West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 8 May 1879, p. 4

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1f ; 1/ | t( Dr.Hagen has been making experiments which result in some possibly valughle sygâ€" gostions as to the best method of exterminâ€" ating insect pests. Beer mash or diluted veast should be applied either with a +yringe or with a sprinkler to house fiies, or other insects, and the fact that infested insects poison others with which they come in contact will be a great help. Of course it will be impossible to destroy all insects, but a certain limit to calamities may thus be obtained. In greenhouses the result would probably very well jostify a trial, and on currant worms and potato bugs the experiment would not be difficult, as the larvee of both inseects live upon the leares, whig! can casily be sprinkled. â€" The remeâ€" dy is very cheap, is everywhere to bo had, and if succossful would be really a benefit MEF 2A mds CuEmIeA purennaee, 6F RGVRECCS maoe ¢p The meetings of the Grand Tronk and A. C., Hanover, â€" | she came. CGreat Western Reilways of Canada were iiddl« "Yo, 26. A. McLELLAN, held in London on Tuesday. Sir H. Tyler, P tmâ€"t AgentatJ u chairman of the G. Tâ€" R., advocatod amalâ€" ‘h;‘:,h“ vod is AFry Hran Orrtce 14 Adelaide Street Fast.Torppip, i . he G. W. R.,| * «â€"â€"X. W. C. m can make faster at work for us gamation. â€" Mr. Clilders, of the G can money opposed amaigamation. â€"lioth gentlemen Arithmmctical Q@uestion No. 7. &f"m‘ c'.fi",..'q‘k‘.:. wili sail for Canada shortly. In what time will the The Discount of a -â€":‘f‘.,."’:.”mm‘""*-m overy: 8600 have been subscribed im Mo :.:|cotrin mm equal the Interest for one! _ 0 . hetnloroih it‘ Atarees Trer 6 Ca" Forest to the parchase ef a new cometery, year at T per cent. _ \Wy. Skous, Latona, (ONUTO®tare ‘ the Reformer, Messrs. Goldie & MeCulloch of the Dumfries Foundry, were on Saturâ€" «dlay last compelled to discharge some twenâ€" pyâ€"eight of their workmen. This, t10, notwithstanding the promiselaid out by N. ¥‘. advocates previous to the 17th of Sepâ€" tember last that Protection to the working From the parlor or roller skate has beon evolved a curions deivee called a pedomoâ€" tor. The apparatus is practically a sandal shod with wheels, and is designed to asâ€" sist the lame and halt in walking and the ordinary walker in making good time. The sandal is provided with four wooden wheels bound with rubber, two on each side, and when strapped to the boot gives the wearâ€" er a firm footing. â€" From the too projeots a point or supplementary toe, shod with rubâ€" per, and at the heel is a similar projection «Imost touching the ground and shod with leather. In using these wheeled sandals the ordinary walking step is taken, one foot giving the body a slight push with the pusher or toe, while the other foot rests flat on the four wheels. The result obtained is a greatly lengthoned stride as the sandal yolls forward under the influence of the push, and the walker practically gets over much more ground and with less exertjon than in ordinary shoee. ‘The pedometer is reported to give a good walker a speed of twelve miles an hour oyer good sidewalks, and while the apparatus may be regarded as a mechanical curiosity, it is worthy ot some attention on account of its. promises for the future. The roller skate was the result of innumerable inventions and paâ€" tents before it was perfected, and, in like manner, this wheeled sandal may lead in time to something of value.â€"Scribner. ‘ entirely of bread. The maker is a Peruvian, a pative Indian, and has devoted three years of his tirae to the construction of this curiosity. He was very poor, and hfi.{ without means to purchase the necessary motal deprive] himself regularly of a porâ€" tion of hit daily bread, which jBbe:.devofed to the construction of this euriosity, eating the crust and saving the soft part for his work. He made use of certain salt to solâ€" idify his material, and when the various picces were dry they were perfectly hard and insoluble to water. ‘The clock is of reâ€" spectable size, and goes perfectly well. Tae case, which is also of hardened bread, displays great talent in design and exeeuâ€" ly uuder the eye, as shall cause that part to be at least level with, if . not rather prominent over, the parts above and below it. Next pare away just the edges of the bark at the base of the shield, which is the name technically given to the outer strip of stem attached to & bud, Select an even pisce at the top of your stock, round which something can be tied freely, and make an incision right home to the wood, and then raise the edges of the bark very clearly, and wide onough to insure the certain adâ€" mission and passing of the shield of the bud to its full length, making a little eross eut about a third of an inch above and below the incission. Next slip the bud you have prepared tenderly into the stock so that it may slide under the lips of the long eut ; and when the eye is below the cross cut, take your knife and cut the upper projecting bit of bark quite level across, so as to make it rest accurately against the edge of the rind of the stock the bark of each thus touching the other. Then bind it all round with â€"soft but strong and pliable strip of wetted garden mat, about a quarter of an inch wide. Pass this round the back of the stock so that, as the ends meet, they will grasp and draw the edges of the bark over the newlyâ€"inserted bud, which must be left outside and free to «prout, while the piece of mat is wound round and round, over and belew, so that it entirely covers the space aperated on both above and beneath.. The aim.of this is to make every portion of the shield touch the sap wood of th» stock wishout woundâ€" ing the lissues, or forcing juice to ooze from them. 1{f the bud takes, it swellsand usually throws out leaves before autumn. â€"Little Folks. more hardy nature, and the: best for this purpose are good healthy stema of the common wild brisr. . You must so observe your stock, and the bud y >u interd transâ€" ferring to it, as to place them in suitable relative positions. Choose a twigon which the leafâ€"buds are not too far advanced, and detach one by passing a sharp knife from au inch or more below the eye to half an inch above it, just so deep as to insure the raising of so much of the wood, particularâ€" tion. How to Bu» Roses.â€"July is the best time for budding roses, and though this is rather a delicate operation, you may like to try your hand at it. A great many kinds of roses are strengthevned and imâ€" proved by being budded on stocks of a On account of the dullness of trade, Milan has a curiosity in & clock made A Guripus Clogls; ; ; , Riddle No. 25. I am composed of 10 l¢l:ers, My 3,2,1,4,is a very imporkan} excavation. * 8, 5, 6, 10, 2, 8, is a singing bird, t€ 1.6.l.q,hgd:uovmbypm{odo.- al men, °* ** 8, 9, 10, is a weight. "~6, 3, 4, 3, 5, 2, is a girl‘s name, And my whole is the name of an imporâ€" tant general distingnished in war between the years 1802 and 1846. * _ Charadeâ€"Weliington. Correct answer received to Arithmetic question No. 5.â€"25 oxenâ€"received from T. V., Bentinck. i Answers to Riddles _ Geographical puzzle No. 8. â€"During March, dressed in a full suit of Duek, and accompanied by my two friends, Johnston and Rosiere ; each of whom were armed with Swords, while I carried their Gunsâ€" proceeded in search of Buffalo. On the way we shot a Deer, a Goose and a Wesol. Not being successful in capturing the object of our search, I suggested that we would go and visit our Darling. My friends said Alright, so we at onee proceeded to their Home. ‘When wo arrived they were busâ€" ily engaged in roasting a Turkey in Greece. We told them to give us m Peace of it, which they very kindly did, together with Almond, Oyster, and Rye bread. â€" After partaking heartily, we gave each of thom & Pearl, and after saying Farewell to them, came home feeling as well as ever we did since the day we were Borgne, ite .1.‘.‘ valuation $1,673,5690. of Fergus to sign "the pledge." " High Gonstable Klipper, of Berlin, has been appointed Government Detective for the Province of Ontario. ‘There woere ffâ€" teén applicants. Mr. Andrew John Mclntyre has been fined $8 and costs and is bound in $490 to keep the peace for assaulting the edftor of the Renfrew Mercury. A few dars ago a young man named Patterson, aged 17, who resides with his father, a vellâ€"toâ€"do farmer of the township of Windsor, was accidentally© hanged. â€"It seems that he had been engaged boiling suâ€" gar during the day with a young cousin, for whose amusement he performed a numâ€" ber of tricks. He at length announced in jest that he was going to hang himself, at the same time taking a rope from the sap bucket which he had been carrying ; he tub, maaking one end of the rope fast to a Leam overhead. Hardly had he succeeded in tying the rope, when the tub upset, susâ€" pending the unfortunate young man by the neck. He made several attempts to extriâ€" cate himself, and even succeeded in getting his knife from his coat pocket, which he, however, was unable to use. His little cousin, unable to do anything himself, ran for assistance, but before it came life was The story is told of a clergyman, that after preaching an interesting sermon on "The recoguition of friends in heaven," he was aceosted by a hearor, who said :â€""I like that sermon, and now I wish you to proach another on the recognition of peoâ€" ple in this world.: I have been sttending your church three years, and not five perâ€" sons have as much as bowed to me in all that time." from Mr. Hortop‘s filour and feed waggon on the 22nd ult., and a wheo! passing over his leg broke it in two places. Miss Burnston tumbled on a dilapidated sidewalk in Dundas a short time ago. She was pretty severly injured, but balim has been poured on bruises by the courts deâ€" A large hill at Veas, in the Province of Jaen, Spain, caved in last week, demolishâ€" ing five houses. Thirty persons were killed and fourteen injured. Trour fishing legally commenced yesterâ€" diy. He had been looking forward with fond anticipations of a good day‘s sport on the first of Mav. Hegot up bright and early, when lo, and behold, the earth had again donned her winter garb. But notâ€" withstanding this, he was not going to be beat out of his day‘s fun. So he put bimâ€" selt inside of two big Ulster oyercoats and a huge pair of woollen mitts, and armed with four fish lines and m gross of hooks, pole, about a gallon of fishâ€"worms and & suspicious looking black bottle, he started out to entrap the finny beauties. He reâ€" turned in the evening ; the bottle was empty but he was comfortably "full." On our enquiring as to his luck he told us he only caught two. We wished to see them but he said that he had put them in again. By a rigid crossâ€"cxamination we ascertainâ€" ed the truth of the matter, which was that one let go before he got him to the top of the waterâ€"and the other one didn‘t bite. He now yotes troutâ€"fishing on the 1st of May, a delusion and a smare ; but he has one consolationâ€"if the fish didn‘t bite, neither did the black flies nor musquitoes. â€"Editor Markdale Exzpositor. A letter from Zauzibar announces the arâ€" rival of Henry M. Stanley, the African exâ€" plorer, with M. Dutalis, the officer in comâ€" mand of the Belgian expedition, in Africa. fitted it around his neck,..and mounted.a ciding that they must pay her $160 for Aus. to No. 20â€"Faith, Hope & Charity. nesessed valuation $1,678,690. _ An iHicit still has just been discovered GANADIAN ITEMS. Midden Leith. * + @ ++â€" +4 + Hanover and +. Augneta, Maine, t@"Mertgages nnd other Real Katate fe; curitice purchnerd, or ndrances made g7 (LIMITED) OFFEBS to Lend Money on Farm, City and Town Property, on the following Liberal Terms, viz.â€"8 per cent. per annum, Intorest payâ€" wble Rauwâ€"yEanry, NOT IN ADVANCE, “Nfi cent. rcr annum, Interest payable YEARLY IN ADVANCE. Capital authorized by Charter, §5,600,000. Pnr«ie®t: Sir Alex. T. Gojp, Viceâ€"Prestoext: A. H. Campbe}}, Esq. DirEcrors: His Honor D. A. Macdonald, Lieut.â€" Gov. of Ont.; Hon. John Sitpson; Hon. 5. _ Vick‘s Hlinstrated Monthiy Magazsineâ€"32 Pages, a Colored Plate in every number and many fine Engravings. Price $1.25 a year ; Five Copies Fiv® CEXT Staxr for a Fromat GUIDE,containing List and Prices, and plenty of information, Al:l‘- _ Muckay; G.1,, Beardmore, _ Enq.; Wi. Ince, Esq. BANKERs The Rank of Montreal ; The Canadian! THE BRITISH CANADIAN Loan and Investment Co., Night of mm‘i Thursday on or before u moom in each month. T. Carson, See. Night of moo! Tuesday on or before full moon of chen monep. Tiaunk boathren" wooing." A ‘Town Hallâ€"open every Friday evening from 7 to 9 o‘clock. Bhares $1, annual feoe 50 cents, Alexanâ€" der Robertson, Librarian., Services nerr Sabbath at 10:30 a. m. and 630 p.m. Babbath School at 2:30 l; tn. | Prayer meoting every Thursday evening nt o‘clock, and Bible Class every Mondry evening at § o‘clock. Pastor Rev. R. Godfrey. 8 g m,; Weduesday evening, Bible class at 8 |‘v m Thursday evening, roguiad prayer meeting at 8 pan Thomas Lauder, l\c;i:stnr‘ John A. Munro, Deâ€" putyâ€"Rogistrar. . Office hours from 10 a. m. to 4 p.m. Office hours froni8a. m.to 7 p. m.. Arch. Mcâ€" Kencie, Postmaster. â€" + MONEY : SAVED Divine Service ."7 Babbath at 11 a. m. and 6:30 p.m. Sabbath School nt 2:30 Â¥ m. Prayer meeting overy Wednesday evening at 7:30. Bible Class every Thursday evening at 7:30. Rev, Wm, Park, pastor. W. Grant, pastor, Sunday Serviccsâ€"proach ing at 11 a. m.; Babbath fSchool st 2:30 p. m.; Preaching at 7 p. m. Week evening Borvicesâ€" Monday evening, young peoples‘ fn{er mocting at 8 p. m, ; Weduesday evening, Bible class at 8 p. m DRY GOODS and GROCERIES At J. H. HUNTER‘S. Immense stock of Staple Dry Goods. G@roceries &c., Sabbath services at 11 a. m. and 7 q.’ln. Sunday School at 2p. m. Rev. H. B. Wray, B. A., pastor Church Wardens, H. J. Middaugh and Elias Edge, I beg to inform the public that shortly before the increased duties under the "National Polisy" tariff I purchased an As all kinds of ust sh in * lices baving already advanced onmnr;qdnm.:i?uvmn:‘:y’ luyh.“:o‘; at * 3 June, August, Octoner and December. Primroseâ€"Wednesday _ preeeding the Orangeville Fair. Orangevilleâ€"The @nd Thursday in each month. Flesherionâ€"Monday before Orangeville. Dundalkâ€"Tuesday l{efore Orangeville. Shelburneâ€"Wednesday before Orangeville, Marsvilleâ€"Second Wednesday in each manth. Walkertonâ€"The last Wednesday in each DURHAM DIRECTORY Durhamâ€"Third Tuesday in each month. Pricevilleâ€"Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durham. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in each month. Guelphâ€"First Wednesday in each month. Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph, Eloraâ€"The das.bq(oro Guelph. Douglasâ€"Monday before Elora Fair. l{umjlton_â€"Cyntul_ Palace Grounds, the NOW is the time to buy a GATTY of that Choice Japan Tea at 45¢c. put up in & day after Guelph. Berlinâ€"First Thursday in each month Bramptonâ€"First Thursday in each month. Listowelâ€"First Friday in each month. Fergusâ€"Thursdayfollowing Mount Forest. Roseimnontâ€"Fifteenth of February, April, month. Mildmay â€" Last Wedncsday of cach Vick‘s Mcede are the best in DURHAM LODGE No. 306 OF A. F. & A. M. Darkaw, April 2nd, 1879. month. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. NOW is the time to buy a PIECE of GOOD CHEAP FACTORY COTTON. PRINTS FROM 5e. PER YARD UP. FACTORY COTTONS From 5¢. per yard By the Piece. TEA FROM 206. PER POUXND. Vick‘s Floral Guide. &ATT BPTCSRTOMTL, NCMR EOM son lm‘.l George Gre Eq:! Donâ€" d‘nlquhy.;_’(}.man‘knun, * i Tor & sonp) in 4, or ce rots, in Germien PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MECHANICS® INSTITUTE. C. METHODIST CHURCH. 8. 6. REGISTRY OFFICE, DURHAM L. O. L. No. 632. BAPTIST CHURCH. And intend offering them at the old LOW Prices fer 80 davs. TRINITY CHURCKH JAMES VICK, Rochester, N, Y POSBT OFFICE J.â€"H.â€" HUNERS. Grass seed, GCarden Seeds & Turnip seed POXT FORGET TO BUY EARLY AT BY BUYING A GOOD STPPLY OF Very TCheap. for 10 cents. J. H. HKUNTER‘t. For Sale by all Druggi ’“ i mml Buy It â€" T.J. B. some for a cold in my head T. J. B. Hanpr®c. F. Me?v?nc. Ont. Dran Sin.â€"It is now two years since your "Conâ€" ;Ihflonlcmrrh Remedy ‘ was introduced to me. h:onhodfi‘hhnbmfljho;’n““woau reâ€" as at first the happy ol!ocuu& te metobe "tog good to be true.! I was ray head for Ytfifl. I pocted it to be Eg‘&g‘_h reading !%?& With the Circular Baw against all kinds of Saw Logs during 1878, Thousands Appland its Wonderful Cures. Hear what a Reverend Sentloman gays of the Constitutional Remedy. Custom Sawing of Lumber AND SHINGLES, done at once, and cheap, to suit the times. SHINGLES, LATH AXND LUMBER en hand and sold at down hill prices. J. W. CRAWFORD, Rockville Mill«, Durham P. 0. J. W. Bouldens‘ Light Harness, Trimmings, Whips, etc. NO ARMILSTICE THE Subscriber begs to imform the pooâ€" slo of Dundalk, and vicinity, that be is still Parod 15 tac 2 EK M OR ARON into any shape thnptu!'-ney or Necessity may dcmlmi That Bar of Iron. \J.‘B. HAarorxc, Dominion Ageut, Brockâ€" ville, Ontario. WA y 8\.‘” riz:g.t"l:lh Methodist Minister, sk for Littlefield‘s Constitutional Catarrh ___ Remedy and take No Other. Durham, July 4,1878. December 16th, 1878. Bentinck Feb. 14,1878. A sense of duty to sufferers from that loathsome sease, C me to send this Cerâ€" icate, nmfig‘woh nur what use ityonmyhom.,_ U _ He has Declared a War; _ ____ And set the hammer, vice aad file, To fight against the Bat, And when Pwadalk began to strive Bo like the Morning Star, His Hamwners with redoubled force, And now within that lively Town, To suit al} Grades and Ranks of en _ No matter who they are, No matter who "::i’ aro, ' That want a job made strong with Irom, He‘ll bind it with a Bar. A Bar of Iron in Norval‘s hands, Will shine to please the Czar Bo if you want an anchor made, Ho‘ll form it from a Bar. _ His Iron came in a Car; _ Yot still without advance in price Joehn Norval struck the %u. But times anon Lk snnfi inhuict t ta Psnnd Ad eV tood many a blast and held his post And mur. things from a Bar. And when the times were out of joint, And cash as scarce as spar, He nover failed to strike a Nail, And form things from a Bar. For favors past, to Patrons he From early morn till dewy eve, John Nerval‘s door ‘s d.ar. And if you want a Needio made, He‘ll form it from a Bar. And hopes they ever wi He‘ll Kn lha’m tx'omi| When Seas were rough and days were dar War, War‘! Came down upon the Bar. Catarrh Remedy AT A R R CONSTITUTIONAL CALL AND SEE bfin- to mend in a Car; CATAR JOHN NORVAL, jlacksmith, Duxvac«. at only one Dollar Wry It! Â¥1 Â¥he Subcriber is agent for the sale of the celsbrated MOWER manufactured by the 1 TORONTO REAPER & MOWEK COMPAKY, ALSO Note and Book Accounts collccted on reasonable terms, OFFICE : At Kiernan & Hughson‘s Stara Lawa. Ta._ Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlay & Stewart‘s Improved Gang Ploughs,. &c The Subcriber AGRICULTURAL HARDWARE STORE, The subscriber begs to inform the vpulolic that he has a large Stock of STOVES and TIN WARE, which will be sold Particular attention paid to Eavestroughing. Cash for Sheepskins Agent for the Superior Broadcast Seeder and Drill. Also the CGalloway Sulky best Sulky rake in the Dommion, ‘This is the place to buy your hardware if you want to got the best value for your money. At The DURHAM FOUNDRY. A. COCHRANE. Bar Iron, Glue, Springs, Axles, Patent Arms, Horse nails KK*"We respectfally inform all who are indebted to us that their accounts ar> ready, and we must insist on payment this month. STOVES AND TINWARE | Spades,Shovels and Manure Forks &¢. &c. cheaper than ever. MOWAT‘S ISs THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP HARDWAKE. Fall & Winter Goods now Complete. Fashionable Stock of Mantles and Ulsters at very low prices Another Lot of those Wonderfully Cheap T‘weed Suits, for $8.50 per suit, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats & Caps, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Cheaper than ever for Cash, Giving Away, Giving Away! CHEAP FOR CAS H 0OR CTRAE Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves. _ MOWATS Durham, April 2nd, 1879. SEE GANG PLOUGHS Purkare, April 4, 1878. Durham, Feb. 26th, 1878. Durham, October 10, 1878, Darham, March 26th, 1878. Durham, January, 1879, NAILS General Blacksmith‘s Supplies, HINGES Land Rollers JOHN CAMERON HASTIE & GRANT‘S. He would particularly call the attention of the Ladies to his SCREWS ._JOHNSTON, Jr., , Agent for the sale of all kinds of JOS. F. MOWAT, LOWER TOWN, Announces his Stook of CARPENTER‘s TOOLS PAINTS JUST RECEIVED. Accounts collected on reasonable terms, & Hughson‘s Store, Lower Town DURKAM. IMPLEMENTS, â€"â€"AT.«.. AND Lower Town, DURHAM. YARNISHES JOIMK CAMERON. T. A. HARRIS, yA y1 MOST APPROVED KINDS ‘ M“.MW“M can depend upon being satisfied hy leavirg And with the Groatest Promptitud s READING MATTER, The Large and rapidly increasing Ciren. Job Department, Having lately mnde an addition to our Possessos great Facilities for doi in whe Townships of Glenelg, Bentine Normandy, Egremont, Proton, Artemesi Osprey, Melancthon and other Town ships makes it one of the Is now fitted up in the very best style, and @Grey Review," "Grey Review" Good Family Newspaper Bost Mediums for Best Style of the Job Work Price $1.25 per Annum, K=POsSTAGER FREE T! e offiee is furnished with LOCAL AND FOREIGXN should subscribe for the If not paid in advance. In the County of Grey, OF THE LATEST NVORXK,. done in the very us their orders, Al. who want a lation of the pProprirtoP Eic Durham, â€" â€" X" , Durham, Co. Groy, Ont. Money reasonahle jnterest, pavable half courl end of the your Tflndm prvable im venrs â€"or F{E"lr_'- and | interest vear of all kinds done to order on Any Person Wanting Mone Capital ©£500,009, Sterl or to Till be at Hasti day and Friday JjJOREPH F. MC English & Scotist No fine For fart VETERINARY SURGEO Cabinet Maker AGENTS, READ THIS \\'II will pay Agents a Salary of ® per month and expenses or allow a bange We remmare! t his Mb M noar the Post Doors Vetorinary . 5: ( * r"ADCATE I _ Collego. Toror Hugh Mose‘s Bimcks p. m. . Orders will ino Darham. April 170 D vorsttv, Mon Drag Store, 1 We inean what we say. Sumy SHERMAN & 0O Ofthsasâ€"Poulott Bound, and every ALFRED PRO8 Hounty Crown Dondalk, Mur W arsou Bros. Carpenters and Builders AJ &e. Ofice, on Bank Union«st.. Owe ]‘A RRISTE1I Solicitors in &4 Premont, Jan Dan{aik. M INVESTMENXT COMPANXY, (I UPHOLSTERER 1 Do You Want Money. ‘ MacRAF, REAL ESTATE AGEX Advertisements, excent when a by written instrotions to the o« inserted naotil forndden, and cha alar rates, *RADUATE Â¥ lage, Torontn deaths, and all kinds « bree of charge. STRAY ANJM AL8, weeks for 81, the ady need 8 lines. Do, #ix month > y Do, three months y Casaal advertisements charged 8 Line tor the first imsertion, and 2 ota for e«ch #ubsequent insertion One columa, Thrae inches do. per year Quarter column, per year Malf column., ++ and Il‘d.r, per _\‘v.-l,v meÂ¥ wl f“m or 24 lines Nonpariel meas TERMS:â€"§1.00 per year in Adv ##. $1.25 if not paid withintwo mon BUSINESS DIRECTO At the Ofice, Garafraxa Street, U pj EEveory Thurs=sd "THBE REVITE retessional and business carnis, one in *‘. 2. NIXC»}}%. Garateexe Mtmoes. WCBEA M DJ RADCTATTE MISCELLANEOU®. Geoa. J., Matthows, rfor4 E. D. MACMILLAN ARRISTER, ATTORNEY per Town, Durham , Out . McFAYDI ARRISTERS FF ADI Wood Turning RATES OF ADVERTISIX NOe LE & an & . Whabm® vught and Sold Frost REMOVAL Of MEDICAL. ip‘s Hot from 10 PMNDALF notices of # * D UR 20 0N of Or WaA‘Tl TY t, Dorkhan RMAX M ds#A ie ARTHR & Frost. at J. TOWNSEX m nar darwh W t ment i A KE F mar 9A

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