West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 29 May 1879, p. 2

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Ii I” h a: ..GewcAtFv%iGUuiGirTia In ”2.1!;- w-diblm’uyutt s','trgttttJttYaat"ttet,o,t,e,rtt, y”: mum!“ I. and... to 'uitttoretrr-t n'tra"fGrta""S"dlN,'l up“ __ ia-GGG" ' - biihafitriFii"iiG F, "vdiiairi- ""_" w "' -- _.__..-._ - -TAtrtrt EZEYH‘QW‘M_2 “h Law tn Regard to Newspa- [LI-m. 1* C.m“ Gm Manta for the Grey Baum. THE REVIEW. " the Government of Sir John A. Mae. Jon-H in mud in in mad - to any out M puny in reterxnum to the fail and." than ll no quouion but PAW ea No. Ink“ " Vnnoonvu‘ .iBu_0at_aoturtnimtaot; the Ind. Ow nylon will "number that! an". “new! “solution at tho I». I haul of British Columbia and the mum at - thank). the choice lay khan it“ in hm u an Bun lulu “a “n w 1::me AM Ixhnsive .3. in)! 4“.- two lla- the Got-mun d in. Mqhe'u mow! to Adopt thq Dw- ith, Frist-Ft.""?!.".-'."".' In“; 'iTia m be mantle-ml , W m lull-why as 'pr, sh-n" " in.” in th? “‘1‘" “'5 P"' econ-5.94 i! P? "W d Q” milrar pl. -atty. Honour, In in nlocal man. H0 in I": well by tho mam. Mia in. terest. no clonal, ideatitUd with unit on, pad thank" be in most likely to but: , Jen1mts an out All DING" dimetly Abat- ing their well-being. This cannot be Mid " Mr. Fancy. ll. is to all intents And gunpow- M align. lull bu no mien“: in common with tho Riding of Bond: Grey “lulu". The" are perhaps, advantages whim: might counterbalance the diupuli: fUntiott of being a foreigner, but Mr. Fnhey has yet to Ilnnw that he in pounded of any web IdVIIINIg“. Laat Fall Reformer: um and» naming, an! the country ul- rndy experience: tho mlmhlovons mult- of their indifrer- on that caution. It in to bo hopod um on the 5th of Jun. td will "trie" the dinner of the 17th of --.it in pooh-bk that the Baden Canal Cm will olopt the I'm-nu Atqriunrnll rank. which in "timated to eoat "t,000. ---Wo would direct the attention of the deem to the Utter from Dr. C lxrintoo which - in mother column. The - nth-nod by the Doctor for "turn- mg to Falkner" but"... who no Huh tiiied with the in“... cl their eoet.titaoer an m ml: " than com-nod tU col-Mio- " out, inklligout elector. September. ~Genenl Vol-etc, he been nypointed eagle-n military and civil con-under of New, Tunnel, end certain other dis. trieu that uljoin and In “a in the main of wet, it having been dermal win in the preeent emergency to divide the Carre of Good Hope (imminent- into four diatriets. Si: Me Yule zen-nine (Pover- nor of Cape Colony. It is expected that Gen. Wobe1ey will sail immediately. Funnel“ the platform. It bu bean than: that 'sooritbstamling the commer- tinl depression which has prevailed in Ontario, in common 'sith All other civilized oounlfuo. that it In boon Usa aennly (on In” than aluwhore, and that this has been clue to the judicial: expenditure of public money throughout the eountry. The Imphu revenue- of the Province to the mount of n7,mo,ooo have been expend- ed in old of .dttuntioma,qrurulturi, and sei. ontitie modulo". the construction of nilwnya. colonization mull. ehuitnhle in, ntitntione for the Dent. Dumb and Blind, Anylune " the lnrnne, and \‘uioul other work. of pnhlie lmpeovement. nil. tlma, while employment ha been given to thou. nab of ”will. nation be: not only not been me. but this expenditure by the tlov-topt hat. directly or indirectly, to e In” extent leuenod the burden- of the people. To out the meant Administrm lion. then, end give place to new and no. tried men who have nothing to commend them would be loolish in the extreme. Winn we "can! tho claim: of the Can, dick“. in South (hey men is Mill bu question u to whom the elector: should support. Mr. Humor bu experience. For hmr you! ha ha given ttrtrerrtitting Mton. tiott to bin dutie- u "mean-liv- of the Riding. bu than no national bias and Inn supported ttrerariotta Inamru which hare boon brought Info" the Home ofAs. tomb], to: the developmcnl of tU "com-c. nonhcountrylndthegoodonho poo- A I the Min tatr'g.'t'e [math " i' =rstarlA"tlltteQ 'y1tlttfl'd um- Baton we have Another opportunitity of “droning our readers a very important event will have been decided in the history of the Province ot Ontario. Next Thurs- dsy the election ot members to the Local Lakisha" will take place And in view of the put importance of this event we would min urge that all necunry Br. rlnpnontslno completed without delay, and that our] member at the Iutorm party will-uh“ n personal nutter to plus the Cudidato of the put; At the head economically by the Now“ administra- tion , If no. t'non that .dmiuistrntion should native tho cordinl mspport of the electors. For nun] week: the legislative and naminiuntin Acts of Mr. Mow-h Genuine!» I)". been discussed in the of the poll. The question of the hour is good gunman. "an tho affairs of the Province been conducted "ieumtly Bud Durham. my 29. 1879. THE PACIFIC RAILWAY. rm - ' i Sim iira'UTa%i - rGG a; by t898,M0 a year. Thain-e imp iatsnl eonsidentions and suftieient to determine the choice of route. lluweter the detest of Mr. MaekenzieU Government prevented his views being acted upon, and In that the matter In“ fallen in“ the hull of tho hero of the Paeilie Runny bud“, thi- lar policy is being carried out in reference In 1871 the appropriation made by the LegitOture for Education was $351,306 of which the sum of $250,481 was apportion- ed to the different srhoohv-0se deport- mental expenditure. therefore. amounted to $100,825 instead of 860,000 according to the ('hroniek. Again in 1877 the total up? nroprintlun was $550,984 of which $829,. 248 wen distributed among the schools, the departmental expenditure being 0121.741. end only about 021,000 more then in 1871, instead of being more than double as rep- reeented by the Chronicle, So much for the veracity of our contempory in its state. ment of tirgurss. Now, as to the cause of this inane-e of 021.000in the working on- pense: of the Department of Education“ It will he observed titat during the regime _ of S. Mudonnld it we: felt by the Govern. ment of the Jay end by Dr. Ryerlon. the Chief Superintendent of Educ-tron, that the Educationnl system of the country. el- though good in iteelf. we: most imperfect in ite working nod did not in Any some se- cure the objects in view. Accordingly steps were taken to raise the, standard of Teach- ers and Impeeton, " it was found after 'fully examining into the nutter that the _ root of the evil lay in tltiidimetion. Mes. nm; were submitted to Parlitunent Using their: objecte in view, and the increne of departmental expenditure is chiefly due to chenzee made in the School Act during that eeuion of Puliament and under the ndmiuietrntion of Mr. "ndfUld Mocdoneld It will therefore be quite obvione that the Government of Mr. Mowat in in no wey responsible for the inereue of department- nl expenditure neeeeeiteted by the 1.3m... ture of the previous Government end thet the Chronicle in it: we, of stating the ease only Itetel e part of the truth and doe. so for the purpose of mieleeding its too med. Mere-den. Tidal-en 't10,uribo"mr, eontenponry'e but on the eve of p - election the alumnae propensity leans Accmurnl. [bu-m " A Mua..-A shock- ing and.“ mental in the Elan [riot mill about tour o'eloek on Thumb} by which on. ot tho poprinon. Mr. Bury Bump. and 65. lost his lift While In an Act ol oiling machinery on the Hound ht his cloth- ing I": can.“ by . Mt Inks-3 150 mo: hwy-wrath”, Mink-MAI“: " M! m t.erpterie ted “Numb- to the We Rnilwoy thnt we: Adopted by his former Government in "In" to I. Inter~coleninL The ion; route he been chow. by Sir John's Government, the most expo-in by 'N,000,000 In contrac- tion. And by 9.03.” in rte your; working up“. LII] for what pinion. t Ship to - British Columbinn votes, at 08.- 000300 were thrown away name your; ego in tho building of the Intor.eolouia1 Rlil- wny to bribe French Canadian Totes. Thu expenditure of "i,000,0t0 for no good pur- you, but the reverse, in equal to ”.625 I when! " the entire population of “inconv- jer’e Iahnd. end " one-tenth of the money 'they I“ could have been brought out. Mr. _ Mackenzie? and nib-gnu to" inNentml _ iin selecting the humid Inlet route by the 1 'opinions of the enginrurs, nud by the great V .3. . . public and commune: untreat- involved l in the construction of the 1htciile Railway. But Sir John A. Mncdonnld h" never, in the whole course of his career been iuita. enced by such eotrsidettttionn. It in not the interests olhis country with him, but the interest. of himself and his party, and the conclusion which his Government have l arrived ll, in selecting the Bute Inlet route which is the longest, the most expenlive in the eonstrttetbrt an! in the working, is on- ly nether illutntion of his utttr regents his.“ tot the interest: of the country when the interest. of lain party on in jeo- pnniy. As the ("do truly up, this in the most gigantie fraud ever proposed, the lost nudaciou bribe ever offered, and its disruption and annexatinnist tendencies must tul every Conndinn. loyal to his own country with alarm. g- 'r"" 3'" Tff,' w PP,'"" "e" I'". "In", The Chief Conntlblo of Lucknow maul FP" "vood frm 'le "et. Pre "I?! 'r" I dinnion oeettaio tet by (“ti-g drunk of the Ttmt 'iek,trttiN "ierirtiory , lr, tutt, "n.“ I . M .'" home- TTIE "CHRONXCLE" ON SCHOOL EXPENDITURE. Our local contemporary has ntlsst essay- od an “tack on the Mownt Administration and strange to sly has chosen Educational Expenditure u the object of attack. It the Government of Mr. Monet is deserving of praise for any one part oi its sdnuinistrs- tion more than another it is for its efforts in improving the the chsrncter of Public Education in the Province. Great credit is due to the Government of Mr. s'amuuld Mudonsld and to the labors of Dr. Itrer. ersou in the cause of Education, but it is to the administration of M r. Mowat that the country is ohiu1y indebted for perfect- ing and csrrying out the reforms indicated in former years. The Chronic-b does not follow the bad example ot Mr. False, in decrving the advantages oi a liberal educa- tion, nor does it contend that the Legisla- ture has been too prodigal of the public money in siding the people in the support of their schools. butit charges the Govern. ment with extrsvegunce in departmentsl expenditure. It says that "in 1871 the mount of departmental expenditure stood st a little less than 960,000 while in 1877 it won “55,524." Now it is not only that our contemporary is grossly incorrect in these figures which it lays before the pub- lie but is dishonest in its wey of stating them. When is government is chewed with en increase of expenditure in any do. putment it is necessary to state in what particnlsrs the incrosse has taken place, for otherwise it is impossible to know whether the ineresse was desirable or not. Let us then see what the real facts of the one no as given in the public accounts, and if in: incrcsse hos occurred in the work, ing expenses of the Educational depart, ment, what ransom, it any, existed tor such increase. no-i¢ threatmusd also, Mar talking mm" over. Tummy contented to go before the magistrates, but would not be muted, Aeeordittgly be accompanied the cannula“, and on Thundny last appeared before the M7. “mod J ultices. He was committal to the countyjtil. to an nit his trial,whithw ha It: hit!) by Mr. Crodfrer--att. Fomet t?onfuerate, The nomination " South Grey took' place III the Town Hall, Durham, touay, Thursday, Thoma Lauder, Esq., Regin- trar, Ireirg Renaming Ghear. Mr. Juno- Pnhey, of Shauna]. in main“ by It June. Edge. of Glendg. waded by Mr. Klein, of Nanak“. Mr. J. H. Hunter. vu nominated by W. M. Ryan, Esq. of Rommnby. noondod by _ Msarsttutss' Coma. - th, Thursday lmorning last, Miohnel Tunney. of Arthur township. was arraigned before Justices Swan and McMullen, in the council chamber, town hall, here, to answer to a charge of forgery. The we nroee out of . mit tried " the last division wart held in this place. It appears tint lame time ago Michael Tenancy bought A horse from Mr. Joseph Kllgour, giving therefor B couple of note: at head purporting to Le signed by himself and his brother Patriek, At the division court suit was entered ta, recover the tttttttttttt of the first of the noted which wee due. Patrick denied luring signed the note, and, thererore, it In con- sidered that Micheel was guilty of forgery. A warrant for his arrest mu pleced in the bends of conetuble Godfrey, who, in com- puny with several mist-nu, proeeeded u fill his duty. Tenancy refused to be u. rented and pulled out n revolver, than“. ing to shoot if forced to do so. Godfrey brow p revolver into requisition and Mr. John 'I‘nvorso of Glands. Mr. D. W. Rom, of Wulkorton. wu nominated by Mr. D. McNicol, of Bentlnck, wooded by Mr. A. Roberta“. of Durham. Tho mut- ing then adjourned to me field between the Hull and the River, Mr. Lander still acting As disinmn. The movers and .e. condor: ouch addressed the meeting ior a few urinal“. Mr. Fulny addressed We: meeting " u but in I rambling, windy l, speech, which displayed neither much ta. _ In: or judgment. Mr. Hnnter followed in n sddreu of about “in some length of tune, tutiuitqt his position And correcting some " the rumm- and. by Mr. Fall-y. Mr Ron rtstimd ia Mr. Hunter] but, who, he had no doubt would be elected by a large majority. Honors ROLL, Luau “mun SCHOOL. --Fourtls C lass-Alexander Cameron, Dots. sld McKinuon, Annie SmithIary Dunes". Third, cluss--Wrbt.. Fingham, Anbibnw MeDinmid. Jan. 'hiilpil, ARM, Cumuon. Snow] Clvsr--hndrow John McDonald. Roltt. Young. (loo, Ladinglum, Allin Me. Dong-ll. First Cuoa---Magttie Mratzsu. burg, Willie Smith, Chan. (Summon, Mag. gie May Mash).-'..'. A. Frat3omo,TeaeS or. Dr. SPA-male, M. P., of Mark lale, charged the Mowat Gov. with "travagar.eo and cor- ruption, attacked tire Crook, Act, an. in a rccklcu manner. The Dr. should DIVE ex. plnined his nuan- for lupporting the lute Paeitio Railway mlwme before making chug- " of corruption and turn-gums, u this one job alone wilt coat tho Dominion of Canada more money undead; tpeut than the totU 0!- pemlitnn of tU Mowat Gonna.” for all ‘pnrpom "no. it came gates you". i The mnjurity of the doctor: punt I." “nu-d1, in favor of Mr, Huston l'usrm. Actarrzats--Rer. J. Smith, M. E. miuirter, successor to the Rev. J. F, Durkoe, of Homing’a Mills, a short time after his “rival at his new field of label", wu no unfortunate as to fnll from " stable loft, breaking the right collar bone close la the shoulder, and sustaining More” shock to the gauernl system. He is "ttovering, --Urtiors Standard, Meetings have, been called by Mr. Hun er, to which Mr. Fancy is invited, " fol- lows :---Mtsy 30th, at Reid's School House, Egremout, at 2 p. m. ; brewery's School House, 6th Concession, M T p, m, l and at Cameron's School House. at 7 p. m.; May 31. Sauna”. at Undd‘s tieltool Mouse, Somanby,“ , p. m. ,' Monday, June 2, at Yeovil, at 2 p. m. and at Holstein It T p. m. ; Tuesday, June g, at Dromcre at 2 p. m, and at Allau's School licuse, Con. 2 Egrcmont. at7 p. m. A meeting is called at titewart's School House, llcntiuck, on Tuesday. J am 8, It 7 p. m. Fuzz In BEtmsciit--Weih1trstlay owning oflut week Mr, Jobn Summon returned from Walkerton to his place, about 4 miles from Durham. and while guingdown stops from his barn to tlo stulle underneath. fell. and a lamp which he was carrying exploded and set the building an fire which was quickly consumed. The loss will be heavy, A tots“ man named Wm. Soon, om- ployod at Messrs. Marlin's saw mill, Mount Forest. had his right um broken by being caught in a revolving belt last Wednesday aiuraoon. A. GORDON has just necked a new in. voice of Clocks. Alma Watches, Guards. Rings, and Jewelry of every Jeserir<iott. Don't forget the place. New: side of Erb & Co's store, Durham. Tue Moe-lame: Bank, Montreal, h" III.- pended. Ame? mo hundred cord: of wood were bumod dong-id. the Yd2. a B.tt.. two mik- north of Bhel, Mr.“ Sun-rd.) "min: lust Tar. "utter Factory in Aytou is prom-u. sing rapidly. It is oxpcctod that it will In in running order about the 15th of next month, Court or Rr:vrstos.--The Town Coun. cil met last night according to notice, as a Court of Revision, and adjourned to meet again on the 4th of June nest. No important business was transacted. Meetings ofthe Electors. Vote for J.H. Hunter, Esq. Local and other Items. The Nominations. Ena.rD on 11!; RAILWAY TIMI. - 1% Wednesday afternoon u the train going we“ on the Toronto, thor, and Bruce App-cubed the tint awning from Mount. For!“ union, s In wu observed lying Acton the track. “In mginoot immediately reverted his Engine, tmttteir-trnmradommid 'Mrtrattup before the tub; - "or him, comm, towering " In“ new his body. The body mrtteinepiesu4t- meogrtiaMaathatot Mlew‘m livinginthvi- My. Tu boa, n. am to Bari-tau, I when In inn.“ 1.. "u. l Mr. John Hagan and Alex. McAulny have utumodjrom Dekota, and Manitoba, 1nd no much planed with thou countriu. Dundalk, May M, 1810. Zmo. The aixhcth "ni"Gigir- of Hen-Majesty} birth was ill, ought-tea on Saturday last. In Montreal tb grand review took phuse, partieipatrd in by about 4,000 soldurts and Ciiiiiriii ineliiding the lull MW with the Bev. Henry Ward B-her " Chaplain. The troops were reviewvi by Hie Excellency. the cow-General and the Prince- Louise. A very large can.- eourse of people witnosaod tto -iesr. TN amour. Early in the foreman e num" of peo- ple me into Town hem It sttrrottudittS neighborhood. The Ronstadt Band arrived about too a. m. and phyed . number of very fine eire during the day. Thi- Gud lie really a credit to the place from which l it hails for both the skill of the payers and their gentlemanly conduct. In the alter- noon the game- eune Mr, and although we here no fault to find with those who con- tested for the prime, yet we not In} that the err-egements made by the "lftptsint- ‘ed Coronal“ were the most miserable we ever saw. This is the tint place we have been in where the sight-seeing. on an ce- casion of this kind we: monopolized by some two dozen men and boys to the ex- clusion of the great bulk of the people pres- ent, and no lady had a chance to see any i portion of the games except the walking of of the pole " the bridge end the foot race-L We think that the next time unything of this kind token plneom Durham it would be well for our townspeople before Subscribe ing towards the (and: to find out wl.ether en emeient connittee has been appointed to proper. the grounds by making e sing large enough to permit the spectators present to vit w tho proceedings and to en- quire whether it is to be I privuto or pub- lie affair, nod whether it is to be a Conner. retire affair. Towards evening u very large concourse of people gathered at the bridge to see the fan of “the boys walking the polo"--) falling into the river. This was about the only redeeming feature in the day's proceedings, and the only thing that oould be viewed by all present. Two young men, Andrew Anderson nodWesley Lund, from Mount Forest, earned " ftvo prizes, --the former three and the latter two. Master Itol c tron, a young boy working for Mr. Thus. Smith. took the prize for walk- ing the pole at the bridge. Part of the games took place in the fair ground, and part on the commons near the Public School. We (should have published the prize list, but not eating to undergo the pressure necessary to work our why into the small knot of people that surrounded the contextnnts while jumping, ke., and the refusal of the rourlwua Seeretnry,.\l r. John Cole, to furnish us with a list, we are un- _ able to give it, (We hope our readers will I pardon us tor using the word courlcour.) The Church of England bu pumuiu u lot, and are about to “is. a Church here. We understnml the Ornugomeu of Proton, Melanethon, turl Osprey contemplntc oom- iug to Dundalk, on the 12th of July, Come on boys we will treat you well. w, have got a. Young Briton Lodge started in this village. Politics quiet-but the show is coming, Rev, Mr, Williams I understand. think: of taking I trip to tho old country. a his health does not appear to improve. Mr. Coburn, the blind prucber. is filling his appointments for the last three wool“. Butter 10c., eggs 8e., oats Me. per lquhel, when: Mr,, hay ".00, oopdwood 01.36. “In this attributable to therli, P." Mr, Stewart Flewng, of Proton, but sold his lot in Proton to n Mr, Mchnprnrn; frasa, for some 91600-1500 less than he was oitererd last you. Is this ttttributttbU to the "N. P." The Union Standard, of Thnrnbury, my: a Mr. McKenzie, n. tree agent, has M. livored I large quantity of trees this spring and asks in unis attributable, to tl" N, P ' We answer pt course " is I surely tum never were any trees sold bet," the N, P., or tree paddluva either, The Nth was colebrnh-d here in very good style. In the morning there was in game of Baseball between the “Proton Wrens" and the "Dundalk Wild Cult." Tho "Wild Cats" coming out second best. The immortal Edward lienmiuh was Captain of the "Wrens," and Mr. John Clarkson of the "Wild Cats." In the evening (here wns considerable money offered on tho "Wrens"--no takers. ‘Stcnm was very high alum, this time, In the aNruoon the yrogrnmme as mlverlisod was gone through, consisting of foot rae, ing, jumping, putting tho stone, he, The principal winner was Mr, Morrissey, of Proton, and Mr. McEnchnio, of liupeville. Everything passed off well, and the best of tttlines continued during the whole time. There was scarcely I drunken mm: to be ”on during the day. The crowd conducted themselves in a very commendable Watt. ner. Mr. Thomas Talbot, of this village, pass- ed awny after a lingering muons on last Wednesday morning. He was one of the old settler; in Proton-where he has lived for near twenty years. Mr. Talbot was a man who was respected by those who knew him, although . little strmge in his man- ner he had many trait: ot character that were eommendable, strictly honest, honor. able in all his Jealinga,--ttnd his word w" as good as many a man's note. He had reached the age of 68 years. He left can. sidenble property. Queen's Dundalk Items. 91-9. , -, The asmpugn. Detroit May 22-The bunt of J. M. French, the Menagerie owner and former circus manager. were burned this forenoon together Int): all his stock of wild beasts. The New: state- tlm the tire was tirat dis. ;oovored by Min Price, daughter of John Prior, of this city, whole elognnt home u just Across the was, from French'n place. An than In It once sounded, and about tint time Mr. French And some ofhis men wlwwmuworkin the tUU, - tio) has and such rolling out of the build- ing vim. the minds won. Th. who]. of the menacerio of will Animal; WCI‘O burnod. bmatoout ”2.090. During we past week meetings have been uu by the camuuau.--ealted by Mr. Faue, but most of“. ”may have been in favor of Mr. Hunter, blood, " three of them, Bobbin, Yooril nod Dre-ore. reso- luaiou we" envied. that unanimously, pledging {[16 support .0! thou prom“ to may“. in}. bllowingm the reso- lution: paused c-- Homily. I Moved by Mr. Murdoch, mended by Mr. Alex. Dnvidnou. Thnt after Inning both candidates discus the public question: now before the country. the moctiugpledg. on imlf to endure: to meme the return, try ell legitimule Imus of Mr. Hunter. " our represenht'wein the Local Legislature. ---carvi" thou! maliciously. l , lawn. l Mow} by Mr. Jame. Hutie.jr.. second- ed by Mr. J. Lease, That in thepmion of this meeting. the Legislative and Ail-linin- trntive Acts of the New” Government end the course panned by our representetivo, J .H. Hunter, Esq., during the last tour yum has been for the but interests of the Icountry at large. This meeting therefou l pledges itself to use - Ugitimus menus _ in their power to seen-re the return ot Mr. Hunter and to plan laitn at the halo! the poll on June 'th.--thrrrim1 moi-Bully. A very destructive fue occurred " TOI. kerton yesterday (Wednesday! morning in in a range of wooicn buildings on tho north of the muin street. 1n n. short time they were All (Mutual. The sufferers no H. A. “will, Stove: and Hardware ; T. It, Fairbnirn. Harness maker. Jon, Young. Bookstore; Jas. Merrill, Fruit store. I Parker, Phomgrnpher 5 W. J. McLean, Tsilon‘Vm, Bitten, Dry Goods and tho Dominion Telegraph Oftioe. The origin ot the fire is unknown; tt spmsd so rapidly that very little wu saved. The Inuit-me Compnnies infarcsted m "kllom, '. Gore Mutual 01,500, Waterloo .700, Royal Can. nditn $1,000, Union '800, Lanculrire 82. 000, Cumin Fume“ Moo, Westem Al,. 800. The Insuramse will cover “out In]! the Ian. Vote early for J, B. Hunter Esq.. and economical Govern- ment. Callous I‘m-Xm-At St. Peter's (R. C.) Church pic-nit, lure. to-dny (May 24) Mr. Hunter carried off the chi: which I'M put up for competition between himself and Mr. Fahey by something [in 100 of a ma. jorily. The mule an a whole W1! A wo- ccsn. About 0220 into realized, which will be applied hunk liqttidating the debt on the euureh,--thrrrvvortdenre Menu! For“! (Jon/nine». "one“. Moved by Mr. Jane- Goddu. seconded by Mr. David Cameron, That this meeting having carefully watched the Legislutiro and Adauissistrative Act: of the Mo's! Gorerutueut and tho course pumued by our representative during the Int four years. feel bound to expreu our entire ut- idtetion with the “worth-at and Mr. Hunter, we hereby pledge out-solve; to en- deavor by every legitimate means to secure the re.elcetion of our menu memhu on tho fifth day of Juno uext.--carried unani- mously. We are now fully into the election came puign. The cry of come and help us has had no eil'octn mung the C'oaaotwUivem of lthis, the South Riding of Grey. The Je. feat of 17th Soptcinbei' last he had a very Inneiicial ofteet otrtbe Iteformers, who are now fully alive to the responsibility which rests upon them, and allure prepared to do their duty on polling day. Hunter and Fuliey addressed a meeting in the town hull, Ayton, on the evening of the 2let inst i Mr. Fuh.oy opened the meeting and woke at considerable length, but with Very little weight. His speech was principally a tr. mde of abuse on Mr. Hunter, in general crying down the Mowtrt Government with- out 1lcfiuiug a reason why. If we were to judge Mr. Policy from tho speechel he has delivered in Normmcby we would con- elude at once that he knew very lttle about the great pa litical questions of the (day, His forte seems to be to slander those who take exception: to his views, which he can do to perfection. Mr. Rumor followed in an able address, in which he fully eoufuted all the Mmrey charger made by his opponent against him and bia party. and although he spoke at great length, be received the very best attention from those present, except from one on!» of the most rabid Conservatives, who kept interrupting him, which called from Mr. H. a merited and cutting rebuke. Mr. Valley closed the meeting, after an address from Klein ic German. As Mr. Klein has but very little inf1aeatets among his German friends in these mutton he did not receive much at- tention. It is the opinion of the Reformer: as well as the most respectable of the Con. servatirou that Mr. Hunter will carry the poll in Norumnhy by a respectable innjoni- 'y. Mr. G. Evans. of Toronto. Iddreued several meetings in behalf of Mr. Hunter, this week. IN is a fluent speak; r. Support the Candidate whose interests are your interests. Large Fire at Walkerton, Ayton. - be-.. oidwr, because upon examination of " tl",",',,',? wonderful epiatlo I have discovered its eoued "thor--a bountiful smimen of humanity on Dir-sa-proton Dckgotc. n. Au I Mum what a new below. did "e'?"':; iconvention. Who than wu a lovely sub. i? “W M " n t.hotesrHrur1ratuer seedy (hougl.i horse. For the Grey Iterieur. Mn. Esrost,-As your paper is In“, circulated in PM, will you wait no to some“ n few nuan- why the duck-n dull ulna to m A. W. Laud" a thawing eketioer.-- Thpmincntmwnhw be in an out-Her; one who doeenotoneny pro- perty in the Riding end "W been none of ite “Idem. It is urged that be- CtMtS4t other Ridin- rnn carpet-heme! therefore we should likeviee; if the nur- s... be true, then it in perfectly riguCTi4 every constituency to " e [rerun beyond its limits, eey from the city of Toronto; but thie would be, born it mm. in. tolerable. It wrong in the comb. it-net lo proportionately wrong in the -tiak--- unless en expediency or neon-I! “h which in this cue doee not. forthe dimple reason. thet we he" my [new 'al eepeble to repreeent in. My eeooud neeon in hceenee he in elem‘ "r-not that ell lawyer: ere to be exelnd~ ed, eepeeielly if their home be in the Bid. itsg--but in proportion to other ceilings end mite they ere in - in the Home. If nny one will cell to remembrencee hwyen service: end the manner for rednes- " ex- tortiuuete Lille he will be cured of his tu. einntion for them. The 1nwye" play into eeeh other'e We end into the heads at of the judgee, who too frequently return the compliment, but the firmer, the erti- zuu and the merchent ere ihroeod. Think. geotlemen. how Bully arms heve been swellowed by thou gentlemen by litigntion advised by themeclvee. For thou end nanny other - it is time we unsorted I e right We power to send a by unto the enough? Twelve ye: I. ' ' tonne of two 2ff,','."gtll2.'e."'c',C'c'i','tty months eaelt It ti500 tt tssrm--mtviae the Thou can't not the: he tale. to en t....n sale gttts "ttrt' MeiOt hundred dull-re (Churn) but each one of run 1.1.: MM: _il surely food enough par. "iltt thosts. thlt “it! is I sacred trust which fail rue and dollars in ellll Simple justice would called upon to “on” that ."-'” Ct'l' mi dictate, the giving of some other one e inc. not for yourself alum, but {m "dt. hand in the pic. Mr. Lauder Hiyh Ire liar stus, sud children, and I " L" “out: In had no chence to do my more! Well, I vet t; thum a', 'vi _ h [ “I h k, il confess lithe past be Nelly a true index- "ot "aatiouality, F" h in: . "l's m. l I " Ju t'2,0ur to my mend of the Registry other dice but as a new». P ".nlt W1). t , 1m annually. at the expense nfthe County he ditchert'ett upon oortruu'vr.,u, Ht “1. ch _ it remembered. end the pep to himsclr- can 1.28;.“ h Your clmwmm rv:ul, tr (”I then it is fortunate that en fer Ill Lauder is God that “n; oucht to ti'rci+ th, hm]. concerncd the cold sheila of opposition chins; on 'tui, "di'.'.,',',',,',',",. " .1.“ ”I ll,. bare been li, lot. 3.1;" that in this cunntn ll e 'tly r t: e To thoughtful men-thom, who have the high p-tir/tire of ”Juwuw; " WM; interest of the County at 1teart--it will be out remantutiu- humming“ " to, m m . great disaster to elcct him, erpreaIl.r if aid of whet is called an "rt"tocrur.x. rl. ”at it were thtv.g0.t [visible that he would cheers.) w. he" no “mm (W y' have a hand in umnipuluting the ttttairs of .xeepttlm ariatoclety of virtue. IN I, in", the Province. Had he teen on true to the not what peop?e cell the clans of tucu tsho County interest . for his own, then today hem e great stake in the annuity. We meny of his former friends would he found enjoy the blessed condition of a Terr supporting him wlto arc driven to opt-oer widely spread and diffused pr"speruy. We him. . enjoy the condition of . very great dixuiou Then. again, it man should ttlride by hi, emoiigst m all of that portion of wealtlt egreemcntl, as l underntmud, my. " I which to the i'roTeriks 0‘ the [‘th a can attest. to ruin a united front et the the eggregete., but: any that state of last election he promised to retire in favor nfl'elre continue. Wear, been) But “I”. "fRurhe--1 admit the Riding bhnnld not it tsotttinttett, remember that it (lei-ohm be Inn-guinea and sold by individuals; but, still greater mponlihilitiee upon us ; the! injustice between man and men. Lender it he: been ouerrod, end - “d 6'ttte- should not 'oo found opposing itorke. No rience prove the truth of it. that the lower convention ttr couvcntwne rhonld oblige . You put down the herrior of druvreratw end man to break his enmiguuent, however representative government. tht. hchrr Ms well organised, and I contend tt person Br, the degree of public virtue will“: tlie lamb“ i. not to be entrusted in weightier men and qoust;turneiets that i» me» my t . mettere. Lauder goes no fer " to deny any that Government sumsnfully. .Ilear. it,whichumore ehoekingetill; the rewerd heer. end chum The new!» d in» foramen tellingefeleehood in not to be "mom“ is itself . very tlrrat trarllmp. believed when he 'pernks the truth. It ie e eociel end moral inthtuuey. l re. What then is the duty of rotor: in the qeet the degradation which WWI" Btul present hour, but to cast their total in ti. political government he- mutual of We war of Mr. Burke. e local Candidate. I ep- deye. I regret the lune-stum- that ha”. tseal tts m.v fellow Co-tir-tt Ptoton been nude that all i. at: in whim l and elsewhere to telly to the poll: in fever "gmt the doctrine thet there h, one “an of Berke. I elm eppeel te Beta-men h dud of politieel and Another of mini and nee their frenchiee end use it tor Rorke, e perennel morality. I know no sueh G. moderate Consen'etive. one 'rho til" if tinotion, Sir. lbolieve that the men wht, elected. dolustuo " D“ “an" atnd ereedn. will play you false in politics. who ml. Let thisearpet-rrttttger stay et home. Go minute aims,, in order to injure tl',: " for e local man; let it be eeid no longer patient in e political ettmpaign, wil', I‘ll" that we have not men t1tuoott nun-id". to You like in private life. tLoud rim 1- I represent us, I desire to see politieal government h/fr, " I venture to speak on behelf ofe gentle- true function of being the mlucator and man whom I have proved to be en intelli. tho chute! of the new Md polit"'al gent u A. W. Lauder in everything that etenderd. I do not desire t" m it mm to perteins to municipel requirements: for so degrade that standard. I when that doing I here been roundly abused but theme u. the ' ion of P"', too, gentlemen. neither Leudeeor his lame-ten 11le been (Chum) I believe that Sou recognize the able bed-tony positions; they here met importent situation. I believe that “a "-tti1srtmilhtoa-6aadr-t M recognize the feet that e man whom you with the U.“ merttt or per-lone! ML h." had opportunities of knos 1tt,'r, for l hue no algae: - to expo” hm four “a thirtt' yew. who during that end duplicity end mud e gentlemen tee. time lane it,ii in pour midst, who h-u thy tt. th. omtikdmtm on", W" in occupied exalted end nepotism]: situations, the Riding, M I mu be waqty "raid, if the duties or which hehee been dueurpug by their m they condemn the “a.“ ot under your llmuedie' to cognizance. i, now A. W. Under “a eket Mr. M" w before you. " the request of tus [mlltirel "lr wd ell to tlt.totu--att only M vote If“... u, " ,0... “I‘m-uncut of f,,".' Bulk" . . - t a . Since “he“. I notice ester... t,'.'t'fagttet It” (and all"; ‘MMM.MMW' In no doesn‘t come helm you like will" that oqttte-t m the q%mtb-viromytandtmtete!draitidttioh-youdo mot know. new]. when M to who Needed. In“ yacht ttew", e re - mm M - I 'i-pro, Mai“ " '"t"egtm by 'iii:i?i'ir), which we hen too often m‘u Vin-1"“.- "I W MM“ br I." made one dey to be broken the next. tto Mmymnunein Hint, I would gee ounce before you vimeneard ttel'..'! m " .m.,. " MM": “-1 LtT(l2,",2ttrg'ee,"ird,ttat: '"'er'rorrt"aoeeouthmreug-uit LT2Tar.CrCtC1T1"ftrf, . I i I I venture to speak on behalf of a gentle. ‘man whom I have proved to be an intelli. “gent as A. W. Lauder in everything that pertains to municipal requirements; for so ;doing I but. been roundly Abused but neither Lender or his supporters new! been able to refute my positional; they have met argument by Imtrstmmtutd would than: with the nit-Al result or personal degut. " luv. no object except to expose Input-y And duplicity Ind (blend 1 gentlemen wot. thy of the matinee ofevory retells" in the Riding. end 1 dull be amply repaid, if by their vote! they condemn the Idiom of A. W. Lender end elect Mr. Rorke. Lot one sud ell go the tsou-att, only end vote Still enotheereeson is that Mr. under‘ is merely e fortuae.seelor. If pemnel MP _ gmsi1irerstert, either preeent or future, l were not looming up, A. w. Lander would I be wanting from the politic-l "can. I judge of the tuture from the put; when my direct legislation for the intereet of the County offer- itself, thou the County in get. rymandered, and bis friends are provided if :r et the expense ot the County. A greet deal is said in reference to the Art reducing 'intcreet do. in settler‘e lends. Mr. Lend- er cluims that he wee the person who made the achievement. One " reedy to Illk of what Ministry was! he I member t that he could poeti'uly have succeeded so well. A private metube r could not l" on bly accom- lplieh anything of the kind, and hence Lnud.r‘s hunting is vaiu--it in dishonest- eud yet our farmers me ready to ewelluw lit. Nonsense, Gentlemen! lint if he did accomplish to much, is he to represent , on Hunter t Have yam not paid him well enough? Twelve yen. ' .r terms of two Imonths each et L500 a t4srtu--sttviae the Hillary greh yen of eight hundred dollars --u, surely ruod enough ply . Atbt thous. 'end dollars in ell! , Simple justice would dictate the giving of some other one a hand in the pic. Mr. Lander my. he has had no chance to do my more! Well, I confess it the past be really a trim index» {2.5.0 to my hictsd of the Registry Office annually, at the expense of the County be it remembered. end the pup to himsclf- then it is fortunate that no far In Lauder in concerned the cold shade: of uppmitiun here been his lot. What then is tho duty of voters in the present hour, but to cast their vote- in ti. m: of Mr. Bork. . local undid-Ate. I up- poal to my fellow Conurutiru of Proton and oluwhen to "tty to tho poll: in favor of Barks. l tho upped to Betcha-n to use their {unwise and use it tor Rorko, 3 moderate C on-tive, one who will, if elected, daj-utioe to n" clause: and credit. Let this earpet-rrttttger stay " home. Go fur a local man ; let it be laid no longer that W: have not men among ourselvu to represent us. Then. again, n man should ttlride by hi, ngrocmcntl, as l uuderMooo1, my. " I can attest. to gain a united front at the last election he promised to retire in favor "fRurhe--1 admit the Riding would not be Inn-guinea and sold by individuals; but, in justice between man and men. Lender should not he found annexing itorke. No convention o' convcntmm should oblige e man to break his engugunent, howewr well organised, and l cuntcnd a person In capable is not to be entrusted in weightier mutton. Lauder goes no fur u to deny it, which " more shocking still ', the reward for a men tellingn falsehood in not to be believed when he Iponkl the truth. I To thoughtful men-thom, who have the [ 'interest of the County at lteart--it will be . great than“: to elect him, erpreal1.r if it were thtv.g0.t “with that he would have a hand in manipulating the aEIirs of the Pruvmee. Had he been as true to the County interest a for his own. then today many of his former friends would he found supporting him who are driven to onion ltixn). East Grey. l,. “ammonia“! Ato..gatustg, I’M" 9! cum. nos-ind anon- WW" ‘:_fow days ago, by M Lulu-3 Ly ' Mb.- My IWW a, uni-glad I (tatttttt stop to an.» m. um of Ill “I'M! ot (mun. everything In: cue-(Ill III that BU'pst u- mem. nu an nobody, Mr. Elihu that: man-Ion living. " Ur, the “I'M in. nu ma mun be ”at that - ad: abut-tug... last than], air. that I In do: u tueotavea, “on and know - what Va “A tad d-th-Atl-trf-ttte a.“ “WM-Jub' Gunning,” its an. “‘7“... Chow “A. hollow. -fturrhi'htrrtuauru put forth lama. 1min], LOVOI’ mouth... “multinational“ mum. u, lib mono u. hon oqlul right- nnd pm" Windows-undead. on!» 51.. jutflloyd HM sulfur better u- WW: “Wk. “kick I but no doubt Suu .11.: with. " It in lacing made, ‘lld who): forms his brat title, I. I [an gm. tsl 5m: tsouuette. (at up (man. AA" M I would or we." not do um. . -irtgua. otpnuion nth-M u: a con, {will better Main“ than “pr-sud. But CM“: themselves not!!!" Elm II} Peri. I, out of their on: man. Epithm m and It only and cot-nu by the my pond-om " mm than no .0 'W' with - “an“: electors. A. ‘. M“. word I unit: In: you to .upport . bed can; nova mind Dr. Chriatoe, L, can't be ennui-bod to may. Mud an be “infill-bod to My. Mud throsrlrsg bu't Mot. but than it It ”My mr-tted-art) 'sed upon the immmublg Find?“ 4 'ight, Old it this III-luau, muting I right ond -n, Burke, 1 “Indy await and“. trusting tl" good “a“. o4 .. Bleetoeau will work fot “my, on in” by I!“ to be dragged u lbw to the MI!” to rotq for A an“ vino. ulna opportunity 012m. Totes for " lo.“ inhm " at. Cw.” uf “10(‘uum'n A [up mu muting win held 11: tbs St. Lawrence Kali, on Wednesday ewmuu, the 21mm" when Mr. E. Blake nddmwd “I. "aetubls " gnu long“: on brln‘l mt “r. "on. "tdu'. Gureruuaurl. The hum panama slat "riot-"I“ We policy d the Government Ind the Advantage-a til the grouping system in securing a full uml he. -tstation of all section. of the lelIlc Now, Sir. I must to point out in you that this election is not to be decided mend”); tr I ntion-l Iynkm like that. It in to be docidoal by I system of [mph-laud and. chaos. Let us. than. all labour. Ilu have been hid that the ballot (in; you an atrrotunity to In {use to individuals and truck your country. lam lou to be can to your counu-y. hm I mun! cum-Hr in the other part of that cxborhfwn. I would you." adopt we poet". uurJ.) V Mr. Blake at Toronto. DI. CIRlnTUL m mm a... De In favour lint " :1 Mania Thu mowing a ttt " the Mummy.“ mm; M u. tl.e )4... MIA-amen! the: 11m.“ .. M Mullah; Gus “In. [mum-n it, L”. uni tic. CaooU AL-t tlle chug; [u “mum “I . " “Mon to he at [nu recur Will: We. to the new Iranian! cumm‘ to my: ttmc, “an. an be no Iva Ila; Among nlmutnnum v We a... mud;- to the Gun-um an.“ of h "ttr-tttty. Mule-ha. ten-pounce "run: "a public {HIM " mu Cue “Qua“! " take Cl ' I Met guy Aeeriuer “and Wally l PM!“ a all Act or I hill. on . manly ”new I um new. In "m pwml upon the Nululc Boo Admin!“ .MO‘ tle hula! "launch”; is the Art. 'rut “air. in “no N Alum; the " plrerd gum the S ml run-nu L. het W t tw Immanue- t how». '0: put to “pan nu. can. at pl Flti,000 ll "t Mr Vt The Crock: Act [Ire-em Ad ‘ul nut I ury little, (In ”mm In " _ Him“?! IN' Mm wt I" I043” all. - null

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