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Grey Review, 12 Jun 1879, p. 2

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1 § 4 kowu, contined himself almost exclusively 'to,.Po;.‘n_é-.fon polities, and throughout the Riding never fwiled to make the X. P. the ,burden of bis soug. It therefore may fairly be concluded thqi already the peoâ€" .ple of Ontaric see clearly Albha they were imposed upon lass September by the falso professions of Tory do‘uago‘u‘; inj that only the opportunity is wanted "Lo, retrace the unfortunaie step which was taken on that occasion. We‘ need not reâ€" call to the recollection of our readers the loud promises of happiness and prosperity made to all classes and conditions of It is with no ordinary fecling of pleasure that we have to congratulrte the South Riding of Grey and the country at large upon the result of the recent elections. As will be found in another column, Mr, Hunter, the Lil eral caniddate in this Rids ing, has been returned by the large majoriâ€" ty of 6413 _ and the . Government of Mr. Mowat has been sustained by two to one of the Opposition. _ Such extraordinary suceess was not anticipated by the supportâ€" ers of the Ministry and that the result of: the contest is so satisfrctory is the best proof of the honesty and efficieney »f the administration _ of public afâ€" fuirs for the last eight years in the Proâ€" «/n9ce of Ontario. ‘There can be no quesâ€" #ion nog as to what the country thinks of the National Poliey. It is true that the working of tke N. P‘. has nothing to do with Provincial efairs and the Liberal candiâ€" dlates proferred discussing the policy and measures of Mr. Mowat‘s Government, and standing or falling by them; but the Opposiâ€" tion persistently dragged in the Tariff question and appeared always more anxious to discuss it than any purely Jogal questions. This was especially the case with Mr. Faâ€" hey who, at his first meeting is the Town ignorance of the gonius of Church Courts, and conveys a false impression of the action of the U. P. Synod on this particular ecase. The whole question turned upon the duraâ€" tion of future punishment, and not upon the mode, as flippantly insinuated by our contemporary. Upon this question â€" of eternal duration of future punishment all €Christian churches are agreed, In every age of the Church there have been men who from heriditary influence, the force of Education, and attendant cireumstances, or, perhaps, from conviction, have empracâ€" ed novel views on matters of form as well me of doctrine, and fancied therasclves to have arrived at the truth which till then had been hidden from the world. These have had their day and in duo time have given place to something more novel, or more illusory, but the trath has remained. And it would be better for the cause of truth, the peace of the Cburch, and the reâ€" putation of those men who are thus earried away by novelties in religious things, that whoen they find themselves out of harmony with the Church or any of the cardinal doeâ€" trines of the Christian Faith, they would withdraw from the communion to which they helogg and form an Independent soâ€" eiety. Still to hold their places and salaries and make use of this vantage grouad in‘ propagating heresy and sapping the founda ‘ #ions of the church which they protess to [ uphold, is dishonest in the extreme, U. R. Middleton, Archibatd Thom, Thes. Nithol, Colin €. MeFayden, Danicl Keith, Alexander Tayior, â€"The case of the Rev. David Mcrea, of the United Presbyterian Church, Seotland, who was charged with teaching views on the doctrine of the Eternity of Future Punâ€" tshment, at variance with the teachings of the Church of which he was a minister, has been before the Synod of the U. P. Church at its recent sitting. A Committee investâ€" ed with Presbyterial powers, was appointed to confert with Mr. Merca, and snbmitted kix questions to him on the points at issue. The answers given proved nsatisfactory to the Committee, and Mr. Mcrea was } forthwith suspended from the office o the: ministry. Our local contemporary, in comâ€" ‘ menting on this matter, betrays his usual Agents for the Grej Roview. â€"The Government of Sir Jolhn A. Maeâ€" donald is slowly proceeding step by :t p in its polisy of deception. On the 9th of May the Minister of Public Works laid upon the tablw of Parliament the famous resolutions for the bailding of the Canada Phcific Kailway, by which the entire control of the undertaking was to be taken out of the hands of Purliament, and given to the Ministry of the day. On that memorable eccasion Dr. Tupper stated that as regards the route frotm the Rocky Mountains to the Pacifie coast the Gevernment had come to wo decisiom other than that the action ofthe Mackenzie Admuinistration, im determining to adopt the Rarrard Inlet Route was premature. What will ba thought of the man who could make such a statement, while at the same time he knew that the Government of which he was a momber had on the 22ud of April previousâ€"I7 days beforeâ€"by order in Council resolvel tpon choosing Esquimalt as the terminus of the Railway and necessarily the Bute Inlet as the way of approach to the seaboard 2 So for the sake of keeping Sir John‘s constitaâ€" eucy in tnne the people of Canada are to be obliged to throw away $21,000,000 on the building of the C. P. R. terminus and an aunual tax of $693,000 for the renming ot the same for all time. _ Indcpen@entiy of the calamity of groaning under tha incubâ€" us of the National Policy, the public now will begin to realize the luxury of being ruled by a Conservative Government, who place their interests as a very subsidiary wonsideration, and make the great olject awnd aim of existence the keeping of themâ€" selves in office, Durham, June 12, 1879. THE ELECTIONS REVIEW. BDurndalic. Dlmx well. Pricevilic. CGilencly. Moistein. Dromerc. The following 4e the.majorities in cach municipality in this Ridipg :â€" 5 MUXICIPALITY. | HUNTER _ PAHEY, _ «L53 Majorite for Mr. Hubter of 643 g ' The Chronicle is scized with a fit of ; | spleen, and as is his wont when in this j | mood, slanders unoffending persons right ¢ and _ left. Under _ the _ heading of t ‘ * A Caso of Rib Stabbing "â€"A curious capâ€" f tion, by the wayâ€"he attacks our esteemed . | correspondondent, Dr. Christoe, of Fleshâ€" ' | erton, who cuntributed some letters to the ; | colunans of the Review duriag the late conâ€" N ‘ test. In common with a large proportion . of the electors of East Grey and an over ‘ , | whelming majority of the electors of South ; ' Grey, Dr. Christoe is opposed to outside g candiduates, and warmly espoused the cause :ot Mr. Rorke against Mr. A. W. Lauder in f.' East Grey. In the course of the campaign l)lu.- in a very legitimate way made use of i | various local and general questions in opâ€" posing Mr. Lauder and in furthering the * | eandidature of his friend, Mr. Rorke. No "| exception can be taken to all this, nor to | anything written or spoken by Dr. Christoé; + | during tue contest which was conducted, ‘| so far as he was concerned, in as fair and above board a fashion as could be desired. | As an elector in East Grey, and more esâ€" ' I pecially as the Reeve of Artemesia, the inâ€" terests of the Riding were watched with |very jealous care, and, although in his communmication to the Review he hit hard, this was done in the interests of his conâ€" stituents. However, it is not Dr. Christoe whois aimed at by the Chronicle. . It is the‘ Returning officer of South Grey. â€" Saysour contemporary, he, the Returning Officer, "directs the little rivulet of patronage which he happens to control into the Grit caulâ€" dron," _ Aye, there‘s the rub. Loaves and fishes again, Had Mr. Returning Officer directed his patronage to the Chromicle office then all would have been right, and because he has not done so, but has chosen to exercise his discretion in this matter, as he had a perfect right to do, the venom of the Chronicle must be directed at him. The Returning Officer, we can assure our conâ€" temporary, is not under the control of any elique, but in the discharge of his duties consults the public interest, and bestows his patronage upon those who are the most deserving of it. And from the approvedreâ€" putation for uprightness anq'l fur dealing whichcharacterizes that gentléman,we may still turther assure our contemporary that so long as he continues this policy of slander, aud persists in casting about the seeds of discord among a peaceâ€"loving community, he need1 not expect that any of the rivulets of patronage at the direction of the Reâ€" turning Officer will be directed towards the ( office of the Chronicle. 4 Theâ€" Electionâ€" Returns Bouth Grey. men at thit time; of the glowing pictures | of revived trade, of factories on every : stream, of hamlets converted into cities, 0f | doubling and quadrupling the yn)ynlatbi‘ and providing home markets for the sittâ€" , plus products of the farm, by making of | Canada what SirJohn, by the wizard wands !uf the N. P., protnised to do, not o%ly ait E agricultural but @a large manufacturing | commuunity as well. Nine months have | elapsed, and the prophesy is unfulfilled. i Nuy, there is very strong eyvidente that | the opposite is ensuing. Milis are toppling | down, instead of industries being revived, | many are being closed, in cousequence of lflm N. P. daring the last yearvavkruptcies | have largely increased, wages have com: idown while the necessaries of life have | gone up, aud, already, every unprejudiced THE "CHRONICLE" AND DR. CHRIS TOE, l There is no question but the large maâ€" jority given to Mr. Hunter in this Riding is due partly to the fuct that Reformers wers bound to recover the ground they had lost last year by their indifference, and nobly have they done it Another eleâ€" â€"ment which contributed materially to swell Mr. Hunter‘s majority was the active supâ€" } port of a large section of our Roman Cathoâ€" lie fellow subjects. Thisis as it should be. Roman® Catholics are the natuaal allies of the Liberal party, and #ore good tirn deserves another, then most certainly the Roman Catholies should support the Liberâ€" al partyâ€" with heart and hand. It is to the Liberal party that they are indebted for their political existence. During the long struggle which continued in Ireland for 'nearly threeâ€"quarters of a century against lthe enactments of the penal laws, the Libâ€" erals were always fighting the battles of the IÂ¥ish people, both in and out of Parâ€" liarwent, and it is to them that they are inâ€" debted for the civil and geligious liberty which they now emjoy, The recent election would seem to indicate that these importâ€" ant lessons of history nre beginning to be appreciated, and that in future, the hope may be reasonably entertained that, as in this contest, a large majorty of Roman Catholie votes will be given in favor of Liberal candldates. Mr. Hunter‘s maâ€" jority was still furtherincreased by the votes of very many Conservatives who rose above the projudices of party and warraly supâ€" ported, so far as they were avle, a Governâ€" ment which had confessedly done so much | in advancing the moral and material mterâ€" ‘ ests of the Province, and against whom not I one single instance of malâ€"administratien had been established by the Opposition. All honor to these men, and it is a consumâ€" mation devoutly to be wished, that a good deal more of this spirit which has been shown by many of our friends in the Conâ€" servative ranks would be introducsd into the working of party politics. obseryer is convineod that the latter end of this tarif adjustment is going to be infinâ€" Hely worse than the beginning. No won, der then that good sense Lhas once more trinmphed, and that on the 5th of June the electors have shown in the mostu nmisâ€" takea\le manner their condemnationof the folly perpetrated on the 17th of Stptember. 10 Those who are in the habit of: handling smooil cilver nnt!io :dllg uomuca,u tion, as thore‘isia large ggantity of counterâ€" feit fAive,ten, ud pwontyâ€"Aro~cents picces Bush fires have been prevrafent in Musâ€" kok1, owing to drv weather. The St. Cathurines News is "‘ugpatriotic‘ (according to Tory protectionists) to men; tion the fact® that the best white sugar is selling in‘Buffalo 14} Tbs. for $1 ; here 10 Tbs. for $1, _ If it was not for the National Policy the poor man .would lave the beneâ€" fit of: the. fall in . psice. â€"Ceal in Buffalo from #8.%5 to $346 per ton.;, the price here, $6.50. ‘ Anather item of the National Policy, ~& i # Thuesday last was very quiet until the ¢lose of the poll, when a !arge number of the resflents of the Riding kept pouring into She town, anxious to know the result, and as soon as the votes in Durbam and the frst polling places in Glenelgand Ben« tinck were counted most of those present were satished that Mr. Hunter was réturnâ€" ed, and as the returns both of this and the other Ridings were announced the enthusiâ€" asm of the Liberal Party, and many Conâ€" servatives, was unbotnded, _ When Mr. Hunter atrived about nine wslock, an inâ€" mense crownd filled the street in front of McAllister‘s Hotel, and enthusiastically cheered the memaber elect. Addresses were ‘de]ivers«!‘ by Messrs. Hunter, Murdock, [ Reeve of Egremont, and â€" MacKae, Reeve of Glenelg. Mr. Fahey made his farewell address at the ** British Hotel" it about the same hour. Meanwhile, Mr. Augus MeCormick, with his bagpipes, arrived in Upper Town and after playing a number of lively mirs in front of the residense of Mr. Hunter, went down to the "Interâ€" national Hotel," and after a short time reâ€" turned to Mr. Hunter‘s residence, which by this time was almost takem possession of by a large number of the Liberal party, who were most boxpitablly <entertainedy Early on Friday morning the Hanover Band arrwedsin‘Company with Dr. Landerâ€" kis, and serenaded Mr. Hunter, Dr. Gun, ‘The Review Office, Mr. MacRae, Messrs. McMechnic} Bros., and the Hotels. In the forenoon the Nexstadt Band, seccompanied by Mr. McEdwards, and a number of promtment residents of Normanby arrived. In the afternoon the places mentioned above were again serenaded, and short nddresses of congratulation delivered. The musie of both bands was excellent, and we have no doubt but friend MeEdwards felt himselt to be one of the "Happy Family" that day at least. The Neastudt Band also, in rememberance of the kindness of our worthy Mayor, to theim on the Queen‘s Birthday, and who has always been noted for his hospitality, proceeded to that gentleâ€" man‘s residence and played a few lively tunes in good style. Mr. Middaugh treatâ€" | ed thom handsomely. . After agaun proâ€" ceeding to Mr. Hunter‘s residonce and mecting with a very hospitably reception: from My, and MÂ¥s. Hunter, the Band and 'fi-iends from Normauby reformed in proâ€" ioessiun left for home, by way of Hanover. Lanark, 8., Loes, ONTARIO ELEGTIONS. Norfolk, S., Morgan, 14 Ottawa, Baskerville, 65 Peterborough, W., Seott, * 250 Prescott, Hurkin, 106 Simcoe, 8 , Parkhill, by Acclamation. Simgoe, W., Long, 60 Stormont,. Korr, 14 Toronto, E., Morris, 68 Toronto, W., Bo}], 98 Wellayd, Ncar, 15 Wentworth, 8., Garpentor, f Loods and Grezvito, N., Merrick, Toods, 8., Richaxd303, London, Meredith, Middlesex, E., Tooley, Dufferin;Barr, Dundas, Broder, Durham, Rosevear, Essex, N., White, Essox, 8. Wigle, Frontenaa, Calvin, Glongary, MceMaster, Grenville 8., Fronch, Grey, E., Lauder, Hastin;s, N., Bowiter, Weilington, ‘C., Ciarko, Wollington, W., Mfejug, Wentworth, N., McMahon, York, N., Widdifield, York, E., Baudgerow, York, W., Pattorson, Addington, Deroche, Algorua. Lyon, Brazt. N., Young, Brant, S., iccrdy, Brockvillo, «Frascr, Bruce, N.. Sinclair, Bruce, 8., Wells, Cardwell, Robinson, Cornwall, Mack, by Acclamationt Durhom, W., Mclachilin, Elgio, E., Cascaden, Eigin, W., Nairn, Grey, 8., Hunter, Haldimaund, Baxter, Halton, Robertson, Hamilton, Gibson, Hastings, E., Appleby, Huron, E., Gibson, Huron, W., Ross, Huron, 8., Bishop, Kent, E., McCraney, Kent, W., Robiuson, Lambton, E., Grahum, Lambton, W., Pardec, Lanark, N. Caldwell, Lennox, Hawley, Lincoln, Neelon, Middlesox, N., Wators, Middlesex, W., Watersworth, Monek, Harcourt, Muskoka and Parry Sound, Miller, Norfolk, N., Froeman, Northumberland, E., Forris, Northumberlandd, W., Field, Ontario, N., Paxton, Ontario, 8., Dryden, Oxford, N., Mownt, j Oxford, S., Crooks, Poel, Chisholm, Porth, N., Hay. Porth, 8., Ballantyne, Poterborough, E., Blezard, Prince Edward, Striker, Renfrow, N., Murray, Renfrow, 8., Bonfeld, Russell, Barker, Siincoe, F., Cook, Victoria, N., Pock, Victorin, 8., Wood, Waterloo, N., Springer, Waterloo, 8., Livingstone, Wellingtop, 8., Laidlaw, List of Candidnics Elected, INDEPENDENT. The Victory. Monk, OPPOSITION. MINISTEKIAL, mlct atie t t 370 192] 189 157 318 250 115 144 437 119 159 1t 182 100 132 2 51 225 282 10 117 100 T5 197 613 147 65 14 PH 102 130 113 24 §3 gerian. They stayed over Slhu;ti;;:ndlefl for Quebec on Monday morning. His Grace the Duke of Argyle, Lord Walter «Campbell, Lady Elisabeth and Lady Mary Campbell â€" arrived in Montreal on Saturday evening by the steamer Alâ€" The Caitle Fair will be held on Saturday next, in the afternoon. * Whero are our better times since the Conservativa{iyes haye got into power? is a question often asked by the working classes and farmers. ' As nothing deffuite could be said against the Ontario Government, the people in this section thought it should Jhaye angther fair tr‘al. ts The pastures are good, with a fair proâ€" mise of hay, and cattle look well. ‘ A4 a meeting of the Directors held in this place on Wednesday last, the contract for the construction of the first section from Palmerston to Durhaim was let to Mossrs. Frank Shaply & Co., of Toronto. The work is to be commenced in two weeks and the trackâ€"laying, etc., completed before the advent of the winter. The firm baving charge of the work is competent, pyshing and reliable, and we have every assurance that their share of the work will be well done.â€"Ezxaminer. ‘ Strawberries were picked in this neigh borhood on Monday last. ‘ The annual general meeting of the shareâ€" holders of the railway was held at Durham on Tuesday last, when the following were elected Directors : â€" Megsrs.G, MeKechnic, Geo. Jackson, H. Parker, A. C. MeKenzie, Durham ; James MeMullen, John Mcâ€" Laren, Thos. Wilson, Thos. Swian, Mount Forest, and W. T. Petrie, Holstein. It will be seeu that the members of the old board have lcen reâ€"clected with the exgeption of Mr. Thos. Martin, who desired to be relievâ€" ed from duty during the present year. Mr. Swan is the new Director and will make a strong and efficient member of the exeenâ€" tive. At a subsequent meeting of the Diâ€" rectors Mr. McKechnie was reâ€"clected President ; Mr. McMullen, Viceâ€"President, and Mr. MceKenzie, Secretary. ‘ We regret to announce that on ghe appeal to the qualified electors in the section of Arthur Township interested in the byâ€"law for $7,000 in aid of the Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway was defeated on Monâ€" day last by a majority of sixtyâ€"six votes. An impression apparently prevailed thnat the Dirsotors had sufficient money to comâ€". plete their scheme, and that the railway would be built whethor the people of Arthur assisted or not, They were perâ€" feetly content to allow the line to be conâ€" structed and to share in its bonefits, but not to share in the gost of bringing it along. This is "human nature" probably, and the Directors in their appeal have supplied an opportunity to exemplity it. By the time the scheme is a year older it will become amply apparent to our neighbors that the projectors have not any too much money for the promotion of this laudable enterâ€" prise. | | _ Masoxtc.â€"At the last meeting of St. Alâ€" ban‘s Lodge of &A L. & A. M., No. 200, Mount Forest, the fcllowing officers were elected for the ensnring year : W. Bro, W. Coléleugh, W. M. Bro. R. J. Dale, S. W.; Bro. T. G. Smith, J. W. ; Bro. Dr. Tanner, Chaplain ; Bro. W. L. Smith, Trea. ; Bro. F,. H, Bailey, Secretary ; Bro. R. G. Kenâ€" nedy, Tyler. R. W. Bro. John MeDonald, of Elora, D, D, G. M., Wellington Distriet paid his first official visit to the Lodge and nt the closg of the meeting he was enterâ€" taingd by the brothern at 2 handsoige lunch served at the Queen‘s Hotel, A very plegs: ant evening was spent.â€"Af the regular monthly meeting of Durham Lodge of A. F. & A. M., No, 306, Durham, held on Tuesday evening last, the following oficcrs were elected for the ensuing year: W. Bro W. A. Vollett, W. M. ; Bro. John A, Warâ€" ren, 8. W. ; Bro. W. H. Mockler, J. W.; Bro. P. Eva, Câ€"ap.; Bc. R. MéFarlane, Treas.; W. Bro.A. Davidson, Seéretary,â€" Examiner. 8 Laxups Worrigr.â€"On the night after Nomina{ion Mr. Alex. MeCormick, of Benâ€" tinck, had 10 htmbs killed by a dog. A vornd ma» working at Crawford‘s saw milly had the end of the first finger, cut off, and the thumb badly eut with a saw, on Taesday. _ AF the raising of a barn on the farm: of Mx. John Vert, Proton, on Thorsday, a \bent which wes almost it #s place fellâ€"a [polo striking a young man employed by Mr. Fenmell, and knocking him down. Fortunately he was not seriously injured. Narrow EscarpE.â€"A son of A. McLellan, Esq., had a narrow escape from drowning a day or two ago. The little fellow while playing around the bridge on Lambton ‘Street, fell into the river, but his father ‘being near by at the time, quickly assi>ted ‘himfto the shore. It strikes us thas particular place would be the better for some "Proâ€" tection." We have received a fall report of the Teachers‘ Association of South Grey, from the worthy Secretary, Mr. J. C. Buin, but are unable to give it space this week, but it will appear on the first page next week. On Thursday next, June 19th, a eredit auction sale will be held at the " Waite Horse Hotel, " on the Durham Road, Benâ€" tinck, whgn a number of working horses, cattle, imaplements, and a quantity of household furniture will be disposed of. Metnaootst Carvrott.â€"The Tâ€"ondon Conâ€" ference, C. M. Church, met last week, the Rev. W. 8. Grifiin was elected President. The Toronto Conference met yesterday. The first draft of the Sta#oning Committce makes the following local appointments. Durham, Mr. Godfrey, one to B6 sent‘; Walkerton, Wi. H. Poole ; Hanover, N. $. Burwash, M.B..Conzon,Jolin H. Holmes, supernumerary ; Chesley, N. A. MeDiarmid and T. B. Beynon ; Arkwright, C. Shaw ; Priceville, Thos. Haddon ; Flesherton, Win: Smythe ; Dundaltk, D. Williams ; Owen Sound, Charkes Fish, and James Scott, superanuated. â€" Chatsworth, T. R. Reid. Lesal and other Items. Railway Matters, Elmwood. township, was ‘killed at the fi'.ping i 754 barn by (falling :fromâ€" one of the upper plates, which had not been pronerlv braced _townlhip. was a young farmer in Caistor coln county, on Eriday, 30 seif through the temple. co n county, on Friday, 30th ult., shot himâ€" self through the temple. > Mr. +Johnâ€" Hu\u. aged 66, of Elma A farmer living on the 2nd concession of Usborne has a cow which furnishes milk sufficient to produce twentyâ€"one pounds of butter per week. w E: Dixqq. con. 8, Stephenson, Myskoka, hag gnp bouse burnt down, and lost everyâ€" thing ex@e’gt}he' ,c!o,'theu he had on, Cause of fire unknown. A little sop of Mr. Samnel Gordon, townâ€" ship of Hillier, was »antly killed by a fall from a waggon, by which his neck was broken. Â¥ Stratford‘s population is 8,885 ; school children, 2,080 ; total assessment, $2,442,â€" 505. May Hoxor Rout, 8, 8. No. 8, KNonmaxâ€" py.â€"5th Classâ€"Ebonezer Noung, John Booth. 4th Classâ€"James Derby, David Nichol, Andrew Derby and Lizzie Byors. 3rd Class, Seniorâ€"Annie Young, ‘Thomas Fulton,‘ Robert Marshall. &rd Class, Junr, â€"Andrew Fulton, Jessic Geddes, Maggie Byers, Burbara A. Byers. 2nd Claasâ€"Jane Henderson, Shrah Marshall, Robert Nichâ€" ol, Jane Cooper. Ast Class Senr.â€"Michacl Byers, Mary Fulton, Eiizabeth Geddes; Juny.â€"J ohn Henderson, Issac Ball, Chrisâ€" tigns Bull,â€"D. MeDoxaun, Teacher. Hoxon Rorn.~â€"S. 8. No. 3, Township of Glenplg, for May, 1879, Special Classâ€" Joln Morrison. 4th elass, seniorâ€"Marâ€" garet A. Ritchie. Juniorâ€"Leala A. Banks, Wim. D. Staples ond Elizaboth Ellen B. Morrison,. _ &rd elassâ€"Emeline Ritchie, Mary A, Ector, Angeline Greenwood, and Elizabeth Ector, @nd elass, sogyjorâ€"Anna D. Moffit, Margaret Collier, and Fllen MeNally, â€" Juniop â€" Roberf MeCracken, Albert Williams, Fanny MeNgqlly, William A. Burnet. 1st classesâ€"Barmh J. Grier, Jolhn Timmins, Catherine Ector, Hugh Firth, Minvie Firth, John A. .\lcl)onnld,{ James Banks, Wim. John Greenwood, ang: Joseph McN'\Hy. N, B. Grrer, Teacher. 1 Geography.â€"1st, Wui. Naismith, sohn H. Traynor, Mary Melsenzic ; g;gd, FEllen Adams, Maggie Stovensou aud C. Greenley, equal, Minnic Brown. History.â€"Mary MeKenzie, Wia. Nai smith, John H. Traynor. Fhird Class, Jr., General Work.â€"M Greenley, Jennie Adams, Minnic C Petric, Grammar.â€"1st, Mary MeKenzic, Agnes N. Botrows, Wim. Naismith ; 2nd, Ellen Adams, Margaret Stevenson, Catherine Greenley ; drd, Alezs. Brown, Jclhn Keith, Alfred Vance. Dictatiqn.â€"John Keith, Alex. Brown, John Healy. Mr.. Wm. Cuittick, of this place, has sneâ€" ceeded in getting the sum of six hnundred dollarsas back pay on the time that bas lapsed since the American war and also $8.00 per month as long as he lives. He was a soldier in the Northern army, where he was wounded in the shoulder. The ball is still embedded under the shoulder blade. We are all pleased at his good fortune. Mr Hunter, of this place, worked up Lis case. Arithynoilic.â€"1st, Wim. Naismith, Maury McKenzic, Jolin H. Traynor ; 2nd, Minnic Brown, John Healy, Ellen Adums, Srd, Catherine Greenley, John Johnston, John Main and Alex. Brown, equal ; 4th, Jennie Naismith, Annie Burrows, S. Grasby and M. Healy, equal. Â¥tymology. â€" Mary MceKenzic, Agnes M. Byrrows, Win. Naismith. C Almost ali personsjoin in saying they are pleased that your late member, Mr. J. H. Hunteris again elected with such a sweeping majority. | It is just as well Mr. Hunter got the imwjority and Mr. ITszhey the "cane"â€"I hope it will assist Mr. F. to travel for hoame. Well dome, South Grey 1 The question now is when is Mr. Lauder going to have that seat in the Cabâ€" inet ; he said he was going to bave it after the Elections. Isippose that‘s about as true as what he said here, that the Mowat Governme:t gave the Canada Southern R. R. a bonus of $5.000 per mile, as he put it, n road owned by Americans, run by Americans and worked in Americar inter ests. The fol"lqwing Holstein School, Teagher ; The Doputy Roturning Officers of this part are not satistied for having to take their papers to Owon Sound, and only get mileage one way. F n to Owen Sound they would geflln. R. fare isâ€"both waysâ€"$2.80; ill, $1; leaving the handsome sum 0 cents to speculate onâ€"foo little. Dundalk, June 8th. 1879. Zx®Ro. Mr. Hamiltot® Copbeit, the renowned Scotch vocalist, gave an entertainment in the Orange Hall, on Friday evening. The Hall was crowded. â€" Theentertainment was the best we have ever attended. To say the least it was really splendid, ard I would advike any person who has an car for music or wants a good hearty laugh to yorand attend his concert. The Young Briton lodge is flourishing rapidly under J. W. Morrow, Esq, It is said that between what have jinsd and‘ those who are proposed there will be a membership of 50. Well done for the ‘Cobâ€" bler.‘ We can turn out more dressmakers and milliners to the square sere than any vilâ€" lage in the County. We can boast of twelve.» Soothing Syrup is now grcaily in deâ€" mand for some of our Tory Siends,. It‘s our time to laugh now, boys. The prospects for a largy gathoring Qrangemen here on the 12%h of July good. Our Police Trustees are alive and well, and have comimenced to repair our sideâ€" walks. â€" Stick to it, gentlemen. Holstein School, Egremont. Dundalk Items. nry Grant, aged 28 is the monthly report, of Egremont, Mr. D. Allan, properly Linâ€" p, mext; Othâ€"inst., a£ eleven a.m,, to consider a call from the congregation of Port Perry to Rov. Mr. Crozier, of Holstein. 1 â€" Eraminer, \ of qo ue Cw 099 100 200+ 496. €£v000, OL OUIH ford, after which the people were addressâ€" ed by Rev. Mr. Fraser, of Mount Forest. The paster was then conducted to the door to geccive the congratulations of his conâ€" gregation. ‘The sottlement is understood to be of the most harmonious character. â€" The jnduction of Mr. Njcol entitles the Presbyiery to additional represpptation in the General Assemibly, which will meet in t. Andsey‘s Church,Ottawa, on Wednesâ€" day next, 114h jnst,, at 7:30 p. m. Rev. D. The Presbytery af Saugeon met at Ayton on the evening of Monday, 26th of May, to examine and hear the trial discourses of Mr. Alex. Nigho], the minister elcct of the congregations of Aytop and Bagt Nomnyanâ€" by, with the view of his ordination ind inâ€" duction, The trials were of a satisfactory kind and were sustaincd by thoe Presbytery. On the following morning the peremony of ordination aud induction took place in the church before a large congregation. Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Harriston, presided and conducted the preliminary services, preachâ€" ing a sermon from Psam cii., 13. After| the usual questions were answered prayer was offered up by the presiding officer, durâ€" ' ing which the candidate knelt, surrounded by the members of the Presbytery, who at a certain part of the prayer placed their hands successively upon his head. The charge to the newly inducted minister wu] delivered by the Rev. Mr. Younz, of Ciif. Moypq by Mr. Davis, geconded by Mr. McMillan, That $75 be expended in cach Ward for the improvement of roads and that no further ward appropriations be made for the present year.â€"Carried. Council adjqgurned to mpet at the Rocky Saugeen Hoisl, when callpd by the Reove. Moved by Mr. MeMillan, scconded by Mr. Neil, That the petition of Jolun Eckhart and 40 others be granted, and that $20 be expended repairing road at Lot 25, Con. 2, 8. D. R.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Davie, #econded by Mr. McMillan, That J. S. Black be paid $75 for services as assessor, and $5 for distributing notices of appointments to office.â€"Carâ€" ried. Moved by Mr. Dunsmoor, #econded by M}, McMillan, That the building compait: teg composed of Messrs. Neil, MeMilian and Davis be authorized io go on with the contract of the Township Hall, ghed, and stable to full completion of the same acâ€" cording to plans and specifications.â€"Carâ€" ried. Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. MeMillan, That this Council grant Joseph Firth, Sr., Pathmaster authority to take grayel from the adjoining bent for road reâ€" repairs and io apply statuts Iabour for that purpose.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Dunsmoor, That the fullowing accounts be paid:â€"J. Townsend,advertising for lenders, $1; D. Creighton, publishing Road Notice, §8.178 ; J. A. Johnston, advertising, and printing, $8.50 ; Registrar of Sonth Grey, Registration foos, $4.80; J. Brown, postage account, $4.86 ; joiph, Smith & Co., corâ€" poraie seal $6 ; Retor Neil, fog site for Tp. Hall, $1 ; and Alex. Cochrane, for road scrapers, $13.50.â€"Carried. Council met at Ryan‘s Hotel, on 9th inst., l;nnnant to notice, and organized as a Court of Revision. All tne members present. The Reeve in the chair, Assessâ€" ment Roll amended as follows :â€" John Toplham entered on the Roll instead of Samuel Topham for Lot 40, Con. 8, E. G. R. ; Lots 6 and 7, Cor. 2, N. D. R., added to Christopher Firths‘ assessment ; James IÂ¥:nderson assessed for Lots 51 and 52, Com.2, N. D. R., Henry Davis and Wm. Collier as tenants, and Willintms Davidson owner for Lot 55, Con. %, E. G. R. F. Macâ€" Rae assessed as owner for 8rd div. of Lot 1, Con. 1, E. G. R., W. 4 of Lot 16 and W Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr, MeMillan, That three road serapers be proâ€" cured by the Reeve, and placed in charge of Joln Eckhart, Thos. Anderson and Goo. Pilkey, Pathmasters.â€"Carried. f } of Lot 17, Con. 4, N. D. R. and Lot 17, Con.8, ; Robert Dargavel assessed for 1st div. of Lot 2, Con,. 1, E. G. R., instead of M. MeNeil and assessment reduced to $700;, E. B. McMillan assessed for 1st div. of Lot 13, Con. 1, E. G. R., Alex. McCallum inâ€" stead of Angus Seaton for 8rd div. of Lot 11, Con.1, E. G. R.; Alex. Foergnson asâ€" sessed tor 1st div. of Lot 16, Con. 1, E. G. R. ; James Young entered for the 8rd div. of Lot 10, Con. 1, E. @. R. ; Joseph Gibson instead of Donald McKechnie for part of 8rd div. of Lo# 15, Con. 1, E. G. R.; Jas, Dunsmoor entered as tenant for Lot 15, Con. 2, E. G. R. ; Thomas Banks and Wim. McGirr entered on the Roll as farmers‘ sons; Matthew Seott entered as owner of Lot 66, Con. 8, E. G. R.; John MecMillan as owner of Lot 85, Con. 2, and Lo# 35, Con. 3, N. D. R.; Joln McAsey,jr., assessâ€" ed for Lob 22, Con. 6; Chas. MeKinnon‘s assessment for 2nd and $rd divs. of Lot 16, Con. 1, E. G. R., reduced $70. Moved by Mr. Dunsnmsoo¢, seconded by Mr. McMillan, That charity be granged as follows :â€"Wilow McLean $8, Widow Seaâ€" ton $4, Ronald Melunes $4, and Lachlan The Presbytery of Saugeen. MeCell $4.â€"Carried Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. MeMillan, That the assessment roll as amended be now finally passed and certiâ€" hed to, by the Clerks.â€"Carmted. Roll certiâ€" fied to, by the clerit and the Court of 1tâ€" vision closed * At the close of the Court of Revision the Council proceeded with general business. Minutes of last day‘s proceedings read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Neil, That $20 be granted to make a crossâ€" way Letween Lots 25 and 26, Con,. 6.â€" Cartied. Moved by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Neil, That Widow Black, Lot 24, Con.8, be granted $3.00 as charicy, and that C. W. Ru#edge, be refunded $2.98 as error in fnzss egainst Lo# 4, Queens St. East, Markdate.â€"£aritied, ~â€"â€"~ ++%44â€"â€" Glenelg Council. f Arthur, and Â¥y. N. D. Mcâ€" l}olstein’, were ghou?n as deloâ€" €% the transaption of some other adjourned fo meot , Mount Forest, on time. Yeasâ€"Fursman, Laidlaw, \Nc ::râ€"me angqWillisâ€"â€"Motion â€" Byâ€"Law having passod â€" Comp was read a sceond time and suhbmi‘t _ Moved hy Mr. Fursman, seconded by Mr Laidlaw, That the petition of A. Z. Gotâ€" walls and 120 others ws now read a kin: this Conneil to submit a Byâ€"Law forg 8000 in that portion of the Township comprisi»~ Lots 1 to 30 in the{:z, 2ud and 3rd Con eeuion.b South and D orth of the Durham Rond, and Lots 1 to 15 in the 4th, 5th, 6t Tth, 8th, 9th, 10th; 11th, 12th, 18th, 14:» and 15th Concessions, inclusive, he received ‘and that a B}"h' be introduced to mivo ‘!fleet to said petition, and read a first timo the vote journed, Byâ€"Law having passed® Committce w read a second time ayd submitted to ! vote of the ratepayers. Moved by Mr. Lajdiaw, seconded Fursman, That the petition of Janes | erford and 85 others as now read, a this Council to submit a Byâ€"Law for $: on that portion of the Township comp: Lot 1 to 5, inclusive, in the 1st Conc« South and North of the Durham Ro»| received, and that a Byâ€"Law be introd to give effect to said petition, and res second time.â€"Carried. A spocial meeting of the Beniinck cil was held at Ruthorford‘s Hanover, on Monday, June 2n3, o‘clock in the afternoon. Me»b present. | The Reeve startted that ) been requested to call the presont : session of Copmpil on account of tho: by hing of two petitiogs from the m £YE, p..lkillg the Gounpil to submit i; for $2,000 and $8,000, respectively, tain portions of the Township m in the petitions, in aid of fe Strmil» Huron Railwagy. Moved by Mr. Laidlaw, secondcd MeCallum, That the Council do n journ to meet at Allan‘s Hotel, in lage of Elmwood, on Saturday, th : of August next, at nine 6‘clock in t noon, for the transaction of business ried. f the Township in aid of the Strij Lake Huron Railway, Moved by Mr, MeCapliym, sgeon Mr, L:xid_!p}l', That the r(“lx;‘l: of Gottwals and ofhers gsking this Con svbmit a sectional Byâ€"Law for a bo $10,000 to aid the 8. & H. Railway not entertained, #s this Council ho agresment frop the Company und; law No. §, for 1878, that said Compn build and maintain tbeir linme of > from the boundary line of Norm= the villages of Hanover and Elmwo the sum of $35,000 plready prated said Byâ€"Law, the debontures for amount the Reeve has handed to the tees in that behalf, and in accordane the conditions of Byâ€"Law No. 8. ried . Ar. Porsman, 11 expenses be p.u for attending in C by Council 2 day & Lake Huror. R: 82 for handing 1 day, $2 signing G. B. & W. Railway bentures 1 day, in all $10, also §4 to Laillay, Deputy Reeve for 2 days at anee in Committee with Normanby ( cil and that Cheques «o issue.â€"Carri: Petitions repeived from A. Z. Got and others praying Council go sulbn Byâ€"law for $10,000 on the Western & The BHW#nek Council met as a Court i Revision at Rutherford‘s Hote!, Hanover on Monday, 26(h May, 1879. _ Member, al present. â€" Mr. McCallam in the chair, 54 appeals having been disposed of, the Cony adjourned, and Council met for the trans action of general business. The Reeve ; the chair, Minutes of session of 24t), Feb last and special sessions read AnC passed Moved by Mr. Laidlaw, seconde) by M, Willis, Thut the Assessmont Bol of ty Township for the year 1879, as revised a, paesed by the Court of Bevision helq thi day be received and accepted by this Coup cil on the Inst revised Asessment Roll a the Township of Bentinck in the County q Grey, and that the Assessor be paid th, sun of §65 in full of his salary.â€"Carried, To the u“fll.tipll Cvullcllvfthe Townal4 +>~â€"â€" of Bentinck : ‘ _ GextLamay, ‘ I beg to report that as instrneted , last regular moeting of Councit, I had »o pairs done to Bridge over Suugeen River q Lot 28, Con. 5, known as Lunney‘s Pridy, ‘.t the following sost, viz., toRamnel Ovey 'fi.l;l for 2 bands of iron and spikes, $2 : a MeLean, 1 day‘s work, $1 ; Neil MeDous all, 1 day‘s work $1, and John MeCally, 2 day‘s work, $2â€"inâ€" all $8.. All of whic is respecthully submitted. Moved by Mr. Laidlaw, second Mr. Fursman, That the petition of St Redford and ofsests be received, an sum of $8 granted to pay John 8i for the late David Fancett, and t cheque be issued.â€"Carried.‘ Moved by Mr. Laidlaw seconded 1. Willis, That the following account p? ed to this Conneil be passed and cl» issuned viz., John Rutherford, Tow Stationery, $5.77 ; Beacon office, Str: printing Debentures, $10 ; J. A Rin Walkerton, 800 Assessors Shedules and Smith, Smith & Patterson for advice $10,â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. MeCallgm, ssend. Mr. Forsman, That the followine 1 _ Movediby M+: Willis, seconded Laidlaw, That the Council do now to meet at 10 o‘clock toâ€"morrow. 10 a. m., Tuesday, May 27th met pursuant to adjournment of ing. Members all prosent. P. ceived frory Stephen Redird a asking Counszil to pay for » enffé late David Faweett,â€"as his widow able to do so. Byâ€"Law No. 5 for 1879 introd vide the Township into six pollin ions for the purpose of Electio, been read a 1st, 2nd, and 8rd tin dered to be passed, signed and s _ Move@by Mr. Laidlaw, seconded | Willis, That Mr. MeCallaom‘s report 1 read be received, and that cheques }. for the amounts mentioned thorein med. Bentinck Council of the Vrlrupa}';rs‘ $5.177 ; Beacon office bentures, $10 ; J. A 800 aAssessors She Smith & Patterson Stephen Red®rd and ail to pay for a» eofin f awoett,â€"as his widow wa D« fo the R mmittce : bentures to Tiust B.& W. Railway lp‘)t,‘l.l A. i. 0 Counncil gq s m the Wester: aid of the St Joux Met with s for wh 1 to the Tr nng Stratf Committer, ibmitted to n cur H trans vCrny dn this al U Mr M in in ‘The Grey Re H from now end of the H by Rommwisra tire Tay ai $1 per an for 50 cen Iamnpieda hout one MISCELLAN al M 1J

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