West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 26 Jun 1879, p. 4

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'it H N tho won-mm Mutant-Id In iw, low brooett--th"himpthterGruthatUtqr' much yy" W-mk-sm! tri “it Joeh that' 12.01 Gi tdi, Lou-um of name Liiifill'l, ot..-Barus and Sam and Wildon Jil" pound A Iood of idral light upon her man- rry. no that every oteet, glNrt vim ll- nou holy Minus-"Mam ml ma bu, grytgtrd.ttltgiand the an an. q.ttrrauirn-d, qarer,4hs Jam " that the. in canard nook. chum mop unlucky glans. I!!!“ Warespkmdmvlth runny that lie you-ibis communion of form and color could convey. Bootlg‘ u h Ei6n it Wren no he! got .Vith agnetron In her tot, with»)?° lipid I!” but through tGiitaot'a"iiul.'iii""c Ba. her way to renown. until 1110 now sita upon her “glut realm in a robe of beauty and e crown of glory. And it in the“ fiery ordain end bloody trials which invest her with melt I traditional ntmoephere of won- droue deed: end romantic legends. Every lord end with: pee from Tweed to farthest Ceithneu bu wich some des. per.“ combat: every heath end foothold but some gull-m record ', end there is in. ner-nu, we“ Vih - glen end hilleide wine foule- exploit end heroic memory; every vicinity u linkedqrith inci- dent forever memorable to in immune... Upon my of these. history loohe with criticism. ha! they live secure in tho heart and beam of every son of Seotie. “edition _ pious]; My” them in her line. hus- 1 mining tliein from age to use. end Ming 1 the, ehronicVs with in.» mm "wandeml , than tal- d’ Selim. Hootlend, when " l mud by her soil ml dilute. valance:- I but a poor and bug-ran eonnzry; but “an 1 is that in mod-endow win: aut, they have been invested which make her letter t " the Scokmn than if she vied with the t richest but]. of earth. Tho chm of 5 poetry Ind mttuttett cluster Around her I contend r/tee"' aml Artpwith mu and devil-'-9fth dangers from abroad and 9mm umtr---witlayrau. Hence. dis, use 'at2"."tt Sign Mme! boraen bu been noted. every field has been rav- ngod. but with her gleaming thyme" in her rod right band the hu literally hown l shim But “town, to he! has been . mutual my“! om. Foul within the but century she has had scarcely 1 day of you. or a night of repose. She has had to Scotlnnd has ndeaneed m we lapse contagion ton 11919.99 “6 hath-rim: her Er.esent condition of refinement a Then an may "bitantirt murky Scotland should). lo Jane to the hearts of her childrenMwhich his mus been olo. quently unnamed up by one of her own be wt, ho still proudly "member. “Auld Soda " with "lava that acorn: the lapse of time, and tue that stretch was the deep." By mini. mauled no clam!) Bttd, altogether singular in this respect. But when i; tho nun who. chop down in the bottom of his heart, does not love his early home Above All other countries t " than in any one knit which dinin- gninhu the chum-tor of: Seocéhman more' than the anti“ of my other country it is tin-loading with whichho clings to the memories of his native lmd. Whatever mnytro his 'ortuno, wherever hi- lot may _ ""00 Wm In: mounts“: cry, Whiah tttttil. the ofAhVrr, . " ti"iii'ii'riiili,tith, “an a Scotland and Scotchmen. 'a"a"aqi'l mung man, - - .. 'Ar,,t'tt, a! a "mur- mur au" n33 WihrtiiGrtirtii aa “In t The human Damn, the mm 31'. can: lawman"! 'rtan..t my. _ - had arm. has. And the meh, A.“ Stub”!!! em! and»! riyor, tddGLaa,. -. of -oriaeara "’1;@; a. PatherUnd.) a - f 't, a Q . M), l "i??,!, a. A 3...: i't.'Netey?N_tiui, mm... ioiiioii ___ iudiiiJiGG' . "oetu I any, thy “aluminum: Where the blue! thistle nods,-- w, being dead, yet speak. And prove your cum was God's! “‘03! II lather ml, ' but a. T um ' he, . AI freedom" hallowed strand-- In tlooNiy "ytit, tr--. C'enb‘l inland um vein- The garland of my tame. Among its proudest leaves. To twine the martyr's name! Nerf-an. thy ptfrio'i the} Nor shall, an Ihlinb the m! to. am to my hmrt Thu! firm heroic bind; Of truth, who took the part, For condone: made the “Ind ; Yer, moulderipg tank I mi. Land of my fauna, hail t I my. thy lineal child; Whore'er all upon an, _ Of diunthnlled man The when. throughout t Land of the Inobot. hail! Thy mists u income wreath., Canning on the “do. Or duping still beneath; Lot votin curls. In em. Climb towering to the skin. " "will the “tin! bunt Bond thou} in TWB'J'TJ A lo. pay "an: {he shout mm Wm M. Land of the forest, Uiit Duo through thy ooiemn dude- The hollow “unwind: tail. o and thy tt "all"! Mu; thy , lunch. All: Ut th ulna mirth Am. the 1u',ufl und. . Of Mn o'er d). eneth, Land of the brunt, Uiit _ Whose tumbling na:- tou l Down "cry ohaatrUii'd vale. To any distant shore; IU Bomu," your thunder roll Pu to le belloymg main ; 0p leap In} Griaii a: Lfathegg fousih) beside ODE TO acorns». rlq.t iisiryii, Ld he o,t6iol lulu land._H" _tbd deep; resource, y“ undoyoloped' ' and with in. stitution: yet 'ynmaturruatsow their ' citizens that they no bound to In“. this country. many can. like the country day ly,?, he. in all that is good ma hononblo ‘0 .6 A - ___, __. . V 'who no plum! uru-in . had iii hit; GT-iii rfgo'fm It', undeveloped. “a with, d'. a I u Inn- In: I.,,.,,...,,.., -L-.. n“- . u Wo had almost ommitted to mention that England bun-63 lndabtod to Scottish talent for bat Emu-m. greatness and pros- parity; that l dliam Patterson originated the bank of Rama And London was works, tufirthat taiduy n, England. India, Australia, the United States and even on: on fair Cauad pg: of the mat. duties wished stl2kTh'lyli12', “I. prslrihamt the bar are Scotchmon. we. Inch . noble record. then, " their illu‘riout Etch“ “gnaw than is tte, rich.“ bray” than Suleiman ho no [dual- era-in . kn! nth-M. t.. of in its silent state end pomp beneath the sculptured ache: oanlminiuer Abbey. yet his memory end deeds will u cherished by millions vet unborn, end egee hence his name will live, GW,',',',', ammo enduring tablets of the wort 'l remembrance. Scol- l land in but mull in Iopulaiion and extent. but we doubt haven»: country on bring ‘ tannin] four men who have aitstinguiai"rii menselven shroud in later yours " Camp. bell, Elgin, MoClintocl: and Iaviugetone have. f that hour of need to Sm COLIN CAMPBELL. 0 When a trusty had to be drafted with the 1 crafty Chinese. Loan Emu: was fired u n t as the fittegt than to do it. After the a: , bound North had held Franklin and his f brave men in its frozen grasp, and defied , for years the hurdiest spirits of the two con. _ ) threats, Mchnecn broke through those barriers of eternal ice. and solved the mys- tery of the their fate; and even now, aswe see the dark clouds of ignorance. supersti- tion and bothering surely rolling from the face of henighted Africa, and while Stanley " striving to take tohimselfall the credit of the great work, we cannot forget that the hand which first moved them was that of the late/WWW haunted _DI- km "on. n would to superfluous to speak of the "ltoettritioing bravery which led him ‘ to face the dangers otan untried tslime to any to its people the blessings of religion ‘and science. His is not the "dimsy tune of titled rank which is but the breath of l kings." Though his clayey tenement new! I lies mouldering side by side with that of A "5"xi,"PgautJhte.t'ttet. irarrtom- . a During compartivoly recent year. mo. mentous events have tranlpiml among the mrtions, and Scotchmen have taken 3 lead. part in them tul.--When India rose in arms. Ind Mttain but! dined hmf {he righ- est atklH-,vid. domino, she turned in It would be altogether vain for us to “tempt to enumerate the Sootclnnen who have distinguished themselvel shroud in later times, or recount their achievements, and we need not; their nun“ will befound embossed by noble deeds upon the page of history. There may be found the hero of] ( Cahul, with the explorers, Mungo Park and Bruce. who first traced the sources of the Niger and the Nile, and there, too, in glori. ous characters. is Sm JOHN Moons, end no unbecoming eulogy 01'0an shall disturb the hero, as he 'fgtssts' with his martialelonlr around him." ",1, . . --r.-' wlvuy. III-II All I kiiisit's, ehiot "my." flood." But we will not mention the names l of all those Scotsmen who were conspicuous l on the Continent of Europe during the last five centuries, trudiee it to any that they were men fearless in adventure, bold in notion, and ready in upeech. Many of the Scottish adventurers of the olden time were poor indeed, in everything one eeU-reepeetl and independence of spirit. In these they were rieh-they cringed mst-they tiutersrit not, but they carried themselves erect " their native mountains. Among tho loading man who i1ouriaheit in Continental Europe during the lttst tive hundred years we tind may who hniled from the “had ot the mountain and “no raoiusieiaa,g worldé peace; of be: noble may of pack and shtbdmén f 'rg not my glorhtg chums of the Highlander: n the battle of the Alum still proudly remembered by the ontire, were more than 'soldiers-they were patriots 'iPtinr fat the independence of their country and the spirnmr freedom of her people ; embevery blow they deeltwee to tell upon the destiny ofthe whole human family. Then what might not be said of the achievements of her sons in the Arts of I The old dismantled cutle is more seared (in the eyes of the Scot than the shuttered arches of the Coliseum " Rome, heeeuse in days of .trl"taltm?m_ttr.uittuu, guarded _ the liberties‘ofher people within its em- battled More; “I the cotter's hut, by some plaques” 'ttids has e highermeen- ing to him then the rehetelie'st palace, be. cease it is the home of"honest men end bonnie lesion "Wd's lest end noblest undiwork.. T T There is one future in Scottish history that etentk oath: bold who?) end which goes for is; ”counting for 'th- election that sums the bogom of every Seotchnnn for his fetherlaad. ‘When ire consider what Scotllnd hes done for eivilizetion we tind good reason fot her eons tobe proud other ing been born on her soil. Her entire his. tory is one grand illustration of the rout. , once of Principle to Power; from ilrtst to . last it is the struggleofRiyht egeiust Might Her bottles were fought in defence of civil l and religious liberty, end not for the "sliiah I [iii.).; iio9iiiitiiitttiittlltl. .riHrrfifri'. ito' ww- __ -- -__ P""""'". (tttas, it: material “puma. can yield. The humble kirk. with its hollowed gnu yud standing done in some quiet glen, to him who he felt the blessed init- of ita Sebboth calm. in . honor “mph of the Most High than the gnndeet cutbacks] with ell its pomp end ritual, became the; faith which is there professed was patch.» l ed with the blood of its mtutsred aainta, V _ :7. T_... w -"E.RF.We' .l in loam that mocks tho grandest tho. noxnonu and the him: backup“ ofmtun Nile, and there, too, in glori. I, is Sm Jens Moon, and no alogy of ours shall disturb the was with his mmitlelmk -f-r------r--- tit h “is; w... 10.7. In mm what in o " out. _ y tt I i AND SHINGLES, PM: at.“ Aq, “:3 _ y V . - uirFsonese, """'"e"o In“ tho “not. M Ttiii, tl',t2, SrNtttt Catarrh H. B It em , e " er. SHINGLES’ LA AND LUM E T. J. B. Hanna, Dominion Agent, Brook. . ahamsanootaat don Hume... vilu.osatario. . ' J. w. CRAWFORD, runways; tgte,tt only one Dolu; Rockvillna Mills, Durhnm P. O. t he! 'L '"uot"m"tten-inataguaaoir.. Madman. Dustin“ Feb. I!” N O ARMISTICE __.. may a. nu. Arrive an lt. m,, For “no " intarmodinte nation-m Thu 11th EDIUND moon. Genet-l Inn-cor Mn___n_ A__, .. __--. ___-- North, South. AirTG," 16.56 Toronto. Apr“ m, 1379 TORONTO. GREY, AND BRUCE RAILWAY. On And after MONDAW. Ill my. "'., train: will run a.» lollown:-. 10140870 (mums "Anon, Do ' trm " : . " 5le . m i'gi'ad'u'c?d'yey1.eyep.m p DUKE“! L, O.L. mun: Niel)! of hunting]. Thursday on or moon in out mom. . T.C'tsrsittt,igoo. s TEPHEN LODGE iiriiaTo.ir. Fr- Ni ht ot mast!" ' every Mundnv M 7:30 o'clock. tn mama Fulluvm' ET. mum ' human vaccine. T. A. Harris, N. G. W. B. 'tGK. Hoe. DURHAM LODGE No. 806 OF A. P. & A. M. Night of ',e,'11?%rgtie,"y, on or bolero full moon ot each munth. isitin ' brethren welcome. A. VuUet w. M. a. w, mm”, Secretary. one. hon" tromss,i.ii, 7 p. m. Arch. Mo Kenna. Postuuustor. War, War! Town 1rall--ovon ovlsr; laid“ evening trom 7 m D o’clmk. slum-n at, mums] ten, 50 eegtU. Altman an: Robert-mu. Librarian. Thorn:- Lauder, iséggu; John A. Munro, Do Putra5ogutrar. on“ mm trom 10 I. tu. to 4 run W. Gum, pastor. Sunday 'ervieuma-proaeis. lngun I. In; Sabbath School at 2:10 p, m..' Nina " T p. m. Weak evening Brrrbire.-- Monday evening, young pimplou' fray" meeting at il l) m. ; Wednemhsy evemng, Bit, e elm at 8 p, m T My evening, remum‘ pnyar mutiny: at 8p.m Service- "or! Sabbath at 10:30 B. m. and 6:30 pm. tubbattt Selma It 2:301; m. Pmyer Inseam; awry Thursday awning at u'vhwk, and Bible t'nuan every Monday tuning “a o'clock. Punter Rev. B. Gunny. PBEBBrrrauAN CHURCH. Divine Service 2gr sum-ch n 11 B. m. and mo p. m. Babb-u: Selma " mo , m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday waning " tao, Bible Clans _ Thur-any owning " Too. Rev. Wm, Parlcpnator.' tubbtsth services at tt n. m. t,s,t,ihr,.m,. Sunday School It " m. Rev. H. B. Waxy, . A., tmator Church Wardens. H. J, Mkldnuuh Ind mm Edge». month. 7 --'"'""'r' .- Mildmay - Last Wednesday of month. month. ”MW“; "- "w Walurtou-Tlus last Wednesday in each month. J I9mtyrryonrrMonday before Orangeville. puryuk---Tnmo.v before Orangeville. 1l"rlbetter-yudriesuay before Orangeville. MiTT1ltrseoond Wednesduy in each month. J 1ael8r-Fir1rt Wednesday in each month. Isurritstou-:-vrioy before the Guelpthir. I?rtxytotesuurdiy before Guelph. Elor-The day before Guelph. -lyugya--Moniu, befole Elan Fair. Htuupton--csratiu Palace Ground», the day after Guelph. Berlind-First Thursdsy in each month Brampton-First Thuradey in eachnwnth. Liirtoiasl--Finst Friday in each mouth. .Pyrnras--'r'hrteatytouirwing Mount Forest. B-mont-rift/nth of February, Agni], June, August, October and Deeem or. Primro--W_idnesar preceding the Orangevillo Fair. o"et11lr"u 2nd Thursday in each owns noun. Mm 6:30 mm” umnoon. Arrive Mltt p. m., 10:15 p.13. manna Dttrum--Third Tuesday in "ttit month, Prieoville~Moudny before Durham. yPrtoytt-hionai before Durham. Mount r5eist-!rf1ird Wednesday in ac man 7:15 B. m., Mai, B. m..5:w p. m4 w 11:10 B. m., ms p. m.. an) p.m. 1ropret, 111.10 A. Ut., 4:45 p m. Arrive. 11as m m., 5:20 p. m. [mp-n 11:45 mm. Art-xv. M.OO .. m, clover seed, Grass seed, 11 Ill kinda of goods mut shortly go I: in price. may lines having already tut-d, all who require goods wilful" money by Buying BOW " NOW I beg to inform the public that short” before the inmued duties were impact! limit: the “Nation! Policy" taeitf I purchased An Immense stock of Staple Dry Goods. Groceries &c., ' And intend alluring them " the old LOW Price: for 80 darts. DRY aodirii- $.33 "'i:"i"ii'i:ksazs Durham, April Nd, 18'N. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRQ. Sawing of Lumber W is the time to buy n CAT'I'Y of that Chaim J up": To. at Me. put up in I neat Tin Caddy. NOW u the time to buy a PIECE of GOOD CHEAP FACTORY COTTON. PRINTS FROM 6e. PER YARD UP. FACTORY COTTONS From 6e. per yard By the Piece. TEA FROM 20u. PER POUND. MECHANICS murmur} , G. umsnw OFFICE C. METHODIST CHURCH. omxazmm. BAPTIST CHURCH, TRINITY CHURCH, POST OFFICE At J. H. HUNTER’S. DIRECTORY 02 or before u Brass seed, Garden seeds d; Turnip seed Very Cheap. DONT FORGET TO BUY EARLY AT BY BUYING A GOOD S'I‘PPLY CF x. 0.! ' ,"lrdtE -- "“1 “Inc Wu l Der we, " Buy It: - a?vy It' f. HUN TER‘S. W“ -- - w "new" mm manna,” “in”. (In-rm, prom me to and 1il1tttiyeey?iia, um... .0 'l,l2"UP. er, - 7-- “III-7w, um. Wttetn -' “In: to WWII Auguut, 1876, I 2r,'i'dntkit how. Baton I Lt, land u um of ttte content of on. bottle I tband decides relief, and 'tNIM/ttSei/ tep, “(1.5ng 1'li,1 mmd o that , d ta.11rght1tt,i,ii'Y,ijiiiiiiiii; but "ha... - for . cold In my head i A In. otdn to "than from mun-um “329;? tfA1't'tagt m- " -" ..- -. ' “we ""_t_ - a... -uuummn.ny mm. 11.2 Inward "drop" [SEEM head when.» very din- 1fp,itl'tt Inld I dishing 'lf/aft','. It" maven:- me tom wo tlure, $.94. tyr $,'a,litil, at mm. Il., 'P," .. each rm Ann-d Mo WWI tuna. Hear what a. Reverend Gentleman says of the Gontstitutiomst Remedy. . I. . mo. E " I T B m 'ilid'l"hs, Out. hm Sue-ls in now two you" since your "Con. /,l,riik'ttiif,r,it.i Remedy ' wn Introduced to me. I but w ”It. long to - if we one would re. 'dh"tTf,g'ah'i"2 baton: doing thin my duty.to Apu u u m the yarn Queen mama tomato be 'too good to be in} Immmbdhm headla- w-n Morel-u. Yocud it to be Cain-z. In Max:311: our Circullt magnum, n. 2tei.bttWtjiG.ii'i" 'll'a"llfS. n. Light Harness, Trimmings Whips, etc. Durham, July I. 1878. . H. HUNTERS. URES AI‘ARR, CONSTITUTIONAL signal: R e m e d y CALL AND SEE SAVED '. Bouldens' Stock of CATARE I BEE" Ei?' ”mm" wo “low"- was _ . . bed. I 'G"lldt, flock W1"; hum-0.... ", L..-“ -t-- in?“ (In-u The Submitter u teat 195 ttr ale Mowers, Reapers1 AeR:rtomnif:iLi:ii Agent tor the Superior Broadcast Seeder end Drill. Also an beat Salty n he in the Dominion STOVES AND TINWARE: _ -""_.. awuuull counted on reasonable term». MOE t At Kim & Hugh-owl Stm-o. Lower Tm pump, Nrril f, tan mm’ A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF STATIONERY BOOKS, Anny. on Hum]. Cauliflower, Cabbage, Celery, Tomato, nip, Beet, CucuIBber, Melons doc, l Vegetable and Flower TURNIP SEEDS. of The Best Quality. of the dittermst tttmed mumps, YELLOW ABERDEEN, and WHITE mam. NVhit c liolgian Curl-0t Set-d. MANGEL ll tUlTZEL. Also a full Stock of Durham, April, 9,1879. Durham, Feb. 29h, 1873. KIERNAN The Royalist Trimming especially shaped for collars d; cum PATENTED CHINEIJA NECK TIES, M L'SLIX TIES, NET TIES, LACE TIES. FRENCH FANS, FANCY FANS, DAMASK POCKET HhNDlimtcrrrr:rss, NEW METAL DRESS BUTTONS, a A LOT OF Sth' SHADES, All of which will be sold at very low prices. Fashionable SUMMER WOULD NOW INVITE THE LADIES TO COME AND A: and we lave 3 lug. Stock of Feice Bad 'JamHian Tweak. Eullclothl. Shining. and Hannah which we will excluuge for Wool or tsalt chap for cult. ADAMS & ME SSEN GER. In me belt poulble manner and on the shortest notice. We ere also prepared to pay the Highest Market Price in Cash, F O R Mr CD O L I >9“!!- u use!" [at the Ida of the celsbuud MOWER mufuturod by the _ TORONTO REAPER & MOWER CUII’AN Y. A180 Nob lad ‘Book Amman callectod on moulds unn- m . A A 9“ - The Subscribe-n vii-hing to return thank: to their numerous friends and ctutomen tne tkrir patronage in the put would remind them that they no u tutu] pupa-d to do Cardjng, Spinning & Manufédturing, At Durham. May, 15, 1879. in the best possible manner and on the shortest notice, tiyllrsrirrairs1res, Mowing Machines, Reaping Machines both single and combined, Lumber Waggons, Horse Powgs and Separators, At The DURHAM FOUNDRY. A. COCHRANE. Hanover, May 22, 1879, NEW SEEDS, Comprising : JOHN CAMERON WOOL! WOOL! . IMPLEM EN TS, vets, Bulky Hay Rakes, Ltidlat & Stewart's Improved Gang Ploughs,. doc P FOR CASH OR "I‘RAE‘ Cook. Parlor and Box Stoves. . JOHN STOEITI"? 'l‘inlothy and Clo OF THE DIFFERENT KINDS STATIONERY. inform the public that he Ian I. In W ARE, which will bank Before purchasing Elsewhere dont hi] to see our Stock MILLINERY Fancy Dry Gooods. E. * A. DAVIDSON. KIERNAN & HUGHSON MEDICAL HALL rmxvm. a... Durhnm. May 15th, 1879. Agent for the ttale of all kinda of Sheepskins and FLOWER tuiiiiyii Conaiating in part ofthe (allowing .' LADIES HAVE IN STOCK SUCH AS o---- _ --AND-- as and Hides. tlt', {the 0:30wa Snlky Rdo‘the -_ _ "-'e'""_.FN-rk, o EDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWN, large Stock of STOVBS “4 ol to, Onion, Carrot, Pars ' Ind the tlirerent Clover EXAMINE HIS NEW JOHN CAMERON. '. A. HARRIS. " Seeds, and SCHOOL STOCK MOST APPROVED mm: '"'"r"""t""u-ua.ds,ua,,t,, Andwlth tho MPrompuludl Hui" lately Ind. " PM p.“ PM Gr I: now am.) up in the vary beat "ru, ud Job Department, don. inch. ",7 Best Style of the Job Work _ .0 "Cil I 'uoaueisamiehu,sie, Good Family 'uu--smeia, mm '80:“. mum-Mum!“ Beat Medium. for or rm: LATEST 3108110}: PREP. " Price 01.25 W.puuuwi.m.. '" Madam “'01: ti. " ttot paid II “was. should suing-51‘ for a” V, "Man and other Tom, attire Elba it on. of the, TOW of Clone]; u the Conm,’ of Grey LOCAL AND NRElG x I OOLUIN All who In" & “an. of“... I'ROPmmnp Iic vie w," per Annum up 'u"rutuata, Review" Newspaper “when “Pours, PhPEtt [to ', Beau“ MRI I" at all k " nan-wad to In Ol mm Pain“ M, . o and cum". Hit 1m Tul 1,000 Cords of Dry Cabinet " AGEyTs. READ T \\':.:.,:,~. " if“ [t I" tr Wsuon Bros . Carpenters and Built l)IA\3 nix-1 'ipr'c'.hr' " y. 11%. A “an“ I'hxll'hv- ts',," 1n \.n Irv: ll VETERINARY SUR D. DAVIDSO titr whirl: It Hut " W' W. nut-dull. In 10,000 bushels of lull t II‘M WI/lu,?, It? l i "/i, Imam-r. {ii-liua'ry ttotice My «I all km “a at - “mu. ex by rum lullruvnul hunt! until Gsrtrs,id tttar mu, JthJ.yi/:1J/y pr-v 1'0va l' m Mooer I. Loan h M‘IAY ANIMALS MI (or " the ad and. Ina. Do You Want Jrio; t Mu M12. mun I "st \ii ' m 'drd d eaed. In ct. r your. Two tw. Or “lilo-P; vol-lit M Win. pa vur li'gt', cal-mu, pot you att 'ilttmu. .. IM" “In“. Ft no. In month . Um “no new!“ . _ ",aaeat adv-u-eIIc-uu ' “up but!» an: it“ mm tin. and: [at oeah Alb-toque.“ iuwruu: I‘ll t At the 0.09, (hr-Inn ht not c.. , Durham, - - l‘h'vry 'Im u I B1rNmilss mm: - LEGAL All! "THE REV, I-‘lrall'-\n It" It T'Etttnr.--tt .00 Goo. a. Mat thew Tron a Frost 1ithuiil'l ilt, :I'n; A", 1'.‘\l " I.JA(‘Kl€-.I. . tttttstr rt Ink“, ", _. t, MISCELLAN EOE M. tr. "AFN“.LA IBBISTEIK. AT'rotlNiy WANTED “.9“ not paid mam“ Ahl'ATl Ill Wood Turning RATES or ADVERT! mm gtt WHJJ . " V IUD-l Ihuulnlh. REMOVAL MEDICAL. "CARTMI'I IIITSDALK. I; ("UNI , " .UBurNt:t, III "" Q Ma I"

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