West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 22 May 1879, p. 4

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ti TI H Vi. 3! 1 Tm van I wanting an other day , in Munch-hr to and" Main 3 consum- l "ofeatiso. Th-sive-hed. ltie'“: roped to cloth” Thisumndelih‘ . cm- .M ha it a. wholly . cold. " We”. Itineo-otinuuidthnt bor m be: nod: for Wig. e . lute-ion! h which ,redo notgivooheorty "i or "a,“ " can... . and: st animated-W.” or how ht, bin": " nonoy. But when it is a do toot chriatiaarity he done much br oom- w m. all willdo much - in the fir ton than it inn-done in the put. w.rordi. or, All, eodone the abutment. We“, Man. L' about“ prepon- building . runway into atrieasotrrmru.inussauu" soon ditty tt aiirm. a.lum. Livinptono and Stanley u have -leted their work and ennui o t: good reputotion. which will go down tbro' n the we. The woy but been pointed out, a and emotion". u altered to Christianity ' and column”. We nudist tho merchant: n on doing. Whot or. the divine: about , Thom thin. to be done with I rouge is t to introduce him to Jesus Cliriit, who will , clothe him in his right mind all give him but tho original mug. in which he wu t mot-d. After this change the moncy- , hunter: ef “ugliest" and Lowell will huil I hill . you»). follow-crootnre. Fifty "ar- " I nil-my to promote material _ things; we thank] he" at but one hun- drod millions for the overluting interests of the m. It looks M it our modern rhophonh of tho flock did not fully com- prehend the tank given by their Lord and Muster. uthorwin they would not be put on with cut-off clothes and second-hand boob " tho missionary. Wanted, from tho Southern Ichooln o few your: hence a t‘muuid oolorod young men to go in clerk- oI ms- to Mind. nod tiv. thou- uni men to go " minionorier. The" will have utunl end recognized purport: into the hurt of Africa. Young men, get ready tur this oienimr--N. Y. Winner. At the Dumus County Assizes, on the Mrd alt, John Binnie w" foend guilty 01‘ maintain", in killing J turob T. Schwerd- l Uger, and "mound to ten years in the psnitentUrr, Tho Strutord Herald argues that the Nutionnl Policy is n great means; because it has "sured a great my mechanics to adv-nil. for Iztunliona. Nico argument. Bat do “no, get an situations t On Wake-any I boy of about 14 you-s, named Gray, "skiing in Scott. Ontario county, whilst driving I hone, rolling II Mid. can. in contact with . stone, throw- ing the boy found, nod the roller going our tum killed him. At the poet-mortar» examinntio: upon the body on the mm found in a hotel yard in Petorborotttth, and who was supposed to hue been “floated in I nonuro heap, the doctors discovered a fracture At the base of the brain, extending from the left ear back. wu'dl, that four inch”. Bay. uremia Observer s-ian" it lur- wining how the Provincial Loeches fasten upon the Dominion Tumour, under Tory rule t Ruth British Columbia getting‘ "raeitud" with increued expenditure ; Manitoba gettiatt on extra pull of subaidr; and Xewfonndhmd laid to be ready to tako hold if we will only build them I trans- insular mike}. A Tory is the most gen- erous mum rtvisttt--witlt other peoplo'g Millions for Africa» money. Shelled Beacon r-When the bogus epoetlee of economy who lulled the electors In turn Mr. Move“ Govemment out and put them in their plume. are referred to tho nun-gen“ which reigns atpreme at on"... they the”: newer, "We no not respoulihle for the Ottawa Government." Well, if the Opposition Are not responsible " the Government at Ottawa mu. “by hold Mr. Morrst responsible for the Gov. ernment at on". a year ago , Semi: 06m"? ..--ru Outario oppouir tion occupy . peculiar attitude in the elee. tunl temp-ism They hue no policy to em: the eouutty me u reaSon why they‘ elnould be installed in Mice ', Bor huvo they en, chug” of eorruptioa or of neglect of public laureate. to bring new“ the Gov. "met. Their policy, if it can be called . 90501.8! merely I-negntive, as functions orrositioa to uh which on mail merit. they are unable to condemn. A sandman who bu spout noun days in the region of tho coal-oil wells, in Penn- sylvania, any: thst in hu qdnion the gov- arian-u! ought to interUro u onco, and pm I stop to hsrthrr pumping and borirg tor,0'tt. IN in quite "rtain tho oil is being drawn throutrh thou In“: from the bear. 'ha 6 tunic: or Gnu-r Cum On tTusnruto Yum Loo.- Lindon in 1778 had even then a larger popului m than any other city. although tha numb“ of Its in- human“ In. only 930,000, and was said to be decreasing. Pekin came nest, with n decreasing porn'nlion of 900,000. Parisl had In inc-reusing payulntiou of 823,276. whilst Rum. fullowod with 790.11”. Next to Rome can. Constantinople vim 700,000, 53d Alexuudxia with 670,000. Moscow had - Must. nnd St. Mnburg 850430. The population of land was 350430, and M of Whom only 96,000. Berlin i In». -tioned at d]. not in View In. " I” an» American cities. ing of the "rth's “in. CANADIAN ITEMS. Immine- or P-s-A room with} pm in it and s mm without piston-i m by but}! u muchu a: room with will." n-l . man without windows; " funn- no 'oop.houn of - to the ‘56“). it India-Icono- Bod uphon. ,rhae an buy " u manhunt my real. ..-.~ in. and that the out): win: the lubrication Ringing for 387‘ Water-Wr- A good story is told of. "than!” I!» w» .pgmnger in I wilful 01pm tmin snd became thirsty. _ , "Wh.re's ttW. no boy that ha pt il" water an t" he unwind of hit next migh- bor. "m In: [on- Iorwml to in. km“! ma," In tU “ply. ( “Wnl. Wye "pp“. I kin ttst him buck hm path: C “Certainly." said tho other, and he nod. a-., inn-rd the bell lino that run than "Willy." “id th. ol and towsrd tho boll lino their lands. A No Booty" said than done. Before may one could prevent it Rustic in! Mixed We lino and gum it a monoxide-I [ml]. - -.._ ....- fi __ The commune. was It once obvious tl, mm mm whistles qrqro baud. but. itog. l en bnkeunen rm to thoii posts, and an tmin came to I stamhrtil1 with s unlaw- [nun that and“! half an pan-033m with astonishment, and etturod every man no" a window to hoist it and see what mu “10‘ manor. In a few minutes the eondmtor. rd and excited, can). foaming into tho car to know who pulled the line. I “Hero. muter, this way; I'm the smut," shouted the oiremur,ilrawiztg all eyempon him. you do it for t" 'Col I wanted some nun.“ "Wanted some um t" [ "Sartin ', I wanted the water b y, and ‘my patdmr hero in the sent Slit] I'd better Iring tor him as they do at the hotel, nu! no I yanked 1h. rcpt, Will ha ha along I mu t And brand-by what in thunder be you stoppin' for t" The them of Imam" that greeted thu) hone" confouion vu too much for tho con- dnowr, who 1nd to watt till he got his train and» vny before ho uphinod the myth:- ios of the boll rope to this truly "that customer, The Unitnd States public debt increased 91,905,216 during April. To think kindly of “on other is good. to weak kindly of ”mother in better, but to so: kindly one towards another is best of ali. “You t" laid the conductor. "What did A book agent was knocked down by I street-ear tho other day, and two Ibull passed own- his check. The out is laid up, pending repairs. "h man," mid one of the Jerwisltifuhtrrs, should be prepared for death the day bo. day is he should always be preparot’." for. ; but as he do" not know when that “You must recollect that all I have just been telling you blpponod on: thous- 3nd eight hundred Ind seventy-11in. your: ago." Sally '. "Lor', mils, how the time do dip awtry." An Irish gentleman having a small pic- ture-room, several persons desired to no it nt on. time. "Faith, gentlemen," said he "if you ill go in, it will not hold you." “Are these a“: poached t" inquired a customer of th colored restaurant-keeper, at In Alabama station. “You, uh," topliod Samba. “an ir-dat the Chicken Wat laid 'em war." in bone“ Hibernian, in reeotnmendintt a cow, said she would give milk your me: year without having calves. "Became,” said be, it runs in the brado; furshe came of a cow that never had a calf. A paintar'n sppreutiets (all " I "attoid with a pot of paint in each hand. m mu taken up inseunible but u soon n he was restored to eot.seiottstus" murmured, "I went down with flying colors, anyhow" A pan-boy having driven a gentleman . long stage through torrents of rain, the gen- tle-Ian said to Paddy, “Are you att very vol t" "Arrah, I Jou't care shout being wot; but, plaza yer honor, l'ttt very dry." It is 1seartmuulittg to make such correc- ti, m, but it is very necessary sometimes. "In wanking of the president of our local bank last waek," my: a country journni, " “Ho Ikoddadlod" Nome read "His Schedule." su yo, Doclhor M----! How are yer. l" "rm very well," replied the doctor. rather dryly. "And when did '" com. to Paris t" “Last week. But how do you come to knmi mo t" "Give In. t sIril1ine,and I'll (all yet." The doctor, curious to know how the fellow. found his name out. gum him the shilling, and was nnsworod by the Irishman ; “Sure. than, I saw your name on young [ umbrella." Loan, tontt . No. "-outevuw."--H. McCormick, Bentinck. and D. McKinnon. Lntona. 'kUerr"-wwingtost, tio.g6--Eitsmirs. my. Ans. to Arithatetiesl questions, No. 6-- 17,280 miles trialled by ship going north, So. 7--309 and eleven twentieth any, or one Ind seven one lmudreth years. N. W. C., Bantinek. Riddles. M No. Mt l I in: composed of tive letters. My first is in Mary but not in John, " second in in Ontario but not in Qlo'boc. " third in in crowd but not in none, " foart is in ship but not in wmk, " fifth is in Eu but net in Adam, And my whole in the name of an annual. t “emails. other. I, 3n Animal. a, " Iain-1,8,!!! Wild, 4, . ton in Raunchy. 5 u but. AM Quak- No. s. ', A drove: pad 076 tur “In. and show, paying a nylon (or ealve. and a for sheep ', he sold one, gunner of his all". And “to fifths uf his may to: 028 Mid lost 8 pct eons on tin-it cost. How DID, of .eac'u'dinl ho‘pm‘ehm t . N. W. C. Two usetartiti2i, nutty "lam! to sub Aziswek io Riddles. s,-.oaidL aueurm---D. Me. Bentinck, Ind D, McKinnon, La. has not iie 'muextndifs tho - u him bark BY BUYING A uuuu 0.....- - DRY GOODS and GBQGEBIES , At J. H. HUNTERS. =-c==.rcsrrr-r==-="= Ibegtoiuform the public tint shortly before the iuereased duties were in . , under the ”National Policy" mm I Purchased an . posed _ Oh' THE W"'"”" - ---' Immense st. ck . TUB-1'1? ml of The - and“: A di f a tri,. Sttaple J,tLt"tt, ' (:rIZGGneS &c., swans, YELLOW ABERDEEN,deKI1‘1 n an en o mug om at: so his“ or 0 an. . ‘Vlnite Belgian (Darn "mm-L wtm'rZEL. Mao u tull so As all kinds of good: must shortly go up in price, " _., -..,.u.a, mun): will save mm: NOW in the time to buy a CArry of that Choice Japan Tin CauldV. Glover seed, - - "iiiouth. inosoetion--' muuulk--'11 1'tbtFuterb"""""f""1.' . . . ., .. ihtndaig--'i'uesrlrs.y before oraugeville. 'I 'Giburms---Wrsdvet11ey before Orange-ville. inrsvor--scusond Wednesday in each mouth. Waiurton--TIte last Wednesdny in each mouth. Mildmay - Last Wednesday of each mouth. Wsturton--' mouth. Mildmny - 1 mouth. NOW is the time to buy a PIE! DURHAM DIRECTORY Services - M1matn M. um: n. r, Sabina; iiiGol " all y. m. Prayer Thnndny Honing tyr t u'uluck. an every 8tirsfUy eve-mug at ' o'clock lifiiiniliror Durham, April 2ud, ms. BAPTIST CHURCH. l W. Grant, pastor: Sunday twrvtues---preaete ing M. u a. m.; sabbath 5011001 " 2:30 p. m.: Preaching u t p. m. Week evening Berviecs- Monday ovunluu, young peoplen' Prayer meeting at a g. m. ; Wedster.rltsr evrnlug, nit, Ct chm: M. a p. m T My "suing. rogumi Prayer meeting " Span k. G. REGISTRY OFFICE. Thoma Laud". il,.ttt,tJt,"i' John A.Munro,IIe- purr-.Brseuth". tttbw mm; um: 10 I. m. to “mm. Town nun awe-1| awry Friday 0‘ 9 o'eioeh. Shams at]. Annual we ao dc: Bohemian. Lmruritut. MONTHLY C AT TLE one» hour- frames. m. In q p. m. Kenna, Powtuitbwter, DURHAM 1.0mm No. mgr A. F, “La-n...” ....., _ - - Night of meeting, Tum-hay on or before fall moon of each moutts. VL-aiting Menu-nu welcome. a, Vollet, W. M. R. W, Bummer, Secretary. 9111mm LODGE No. mo i.b.on/. Ni ht of 't',t)l"Wf.'s, Munduy In 7:30 (it-lock. in the 'ii',lt Followu' all. Visiting: brethren welcome. ' L Karin. N. G. W. B. Vollot, Sec. DURHAM L. o. L. No, mg. Night ot month? Thursday on or before u moo"istrtoaettusout . 'r.t'mrson,tbee, A beautiml work of 100 Pages, One Colored flower Plsulwd aoo ummuoun, with 's-tsept-tref m. -- A‘V-A.».mh\..- “.41 an- mam“ mum Pl‘u Illa-ll) A""N"re"'"e"r n......--_. . W," but. GGG iyiiyyWe.be,'.eet new to grow mum. [ All tor a In): CMT h'mm'. In laugh-h or German. . The - uni "egalablr (Burden, 175 Page-Jib: colored Plum-s. mud mlny huudmu En- grainy. For at mats in [minor covers; 31.0011: alog-un-luch. In tbortuNrtor my“ h. View: I'll-I'll!" Menu-Iv Mug-shear] Puma. ll Colorml Pluto in every number and mun) l nna Iu'ngrtrvingty Prim 81.15 " year; Five Copies dor $5.00. Specimen Numb”: sum. tor " cents. View: he!» "Omaha-4J1: tue world. Send Fm: CIST STAMP tor a meu ovuteonttsittiug bin and Prices, and plenty at Inlurmauou. Ad- It V Ind Town rr()pcrn3,uu um, .u..v..._,, -....-.... To: ml. vis.:4 per cent. par mum. Inherent pay. sttto mum-um“. NOT IN ADVANCE. a; G, when”; 919m, Interest payable YEA”! N] T cent. war annun TN 'dfh'rdE Capital Internal by Chant-r, $5,000.00? . mummy-r: sir Alex. new. "ICE-PWDHNT: A. u. Cmpbon, EM]. mammal: an Honor v. A. Indonud, Liout.. Gav, of Out.; Hon. John “Tun; Hon. B. C. Wood, Provi-'rrtuer; WI ttun Thom- mn. Esq; Deena Graig, En; Don- nm Manny Elmo! Gordon I him-kw l Cir. More. I Esq; Wm. Inert, Esq. ( Runn- The Bank ot Manual; Tho Canaan l link of Commerce. Ho “My? 'Y,' by spacial rgrtrl'ill' In" q eg- o m)- prlnc we. sum Indpu and: than may plane. whrthrr the mm.» be Ite?eh', in one nun or by hum- - - ., W-s--- -..-.... " nnm an smuuhtl BO new... uni other Ital In". '59. umlc- WOW." adv-mo mic " (usuTrm) ‘FFERS to Lend Money on Farm. City and frown Property, on the follori’ng when! - --- ---. - --_..... " grunt “at. MONEY SAVED ___.__,__ 'f goal: mun shortly go up in pride, many line: having al"aAt' advanced. all who require goods will save mono. h; Wing no" at Samarium FBI-SSE? Vick’s Floral Guide. C. METHODIST CHURCH, THE BRITISH CANADIAN n and" Investment 00., iirGi.ciusr INNTtrUTF, lawuuyuy..-.-._ N" - Tin Caddy. a time tu buy a PIECE of GOOD CHEAP FACTORY COTTON. PRINTS FROM 50. PER YARD UP. FACTORY COTTONS From lie. per yard By the Pine. TEA FROM 20c. PER POUND. d, Grass seed, Garden Seeds 8: Turmp seed Monday Lef‘mf Ornngp‘illo. TP, ly IT'A' CHO BCH, a be ',,tttr,ttdt in one nun a! by unw- Intere- cauol n on. on ummuu Io "A. McLELLAN, Sabbath M. 10:11] A. m. suid6:30 p.tu. " an r. m. Prayer mowing awry nu on. t n'ltIIIL‘k. and mm (JIM! waning at ' o'clock. Pastor Rev. porn or'Fictt mi t 3mm. muse. Kerr 4; Boyd. “ANA’Jll: J. Tmbnll. in BUYING A GOOD JAMES VICK. Boettostor DOST FORGET TO BUY Pridsy evening trom 7 to nu] we so conu. Alexan- FAIR‘E. 01"' Cheap. IIUN'FER‘S' Sum!“ That Bar of Iron. Me. TM gttbseriber begs to inform tho Pt " dDImdn‘kJnd vicinuy. that he in “All ',f,,IT on tho Trade at tourlratisitispyr, and u pre- raa66.tibttu3, A [All " IRON into nnv “up. can Funny " Nocouity any “mun! Fm:- “I?! mom till drrwy no. John onIl'I door ’I toss, And if you want . Needle undo, 3611mm: it trom I But. For tavon put. to Patrons he Rom: thunklulnwu at Prrr; And hope, they ever will belion “all mil than tron I Bur STPPLY op NO ARMLSTICE With tho Chen!“ a“ main". all klndt of Saw has: during 1878. l SHINGLICS, LATII AND LUMBET on hand And sold It down hill prices. J. W. CRAWFORD, l Roekville Mills, Durham P. O. ! Bentiuck Feb. “.1578. " Wmn Ben were rough and any. wore an: Jul-n Naval. like I Tu. (and any a bust In t held m. poat And m 0 things trom I Du. And when the timely were out of ioisst, And and: M II‘MUO as war, no levur miled to trtrike I Nail, And form things trom I Bar. But “um anon begun to mend ms fron came in l Cu; Ygtt srtitl with“ mlvnnm In min John Nun-l struck the Bar. Custom Sawing of Lumber AND b'HINGLFds', Dumb" 16th,M76, And when Dull-IR Imam to mm t'io liko tho Morning Stilt. Bin Hummers ,rithtirro,u,tffn force, And now within the Iivoly Town, He bus Declared I War; And at the Manner. vier and tun, To ttttttt again“ the Bar. J . W. Bt:mldents' To lultnl] 0min and Banks of non. Nu mutter phu 'et' Ire, That. want n Jot' n- o strum with Iron, “all bind it with a. Bar. A in of Iron in Norah hunch, Will mine to plane the Czar So it you want an mrhor nude. He'll form it from . Pu. JOHN NOBVAL. L'laekunith, Duumu. mambo! tttth, ttrm. tas Light Harness, Trimmings, Whips, eta . EARLY AT t'atri"a"JiG Ga 'th' Bun Tho-unis Appluul III “'cndn til C“. Bear what a Reverepd Genheman says of the Comrtitutiomsl Remedy. I. J. B. Huang. Ego. Dnn Stu-11. in now two year: lime yam-"Con. stitutiomuCast'rrrtt Remedy ' mu introdluad to an. , hue waited thin you: to up. u tho cm Ironic! ro- mu'm wrmmem hula“: dnulu thin. my dune you M " that the In?” “he" leaned ”notch "too good to be we: 1 Wu 36km W my haul tur, yer: bah" I In:- mste.1 it to be (warm. lu luau a In your Chem“ 1 - my can degermed in many mlrulus. The l uomrd.".tuosr", frog: tlt held by} fa'yl8 vary dir- mun. Jul & cit',,e/1 mansion Mum when. lag no trom Mud long, mad tool In. womb ing and be cumpdlcd to lit l,' in the bent. My mm: um wuitr IPP,, Pyle' ”Ema; mm: done M. once. mad cheap, to In". the (hunt Durham. July t, mo. -...... .re._- "r"'"" a -_- "_-" --. r-C'"""'"" u .....‘ u I m cam» Wuhan": 1n August. 1516. I g,',','dt"illle, tat!. Refun- I had mod I m ot the counting ot one bum.) l found TIIN "lint. mad when: had Magic ',',ttlt'h"ht 'd,t,Nt,t, hum it, mtlt" In cured o hue not Mai-fag since until u! Lttill'a'utr,', tome tor . cold in my had d A nomad duty to Inn-Mn te: 2tt, 10mm issue, nus-r11 In mo Ian 'ou Ir W. 'itlh'lk'ih1"illllhl'l'2lo' when an no it: 'sG'aTirFaFiior.r,, __..... ___ Mia“ am. No mm. __ IE" mm " "Th'l5 TU. B. Emma. Dominion Ago-t; Broek. ' .. ' ville. (mum, . 1 ' AW tered 'For Sale try .al1. ",,'gtttd.' only one Dolls omen , At'mc per ' e. . Buy It! - Gh-y Tt.', barium, April 4.13.73. rm Emu. iGC, EiuriT,ifii." *'_' _._...... Ark for Littletuld'1 C'1mstitutiryM Catarrh HUNTERS. Tea " Me. put “P URES GATAR CALL AND SEE A'lTARR CONSTITUTIONAL Catarrh R e me Ir. _ - I""'"'"- Only w. rmnm. manuals» mama. Ont., Au u. m. BI , War! Stock of in n nest Vegetable and Flower autliiiower, Cabbage, Celery, Tomato, Onion, Una-rm, a nip, Beet, Cucumber, Melons to, and the different. FLOWER samba hn4 t A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK 0F -r" “mum on H: HARDWARE STORE, This is the place to buy your hardware it you warm to get the best Durham ' Bar Iron, Glue. trpades,81tovele and Manure Forks Are. are. cheaper than ever. mowxr's IS THF, PLACE To my CHEAP mummua. In” am“. “I Inn-v -..- - - swans, YELLOW ABERDEEN, um warn: TURN”. ‘Vlnitc Belgian Carrot Seed. “ANGEL WURTZEL. Mao . mu Stork of NEW SEEDS, Comprising; At The DURHAM FOUNDRY. A. COCHRANE. STOVES AND TINWARE ! NAILS r he subscriber begs to inlurm “if public trtr he let I hr] C I‘IICAI’ Trc93re, CfvCtM I E OR 'E' " A E '" Cook, Parlor and Box Stoves. Particular “mum phid to Eaveatrottghing. SEE GANG PLOUGHS Cash for Sheepskins and Hides. Agent. for an Superior Monica! Seeder and Drill. Also the Runaway Silky V beat Bulky rake in the Dnnupiuu. Dun-lull, April 2nd, 1879. AGRICULTURAL General Blacksmith’s Supplies, Barium. March Mth, 1878. Mowers, Reapers, Bulky Hay Rakes, Laidlu a: Stewart's Improved Gang, Ploughs,. sec The Sibel-it)" in agent for the ale ot the celebrated MOWER manufactured by the TORONTO [SE-APE]! a HOW”; (‘UMI‘AL Y. . 1 ' AW Nttt {ad Bank Account: eunccted on when”: term. . omen t At Kim giggluos‘s Stu-e. Lower Town HINGES BOLTS Durham, Wh, Mtb, 1878. April, 9, 1879. 'l‘ixnothy and Clover Oh' THE DIFFERENT KINDS: Land. Rollers WM. JOHNSTON, Jp,, :M:tyWuUll?'tii1 STATIONERY. SCREWS KI ERNAXJS', Springs, Axles, Patent Arms, Home nails HAVE IN' Books. Always' oo wam TOWN, J OS. F. MOWAT, LOCKS VA CA RPIZNTER'S TOOLS l‘ALVTS OILS .Azeli for the ale of all kinds "f SUCH AS I/file. that he has I large t ABE. which will Insult! IMPLEMEN TS, AN I) AN D AT A iamucaL HALL. Lower Town, DURHAM. Hum]. STANOXERY and SCHOOL onion, totstrot, Pm VABN ISHES Ut"s G [ASS IT of the dithsrqot ml.“ Stock M SVH'HS Mal TIS value tor your mom? LOWER TOWN. tuso. BRUSHES. T. A. HARRIS'. " " "as-ui-at ”IN“ d'Mrtvq READING MATTER. “Grey Review" mmpnu-pw, inqu M. in who Tail-hip: of Glenda. Bug. NM]. Emu-mm. Proton, A“... ( My. “Omaha: and other T... l 'hir. m it one of h But Medium tor Athena-m Good Family Nempaper “G roy ll 0" tow." Job Department, LOCAL AND FOREIGN " now fitted up in the "I, bout nylo. no Str COLUMN PAPER PM - mass" for doing Ul “all? nmamr" Having lusty madr In n-hhron Its on can depend upon being “tidied L} In! " And with the Org-mt Prompmudl NEW P1188858. TN TC. $08? APPROVED KINDS I'll "nun" nlnno omen P1100 01.25 per Annual a” rosunr. mum‘s: In the County of Grey would “WM " an mums? nun-om Job Work if nol ttaid in adeattre hu'Qnlo All who "at a The on“ is furnish“ In!) type, Nvcr" R. AND 'mroiuua, or TUE LATEST done in the very [mm a {thing of the Art, of ”tarmac! Ettt at, the 050'. “THE REVIE 1.;‘.pry aut u " Durham, - - TrstttEt's:-At.0t' per yr ““35 If trot pin! “in. " -imasal And bttttete up. and wMrr, P two in“ of " hu- ' - moh- do. per T trfJ5 c-tlumu, pm t att ed-rt. ' ' 0-- "Hat"'. t' oo. Ii: "mum [in (hm mm “at: st adverumvm-a Lie lot the int “nor " Outh qubuqunm DOW” Gnu-try um dcwhl. and "tl bor " charge It'll" AS!“ ' woeko (or " tlre own! I ha“. A d vet-human rr grimy: inn hawk-l uni! I ah! at“. BEEF.“ -iiiismsss DIRECTO‘ LEGAL ' Fulani-1 I" . mum H Swim l " s W" 1mm in" - to Ian-- , ' "Tr" Ion: 'ow ll 1|! ., RATES or ADVEI marl. - HIM} I.) " MtiusTbrl _ TFO! ttrrsr0EN Hummus. , “a" in (I! HAUL“? Any Person I. . huh-m unmth-e t, art ot ttw , English & Scot tsritasl No tyr, iiiirirNARY Do You d .uu‘I-Ll'u tth tsvesr.uKh'T Gain“ Street 1m mans, READ Tar WE. ty,2v::,rciiry,r",1,'i,'iy 'x frost lk Cabinet " 'ciiifsaausss sous. MQCIHI‘ .ll tun l b l I) ‘|s.|.'..\'l was» Bros . Carpenters and Bair I. aunt-A.» MEDICAL. -mmyrut w‘mr'm' -r, MM."- " n ' U HAN lam-0" p". lil a. “VI. tor. hank-u- and! nun: M' uh! sdde tee I”!!! Wood Turning caoo.ouo. S um! o::'vn\ in“ to” Want Monet liliAl.‘ sl i'll od Brty IOWA lo... W Wanting MOI 35mm M, - tIO - M " as} BU Pt “ID-U “gum-um. ucAllTi "c.suhl a: nun Stet "

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