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Grey Review, 12 Jun 1879, p. 3

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bdcfll eral 26h May, 187 ursman, seconded by Mr > petition of A. Z. Gottâ€" ts as now read asking uzit a Byâ€"Law forg 8000 the Township com * Ist, ‘.’udd:-'d fiJ Com. d North of the Durbham to 15 in the (w 6th i. 11th, 12th, 14th ns, inclusive, be w be introduced to z" ion, and read a first t . Laidlaw, MeNicol, ;fln.al illisâ€"}Motion carâ€" tinck »g passed â€" Committee, time and submitted to r4tepavers. Conneil ad: the year 18 P4 eta k #1 sess1Ons e Assessor be ouncil met for the i6 l busines®.. The Reeve it tes of ‘?‘anofm P‘. ind that e dlaw tit C the Dentinok Counâ€" Rutherford‘s Hotel, . Jure 2nd, at two noon. . Mengbers all tartted that he h!' the presont special ccount of the receipt sessmn Qiairy ineu met as a C fords Hotel, Ha 1 Committee was submitted to the w , seconded by Mr. ion of Janges Ruth; now read, askirg Byâ€"Law for $2,000 wuship comprising the 1st Concession Durbacy Road, be Law NM ition, and read a l . we indm vt ( Councit, I had FG« ver Snugeen Raver ap : m# Y.nmny',. B’i*._ viz., toSammel Over. » and spikes, 92 ; A. , 81 ; Neil Me! % nd Johr “m- n rom the ratepa;y> submit Ryâ€"Laws pectively, on cerâ€" ship montioned the Strriford and " 2000 38 & Cm‘: i‘s Hotel, H.M'.‘ 1879. ucmh." m in the chair, 54 sposed of, the Courg mcilof the , 8e 3 W avision held this epted by this Coun. Asessment Roll of ck in the CQ"“ omm s e r"”) .3}"“ and MX cil do now adâ€" »tel, in the vilâ€" lay, the 2nd day ek in the foreâ€" business.â€"Carâ€" introduced to di. x polling subdivis Elections,. having read d Ird time ,â€" #a3 and sealed. conded by nt Rol® x McCatrrew. seconded by Mp sreport as now heques do issz e theoreinâ€"Capâ€" rd and w- onded, by Mr, 1 ¢ rdant rated under for which to the Trusâ€" paid the sum taas M Woor Ali of which 1 bonns of ied by M» holds an ndor Byâ€" apany will & railway nanby to id that a led by Mr. it presentâ€" checques Township s Stntlmd, Rittinger, Inles, §3 : 4 by Mr. w adjourn T ownship mded by f Stephon and the ‘ Showell uncil to for the at tt 44 hÂ¥ with 1 by 1 by thers legal t1 Mr De us in be or rd TX UEVORTL 30M B1 .â€"per. annum, end of the year from now to the The Grey Review Rorrestest fÂ¥om tho Telescope. Walkerton, June 8, 1879. Fall Wheat, por bush _ ... $0 90 to $0 95 Spring | * *€ ... _ 0 80 to 0 86 Barley * 1# «.. 0 45 to 0 55 Oats, tC ... 036 to 0 40 Peas, un shadd slorstâ€" « (eoinko: ‘Was Potatocs, per ibush............ 0 85 to ,0 45 Dressed hogs per owt........ 000 io 0 00 Beef . .** syg«« #BObe 4 80 Labbage per doz. ............ 000 to 0 00 Egzs, per doz................. 008 to 0 09 Butter, per Ib................. 011 to 012 Labbage per doz Eggs, per doz.... Butter, per lb.... Hay per ton...... Turnips, per bush }lay, per ton...... Dresked Hogs. per 100 lbs 5 50 to ** tub dairy,... Paas,per doz...:.. ;l_‘uint‘oos. per bag F.ll Wheat, per bush Spring Wheat ** ”,*" we Onts, ++ ')‘-nllrrr, _rn_llé, po:r lb Sh.‘flp sk Wiles. Lamb $ ins... Hides ; er ewt PHEY ccecencbades Out Plour per barrel»~ Oatnuenl pei Larrel Full WBebbereccccers TreadweB Wheat,. Spring: W Barley ..s AP’I'P"( : n Pork, per 100 lbs Beef, t ‘ Hides, _ ** « Sheepskins, each . Butter, per ly ..... Eygs, per (dor..... Woud, dry, per Wool, per Ib....... Onts, Barley, HMay, per ton..... Potatoes, per bag Fall Wheat, per bush...... Spring Wheat, R. Chaif Flour, pet 100 ths...... Flour No. 2, * * Corn Meal +** * ... Bhorts, 46â€" a% Bran, * e Tay otatues per bas MBEUE, . c2e22c4su eud Roswweunâ€"Lo Allan Park, on th+ C Ed e O ooe OA Jurk,.On the d0th inst., the wife of Mr. George. Rosewel! of a son. Meniortwâ€"In Durham, on the lith inst., the w fo :' Mr. Thomas Meridith of twirsâ€"son und uw uki n lot of implemonts were burued. . Hec also )u:?abm due hth:m!‘o?nil fencine Messrs. Robinson and Highman, farmers on the 6th concessivh of Ftin, near Mimosa, had their barns destroyed by fire, the wind having sapried the fames along from Irush heaps. Mr. Robinson was away from home pt the time assisting a neighbour to battt‘e With the fames when his own moje ty was d(‘-»tn‘;y'rd. _A valuable team of horses and Barris nssesement roll shows that the total mesessment for 1879 is $1,241,252, which is about the same as in 1878. ‘Phre total population given is 4,802, as agaimet 4,510last year, which shou‘s a total mercase of 287. Several thonsonds Lhave been left homeâ€" less by the receut inundations of the Po in Italy, but as tar as known no lives nave been lost. During the Afghanistan campaign 40,000 comels belonging to the British transport service died. A rict agrinst the collection of cceurred a few days fgo in Catania, | in which several soldiers and peasants killed. . The eruption of Mount Etna bas ceased, though the volcano still coutinues to L. for 50 cents, Salovjeff, who attempted the assassinnâ€" tion of the Czar, was hanged on Monday morning. The effect of the Angloâ€"Afghan treaty will be to greatly increase British prostige in Persia. k The famine i-n'i‘uhnicr- is raging, and the people are dying by hundreds. A grand cans! between St. Poetersburs tud the sea is projected, ECCE PC TTE 2W 7 Win. Park, Mr. Wm. Cowie ml?r to id Janet Low, both of Beptinck. daughter MOUXT FOREST MAaRKETS WALKERTON MARKETS Confederate Ofthice, June 9 TOBRONTO MARKETS. *‘ *foroxto, J me 11, 1879 DURHAM MARKET® $ per bushel.... â€"At Durham, 9th June,by the Kov MARRIED Dormax, June 12, 1879 Glasgow fgo in Catania, muj- 1 05 to 00 to 00 00 to 80 0 95 to 0 90 to 50 to 8 00 to §4 4 50 to 4 00 to 4 50 to 0 40 to 8 00 to 0 55 to me 9, 1870. thow anmime frrim thie Auta Phrcuni t 06 470. _ | per annum from the date thoreot 00 tn"l. Wnlk'-rtc'v'y).l.': y)nynl.le at enid M 4 ND to Augta, ries imenel :(‘w nrst'dn.\- of the o o i n widk? ur during the cor 90 to 0 as | SE vlmrurmvn?(bcmn 0 90 to 0 99 > ;a,l-:?“k at Walkorton, : 0 80 io ib ',-’ $# .n. That the a1jd annâ€"tal s bo t d tm § m‘ Abi # 35 to 0 40| of the in ofor cheiragisea o 3 | swid shall be rak naferice uy 80 tqo 0 83 | sporinl tife sifficient tirefor on 0 50 to D 56 | Fr port) Irthernlo rertion or th 0 50 in & £5 | :!":'h)'l":‘v:‘r;di.l’;nlx to wll other rates c 0 08 to 0 If ‘ “'.‘.' { I(;uud d(;'wtutlm'ann. i 08 to o awbtue l egts M:n.‘l‘mn- v*prm'idqfl 1 0 1 siaid dobouth io the Tramfes | ) 15 to 0 m’c' Jup tl;‘- urcs t0 th6 Trustees : 0 CD to 0 0) | in that Tehaicbut het antlt the a 0 75 to 0 05 Py ‘Shall untier aixt w"l.:ll';‘]t;}:::l 3 60 to a 50| mnsePid fo Ihoknl Reets en 8 (CO taf0o Co | the Municipal ('im_n"il_.'.t‘;‘l; 'x!“:;n 8 18 to 10 to 10 to 40 of rail fencing 00 to 4 50 C0 tot0 Co 15 00 $1 01 0 98 0 56 0 00 4 50 0 00 0 09 0 12 mor 5 00 5 00 0 70 0 10 0 08 1 A0 0 20 0 90 0 50 0 60 # 00 0 60 O( 14 11 11 00 i0 taxes Saturazy‘the fifth day of° Fuly, In the fear of Our Lord ~ ~ ‘ Oe thoysand cighthundred & seventy nine The polls to baevenedl at 6le bour of nime, qy!k.‘ t ; l?hâ€"-'rho Nbfug-fl Conncil ‘of the said ln!u l{ of Rentinek, may at any time and from time to time direct thatwny amount or tmounts in exeess of the said soventy five per contum may 'Mv.mced to the said copany. shall be so foken on Ingo of Hunover. ___ _ â€" â€"â€" **~~*â€"@E M44R ~ h'rwrmmâ€"-f'rm 't‘hfi votes ;’l :):; mt;xc\t\!'cn dgf the on of t ramnicipnlit in ® ‘ -fl valitied do Toigha, tds Brolaw sEak t taken thereon at the several ‘places in th6 sail g:'ninn of the saie muri Nity n describéd horeinafter mentionegiznd ghat~ the said votes the afternoon, at the Clerk‘s ofice in the sail vil lago of Hanover, _ _ Mn t a ©4 said debentupes mnd paving* the pri¢c ngreed whon therefor E".mem to'boflprfi actual and bona fide owner and holder thereof. * T RH EOE MB Of Denunck mn)’Rl)y" resolution Wjrec ron: to wl way aCome o O ym gormaptcte the gaid Bm may iC Reventi.â€"The purchaser or purchasers of the anid Y‘elmnturt‘Mle(‘ responsiblle for the due mpplication of the purchase money or be affected in any way by the conditions or provice lons in tbhl Byâ€"Jaw crnt‘nir.td. but every such ntchaser shall.upon receiving porsession of any E‘_"‘._ id debentupes ard tpaving* the pri¢e ngred f wl‘%vl‘lfifi_&" b@inpa mies ‘have ‘hecome »mw @'fllnflm by &'&u‘?«: Jature of the smd Province, shall have certified that he wovld pass and accept for such purpose, nd with such object the sanid Railway from the i;mml&tnw_l to the villages of Hanover and "Unrwood, save ud except such amountin éxeâ€"ss of the said seventy five per contum in said debenâ€" tures or their proceeds as the Municipal Council of the Towâ€"ship of BRentinck may by resolution an‘l the balance so saon as, person, for the time bein €overnment of the Province of @ntrrio h s ue w 9nn hoi. Aands cap ob sc in Wms 2. . sc said doboatures , or any os;hun. or the proc thoreof or any p'urt thereof, otherwise thait s«?' ty five pâ€"r sontum of the amount of the w ty fve pâ€"r sontum of the deno‘in the Township of Or @emand or racéive from . the said muson thereto attrched when and ag tho same shall mathre out of the proceeds of snch srleâ€"until the mdmv;; company shall become entitled to m.?‘ai ce of such procéeds a$ horeinafter provided. 4. Pnatomtil ths said Railway company shall bee« we entitled to receive the balance of the deâ€" hentures or their proceeds, ns haroinnn'-rfmwidod and solo ig as the said debentures shall remain unsold in the hands of the said Trustees, they shall cemsel and detach from each debenture every coupon for interest as, and when the same shall mature .. y * TL That from and aftor the sale of any of said debentures, the said Trustecs shall pay all interest maturing in respect of such debentures, and the Deet we entitied to receive hentures or their proceeds, and solo i7 as the said de Nintb.â€"That this Bvâ€"law shall take offe 3. That grading and other work shall commence on the said railway within the Township of Bentâ€" inck within sixteen ealendar months from the first day of July, A. D. 1978, and the Railway shall be completed to the Villages of Hanover and Elmâ€" w.:"-% .within two yours aiter . thy. commenceâ€" m . 3 2. That permanent passenger and freight staâ€" tions of the seid Railway shal} be pinced at the Vilages of Henover and Eliewood as follows, that is to say in the Village of Hanover at a point near the Giravel Road end mt m distance not ‘fl'!llh r that thirty five rods from the Durham Road north or south, and in the Village of Elmwood nt a point near the line of the texth ard eleventh concess ions nnd at‘n diâ€"tance not grouter than thirty five rods from said lin. ; »8+Thiat theâ€"said Railwa v.co mpan y El for the p»ymenrt of interest worner bowin provided, Fourtheâ€"Tlat the sait D Inter«t at and aftor the rste per annuu® from the date the MOOCEAZLec2GAI for the purpose aforesaidâ€" it -lml“‘hn lawiul for the Reeve of the said municiâ€" zulity, an« he is horeby authorized and required _ canse afty mumbox‘ of debentures of the said Township of entinck to be made and issued to the amount 0f@ight thousand do}â€" lars, in sums of not less thap ote hundred dollars exch, which said (hb.hmfoyml;’bb signed b{ the Reeve and countersiined by the Treasuter of tho said municipality and sented with the corporate seal theftof Thitd.â€"Th¢ srH Dobonturet shall ba mada ’drht of eight thousard dollars the said sums of four hundred and eighty dollars ($180.00) Iand two hundred and forty dollars ($240.00) amountimg together to the sum of seven hundred and twenty dollars, being the total | amonut requtired to be raised eunually: fopr H uvin?}iy}nfl debt and in terest. C FIRST.â€"That it shall and ma ;.nid m&zi"u-nl'lty to ni-‘llthe 8t ving thereto by way of bonus, m...‘i of eight tiaomd doliars Be it thorefore enneted by the Slunir-lrl Cotnâ€" ofl :wt!n‘flq:\orutinl of fl:g'l\:w-hlp of Bentineic avubte feauew.. L2 00Ls WOR and it is hereby enacted as f ho n e me m T m ie m twenty dollars (256,720.00), and for interest the sum of sixty three thousand one hundred and fiftyâ€"five dollurs and twehty five conts ($63,155 25), of. avirich principal none is in arrears, ard of which intérest none is in arrears, heud sikth, eeventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleveuth, twalith, thirteent], tourteenth, and fifteenth conseswions of the ‘Lownship of Bentinek. _ And whereas for sich purpose it is necesâ€" sary for the sail Municipalicy to raise the said stm of Eiglit thousand dollars m the manner hereinafter provided,. And whereas Atwill require the sum of four hundred and eighty ($480.00) doliars to be raised annually for the payment of interest during the eurâ€" rency of the said Debentures for the said sum of eight th usand dollars as herein provided. And.whereas it will require the sum of two bunired and forty dellars ($240.00) to be mi‘u-l anutally for the payment of the said TX o ie SOeere ki aynble in twebty yeass at furthest ereinafter menticned for this B ffeet at the Merchants Bank of Ca rton, and shall have counon« s# j 4 PBYâ€"LAW to aid and assist the STRATâ€"| | 1. FORD aÂ¥d HUORON RAILWAY Comâ€" | | pany by granting thereto the sum of Eight | ‘ thousand Dollars by way of bonus and to ; issue ebentures therefor and to authorize | | the raising and levying of an annual sum byr | a special rate for the peyment of the sakl | Debeutures and the interest thereon. | _ Whereas by eertain Acts passed by the Legisiature of the Province of Untario thie ‘ Musnicipalities therein specitied: and portions thereof are authorized to assist the Stratford | ‘Township of BENTINCK. BYâ€"LAW No. 7. SECOND.â€"That for the purpose aforesaid it â€" Timicipalities therein speciti¢d and portions | That therbove is a frue copy of a proposed Dyâ€" ‘h."MP: h ony -P' 4 ' law which will be taken in l:yeumbdol:-uup:n by ui- yo aucuurtand tu‘assist the. Seretfora | BÂ¥ Phich till be featen 6 %nmhly of Bentinck :VH ‘“:"”' 0‘:‘”"‘)’ C:;"I'*‘"Y. by Ifi;‘m! "0:'!'3y '{.m.:. u:;:nuat.h from the first pu‘!‘:‘x‘euior:‘:hc;eo’{ borus ® issuin mictpa manw. hae viaew v dute of whic bonds or debentures in aid mfe. f and ot.h?z first publication is the twe’“ day of June, in the , fe t um e g . yoar of Our Lord one tho d cight hundred and wise, and whteiens the r"‘“‘”’.“‘ Beutinek i soventy nine, and t thrxteu of the duly qualâ€" in the County ol Grey is oue of such Muniâ€" fificd el'm. C:l:?‘?l(-wm be tuken thereon clpalitics, and whereas the portion ‘of the | on Mat * ay of July, in the year of Fownship of Bentinck Lerein deseribed is | OU® Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy C 26. * | nine between the hours of nine e‘clock in the foreâ€" clexf;onl of grauting aid l?' way : of bonus as ) "°“f aud five o‘clock in the n.l;:mo-n- ut the sey. hereinafter mentroned as by the Statutes in | eral places mentioned in and ed by the twelith that bebalf provided, the said portion being | L,L‘:tar':‘)hl_:';u‘ said ahove copy of the said proâ€" all that portion of the sart Township of Benâ€"| DUNXCAN CAMPBELL. _ tinck deseribed as follows Lot nuinber 6ve to (+( y y5y o iofWownship. Clerk. Lot unmber thirty both inctusivenrthe KFSt, | ~June 12th, 1879 LN CIS vhep second and third concessions, South and | ____________ emmepsmine mss merminnrnatmenrommccnecoecfny North of the Durham Road, Lot one to Lot * ri.fte:n, both jlxci.uii):e in the fouwth, fifth, TOWnSh]D N Df BENTINGK 2unGs or Gebentures in aid therecf and otherâ€" wise, and wheiens the 'l'oi’mh?’y_l,,Benfinek in the County of Grey i.fil“ '01'!.9‘,“0_' clpalitics, and whereas the portion ‘of the Fownship of Bentinck Lerein described is desfrous of qraating aid by way : of bonus as .cc l es 22% 1 F 1 TI t 1 ul the said Rdtiway sl f Listowel to the Vill For &. D. 1879. Advrertisoments. t prssengor and freight staâ€" Iway shalt be piaced at the and Eliewood as follows, that * ruto of six per centum to thorcof nnd such interest at ra‘id Merchants Bank in duv of the month of Febâ€" ag the continuance ef the of them at the said Merchâ€" Bentinek .A« th t furthest from the day t this Byâ€"Jaw to take ank of Canada at Walk, unous attached thersto mt ‘not 1 , appointe ollars the said sums ity dollars ($480.00) rty dollars ($240,00) nll be built from. the ges of Hanover and wes shall be made N nd dollars as tfore u cach vers by> a t tst mnt of sover bnriâ€" tor thoopayment be lawful for the id Compauy by lobontures to the willâ€"not nsk rao and in tl.e 1 shall bear j",d!.fl-{ ) checome oint near t lfl’flltn‘ ond north at a point ork ils a h th the, Th rk _ 4. That until the said shallbecome entitléed to of the debentures or thei after pravided, and so ]: bentares Shall remain un tlie said trustoes they she tach from each debentur said d debentyures tho sarkâ€"braategs yaha WeW teeo yahall . pay of the debentures ar their proceeds as hereinâ€" after provided, and so long as the said ‘deâ€" bentares Shall remain unsold in the hands of tlie said trustoes they shall cancel and " deâ€" tach from each debenture every coupon for interest as : n ! when the same shall mature. 5.â€" That from and after ‘the sale of any of or so0bhss == poag. y "N i.:““"'”"" oo io Antertorno on ithe d within sixteen calendar months from the first day of July, A. D. 1878, and the Railway shall be completed to the Villages ot Hanoyer and Elmwood within two years after such cammencement. 2. That a permanent passencer and freight Station o{ the grid Railway‘ shall be ‘placed im the Village of Hanover near to the Grayel Road and at a distance not ‘gre iter < than thirty fi\'c rods from the Dyrham Road,north . h. 4 IXTH:â€"It is hereby provided and d ed?thit :to Leeve of the s’aid ’flw:hipm «leliver the said debentures to the tr appointed te reetiye the same under and by virtue of the Statutes in that behalf, but not until the said Railway Company shall under and with the Coru?te seal of thesrid Railâ€" way Company, have entered fhito and deliverâ€" ed to the said Reeve an agreement with the mumnicipal â€"council of the !‘owmhip of Benâ€" tinck containing the following stipulations, that is to say : 1. That the said Kn.i),wafy shall be bnilt from the Town of Listowel to the Villages of Hanover and Elmiwage:o mm m 6 CR ud ad o en eC m STT OP CBP huikdred t "dollams. for the payment n‘q“t('rd‘ 'ysfi fl‘lw ;;#%zhnusnml dollats as fforesafd shall We rdf%d And levied on each year by a special rate sufficient thereâ€" for on‘all the rateamble property in the said portion ofâ€"the sail municipality < in‘ additibi 1. omm u4 NJVT 3 . I 1 to all other rates Curinfi“an; the said debentures or any of delentures or any of thent @t the sai d antenBemieof Camedarat W alkertor:> . JUIARTH. â€"That the said debentures shall b.f:sn rest at and after the rate of six per tenttm ¢for annum from the date thereof and such interest shall be made payable yearly on the first day of the month of February in each year during the T,mtjuumlce of the said delentures or any of thent at the sail Merch» AbdiinbArind hok ce ds is ctts + 2 THIRD.â€"The said debentures shall be madé ?:’yal-le in twenty yedrd at furthest from the date heréinafter mentioned for this Byâ€"law to take effect, as the Mershants Bank of Caugdla at Walkortonsandsball have attachad !#‘fletrf‘t‘nnphhs‘ for the payiment of interest at the rate Audâ€"inâ€"the manner here« in‘ provided, _ * SECOND,â€"That for the purpose aforesaid it shall be lawfulfor the Reeve of the said minicipg!ity, and he is hereby authorized and reqiired to canse any number of debenâ€" tures of the said Townsbip to be made and issued to the anmount of the said two thonsâ€" and dollaraun sumsy of . not v1sss, than one hundred dolar« each, which said debentures shall be signed by the Reeve and countorâ€" signed by the Treasurer of the said munici paiity and sealed with the corporate seal thereof. . And whereas the amount of the existmg detienttire debt of the sail municipality is as follows@â€"For principal the ‘sum [of fiity six thousand seven hulld‘:'&l aAd twenty dollars ($56,720.00), and for interest the sur of sixty three thousand one handred and fifty five dollars and twonty five conts (803, 155.25), of whigh privcipal none is in arrears, and of which interest noue js in arrears, Be it therefore enacted by tho Municipal Council of the Township of Bentinck, and it is hereby enacted as follows :â€" FIRST.â€"That it shall and may be lawful for the said musnicipality to ard the said com pany by giviag thereto by way of bonusy "de; bentures to the, eftent of two thousand dollars. Be it therefo Council of the " is hereby enacte And whereas the amount of the rateable prnllutÂ¥ in that portion of the said munfeiâ€" pality abeve descriled, according to the said assessment roll i# the sum of twenty six thougsand n:ins hundred and sixty two dollars ‘QQG,MGO,. t W medas M 4 And whercas the amount of the whols property, ot the said municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll being for the year of Our Lord one thousand ecight hundred and seventy eight, is the sum â€" of four handred and twenty thousand and seventy ning dollars ($420,079,00), And whereas it will require the sum of sixty dollars ($60.00) to be raised annually tor the payment of the said debt of twe thousand dollars, the said sums of one hundâ€" red and twenty dollars and sixty dollars, amâ€" ount ng togcther to the sum of one hundred and eighty dollars, being the total amount re. quired to be‘raised annually for paymg the said debt and intcrost. \. BYâ€"LAW to aid and assist the Stratford 4A and Huron Railway Company by grantâ€" ing thereto the sum of I‘wo thousand dollars by way â€"of bonus.and.. to..1ssue ..debuntures theretor and to authorize the raising and levying of an annual sum by a special rate for the payment ol-t,h"x%d.mel' d the interest thereou,‘ > ,#"* »* * ;. ,'!.r l Whereas by certain acts passed by h6 Legislature of the Province of Ontario, the ' mumecipalities therein specified and ‘portio | thereof are authorized to assist the Stratl«::‘ | and Huron Railway Company by giving | money by way of beiras of issuing muntcipal ] bonds or de benthres inad thereof and ‘dthirs ‘ | wise. And whereas it will require the sum 6f one hundred and twenty ($120.00) dollars to be raised anmmally for the prtyiment of interest ring the carrency ofâ€"the sapl debentures m’lm said sum of two thousand dollars as herein provided. ' Aud wheras the Township of Bentingk in the County 6f 6rgy is one of such mumiciâ€" ,palities. . And whereas the ‘portion of the ' Pownship of Bentinck herein described is desirons of granting ard [fi"way_qf bonus as hereinnfter mentroned as by Te Skitutes in that behalf provided, the said portion being AIl that portion df the said Township of Benâ€" tinck deserrbed as fullgnwp + ’J ts one to five, both it clasive, in the Tikst (w)f«:" szions north and south of theDurham Road in the said Tow nship of Bentinek, And whereas for such purpose it is neces sary for the #ard munici litypto ~raise the said sum of two th\numlaum mothe mainâ€" ner hereinafter provided. * \ FIFTH. â€"â€"That the said annual FOURTH. â€"T BYâ€"LAW No. 6, Township .of BENTINCK. officer 1 ET ME TOALOT Ni 2o wl lt vPugs > wiudisnhiy As . the 4th, m.o&ihnh, &hi aud Oth Concessions hunn.g to be in the School House of T. S. 8. No 2, . & 3., John ltiichie, Deputy Keturning officer. 3rd, For that part of suid portion of said Muaniâ€" cipality as follows: From Luts 1. to 15, inclusive, in the 10th, lith, 12th, 16th, lith, and 1oth Conâ€" ceasions, poliing tu be in the School House of 8. 8. No..1, u-..& MJ Barton. Debuty Ratimaina 2nd, For that part of the &n’tmn of sail Munt. tipality, as follows: From t 1 to 15, inclasive, fu tlkm ath . Nt stiges meks ks C120 a) RL CCE M Take Notice For A. D. 1879. ‘ling to be in the School House of 8. k_hJ. M. Barton, Deputy Returning Railway Compan reccive (the halm-c{ »mt the hour. of. five I_t;.nt tue persons hereâ€" continuan them, lai sum of one "thepay ment hqzhbusnml td And levied A fow packages of Trout onliand to be sold c above is Published in compliance with seeâ€" Qiu'll}‘ 52 of the Ejection ffofitfiof Onario, l’ HEREBY eppoitt Mr. W. J. Hughson oftheTown or Durham, my financial agent, at the Purliamentary Election to be held on the th day of June, 1879. & hnocyh ow ons + 4 J. H. HUNTER, STBAYED from Lot 48, 2nd ‘Gon., E. . G. R. Bentinck, about the ist of Â¥, two Red Heifers_ane year oid, the smallor Anclined to i brindlo color, the larger one some Wwhite:on the mf‘xl of tail, and hairâ€"off round om; eye when i‘huy left home. . Auy nerson giving information . where they enn bo hfim-?ffl John ‘(f«leInnonu,‘vzwncr, or wt this Office, will be switably rowarded. TRUST AND LOWN CO. OF CANADA linglish & Scottish Kuvestment Co., (Limited) NORMAN MeINTYRE, JO8. F. MOWAT, Vuluastor, Agent, Durham, Durham Loans Jt (‘l):l’DV‘ll)le"i t BY nent ns Instalments, or Otherwise! April 2ith, ‘70 Money toâ€" Loati C Z en e mtR Euy CTOETC soil clay foam, geod buildings. © Each lot will be sold separately if destred; «> TERMS :â€"The purchaser shall pay a deâ€" posit of $100 at the time of sale, the balance of one half of the purchase nromey in two weeks thereafter; tharem:tfi)ing one half in cash, or secured by a mortgage payable in from one to five years‘at the option of the pur‘ chasers > / i Ducham, May 26, 1879, The Following Property :â€"Lots 13 and 14 in the 2nd con., soutn of the Durbham Road. in the Township of Artemesia in the County of Greg, each lot containg 50 reres, 40 cleared, Halwr,e‘?écll’tin}bu;cxs with beech and maple e BP( uB a20 U n Cemn ARE Durbam P O., May 20th, 1879 Saturday, June 28th, THE BRITISH HOTEL, DURHAM ON 1 TNDER and by virtue of a power of / Ealo contained in a mortgage made by DONALD McLE AN, default having been mede in payment thereof, wil» be sold by PUBLIC AUCâ€" . s TION, at That the above is a true copy of m proposed Byâ€" law which will be taken into cunsldorutfim by the Municipal Council of the 'rowushif) of Bentinck ufter one month from the first publication thereof in the Gaey Review nownlmgcr.tha date of which first pablication is the twelft dn.{ of June, in the year of Our Lord one thousand e yht hundred and seventy nine and thrt the votes of the duly qualiâ€" fied electors in that behalf will be taken therson on Friday the fourth day of July, in the year ‘of Our Lord one thousand cightâ€"hundred and seventy nine between the hours of nine o‘clock in the forenoon and five o‘clock in the afternoon at the place mentioned.in, and fixed by the twelfth paraâ€" }:ruinh of she said whove copy of the siid proposed iyâ€"law. DUNCAX CAMPBELL, Township Clerk. June 12, 1870, f dâ€"69 & A 1 _1 G Valuable â€" +~Farm e d Ein to tike the votes at the suid poll hereinafter named t the office of the Townslip Clerk in the said Village of Hanover and that ll))unmn sampâ€" bell, jry, be nwuefinty Returning officer to v.u{’c the suid v »stes at the sajd poliing place. ortificate of Appointment. Friday the Fourth day of July, * ‘In the year of Cur Lord * One thousund cight hundred & seventy nine. Tite polls to be opened at the hour of nine o‘clock in the forenoon and closed at the huor of five o‘clock in the afternoon and that the person also hereinâ€" after numed shall boAth‘oL depu!:.'y returning officer June 7th, 1879 ho takeu on TWELFTH.â€"That the votes of the ratepayers of the portion of the #aid municipality herein deâ€" described entitled to vote on this Eyâ€"law shall be takon thereon mt the place in the said portion of the suid mnniripalitgnhenin described | liereinâ€" after mentronedâ€"nd that thosaid votes shail be ELEVENTH.â€"That the clerk of the said Muniâ€" clpality shall sum n%tbe number of votes given for and uf;inn this Byâ€"law on Suturday the fifth day of July, in the year of Our Lord one thousand .-hfilt hund‘;ed and seventy nine st ten o‘clock in the forencon at the said Clerk‘s office in the seid Village of Hanover. , of pors ons to‘fitten‘ to the various polling places and at the first smucing up of the vetes by the Clerk respectively on behau of the persons interâ€" estod in, and promoting or opposing the ; passage of this Byâ€"law will be made, * 4 nine, mt *he bour of two.o‘clock in the afternoon ut the Clefké offica in Hgnm'er, the ngpdintmcnt of pors ons to fitten‘ to the various polling places NINTH.â€"That this Byâ€"luw shall tuke effect and come into operation on the Second day of August in the year of ar Lord one thousand eight hunâ€" EIGHTH.â€"The Municipal Council of the said Township of Bentinekamay at any" time and from time to time direct that any amount or amounts in excess of the: said geventy five per centum in the said. debentures, or their proteeds miy betadvahcrd‘‘*to the gaid comâ€" TENTH â€"That on the twenty eighth day of Inng, one thousand eight hundred and soventy nine, mt *he hour of two.o‘clock in the afternoon For further particulars, apply to CRERAR & MUIER. Veudors‘ Solizitors, Hamilton SEVENTH.â€"The purchaser or purchasers 0i the said debentures shall not be responsible for the due application of the purchase money, or be affeeted in any way by the, conditions or provisions in this Byâ€"law contained. But every such â€"purchaser,. ahall> wpon receivi possession of any of said debentures, 5:3 paying the price . agreed upon therefur, ; bw held to be the actual and bona fide owner and and holder thereof. 6. That the said Railway Company will notask, demand or receive from the said trustees the said debentures or any of them ur the proceeds thereof or any part Tthereet otherwise than seventy five per centum of the amount of the work done m the Township of Bentinck asthe work yrogresses.on the cerâ€" i tificate of the Engineer showing the amount of the work done, such work to consist of the purchase of right of way, rails and other mlter\'lll,‘frfl;flmg, bridging, and other work, and the balance so soun as,glmt not before the person, for the time being,: appointed by the government of the Proyince of Ontario to deâ€" termine whether Railway Companies become en itled to receive the aid granted by the Legislature of the said Provinee, shail . have certitied that he would pass and accept for such purpose and with such object the said Railway from the Town of Listowell to the villages of Hinover and Elimwood, saye and except such ambnnt in exées:of the said seventy tive per centwm in said debentures or their proceeds as the muni¢ipal council of the Township of Bentinck t#y by resolution diâ€" rect to be advanced to the said Railway Comâ€" ‘ pany. N Real Estates at 8, 8}, and 9 per. ?&u, loeol\lips;' to privilages granted, w4 ’dlhbn-t maturing in respect of such deâ€" | bentures and the courons therto attached | o en s tC o S Sm es ie bentures and the coupons therto attached when and as the same shall mature, out of the proceeds 6f such sale vntil the said Railâ€" way Companyushah_beconte entitled. to the lmj‘"“ of such proceeds as hereinafter proâ€" vided. c Fresh Water Trout. Sult and Soeed Grain for Sale. $/ Talie Notice CHEAP, Stray :Cattle.> ROBERT A. ROBERTSON. â€"â€" Flesberton & Priceville Station H * £ )4 At 12 o‘clock noon, To Suit Bon-awep, THO8. LAUDE: of Property. 1879 Thorougbred Durham Bull "M A .J OR " WV ILL SFRVE Cows this Season on At The DURHAM FOUNDRY. A. COCHRANE IflOR a number of years. Intorest pay able yearly or half yearly. Eic } E. D. MacMILLAKX, As usual we I‘ave a large Stock of Feice and Canadian Tweeds, Eulicloths, Shirtings and ‘ < + 5+ Plannels which we will exchange for Wool or sell cheap for cash. p4 Sulky Hay Rakes, Mowing Machines, Reaping Machines both single and combined, Lumber Waggons, Horse Powers and Separators, Highest ~Market Price in Cash, The Subscribers wishing to return thanks to their numerous friends and cttstotiers for patronage in the past would remind them that they até & We®al prepared to do Durham, May 14th, 1879 Carding, Spinning & Manufacturing, $600 To Lend HARDWARE STORE, Lot No.47, 2nd in the best possible manner and on the‘ 'in'oi:t_es'f Tiotice.â€" V READY THIS WEEK : Hanover, May 22, 1879, MOWAT S : Is the Cheapest place for Hardâ€" ware of all kinds. Call ~and see Stock of Spades, Shovels, ~Hoes, Rakes, ‘ Forks, * &e., &c. ADAMS & MESSENGER MOWAT‘S QOL! WOOL | LOWER TOWN, DURHAM. § |Carter‘s Imp E ! Banghoim‘s §| Suttop‘s C P l:Ab.mm. ks F 1'iMnrdoen. Green Top and Purple Top ~ / Â¥ellow, Devonshire Grey Stone, and Carâ€" | ter‘s Purple To‘r Mammoth ; _ Mengelâ€" wurzel, Globe and Large Mommoth, Beets, l Cabbage, Carrots &¢. &c. Beed Millet, H Market rates. See Clover & Timothy Carter‘s Imperial Hardy, Bangholm‘s Improved and Button‘s Champion Swede. 1879.. ANNUAL 1879. TIMPORTATION CLOVER AND TIMOTHY, Seed Grain of all kinds on To still receive the continued p public generally VHILE thanking his friends and cusâ€" T tomers for their patronage, wishes to inti rmate that he hss just received a fresh stock of GROCERIES ._A.â€" Township of Bentinck, containi ~ni 50 :Ol;'.: 22 of which are cleared. There is a first clws stone fuarry on the lot, which is about three miles from Durham. The Lot will besold cheap, For furthor particulars apply to ALEX, MeLEAN, 5th Con. Bentinck. Bentinck, May 15th, 1679, & *hâ€"45 FOB Sale,Lot No. 8 of 17,Con. 1st W.G.R Townshin of Rentinal anmbalsiae ®n oll. PER STEAMER "gARDIXIAXN." And hopes by strict attention to business and AtJAMES BURXETTS PDurham, March, 20, 1879. ~‘ y4g Farm for Sale. James Burnet, New Garden Seeds ~ OF ALL KInDs. ow Prices H. PARKEER. OfF SHeeds Try our White Lead if you want a â€"â€" satisfactory article. MOWAT‘S Is the Cheapest place for Paints, Oils, â€" Brushes, Glass, Putty, &c. We are also prepared to pay the Including patronags of the Dvranmay. cm66 «i 4 Blacksmith Shop For Gold and Siver Y"'i‘;h"' Ladies and Gen;.‘ Wedding an ngagement Rings, Gold Lockete," Charme, Chaing, Keys, Pencils, Pens, &c., &e. do0dn, Bpoctactes, Views,, Pleree Jns 3f Faney Repairing a Specialty. Compris Iver and Electro Plated Good AT W. _EF. DOLIL‘s, Watchmaker, in Kirstâ€"Class Style. Having had twentyâ€"Gve years experience in the business, he can guaranteo satisfaction to those who may. davour Bm with matchtcal % Qn"rmpl«m. hy Chopplng Done every Day. Hmut!_!oal for Bale: A comfortwble Shod for THE subscriber desires to inform the farming community of Glenelg, and surround> momflflp.. that hg has refitted fi.- above , and is now prepared to do Spring and Summer Fashions regules) received. M.Mmhnu. 1678, JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canada Prewby Cherp for Cash,. These Machines are the bes$ made, and give entire watisfaction to those using THE subscriber is Ernpamd to Receive and Make UK’;”" the shortest notice, and in the Latest Style, Men und Boy‘s Clothing. A good * fit guarrantecd. Sewing Machines For Sale, Residence at the Old Post Office, Lower Town DURHAM. The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Skins. Glonolg, Feb. 1, 1870 Shoemaker, No. 5, Garafraxa Street, LO“‘F{B TOWN, â€" â€" DURHAM THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner, for which the highest market price will be NEW GOODS 10,006 pushels of Wheat D. DAVIDSON‘S, Durham , Nov. 4, 1878 |___ _ DURKHKAM \Carriage Work?. Durham, Feb. 14, 1,000 Cords of Dry Wootd OF‘ THE VERY BEST MATERIAL -ud?.'fl....mfi:my. hs la‘e #n mng Those in need of Such Articles would do well to Dall sh@‘ Clrriages, Bnggws, D crat Wagons, etc., Durham, December 19th 1878. Purdy‘s Mills, Glenelg. Cutting done to Order. January 2, 1879 Purham., Alexander Robertson, TAILOR, DURHAM Sr., DURHAM Washions Regularly Received A fow Arstâ€"class BARCLAYK WANTED! Gristing,. Dund:alli. Inspect My" terian Church FREDERICK G. KXtGHXT ROBERT MeFARLANE, &e., OF â€"ANpDâ€"#1 4 dation of Teams AXD ALEX. ROBERTRON v4 . F. DoOLL, for Al [Kinds of tâ€"51 y1 O 0 U 0 & + t Z.

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