West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Jun 1879, p. 4

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ft a“? M 'j! ll . .Sovon Hundrad aLiLL. ovmonu the resistance offered by the girth mother. The girl wu found lying on . tuthr bed, with her he. ttnd bud-cover- " with blood, "ifsUUd jut boon to- ingtroottritt-tts6. Gun-s. } sol-M at In], it... In -hteuinthed_sfaori,mtdrtr- Hots-u thar-A enacting one of cruelty. which - mount Sounder, he come to lightin Kinsman. A family nun- ed Boulton for two we.” put have onu- pied I small house on King street. The family m oompoeed ot the hunt, mother and one daughter. The mother and one dough“: were very dissipated. On My the girl we: found in . very bruised condi- ( tion, sud on Why it we: docidod to to. ‘ now her to tho hospital. The houso “I wand locked Ind o polieemaes's lid had ii be called intobm open the door end “1."de the mtion of the in nouudtho and!" of the circuhr mark. ings, Mr. Prom thinh. In the result of the falling into the moon's mm of meteor. " bodies, at . period prior to her twining rigidity. Though I. In some planets that In" tau-bod the path-lilo stage. and “has 11011, tending towuds it, yet when we look with Mill wider nope. '0 In some at our 101.: ”new at! some of the other nyntouu, perf-tingttoqmnls tho 11!. period. 'rheheatand!uuof on. New" cyl- tmnioot1tmt.ttuteotou.tt up theater. nal inurchgngn of cumin! vitality. ing. Aain-tiBbatatgttald. MnBonl. uni-nub!“ nub bum. She was remand to the hawk! whoa she died on My mom- you» tonal] of mum mun. though Mr. R. A. Proctor lately gave a lecture at the London Institution on"Tlse Old Age ofa Planet," being the sequel to a lecture on the youth of u planet. The duration of the various phases of n planet's er.i,,tcr.ee depends. calerrie paribue. on its dimen- sions and the planets smaller than the earth were referred to as representing veri- om stages at planetary old age. Venue, which ie - to the run than the earth, and. therefore probably of later birth, in aleo probably-mailer than the earth. and is theoretically either in the same stage of planetary existence or even leee developed then our planet. The evidence gained by teleecopie obeervation aeeorde with this view. It has recently been noticed that in certain - we cuteh the illumination of the ocean: of Venus, though Home have, as Mr. Proctor considers wildly, interpret- ed the phenomena as indicating that Venue has a metallic eurfaee eneloeed in a glueay envelope. About Mercury we know too little to eapreee any very trorWUnt opinion. bat being near the run and being probably therefore the laet born of the planets, his ( email globe would pun quietly through the I “we: of planetary life. Of Mere we know more. Being Inueh “taller than the earth end also more remote from the sun. and therefore probably of earlier birth, this planet might be expected to have reached a innehlater stage otdomhtrtnent,nn infer- ence whieh fade observed try the telescope enpport. Our moon ie a still emaller planet and certainly " . fully formed planet older than the earth from which it was thrown off. gives still better opportunities of tele- ecopie alienation. and is tuomtioally apostl1u1ytoto1imoftl" old age of a planet. It new to all intente dead, with. out " (or having air of extreme rarity) and without eeae. There een be hardly a doubt tint many of the team Mable At on. of the Indiana! tho MW Conference I few a.” “a, n haw-no. mocha; wan held. a which and web- " were 121.410. The Rev. F. K. Stratum said that in our [and there wen six hun. drod thousand drunknrdl. one hundred and tiny four “round “and “mishaps and that in 1812 the out Mdrsetk was 785- 01.0. It in well for III to hold tho pupa: up totuhghtandlook a their My the um. Bil Itttndred thousand was! Every oneoftumtubtitriord to!“ of what might be . happy home. Emry one oftUm I ”are. of untan- tad shun. to minty. . Evan on. of than on his wny to I W'omfe. Every one A hundred end tiny-bu amend li. cnud rum-impel Each one at then I school of int-my end crime! Each one of then s mogul-awry of dnmhrds. Bach otreo"t-tortareforth.stmuveroung men. Etch no of them turning outtrom any to day ruined oururters,buaud Impe- and mnvwrechd Ionic. And licensed! the protectir‘ "In of the let Around them the majesty of the low pledged to their Inpport end protection. licensed to cor- rupt end deetroy our youth. to break up our homes, to debunk society, to cnervnte government, to undo the ird1aeste. of the church nnd the school. Ye mutate of religion. keep you but may from theee laboratories of death-ther ere lieu:- eed. Yo refomen touch not the 164,000 nun-shops that thrive in town and eity- they us licensed. And e735.ooo,ooo spent for drink in on. you. What return do we get from that immune outlay f "Not I Itich of candy, nor I pint otpee-nntl," Icy! Mr. Stretton. Neither poetical not elegant, but forcible, is the reply. This mat Melon-”hoe been expended in producing woe and cor- row. Our churches Ire groaning under heavy debts, our millions on dying for Moth». end the time. Are no hard thnt we no no My. But $735,000,000 eon be expended " hodynndeonl destroy- in; drink. ottuartheingat1thehoeromof I “J‘s doom. Brat wut m 'T86,000,000 , Naming comps!“ nth the poverty. hwy, idiocy, mad crime produced by drink. Let - Christian on him bondcd In"! at God to gin no gnu to expel intern- pennce from our land. Lat every mother who“ cyan bahold thou farm} statistics .0 in hat God in my" “in“ an: terri. ble national iniquity.-- Watchman, Bor trn. Tao Old Age of a Planet. “an; BY PMCTDR‘ .0». an n;- drunk 171nm, M. P., and Load hm Car. WWW”. 93 shop-rt at tho Gonna-ant, up!” of Richmond an] thalluquiso! Gummy promise to (in! the matter every consideration, and mod High up in the Siam Narnia mountain there be. keen found the wreck of n veeeel mumbling eChmeeee junk. The timbers nppeer to be mphor wood, end the [uten- ing' an of copper. but the rigging is, of "course, ell zone. Near by lay the bones I of hum beluga. The valley is known to i hove been en inland see. l, I'tmr.--Wearr, lorry to he" that on Fri, dey lent the hem end outbuilding- of Colwell Grnhun, Esq., of Mulmur, were burned to the ground. Lou, so far " learned about 93,500. We have not heard whether they were insured or not. The fire started in I. null piece of "vamp lying to the west of the um, end high wind that prevailed carried spark. to the buildings, pad in a short time they were reduced to ashes..-) Dujen'n Standard. _ A scheme in Mott to establish “Victoria University" in Htutehetster, Engine]. The proposed new university will embody Owen‘e College end several ether eduen. tionel inttmttiom in the as, ind county. An iuihrenthn Jeputatitm, [comprising the Duke of Devonehire. the ArehbUhop ot Pt Lard Rim. laced 0mm. Mr. ,,._v_.. -..., “mu-nun, “(I ] has to view the undertaking farottrWs A French widow in bewsiling the recent loss of her hmbwd. "I have " last one emulation." she Bobs out, drying her km "At " "out, I know who" ho spends hia nights m." Miners are flocking to the gold ledges of Cariboo nud Cminr for the Benson's york. High water has prey-iled, and aoods luvs done oonddonblo damage in both districts. Uniked sum norspaperdom usual the victorious mum u an "Ameriean." Ifhe had been beaten it would have been found very convenient to acknowledge him a Canadinn. It is reported that General ngriblldi is better, but the account: of the state of his health are very eoniictmg. Fifteen farm houses near Penna, Italy, have been destroyed by a llnd~slip. Kindueu is as cheap in it in bettiful. It my by given in n word or I look, with. out dhttttthhing ought d our well“). Weth courted!” alone we may ill-linea- pathwa.r,nud pluck down blessing- which no gold could purchase. To be brotherly, to befriend and cheer, and console on " u in us lie, these are the crowning graces of httmunity,and all these Ire born of kindness It in eager, breeding hate end contumelyg tent bu tilled the earth with sin and mis. ery. Anger between kindred end noes. before which mum in beautiful in men uniebec, leaving only the m fUree eni- QUEEN or 1ioDmos.-one and one-half cupfnle white sugar. two cupfule fine, dry bread-crumbs, yoke tire, eggs, one table. :poonful of butter, fhwored to taste, one quart fresh, rich milk, ontrlutlf cup jelly or jam. Ital, the butter into a cupful of the anger and cream these together, with the yolks beaten very light. The bread-crumbs soaked in the milk come next, then the seasoning. Bake the "tumting in a large butter-dish, but two-thirds full, till the cus- tard is “set." Spread over the top of thin I layer of inn: or jelly and cover this with u meringue made of the whipped whites l and the half cupnt of sum. Bake till the 1 meringue begins to color. I mal of his being. Familie. aviihthissna pureed, munitio- nt feud, and nation warring against mttion--the" no the _ fruit: of sugar. It bu Wotan the lenient l of ertrnas. But kindness. in proportion us] think.- boon tho ruling whit among men," pone um! humus In" follorhrd. The homo-hand: bu been the contn of a pm. due, and the community a Internal tore. tun. Verity "Bette! k I dry crust and quietness therewith, than a home full of tuterine with strife." Int In study Ind strive to be kind, no matter how seeming- ly trivial the occasion, nor how null the promiaod fruit. It in the only luguuge of our nature that is universal Ind irresistible. In the language of the poet: "low "tftlr on tho buns-d m A word of him m. Ard to th- dry Ind pmhod Ion] Tho Ind-tenth. teardrop mit. ; Oh, it they know new“. out). To Sum: COLD Itoasr Burr-l send a nice recipe for using up cold roast beef, which I have novel seen published '. Chop the beet, fat and lean togcther, and have ready on equal quant'ty of stewed ripe to. mntoes, than roll four or five crackers and strtr than in nu t-zu'blwu Isudipugulish; now put in alternate layers of toma. Los and beef until (this in; season with salt. pepper and bits of bread 3nd buturr if the heel is not very tu; odd cold beef gravy, which will usually be moisture enough. um: put I layer of cracker-crumbs ove: the top and bake in I moderate oven until nicely browned over on the top. 0am tJa-Into I quad of cold “to! “it oatmeal enough to auto ikhaif no thick u hasty pudding. Be sure that the med ts wrinkled in slowly and that the dining in so “in that tho ml: will have no lumps in it. Now put on the huh tered pun, where it can be spread out to half the thickness of a common cracker, and smooth it down with a can knife Iluu a show knife across it so " to divide it into the sized pieces you wialr, and then place it in u warm oven, and bake slowly, being careful not to brown it. FIXED Porn-on up 1uats.--Siioe cold boiled potatoes Basil fry in good butternntd brown; beat up one or two egg- Ind Itir into them just " you dish them " table. Do not lone them a moment on the tim utter the on: m in, n if they button they are not half so nice. Ono egg is enough for three or four persons, unless they no very fond of potatoes; if they m, hove plenty and put in two. 'Ild ”new. - uni pain The W a word " than". huh. "but! PM” “In." MISCEL LANEOUB. Recipes 1m ofiU.is, may r ired AH2i,e,N'ld,g,itte,ttiee,.rrire __.. ~.....-u...,.. . "a: - - 3m; Ina no!!!“ for Fun. Spool-son Number" new! tor no“... View. M In the beat in ttte wax-M. Bend FIVE Curr 1itly& I Puma 'u'h'Sgttr,'f."tt an: Ind Prices, In plenty of iaformdtton. A - on, JAMES WCK.g.torttmtter,N, t - W, ' _ up“- “Wm...“ """"" an..." war . For so can" In r emu; 81 go.“ cloth. In a'llfll'h,Wr, . 'ih".'ll4 Illa-W Month' _ III flung. n 0310331 net.. 'ttteteyr Imam-Land A tat,ttt,,ise,' work of too Pages, 0110 Cabral Flower Putnam: 300 Illustrations, wlthl).01‘pticnsuftho best unwary; and vugettsbtua,tutd how to am v them. All for a FIVE can STAIP. In Englinh or German. . Tho Flower and Vega-Mn Garden, 175 Pugs. Six Seyed Plate-J Ind may hunting Eu- For thus “intermediate imbue; Time stlon EDMUND wltA00E. loath. “In " I.m.. ll:36mm..5:4011. m. " 11:10 I. In.. ma p. In. ettt p, m. North. Donn, udrtsm., 4351) m. F' . Arrive. magma" 5:20 p.12. We“. Depart “:6 Am. An“. mm s. In. aux lot/xv. Depart 0:30 gm” " n. Arrive no p.m., 13%“: Dunn: (35,30 Jen 0n and “to: MONDAY. “Blur. 181.. mm will tun " tou-.-.: Total to (uxlox annex. Depart. Ttat s. In. 11:35 . m., 5:40 p. m Arrive. 10.30 A. I... 3.00 3. m., 0:40 p. In. quantum. TORONTO. GREY, AND BRUCE . RAILWAY. N twink. /Trhurwta anorbetoro u mooighin one): 'tSit. T. (2min. Soc. Night of meeting. Tue-day on or Indore lull goon at one]: month. Vhitilgf brown): weloom . A. Follett W. M. H. W. adder, Secretary. Town 'but-open every Frhlny evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. Shun. e1,tsuuatuttto 50 can“. Manu- du Robertson. Librarian. . _‘ -- -r""'rro 2Tffe""'PPtumt', = also - Irwin Inching for 'sk, Mair Cum Ind Ila-win. Bone our: Sunday. mu m and work-hop In: the Public Selma m am. one. hours troat8tr.tu. io 7 p. m. Arch Mo, Rennie. Penman". .' " ' DRY GOODS and .GROCERIESA At J. H. HUNTERS. Thomas Lauder, Haiku“: John A. Munro, po. putrategistrtsr. once odrg mm 10 tr.rtt.ttttpdu'. W. Trot, pastor. Sunday Warrieera--pritt- lng u u a. m.; Sabbath School at 2:50 p. m: Punching at 7 p. m. Wuck waning Bervityeis-- Monday evening, young: peoplou‘ ivmyer mueuug " a. m. ; Weduondny evening. Bib a class at a p. m usduy owning, rogului prayer mcctiug at slum 398B iiraaak , him" - "thai" ',',,i."iftie,igi,e.i' Thundly overtting " 72NK Rev. Wm. at, pastor. Services “QT gamma " 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 pan. Subbllh Schoo " 2:30 , m. Prayer meeting every Thurwur evening at. o'clock. and Him. Clu- ervery Maud-y evening at It o'eiuek, l'uwr Rev. B. Godfrey. I beg to inform the public that shortly before the inc-tensed duties wen under tho "National Policy" tum I purchased an Immense stock of Staple Dry Goods. Groceries to” And intend dieting them at the old LOW Price: for 80 as". An :11 kinds of good- muu shortly go u in price, nanny linen Inning .1madrMvaneed, all who again good: Miran many by Buying now " Divine Sundae: an? Sabbath at 11 I. m. nnd no p. m. 9.sbystttfP1ro _ tt tsr? 8.321.. I.'ttssy.T “WNBS Sublmth services at 11 a. m. and 7 lam. Sunday School ttt2p. m. Rev. H, n. me. . A., pastor Church “Hum-us. H. J. Mi-ldmlgh and HUM Edge. NOW in the time to buy . CATTY of um Choico Japan Tea at Me. put up in . Tin Caddy. NOW is the time to buy - PIECE of GOOD CHEAP FACTORY com. PRINTS FROM " PER YARD UP, FACTORY comm From K, par yard By the Fun. TEA FROM $00. PER POUND. day after. Guelph. Berlin-First Thursday in nah month Brampton-First Thursday in ouch month. Li-el-First Friday in each month. Fergus-Thursday/wing Mount Forest. Boseytont-rh'itteemtlt of February. April, June, Amt. October and Ift/rpsVr..' Wimromr-Wssduetrdsy preceding the Omnfsvilla Fnir. 0rattgevi1le--TU 2nd Thursday in each month. F'lts1terartt-MonGy baton Qrtmgpville. DunGlk---Tttes0y before ()mngeville. siteltmrne--Wedntstrdtsy before t)ran,prville. Marsvilie-tkexnul Wednesday in and: month. . - Wtukertou-'rlut last Wednesday in each month. Mildmny - Last Wednesday of each month. DURHAM DIRECTORY Toronto. April 29th, mo Clover seed, Gm seed, Garden seeds & Turnip seed Durham-Third Tuesday in each month. hiemvilu--Momitty before Durham. 1Gaovtrr--Momhsy before Durham. Mount PorH---Tirird Wednesday in "ch month. 1ttolth.--Firet Wednesday in not: month. Hamuton--Wiiiay before the Guelph Fair. Drsyton--8atttrdtsy before Guelph. Elors--T'Lr thy before Guelph. Dmrghsa---Momitby Info" Elan Fair. Hautiltoercrretal. _Pulace Grounds, the Mel,'; DURHAM LODGE No. M6 " A. F. t A, M, DurInIn, April 2nd, 1879. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIM. Tiers, Floral Guide. xix-fig: _ Hits. 3135' k 3:3}: TiF; PEP: S BYTEIUAN I' HERCIL MECHANICS INSTITUTE C. METHODIST CHURCH. was»! p.40. L. No.63E S. o. REGISTRY OFFICE BAPTIST CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH BSBEung Empo- POST OFFICE, MONEY Tttr. IVA") m H. HUNTER‘S. DONT FORGET TO BUY EARLY AT BY BUYING A GOOD trrppra 0F IRA Gamer-l HIE: '0 ry Cheap. c Selma I; 8al bvnll tiitii , "film on non. IKE I or e . an ottU. T a“; Buy It! - tvy It! J. H. HUNTERS. w. mpmiiii"ira7diut mantel , Port mm on. Aug. " m t Ask for “Md?! fhytttitational Randy and 9qu0 Other. T.J. B. Hanna. Mia: Amt-It _,, iv. ....-_.,..u.w. um LII-um. ot the content ot one bong; found Ca".",').",,??). and wttru I Ind and two bottles And A 'thirrt,riiifi thing It, laeling quite mum1pt that Aliment. and hue not mad my since until ot 1m I In" the: name tor n cold in my had 1 A . e‘nse rd an}: to “Agate"; t,"gQyd'tt,tn'ie I im‘usc, Catarr prom In. no on or (innate. unwllcihd. V”: In" to mul- What no of it mu mlv Inn nrmmr JriCG'u%Tria"i?rir,lr, mom iutkisE il-S Giiiiit a" my” ”5,5111 no o n It»: on " amount.- by me from lying long , tram feel like moth-9r- Ing and be ','e'isdi,iiiig,iii2ii,, in the bed. My health um mm: were tterto y mooted. When your arm mu. to w-nm In Auxun. If!“ ' in It'/.t'2ettt1 More 1 had mod . cpl-nor " a mm m. - " -__ L,.AAI- . ., _ - new AnI-Id In I'm _ Hear what a. Reverend Gentleman any: of the Constitutional Remedy. t J. B. Rummy. Egg Light Home”, Trimmings, Whips, etc. Rockvillo Milk, Dentin-2k Fab. 14.1518. SHINGLES, LATE AND LUMBER on hand and wold " down 11mm. J, W. CRAWFORD, Bockvillo Milk, Durham P. O. With an Circular a" “slut All kinds ot Eur Logs during 1878. Custom Sawing of Lumber AND SHINGLES, plane a once, And cheap, to gait the “men. NO ARMlSTICE ' in gtai'i', I , That Bar of Iron. THE Subscriber twin in mm: pic ot bud-1k. Ind mum. um I Durham, July 4, win. Docomber 16th, 1878. I. B. H Don-um Aidii, Brmh. """4ld Ontario. g And now within that lively To". He has Declared th Wu; My met yy, hummer, ngo Ind an a Bar of 1m in Now-"n hxutda, Will nhlno to plum ttte Czar So if vou “'35) u; anchor made, 8011mm: it man‘- tur, To suit n11 Grades and Rah of next. No matter who they In. That want A job nude “run; with hon He'll bind it with a Bar. But times anon Mean to mend His Iron came in I Cari Yet still without advance In prt John Nut-I struck the Bu And when Iii-lull: began to "rive So like the New,“ Star His Rama w ndouBiod lone, Came down upon the Ber, For five!!! you, to lelll In Huld- annulus-I st Par; And hope- they "or In] WV. mm suit them from a In Aug na the Liam were out of Jolut, Ah Mb " acme u w. Re never {mod to was. . Nu). And tom thing on . Bar. ee itiayiarorihaa ErGii,iir From and mom an My no, Jot- 'WMA' door 'I “u, And " you mutt I Noodle mule. He'll [urn It from . Bu. tailrnarvu And mule tl War, War ! ii, tutriddaiirt"iiid ha; URES A'PARR tocmeifrahrjIt5it Catarrh R e m tl CALL AND Mail y.ratFiur, Ont ‘. Bou1dtpus' CAT I I " IRON uni; tlt may 'et mum JOHN NORYAL. Blacksmith, DUNDALK. your, mil)" vW» “AL ' of flu-N " omen t At 817er -__- I 11:0th ,ut!t,tt,etuhtett.eeypyrrar-a- the "1'l'AtAt Burn & MOWErs COMPANY. , --- AW Net. “a M Am“ ,ttttuetod an mainl- .--- Mowers AGRICULTURAL Cash for Sheepskins Cook. Parlor sgul Boa qtovos.. t'artusgat “have: paid to hygtmghing. Agent for the Superior Bmdeut gull» aqd Drill. Ttmrteurriberbe ta inform an. Hie thunk-5.1.: Stock M, mus and rm ' ‘3”. which win ”an? u . f ' STOVES AND TINWARE I t8ttMtm,Mhove1tr uni Mum Forks be. ac. chelpel' than gm. mowxr's IS THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP HARDWARE. WOULD NOW INVITE THE LADIES TO COME AND EXAMINE tttty NEW: Bar Iron, Glue, Springs, Axles, Patent Arms, Horse nails Fashionable SUMMER Consisting in pan of the following ' The Royalist Trimming especmlly shaped tar callus a cm Thin is the place to buy your hardware if you want to get the he“ who tot you: money CHEAP FOR CASH on nrtewrc, PATENTED CHINELLA NECK TIES. HUSLIN TIES. NET TIES. LACE TIES. FRENCH FANS. FANCY FANS, DAKASK POCKET HANDKERCHIEPS. NEW METAL DRESS BUTTONS, I A LOT OP SUN SHADES. A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STATIONERY lad SCHOOL BOOKS, Always on Hand. HARDWARE STORE, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, SUCH AF. aoliBower, Cabbage, Celery, Tomato, Onion, Carrot, Pa." nip, Beet, Cucumben, Melons duo, and the different. FLOWER SEEDS. 'I‘Imothy' and Clover or THE DIFFERENT xxxns: mm SEEDS. of The Best Quality. of the Met-n nxmed swans, YELLOW ABERDEEN, and WHITE was". Mrhite Belgian Carrot. Seed. MANGEL wumznu Also a full Mock or . Pyrum, April 4, 18784 Durham, April, 9, 1879 Miriam. Feb, m, mi; perttaats, Dun-Inn. Nay, ih 1m. NAILS ngeral Blaaksmith's Supplies, HINGES BOLTS NEW SEEDS, Comprising '. , Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidist l Stuart's Improved Gang Plough!» he JOHN CAMERON MOWAT’S L A D I E S Before purchasing fin-whore dent hi! to no out imA MILLINERY Fancy Dry Gooods. B. * A. DAVIDSON. SCREWS . JOHNSTON, Jr,, STATIONERY. Durban, Mly Nth, 1679.. All of which will be sold at vow low. prim: I, 1878. KIERNA N & H IHjHSON. JOB. F. MOWAT, Agent for the all: of MI kind! of but Seed" lad Drill. Alla “but Elli 'tau-the wsuky robin thewmioa’m , , T. A. HARRIS. L ra LOWER TOWN, OF [IRA M LOCKS mutants murmurs root‘s cuss runs w otrm HAVE IN STOCK: IMPLEMEN TS, *UCt5 A& & HUGHSON, Lower To“, mnur9. MEDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWN. Ptr More. 1m Tom JOHN “HERON. Hides. BRUSHES. I“?! L'LPPBOVID KINDS NEW Panama. TYPE m an by»! upon bun. missed m luv In And with tho MPr-ompmmu “I ”and. a rut mount of Later-sun Elfin; lately nude In Job Department, or "I "any." know Med up in the very hut dyle, and BEADIN G “I“ and My ine-ne lieu! in the Tm “Gland“, Bum“ “Grey Review" Good Emily Ne'mper “G l'('_\' Revlen- ." Beat Style of the Art, Maid-uh. mob-now. lip-aha “coda” Boot locum for Any-1..." Price 01.25 per Annum Ki' POSTAGE Ems}: m a.” is (milked wut men, an #01131th " COLUMN PAPER H ttot pidin adveare huh County of iuar. (no. patio. Inching " up: “was: that [Million for doing " W981i. M5 in tho var' " their order- At.' who Via! a blind“. subscribe for the AND EDITORIALS mammot- BIPORTH, Mum: to our 1. “not“: WIN. WJ, «It prim r,' wanton Wil, m I.“ “and“ u Cabinet Make Dom. Sub at "“1.”th bk 0! I W rr, a... Putnam mum In out aged mum-um It amok MrMITtr Dr'.NDALF PE AGENTS, READ THIS "yi,,:::,:,',:,:,,:?,),'.) l ‘7 'ty, (', f I atl hull 1,000 Cords it Dry We VETERINARY SU I: C It' 4 i r/lt' . l “*ich the high”! mink»! p: lee y II it D. DAVIDSON' “1:2” In firm I 1A"l:,' 1.. Watson Bros . Cupcaters and Builder Wt Jun. Mr '"ied', McrATIrl IPP' tiTrittti at 0mm- nu. Boll "Maud .mm C ltl’Amrx Bud-ll. Imh. . "RAY ANIMALS, 0 Wk. in! CI, “a: ulna Med ' ' Atlanta-ooh, (July! by with. inn-Imam e “at“ an] Madden. “N W. ltr C mourn " sud hid Hilda“. I our notice: ou'.',".',,', I“ Run! trms N div... IS 10,000 bushels of Whe VIM" Moo-ion! and Iva-me... up." and under. per Two inch.- ot " In... M Tine inch. do. por ya Ith":: “I... pcr yea " “In... .. 0” ”than. u " Oil month Do. that mouth (‘mnl admin-mem- Lill tae W in! “10"th for out “Mun m Do You Want Moan); , ?4v"dhr, “LU. I s) \Il ' .1 YRRtes:--ti.oo pr: ROI.” If not pml w: nun I t the “I“, Gamirao su art, Sunny 2.1;?“ ALT! Durham, - - nusmnss DIRECTO ' LEGAL livery Wh u " "THE REVIE ‘my I. I-.. M prr Co‘s-Illin- limb III an A " ANS u RMH‘A Illa-In MN. m Goo. a. Mat {hows TTORX If Y Dry. Comm! ' Frost & Frost. MtttltiTli' 'N' .1 V', "rry . ARR] ST I'll 3mMrELLANEOUh' WANTED '. Wood Turning RATES OF A n . ILLI . U B. mun hlll'ZlKMA Innulnlk. REMOVAL MEDICAL " "VOL-III. [add ttUUUL' - W

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