West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 10 Jul 1879, p. 2

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H lli H MLMylu nidvewmoommondngu‘ the '1“:than the 'utstitatioml .oflilmutry. Hothaqhtif dialed.- u-au-Otto-Iron'. Iliad- ,ut.t-eettt"erinlmiif"r" eet by qrtrkte it ttt Cost, tu-eil. :me 37w append-how ”who! Mr. M m “I ma Dr. Christa.“ -dtothemotion became it “ruck d representation by popnluion. Man who lad qtoek in hat or commie; had "MI in anon!- thought the no principle M ml! to our law institutions. Mr. Cancun lid In had voted (or . modem Bimdae to this lam you. baton No considering it he “in“ he was wrong. and would no! "to W it. Mr. Daria, " “condor of tho motion, aid thin was made a test qtteestiort it the last nominamn m Glands. and it In: the with of the nbpym by an ovmlulning majority. Mr. Airth laid if economy was what WM wanted. reduce the pay to " per day. 3nd eoatAn. bum-winded uptake-n to tive min. utu “ch. Mr. Stopheu thought there va- I good deal of - in the talk about the pres- ent nmnbticn ot town-nip. lot the largest had only on. "mountain Ahead " the and] on... no thought nor evil would result from luring only on. upro- m-nuhra for etch. ter. “gibbon thought tuComteil ought to ”on Mr. Mount to roam the up- r-tMisa in do Locum to on. [or nth county, he. ground- ol new. though)» would you to no it unaided to gin who mu Mr. MneBee aid hie motion we: simply to cell the ettention of the Government to the point, end it wee not neeeeeery to ehengeit toenittheideeoflr. Read. Mr. Middleton objected to the motion on the ground that it violated the princi- ple of repreeentetion by population. The people of the county were not “king for my ouch change. and he did not believe in -itstt for change in the luv which we: not wanted. He thought it would be better if the Province could get e not from the continual changing of the municipel law. Mr. Read said if he wished I little cheep popularity he would vote for the motion, become he believed that tue Government would not entertain it. He pointed oat the greet inequality in went at mu. nicipelitiee, yet the motion would give Shelbnrne. which only paid one-twentieth, u (not a repeeeentetion In St. Vincent. If the motion were the!“ to give plnnl- ity of votee to the Been- in proportion to the easement they ”mount, he would go for it willingly. Moved by Mr. Malta, seconded by Mr. Davis. That tho Warden be instructed to meutorultste, the Govornmont praying for an het amending the Municipd Low to the etreet that the remnant-non of muni- cipnh'tiu in County Council: be reduced to one member tor out: municipality. And that Inch romnmivu dull be oom- posed of the Reeves of tho mpoctire mu. Mr. Knott prountod report of County Property Committee, recommending lame updr- in the ttaol And County buildings; the that parties who have tapped the writer pipe to County buildings be noti. fied to discontinue the lune. Report By-Lun Nos. 278 and 274 won read a mom! time. Moved by Mr. Stephen, seconded by Mr. Rom), That the County Tnuurer place to the credit oi Owen Bound for the current year 0100 " oquivnleut for rate levied on property notliable to moment. --Ctsrried Dr. Christa mounted Report No. 2 of Fianna Committee, mommending pay. ment of neural accounts, which was ndopted. A By-an (No. 273) In intmdnced, to establish . quarterly hit in the village of Rocklyn; £130 a By-an (No. T“) to levy rate for cunem you under By-Law I74. 94,013.75 ', 81,594.29 ; 032,657.16. (handout)! Mr. Elliott, MM”, Dr.ChrtUoe, til-Council “than. with. on the "pond Bondsman-a” Con-mes. humanity-nim- "path. eonatmotion ortubeu-oo,mtiss. (Illicit-d aad mm. but “lbw Ialtdttt-roet-eiwitt-t-d. W.s"Eaeurumovus-etsis to Tout-3' W a! Bemth ad *MGnan-‘ehulac. Mr. lulu novel. "mqikd by Mr. Named. That hee-ner optic-cl a. membdmbmu engraudhlhcmin‘nn. The Warden rad sum-m flu-tho Ina-wet at Ink-u. Itchy Multing municipalities a: follow: c- . mum Apia-haul “Jam Ammo-preysndllohncthomvm "--muntsiuti-a-i. Ix.lidlletonnovdhrnpni o080 8,4th be not ”and. The Council went into mum on Ar. law-270 lolwyCo-nvntqm ton-cu muddy-hue. for equiv“ " Wu gunk to wheels. And an to Indium sent with "no. votes would!» 083,797.75 mutton tho County rate won 56; on Gnu! Road Bruw W, " ', on Gnu] Road By-an MW, 29 ; and on Railway Bruw 174, m bias" were to: by Mr. wu not dinconncod. but went vipromly to work And nude pupurtionl for creating “any building, which in "and: been W. The new mill, which in now in We!“ running 'mur, is mpplied with Ila-china) of the mow. improved dum'p- tim, an] w. Mu feel. mam of aiohitit, have «at, “Ma to hi. Onhnnn. Thom hug has W on mmplninunudb: lbw. Elliott. unhi- villa-d glarhed by him in an United Shh. sod “lathe-CW Est. MOST of our reader- will remember heu- ing thou: . iUq which jocccnrrad " Wil. liamaford lone time Mo, tad by which Mr J mm Hnddow'l Grin Mill wu destroyed. Although the lo. “I bony. Mr. Mow Council adjourned till 7 p. m., on the third Monday in December. Moved by Mr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. Fleming, That teg being tine paid to County Treasurer, be 1:an to the Town. .hip of Ptotou.--Carrie . Mr. Knot: presented report of County Property Committee recommending beau. ufying of ground in trout of Court House, which I»: adopted. terrier Moved by Mr. Elliott. seconded by Mr. Jelly, That $20 be granted for improving the up roaches to bridge on Tomato and $3119an nmd.-thsrriuh On motion of Mr. McColman, seconded by Mr. Gamey. the report of Road and Bridge Committee we: edop‘ed. By-Lun 278 and 274 were punt]. Moved by Mr. Bend, seconded by Mr. Cleland, The: the "11230”. of Dr. McGregor, Director of T. G. a. . B., on behalfof this Council. be received end printed in the n iuutes.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Knot, seconded, by Mr. Middleton, That the Warden be instructed to memorinlizo tho Government to omend the Act respecting the Jurisdiction of Di. vision Court: generally, to the effect that chin)- 'mounting to 0200 and under may be tried " the and Division courts-tai. tied. Moved in nmendmont by Dr. Christoe. seconded by Mr. Elllott, That the Reeves of Koppel, Holland, and Derby, be . com- mittee to report on this matter It the De. camber "nssion.--Carrud. Mom. madam. Bead, and Christos, suggested that it should be referred to e committee. Mr. Howe, "toned to the furnishing of liquors to prison". He read the rule that no liquors be furnished except on the prescription of the physician. If furnished on this 'msseription it Inn " a medicine, and by “M ngroemont with the Gaol Phy- sicist: be In: to pay for all modicinea. Moved by Mr. Howey. seconded by Mr. Middleton, That the expenses of ell med. ioinee. by whetever name they may be celled, bo poid by the Gnol Physician. Yeraa--Chrutoe, Elliott, McCallum, Me. Colman, Hewgill. Linn, Brien, Murdoch, Lawrence. Myles,MacRae. DIvu,thusrroi, Cleland, Innis. Schenck, McMahon, " moy, Mclnt o. Middleton, FlemirvaUng, MaNnught. 'llli'yif.'l't. Nays-Knott, Hovoy, Brown, Filmy, Airth, Stephens. Road, Gudner. 8parroir, "ser-IO. Dr. Christos thought Mr. MucBae'I the ures were correct. Tho motion was untied on the following vote c-- Mr. MeColmun did not think Calling- wood would be told out by the 8heritt yet. but if it Iv”. the interest would be enough to buy out the whole townllu'p of Glonolg, whose Reeve wu making so much fuss about it. Mr. Linn said he would vote for the motion, as it was not intended to be harsh with municipalities, but simply to ask them to do their duty. Mr. Myles chimed that Mr. Nadine mu wrong in the amount of interest being lost. Mr. MncRna spoke of the great loss in interest to the County by the amounts in default, being 01.689 mutually. Moved by Mr. Murdoch, seconded by Mr. liming, Tint the County Treasurer be instructed to notify deforming tntmieipali. ties that unless reasonable efforts are mule to reduce the indebtedness, steps will be taken to force collection; and in case there is no response, that this resolution be an instruction to the Treasurer to take legal steps for collection. sauna" IOIXING. The Warden read report of Dr. Me. Gregor, County Director of the T. G. h B. R. Lt..col. Brodie dunked the Council for the grant nude to the Bettelion, but ex- pnued . regret tUt he had not been per. miued to expend a certain portion of it in the pun-hue of helmets. The Council adjourned till 9 o'clock, Saturday morning. Council. m thought it 1m the County Comb. rather than the Dninion Coons, tUt required remodelling. Ah" some further discussion. Mr. Kuon withdrew lain motion to make duration: in it. Dr. Christoo thought it could be nettlad by the Coumril--th. qumrtitm m whether the principlc was right or wrong. Mr. Cloland though. the subject VII I largo one, and coal-l not be discussed in the Ihort time " the disposal of the Mr. Clelshd prmsented the report of the Punting Committee, which Watt Adopted. [and by Mi. Eautt, loco-dd br Mr. Middleton, That the Warden be intruded to -oealia. the Government to amend the DM-lon Conn Act by lounging the jurisdiethm of that Court up to "oo. 1150!.th thought“ mnotwiuto tmutettrrthiaattt-russou-ion, lather. 'rouunothooitaneetodis, wait. It. Stophm thought then won outer mutton incantatio- vith the constitution ofthot Cottrtwitiea oughtto be dealt with, and u would on“ the tolerance of the nutter to s mum... Mr. Middleton also synod that it would be better to go to n committee. "tr--Mnedtar, Davin. annoy. Sum Lung. Sparrow. Va”, Hex-m turs-Christo., Ellie“. lexical. uu. luv. new“. .00“. mu. 11-. Brion, Home!» hm lylu. M Howey. Cannon, M, m. Cloud. Remix. Bohenek. Mel-hon. McIntyre. Middleton. Fleming. Bud. (indium " Ir-sr. bought, and thus rings would be brand. _ The motion vale-t on the following Mr. Myles Milt contended that he WI! tension of the Ontario Legislemre, end which eluted I similar {ate After a debate which lasted continuously from thne ouoeh on Pride, to tour o‘clock on Sean-- day Moon.‘ The mounts otttr78 In." been distributed and any be aid to con- bin the must impediment yet made mint the DeBonchenille Cabinet, lf anything were required to brand the In. Ministers with reckless extravagance The local Parliament of Quebec in now in session. The Opposition, handed by the redonbhblo Mr. Chaplem menu! on unmdmonHo the address, which wu wont-Inga. and inconclusive u that moved by Mr. Meredith during the late , From evidence recently submitted to a Parliamentary Committee it appears that I the surplus produce ot the North-west tor- , ritories can find a cheaper mode of transit to Liverpool than can be otrered by the ex- isting lines of railway, or the Canada Pa. _ eitie when it is built, if ever that under- taking be carried to completion. The new ' route, which is receiving much attention on this as well as on the other side of the Atlantic is that from Lake Winnipeg via Nelson River and Hudson Bay to Liver. pool. The River Nelson, which rises in Lake Winnipeg is the outlet through which the waters of all the rivers and lakesinclud- ed within the basin of Lake Winnipeg ex. l tending to the Rocky Mountains and southwards to within a hundred miles at Lake Superior, and having a drainage " a of 860,000 square miles, are cal-rial to the ocean. It is navigable by steamers from its mouth tor 172 miles and the remaining lil miles to Lake Winnipeg is generally favorable for the building of a railway or a canal. And when it is remembered that Fort York which is situated at the mouth of Nelson River is eighty miles nearer Liverpool than the city of New York it will be at once seen how favorable this route will be for the conveyance of the products of the West across the Atlantic. The ob. jection has been raised that as the naviga- tion of Hudson's Strait is open for only two months in the year this route is virtually impracticable. But, on the authority of the London Free Press to which we are indebted for the above facts, it is held by those who have been giving attention to the matter recently that navigation is open for five months in the year, and in excep- tional seasons even longer. It would be well that those who are agitating the con- struction of trunk railways would give these and kindred subjects their earnest consideration, so that the work done now may be of bomstit to the succeeding genera- tions. --A late number of the Commercial Ile. view is entirely occupied with a description of the rising town of St. Thumau. And among the various industries referred to, we are happy to observe that the Agricul- tural Implement Works conducted by our late townsmun. Mr.hdam Cochrane, comes in for a very fluttoting notice. Haggavt Jr COChrane at present employ from 76 to 80 men. The Implements manufactured are seed drills. plunghs. Cultivators. threshing machines self-dumping hay-rakes (Tiger) in, but especial attention has been given Ito the Meadow Lark Mower and the Royce [ Reaper. These machines are provided with all the latest improv ements, the knives being protected with patent knife guards, and the machines themselves com- bining the important qualities of great strength, simplicity of mechanism and , lightness of draft. It would appear that the enterprising farm of II. a C. no rapid- ly oontroling the Agricultural implement trade of the Western part of the Province, and that not only so, but orders have been recently shipped to Scotland. England, France, Australia sud Manitoba. -.A very "dUhouost piece" of journalism but been lately perpetrated by the Toronto Mail. For the purpose of having a fling It the Liberals of Outario as well as Quebec it “trounced that the Quebec Legislative Assembly set over Sunday, when the fort in that the House closed on Saturday after- noon nftern session of twentyHive consecu- tive hours. The attention of the leader of the Government, Mr, July, being called to this gross mirstatemect considered it no- cessary to announce in the House that he would have refused in the most positive manner to allow the House to sit on San. day." As is usual in such cases the mlinm sought to be east upon Mr. July and his friends has rccoiled upon the heads, of the Mail and its admirers. .--The Letellier nutter he been ndjndi~ “ted upon in ea far " that the Privy Council Hue refined to decide the question, although averse to M. Letellier'e dismissal from ofhee, What the action of Sir John A. Mudonuld end his Cabinet may he in the circumstances it is not Jiititsult to foresee. The Hon. gentleman if famous for any- thing is noted for u clinging to omoe, and in this present ilithoulty, judging of the future by the past, he will swallow the leek and retain his sent on the Treasury benches. -Aheat indignetion is felt in England at the eowudly way in which the Prince Imperial we: deserted by his comndes. Limttetunt Cuey, the ofheer in commend of the picket to which the Prince wu nt- uehed and which we! sent to t'econnoitre the position of the Zulm. has been court- tnartialed end expelled the service. an! F. "an... THE QUEBEC LEGISLATU HE THE REVIEW‘ Agents for the Grey Review, THE HUDSON BAY ROUTE Durham, July 10, 1879. Sir John A. Mudondd was "eiottiy ill Staducona Hull. Ottawa. but is now better, id The Ottawa correspondent of the Globe h e a few days ago said ..---thu "in April, 1878, b e the average price per bushel paid for wheat ry was $1.18, while the average price in the, corresponding period this year was only 98 cents, a decrease of 15 cents per bushel. m The first is under the old 'usritf, and the to second under the National Policy. In May, g 1878, the average price paid was $1.12, in " May, 1879, only 98 cents, a decrease under " the National Policy of fourteen cents per ct buthel.--1heso practical facts are learned r. by the farmers every time they go to the u. Mills, and are more impressive than a of bushel of logic." Our local contemporary, to commenting upon this, waxes wroth, and tV in his agony of vexation cries out “dishon- " est journalism." But the Globe is right. '0 it gives to the World r. few very important " facts as to tho price ot wheat, and reminds i.“ its readers of the buncombe promises made lg by Conservative politicians twelve mouths L' ago. What was the stock argument of Sir John and his followers last September? " Was it not Canada for the Camutiany/ JI cheap goods manufactured by Canadian d manufacturers, who were to establish all J, sorts of industries on every stream and " pond In the Dominion, provide thereby a Ir home market fur every kind of prodnca and as increase the price of wheat and evorything & else which the farmer had to sell ' Have 0 these promises, so freely made been in the c slightest degree fulfilled? Not at all, but, . as confidently predicted by every rational ) minded person who was honest enough to n state his convictions, the very opposite has c I come to pass. Instead of low prices for d goods and high prices for produce, the c Canadian farmer pays higher prices for 'e nearly everything which he has tohuy,nnd " receives less for his wheat now than he l did twelve months ago, as stated by the 1 Ottawa correspondent of the Globe. And t we are as yet only on the threshold of the _ disastrous state of affairs inaugerated l y t the National Policy, The fact is the truth .' of this is bee wining more and more evident. t that the folly of last September is coming' , home to every elector with constantly in. i creasing force, and " a consequence Tory l organs are lacking down from the untena- ble positions they lately occupied, and seiz- I mg every opportunity of denying that they I l ever said anything about low prices far L cottons and woollens and high prices Ll . wheat and wool. Our Cotem., in its fran. tic efforts to justify its advocacy of medite. . val notions of trade. makes the following . . extraordinary statement in its last issue _ "How any man professing to collect and _ , dispense information can have the auduci- '; _ ty to affirm that the Canadian National 1 I Policy can affect or regulate the price of I , wheat is surprising." Truly, but it is ( more surprising still that any man could make such a statement in 1878 and at- l tempt to deny it in 1879. Canadian Na. l tional Policy regulate the price of wheat , t Why, this was the refrain of the Tory clec- r tion cry from Vancouver to Gaspe. It was I by means of this piece of clap-trap that ' dishonest politicians were able to impose l upon a too credulous public, and that Sir John Macdonald is able to command so large a following in theHouse ofCommons. ' Regulate the price of wheat forsooih I , Why, the National Policy was not only to E regulate the priceof wheat but of everything 8 else. It was to introduce that Utopian v state of affairs so often dreamed of by ad. c vanccd Socialists, when every body would d be rich, and hunger and misery would be nowhere. And it will not be forgotten that h the Chronicle specially urged that it would tr' raise the price ot wool. It is now found tl that so far as the National Policy has regn- r lated prices. it has done so in the interests in of half-a-dozen millionaires. It has at one u and the some time increased the wealth of ii the rich and the poverty of the poor, in. d creased the cost of living and at the same time lessened the means of obtaining a p living. The factories have not yet risen B on our streams and lakes. the swarms of I', mechanics and citizens who were to provide b a home market for our surplus produce w have not yet reached our shores, and the Pl millenium promised by the N. P. is no N nearer. All this was foretold. The hollow m pretensions ol the Conservative press were again and again ezpotred--tuthougtt umor- . tunately to very little purpose " the time " .-tusd in these columns, we have al. N ways maintained that the so- called tt National Policy could not elect the hi price ofwheetto the Canadian farmer in E ordinary o'asttmataaseo.-gut it was a veri- . on. tum ”an“. But the tide has ei turned at last, and although too late to re- in pairtheiujury which has.an instead ll upon the prosperity of the Way, it i. L satisfactory to hacwthatthegrsatm of thepeople new realise the led mistake " committed an» polish-t Beptembu, and k: onlvwdtfwthe opportunity to give thi re National Penny it! W. m found in the firat - of that uncempro- 'tairing blue book. Total receipts. 02.020.- Mltl; total expenditure, ‘excluelve of payment to milwtsr, 02.711321“; Inn: M I iiliimt " in the revenue of nearly belle million, In inane» in the expendie trtmoftt"rutitthof.mi1ioas, and . ba. lance the“ showing nearly three quarters of e million on the wrong tide. This eed tale "plains more eleuly than anything yet har, why MLAngere end his colleagues: had grown so deepen“, they knew that, the Province wee thee to flee with bulk- ruptey. It ie the record plain, true and '; uttimpeaehabU of the last you of the De-: Boueherville mismanagement, and will fur. _ nieh grove subject of thought to some of the most rabid of theLieutennnt-Governor'e mailents. It will be remembered that Hie Honor, Mr. LeteHicr wuned the Hon. Mr. DeBoucherviue It the time that the expenditure mu mumiug serious propor- tions, end it was to that warning that the Premier made his oelebreted reply about being forced by the "railway rings." The account, as new furnished, will tend to show whether there was or not good cause and pressing need for interference and ad- vice from the Crown. and culpable mismanagement" is to be “DISHONEST JOURNAL! SM." under. and six out: for - aaditii,Li but ounces. PM nut not voigh more thus in pounds tttd must be maria! "By Puree] Pat." Sums or Im'aovstetrNr.--We, notice that six or seven new houses have been built or In in course of erection, in this Town since the snow went sway. Among those who hove built ere Mean-e. Wm. “New. end Ed. Farrier. Tho noble. in connection with the British Hotel have been making!- ed. The undo-nee of Thom Lender. Eu... has been enhrged end improved. Mr. R. Home in building . mu. in which to keep Livery vehicles. hum. Poet.~Pemu having Inn.“ _"titsustomtdhrmaii,,sit beghdto know that the puree] poet tutu he." been redueed to Ii: oenk for four one“ Ind ....a- -7 I . - be! Smucx BY Lraarsrsa.--on Thursday Inst, during " thunderstorm, tho lightning struck the Montreal Telegraph liue near the residence of Mr, James M. Hunter, and running into the offiee in Kiernnn * Hugh- tsouls store. dnnnged the operating instru- ment Ind disappeared in the cell”. The instrument was taken to Walkerton next day and repaired. Tun By-lnw for two thousand doll-n to aid the Strntford & Huron Railway was voted on last Friday and carried unani- mously at Hanover. The By-luw fur an additional 08.0CO in aid of the some Rail- way, for the West portion of Bentiuok. ia. cluding Hanover, was voted on on Satur. day and carried by a majority of 144. At a meeting of the Directors of the G. B. & Wellington Railway held on Tuesday last, Mr. J. F. Fielde, Manager of the Ou. taria Bank, Mount Forest, was appointed Trustee for disposing of the municipal de. bentures in the room of Mr. Wm. Jackson, of this place, who had resigned on account of ill health. YESTERDAY, (Wedunsday) the annual piemio in connection with the Sunday School of Trinity Church. Dulham, was held in Mr. Bryan’s Grove. We lino no doubt both old and young present enjoyed themselves to the full. IO are p'er,ed to observe that the Rev. Charla Cuneron has ugaiu settled in our neighborhood. The Rev. gentleman bu been inducted Rt', pastor of the Presbyter- ian congregation at Cotswold, township of Minto. quoxaL.-Mr. J. E. Smith. wife and child, of Brussels, arrived in town lust week. Mr. Smith has roturued home, but Mrs. Smith will remain for a. short time at her father's residence. Mr. James M. Hun-'1 ter. Mr. Calm McLean, who was injured by a tree, as noticed last week, was taken to his home hour Latent, on Saturday last. We no glad to learn that ho is recovering nieely. Tar, Presbytery of Snugeen met here on Tuesday, the lst inst. The Rev. Mr. Cameron, of Palmerston wu appointed moderator. ON Monday a pic-Hie was held at Hut- ton's Hill, in connection with the public school. Au agreeable time. F tRE.-one night last week the " White Horse" Hotel in Bentiuck, Wu burnt down. The crops are looking exceptionally good this season on for. Last winter much oi the Fall wheat Ins winter killed, but fields, which escaped are now in splendid condi- tion and promise an abundant yield, so that taking it ell in all the Full when will I probably average from one half to a three lqnnrters crop. Spring wheat never looked Wetter at this season of the you, and an abundant yield is ttotdiderutly expected. The hay crop is also a good yield, especial. ly on new meadows. Mowing has already commenced and " the weather has every appearance of being settled down to steady sunshine and cool winds the crop will pro- bably be housed in good condition. Fields of oats, pens and barley have every appear. ance ofgiving a large yield, and root cropsof every kind never presented a better ap- pearance. There is thus every reasonable prospect of the husbandman reaping this year the reward of his summer's toil. It is true that the most promising nppenrunc~ as are often followed by the most disap- pointing results in other departments of human affairs as well as the agricultural. This was especially thccase last year. But if the present appearances of an abundant yield should even to A somewhat partial extent be realized, the harvest of1879 will be the nmst productive which has been ex- pericmeed in this County for many years pnst. the euceeal of Ta: Rutter. We hnve spared no pains or lebor to give the people ot South Grey e good, libenl locel paper " e very low price, And we hope that our efforts will be seconded in the wey indi. numb. of than no notiiUd we hove no eeived no men: whatever. Now an the. times with us are very pressing we hope that portion indebted to ue will found the mount of their Imunt " once. A: severel peyments to be nude by us ere pressing heuily " the present time, if our rumba who no receiving the paper would exert themeelvee in getting their neighbors to subscribe for the Rtvnw. and lumen] n- the lublcriptionl, they will be doing us . kindneu that will not only help “I through I diituuitr, but will be . Inning bonotit to Some {ow week: ago In “at out a num- ber of circular: to ”Writers in mm, Ind Although the mount in most can: nu null. yet in the mate it was large. Local and other Items. TO OUR FRIENDS. THE CROPS. The Caunly and Town Council of Bruce 3nd Winn-ton have mated 0500 Ind M,?g..t.y.yttttt.iis, li.d trf. tht Northern Exhibitién. pro'vidod -iii.itiiTs'tai"i'iii South Rulings hold n united we“. San AsocurstNr.--Tu storm of Thursdny last blow down . largo frame barn holoca- ing to Mr. Dunno". on lot 6. 'FOP. 8, Euphnu'n. killing thug bones. braking one of his son's log: and injuring moth" son mum! the brunt Ind shoulders, It 39pm the be" won working in the told with their own homes and a mu- lulu-m PIC-N10 ttt GumBus.-on Friday week I pie-nie was held in connection with the Sundey School at Black's School. Durham Road. Those present spent I plemnt time. The speakers on this oeeuion were the Rev. D. McLean. of Prieeville, end Mr Joslum Dun, of Glenelg. The new Pres. byterian Church et Buneseen. is mind end nearly shingled. but work on the building hes been suspended until after harvest, when the building wilt be completed. I Mr. J. Atkinson, of Mount Forest. bu eotntuertaedtbs tailoring buelueu here and says he is doing remarkably well.--rt is said "opposition is the life of tnde" but this makes a. difference of two doll”. per suit to the avenge young nun. Our town hes the thqr.poU but. In future we intend to give th. am in full of any person drunk, duordertr or qumelling. or guilty of any disorder on our public streets. Dundalk, July 7th, 1879. Zane. all "vtunosod." his thought tint ottolt should be sentenced to six month- in jail for cruelty to animals. Thu sbonxiusble "swamp" WM the cause. We expect an immense crowd of Orange- men and others here on the twelfth of the present month. Mr. H. MoL. and Mr. Hector MOA. gave an "eUuhitioa" on our streets on the lat met. The crowd. thoughnot Inge, were very Appreciative. Mr. John McGregor was referee. The first perfarmnuoe was u general set-to. Mea, sooond best-ss-ut I. general kttoerdowa-thud, a stone- throwing performance. which hit in the vicinity of MeL's. tutr-fourth, our“Bcek ' nppeued, with Coneieble W. J. Hicks. end We are sorry to state Nts. leWiUi-m. mother ot our much respecur‘ Dr. in not lying at the point of death. There is very little hope at her recovery. The Warden ot the County of Grey drink soda water it is said during the sitting at the Candy Council. Naughty. ( “Durham Chronicle please copy"---) residence of Mr. Wm. Brown, known " Marehmont, and the adjoining grounds were sold by the Sheriff to Joseph Snow- den, for M,960. Four year: ago Mr.Brown refused "0,000 for this, one of the build- some“ places in or around Momreul. Let us see-fuer years ago ; I believe that In in the reign of Mr. Mtsekvuzie-wortls Mo. 000in Isis time, and worth M,960 in Sin John's time. The Redimth monoply did not sue this splendid property. Lovely‘ N, P.l The crops look well, and the Tories My Sir John did it all. The Government has advertised in the Orangeville Sun for 16,C00 tons steel rai's. Aa the farmers around Orangeville do not raise many steel rails, I am afraid there will be but few tenders from Ornngeylllo. Let u. see. I thought. Mackenzie got enough to last us for fifty years ; at lent. so “George" lsaid. We have teen inlet-med It. J. J. Gen- ble, law student in Mr. In“! can, Pry, hug“ New“ on the edi- ( torial no at one Mour county ”topper-I. hu, hum" he I»... here, I believe, “a :engeged Mr. Crembie. Simone. old boy. l Mr. Daniel Spry, P. o. Inspector. was in "own last week, on hie way to Eugenie lCorner'a. where, I am credit-My informed, 1he held an investigation. Al for u I can learn, a certain well.to.do tumor in that neighborhood received a registered letter about two years one. when slightly under the "inthMrtttte." The letter wee aid to contain 920.00 to pay another party's tum. However, Mr. Farmer forgot receiving the letter in question, although he signed his ‘nume in the Register Book, and also twice previously for other letters. He alto made athdavit denying receiving the letter men- tioned and seat it to P. 0.1nopector. The Inspector, after securing Mr. Farmer and comparing the different signatures. at once gave the verdict against the farmer, entire- oxonerating the Postmaster, from the charge. Al I am informed a criminal libel is about to be entered by Mr. Meomrrie-- Comment is not required, further than to any that Mr. McQmuaie has been a much abused man in the matter, his luretiee withdrew, and otherwise injured " busi- ness. It's too bad that percons will some- times let revenge overcome their better judgment. Postmaster, should be very particular with parties receiving registered letters-to have a competent witneas pres- ent. With the strict P, 0. Act We have now, and such thorough ofticers as Mr. Spry, the public should have every faith in the P. o. Dept. of Canada, as there ism better in the world. Mr. Rich. Clarelns entered into [minor ship with Mr. Bobt. Colgan, of this place and intends carrying on the Architect basi uess, he. will blow you: penny whistle . long time beforeyou make people believe we have geod times now. or that the N. P. In: itu. proved the times any either. We wort. end we defy you to oontmdiet it, that the markets on: lower new (at this time of the you) than they hove been for ten years- Where is your N. P., then? n this higher prices, more work and better pay t-Nott. some! "tide itttho Durbun Chronicle headed "The N. P. It Dundnlk." Shall-11y, Mr. Chronicle; you will have to In. stronger hump than that to Kilt "Beret." You It is reputed tut "Zero" in and. Item I suppose it must but been that mighty tad I cw}; " - - 1"“. Dundalk Items. “at“! ltd Hum“. of thcntnwr tur of Holmethon. were killed by In!!!” {at My. the thuuder than on 'rl:urvdsy H. The duo. human hand 114.1: “an will whap the slum came-6.11"? halt-ha W Monaco which; the hitbeittg duck and to bro old; t I'm itst'snttr WM "?bthvrne l _ v',’ M. B. V. Mina. E. Bohlendrr. IN Pupils man-rind woeklg. 11min of “so than nausea non than tiftv 1'” The following A" tho - in rer- r of merit '.-- 6ttt ok-tst, IS. “an " per crul. ind. J... MONO]! " [not coat. 4th tttni-gr. A. Ania-on " per NW1. 317d 'tui-L. WoelfU, S. Anderson, L, I‘ltow. Ovens. J. Islam. 2ttd oua.--t. Billie, J. “ouch W. [My Honor 3011 U. ii. B. Nd. 2, Ben, tinck Ind Brant. "on, 3nd J. Mania”. ted J. Kenny. Mental Pteutumer-attt chat, I}. MC N050. ', 3rd ohm. C. Smith ; 2nd chm, li Km; latch-I. M, Smith. Hum: Boa, Teacher. m elm. union tteaditte-ist It. “at: 2nd R. Potty, M E. Meson. Spelling.“ Irsl B. Watt, tttd B, Petty, 8rd M. santll Writing-trt M, Smith, 2nd B. L. Wuhan 8rd Edward manna. M. Gatsby. Ar'atutwtio--ist M. (mm-g, 2nd T. lac-on. In! J. Mush“. Writing --tst M, “W. and J. Mutual“. 8rd J. Moore, M. Hoe-Juan. and I. Bogers, 8rd J. Moore Ind J. W. Goegmphy -- lst If Junie-on. and Wm. loom, 8rd c. Emmi. tbramm.r--ut R, Jamiemut, 2nd C, humb. in! J. Oman. Won mud 'sspellitu-- ist E. Junie-on. 'lld I. Chunerov., 3rd Ji "0031mm. Writing-ttrt E. Janurmo, 2nd J, Moon. " Wm. MoNtutghrrc, tad ttIna. tuaane--ut J. Mualnll. gud J. Moore, ttrd T. boson. Spelling _ In J, "W. In! J, Mooms incl T. Let-mu, an M Glut. Arithmetio-ist M, (mm. 2ud J. Moore, H Wm. loom. Rendmg~lsl “In class, Aritlunuie-itst E. Mch.n_ gud J. Waters, 8rd E. Junie-on. Brad”); --tst E. McNeioe, Ind J. Waters, 3nl M, Grunt. Wyn-lot E. Mex-m. 2ud J. Water, in! . Grunt. Grammar 4.: J, Waters, and M. grant, 8rd E. MONLM. Hutot--ut J. Watem, 2ml M. Grant, H E. McNoioe. We. and t'ellstr.t-- m E. Metuue. N J. Wuters. 8rd M, Grunt. Co-itimt---ut M. Gum. 2nd J. Water. H E. cheice. Writing--. llt n. Omat, H a. Waters, 8rd E. Me, Noioo. The {allowing is the malt of the hnlf. ymly ennui-dim cf 8. 8. No. l, Nor manbyr--. Many of the others were uearlv a: good but these war. best. We had quite a piemie on Domiuiv Dly. N. B. Gun. Tearher. The following were timt in their dim-ram clauses. viz., Margaret A. Ritchie. \Villiuu D. Staples. William A. Anderson and no” Manlly. Emeline Ritchie, Mary Ann Ector, Mug-rec Collier, Albert Williams, Smh J. Grier, Cuber-inc new um! Hugh Firth. m oUm-J. (990.00.) Twenty dollm worth o4 pmm from the Hannibal Department wm. distributed at the and of the PM! you. Each pupil obtained a priu ; but they (tho when) were distributed in accordance " nth their (the pupils) position upon the honor roll for the previous six months ; thus the, most diligent “but bland were re- waded with the but pile. 8rd elm, "tttum-Wert. A. Andcnon, Pariah Konus. 8rd clan. Jhtttiorw--M-y A. Eetor, Fime. line Ritchie. Henry Hill. Kittie J. Bunk. 2nd ol-ttuhm-Anna D. Moffat, Him Kenny. Input. Collier, Ellen Me'.Glrv. School 'uete?fo. a, Glenelg 2nd class, juniors - Albeit Williax'mz, Robert Mchckon. Funny Mex-Hy. Frank Williams. ball-plum, to. Wun the dudes of night won authoring (at. all resorted to to their homes. feeling that they had spun the (by way. wobbly Ind wry Honor Roll of tl. S. No. 8, Township of Chuck. for Juno. 1070. Special BttH.nt--Jota, Morrison. 4th el-Elisabeth Morrison, Lon]: A Bulb, William D. Staples. Willi-m D. Grier. lat. rlnar--arat, J. Grier. John Timmi u- Hugh Firth, Catherine EctorJnmes Bank. Susan Timminl, Imph Mexnlly Ellen M Williams. mini-M Iti- rod "yu,no [nine an - by the you; India. and "on“. mo of chi- neighborhood to make It... "staet.igt-bs an attractive at Domino. The roll“- of that Mtoets were muniieu. ed on this otttrttaioet, in the hoppy moon" "in which all -st ope-“he day. After the able. won mod and att bed ponds”. ol the good thin.- thereon, the mamas w... all“ to order by the Choir-momA. Mean». Eng" ofAyton. who entertained the “In. onoo in hie usual moor. Soluble me «In... ten doth-end by Revs. Mum, Burt and Nicol and lulu. N. W. Camp. bell and J. B. Colophon. The proceeding. In" enlivened “when: by Mr. Mother and choir. who an. excellent end enter. hining pine“. AM the vote of thank: were posted. the young people cog-god ttt various momma. ouch u IWlngmg. The than! pie " of the Prcshytm m Chm]: in North Nor-why wa- hula m In. baby's m on the lat in“. Th. "gum being furor-No. there um 1 huge guheeinq of m oH - young. Though 'tte-s-e-eta-tttminors, H. tsinitr, tho] did not however 'tnptoate In)- ofthe- who an vouch to mum on (amounting. The pic-nie- held lsere Honor Roll. Jul! Rut-cull. Tam-her Pic-Ric. V - Two grand B. Kuhn-n ll Alon-M Poet I“ '"ttuw " tuale The fol “I! " unwl M M I w r an he weary " in to the mm m Autumn-d ll Climb)". in aid cube “way. 'raf mu 1 at. “uni l, r, In; mv d tiw the In. and I new 1 Dea. PAM the num- o [Hand-z, lam-n which you h: d duties in“ uniduons nu count-many uni mifenlvd b iy in the luau at small t The [taunt can And cont: “plied. thank hum for the" M. Mr. Cr PF ttto chain. “and the full-m To "" REV. but F-ttar-wt Ni- el Hold.“ Cot " your departure {ml - out Wound mt If!" our midst. l which so admiraMy t WU» Imam-m y In“ In. t - N- conwlnliuu h up. but [writ-V " mell In lulu ttte “MOI! turn“; I.“ a mend m “h led! you hue pump. (on we pretscnt _\'vu u tttt tubutv ot lwtv - long ‘n spur. in lily “PI! “I'm: It amd that you Inn“; pm Inc-lily Ill wlut h )0 placed. " and Weekly Pr""" C‘Ohr'l Dumbo: of Mt. n ch- M Ohtteelt mrmh-I V“ i. “do“!!! for tlu. put “I; him and Mrs. (Ll-mm a ' J than, Mm ti. on“ had ended. w,. h. ' ”of tho India requemd .\l - the cluir. nth-r 'l Surf: 'rtuqrtha “the”. tstgnrd, l h i h“ “I Holstein (““53er W Bnd Mrs. Slack-nu. To 11-. Clown : Presentation and JL Th " Holstein Public Scl " tl return of round . al bribery Methodist Church ttrd Mu trod " SON“ " ANN) 084? I' w “It. hm

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