West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 19 Jun 1879, p. 2

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ft. Ily UN H Cl mu foundation whatever," The Mum. Mtmechni. employ a horse and cart daily in mtrrying the stamina away, And Inspec- tor Mepaydrm has been so very diligon‘ in the discharge of his dntietr,that not long since in tho 'our" of his peraastmuttorta he suspend th- law was not fully Com, plied gin. " mums. gm] war We! investitrition wt" we! the My of lining Ni. Crawtml the mm oflvi dollars for astttwider at»: h? human». but; Sana-om" m Mu thM-pl Ibo-owhohh mu WIN-tho fan. tion o4 Informs mull“. before commuti- eatin. wit the might}! qirtktat 18ta. mhupmsm aerotaint ltr. row- mam M “a m h wiv..- In~p~k may». " um ”Iii-E -'T'o mm" persons of A peculiarly mnrbid state of mind fathfittang in A very rungoninl pastime. This chm in our good towit, or perhaps the leader of tho order, han dirertea'his 'malevololm ainIlst our worthy btTeetor of Puherus. It new that n certain saw mill owner ht this town was supposed to mow its M7110“ to till into the river. and that “IQ Inspector sort. nived at this breach of the hor. Like many oth er pines of slander wh‘eh have emanated from the nuns 013nm. this has --The English Church Annotation ofthe Diocese of Toronto haa been dimmed. n was instituted may you: ego " the pur- pole of checking the epirit of ritualilm and fostering the growth of Evangelical truth in that Dionne. Dnrlngite weer it has done good service to the “I!” of true re. ligion, and having neared the election of the Rat. Rev. Mr. Swentmn u Bishop of the Diocese, who holds prenonlued Evan- gelieal views, its work is usemplishad. " .31 event- " the patent. Dr. Daniel _ Wilson. in tstovi is the adoption of the Report "said that the principles for which the AWon had struggled would never com to exist, and the Hon. V..C. Blake, in moving the re~orgnniution of the Pro- tostant Epineopll School of Divinity, aid they did not wait canto: like the one who, necking an engngemeirtt, described himsell u a Ptotrrtant High Chnn'hnnn of liberal opinions. It would never do to lend out I“ preachers jelly itsh--awst ot undecided opinions. They wanted their people to be strong against Romaniun, Rita-hum end Ratiouaium, end there could not he a strong echo tron the pews unless there was p "rottgt voice from the pulpit." her 8.588 mile: are {uni-lied with steel raill. The Government and muniei~ pal nuintanee promised in aid of railways in Canada amount to nearly $100,000,000. of which municipalities have contributed nearly thirteen millions-TU proportion of Government to municipal aid being in Quebec nearly as 2.5 to 1; whereas in On, tnrio it is as l to 2. The total receipt: last year were 020.5%,(718 and the expenses t16,000,t0tt. The earning! having aver- aged Mt per mile more end the outlay 015] per mile les- than the preview year. Railway trnvelling is comparatively rate, for while out of nearly at: end a hell mil. lion passengers conveyed laet you. only eleven were killed. and NO“: ttve injured, although the total bas ot his by railway weidente mu " killed and an more or less mNred-no less than tttt he. rillents having ocettred from "eoupling the can." --rn . report recently issued by Mr. C. J. Brydgu it in stated that than as 6,148 miles of nilvny in operation, ttnd 1,762 in rum-so of ttomrtruetion. Of the total mun. --TU negro exodus from the Southern States to tho prairies of the West continue- to go on. The Southern planters have re- sorted to every [unable menu: to hinder it, even goingeohree to make transport by wen-eh dangerous end thee eteemhoet com. punks refused to curry negroee. However to the credit of the Northern Staten, sever- nl benevolent meiotic: sent down nee-ere " the purpou of oiUttmr I bee W to all who wished to more. It beam)" increasingly evident that the abolition of slavery in the Southern states in more up mount than reel. em] that wherever the punter een exereiee the tyrenny of the alert-owner it is done. However, this utete of things ie passing any. end. as the Chinese do not take to the ways of the Southerners, necessity will compel them to accord the negro“ thoughts and liberties of [reedom us well " the heme. In Falls recommended by Lord Duthrin form. the subject of a may]: in the Governor of New York's Inna-go to the Legulaturo in a very npproving manner. A Committee In- been Appointed tenancy the ground um] report on I "3|"un oc- euun. no that the whom is naming praetUal dupe And will wry manly be Ill ---Proh- Hampton. of Gin-gov, I very dintinkninhnd qei.ntirt “yak! he bu no doubt u to the mm of the electric light. the] thinks that " street illumina- tion it should be plum) at I high: of m t more». A commit“. ofthe Bgitish Home of Commons "pom similarly. Ind um. um it is not yet “pond for domestic pur- -Th. mad Imam (Eon) com-pon- dam a the (not. numb um the Privy Council bu resolve-l that than is no good rm " the dismimat of M. Lett.ili. er, the Governor of the Province of Quebec This will, of mm neon-it.“ tho resigna- tion 01 Sir John A. Hue-Ion.“ Incl his u. than"... Agents for the Grey Review! ..-The International Park mum] Niaga- Durham. June Mt, 1879. The fifth Gmml Ambly of ma Pul- byterian'ohamh of Cuna- in in “do. It on". under tho gnidnuoe of tho Wer, DO; I Reid u Modmior. Tho work done no; fttt bu been " . Much-rum. Bow. mer an Bound humbly of tIso Fm Shah ad Mid which not It} now: in Edinburgh India! agnirt bobs it and mu “Prom Smith ofth.TrtAClt- C-nllogo. About.“ which '- nm o! if, gerteesit inure». This Mann-n in charged with holding “a teaching eer- t"rh..eei1irat, uniionn in iigint to the In- thismhrtiGtdtnvirea itmmetrruit mm: portions of Scripinn. Thelma duh lip l Rev. John Show was elected Pineident for the current year. The Toronto Diocese ot the Episcopal Church is in tossion at To. mnto under the Presidency of Hilltop tbveatman, who seems to hug the nu gilt of harmonizing the amt notion. of that diocese, end at the some time non:- ing the respect end mini completion of ell portion. The highest Gourds of {he various church. as an Mth in Mom The sixth annual Cantu-once of the Methodist Church met In Port Hope on the um inst..nu Rev, E. II. Harper presiding, There wen 180 minimum present and she ' Among the many seUntiiU marvele of I. the present day, not the least etartling is n the reported discovery by one Signor Bo. I; turn ot Australia of two vegetable preclude, W by one of which an animal is rendered uni m conscious. and to all sneer-nee, liteleee. d andimyhehepeintlnrtetute " deye or " weekeormonthe " hairy upland to a a freezing atmospheremnd another substance ‘6 which is a perfect antidote to the former, uq and restore! to life the animal appar~ , ently dead. Time a drop or two otl . liquid no. I. is injected under the skin of a J dog or any other animal, when in a few: B millet“ the animal is perfectly rigid and exhibits the signs of death. In this state it may be preserved in a freezing tempera. . ture for, it u build. an inde6rtito length of , time. When it is desired to restore the t animal a few drops of liquid no. 2 are . placed under the skin, when the animal in I live out: minutes drawn a long breath. . steethee its limbs assumes the erect porter-e. ' and in a few minutes more scampers as " ' if nothing had lappened. The benefits I which are likely to flow from thin new itis. h covers- eon easily be imagined. Cargoes t of live sheep can thus he sent to England k by large steamers. and although a freezing I atmosphere will still be an ossential,atem- I [nary breakdown necessitating a stoppage of eight or ten days in the production of cold would be of no consequence. When the sheep are landed in England. any that fail lo entirely rally will be perfectly good meat, whereas the others can be turned on to pastor“ or driven telnet-hot. Of come the new results can he achieved with bul- looks. but their greater ue'uht nukes them more didieult to handle with safety, and the carcass is neutered brittle by freezing, making them the more liable to injury. l The Signor is associated with Mr Grant, ofriiduey, AnMralia,who is distinguished in novel modeaof germinating cold, or rather abstracting heat, and although. the salt. stances hy which such wonderful effects are produced, are for the present kept se- cret. there seems to be every reason for be. lieving in the reality of the discovery. There are many substances long known to the medical world which have the power of l suspending animation fora longer or short. _ " period of time, such as Woorara, Nitrate of Amyl, Chloral Hydrate, he. Cyanogen can and Prussic Acid, though in large dos. 2 es poisonous, yet when administered care- fully anl the subjects exposed to a suilli- , ciently low temperature to prevent their i evaporation from the body, animation may be suspended for several days. But in the a Return case not only has one agent the power of producing apparent death, bat iii another agent equally potent has the power of bringing perfect restoration to life and f, normal activity. This in something really (I. new, and as the medical world in on the qui viva we Way expect to have shortly a Bood of ltght thrown upon this and kind- tl red subjects. tirely without foundation, and it may no not no, our Ioeal Cotem. in bound in the intent“: of right to give to the world the l proof of his statements. During the outlier part at Mr. Hunter's anus: large mum bers of our Roman Catholic neighbors in Glouolg sud Normanhy, voluntlrily pro- mind not only to vote for Mr. Hunter but to ennui“ and run their team- in his interests. And they kapt their promise! in detinaee of certain inttaonem, to the con- trary. An to the interference! the Archhiah. l op as stated by the Chronicle the chug. is no Insoles: u the fabrics of the visions of the Chronicle usually no. Let us have the roots, sad the name of that co-relisionist who knows I“ Worst it. --ru Chum-la h very much camel-ed about the “than. dam mixed by his friends in tho "out “action nud'leh ttim. self to ucunnt for such 4n "tmordinary revolution. As is and in |uch circum- stances the real «use: us ignored, and iuterttiormllr or otherwise, theories eon- stunted upon :ho most illusory but. The chief can» assigned by the Chronicle. for insuuee, ia the wholmle purchase of the Roman Catholic vote and lhe interference at the last moment of Archbishop Lynch. '; “lose chug“ , we need not lay. an 913- l linking through to Purdue. ot Quake. though an "rttaetatmtw o! bynly and Mn by the papal.“ In quit. cut-hud- utic mom, tho din-Tory wing of an Con-tive pres! indulge in the moat un- mistake-bl, immlting homo toward. the Marquis, What the state o' feeling will be when the dechiun of the Privy Council booomnknown it in not didiealt to tome. --The Marquis of Lorne is now "peeis curing the clock of the Whip]. has ties pursued by Sir John A. Mudomld during the lute anion of tlt. Dominion Puliuneut in 1110be Magic”. In the com-u ofthe but which the Gonna:- General and tho Prism no at "not ANOTHER NE W DISCOVERY. CH ['RCH COU “TS. no ""l .A bevy dunk of emhqu tal AIL-u: (en up“, was te.ltit I l? St. Johnu, Ill, on 'l‘mnday. . of numb i.bor.-43netied. Movd by Mr. MeKoohnb, ”will by Mr. Born that Rood And Bridge Guanine. be W10 ace-kin the My“ deeming. Iidownlk from new. Lil-Ivy suhh Oath. Blith- a: Initial “not. And upon a next-mango! Comm Moved by Mr. McKechme. seconded by Mr. Horn, That the petition of Agnes Marylin be received, Mad that no an“! be mot-pd from the hill on the street opposite Lot tia, H, Queen street cut, without per- million W tho Mayor, sud that the Mnyor in giving such permission requested to make the my arrangement Ind use that it beam“! out. that no gravel be removed“ - Rudd Lot Hun " " the different beam for the {atom Moved by Mr. Anderson. seconde by Mr. McKeclmie, That the report of the Chaimnn of the Court at Ravi-ion be now read and adopted, and that the Ammunt Roll " now revised be passed by this Conn. cil for the current. you and trertiiUd by the Clerk M so pasaed.-A'arried. Appeals-hir, Mahdi-n. naming. income; reduced from 0600 to MOO. Mr. Arrow. nmith. ngainst assessment on dog; ooudrtn. ed. Rev. Mr. me, against mumont on real property; erased. Council met. Melvin-rs all present win: the exception of Mr. McIntyre. Members-Janus Burnet, Chairman; Messrs, W. A. Anderson. Bobt, B. MG. “Wanna. Weve, and mama ttorn, wombat-I. The (Four; of Revision met on the 28th May, 5th. 6th, 11th and 18thof Juno. Division No.. 1...., Division No. Division No. 1....... Moved by Mr. Brown. mauled by Mr. cry. Thu the Pullmsbp ho ttqttt,irt9d Division No. Folfowing is I Matetmntt of votes given tor each candidate in South Grey, " turn. ished as by Mr. Thou. under, Registrur: DURHAM. b thin yeer on n dieeent and appeal from the ' l‘reehytery of Aberdeen, and occupied the l attention of the Anembly for one whole I day. The Rev. m. Bonner moved that I ameliorated - Prof. Smith and_ ~thatintheeventefitahein‘netnined ht then'pcndedfrunhiedotieeeeel‘reha F and Minister of the church until next} I 'tsmqrsg of ”ably. Dr. Bliny never! 'lhommsdm.nttutthe whole matter be l referred to e Committee for enumeration t and MUI conference with Mr. Smith. I Dr. Boner". motion was carried by the small , majority of one. In an able epeech on r thew-elm Dernat deprecated thetendency l of many Biblical urine- of the present day, end quoting from the Princeton Mine. spoke of their work as valueleu in itself. " being. tearing down and pulling to piecee, and that imstead of casting any really new sud valuable light upon Berip. tam, “the result of ouch eo-called higher critieieln. were to dimembcr the prophe- ciee of lenieh and Zechariah. dex'troy the connection of manyoi' the Palm: with David, and the Proverbs with Solomon, leave the Amtolie enthority of the Syn- optic Gospels hanging by a thread, - the Gospel of John from John, and the Act: from Luke, undermine the Pauline authorship of the Pastoral Epistles. and the Petrine authorship of the Second Epistle of Peter, and among other preju- dices which these clevrr men suppose they dissipate. to destroy the Mosaic origin of the Leviticni legislation and worship." What the end of this case may be it inherd to any, although the probability in that Mr. Emith will be suspended from hie emu. It is e rather siguilUsat foot that those men of advanced (so called) view, are im. pressed with a very high senu of theirown lebilitiee and importance. Concoit and Hove ofpopular applause seem to iMuene.e, I them much more powerfully than love for 1 _ the truth for truth'e sake. Thu wae eepeo- 1 /uslly manifest in the appearance of the 1 _ Rev. Mr. MaeRrae before the U. P. Synod . at Glasgow, to which we referred last week 1 and though less markedly so. was equally I eGraeteristieof Prof. Smith's utterances before the Free church Assembly. Mr. I “MGM will now have an opportunity of t indulging his taste- nnd funnies for novel. I tie: in religion and it in very probable I from the general tone of the debate, that 1 Mr. Smith will have an! opportunity of , associating him-self wi th him. , Electoral District of South Grey. Fetal as: m mnjnrity for INnter,--88. totalyote polled ttl1ynttrr.........1694 " " t,..w................, 98 N " " c,-...........,,., 89 " Toul...,..s,............ 409 232 majority for Hutsur,-i77. NoturArurx.. I). mtu'rrt'tr br-iGue'r'sr-iug." 51.33910. Total.....,..,........, I ttugority for Hitter,---) EOBEXOXT. " maj wily for 1'ahty,--io. untrue: . Total maprrity tor Iquter.. Revisiog Court, it " Joan MooDrs, Town Clerk, - - of" erprthqvnke Insult; n. [elm 'ir5iiiriiiiiiil n. .._L a .‘_. . _ _ . .o-.. Fahey. Hunter. Fnlwv. " 65 tat M .........1061 119 47 50 108 116 117 449 49 41 " 118 110 ---- .n 4538 158 293 86 " " " 44 2'.1 l7 " , The Arthur Enterprise mpc--hn aged mu: entered the home of Benjamin Hill, con. 4, Luther, on Tuesdny evening of but weak, and naked for lodgings. He was kindly received. and utter partaking of tan retired to bed early in tho evening. m rose only in the morning and was very l talt-the only peteeivable symptom of his disorder being violent vomiting. In reply w questions put to him by Mr. Bill he said that!» had A daughter living at or not: Glen-ll”: And lumber (hunter married and living in Eat and“; tint he was tnnllingfrom the plug of the former to I mot m may. but ho declined to tell hin' home. He menu-d: told In. Hill tint his not“ M McDonald. m gun no tui. mer WI: that would lend to “I iderttiluatiarn. "lu nap-ind ill a es. ttad, on the "can.“ Welland-rum - - W w- -"""q - n mum-y QVHM. On his arson ya {mud forty mama. stir. yer 1Ul mush. Rodeo had It,! bug which . ttitutaietitmett fltttliitti. I win, it in though. 5m» WW3! ”who! no: if”? 302m! him at W. Ga ber, and removed td Welland gno-l the Iftornoon. Garrett is still in tin lune condition. 1 Teichlum Ix Ttr.tu.a.--h mm named Charles Garrett. of Drrunmonds. ville, while standing on the market, on Thursday morning, was shot by a young men nemod William Alexander. of Thor. old, He delibontely shot him while etendlng about three feet from him, the ball penetrating the abdomen no” the navel. Garrett is in Avery critics] con- dition. The cause of the shooting in said l tnhe that Garrett seduced A young lady friend of Alexander's: Alennder is now under arrest. He even brought for trial and pleaded guilty to the plume of shoot. ing with inteutto kill, He we: remand- ed for trial " the Fall Anthea in Septem- Pom-mu. Wotpt.--A% have much pleasure in recommending to the pu'dic the poetical work of Minter John Hastia, of Egremont. The bruk, contains nine pieces on Jiirerent subjects, a few copies of which can be procured on ttpplitvation at tluututise. Mr, Jon Sikh ll, A., of the High School. in Mount Fm“, recommends the work as fallow: t--"I am glad to testify to the gems pf poetic power that clearly show them- selves in the verses composed by Master John Hattie. I need only peter to the coo. eluding verses of the “Spinach; Warning," as evidence " the Awakening of a genius that would be encouraged. I can heartily “Commend John's first efforts to the sym- pathy of the public." ' Rum“ Ncws.--ahe Directors of the G. B. * W. It. met Col. De Grev. Deputy- Chairman, and Mr. Bald, of the English Board of Directur<, With Mr. Broughton, land a number of othar gentlemen interest- ed in the G. W. it, at Hamilton, on Mon- day last, when satisfactory terms were agreed upon. Yesterday a meeting of the Board was held at Mount Forest, to ratify the contract to build the farst section. Work is at once to be entered upon. and the road is to he futisrlsed by November, from Pal. merston to Durham, A by-law is at once to be submitted to “no ratepayers of the city of Hamilton, to grid the building of this I With FAI'I'ES'I' Tim; on Iu:cono.--Uanlan won the ehamphrtship race on the Tyne amuse on Monday, a little over three miles, in one minute less time chat but are) been mile over tlse same course, Htut1an't; _tittttrw'as 21 minutes Ind one second: Elliott ibwed over the course when he ileieater1 Higgins in 2e minutes and one setsond-'.he finest time up to that} due. The race commenced pt 12:16 p.m., Ihtnlap [writing " opponent by 8 boat length. The new: reached Dilrham at T.to am. the nine any. I Trm T. G. it B. tuewst-th, Friday last " Henry Tyler. late Chief Inspec- tor of Railways for the British Govern. ment, hm, at the request of the English bmndaholdm of the Toronto, Grey and limes Railway, made an inspection of that road, physically and financially. We learn that he will report that the condition of the railway is such that, miles: outside aid, beyond what the Company is able to provide, is forthpopia, all traftie will shortly have to he strspemht1--E'sminrr. Tu reviev' nerds” in connection with the quarter's, work in Durham Public School.willbo in progress during next week. From the results of “was examinations to. gether with “which: nptihde ma pr J tutieney of the pupils, promotions will be made. It is k be hoped that parents and other: inmtod in the WW. of on! Public &hool, will Make it commie!!! ttr' be present at lot! during the Friday of that week.- NaxnomlPXews from Maniwunn, up, from present appearance: in are going to hue an Ibuudant harvest “in yes". Full wbeat - looked better than now. The wring Mops us all up, and promise well. The farmers are all busy patting in potatoes Ind turnips. A large number of new settlers have come in here this spring, and ttll seem well tsatistUd with their prospects for the future. Dulnnl Pou- orrtta.-TU Post Odice in closed at seven o'clock. Mr. McKenzie, the obliging Post-tmutter has kept the office open until nine o'eloek on many oc. cnsionu lateiy, and when the Flesherton mail, through my occident is lute getting in, will do " ugnin; but u the tttailttottt" in early now, parties should be “the (race in time. or they may very mammal»): ex: pm to And it closed.- may ox In: Tact-On Monday morning Int. " a wood tum Wu mn- uing up tthoronto. Grey * Bruce Bail- way, " Dundalk “woman. box-u: were on the mating at the west of the station.- th" of them, owned by Mn J ohu McAulay was struck And jointly killed. Another of the hornet had m tail cut 05 A hump Itm.--w. 1m. been pre- Anted with . bottle of ink maunfwtured by T. Jukm, of Dunk“.- 11mm has but; to be "a: to be Aisiitsd mu m, m: gamut. Patio. winking nah-r to try thtt ink, or procure A bottle of it, In: to In by Ipplyihg at the .BIVIIW Ola, ‘Locsl ind other Rama. _ v '-""-r"'-e"r"rN'"!'"'er. ---_-------.---- Hr. MeCSfuiuk' entered and took hm mat, Hand by Mr. Luv-nee. waded by Mr.' HoConnuk. That John wmon be paid 10150 for the us. of hi: shop for meeting of 'couneir-eturied, sad order given. ( . Moved by Mr. Duuon. would by Mr. “worm-ck. That this Council do not " ioum, madman! again " Orchardvillo. on _ thn Slit of June no“. u " B.m--e-ud. T as?” hay-eh ',g1 ijiijiiiiiii, lanai Hum In t I!!! V II ttr "$331.5 m3: ' a or J. Baird. for dour to Mr. 3nd Mrs: EL,' “2.12 3 J. Miller. tor flour to Mn. Him, ":1eteie: Ind order given. Mimics 051119 Tigromoat comet. Meme {has " preeni, Except Mr. McConnnln Reeve it {be ehisir. Minutes of itust Meat, yu riad ind approved. Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Dawson, Thu the following be paid :4. Lack. for “sewing. (in ptut,)t46; Wm. Clark, fyr 8 day: name labor, refunded, " ; H. H, Stove], for . road temper. " ; Robert Bye, " tiotte to Mr, Eliot. 07; Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded 'u, Mr. Lawrence. That Mr. Hilts receive no mop nigi. from thin dua--msrrud. The busineu of tha- Cbnrbbeing tVtisttrd, The Council resumed, B. H. Hum. Ind when: New“ pub tions, and papers respecting tho diviniom of S. S. No. 1, Resolved that the 19seze write to the Inspector for further white, T. k S. Rodgers, lot 27. con. 9, use-(ed " 0250 instead ot I390; Henry Mom-W. lot 42. can. h messed. " 0816, instmU of .975. ' Moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Dawson, That this council go into Court of Revision. with the Reeve in the cue-eat. 'isnt.. In Go.» of Rational)“. trial of'uppuh the "iisriug nausments were revised 2- Proton Holland; Liv. No 0414711: Div, ?!Callingwnod l, Hi v: No. Fhnrhrasia, f Div. No. l... The following are the complete returns of the East Grey Election. The thrttres Teak " themselves, nuJ and no com. ment:- Artemesin ' L. M. R., The Road Mimi; od ib,uhA many of our ”my; ther, nre lmlodging to nom'a def fund Military Co: rho! hays, awe-n1 do. Wool lie.,' Bauer iower “In it In: been for fittoee years. E32: tht. Times getting worse,- We ttre led So exclaim. Beautiful N. In The Wilde tall now i, mum. Bribery, Corruption. he'll be untreated, act. Our Tory friends have put off their and: new, and look an good natured u "er,-- We are glad. The Orangemen of the Distriet of Proton met here on' Saturday: . The Potato Bug in " had " tttr-put " much {fast _ V Mr. W. H. Hunter,. of thtstgisvme, has been removing Inge qiUnli'aus of ”Emma and ties {fem this put, doc belwoern hem and Ornateville; He has been paying out a good deal of the "uturdfal"-4o iisosl of us, It was very neuephble. tart PM 321 Mujvu'ity m Lntgde': giver Myleg Mo, " tl . u Roth-.913. Mr. g. McCullough. of Dnndnlk, In: built a large mum to his Hotel. um." Charters has erected the fun). of nice dwelling house. Mr. Richard Clam of this place. is the architect. Mr. Jamel Henderson ttta ”Maud Lots 240 and ”a Concoua'on 4, S. W. Melandhdn, from In.“ Tnynor, 1sur, for t800, Tho last of the out“. of Mr. G. G. Mann ttf Osprey was told undu- Exeeution here on M Thursday. Mr. M. run one of our but equips-l fut-nun his cinch oonluiuod neurly everything hom I “noodle to Ill incisor," And My att told " &bulou. priou. We m sorry In ml: I enmity to We may mighbour. I uuppose w- will tally one " the N. P. The farm of Mr. West, of Malawian. In sold here on Tuesday Int under power of ale of Mortgage. This proport mu bought two you: 4:30 It fl,ioo, the layer paying 02.000 cull: It In: sold for 03,150 to I gentleman from Muriposu. Glorious N. P, J. W. Morrow, Exp, Auctioneer. This proves "more w ork and boner Pty"-- tor the Auctioneer. Mr, Geo, Scott, of Smith, purchased the property of Mr. J u. Honderuon and John Drummer, of Melancthon, IN scro- for 92.8“). Duudulk, June 16, Mmr. Di". No. t “v. No Egremont Council. " V " No, Dundalk Items. East Grey.' " If. P2 ano It " 27 46 16 ig we“! interest r, iLiirt',"iiiiu,ciC'.' “We are Corry to tim! one ttruouer(oom. at John" Doyle. Verdict G JiliGii against defonduat Michal Hutton 01M. Brooks on. 1uuus--Uetioa for (roams. Verdict for plaintiff " Cream 5 Morri, Ion (or plaintiff. Lulu & Rowe for dofcnd~ The Grand Jury brought in I Trm, Ball - Thoma McKnight for felonious wounding. The Courts at General Session; of the Pence And County Court for thin County commenced on Tuesday last. heron His Honor Judge Hughusom The following; gentlemen composed the Grand Jury '. John Baird. Foreman ; Welter Buck... Rhine: Dickson, Wm. N. Chisholm, Thou. Dunnington, o, W. Sanders. in. John Hills, John Wiggins, Alex. Buclnmn,‘ Martin. Ballet-by. Arthur “fright. Franck Waits, D. N. Cumminl. John Jelly. Hugh Kama, Wm. M.. Memg‘RoM. Campnign, Richly] Ball, John Ellen-ow, In. Huston. Alex, 1HN1tiaaar,. 6smitsin.h Well.“ and) Startin Mm». Lumq Th. 'trr-.---, for impa- in taking for. tight arm; by another party . horse claimed. by plaintiff. Verdict for puintitr "p. l, S. Wilson for plenum. W. D. Pollard for defend, General Sesiions‘ and. County Rev. Mr, Nicol was nppoinhd nwbn- ton-1m km of tho sessim. at (humane sad Amos 'rut'onr. with In" to. undam- in I cull at In only dsae.r--3to-t For“ Examiner. The court according! y granted the tram. inti‘on‘. which is to take effect the the 29th inst)", and appointed Rev. A. Nicol. quywn. td. declare the clings vacant on the am sum. of July. Notice having been received that the Rev. Chm. Cameron had noeepwd 'the on" to Cotswold. his induction was appointed to take place on Tuarsdar, July 8rd, at lt I. m. Rev. D. W. Cameron to prouido; Row. A. Nicol to preach ; Rev.. t. Hamill-.1: to [damn the “in, ad Rev. J. Bulb's to “than t)» people. The call mts.then phccdin Mr. C rozier's hand, And, after I short addrea, in' which he expreuod his deep sorrow in parting with but people, declared his acceptance of the call. An ndjunmed meeting of the Presbytery ttf Sungnn was held in tit. Andrew's Ctmreh,. Mount Forest, on the 9th inst., " ii a: th., Ind a good numhcr of more and mmistem was permit. The principal ob. iiei trd'iilGh any meeting hm! been mn- vened we: to consider tt tall from Port Perry congregation. in the Presbytery of Whitby, to the Rev. H. Crozier, of Holstein. The call we: hearty rnd nmnimuus, and we: ably supported by Rev. D. Stewnrt, of Arthur, whom the Port Perry congregation appointed to represent theni before the Sangeen Presbytery. Mr. Stewart felt it" to be an exceedingly ddtieult task to new cate the removal of a member of the court to nncther Presbytery. rdf faithfully au. charged'hib duty (to the Port Perry conga" gation/pruehting their (him: very élrarly' and fordihly. A large deputation from Mr. Crozief'e congregation was thrn heard. They tuianeod very strong: reasons why the Presbytery shunhl‘nat grant the mm. lutmn, manifested the strontrdWattaehrn'tsntl fo their tastor, and cxprwd their deep’ regret and great loss should the tmmtlntion be granted. Mr. Crozier Ind labored Immgst them for ten yearn with great neeeptettee, and during that time nothing transpired to mar the greatest hnrmony between pastor Ind people. The Grand Jury Mule thoir tirvu pic-ont- out, an only mmph of which of Hanan. Bum an. Hutu: a al.--aetion on a winery mtg. Non-nit uh detona- Sou-eel" a My M that wt do hot have trorit-ttUuut visibn rm: mom. Last ,feek we but!!! plrty of gbrdlemen from Rochester; x; Y., while London, Hamilton and Toronto, send their downs. Indeed, our noble Bteeithr “in s6tyti “(than depleted of ite speck-led beauties. stock teFurnitare, &e., and my of your radon who my visit our Town,' iii! do (toil to imp” his "oek. _ ttom the fact that the my?! gym univml Attistatt!tion. It in only I few itch since Mr: Tacknlmry opened out a choice "otk nil Cd'ot"et'im, and herb-ions. Mr. A. Me. Intyre has relinquiubed the Dey Goods ”Msinnd will in future gtoufhMr Isis bunneutotbe‘ Grocery trade, We: I wholesale Itoci cl liquors; Mr. George Wright bu nude 5 11136 "eitiort to his either for their substantial worth or achi- tectural bonny. The buildings we noir hove in course of oomstnaotioet will be I large addition to our T'own, noticeable among them being the erection of e brick building on Mill Street. by A. Nubian". u e Home“ Shop sud dwelling. Mr. A. Rutledge hu commenced the reconstruc- tion of his hotel premises, which we on a gigantic tools. There are several other buildings in course ofeootstrotliotr.. k itor Engli-h Church is in process of motion. Basins-s in tolen'nly good,. notwithstanding the how “men: _ Duririg the pest year the Messrs. Rcydolds & Watson opened Gt an immense Stock of Dry Goods, and are Ptt. leming on tlleit business. The Pump-he. my of 14r. ii, McLaughlin i. doing . large basins-,- eltho' only recently commenced. sm,-iUther or not pm any deem our little “Burgh" beneath you: notice. I have been waking in "in " you to come out none A:" morning mg! pey m . Mom“, visit. We cennoQ bunt of mm":- hin. glen or tt.ttuatot scenery. but for Piet. nmqne - we challenge she County ; end for the number ofour population it is question“!!! if thin or env other County poms“! I Viqu of the name proportions which on boast so many good buildings. Progreu of MtrirdnU, Editor of m 1mm. Presbytery of Saugeen. Yours. to..- and mm do. a. - ndvio _ from Prince Damn! w Bttd Nova Sr , tin “0- b tuathatthat uio.'ver may In vi- on)!” '"itVtKrtettei.qtttsoa. Provinces a, 1t-drr, Macon while an old In. In...- hunk-bunny" a _ [NW D Mi.Jkarsari.ee, wutlnn u mit-o of “it!” Wellington Co ' t" “pH-s“ “Windham Geiero I'm? mot W the “will base ot ho lklllhctlnd. may)“ nun lay as If Mhmmn ho-u Signs of He We" then mutilated but In never return- " to Mm. ind expired at four kr'atoee " My morning. Ono " “WM his Mud back mm»- wlut and, iqittmdk I An Input] nick: bu beer, hum-d in N htoethtte. -thoriaimt anti-n in any 1naoe1a"utresoesuarxrpeaaiug rit1ou. w. M finds a - “I of Ammu- ment in oily“; In Win: tariff That ia no» thtut - " the imymnvn It is “that“ din (he let!" not“ strike of ttld 'lor-l-tmm' in New York “and a has to the shank-hip P"mProuet, of 0850.000. and to tho men at “40,000 Moved by Mr. McIntyre. secmulm by Mr. Winters, that the MMgt "ttim le Al» ttropeUtod ”humid in ouch of the wank, and that John Winters bo rommir swner in Ward No, l, the Been in No. P.. It. [Min No... I. R. Sing in No. t, and Mr. Merntyre in No. 541m amount In include Com. tlevied. loved by Mr. Melatyn, monalml by Mt ling. that the Council mud n: Snghunpton, on the 10th (by ot Jun Moved bv Mr. Sing, wounded by Mr. “claim. tut the Account of John]: Gnu-y, 'tmoutttietg to "for an»; films to County Treasurer and among charge of minutes be paid. nu! that the Reeve do inn. " order for the "tne.--',-. mm of 065,1md that, thg “Md dl, mun hi. order' for up unsc-Neua: Moved hy tw. ”glutyh,' "don-led In' Mr. “imam. tut'. Divid‘mdill he refund ed tho‘lnm of " bunk interest nu nrrenr» M bus on lot No. 6, in the “I: can. um] that the Reeve do Rune hi- order for ti" 'utme--C.rviel. Moved by Mr. Sing, set-bladed by sir.. “any". thu the “one he Appointed to “parkland due auditing? Flora Ann Me qtusht 'as the Torontb (9'0"me '.pmw'llu'/ Mth'phWr g, AW oil “in 'hs. 'I‘reusun-r for the ma hi,tat.=iriea.- , young: Mir.-m1n2ya,- leapt;' 1.. m. sing-am tba Auditor w olcilf /s, , . G. Sing t."'t't'"'"" Town-hip Bing! M'.--ede.t .' V The Mvd’hn'ing mad I totttmetttieatiov ”cliff. G. h'ing,utthiite " tttti' stiHc-ymg si, the township, itit qt'tttr moral by Mr, McIntyre. seconded Gr Arr. Winters um 3 Moved by Mr. Bing, wounded is M I ' Winters, that the Clerk direet the Couuty Treasurer to - from his book taxes I}, Jot Qervn.f9: totvf, Lion. m: lot 'ki/c the let S, 1nd lot 02, 2nd 3.. for the your Mr78--Crrridd. ' C , Moved by Mr. “duty". munch-d 1-}- .ur.'Viistetnr, that “to Imminent roll fr? tthr yr'. 1879 having been fhaatty '0"in by tho Court of Revision the Cleft bt dine! ed to make the '"tee*mWy dictation: of cording to the IQVHBHCMM sltmst.--Car. ied. VtNaoe.--u Wang.“ tTiirikmt.m 'ft'y.eChiirdFGGik'E '0qu nun-0U Wand-met w, l ”may by' if. mums; "bonded by Inkm, thet Dr: Kerr be itmthsthd " ex unin- than 1rettuarir,mnd up»! do an. Game“ ittr fo the “viability or MIR-rm...- (funding ber to the Hoqtital and tle run of the "me.--C.rried. Modal} 'rrcWhsteft seconded by M: hunter; thttt' about“. ttt Within Mercy fot vius,-teusrrtttimr to on. dollar, " em. fkd by 'N6itiiis" iouna, be paid, and an: the mat db' 1mm his otter Gr a... "auc--xuiriiui.. nth-Waite“ "wt-nu" tiTtrihiiiiicl, that it. John Numb-J bor, "ru IlNtlrk.eggtg "A'ilrid',1t" , ,.fftkttiiiieTi' lurid td In Winters, wounded by Mr McIntyre; tut Hector unbound be u “*6: ity pom work to the mount of '" in lien: of Inch (not mine! lot (in, M R. N., under the Cami-aim)" ofnul ,etuds-CnhSsd; If - . Walk-r. dual Mo. if“ .. The Council then mud and trroeeed, " with tho ordinu-y busines- ofthe Towe, dip. do now The Cduncil net It Mung”; on the iiotit Kay. " I Court o"tedtrti: Members .n mm. The Run h the chair. Minute, of [our will}; had trid 'ouiirmed. The Wei]. - trut-Mis: the meow. ly outs; We»! nigh the honing of .p. -ks--Manrret Timmy-on, reduced um; "mo. M. Mud Mo; Wm “Hider, vacuum-ed I"; I... Thompon, "V and 0100: Neil Hunky. reduced "o: 89th Tyke. banned Mo; Duncan Me, Moved by Mr. McIntyre, "eonded by My Inh‘or, tut the mount of John Ruther 0rd for printin'tmvmhip minutes "mum ing to 0m be paid, and that the have at e . ,,__ ""r'lFK that none but. dau- phe- ot among“, in not provided." Quin n. has. 'rcrtrrsqsrv.-.-ru pm one: VII Indicted " feloniuunly Woundmg “doom Currin in 1 low which took puer, a cunt-wont: in April 1.... Vetdiet - S, t Guilty. A. Frost for Mao... 1...,“ mind an I vagrant.) of adv-need you...» (or no gseime but t'o"et.noompwed b, tta, social- with admin-l prisoner-u. and "17".! AL‘A u- --, _- -'= ll . Ila-on for datum-e The com mun littiugu'o com in," .:__‘ ' lo MN Mo; Wm. Helium; “hm {Wu-0m}; MARRIED; ae, 99. Pe. ha;- Vim-w maxim}? - tut... the qrttts re pid luck - I‘m-rid Mr. Jot Tlot thi. Ilomlny. 1 "t hm tl " Johnathan. Itiehard lin-ixmv'L Manon", Jonoth Pmrr, " nllmm Shun. Jun“ “Mullluhvl, Mn. (m0 Mefoy, .‘nhn y,. "Alia-r. Samuel Admin. “win pt John Hmllml. (‘hurlu-u "slh'spur, (iillii. Funk Album". I'lmrm Wtiliam Gmrtt, William Wlls. " ll “1&0 WW. I) tttlea trmatl,hauos Whrt (My. mum Ian-alt. Samnvi ' William Br, Bar%ritt.tto'o tiattttget Full": I‘M Poll. Ruinio. Willimu Pam lanky. P. Tm. Ruben l White, Jamal) Silk lien-y. Jami-- SIM: dry. W. H. (Humor and" Neely. lin- JII'IIOC Nilelwll. ' Ink-v. ti-tsl mun“. John whole “Viva James $btittttmrnd. M. oldf"Il. John db. Jowph tiwidt. "tom, 53min“, lidluuglwr. a.“ Armstrong. Jun. ll M Radar. Sumac! Dun". Thos.Ce, B. R. Hampton. Wm. Oliver, Jul. l TIMI. 'trtt-r.ot. 5350* Milly ,,(',. ue. WI?“ m August. um tho I’Mu'u Ma roll uu Inui.~ Put-Hod. "wk. John 3100' n. Thu. WW. Attila-nu. Wm. Bwitt. [HM Nmrt.h'-rs-Wm. M gin-300M34- “04wa nm( "6. ( " final Jul!) “t. Ant: t Tttnt Mr. no, tttttr, tttN Thu! , m Ill“1 1815: mo. t t hark be imml .9 min“ (In Farm-d. " _ pr It, “I can. ti.bi.. In _., fluid. T Mr. AMI: moved, l 'tot the colic-nut . In. Ear. “:1“de G. oftittt due on M. ti. W., hon: et t Mr. Ami: M, That tl lurch“; red] and I Mr. August um rm. .tltat the Mull-y "thueiaod -u, and that it in" b, Tho Thou. Cutie". u mun Mr. Aqua mum-ml. tttut the mum: {var Icing now tittally of lh-n'sl'on. be dams. mien. N. E. ; Bl, MM Mt, m Macaw thoa. Me4'osh, jam! n Mr. Jelly moved, m that the audit-aunt: of R. knitw- to L, “WEN sm M and gfts, bane am “denim Sim-lair 'ot $6t, Ut Cowman M” I'M ’34 in the In! In in the 8rd can: in (In 4th nonunion h', Fence-"Inn. -- Old Sum M r Mr. Atrth In MI Mun meridian, ti. il m tum.eil "art at tl". Town I Nail-y. (if “A. day of Ma.s.ttr, q "In at uni-um. All llu~ Inc-mind m ; a. In". making. Them In I‘m-la. ml Imvlk‘nti mo were [m Iii. to In" thou- nnme pm on u. fmtt A“ mu for Lu on (a NIH-m. Mr. A" moved, nemndml I "ttr, TUt J. J. Middleton u Ill-fl haunt he tGerd on Oe "mac-m um mu int new, tor 1 Mr A 1hr n tr " Mr. Rum»! m tt, Thnt the C use" the Tim The Count Tr “We in d Iohncthon Coune 'tle nun ml “I tw .ttGr M77 cy ”If? I ' the (In M otitT ti. M' M P'TIIIHY Dnvlir M ll " WI;

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