West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 5 Jun 1879, p. 2

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, v.1; I. H I! A H 'iq-.".-'""" -wri_'-'---'-" .-i,-awtt-'hesrho has Mind u not, ura- p-‘Imotorpyum s",tr=,tr,,t'tlt,', “Mums“ my Eiil,li'i"i','li1'iEE'.ri'i'ii mummy) ”Inn-cup”. f,'l'=u"tg.l'tGtl'tVi _ . - __ .7. ,-L‘.L.-AL.._I4UI int-knlmmm 'tug.tN.ttttga,'t, ‘ 3,1WM o-‘gawW-Mh has m 9-3”!pr u. mm- I ell,tlrgi'FS'i,','lili'll,?2, ”lumpy“. M UtioaGauouiwt"ttrerrthcrr "..qrmot, ...""'ee"'" ___ ___ -- -- no In)“ “Ml itg'.'Ut=',Wh',t,vttf,'h'Wdr. c =i"i',i,G"oG;iitaiTdiri “a” - M" ' a. I. aim. - 6. may... Agents for the grey Review. THE REVIEW. B-..-."."".'"'")"."""""""-,'-, -â€"~â€" - "aiairGrutT"wtTAirirrtatrrirerut"-"om"" “up“. 11......“ by. W an M to tako _. “UL A__.L_ m... A.“ “I --.Che Duke of Aral. and m Now York, hoard". --The Londonderry Iron Work: of Non m. In" boon cloud " a direct conu- quna of the working ofthe N. P. The duties on iron rm! Ml In" increased the working “paws no A: to render the carry in. on of the works unprotiuble. --N the report of tho Chief Engineer of the Dominion Govarnrnont, lulcly binned. Mr. Stanford Flemming mm am an artfully committing the oonumuiul Ind engineering features of all the routes pro- posed for the Wuhan; “lamina of “to Can- uh "eitie Built-y from lb. Rocky Moan. hin- to the Inland. tho conclusion was found upon his mind that um Railway it. 1 all would be least aimed: to construct, that when constructed it would b. ”slept would um! that gtncrul imam“ would be most wneulted by following tlte mute to Burrard Inlet. From the Bryan we law that the whole of the Railway be. twun Fort William Ind Bolkirk in Mani. lulu is under comma. The length of this line is 410 miles, and an o.timatod coal "8,009,000. --ots an 28th nit. the Centenary of the gun Irish Bard, Thoma Moore, was cele- brated can anon in most of our In]. towns Ind emu. In Montreal, Toronto and London the evening Wu devoted to manic and song, " it would be on Inch an munnd the tradiastMterif nut very large would Appear from the newspaper reports to have been very nypneinin. Mr. Moore w“: nuke of Dubhu, and very early in life hogan to rhyme. in 1813 he commenc- 1 ed writing lyrics for the moient music of I Isis eottattry, and in 1817 pruduced "Lalla Booth." Tim is the most alabornto of his compositions, bat his name will be handed down to murky u tho author of the trial: Mahdi“. These lyrics are full of true tse'.- in. nu) delicacy, nud in them he has loan tor the petsmtry of his native conu- m that Burn. bu June tor the peasant. ty of Srodmul. --William Lloyd Garrison, the nut sbolitiortitst, in and. Born " Newbury- pun. Manchu-Mu in MRM, he became a printer by We. at the ngo ot eighteen, Ina - after contributotl largely to the columns of aural new-papers devoted to hmpenuce And tho abolition ot negro; cheery. lo 2372 Le commenced the pub" {nation of (In Liberaloriu Boston wluclf Its-begun " the purpose of advocating tho can“ of tho we poor slaves and was continual until the abolition of slavery tendered its cuntiuunnoe no longer neces- sary. Mr. (Sunken was a man of one idea and to this idea his wlmle energy was di- rected. There were many nssveiated with him in the great work of rousing hm fellow countrymen to wipe the stain of slavery on! of tho land, but only one in now left-- Wendell Phillips. who the other (by lollo'od the rennin- of William Garrison to the (nu. -Mr, E. B. Love, ot Nottingham has written to the London Times stating that from u long uriu of observations he has come to tho opinion the tenth" eye]. ro- l curl every elm-en yam. This: he raynj that our) clown yen: dmught we! heat In experienced of about three yous dura- tion. If Mr. Lowe's opinion prove to be in correct on. we may expect the manner of 1879 to be similar to that of 1868, which w“ one of great drought The seieuee d metoorclogy has made great advances of hta years. and on .trictly mtieatitht obser. vation and reasoning. On this continent n well " in Great Britain the weather is forecast for many hours, sometime» days, Ind generally very emeetly, and there is "ery likelihood of still greater Minnie" Durham, June 6, 1879. being very soon accomplished. In regard bo Ontario Mr. Lowes' foreman of the weather do“ not hold good so far howovot " can“: it my be u toga-J: the remain. “I: put of the manner. .-Ttae aureruor.Ganetat and H. B. 11. Prince-- Louise. after enjoying the festivi- tiea of the Queen'u Birthday in Montreal whim] Singuton on the 29th alt. when the vice-regal zany neck-ml a nutty wel. come. may were received at the Railway station by Mayor Gildcrrloeve and a large concourse of the teli'tr of Kingston. with the usual addresses uf Welcome. On tis. you: the Quad. University can visited. Tho put, won received by Prom Huh:- m sun! the Woman ma manhunt, and 003de to an an of the new Convoca- tion Matt, who". am: th. and formalitie- Illd but gem through. “a. degree dbl. D. In oostNrroa upon the Manual: of In. by he Chancellor of tht University. Th Marquis and. " 1mm. ",1, uni ir-ibod his aunt on tho ran tttgrad. - Rib Worthy. “I. Mayor, tuGusr. iii (mud Ind loin] Ilia Exulhuq to N the kahuna no» on!» - “a... “N Collega bump aruiaht in being - by the dua- ME'utt-s.A mm-: - Usiug bees pnunull to “in Ex. "lt- hr the Clare-1hr and on. to the Ibo-ht!" Ptiaair.laeth.Uuimeaitr, .d and" m wpevinmdctee orttae arch. In who “INT would“! 'h’rmuu who-mm mNr'fl'lllJl'lil an” an: - The following document is being indus- triumly eiretNteil just now in Durban and its. Town-hip. align-0M um) 1rlestelgr-- 3Tb. following is :1 true copy of a circular my hi distributed in the West of Bentinck and woman“ I TO “I “new” or Iowa mama or out. Gnu-runs). - _ . Having been! that certain tumours “a being circulated to the 950cc. that I am or posed, to the communion of tho Stratford h Lake Huron Railway. I take this mews of laying that and: Is not tho enso.~My postman on this quastien in n follows: If the mmdeipslitrrss inwroawd in as. con. struction of Railway: through this County are willing to tax them-elves. by granting tlet/lt bonuses to bay 5 sound trnuueiat , buns. I, as your Representative, man me my best rudenvou to locum the Govern. lmcul Subsidy. - - . v _ Durham, May Wtlt, 1879. This in one of the silly election itodges by which the wiwncren of the Conservative 1 party neck to predjudice the minds of fool. ish electors. Do these person: ever eou- I rider the question whether Mr. Hunter has been the representative of Durham. of Glenelg end Egremout. of Nomnnby and Bentinck. or whether he has been the re- preuntatire oi the whole Hiding? If of Aise whole Riding, as every reasonable be- ing mast admit, then he is bound to deal l even-handed justice to all sections of it. and to place all railway and other projects in which the people are interested, on an equal footing. This, Mr. Hunter has done. And the tact that during his tenure of " fiee he has shown no sectional bias what. ever, is ot iteelt' a Very strong clam: for e I renewal of the eonhilene of the electore.; I He introduced the deputation of the Strat- ford and Lake Huron Railway to the Gov. ermeut, and pieced their scheme before them as fully " he was nhle to do. A similar duty he performed for the deputa- tion of the Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway Company. And in this he did _ what he we: called upon. as the Represen- I tative of the whole Riding, to do, and no- I thing more. That the winryullerg of the l Conservative party can take any exception , to his action in this matter only shows ' how ignorant they are of the duties and ’ responsibilities of members of Parliament, ' and that the spirit of tyrenny is " genuine a. eur.oteristi, of the Conservatives of to. day as 1t has always been of their Tory ancestors. It is to be observed that tho above doen. I ment is carefully excluded than circulation in the West of Normunhy and Bentinck. On the other land. the faithful are being quietly informed in that quarter that Mr. Hunter is closely iLsnt'duril with the G. It, i W. B. B., and that bis whole inthsene. will ho exerted in securing a liberal bonus for that line. Hence, the letter from Mr. Hunter, written entirely in self-defence. and tor the purpose of placing his View: upon this vexed railway qnttstiort before _ the electors. But what has Mr. Fahey been drnng ' In Hanover and the neigh- [ bothoosl he quietly given mime-Zion! " the i nominoa of Col. Tiudule, the President of the S. k I, u. It. B. ! I Among Orange. men he talks 1 why of equal rights, and advocates the claims of the Orange Incor- poration Bill to become law, but to those of tho Roman Cathore cammnnion he maintains a discreet silence. That a great political party should descend to such liner- rile practieetr in contesting an eleetion,and forget what is due to themxelros and an intelligent public, is only one proof among many of the weakness of their cause, and n earnest of the triumphant victory which the Liberalwill party this day achieve at the polls. Tho annual muting of the Durham Me. elnnic'xs Institute was held on tho 28ml inst. The meeting was very meagre], at. tended, which in perhaps to be accounted for by the absorbing chant!" of political matters in this town at the present time. However, thio cannot be admitted to be a sufheiott reason. It is certainly of great importance insecure an intollignnt exorcise bf the franchise. Bat there other matters of still grater importance. and one of those is the proper working of Meeltanies' 1usti. mics. It Mechanic's Insiiiutos were up- preciated and made use of as may ought to be. than) would be little 11ithoulty in so outing an intelligent. oxereiu of the shut. "hiss and the absurd appeals made to the j passions and prrj udicos of the electors Mould line no place in tb political contest. The Rev. Mr. Park was called to the chair end Dr. Gun was appointed Secreta- ry. From the Direetoris report. which was read at the meeting, it appears that the total income of the Institute tpr the year amounted to 8214.84, which. with the exception of a balance on hem! ot vine cents has been expended on the purchase of books and in defraying the necuasury expenses connected with the Institute: The number M volumes taken oat of the Library during the year WM 2125. of which 1012 were works of ffetion, There ere 1870 volume: in the Library M. the l present tiutr-over 200 having been pur- l chased daring the pest year. The mem.) hen who have paid their subscriptions number only 47, end during the year T new members luv: been aided to the roll. The rate for the uncut yen be born intend toonrdallar per share. Thine-mum be 'paid to he an excessive nu even; "duitrttt ahatar.toettr-tfrrrlamotutd select e “but: u an penned by “Mechanic: Insulate. Marked»: shin intense in the "t.willu_uialinitsalf.-dt.ndto tqrtttee the tm. chine. ot such need-dons tU "peritrr-6tl-rillirs e new sur. W 'tt We. The [out up. Mud be the entrant you are t.--Wmi. “mum Bun; w Yio"tes, (Kemp THE MECHANICS 1N STITl‘TE I Remnin Yours, he., J. B. HUM“. I we... Du Euwwu u; my an.-. m '? A child. and trig yam, Ion of Mr. Archie l"",ttltt -rrcu- .rairbairy, ”W“. of cam. IPs' found 1raAsniom.t Council has given .350 for Georg. dawned an a cut-an on Siaudisyi' ' an Minion] High School "r,r.artttodtttiott Bin-qt; “hid-5W; M- or,Jotm Cameron; Sela-om. Dr. Gun: Ex. Com., Memtrrs. John Wnir. 600th Al- lan, Goo. Banal, William . 5.8" Rose and Jplm Ink. We ,lltftid'ilt Opportunity? of win antic" upon is 'agiuiiittlaloo' to Guide: thi. lquutlou whether they are nut thro'i'nd awn, .01“ opportunities in “lowing the Immnof_,.hmwledge which sr lie an the mem- (It. has!“ to "ein unit}. :0 far as they are concerned. F It appeal-2M from the “apart that a. very small propor- I tiuu of the young men manger] in the vari- ous trules are members of the Institute. This is not M. it should be. The Institute was founded for their upecill b.oefit, and more is no doubt but that the up" hours which they all hare could not be spent in my way more cunJucive to securing a healthy mind in nhealtlz; body than by making diligent use of the .Ueehauies's In, stnute Library. THE CAMPAIGN}; Meetings have been held during um put week, and were well attended, "otwitltind- ing the nulnvourabla weather. The wombat of support. given to Mr Hunter u: mch u to luvs no doubt M his election. T The form of ballot paper used in the ou. Mario elections differs in sonic respect» from that used in either Dominion or Municlpal elections. The most conspicuous dWerenee is that which requires the 1mm: of each} candidate to be printed m a llitfmul color. la the mining contend in the South Riding‘ Dir. Hunter has selected red as his color, and his name will appear on the ballot paper printed in red ink. Tho names of the eeuuruhstes being arranged in alphabet. ital order, that of Mr. Fahey will appear first on the paper. The form of ballot and mode of marking no as follows c-- The ballot, as Mancini marked with a X by the voter, in the margin to the ugh! of the name, and in favor of Mr. Hunter. Remember that Mr. Hunter‘s mun: _ come: second on the ballot paper, and will be printed in red, After marking your ballot clearly and plainly with tho pencil m the blank space, oppoite the red line. fold it so as to show the back only ; hand it to the deputrreturuiug Mioer, and see that it is put. in the ballot box before you leave the polling booth. You will then have done your duty aud can devote tho “at of the Jay to seeing that your neighbors do l theirs. Tho Conservative candidate, Mr. Fahey, has chosen blao as Iris color. Tn: Rev. D. WilH-Ims, of Dundnlk, paid “I I visit yutenlay, We are sorry to learn thut be is still sum-ring from a bronchial amic- tion, but hope mun to hesr of Ls reiteration to hull); and vigor. TBUXDER ts'roears.--0n Thursday after. noon last after a long spell of dry weather a. {Annular mm": 3'9""! """r tlrio riff-r a? companied hy a very high .wiud. The house of Mr Neil Catupboll, Buntinck, WM struck by lithniug, and was badly shatter. ed. besides being set on fire, but through the uertionu ot the iumxtos, um fir. was put out. On SUnrdsy, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday there was a heavy rainfall. RAILWAY Mzr.rrsa.-- On Tuesday last the annual meeting of the G. B. I W. R. Co. took place in Durham. The attendance was very large and all the old Directors were re-elected, with the exception of Mr Murtin.of Mount Forest, who retired, Mr, Thomas Swan being elected in his place. The retiring officers Wore all xiv-elected. The by-lnw in Arthur Township, to grant 07000 to this Road was defeated. The contract for building the first treettott has not been let yet, but likely will he in a day or two. Hossrwocm.--vcry dry until Saturday Inst. Crops uppea well in this section. There are sworn} cases of diptheria here, but none fatal. Rev" Mr. Smith, late of Thornbury, who has taken charge of the Molnnothon Circuit of the M. E. Church, met with an accident on his arrival at the parsonage. On going up to the loft to put down ltay for his burst he fell down break- ing his collar bone. Ila in improving mp- idly and wil be able to commune bis labors on Sabbath. Dr. Burr. Mr. McGheo and a few other expect a. soft seat in a. few days We intend to give them one. Scum 61m Tr.scatza'g Assoctsrmy.- The momth of the S. Grtty Tenohers' hs. sucintiou held their semi-annual meeting on Thursday and Friday of last week. at Prieeville. There mm a large attendance of teachers. and it was geuerally admitted by those present that in interest and use~ fulness the last meeting Was at has: equal l to any previous one. The chairman made some npproymtu and touching romarktAm the loss the unmmunity and the Associa- tion unstained by the duath ot Mr. Cushnio with his large experience. and of Mr. Don- con with his great energy. There were several new members present who from their iutelligene and experianc will certain- I 1y strengthen the Association. notably Mr. ‘Armstrong. of Durham and Mr. Galbnith. at Hanover. h full acoonnt of tho meeting will be given next week. Cum": " Fttamr.--The Jonas databa- tion, at St. May's, turns out to be much more serious' than wns It tirrt “append. instead of $50,000 the amount mu globu- bly reach '100,000. Many no reduced to poverty who supposed may bud enough and to spare. and tho ruin u wide nprend. One farmer tinds that nine mortgage: an resting on bis farm. and other 'ictims can be counted by we soon. A child mod xi: pam, son of Mr. Archie lfdxlmirn. wager. of oravilu, was found - Q ., - H A m A“ Ct.....'.'.., ' Ans Fun, of the Town of Strutfonl in the County of Perth, JouruaiiU. mus Hut, Hun [mum Tum) of Durham, in the County otorey,uerehaut, Local and other Items. Form of Ballot. HUNTER. FAHEY. Jul-aw; Tm- rn; 8eetotary, Dr. Gun; ti. Joint Weir, Gauge AV F ' William “I, a“ . nek. We at)! man: tt again umiai upon tirit - - -' --.. Quem. The “dunner: we" in the mrjur- ity and are determined to work their best on June 5th. ma :1 It in feared our Police Trustees have died last winter as we have not heard from Hum this spring yet. Some of am side walks are in a deplorable condition. It would require a balance pole to assist I person to travel some streets on them. Come gentlemen if you are alive "show up" more is need of you. Mr. Baht. McGhee of Me‘nuctlmn in all probability will be left It home to assist in getting his township out of the debt ha has put upon it. Poor Bobt.l The “Great Mir-hum" has had to call for ruinforce- menu In the shape ot Mr. Proctor of To, ronto, Dr. Sprout: M. P. and lull but not least, George Rutherford, Eral., of this village. George fixes the thing all right. Tho country is safe once again l For the first timo mince the l' had an existence than is no mush kind of graia--'uoriotts" N. P. Mr. T. J. Patton has given up tho idea ot shipping produce to SJ Man-l - we thought it would not ptsy--hts has gone into the election business. We hnda. territie storm Lure Saturday. Tho barn of Mr. Jno. McMurdo of Proton which was randy (or the doors was blown to the ground iujunng the carpenter who built it. The barn rd Mr. Ram. Marshall about one mile from here was blown down. A stable belonging to Mr. Elias B. Gray was also blown down. . The return match between the D Judnlk and 1'ricrevills draught p1ayerswas played on Friday last at Cnswoll's Hotel. May- bum. lhuulalk winning. ZERO. A cow of Mr. Keno“: McAuhy was killed by 3 tree. Hail ntones fell here as large as plums. Honor Roll of Durham Public School. The following is the Honor R111 Ur the mouth of May F--. 1. General class work, modified by M. mudunce and conduct. Ist division, 5th class. seniors-Mary Porter, Jessie Brown, Bella. Smith, R. Mc. Farlane. J “More -- Laura McKenzie, Minnie Whitmore, Thou. Smith, C. Park. 4111 eltuss--t'teo. Tucker, Edie McFarlune. Susan Laudar, J. Parrott. gud division, 8rd class. souiors--Mary Rombough, Thou. Jack, Lizzie Arrowsttaith, H. McKay. Junior-Robt. Laidlaw, Wm. 3feFarlaue, Maggie Ihtttter,'ihos. Lauder. 8rd division, 2nd ehsss-Maggie Me, Kenzie, Mary McMillan, Mn'y Bttrnet. Ist class, seuiors-BarGea Wdcuxsou. J nun MeLellan, Fred Johnston. Juniors-Jon. Warner, John Kress, Edwin Latvian. 2. Those deserving special mention for regular attendance. punctuality. diligence and good conduct. Ist division-tsam McKenah, George Tucker. Sarah Woodland. gud Jivisiott-Thos. Jack, Mary Bom- bough, Thus. Lauder, Fred McKenzie. Robert Laidlaw, Wm. MoFurlnne. John Grant, James Robertson, Maggie Hunter. 8rd tlivision--uaggia McKenzie. Msry McMillan. Lizzie Buruot, Florence Me. Kenzie. Lizzie Hickigt Inlet Hi.lhfartut True Presbytery of Owen Sound but NV pointed Mr. P. McLean recently calcining at the Rocky Snugoen, to labor at Lion's Head for tho summer scum. “mum, but“: Jinan“). ---..v. -...., .0"..- Vollct, Mary Stormy. Mary Russell, "mes Hunter. 0mm: to some informality (n the infor- mation on which Michael T'atmmey, of Arthur township. wastproetreded against in the meant Magistrates' Court, be Wtts brought back from Guelph forts second trial. The complainant {tiling to put in an appearance the can Wu dictum-ed with estnu.--Cotifestrrate. Prma.--h week Ago Int Thursday the} home Ind stable, on lot 49, con. 2, Emma“, i owned by Mr. A, McCaund). of this plug, ( and occupied by Mr. R. Cum“, vu- destroy. ed, “gather nth the eonunu. Mm. Cm" and children ale-pod with only dotting msough have: men, It. Ila-coho" shot; being alt con-umod. The fire in law to have originated through I tim which in mt going jun tmtaiN ti- hmno dttrrr4o dries tho maximum "my. Mr. Wall has duo-H $250 and Mr. Ctr-on the nuns. No incur-no. l ---rriay but the hone wt! band Mr. l hut, Smith, in. on the Owen Sound M I about four milra norm of than plan, van 3150‘ dun-wed. Karly all the went. way om.) named Mung with two edvu. The on oattgttt) from a btutr.tim near by. Lou "tintated at' 8900, covered by 'ut-ants-Fmt Fore}! Dundalk, June 8rd, 1879. Dundalk Items. 4-. the place has ' mush for any on last hm geek. Sui III on Monday even- ing, iiitii,iiiie,'i'i?, in the interest of Hr. "mats " Ibo Couurvnlive candi- . . Thad" Ir" u largo mundane. T mm - '4 a Bttiqg man of their own Fw to WM thte duties of chaimn. 7, r. “and! "appointed to act in that capacity: that ahnirmtrn first imagined _ I “A -. a... haunt). Init Mr. Pulley, who spoke tt beyond tsbtttsittg his p generally be said very Mr. James B. Hunter, atu,thea spoke. He r. Inw- ""Mr - Equity: Mini]! 31'“an a Mr. Fahey, who spoke at some length, but 3 beyond liming " political opponents 2 generally he said very little to the point. 11 Mr. Juno) B. Hunter, the Reform candi- into, then spoke. He dwelt pu'icnlnrly f on the Ounce question, which he had F spoken of at other meetings. He said that I body could be iruwriromted under the 1 General Act for ten cents. Ho defended l the policy of the Government, and dwelt t twtiettlntly on the Salary Bill, the License ', ‘anund the appointment ot Inspectors I of Divuion Comte. and the beaefit of the l 1'yi:'l'i"l,'2: of the mrplnq. In this last 1 connection he referred perticnlnrly to the 2 permment improvement in their own 1 county. Mr. Hunter‘s remarks were _ heartily received. Mr. Evans.from Toronto, followed. m explained, with regard to the Salary Bill.thntif any one win to blame in connection with that measure the Tories were as bad as any. Mr. Boll, the Conservative member fur West Toronto, had during the discuuion in the Home promised to Nippon the Government, bat when the vote Win taken on the Bill, he, in obedience to the craek of his lcndcr'» “(Unnamed luck intohis kennel. Mr. Ennis also npoko on the surplus distribu- _ tiun and the educational question pointing , out the benefit of having a permanent I Minister of Education on the floor of the ' House. Mr. [Whey replied in ll some- '. what wandering style, after which I voter) of thank: to the Chmnnnn was pnsaodd at tlselarges meeting. with the exception 1 of two individuals, declared in favour of ', the Mowat Ailniinistrntiun. The next , meeting was held on Wednesday evening. t Mid was also called in the interest of Mr. . Fahey. Tho sclmol-honw at Iuerton was _ selected as the place at meeting, but it was t decided to bold it outside the building, ‘ although there were nut more than thirty ',, pencils present. Addresses Were delivered by Messrs, Fnhey and Hunter. The tom: of . the meeting was about equally divided; yet, it Mr, Fnhey can Le said to have a. strong. hold in the Riding at all, itis hem. A slight disturbance tuck plow, during which Dr. Ghent. one of Mr. Hnuter's friends, was pushed ott the plnform by some of Mr. 1'tthey's supporters. The meeting was brought to in termination rather ulnrlwtly. The third [mating took place at Purdyhs Mills, Glenelg, and was tuned by Mr. Evans, on bolwlfu' Mr. Hunter. There was u. very large attendance of the eleetors. The chair was occupied by Mr. Finlay Mueller, more of the township. Mr. livuus spoke tor an hour and it half. “a detendcd the general policy of the Govern. ment, and explained the salary question to the evident satisfuetion of those present, as was shown by repeated and hearty ap- plause. The surplus distribution. the fnruters' Forts' franchise, the vote by ballot, the education que tion-all these important points were handled in a lucid and masterly way. Mr. Evans was replied to by Dr. ‘Sproule, M. 1'Uor East Grey. but his n . marks were Aside from the point " issue altogether. He spoke generally of the 1 politics of the Dominion, and quoted lurge~ 11)’ from the Mucphersun pamphlet. His remarks fell Bat on the audience, who gave [himlittlo encouragement to speak. 3122‘ Evans replied to Mr. Spronlc. riditmlicg) the Mnepherson pnmphlet. He. saidit weal generally understand that Macpherson‘ never wrote the pamp'ulet,ttnd that he who did write it was now enjoying his reward in the shape ofa good fat berth in Toronto. He criticized the economy l'.') of the Do. minion Government, which Dr. Sproulo supports. From that Government he (Spraulc) draws 61,000, and his chief at Ottawa draws more than Mr. Mowu. The chairman in closing the meeting referred to certain remarks of Dr, Sproule, in which he “mm! the License Law. He (the chuirman) did not wonder at the doctor feeling grieved over the License Law ques- ltion. inasmuch Ga he was tiued .20 and lends fur selliugliqnur in his drug chop contrary to that law. This denauomcnt so staggered the doctor that he grabbed his cent and hat and made for the door. The meeting, which was largcly " Mr, Hunter, was dispersed about mid. night, but not before cheers for the Mowat Government had been given and a vote of thanks passed in (“our of the Chairman. The next meeting was held at Ayton, and it, too, was called on behalf of Mr. Hunter. The electors met in the Town Hull, which we: crowded. Mr. Winger occupied the chair. and opened the meetzng with a few remarks ootuylimetttary to Mr. Hunter. Mr. Fahey was present. Mr. Evans spoke first, and gave a clear expla- nation of the questions of the day. Mr. Funny (allowed, but In his remarks were of an ubunve curator. and not calculated to enlighten those present. they were not re- ieived in very good part, except by a few ‘Iymynthisiug young rowdies. Mr. Buns replied to Mr. Fuhey, his criticisms being pointed and scathing. la the course of his remark: he reminded Mr. Fancy that be had at one time eondenmed the party who yt.rd now taken him up on purpose to sell greeted with {and chats. He Massed the theta“ with his accustomed vtgour for uboul nu hour, during which time he “viewed tbs turiiou of the Ontario (lovem- mom. and contracted the present with what the future might he were the (hitrottttiott to gut iato P"r.tr. Igun. . W. Beis/ {pumped ht this stage Mr. FahOY. who can” not. thud the running tire of truth: which Mr. Bum kopt hunting a him, left the room, rlt his followers. few in uumbor. " his ea s. After tho departure of this doaghty 'tttte of Toryism. Mr. Emu: cun- Pt 'ret mg! 'tta. PR Jatitut humus. and It ths clou- of his address he was Marti] mph-Idea. As Mr. Evans cloud Mr. aunts: entered the ttair-tmv. ing Jet Arrived from Durhnmfnua he was oetpusiaasiou. - Timbuktu" . Glacial“ rigid; 'Arts' with than busing chunks-tho Queon. " Mr. Hunt. and for the Chair. tnas-Globe of Monday. m n shah. tiihiTi, JiuCTi a iimvl himself yummy to (he tieyee,syurPeytcitue sic My. lst Dundu Durban Durham, W Emma 't_ Paths. W. ... 131191.26 ___ Essex. 5 FFF Wanton-e iiaai. s. ... Pryor Grey. N V V .. Doyle. "rev. I ... ... Hunter my, E Hammad. Hutu- wrt Milton. _ Hath”. N 11-1“!!ng llurnu. tr, .. Bump Huron.” _.. mow-o- Kuruu. W ._. "we. ... Kent) .-. m.. Icon-f 1mm; ... machine: Kincaton . Tqv Robin-on Wham}: _-. 6mm [Alumni], W 'r. Fudge. Luna-rim. ._. Cddweu haunt B, .. Deed: and Granville. tg....- been, a. 1mm): mt' __. - ”neon! .r. cr. 509nm. London Tre wrN “mom. MiddlmeK. TPV Watt-r. uncoln m.. .r. Kuhn. _.. mommy. London tre wr» Inga" __. Meredith. Middlmx,x. TVV VIM“ ' Manama". Riddle-ex, E. FFF Isthmus. ”lanky. HMdlo-ex,W. ...w-worthatbettaeNoar lunch. .8. ... Human...Dodd|. Hench. .F. ... Humun 31"!anan Parry Sound .-. mum. Hutton.“ me. ...Fnunw Norfolk. 5 _.. TFV Aultin. NorttuunborN, $2.me Nortttumttartu,W Enid... (madam ... .. Palm" Ontario,' m.. .. Drydun DRIVE Odord. tt oxford, B. Peet .., Perth, N Potcrtrormttth, E. Petvrborougti,W Prescott .. 'W' Moor‘lm. Bcutrerr,b'. .p. kahuna. 'rc Rum“. ' Simone, s Elma». W. Pt' Moment" _.. Toronto,R. T T Toronto, W. . Titrtoria,N. .. View“; B. .. thrluo. N .V Waterloo, R, T Wound __. .. Wemugtou, Ii. We1tittgton.C. WeuingtomW wtsutworth,N [ Wentworth, S ( York, N. 'r' \YDI’k,E... "rm York, W Barman.“ Stucco Punch ( ll"alkertau Trlamymu Altar the election last Septmnlwr, Mr. Rightmcyer, of Kimxsrdtue, declnml he mu 3mm) better off than before the vlcctious. lately. haweverJlr. Itightmeyer came bufore the Town Council uf Kiueavdine and naked toe exemption {mm taxation and harbour duties, stating that his supplies are so heavily and nndcr the new order of “may. Here we have another instance in ullicll the much» lulled Salinas»! Pulley In. pmvml a cures ia. “and of a blessing. We cmnot my that we are .orry fur Mr. iliclstuseyet' l on thc, cou. trary, we must lay It serve: him rrgut. He did hi: beat to boa]; burdens on the people, Mid. it he now tiuds that the heaving: burden has lallrn upon himself, he hu only himself to blame. It was frequently puiutuJ out to tum that the National Policy could uct do anything for him, but yet. he did his best to elect the supporters of Sir John. Hi. Mend: were “would It the polls, and am now rev wading him. It is a curious citcumstancu that instead of l being a protection tu our struggling iuslustries, the Xstwual Policy In: in must can-u proved I positive injury to the mmmfacmrcrn, tew vi whom are an well situated tinaucialty an the}, were twelrc mouths ago. Five years uux'er the Natiousl thcy would bo “than: to "uystroy the prosperity of the pmplv. and to Ohm our every usautrtacuiriug ianah-y not upper“ Gras ltotuetul.l or a Vanderbilt. Alt that u Nguhjgd to close ttighttucycr'ti salt - is I little Iddi'uonl duty on uh in the United sntu. Mr. nightnnyw Ihuuld have dawned 15! time to affair. at Wain-stun. h it the Alert-an tariff and not the Canadian tilt WM owns-ire to him, but not, " ni- uvm iststigatiott, the Canadma Gpnmmeut in a!” Dying on In burden. uni Iso an in a .hort time be crushed out. One Uter number ( of our :11qume are compelled to shut up l shop, and yet the warkmen and farmers an: ukegl tt vow " At"' continuance of my been»: Policy. The Strata!“ Deleon than “a: to the: {LEE-Not..- ot “I misc- hu keen I‘M-(L WW have baa lemma! Instead of rid, lid in some limo! good. Canada mdu " much of summer market an ever. Within the prascnt Week . Cincinnati firm sold u large consignment of atria.” on the Shauna} market, and similar "les no taking place awry (by a“ over the Province. The Government hue so named the duty on tho "w mmm. um. Candi-n mum- fgcturerl "can!” mcompeu with their wanton: rink, and they no their human. dipping out of their had: every day. The tube that they and A cum! many miner mum- fmm ate gettmg u “an Simona! l'ulicy in Anything; but plenum. Bra-1&3. tho that. county will and out “at B Spud it Another “link" has murmd on the tr. b N. W. Railway,'uear Duuteoon, in the not spot as Nuts. Ain‘t 200 unloads of material. tom-the: with ties and mi. f. W .re Kola.- . Bishop ELEM!!!) " ACCLANATIG\ 62c..." “I'm-non Gumc .V Whito Butour FFt Wipo . “but Dawson ww' CAL“ {Vuuvuli W .. '6‘“. jllurko. .. Pt tT (Landau. Phsstor TV Thanh”! launch...nut!- Glboon ... Inn-n}. Idachlhx. .Coh' m. Rubin-Du. TCT... ... um... ...KoGMt ctuantrerutrt.Beoeur .O'Dunughm Cool. 'PP Phelps. . Fnrrun. . “mutt. ' omr -u Pr. Peck... _ ,, Wood mWr Springer Livingaum Carrie ... tnidlttw . .Curltet U. ”Hakim . _ Mel-hm: ,.A\\ my ... A%Uditicid Wow Panama" troub- Chisholm . Hay. .._ .. mummy» . Bil-Ind. u . Elliott. . ,, Ryan rr' Tt Hurray”, vr Bursar“, . local . T a1owtst " ---- -. - - 'll(' and“; .. lobed-0|. Junk-mu. noun-r Cevigttto» Kelly Cont“. Skinny. least”. Kenya. mt: Mob-Mum Green Born. Wilton. lama . Cochran Milk“. 0 in 1- spin Bron u. nnskcn'mo LrsBauur _.. Momma. MerDertuott, Brawn r. Ctueatt. Hulda any. ”new. Huntington “our. . is" arm-m ,them. .chu‘u. turktsil1 Meal P . C'arpeutet nun-by. Mhmmn. Kerr Br .Ruw4t W n! In"! PM u r1! eria t -dott. l Quhtlw (iitel', ll Y".' Wu, w.. (Lang. .. cart)" [31an (Brown. , in; \Cod? I let, Mahmo- R 0:31: - 1 Mon.- " *rrrrm.-'ru 51;; , an”. up: When the ”than". m. {and 3mm- ittrohterd the Amm’ Mr, " -._ Tm "arot 'inoh oar civil sen-ice and dim,“ aiseus. Httttt and Ian beeanset a", Cf, “We", an organ“ conzvmlm tlat ll m atidmtat to. motives of “Whom: tl, mm "tryout- knew that tho (-3...“ h. “I... "u. statement kid on the ttur, of the Sonata prov" it tn have loer: 'm, more ”than “an tho arr-rage Tu”. " w. Up to the "taNml tho 1kvrn, mm “named fortymim- cescur, tiue, W. but in their places they “PINE d sixty-In oaisrtw--ullJutaos! htNtti,a, in who. they can cannon]: m the “We _urviu. Ttgn PM R-ar.---Abotrt a he, In Blur-y the ”can“! Spam” In. "ttee in the luau-y of tho tvorl4 4-; ' people not. ultimately shut the" e.tes u ml: on bankruptcy than Lave atcoc, an: in Wilma“. Camila is a hundm titttes too poor to indulge m the "tttlt, ‘pm of I politic“ nilway nu a.“ d “90.000300. or. perhaps. 'l60,0inmt The proposal to lock up a hundred will“, was of land in the haul» of noomunumn u taught nth I." to!“ of payable tummy Thou Commiuiouerx will at first be and” tho thumb of their {minimal palm», L: below long they will in all him-32mm) 'o, gone a were ting. Inn-mu an mm.» , with!“ commit)“ murlnr :lwr “my Such corporations nm always drmmm. " public good and [mix ttte )u-m s'y." ----_ ---= Tu; Gum Picnic will be new: I 1.. m. on the SIM: ofJune. A gm] hm up“. Ttre next Mug ofthe Orange h. Lodge, of Artetvesia, will la. 11min” emu Station on tho Nth of June, o'clock p. II. T'lse Btterhrnoke RM my: the tug. path mm I)” in 8bsrbtooko for , can. a pound. Ind like!" which there in so mm), bugging by our orttrerxativr, contempn rim. in of the some quality m: Humid f, sight out: before an N ' 1'. cum my fan. Witt the Tory papers rtprodrte tl ante-elation trades upon the qua“... wnol just now? Will 1111- friL-uds of {tum who lmwbd about tiw mm d 1 (onion upon this article explain why John A. but forgotten the pear {mm-1 thin 'tarticular t Speak no". brother, Dam Banner. The Sun's-yon of the Str Railway reached Chunky I since then have been: Work lit ity. The survey angles um farm, culx " a portion of F to the wen of the viltage, In river I short stiMauee below The bridge will be alum: MI is said the turn-y, uflu' cm: will be I eotttpatastiv. ly Ara vtrrtmcv.--dh: ferprir . The Own an extra h!” than “NM" our leading: blllpiciuu th; or of the tar, spice we Would gladly have Hum: [Dr I ml the statements into our own mhnnm. TU mattuiaettttvvs who mm» that thv t.utdf ", not going to “is. the piers w- tvurrtV “when Munch snide: ms are nut ccumally required by the great body "f the people. The - of fuming impielueuu m that their "ticks will he raisctl in price. although they themselves will nut be much if my at a” benetittcd by the rise. M ths price of iron ha: been mute than corm- pondingiy mired. Awake nn-nhmu noun new to think that pliers will nut be mhudy affected din m. " window): men had laid in km "oeha before the m- position of the new hail, but 1hry Mm that print will eventunlly rise unless h,rri: compotiiion keeps them duwn. 01,1111: again hold that than will be att inunexhuh adv-nee in prices. The Nahum-lat m 1“ is I -enl feeling of otsrNowr among farmers of the mrmmdm: draw ‘is Lbsolutely false, Ind mum only Law tte writtmt by name Due who Link IIHUIL‘ the tim. tioe WHO to tind out what. tl., Ci1,'l,','l', wen. The fact is Una: the faruue .300 " extra charges. This “in x. till the MOW “it had. w mm w they Maul-M on Mining the new: oflifo tltie "utr, and in "trtrrequi'uo' t Jon of.it, 'QQ‘dérumd. liey art r,,y.f, ‘conpidenid . The railwu camyuh) tl'2',"'G'l'd “on 21'2'llgrit u: opinions wen. The fact " Gust mm mm are highly tlissatiuied with the new ..1 [and cm supposing ovary mama: w Haifa summary were true, which lt, that. in in it trudieietst to muse m w nation of ovary cunsuuu-r. Tho Clinton Nea lira "tys _ In t', " spring I companv 1in a remain lamb; l : Manitnbn. tho nilwnd ttgrc'eurr',' to {m them lhmugh. Earth!!! with the” at rh. le., for a given sum. No instruct; m \m- civil) them with rrfcrrucc to cl; f ll a', “undid". but they were in] In mm.- mnd tkat the" Rudd bes,oo duty to Fr is M We" My goitit%rvnr,m st.cr r _ “a territory. and that thing: would [v n i HEN- Ott Arrival at Detroit they were 2-- fomul that sum of the uticks woe 4-1 M " duty, tad would law to Lu {1.11" lured to fresh cm which “as d, m. I" My» Bt. “halt, the “an 111m 1tghtittg then to Imam: tur, Will! they ruin! (all (at. for the W ‘M freight Will that had been su,rniirv' "I‘M!” They WM mains! 1le ”I. bu " u u, M“ to yay Ml" ue would e to do naming toward. "funding th" 'ar'. qunt. sad I. hollow. that suit tar " n 4r'nree, in to be antiwar]. On the like there near Owen Sum; 1L. wuat isimt little winter-killed, and .5 l ing wall. Is Koppel the crop has m t L “1... looked fur up“ pid . g gun": in "s" putting "isiair, “gig inst ttr".' M rho-qua, iu but, ia w m 1ttf,'rtteryie?reyy, Lil Lu! J 09mm.“ Mme. my taunt: 1w“?! ploughed it nrsuuus,d'.iisstsso.oni:; : trust or all; a...» , ‘litic: in as t o t, um tr adl tho b'tratfor4 & ”do, hm Fril in working in 111 ugh- through " Lion of Per). I.“ “has. and cm: on below the u: d, tklwngh tl of what is m mind-“rd stir , have tmuse II ml (IN t any mt, atUd “It I tttue Arit ll M d M _rtet h “to "H, " PW“ “in A ed \ul which th I-l-ncl " In“! he an m hm Ut to and m In ie-tiota " he 1: MW”: Sudden! an! Midi pow In cull I. mule» mu ark-mun! nun Ila-uh! at, our. n-'-- and u in! nu tho on" duhm‘how The at“ “I do: clutch- II th “an“. bl s my] mm Rum! ll .nnuJ h I In 'i'l m Th " f who» "an “It tak, t " Khan the nu chant tioor and and burn tlw than dining. l award, ot But man H7 Jun-pl! Bos, Ctithwd, not a eol at u " ttce " M ofN hob at can Lajos: tours, of St. Tum offs, et. TH" IMF! I rod. mo " olup M ll my: “IT u

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