West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 31 Jul 1879, p. 4

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U arf 1 â€"4 2 S C 2 & Trees Before iâ€"hLouses.! "*§RML ®*V" P T ~ 2 _.. nate‘th6 thot 4 _.;“hoo s | gi«cparge a deht while you have the money TE Lo s a hk vekinls wy TBE RZV. £. a. BEAND, SOUTH BOSTON. ks â€"~â€" Lk Bardard gaunt, fat, naked Sand Aumioâ€" teresting as old brick walls can be, PE m C es © a village schoothouse wt hkave in ‘mind. There is not & tree nor shrub to relieve its nninvi;nâ€"g‘ns-h;dno-. In summer it looks | at the sun like a very red sort of ege open, | without any lashes of green foilage toscreen | u; 7liow much good it would do to plant a fow treea in that barren schoolâ€"yard L Whaet an ornament to the spot! What a make, haif hidden behind the trees, with children ranning in and oct like birds that wenant a uest half concealed by the foilage! Do we realize that as it is, wé are allowing un ugly picture to hang before the childâ€" ren ? Would that it might literally be hanged, and so enued. This is a generation quick to interest the young through pictures. The brightoat\ minds are busy with efforts to devise the most entertaining pictures for the young. We carry the idea into our instruct.iom.‘ Objectâ€"lessons are popular as June picvies. The lyceum has caught the fever. With the speaker comes the stereopticon. Some aré" introductn@ the: blaekboara (nto the pulpit. The chalk competes with the pen. Ideas must be pictures, they tell us. No"‘ look at that gauxg..)nn. univiting schoolâ€" house. What kind of a picture are we putâ€" mug before the young 2 They will surely receive an impression of some kind, and of x lasting Kind. . Becanse the natures we are dealing with are s0 susceptiple, aml,‘ tprough life will go stamped with what we wopress them, therefore we should have the choolhouses and schoolâ€"furnishings 8 taty and beantiful as possible. What about the neglected yard before that old educaâ€" tion bor? Plant a tree or trees there, Fut vines at the base of the walls; and may ho peunyâ€"squeczing committce say the vines will rot the shingles when the roof is reached. â€" Slate the roof, sirt What a pretâ€" ty spot the school yard becomes! And as the scholars grow up to make homes for themselves, their trained interest in the pictaresque will repeat itself in their tasty rurroundings. But the schoolâ€"yard becomes A picture || to all passersâ€"by. They receive impressâ€" ; fons. They catch hints. That treeâ€"plantâ€" ed, shrubâ€"decorated yard, these ivyâ€"draped { walls, tell all the people. to orvament the surroundings of home. We have been speaking of looks ; there is the stem <f comfort. | The summerâ€"nepect of things from any point of view in a schoolâ€"yard is apt to be a hot, white sky above, and & yelâ€" Jow furnace floor belaw. There is no space of shade to cool the young people, nuless thoy shrick up close to the brick or woodâ€" eu walls and find relief in their shadow. Cive them, amid the fiery suramer heat, a good ambrella of maple leaves,or olmâ€"leaves to stand or play under. B m coutisd For all these reasons, we must StP ""*" the tree and shrubâ€"plunting will prove to hbe a very usefal measure. It cannot be ranked as something beautifual and nothing more. . We may reeall what Victor Hugo makes one of his chara»ters say : "Madan Magloire, * replied the bishop, " you art mistaken. â€" The beautifal is as useful as y lustcb® ~ Eie oihled. sfier a moment‘s mistaken. â€" The beautifal is as useful as | * the useful." He added, after a moment‘s | °C rilence, Perhaps more, so." of Kow, then, shall not something be done o nbout the old schoclâ€"bouseâ€"yard 2 Shall not a begiuning be made this month? H the committee have neither power nor disâ€" | & positioa to set out trees, those wideâ€"awake se teachers with which America is crammed| 4 .’;%ni& Call for voluntéers from the | : fnuchâ€"whittled, long stffering seats in the|" old brick echoolhouse. Rally the scholars | * around the treeâ€"planting proposition. They | Will readily give peunies enough to buy au | elm or maple. Letit be a glass affair if| preferable, each class as it leaves the school house leaving tree or ivy behind as their || mementos. It certainly will not cost much to dig the hole for the tree, and need not cost anything, as there is any quantity of unemployed power about the boys, and they would be delighted to use it in digging halfâ€"aâ€"dozen holes, provided it is in sehoolâ€" time. . Now wory the day be "propitious, A bouny, blue, April day, with sweet, tender sky, and soft, sungy air. May the birds be en hand with an *opening pieco" ; the: echolurs will certain‘y make music enough afterwards. It will be a bappy procession that will go singing from schoolâ€"door to the treeâ€"hole, and it will be an eager circle that will line the wholo, each pitching in his or her shovelful of brown carth, â€"N. £. Jourâ€" nal of Education. h ds ons Sb c d I the home, aud not only that, but it bas), everything to do with the happiuass of the |, family. If things can nevor be found in | their right places when wantedâ€"if house | linem, street garments, children‘s playâ€" things aud the old maguazines are jumbled pruflmudy into one closetâ€"if the Bapâ€" kifls and tableâ€"cloths repose among the china, and the knives and torks have no settled abiding placeâ€"udepend upon it that tretfuluess and illâ€"temper will be provoked contnually. â€" One of the first and easiest lessons for a child vis orderfiness, ‘and if rightly taught it soon becomes a confirmed habit as well as a source. of pleasure. But if we make our children orderly we must see that they have a place in which to put everything, ur all onr teachivng will be lost. Then baving allotted a niche to all their childish belongings, require that they reâ€" steps, besides laying the foundation of me«]. thodical habits, which, once formed, will 4 pever be forgotten. . Of course, there is a| «<lagid edudifiéf¢nce in "cBildren~ ond is nat | urally careless and requires coustant attenâ€" tion while others develop orderliness in the very begiuningâ€"but fl rmuch may be schoolâ€"Louse would sOUTH BOSTON , we must see that thing be done â€"yard ? Shaill s month? 1 power nor disâ€" a picture in your pocketr Bo y . Soppngabebopmdivinspeint you do not need, &owever much yon may adpllife it." To spealtyour widd when it se necessary that you lhou!d do se ,aud to hold your tongie whan it is better thit you | ‘ should be silent. To spesk to a poor friend \ in a threadbare cofty even in the street, and \, when a rich one is nigh. . The effort is 1ml than many take it to be, and the act is \'ox\hypkina. To face a diffcalty legt it \ Wick you barder than you bargain for, Diffiâ€" | guities, like thieves, often disappear ab j® j \glwco. To leave a convivial party at & amere, igt . Ti qesnnd P proper hour for so doing; however great the sacrifice ; and to. stay @way from ‘0n6, | wpon the slightest grounds for objection, |. however great the temptation to §Os To dancgeavith ugly people, if you dancb at all; Aud to decline duncing if you dislike the ‘er(urn‘.mce. or cannot accomplish it to your satisfaction. â€" ‘do tell a man why you will uot lend him money ; he will respect ‘ you more than if you teil him you cannot. To cat the most agrecable requaintance you possess, when he convinces yon that he lucks principle.© "A friend should bear | with a friend‘s infirmities," not his vices. | To wear your old garments till you can pBY L *\ _ AEL uh 14 Gih s sc d is c c sc c uind 30 for new ones, To pass the bottle, without flling your glass, when you have roasonu‘ for eo doing; and to laugh at those who | urge you to the coutrary. To wear thick bots in winter, and to insist upon your wite and danglters doing the same. To decline playing at cards for money, when "money is an object," or to cease playing, when your losses amount to as rmuch as U s ow «iffomd o Joge~>Laskly, ‘have the when your losses amount to as 9W you can afford to lose. â€" Lastly, hay courage to prefer propriety $ Fashion is but the abuse of the other. Charles Landseer, : brcther of the late Sir dead. General Walker estimantes that the comâ€" ing census will add teu millions to the offhâ€" cial figures of the population of the United States, making it 48,000. Vid you ever notice the fact that al} ‘amateur‘ poliicians who have proved reâ€" creant to their former principles and are reduced to the base position of selling to the higest bidder what litt‘le intellect they have left, are invariably to be found doing the dirty work for some secoudâ€"class Tory newspaper ? "Did you ever notice" anothâ€" er fact, that these individuals make up in 'ru(k' essness and low personal abuse what they lack in intellect, and what a century or two ago would have been painished in much the same manner as a inn noOw kicks a Ane off his premises? *Did you evet or two ago would have been painished in | © much the same manner as a inan noOW kicks \ 1 a dog off his premisos 2 "Did you evet j, notice these things 2"â€"â€"Mercury. _A bed cf eoal one hundred and sixteen | feet thick has been discovered in Pierco county, Washington Territory, on Carbon Raver, and close to the projected line of the Nortbern Pacific Road. The quantity that can be mined from this bed without pumping is 26,000,000 tons, enough to supâ€" | ply the Pacifie gonst for nearly filty wiles. | From the accossible situation of the coal, , | it can be mined and delivered in San Fran« | cisco for $4,50 per ton. 1t is of very high , | class, showing on analysis 57.9 per cent. , | of fixed eavhon aud 36 per cent. of volatile , | combustible matter, with only 5.8 per cent \uf ash. â€" It is free from sulphur, and thereâ€" . | fore is fit for smelting purposes. enc nemenours § N ie Ne tssc mcA e Marshal ended with * between your colonel colonel caunot n? Your Excellency has www n ~4 4 M 44â€"z â€"MHave the courage to P1 ithout that which an English painter, â€" Edwin Landseer, is + "Ull I 5 iend n | , Atod.â€"£ s hml A * 5t\ { peg to inform the public that at it ¢ under the ** DiGâ€"|, f aa ‘Immense stock of ;m';' And intond offerin ‘one, x * m.iou’, As all kinds of gooda mustAsbé ),. To all who require { at all; * â€" :o "’a 4 ., ® I . it to | XOW is the time to buy a CA y you|l ~ fespec XOW is the time to buy cannot. intance® PRINTS FR m that * PAC 1d bear ; vices. can »sP?loroyer geed, Gras DDD:- | As all kinds of goods rrust shOTOY 69 NP "~ *0_ Lav he + . To all who require goods wili shve money by Buying 1°W ** ce 3. L HUNTER®S. _ it to | XOW is the time to buy a CATTY of that Chojce Japan Tea at 45¢. put up it & you | = Tin Oaddy. ‘:‘;“: XOW is the time to buy,a PIECE of GOOD CcHEAP FACTORY COTTON. nnot. tance‘ PRINTS FROM 5e. PER YARD UP. ; :)‘;‘“ â€" _ pACTORY COTTONS From 6¢. per yard By the Piece, Ar TEA FLOM 206. PER POUXND. ; one MO.N s X MéL V adoi 4d uEB UECCte CC P uy puying & Goop STPPLY OF id ; ines , pay a60B8 ied "Ohbomnime Suiomernacst it tonl oie and ‘ At J. H. HUNTER 19. * combined, T.amber â€" Wasggons, l'm.mnfm the pullic thit: sbortly beforg the, increased. dutis® . Wt imposed| . HOPSC Powers and Separators, b under the "National Policy" tariff I purchased an % f + * rptiout BC ue tm n sries B¢.,! At ° TAC DURHAM FOUNDRY. \‘ Purhamâ€"Third Pricevilleâ€"Mon Hanoverâ€"Moné Mount Forestâ€" PDuhamâ€"Third Tuesday in each month. } Pricevilleâ€"Monday before Durham. C Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durham. s {' Mount Forestâ€"Tuird Wednesday in each | t month. i ‘: Guelphâ€"First Wednosday in each month. | v Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelphâ€" q Eloraâ€"The day before Gueiph. Douglasâ€"Monday before Klora Fair. Hamiltonâ€"Cyrstal Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berlinâ€"First Phnrsday in ‘each month Brampton â€"First Thursday in each month. Listowelâ€"First Friday in euch mouth. I"ergusâ€"'l'humduy following Mount Forest. Rosemoutâ€"Fifteenth of February, A\n‘il," Juue, August, October and December. Primroseâ€"Wednesday preceding â€" the Orangeville Fair. Orangevilleâ€"The Ind Thursday in cach month. | Fleshersonâ€"Monday before Orangevilie. * Dundalkâ€"Tuesday before Orangeville. | Shelburneâ€"Wednesday before Oraugevil‘e. NMa vavilleâ€"Second Weduesday | in each day aite Berlinâ€"Firs! Bramptonâ€" Listowelâ€"F Fergusâ€"Tht Rosemoutâ€"â€" UE i C month. Fleshersionâ€"1 Dundalkâ€"Tw Shelburneâ€"Y Marsvilleâ€"S« month. Walkerton â€"The month. Mildmay â€" Last mouth. DURHAM Durbam, April 20d, 1879 School at 2 p. i. . AM Church Wardens, H Divine Sorvice (vvorf' BaDDMNUA d p. ui. Sabbath School at 2:20 p, 2 every Wednesday evening wt 7:30. ‘Thursday evening at 7:30. Kev. V MONTHLY CATTLE Services ever{ Sabbath at Sabbath School at 2:30 ;; m Thursday evening 3t o‘ every Monday evening at R. Godtrey. BAVITHE ROSCC CS W, Grant, partor, Sunday Sorvicosâ€"proach | ing at 11 a. m.} Sobbath School at 230 p. m.: 1 Preaching at 7 p. W Woek evening Bervices>> | Monday eveuing, young peoples‘ ‘\ruver mooting wt | 8 E 1m, ; Weduesday evening, Bibic class at 8 p. m | Thursday evening, regulai prayer meeting «t 8 p.u | i Sabbath Thomas Lauder putyâ€"Registrar. O Town Hali â€"open every Emduy ©VORUTE M Cas 9 o‘clock. Shares #1, antuul ioe 50 centé. Alexan der Robartson, Librwdan, EPEA T o on ce cneicocntoreromemenmcurmmemescicmat mpmmamameee e 0C Post Orrick. Offico hours from $ & m. to 7 p Kenzic, Postmaster. ~_ pURRAM LODGE No. 8 Night of meoting, TPuesdiay of each | mouth. V'\.sh‘miz'\ Vollet W. M. H. W. Mos .. oomserommmiicnroppnpnrmmes â€"~momemni‘s, hpcionastmn ']_‘ORO.\'TO. GEEY, AND BRUCE RAILWAY. CcHANGE OF TIME. e stock of Staple Dry Goods. Groceries And intond offering them at the old LOW Prices for 80 days. Dopart, 7:30 a. m Arrive, 1000 a. in On and after MONDAY. 5th May, 1879, trains will run as follows:â€" p TORONTO (UNION STATION. South, North West. Fortime at inh;;x'u- rsdl';;tis stationsses Time Tables EDMUND WRAGGE. Goneral Mamager NO ARMISTICE sbdu t F228 + With the Ciroul hww?»mufi'umw" to Walkerton in i 5 ur Agen «421 ar s-w.’unn‘a kinds of Saw | YO 1 DottJes Before I bud ht a + Logs during 1876 ‘of two contents of one bottle 1 found 1 . "aa when T bad usad two bottles un Toronto, April 20th, 1879 pPRMESBYTERLAN CHURCH TRUIXIPY CHURCH, services at 11 &. 2. and 7 p. m®, Bunday pu . Rov. H. 13. Wray, B. A~ pastor tdens. H. J. Middsugh and Elias Edgo, C. METHODIST CHUKCH irEoH ANICS INSTITUTE The last Wednesday in TeR Om CV C 1 s m 1 1940 a. in., $00 p. N 940 p. m, onaNxGBVIULE: Depart T1 a.m., 1135 a, m., 540 p. to Arrive 1110 a in 440 p.Uh, dul) p. uis Depart, 1100 a. u3,, ti5 p m. Arrive, U:L a. m., $20 p. m, Depart 1134 wao. Arvive 110 a. m. owan soUND. Dopart 620 a. m. 12:00 noon. Arrive â€" 400 p.m., 10:15 p. m. TEESWATER Depart 6:00 a. m., BAPTIST CHVURCH‘ P T111 cacdidudcan fls aniciaitvdci t Grass seed, Garden sseds & Turnip seed Highest Market Very Cheap. EO poxT FORGET TO BUY EARLY AT \A’ C se s 'x‘r‘x?;f.:eii"fiiifi’l“e‘i&fi‘ii’i&:fi HNHHL C d ues Â¥ 28 &8\ aA NT 2 REGISTRY OFFICE er, Rogistray ; John A Office hours from 10 & Wednesday â€" of eac‘ Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 620 ut 2:00 p. m. Prayer moeting ing wh 7:30, Bible Class overy 50° ey, Wui. Park, pastor. DIRECTORY aclock, €HC 2MOT is ut 8 g‘clock. Pastur Rov t 10:30 & mi. and 6:30 pm. . Prayer meeting every ‘clock, and ._Bil‘»ln (,“iup‘- Friduy evening trt‘n‘n 7 to FALRS Jubvx{ A. Muaro, Deâ€" om 10 a. i. 69 4 pau 18 W Cheap. i%: 4 & As usual we ha To BUY EARLY AT T J. H. HUNTE R‘C # ® k # Hanover, | \_C S | Cattle trayed. i. ~eâ€"~ ’ STRAYED from tle premises of the aubâ€" \ scriber, about the 3rd of June, Four Yoarling | Huitere, all rod, one & durk red with some white on ach | the houd,and some white spots 01 the smullost 010. 'I Any porsoil rol._uruluu them to the owiner, Or giving guch information as will load to their recovery, ith. | will be suitabiy rewarded. ‘wir. WM. SMITH, Lot 63, 2nd Con., E. G. 8. Glenelg, June 25th, 1879. d1 the James Burnet, ] % nth. . \\' HILE thanking his friends and cusâ€" rest. tomers for their pmtr0ntie, wishes to intiâ€" qvl'il, | mmute that ho hss just rocoived a fresh stock of aler. | ownpenemnnmagmgtnen the C ‘‘CROCERIES, each fiifiigâ€"'Strayed. p STRA\ED from the premises of the subâ€" scriber, about the 3rd uf June, Four Yoarling Huiters, all rod, one & Aurk red with some white on the houd,and some white spots on the asmullost 010. Any;lp.m..vu returning them to the OWwRBCr, or giving guch information 4 will load to thoir recovery, will be suitably rewarded. WM. SMITH, Lot 63, 2nd Con., E. G. k:{"'x Glenelg, June 25th, 18"9. \\,"IULE thanking his friends and C tomers for their pwtr04(®, wishes to i mnute that he hss just rocoived a fresh stock of GROCERIES, many lines having already Gesiih ic o maes: "wh To still receivo Seed Grain "6}_&11 kinds on HAND. And hopos by strict attention to business ~ # Low Prices CLOVER AND TIMOTHY, DP‘O.' e C ‘_,; ~Buy It! = T‘ry It! James Burnet, ILowER TOWN, THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner, At J Al Durhim, March, 20, The Highost Market Price paid for Hides and Skins. No. 5, Garafraxa Street, TX{E subscriber desires to inform the farming community of Glenelg, and surroundâ€" int Townships, that he hbas refitted the above Mills, and is now prepared to do in Firstâ€"Class Style. Having bad twontyâ€"Sve years experionce in the business, he can mpmnm sutisfuction to those who may favour m with thoir custom. Chopping Rone every Pay. Flour and Feed for Sale. A comfortable Shed for the accomimodation of Tesis. FREDERICK G. KNIGHT, Pomone P. 0 Durbam, December 19th 1878. New Garden Seeds Thousands Appland it* Wouderful Cures, | LaTHICUIZT AUU Hear what a Reverend Gontleman C j aaSh says of the Constitutional Remedy. T.J. B. Harprxc. ErQ., Agent for the Brockville, Ont. Pran Sut â€"<It is now two yeard since your "Conâ€" stitutionalCatarch Kemedy ‘ was introduced to me, ‘T have waited this long to seo if the eure would teâ€" Durham main permanent before doing this 9Y duty,to you * lÂ¥ ut dret the hnppy offects secmed to me to be "too commmmpemmsemen (Honelg, Feb. 1, 1879 Purdy‘s Mills, Glenelg. of it yo T ECCE EDE Y W. TINDALL, Methodist Minister, Port Elgin, Ont., Aug. 24, 1878. + Ask for Littlefield‘s Constitutional Catarrh _ Remedy and take No Other. T.J. B. Haxo:mg, Dominion Agent, K ville, Ontario, â€" â€"_ _ For Sale by all Druggists at quly one Shoemaker, £hFOO DUPNTT OULRCT taovd Aari ts contents of one bottle I found decided reliot, Id"he'flw! usad two bottles and a‘third, I quit king it, feeling quite eured of that adment, and iwe uot used any since until of late 1 have takon medora cold in my head A sense of duty to sufferers from that Joathsomo '?mo, Catarrh, prompts ie to send you this Corâ€" cate, unsolicited, with leave to make what use { it you may see proper, "_* _ Yours truly,. to bo true." OF ALL the continued patronsg public gonerally. G@risting. â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" JAMES BURSETTS 20, 1879. y4a2 KINDS â€"advanced, . . DURHAM in a nost & ile, Ont. ‘ two years since your "Conâ€" redy ‘ was introduced to me, to seo if the cnre would reâ€" ; doing this, imy duty,to you ects secmmed to me to be "too |. head for years betore I susâ€" . In reading in Â¥0W Cireular d in many %\;t culare. The e head hnd become very disâ€" 1 «ensation often prevent s would fegl like smotherâ€" to sit u‘:}) in the bed. My e seriously affected. When Walkerton in August, 1876, I Before I bud used. uwtur bottle I found decided relief, wo bottles und a‘third, I quit _ _ _ KIERNAN â€" se of The Subscribers wishing to return thanks to their namerous friends and customers for their cribers BMR 10 // Comind them that Shey ate 48 usual prepared to do the Shod for T wf v$ in the best possible manner and on the shortest notice tiâ€"51 The Royalist Trimming especially shapsd for collars & cuffs PATENXTED CHIXELLA NECK TIES, MUSLIN TIZES, XET TIES, LACE TIES. FREXNCH FANS, FANCY FAXNXS, DAMASK POCKET HAXNDKERCHIEFS, NEW MNETAL DLESS BUTTONS, & A LOT OF SUXN SHADES, All of which will be sold at very low prices. sayrw â€" ma scPRA Hanover, May 22 1879. ibscribers wishing to return thanks to their namerous 450979 70°°"" 00044 patronage in the pust would remind them that ‘hey ave 48 usual prepared to do & & ue ®" SE age o .7" (‘.t‘l1"’i? TURNIP SEEDS, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, sUCH AS Caulifower, Cabbage, Celery, Tomato nip, Beet, Cucumber, Melons &s, L2 L sevsayh anmnn ‘v;;”‘(‘,"ai',] w OO L ! Durham, May, i LARGE AXD WELL ASSORTED sTOCK OF ST BOOKS, Always on HMani. sSTOVES AND TINWARE! The subscriber bex CIAIIZAP POF C ASKL UVD OA ARA® * * Cook. Parior and Box Stoves. Particuler attention prid to Eavestroughing. Cash for Sheepskins and Hides. Agent for the Superior Broadcast Seeder and Drill hest Sulky rake in th Durham, April, 9, 1879 AGRICULTURAL Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlay & Stewart‘s Improved Gang Ploughs,. &¢ _JOHN CAMERON The Subcriber is agent for the sale ot the cclabrated MOWFR manufactured by the 4 TORONTO REAPEL & MOWEL CUOMEAXY. ALSO Note and Book Accounts collected on reasopalle terms, OFFICE : At Kiernan & Hughson‘s Etore, Lower Town VW hite ADAMS & MESSENGER, NEW SEEDS, Comprising: Durhare, April 4, 1878, Before purchasing Elsewhere dont fail to gee our Stock MILLIN ER Y Fancy P AiucsiBbaidudis uc cachsara in 7 gpinning & Manufacturing, l2 0 0) 24. neanared to pay the sSWEEDS, YELLOW Darham, May 15th, 1979. 15, 1879 Feb. 26th, 1878 Timothy ra to inform th_e. ‘pu}"l'i_c >~â€" BBeolg MANGEL WU] STATIONERY. L A DIES Consisting in part of the following w seEA SE y c P stt mn s (h 5n A. COCHRANE.| . JOHKNSTON, Jr, Of KIERNAN & HUGHSON. thy and Clover 7 THE DIFFERENT KINDS: of The Best Quality. of the different nimed LLOW ABERDELCN, and WHLTE TURNIP. Belgiunn â€" Carrot sgecdad. EL WURTZEL. Also a full Stock of ge, Celory, Tomato, Onion,‘ Carrot, Pars mber, Melons &s, and the different FLOWER SEEDS. HAVE IN STOCK cast Seeder and Prill. _ Also the Gailoway Sulky Rakeâ€"the best Sulky rake in the Domuston, T. A. HARRIS. 1 y-‘ Dry Gooods. F® & A. DAVIDSON. Agent for fi:c gale of all kinds of â€"AND~â€" â€" _Price V 0O O L ! e pullic that be has a Ia WARE, which will be sol ~â€"OFâ€" Canatian Tweeds, Euliclotb®, 5 c for Wool or sell cheap for cush. IMPLEMENTS, epa;l'am()rm \u& containe a vast amount of inte restin FOUNDBY | READING MATTER, We are also prepared to pay the ‘AsSEHI 0B TRALE, »d Box Stoves. MNEDICAL AND EXAMIXE HIS XEW TATIONERY aad sC1100L JOHXx CAMERON. HALL, LOWEK TOWKN. yâ€"60. STOCK Cash, Shirtings and of STOVES sand TIN mwunfla’MCm‘ Normandy, Bost Mediums Good Family Newspaper %s COLUMX, PAPER «Grey Review, "CGREY REVIEW" Job Department, Is pow fitted up in the very best style, and Possesses great Facilities for Townships of Glenelg, Bentine rdy, Egremont, Proton, Artemesia ry, Melancthon and other Town ships makes it one of the Having lately made an And with the Greatest Promptited® Price $1.25 per can depend upon being satisfied by lesy)t8 In the County of Grey. MARKET REPORTS, Ttuk | UHEVIEXU _ PRINTING y pPosTAGE TREC.=#3 should subscribe for the, Best Style of the Art, MOST APPROVED KINDS If not paid in advance. AND FPOREIGN lation of the Job Work Al, who want a AXD EDITORMALS, SV OR type, The office is furnished with done in the very oF THE LATEST kinds of ns their orders. wishing addition to our PROTRIETOP FÂ¥a Durham., â€" â€" rotessional and busin space and under, 1 Two amohes of 2 lines Thrae inches do. per \ -a:;;" column alt solwan. + the 0 K+e, One colums, PDo. rpAuwe 107 8 'u ..'!‘l amea84 06. 3yery o‘u“‘r}- not ic Aeaths, and all to #ree of sharge. weeks for $1, *» need 8 lines. A Avertisements ..y written instru §xp M 4 -.u[ for ajar raves, TERMS: â€"â€"#1.0 , 41. 25 if not pms * sac t 1 BUSINES® Bank Unionâ€"#t £*. MeFaÂ¥DE® ]g.\ums".‘h* &e Ofhce. Quank Unionâ€"4#t.. 0 'I ‘.\R‘(l sTi solicitors i vovan cing, & â€" MAoesâ€"Pow) Round, wind ev+ ALFRED 3) raTES OF 8 ung Droj Ww‘ Bont ARRISTEl way Town, D ) Veote x RADPU 3 Hugh 1 KA ops Sorom». 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