West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 7 Aug 1879, p. 3

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¢, thus csnsinge the '50“.' h the death of the nnfortaâ€" ameock lcarcs _ wRoW tG med to LLED 4 Wabs LT utractor TOS WHOLSALE HOUSES 63, ETC., BURNLD Dowy. at after carful fire is raye~ s to destr2y the at 5.40 o. m., in ‘s, in & room in om cf the Bauk m loronto and is so intense ck away. The «~*, and strong. and debris beâ€" feot, and strikâ€" shall fractur.d rotruded. The ouse, where h The came of e of x defective HDZ is pow u street and Luildi1gg he :ouuno‘. 7.‘ Â¥ to omen . were r‘k. the !.'. et, took fire, ubove took through the ed eastward » has I to to sectre spread up. & ':l)fldj‘. . and the «1 t derrick, in the stone nes block, in great 16 alarm ok ‘l’" e© stone r more, eir end t mak 1 Gur r seven mDAD Iry,but id fireâ€" sumed. lishted not ¢x r that { their mried e was $200 SAILG Bank y 18 iD ts wVC gers 01y te and nds 00 00 rrV Ks TO At al Using hellobore for pepper at divner nearly breke ap a Clinton family. Steps have been taken to submit . the Seott Act for aporoval in West Middle interpreting the N. P. Mr riston on Monday Aug. 16tu. Joln Lingelbach and Jazob Scbweruor‘ were drowued the other evening while buthing near New Hamburg. The former sot beyoud his depth in the water, aud the .iter cadervored to save him. * Six Alexander Gali, it is officially stated, goes hume to renew the pegotiations in which hbe was engiged last winter for better trade relatious between Canada and ceitain Enropean countries and the West Indies. Otheial returns show that gwenty officers und four hundred men died of cuolera and other diseases on the return march from the Afghun campaign, whilo only about one Lundred were killed is agtion on the Britâ€" ish side during the war. he Fall Echibition of Holland Agriealâ€" J Socety will be held on Tuesday, tember 30th. (‘Cullaguaao, Jr., retired to bed in Ler u.ual Lea‘t,, aud eurly uest murhing her LDushand fouud ber doad beside hbim,. Au pnquest ;» held by corouer Euimes, waues tue jary returued & vordict of "*died from comnard Tilley uo doubt thinks that cometiing to do with the nuthorship . P. Fublic opinion says thiat if he iything to do with it, it was very Littie as it was, it is becoming less i e manipulations of his appraisers, ; Munsters, and other tard utmbers. «l tux bas been aboliskeqd, 80 i=> us s oue favoured industry and local:ty. ugar turiff has Leen corplcteiy «, to the injury of the consumer aud W $600. mpendent importer and to the further of the refining monopoly. And learn that there lLns been a broadâ€" comvat between the ‘Toronto im« uuu the Bourd of Appraisers, repreâ€" by the uospeakable Frazer, ending issue uf uuuther set of regulations al vacuice With the wordiug uf the t 20 per cent. The omniscient though, suid it was "shirtings," and 1e churgeable at two cents per yard wen por cent. ad valorem. Houseâ€" vill smile ou learning that it requirâ€" he wisdom of the Board of Appraisâ€" ome to a decision on this pulut,and en they raade a ridiculous aud unâ€" mess of it. The law of Canada now rdiug to their decision, that when is plain, and of less width thau six incles, it is a **manutacture of * and chargyeable 20 per cent. ; be _ a worthy and desirable object, the ation of which a wise and paternal CANADIAN ITEMS. rt Elgin is about to apply to th tenantâ€"Governor in Council to bave village erected into a town. . John Cormie, jr., of Nikeo!, had his rin broken the other day by fulling a load of hay on to the baru floor. Yt. Catherines hack driver decoyed a mger into the elutches.of ® f.llemw woâ€" â€" dracced hint, aud theu robbed him of wr.c known as winceys was the of battle. The importers claimmed was a manufacture of cotton not i in the tariff, and therefore chargeâ€" W Ou Monday niz @IO ew Baptitist Church at St. Thomas y appreaching completion. It is 1 that the opening will take place October. titution wicca ougut not to be pollate our glorious soil uader yard aud filteen per ceut. oi How past findiug out are the Aifâ€"tin kers ! rst train ngion County Council has agreed $400 towurds entertaining the Govâ€" reveral and Princess when they visit itral Exhibition to be held in Guelph destruction of his barn by fire b H. Hormer, of lot 20, con. 2, x loses ubout $1,100. Iusured U should in uo way attempt to But when the wincey is of tn, or greater width than 26 comes a darg:rons and sub ution whica ought not to be rain on the Credit Valley Railâ€" at Drumbo on Monday last, It that Ayr will be reached in year old son of Jared Browu, siding on the townline of Hay towuships, accidentally lead while out gunning a few r creating a de‘t of $3,000 e of purchasing a site and ou a High School building /1 by the ratepayers of Harâ€" 0) to aid the Stratâ€" v. submutted to the udsiy, down Lby about #i9 x the canine race as a whole ; but it stands Jut with great prominence in not a few of them, of which the subjoined and remarkable lustances ars worthy of our reflective mediâ€" tation. The thoughtfu‘, pure and active benevolence of dogs. This may not be a marked attribute (a.) ‘"On Friday last Kdward Cooper, clerk ut Evertsen‘s bankingâ€"bouse, and who lives on Thirdâ€"street, Bath, gaye away a dog which he had in his possession. On Saturday night the dog made its appearance at the door of Mr. Cooper‘s bouse. barking and acting in 11 strange manuer. It continued to such a deâ€" gree that Mr. Cooper was compellied to go down to the duor, When he opened it the dog would not euter, but seemed inclined to go up the road, barking all the while. Finally ; Mr., Cooper put on his cluthes, and,guing out, followed the animal. It procceded ap the road and led Mr. Cooper to a boy named Deâ€" drick, who had fallen from a waggon and fractured his leg. Mr. Cooper procured asâ€" sistance and caused the boy to be rew.oved to ihin house, where medical aid was procured and the lad‘s injuries attended to. The boy ‘ had almost perished from cold." (s.) On Thursday afternoon and Prichv‘ moruing, says the Cleveland Herald of Mon-‘ day, we chronicled the fact that a little boy: seven years old, who had wandered away from his home on Chatham street, West Side, and became lost, was found by a policeman on Tharsiay morning, erouched in the corner of a yard at the corner of Bank and Lake sireets, asleep and half frozen, for the weather was quite cold. And to this should now be added the fact that the boy, finding himself unable to make his way home, began to cry, anc while thus engaged, a large dog, apparently a cross between the hound an 1 shepherd breeds, which the boy had never scen before, came lorg, and, appreciating the boy‘s distress, | took up a position close to the boy, and reâ€" } mained on guard before bim, lending the | warmth of ‘his shaugy covering to keep comâ€" i fortable the feet and linbs of his human ward. He was in downright earnest in his selfâ€"im | posed guardiauship, for when the officer atâ€" The Reasoning Powers of Animals Under the Inâ€" cortainly deserves the meution aud commendâ€" | \\ ition we here make of it. W (c.) On one occasion a shepherd took with A him an infant of three years, and after traâ€" versing his pastures for some time, attended by his dog, he found himself under the necesâ€" sity of ascending a summit at some distance ® to have a more extensive view of his range. g: As the ascont was too fatiguing for his child, | q he lefit him on a sinall plain at the bottom, | S with strict injunctions not to stir usctil his reâ€" | B turu. Scarcely, however, had he gained the 0 summit when the horizou was suddenly E: larkened by one of those iinpenetrable mists | j, which frequently descend so rapidly amidst| p these mountains, as, in the space of a few | / minutes, almost to turn day into night. The 3 &Mllinnl father instantly hastened back to find L his child, but, owing to the unusual darkness, ‘: and bis own trepidation, he untortunately t missed his way in the descent. . Aftera fruit less search of many hours amongst the dangerous morasses and cataracts, with which 1 the mountasins abounmd, he was at length over> | & | taken by night. . Still wandering on without | I ‘ knowing whither, he at length came to the | C edge of the mist, and by the light of the moon 1 discovered that he had reached the hottom of| 3 the valley, and was now within a short disâ€" 1 tance of his cottage. To renew the search | q ! that night was equally fruitless and dangerous. | ] He was theretore obliged to return to his | ‘ l house, having lost both his child and his dog, | ! wluch had attended him faithfully for years. Next morning by daybreak the shepherd, acâ€" companied by a band of his neighbore, set out | again to seek his child ; but after a day spent | in fiuitless fatigue, he was at last compelled | hy the approach of night to descend from the ‘, mountain. On returning to his eottage he \found that the dog, which he had lost the day 4 ‘ before, hadl been home, and on receiving a ‘ | picce of cake hbad instantly gone off again. \| For several successive days the shepherd reâ€" newed the search for his child, and still on reâ€" ) | turning in the evening disappointed to his ] | cottage, he found that the dog had been there, Â¥ ' and on receiving his usual allowance of cake, ‘ ': l had jnstuatly disappeared. Struck with this | singular circamstance, he reroained at lmme‘ one day, and when the dog, as usual, departed y | with his piece of cake, he resoly edlio follow him, and find out the cause of this strange € \ procedure. The dog led the way to a cataract t | ag some distance from the spot where the shepâ€" e | herd bat left his child. The banks of the waterfall almost joined at the top, yet sepaâ€" l rated by au abyss of immense depth, oru- i, | sented that abrupt appsarance which so olten , | appals the traveller amidst the G:ampian ‘ moustains, and indicates that these stupendous X | chasms were not the silent work of time, but d | the sudden effect of some violent convulsion . | of the earth. Down oue of these rugged and almost perpendicular descents, the do;‘l:r- without besitatiou to make his way, at last d'ulypomd in a cave, the mouth of "S | which was almost a level with the torâ€" o «oc The shopherd with difficulty followed; W To W Tib‘ cvvsne Ti stt house, having 103 wluch had atten: Next morning by companied by a I again to seek his in fuitless fatigue, he hy the approach of nig! mountain. On return POnbe me PÂ¥ EPOV M CIRL% dume but on entermg the cave, whut were his emoâ€" tions when he beheld his infant eating, with much satisfaction, toe cake which the dog had just brought bim, while the taithful aniâ€" mal stuud by, ¢y@Ng his 'youug charge with mal «1000 2s CI CCC the utmust cumplacency ! A suall Lowmb was exploded on Thursday in the Chareks of St. Louis, Madrid. No one was injured. It is repurigil L.&C LHG AdHgUIATE ASMEEY CC the Greak WY eawes t udway of Canada bas ugrees to refer the coaditicas for acmaigaâ€" fluence of Afection. weting to arvitration. coaxing on the compliance on _ He tinaliy and suffered t 1 at the English Board of For the Grey Review. \ Oar Inner Life. | Each has a secrot self, an inncr life | Of hopes and fears, I High aspirations, doubtings, celm and strife ( And joy and tewrs, 1 ~o eye but God‘s within the veil cun look : 1 Unto the world \ The human heart is an unopened bookâ€"â€" A banner furlod. A mighty ocean to whose lowest deeps We cannot seeâ€" A secret treasury, of which Hoaven keeps ‘ Tho masterâ€"key. An unsolved, awful mystory sublime No‘er understoodâ€" Abattleâ€"field, where virtue strives with crime Evil with good. The angels of our kind and adverse fate Are marshalled there : Light grapypling withgrimdarkness love with hate Hope with dospair. None e‘or can pass the secrot inner door That guards the heart: Itis a erypt onesclf cannot explore In overy part. We are not as we seenâ€"for oft the oye Belics the breast : The lips ery "pence" when haggard care is nich, And wild unrest. Measure the sunbeansâ€"compase sea and landâ€" Creation‘s plan Find outâ€"â€"*Twere easier than to understand The hoart of man. Durhamn,1879 F. W. Portenr. Only lately Clarke township paid smartly for damage done by a hole in a publicroad A repetition of the lesson is about to follow.. The Bowmanville Statesmen says :â€"On Monday night last or early on Tuesday moruing Mr. James Stephens and Mr. W. Knight were passing along theroad between the 6th and 7th concessions of Clarke, due south of Kendall, the horse and waggon foll into a gravelâ€"pit in the roadway which was unprotected on the south and East sides. The waggon first tipped into' the pit and the horse followed, falling on ‘ the waggou between the wheels, with Mr.| Kuight under the waggon. Mr. Stepheua,{ Giuding the waggon going over, made a ‘ spring and found himsel{ lying between the waggon aud the side of the pit. His left knee had come in contuct with the waggon in some way, and on examination | a cut was found in the side and the joint of | the kuce is supposed to be considerably inâ€" jured. â€" Mr. Stephens is laid up and under the doetor‘s care. . Action will be taken at onee to recover damages from the township Council. The amount of damages can searcely be estimated until it is known Iwh:thor or not the kuce is permanortly l injured. Flour, per 100 1b8..........> Flour No.2,"* * Corn Meul * C .e Suwiis, 6. si4* Brau, w o Fall Wheat, per bush...... Spring Whent, R: Chait. Jats, per buske Barley, tÂ¥ Peas, w Hay, per G0M.....«â€"+ Potatuoes, per bag.... Pork, per 100 lbs.... lieof, Sheepskins, each ...... Butter, pér D cce Eggs, pér d0Beccee > Wuod, dry, per cord Wool, per Ib........... Apples, per bag.....> MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate Office, July 21, 1879. Flour per barrel...............$4 00 to84 20 Ontineal per barvel............ 4 00 to 4 50 Fall Wheat....................... 0 96 to 0 98 Treadwell Wheat............... 0 98 to 0 95 Spring Whout.................... 0 88 to 0 92 BAFIOY ..« ««cccrcrevirscsccccrercs1, O 85 to 0 40 EK +s asesererntsrrrestressreviess: 0 02 o (Oobd EOMS ..s iscc ccrirerecsrrrreccarceress DCBU o N B8 Toroxto, July 80, 1879. Fall Wheat, per bush ...... 80 94 to $1 00 Spring Wheat ** ...... 0 80 to 0 90 Barley, wdet 50 to 0 56 Oats, t* 85 to 40 Peas, t€ 50 to 68 Dressed Hogs, per 100 ibs 5 50 to 6 00 Butter, rolls, per 1b......... 16 to 18 * 00 MÂ¥Y yc en 11 to 12 Egg8, PÂ¥ AOZ. e cee en ks 12 to 14 Untrotnas mar has...z z... 1 %5 to 1 4 ©~ tub dairy,... Eggs, per doz...... Potatoes, per bag. Turnips, per bu.sfi Hay, por ton... ... Corrected from the Telescope. Walkerton, July 12, 1879. Fall Wheat, per bush _ ... $0 94 to $1 00 Spring * t* ... 0 80 to 0 90 Barley _ * #* ... 0 45 to 0 50 Oats, (* ... 0 86 to 0 40 Peas, ** ... 0 50 to 0 58 Potatoes, per burh............ 1 00 to 1 00 Dressed hogs pes ewt........ 0 00 to 0 00 Becf 000 ...... 850 to 450 CubLage per doz. ............ 000 to 0 00 Eggs, per dosg.................. 008 to 0 09 Butter, per lb................. _ 0 08 to 0 05 CFzx BW KZ ..2. 0. ces ... ~A O o . 4 00 Peas, . Potatoes, per burch..... Dressed hogs pes ewt Be(‘t a+ a+ Cubbage per doz. ... Eggs, per 0B .00 Butter, p@r D.k Hay p@r OR cce eee+ The Grey Review pURHAM MARKETS. Dunnax, July 81, 1879 per 100 lbs............82 50 to $2 to. & °* : !** 2 25 to 2 [ouk **> | *) .rsice.s C000 â€" & 16. sof* 0 70 to 0 8 O8A 0 50 to 0 heat, per bush........ 0 90 to 0 Wheat, R. Chaif... 0 80 to 0 C Glasgow... 0 80 to 0 per bushel........ 0 32 to 0 e 450. revesses O tb 9 O #* sserer.+ 0 46 to 0 er ton.................. 8 00 to 9 08, P@F DAG...... k9 0 00 to 0 er 100 lbs............. 0 00 to 0 t sesssesese: % OO to 0 ** uirrauecouess Wk 9O 60 26 king, each ............. 0 40 to 0 , per lb .................. 0 08 to 0 per doz.................. 0 09 to € dry, per cord....... 1 50 to 1 per lb................ 0 18 to C C DAP MOO s s esc acvecsene Y 00 40 : 8 WALKERTON MARKETS $1 per Year. TORONTO MARKETS. Suoscribe at cnce. 6 Glasgow ... per bushel....... LOD ucce veere en en OP DAG.. .200 100 D8 .cc k6 w\ eB‘ CG 00 to 0 82 to 0 34. 0 50 to 0 55 0 50 to 0 65 0 08 to 0 11 0 08 to 0 10 0 18 to 0 22 0 00 to 0 00 0 80 to 0 85 4 00 to 4 50 6 00 to 8 00 00 to $2 50 2 25 2 50 0 75 0 50 0 95 0 85 0 35 0 50 9 00 0 70 0 10 1 50 | 0 20 | 11 00 6 00 18 12 14 1 75 JuRNsToNX.â€"On the 6th inst., the wife of J.hn A, Johnston, Eeq., of the "Chromicis* uficc, Durham , of & daughter. Kers#awâ€"in Fgremont on the 3rd lust., the wite of Mr. Thos. hershaw, of a soR. ToLnocaâ€"Ou the 2nd ult., the wife of Mr. Jumes Tuiloch, Bentinck, ui a dsughter. Lato®®â€"In Glenelg, on the 2rd ult., the wife of Mr James Lauder, of a dwugiter. o5si 1 00 0 00 | 4 50 | axDiEusonâ€"Mornowâ€"â€"At the residence of the brido‘s father, Chatsworth, on the 1st Ju1Â¥, by the Rov. Mr. Keys, Mr.James Sanderson, of the firm of Sanderson & Co., S-mlun‘(‘)'ven Sound, to Mary Jane. eldest daughter of Mr. A. L. Morâ€" to Mary Jane, eldest d.n;f»m of Mr. A. L. Morâ€" mv;,‘l proprictor of the Morrow House, Chatsâ€" wo Brrcrâ€"Cucremtâ€"At the Manse, near Cedarville, on the 12th July, by the Rov. John Morrison, James H. Bryce, cldost son of Mr. Adam Bryce, {armer, io Letitia, daughterof Mr. Win. Church, Kazssâ€"In Durhamn, on the 6th inst., Mr. Heary Kress, agod 21 years. Browxâ€"In Mount Forest, on Sunday evening Jul 27, Mr. Richard James Brown, aged 54 ynn.‘ months and 3 days. Morrarâ€"In Sullivan, on the 2nd inst., John Murâ€" McDtanxtpâ€"On the 2nd inst., at Chesloy, the beâ€" loved wife of the Rev. N. A. mm.m{& Gomboxâ€"In Egremont. on the 3ist ult.. Win. A. Gordon, aged 17 years, 1 month and 20 days. REIDâ€"At Kilsyth, on the 2th ult., John James only son of John and Mary Behi. Aged 4 yours, 7 months aud 24 days. C The British Hotel, Durham, HA\ ING been thoroughly overhauled and put in frstâ€"class order, the travelling public may depend on finding every convenience and ample accommodation, | ‘The table is supplied with the best the season can afford. ‘The bar is suppliod with the best btn.n'ln) o‘{ liquors -:n‘d ,"?‘“"f ppHMod. with VHO DORTDARITTOTUINTOEUCG eC‘ URERUT DE LTTO L L GAY Pamitranaial en A dirstâ€"class SAmFlu Room for Commercial Travel lers. Good Stabling nud attentive Hostlers. baving been opened in connection with the Hotel. The best .onveyunces, either double or single, wll new, can be procured ut any time on the most reasonable terms. JOHN HOGAXN, Durham. August 7. 1879. Proprictor. Burnet‘s Flour & Feed Store, Car Load of Salt. “Ynntfll, a Teacher for 8. 8. No7, Benâ€" tiuck, duties to commence on 16th August wnd to continue for the remminder of this year, A femaule holding & ‘Third Class C«rtmca.ufre(emd. Apyly,stating salary, to Sammel Dickson, Jmwood T. 0., Secretary for Trustecs, § DICKSON. Durham, August 7, 1879 Luther. July 25th, 1879 ray, & mnative of Dorno Scotland, uged 40 years. S‘TBA\ ED from the premises of the k) subscriber, E. of G. R., Bentinck, about four w oks ago, a large White Sow. . Any persor returnâ€" ‘"‘f it to the owner, or giving such information s will lowd to is recovery wili be suitably rewarded. Horse Strayed or Stolen. STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, Lot 30,2nd Concession, W. % R., Bentinck, on the morning of July 1st, a lack Horse, five years old. Any person returning him to the owner or giving such information as will lead. to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. DUNCAN CAMPBELL. qTBAYED or Stolen from the Eremlsca k) of the subscriber, Lot No. 20, 2ud Con,, E. G. K., Glenelg, on Friday night, & smiwl) Brown Horse, 12 or 14 years oldâ€"has a white stur on the face. Any person giving such information as will lead to his recovery or returning him to the owner will be New Advertisements. ;fi;tn;l;l} rowarded LTVERY ESTABLISHMENT Durham, August 7, 1879 TLeather, Leather. THE subscmber has on hand and for Saie a stock of Leather of diiferent brands in firsiâ€"cluss order, aud ut prices as low as it can be purchesed at any other place. Bentinck, July 23, 1879 Boots and Shoes, On hand and made to measure. Good Work» wen, Good Material and Low Prices. Repairing done with neatâ€" ness and desvatch. Just Arrived! Bentinck, July 8, 1879 Horse Strayed or Stolen. The undersigned would intimate to those whose uccounts are lonfi past due that unless a settlement is made within the next two months, the accounts will be placed in other hands fur collection. Glenelg, July 21, 1879 Uooenst MFD AAECDCACCSCLWi M in two uths from this wigo | have the sald @000 S t o O uy C &w-k#ummw ‘ DUKNCAN CAMPBELL, _ | â€" ROBAAXA MNOLRIGDN. Clork of sald Muricipality, Hazover P. 0. * Peled Junegilk, £.D 19]2. bGs} Pated 1Tth Julz, 1579 €iodJ The â€"Last Call. Teacher Wanted. Either Sewed or Peggod, Sow Strayed. MARRLIED DEATHS. CASH FOR HIDES PURHAM, â€"AT~ JAMAS VAUGHAN, Chaffy‘s Mill, Rocky Suugoen y42 *476 c15 ?Horse Powers and Separators @75 At The DURHAM FCOUNDRY. Nome other need apply. HARDWARE STORE, Two Inch Mannilla Rope for Stonâ€" ing Machines. The Subscribers wishing to return thanks to their patronage in the past would remind thein t Carding, Spinning & Manufacturing, Latest Improvements, etc. Low in price, and on good Long Terms to good men, who intend to pay. Highest Market Price _ OR WOOL! As usual we have a large Stock of Feice and Canadian Tweeds, Eulicloths, Shirtings and Flanucls which we will exchange for Wool or sell cheap for wash. Durham Foundry, Aug., 1879. in the best possible manner and on the shortest notice, wWOULD XOW INVITE THE LADIES TO COME AND EXAMINE Tashionab‘e SUMMER STOCK The Royalist Trimming especially shaped for collars & cuffs PATENTED CHINELLA NECK TIES, MUSLIN TIE3, NET TIES, LACE TIES. FREXECH FAXNS, FANCY FAXNS, DAMASK POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, XEW METAL DRESS BUTTONS, & A LOT OF SUXN SHADES, All of which will be sold at very low prices. STOVES AND TINWARE ! The subscriber bege to inform the public that he has a large Stock of STOVES and WARE, which will be sold CIIEAP FOR CASH OR TRA E, Cook. Parlor and Box Stoves. Hanover, May 22, 1879. Durham, May, 15, 1879. MOWAT‘S Is the Cheapest place for Hardâ€" ware of all kinds. Call and see Stock of Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, â€" Forks, &co., &c. WOOL! WOOL! MOWATS MACHINE OILS. JOHN CAMERON ADAMS & MESSENGER. Before purchasing Elsewhere dont fail to see our Stock MILLIN E R Y Ready for Dolivery at Once, Fancy Dry Gooods. E. & A. DAVIDSON. Durham, May 15th, 1879. LOWER TOWX, DURHAM. return thanks to their numerous friends and customers for their would remind them that they are as usual prepared to de Consisting in part of the following LA DIE S â€"ANDâ€" â€"â€"ANDâ€" p.0. > Clork of the Municipality of the Towg of ci _ 40 Deted 20th July, 13"9 138 MOWAT‘S Is the Cheapest place for Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Putty, &c. Try our White Lead if you want a â€" satisfactory article. We are also prepared to pay the in Cash, JOHN CAMERON. HIS NEW em66 Compris iver and Kiectre Finted Goods Gold and Siver Watches, Ladies and Gonts® besutifuiline of Clocks. A large line of Fa Mw.vuuu. Flle, Conc@ftinas, Repairing a Specialty . JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Residenceâ€"Opposite the Caunadsa Presbyâ€" TIN Spring and Summer Fashions regulsa) _ _ _ ) worg snere time at this 138. & Co. Pormeni Leine Fiesherton, December 16 1876. Residence at the Old Post Offlice, Lower Town, DURHANM. 'l“{l':.l &D I. and Make U on fht shortest notice, and in the Latest Style, Mon and Boy‘s Clothing. A good ft guarruntoed. Sewing Machines For Sale, Chemp for Cash. These Muchines ure the best made, and give ontire -‘afi-lumun to those using DURIILA M Carriage Works. ROBERT Carriages, Buggies, Demoâ€" crat Wagons, etc., received. Durham, Feb, 14, 1876. }‘Md-a:hh: and at p;hseau low us uny uthe hment in the county . Those in mneed of Such Articles would do well to Sall and Inspect My Stock. The Subscriber is also Agent for All Kinas of ‘ FARMIMPLEXEATS Latest Fasbions Regularly Received . F. DOLISH, Watchmaker, Cutting done Ito Order. Durham, Nov. 4, 1878 Alexander Robertson, TAILOR, Keys, Pencils, Peus, &¢., &«. Durham. DURHAM Sr., DURHAN. eubscriber is prepared to Receive A fow firstâ€"cluss BARCLAY‘B Manufacturer of &e., OF VERY BEST MATERIAL ROBELT MeFARLANE, AF ALEX, LOBERTSON! W. F. DOLL. business vou -c-flnl-' @5 to 220 per day made by line of Fancy acéftinas, &e yi O 0o q 2

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