry which he dare not apâ€" Ur. Hooper intraduced a Bill to enable the Couct ot Chancery in Ontario to anonl marri uges in certam cases, | The Bill was defeated on its first reading. The Bill for the relief of Mrs. Campbell was, contrary to general expectation, read a secom«d time without a division. lu Committee of ®upply, on the res«lution voting $72,300 for weights and measures and was, a debate took place relative to the adâ€" ministration by the late tiovernment on this subject. _ The Minister of Public Work» © rarged his predecessors with malâ€"adminisâ€" ation 0 Ottawa, Miy 2. Mr. Bergin introucad a Bill regulsting the ipleyment of women and children in tastorâ€" v Fort a movxed â€"a resolmtion ma.' n ling, for the weâ€"o* the aiâ€"tern fisheric«, Hahtax award. â€" M« sup rted his reso ! on in a twornean‘ls ; e¢o hy m which Le| me! that the. Iistribu 10 : he propo. ed 'uf more euitably than to spply the tu d | umboat inspection ; $6,000 inspection of arance companies ; £50,000 for geological ver, were passed after some discussion. th resolution appropriating £464,823 for hams, the Premier stated that it was inâ€" ded to send farmers to scttle among the ians im the Northâ€"west, in order to teach latter to be agriculturists. ‘The resoln MWr latter to be agriculturists. ‘The resolu + voting $203,090 Northâ€"west Monunted iwe,. â€" muscellancous $103. and Customs .069 were also passed. \r. Doulthee addressed the House briefly, vareatly in favor of the spirit ot the resoâ€" ons. _ Mis remarke were abruptly brought a close by the Speaker declamng it six Mr. Charlton (North Norfâ€"lk). criticised ut ngth the arguments advocated by the mover the resolution, and reterred in detail to the tory of paper money in the various counâ€" «« which had made the experiment. _ He tenuded that the experiment in each inâ€" ince had been a signal failure, and more pecia.ly in that country (the United States) which the expertment had withinâ€"the presâ€" t generation been made on a large scale. ‘ere the people had discovered the fallacy the procseding, and had passed an dv”m rdict on their previous action by a reeumpâ€" n of specie payment. The major portien: hi« speoch was occnpiel in defining thoi ture of money, and the facilities which \| offered as a medium of exchange. _ He mod that inutead of Government -kiu{ mey, as Mr. Wallace claimed, it only placâ€" an impreas wpon the money in cireulation, | regulating it. In concluding his remark« moved that the resolution be read that day ces alud $0.0, 100 for Iisheries wer also resolutions voting $46,000 f« institutions, $69,000 for Maurine for aick and distressed seamen : \f~ W wt« had been met. _ All mdnet, i~ bis nion, was fiat. and the epithet hat no cial apphcation lnl.mv morey, .. (G : only made money by the fiat gth (;:r'* went. laper could be the same. He mel that the rational currency based on labor and pn‘.fié"&l! of the Dominion \ a soander basis than the promises to pay c in cirenlation, enly 25 per cent of . which actnally be redeemed by the banks of Domiaion. _ If the public works eould be «wlered as assets in borrowing money in markets of the world, then M should maidered as assets with which to redcem stiomil currency. . Proceeding, heclaimed i« to the issue of paper money more than ‘cction that the pre«perity of the United <o« was due, and he continued his remarks some lell‘ h, ll"ocflfi.[ the detaiis of hi., M M nada I was caried by a vote of 97 Yeas, Dominion Parliament. me or advanced a stage.. o question of the aeond reading of thot‘s Bill to fix the rate of interest la and prohibiting usury, the Minisâ€" nance requesting that the Bill be wn, bu*t Mr. Methot refused. to a nat at with $46, n and river ster of Finance ann t had determined n illve Un the res rontoutie scifie Railway, and the H 11 p. m. rt the M 433 for lighthouses an 700 for fisheries were 1a w n eme thi to the stermer Northern e Sir Albert Smith the opâ€" uncing that Mr. Doull had ed him from any blame in . Ottaway April 28. hrought up the resolu+i. m« péâ€" mal emrromey (the rag 1:} the ridienle with which i met. _ All mdnet, i~ Dh £ the ved the six months‘ hoist d ad as 1 that the papers had linister of Puldic Works, imed to be hold every uring the remamder of firming the that the â€" t not be found luti Bills services, a ut first re Orrawa, May 3. Orr n this conmecti ended this seasi f Ontar W {t neerâ€"an«Chief ware read t wh Awa, May I. uuneed that the ot to pres® the NP CA Government discussi nz $261 mmatt The res th "u-pi. $13.090 1 coast ati th C8 ht his his The uncasy condition of Russ an society increases, Arve«ts are being nightly made, aud the Nikidsts, to show their power, continuie to post li‘ls on the walls and c‘r« cnlate pampllets despite the efforts to prcâ€" <er t them. _ Soldiers are constantly on the alert, and every precaution is taken to preâ€" veut & rebellion or sudden surprise. The consceration of the Right Rev. Arthur Sweatman, M. A., .@s. Jishop .of Torouto, was pérformed ou T}pru!u", the I ist, at St. James‘ Cathedral, Toronto, with | the coremonies eustemary on such occaâ€" ’ sions. . The edifice was about balf filled at 9:30 for morning prayer, the erder to the ' lsseons being read by Rev. Canon Stonnett. | The lessous were raad by Liev. Canons Morgan and Breont. ‘Theâ€" Psaios and Te Deum were sung by the choir, clergy and e mgregation, and prayors were said by the ' Rov. Canon Os‘er to the end of the Third company eo/u.pliin:.' many of the clergy and laity andâ€"@ mamber of lades, many of whoum were preseuted to Bishop Sweatâ€" "Veni Creator‘ Spiritis "was said over, the solemm service being cmeluded by the ‘aying on of the hand:; of the Kight Rev. the consecrator, and of tho other Lishops, and the delivery to the consecrated bishop of the holy bible with an exhortation. The Holy Communion was then adminis toved. After prayer the prosident Lishop pronounced the Absolution, following swith h+ benediction, and the audience dispe:â€" sed. In the evening the newly consccrated Bishop was accorded a brilliant reception atâ€"Trmaty Coltece. There was a large w wan. losseons being read by hev,. Canon Stenuett. The lessous were read by liev. Canons Morgan and Breont. ‘Theâ€" Psaios and Te Deum were sung by the choir, clergy and e mgregation, and prayors were said by the Rov. Canon Os‘er to the end of the Third Colleet. â€" Theselergy aftorwards adjonurned to the School House, where the fellowing procession was formed, which procesded to the Cathedral: ‘The verger ; the clergy in surplies and hoods; the Venerable the Archdeac ms of York and P ".L'flufl\)llgh ® the Very lev. the Dean ; the Bishop elect, attonded by his chaplains ; Chancellor ef the Dicce.e, and Richard Snellmg, L. L. D., Hegstrarof the Dicceso, the Bishop, lay delegates of the Syuod. ‘The cha;â€" lains of the Bishop were I)r. Scadding Rev. Canon Stennet. Whon the church was entered it was found to be crowded, hundreds being unable to find seats. The clorgy and lay delegates having seated themselves as proseribed in the appointed programmeythe Rev. Mr, Rainsford gave out the 402nd hymn which was sung by the cheir and congregation. â€" ‘The cousecraâ€" tion . services were then commenced, Bishop Williamis, of Quebec, officiating in the absence of the Bishop of Ontario. The Bishop of Huron then delivered an approâ€" priate sermon on the text, Rev. iii. 22. The other Bishops preseat were Bishops Bond, of Montreal ; Fuller, of Niagara ; Fanuguer, of Algoma ; and Hellmuth, f Huror, _ At the conclusion of the sermon, the DBishopâ€"elect, vested with his rochet, was presented to the Bishop of Quebec, the consecrater. the prescnting Pishims Consecration of the Bishop of Toronto. wea.tiy a very Iny increase ; so big as to load the nesessaries and luxuries of lifeâ€"except whiskey, beer, and tobagcoâ€"with daties that will grind the faces of the poor but make richer a fow who are alremly Not the raising, but merely the readjust: ment, of the tanff, telegraphed Sir John as the watchword to his present Mmister of Finaneo, hard prossed int a fierce electoral struggle in New Brunsw‘ck, and Mr. Tilley was thereupon elected by a majority of seven votes. But the roajustment proves a very big merease ; so big as to load the The war of tariffs, foreshadowed in thso! leolnmns throngh many long months, has | opened, and we see one of our most imâ€"| portant colonies taking the lead in i.‘ Canada, under the guidance of the Min‘sâ€" : ter who, five years ngo, was iponi&n.)_‘” hunted from office b cause proved gui ty of ) 'fiagmut corruption in the employment ufl the public funds for the promotion of puâ€" tisan purposes, has reverted to the most oldâ€"world and reactiouary protectionism. Our eolonial feflow sulgects Bave nlhrt'I‘ memories. _ When Sir John A. Macdonald was hurled from‘ the pinnacle of his power ‘ it was loudly proclaimed throughout tln, length and breadth of the vast Domtinion | that he hiad falleg ngter t Fis¢ ?.l.,t Last autumn, however," the Canâ€" ‘ane, tbeing in trouble and sore distressfrom | shrinking trade, declining revenve, stinted J enterprise, and universal stagnationâ€"as is ]J preciscly our case in Englandâ€"tarned away ) from the sober, prosaic, but practical Macâ€" '] kenzie Ministry, and "harked | ach‘ up an || Sir John, whoAvas f.q;feh‘i in declating “ that he bal a Panacea for all the ilis to | ; which the body politic and social was hei~. ¢" Listening to his witching strains, Canada was beguiled, and, unable to resist temptaâ€" tion, throw hersaif into the tempter‘s arms, 5 True, she was assured, Lboth by Sizt John}j and his Finance Minister, Mr. Tilley, that | ( protection was far from their thoughts. ! Es®" P Cw Â¥" Mr. Mwim#l%e_;hqy from the Mar: time Provinee point of view, and in this he was supported by Mr. Anglm, who suggested that the Maritime Provinges soould combine to first precure the awurd’;d'r themselves, and afterwards to distribute it. Mr. H; ekett advocated the Island‘s claims. The debate was adj rurned. award, as, unlike the other P a party tothe §BEBEY. us _ nmas adiiiy ols ol N o t eei o â€"HBET rox | he i { Geelph is 10,0%2, An taces, which Provinces haafiTt % '\ ‘ to it 7 . Â¥ N ark. by an [MrMacJonald (?. E. T ed t h aate. es £ u‘fl.a Iâ€"land to syend is own share of the + it \_c «sement in another eolumn, (oat on spevially to the Lenefit of the M The War of Tariffs. (London World.) of tariffs, foreshadowed in these ce b cause proved gui ty of tion in the employment of s for the promotion of puâ€" has reverted to the most reactiouary protectionism. en share of the Provinces, it was laritime Prov TRESWATER Dejart 6:00 a. m., Amve â€" 430 p. m., For time at in a1,ediate stationssee Time To bles a 4* © * "EDIUNDWIAGGE: General Manager. On and after MONOAY. Ith May, 1879, trams will ran as follows :2 * TJnoXTo (CxioN sTatioN.) Vmart, 750 n. m., 1:% p. m. C# p.om Arrive, 1030 a. m., $0v p. m., %.0 p. m, ORANGEVILLE. South, Depart T15 a. m., 185 a. m., 540 p. m. Arrivec B1:10 as m.. «4:25 p. m., 820 peme West, Dopmit 11. .3 uie oWitX : TOWNSHIPoFBENTINCK 'I‘HE Municipat Council «of the Town ship of Bentinel. will hold its Fivat Sithine a ’l‘ill'. Thanks of N. B. Grier, Teacher, aro horaby tendered to his former pup‘l« of 3. 8. No.1, Glonoly, for the bowntiful to tim#zial of their favor prosented in theirbehalt by Miss \[via fanc s 22200 Whitmere, _ Glencelg, May 3rd, 18 'l‘ll 1 firstâ€"sitting‘s of the=Conrt of T.« vision for the Town of Durkmm, will be held lbt: Town Kidl, on Wodnesday, the 20hMaÂ¥y18) Card of Thanks. H Municipal Notice. A. ship of Bentinck, will hold its First Sitting ns 4 ‘ourt of Rivision on the assessment Roll of 1879, n Kutherford‘s Hotel Hanover on Monday the 26th lay of May, commencing t# o‘clock in Aho fereâ€" won. * Full Wheat, per Soring Wheat â€" Burley, Orts, Court of Revisionr . Dressed Hogs, per 100 lhs Buttor, rolls, per lb......... * wbth AMEFy yeugy corecss se Fgg8, pbEd@# :4 . 3 :%. . 4+ 6 n« Potatoes, per bag............ Potatoes, per bag Turnips, per bush Hay. por ton.. ... Wool per Ib....... .. BHLGCD | SKIMBes c senecee» Lanls Siiis. m ie 2. Hides per ‘CWt....... HEY 21 recitrica iraade, Torouto. Ap 1 ...b, 1679 MOUXT FOREST MARKETsS. Confederate Oflice, April 28, 1879 FlOUr pCr. DAYTClever+erse«e«....$4 0O 40§%4 Oatimneal per barrel...........< 400 to 4 Full WHCHE.....~+>«â€"++«+++«««++â€" C040 °O Treadwell Wheat............... 0 80 to 0 Spring WREAt.......~.»«1«+.+.+« 0 80 to 0 BHrlOY s...s, X....0...Â¥ilivkike . ie P BO C C O8KS s evers ceeres sn ermen ces auen sw idlly dHik chin EWE se ces cere cer rearsescesementunes OBE ho 0 Paotatoes per hbag.............. 0 70 to 0 Potatoes per hba BAbbOr serveszzzecee X. ing tie running @tiarce in the Town, of Horses. logs, Bull«, and Gease will be strictly enforced o7 n Laiter Monday, thes2th inst, Look sharp. By rdow. JOHN MOODIE, Town Cierk. Durham, 8th May, 1879. nâ€"01. Potatoes, per busli.... Dressed hogs per ewt Beof ces Cabbage per doz. ..... EGH8p QCI AOZesr cenccan BNHOT, POT Drsers snn Hay per tom............. Bentinek, 8th May, 1879 Sypring Wheat, per bush l“”u ++ +s Oats, ++ JOHN MOODIE, Town Clerk Durhaun, 8th May, 1879 câ€"64 Wo6!,"per 1b..., Apples, per bag 'Hu_v, PCF BOBrcerrsizeses . Potatges, per bag......... Pork,/per 100 lbe......... Leef, t Â¥reesre Hides, _ * Sheepskins, c«ch ......... Butter, per I1+.............. Exgg.por doz......... ... Wood, "dry, por gonit.3 TR en / N0RONTO, GREY, AXD BRUCE â€"â€" RALLWAY, CHANGE OF TIME. Oats, Barley; Shorts, . & ALUXEZ L8 L, Bran, 64 c td Fallâ€" Wheat, per buslt:«s.., Spring Wheat, R. Chaff. Flour, per 100 lbs Flour No. 2, * Corn Meal * _ * TA KT CoCHBANEâ€"In Durham, on the 3rd inst., Mrs,J. Cochnine, aged 56 yeurs, at the residence of her sonâ€"inâ€"law, »ir. Thomas Jones. MCMILLANXâ€"In Mount Forest/on Wednesday, April Jth, Isabelia Murgnret, eldost dianghtor of the Kev. John McMilian, Aged 15 yeurs and 6 mouths. t T Hm ce oo MILLIGANâ€"In Bentinck, en the of Mr. Thomas Millican . af a speak for the whole Dominion, but it can for Delleville and vicinity, and it knows that not one manufacturer, and certainly not one consumer, is satisfied with the triff. COURT of REVISION. advertisement in another e«flumr{ Tat on and after Monday, 5th Moy, there will be a change in the t‘me of trains running on .. NWOE . moune w S d wer Town, Durhan. Mnt 7th, 1879 ©C. B.‘J,\(‘Kl{‘. E. A. TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chan Now Advertisements. Arcive 00 p 1oopaety 11; 0 w ons Arrive. (UlS a. m TOWN OF DURIIAM I‘l TORONTO MARKKETsS. Toroxto, April 30, at, per bush ...... $0 93 to Theat * use o0 § to +# C . ® b5 to Personsl. DURHAM | MARKETS inmissioner in B â€"_in Bentinck, en the 7th inst., the wife Thomas Milligan, of a daughter, Glasgow. per bushel...... HERTON MALKETS. Flesherton, April 80, 1879 0 6. 36. PUXNCAN CAMPBELT that the ]‘r‘\'-!_‘.’lw prohibit DEATHS BIRTHS Durnax, May 1, 1879 Sersressess$8 BQ to §2 12:00 noon 1015 p. m. dumeee £1:00 a. m 445 p td Township Clerk câ€"61 Notary Public 4 00 to 4 50 to 0 40 to 0 10 to 0 08 to 1 50 to 0 18 to 0 75 to $0 80 to $0 84 0 86.to _0 90 0 30 to 0 32 0 45 to 0 50 0 14 to 0 08 to 0 18 to 0 6O to 0 60 to 3 50 to 8 00 to 4 75 to 0 50 to 4 50 to 0 78 to 0 85 to 0 32 to 0 45 to 0 60 to 0 50 to 0 85 to 0 45 to 56 00 to 4 50 to 0 45 to 0 10 to 0 12 to 7 00 to 00 to 12 to 10 to 00 to 50 to 20 to 15 to , 1879 16 nâ€"61 $1 0C 0 0: 0 6i. yAht 44 9 50 0 57 0 7. 0 16 0 1( 0 2: O Ot 0 9 0 8 0 8 0 4 0 90 0 1¢ 017 8 0+ 0 50 5 bee 5 06 0 5( 0 14 ® 08 5 (0 0 0 4 76 5 C0 5 00 0 60 0 80 0 £0 0 £0 0 25 00 O( 17 13 84 5( M 50 A gou t tholy «id lll]'lt'a-. VCR Por Terms &c. apniv to TDIF undorsigned ofers forsale l:is d wellâ€" 1 in~ hange and black<mith ahg sitnated three Aoalés avvith ud Mount Forest, on the Gravel Roud, imsistine of one: nerpoof d id welstiâ€"las Ewith board fence, well ana cistern. Tb"h&".“" is rough oust 18 x 24. Th wbav@ Intk 146. incss stund, woll worthr the attention of pnrehasors. 0 Blacksmith Shop For Sale. Pn mds e n nE a distribution of the same amongst the f:ruos enâ€" titled thereto,by the Administratrix of the Estate and effocts of the said IDnacan McDonald, having ard,only to the elatms of which the adiainistraâ€" fi ha&s then notice ; and she shall not be liable Tor the Axsets or any part thereo{ so distributed to hy pérson of whose chirn she had 19# notico at namos, addrosses nna descriptions, the full parâ€" ticulars of their elmims, m strtement of their neâ€" counts and the natare of the socurities afany) held by them against his estate or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the beaeâ€" fit of the Ilh'nn’tn;s assets or any part thereof,upon bae No Pidenipnii ns c s tibnabblatbic2 29 1y i 24 22 Any pérson of whose elirn she had n9% notice at time of such distribution. E. 1. â€" MACMILLAN. 0 000 Solisibor for Administratriz, The Crediters of Duncan MeDonald late of the Town of Duruwn, in the County of Grey, who died on or about the 50th day of January, 1879, are reâ€" quired on or before The 20h day of May, 1879, 1 sond by post, prepaid, to E. D. (MeMillan; So. hnoitor, ddur hamn, Onturio, their‘Christian and Surâ€" Morday, 19th May, 1879. Noticeto Creditors PRFSBYTERIAN â€" Manse, A few packages of Trout onhand to be sold Folruary 20, lS'IVD‘ In reforence to the above 4 bog to inform my eld friends und the public generaliy that 4 rmâ€"receivâ€" ing & lot of new goods which I intend selling choup or eash, and hope to be fayored with a share of putronage, C. 1. GRANT, Dated, Durham, April 16th, 1879 C We e n e e tay thastending conditions of sule of the Court of Ch msory, For farchar particulars apply to the undersigned or to Mr. Aloxundor Wobsteor or to the Auotionger, Mr. Doug d McCormnek nt Priceville, Phe Vendors shall uet be bound to produce acâ€" count for (or show or prove the eontents of) any loo is, Leum wmts er ovidoncas of tile not in their possaison an I will ouly be bound to furnish sach particulars as are shewn by a Registrur‘s abstract of Witle, \7 OTICE is heroby given that the Partâ€" H nership horetofore subsisting between the indersigned Waltor Hastic nnd Charles L. Grant, ins this day been dissolved by mutual consent! Uhe business \vi_l! be continued by Charles L. inunt. to whom all dobts due to !_hufnu; m;vx:ln;‘t he prid. ALLAN MeRKECHNIB, } WALTERHASTHE. Witness. i C.L. GRANT. L o l 0 e e vree and also te contain all the usurl statutory cove n=lt <r vi i nsand conditions. Dissclution of Partnership. Both n ils ure gaid to be in good rvn ring order and to bo deing a large business. The whole ten aweres e suld to be under cultivation. ’l"he}mnhmu-l shall nt time of sale pay £0 per tent of his purchase money to the Vendors thoir S l.citors or Agonts and the balance of the purâ€" h«se mcney within 30 days from the day of snle with interest at cight per ccnt calulated from tho w y of sale; or, nt the option of the purchaser, 112 0 PEC,0C, 20 200 Op.ION Of the purchas «i2 00 s5l0, 0r, mt the op:ion of the run:huer‘ 39,,00 may remain on mortyage pmaynble in five yoars with interest half vearly ut the rate of cicht percent per amnum, and interst on arrears.. The wWld morigage to contain a covenant for insuraneo to the full insvral le value of the buildings in an insurance compmny to be selected by the vendore hP uie mbA rup ind Je t dhe s\ AiB I‘HH Municipal Comneil of the Township of Kgremont will hold its first sitting ns. n curt of revision on the Assessment Roll of 1879, at covil, on RRIDAY, MAX 30th, at 10 o‘clock in the 1orming, ROBT. LEGATE, Tp. Clerk. Egramont, April 19, 189. d<62 7 & 8 Templo Chambers, Toronto. Apr. 24,',".'15, ta The above properties willbe sold in one parecl «ubjoct to a réeservedbid to t in the hauds of the \uctioncer at the time of sile. TOWNSHIP OF EGREMONT April 24th DUNCAN McDONALD, ras Te ue iT wb A uo Also a _ Maw Mutl two stomies . sircular ‘u\\,mfirr we., aud w fr dwelling with kitchen and smaai attached. T mm e o e t e Vn ‘ounty of Grey : ’l‘ugotho’r_wlile the Saw mill, Grist will, Dwelling House and other l-nil'lings thercon, urusunf’ Village Lots, one and three frontâ€" fing‘un the South side of Kiacardine street and the North -‘:dc of tae Culliu.g‘;mod Kt;ug“i]n the said villago boiag w s a u part #ith block, ud moph‘# tfi Nnn’nn#fluw:;'nbm'e nauned, conâ€" tabubig 10 acres, more 0: less. This proporty is well sit inted in the village of ppustl c cote ooo P NC t aee SOmie Pn TS h Thi u'przvporty is well sit inted in the village of Priceville on a good gravel road only three miles liitant from Flshorten Station on the Torouto, Grey und Bruce Rail #av. Â¥ o eP 0neli n Snaioine o tars sls iescs in Said Township of Artemesia, and being comâ€" posed of a Block of land in the said Villng: of Price. vil e liuundl& on the North by the Durham lioad, on the West by Artemosia stroct, on the South by -I‘Fl e street, and on the Eust by the boundry The Between lots u?mben.!-‘h'e and Six in the first woncession south of the Durhan: IRoad, aforesaid | eing part of the Mill Block in the suid village of 1 riseville, mecording to a plan and survey made by W il im Rt. Rombough l’.‘l)‘ $., for John MeDonald and Registered in the Registry Office for the suid o o e e n ts Ee d 4 ME3 Durham, April 29th, 1870, c dE n! "A to the Vendors, which will beâ€"producedat th timo of' 8 de, r:ncl?:]»sp'u.tlr-t of which default hn: |»fl'll_mlgle, there will be sold by Public Auctl®n, at the Commercial Motel, * In the Village of Priceville, on > Friday, 30th «; May, 1879, At the hour of nur . » The following property, that is to say, All those certain prrcels or tracts of land and bereditaments, situ&ted in the Township Artemesia in the County of Grey,being composed of FIRSTLYâ€"part of Lots numbers Ffi"'J Five in the First Concession South of the Durhat Road | oo C BX&6E VILELAGE of PRI HOWLAND, ARNOLDI « RYERSON, Vendors Solivitnrs, Toronto Dated at Toronto this 29th April, 1879, câ€"64 Un the property is a frame Grist waill three tories high with three rum of stunes, 10 feet head { water, und lv_\_u ’mniug bolts in good repair. y ut T wha BC PSR " Vaiuable viillage Mill Property At‘12 o‘clork noon, by Mr. Hugh . MeKay, . Auctioneer, Mortgage Sale NDER and by virtne of R& Power of Sale contained in a Morignge, thero will bo wold by Public Anction on Mortgage((SAIEKIRBRNAN‘ & HUGHSON, * * matmm: Terms and Conditions of Sale T NDER ‘the power of sale in Mort#agzes Fresh Water Trout. Salt and Seed Grain for Sale other conditions of sale to be the same ns 1U®sO ECTeNCOUS Of SWITTO 7O Tho /s Court of Revision. C‘ILDlI© 4 ROBERT A. ROBERTSON In the Count (DECEASED,) PRICEVILLE Fleshorton & Priceville Station tfâ€"583 nsM DOIDO bas 2C Ta\ 2 of p;umvle‘ NEW SEEDS, Comprising : : County "of Grey. i. [E Bs uP As ,";':* « %S _ s es ALSO »AVID CAMERAN Ol SA T? dule possersion. will be ) stomies high with largo aud « frutie rough onst and. smaail room or office {ix;(‘gw;;! .:.'.;‘.:'.,.... SVE NWICC NC URMTMIE RHU ‘ Formerly Master Shooemnmker in Her Iujmy'-l M indredth Regim â€"nt. | Fine Calf Boots, sewed,from $5.59 to §6.50. | t y * _ pegged,from '4.75&035.5“.' kJ Yard Hotol, huvingscornmensed dousiness in the above line would n‘*-efinllr nolisit a share of. bue patromage of the pholic. Tho: very bo<t material used ; workrnnnsh‘ie‘ suporiar to anvthing in th: eonuuty, having made: '!‘l_'u.“\v'.;."l;; uw prilâ€"ipel cities of Caunda and 'I‘HE Creditors of Archibald Hunter, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Esauire, who died on or about the Third day of September, 1878, are required on or before the Tenth day of May, 1879, to send by post prepaid to E. 1). MeMillan, Solicitor, Durkam, Ontario s their Christinn and Surnaimes, adressos and description of the full particulars of their claims ; a statement of their accounts and the nature of their securities (if any)held by thom, against his Estato, or, in deâ€" f‘"#&u cof they will be peremptorily escluded from the benefitof the Testrtors ‘Assots er any pmwrtthereof upon a distribution. of the same mnnnzlhn prrties Entitled thereto by the ®xâ€" hu* { his will, having regard only to theciaims of which*the Executors have then Notice, and they shall not be liable for the assets or nuy part thereâ€" of «o distributed to any person of whese claim they had not Netice at the time of such distribuâ€" tion, * E. D. McMILLAN. THE Thorougbred ~Durham Bull *NI A .J O lC W To send by Post, propaid, to E. D. MeMillan, Solicâ€" iter, Durham, Ontario; their Christian and. Surâ€" names, wddressos aud doscription of the full parâ€" ticulars of their claimis, m statement of their acâ€" counts and the nature of the Securities (if any) held by them ngainst her Estate, or in defwult thereof they wil?bo peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the ‘Testators msseis or any part thereof upon a distribution of the saine amongst the smrtlou entitled thereto by the Executors of her will having regard only to the elaims of which the Exceutors have then notice, and they shall not be linble for the rssots or any part thercof so disâ€" tributed to rany person of whose claim. they. had not uotice nt the time of such distrivution, Notice : Creditors C1OUTA END, Durlhmm, near Cattle s {UUTIH } Notice toCreditors or JANE LOWIE, (Deceased.) 4 the Township of Normanby in the 'Ccun!.,v od Grey, who died on or about the month of March 1379 are required on or before the Tenth ‘day of May, â€" 1879, 'i‘HE Creditors of Jane Lowie, late of the Township of Normanbt in the County of "YOUNG BRITON" is a benutiful bright dapple bay color, 7 yeurs old this spring; 16} hands high, and is thorough coach, or general purpose horse. Whore ever he has been exhibited. â€"Paisloy, Walkâ€" erton, Hanover, Kincardine, Listowel, und other placesâ€"he has taken highest prizos in his class. _ Last yoar ho sorved 207 mures, and therefr sired 199 colt«. + rom In ue time postors will be issued qi\'ing more minute particulars of his places of call. 1. 1t, Glenely, noon; thence to Durham, for night. . 20th, Proceed to Rocky Saugeen,fornoon ; thence to Glemelg, for night 30th, proceed neross (ilenelg to his own stable, May ist, procee. through the Township of Proâ€" ton to Hopevilie for the night. 2nd, proceed north through Proton to his own atable tor the night, 3rd, proceed to Flosherton Station for noon; thence across through Stone‘s neighborhood to the | Townline of Glenel; and Artemosia to his own | stable, where he will remaiz: till Monday following ! continuing this route during the soason. | Through this district, as follows : â€"Monday, April 28, loave his own stable Mpl‘ucoodv&o Geo, l?l‘nl 1. . Glenelg, noon; thence to Durham, for night. I) URINGthis Season, Mr. Alexander Livingston, of Priceville, will travel hi Celeâ€" brated Entire Horse, t â€" 19 ‘"Young Briton, Durham, April 1th, 1879 Glenelg, April 17, 1879 ",'ILL SFRVE Cows this Season on ‘ Lot No.47,2nd Cencossien, Glenelg. Price &1 Podigroo shown if reqnired. w COLIN C; MeFA YÂ¥DN. FARMER‘S ATTENTION! ARCHIBALY HUNTER, (Deceased.) Solicitor for Executors Datod, Durham,#44 April, 1879, «140 Priseviile, April 16, 1970 Vegetable and Flower Seeds, Caulifiower, Cabbage, Celery, Tomato, Onion, Carrot, Pars nip, Beet, Cucumber, Melons &c, and the different FLOWER SEEDS. Timothy and CGlover i OFTHE DIFFERENT KINDS ; TURNII? SEEDS, of The Best Quality. 0 the diferent numed &0 *AWEEDS, YELLOW ABERDEEN, and WHITE TURNIP: White Belgian â€" Carrot Seed. MANGEL WURTZEL. Also a full Stock of Durham, April, 9, 1879 Boot and: Shocmaker, LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STATIONERY and S€ROOL BOOKS, Always ou Hand. _ CALDWELT ALEX. LIVINGSTOXN. E.â€"1.~MCMILLLAX. OPF STATIONERY. Solicitor for Execators KIERNANX & HUGHSON HAVE IN STOCK: Owner dâ€"61 SUCH AS RCOERETT ul DC as PC aRAd 14 \ / gand finish, and at prices ns low as ABY other establishment m the couats. Those in need of Such Articles would do well to Tall and o "whe : Inspect My Stook. ROBERT McFARLANE, rYF*THE YERY PE3ST ) \ } wand finiwh and at .m--‘: |.\lé:r.’i§ l‘f._x_ Seed. Millot, Rangarian Grass, Tares &c., at lowost Market rates. See Cat«logue, DUR ELA NM Carriage Works. Aberdcen, Green Top and Purple Top Yellow, Devonshire Grey Stopc, and Carâ€" ter‘s Purple Top. Mammoth ; _ Mengelâ€" wurzel, Globe and Large Momunth, Beets, Cabbage, Carrots &e. &c. Clover & Timothy Carter‘s Imperial Hardy, 1879. ANNUAL 1879. IMPORTATION CLOVER AND TIMOTHY, At JAMES BURXETT‘S Seed Grain of all kinds on HAXND. Â¥ Y tomers for their patronage, wishes to inti mate that he hss just received a frash stock of To still receive the continued patronage of the GROCERIES \‘VIIII,E thanking his friends and cus tomers for their patronaga . wishes to inti Bangholm‘s Improved and And hopes by strict attention to business and PER STEAMER "SARDINTAX." Durham, March, 20, 1879, Sutton‘s Champion Swede s2D0% James Burnet, MEDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWXN mscriber is also Agent for All AKilzds of FARM IMPLEMEX T6 . crat "Wagons, etc., New Garden Seeds OF ALL KINXDS. TLow Prices OLF Seeds H. PARKER. Manufacturer of ROBERT MeFPARLANEF, public generally Including Derigaar y42 C ;.,,,.. LCE '-‘.“-‘;' ;'r':':u‘ CC Of Flfi.“g Repairing a Specialty . * Durham Compris Iver and Electro Plated CGieods, Gold and Siver Watehes, Ladic« and (ients® Wedding â€" andâ€" Engagement Hings, Gold Lookets: Charms Clhuins A benatiful line ot Clocke ) bigee dige shicidie snA 9 °404 . in PFirstâ€"Class Stvie. THaving had twonty #ra yoars oxperience in the business, he can guarantes nttlhca‘:u to those who may favow bim with their custom. Chopping Deme every Da;. Tlour and Feed for Sale. A comfortable Shed for WV . ) o 1»C D1 A | A'H, Watchmaker, 'FHE subscriber desires to inform the farmiug community of Glenelg, and surronndâ€" ma.’!'nwnlhvp', that he has roftred the abovg Mills, and is now prepared to do Spring and Summer Fashions reguins) received. Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canada Prosb Cheap for Cash, These Machinos are the bert made, and give entire l;fiulneho. to those nwing them. JOHN ROBERTSO*:, TAILOR AND CLOTIIZR, Sewing Machines For Sale, 'l‘HI'Z subscriber is prepared to Receivo and Make Up, on the shortest notice, and in the Latest Style, Men and Boy‘s Clothing. A good fit gunrranteod. Residence at the Old Post Office, Lower Town DURHAM. Hair "ntting and Shaving done c-\'vjv;_x: h-r‘r"rv. T widense and workshop noar the Public Fehoo meham Ducharh, Jan, 30, 1879 Flosherton, Docember 18, 1878 The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Skins. Hair "utting Shoemaker, No. 5, Garafraxa Stroct, LOWER TOWN, â€" â€" DUKRIHAM D. DAVIDSON‘8S, Dundalk. for which the highest market price will be paid. THOMA SMITH, Saddler, Tanner, WANTED |! 1,000 Cords of Dry Wood Glenolg, Feb. 1, 1879 Repairing done with nenatâ€" ness and despatch. Always on hund all kinds of Loathor of Nattve xn# Foreign Hrands at my Danmory . tiom. . The work is done by tnrkm;m :';fl'v-' se ru.:. as everyone admite that Joppe‘ Shoemakers canâ€" not be eurpassed . ¢ Justcall and soe imy "Eurcka Sh00" â€"somathiwe Orders left at J; W. Boulden‘s Hurness Shop, Dar ham, will receive prompt attenthon . ment 6f A 1 Tast, Contennial and French Box for gents‘ fine work. In sewed work 1 delyc ompoti I have now faciliti on for manufacturing as artiâ€" :h‘-.dmmumlho&m-tyduf-).mdb-n nwmmkon lmind, but all my goods are of the w y w out a liurge consign« mont of 41 fast Contenntai ana *pakp 10y Duzham, Nov. 4, 1878 NEW GOODS 'l‘nfl subscriber keeps ou hand no low u" Te oniiniawation the Tohy wons ana Sone fort of the Rockville Durham, Feb. 14, 1876 FAR PRICE AXD LIVIXG PRKOFIT,. ANLD 10,006 oushels of Wheat and other Grain at 4. €. JOPP. Rockville, Bentinck, March 1st. 1878. Durhamm, December 19th 1878, «niest Washion: Regniarly Received Purdy‘s Mills, Glenelg. Cutting done to Order. LL kinde of Sewing Maeninas rapaired ; also now Bewing Machines for sale, January 2, 1879 Alexander Robertson, TAILOR, CAsH FOR â€"HIDES. BOOTS AND SHOES. N@ _ Jaockets, Charme, Chams, Keys, Pencils, Pons, &c., &e. DURHAM Sr., DURHAM A few firstâ€"class BARCLAYH Gristing, &ke., OF Flesherton, torian Church. FREDERICK G. KNIGHT, Pomona P. 0 ~â€"ANDâ€" AT A large line of Fanâ€"y wure Uycilccasls L n of ALEX, ROBERTRON v€ W, F. DOLL. #1â€"51 y1 q 2Z o §

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