West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 21 Aug 1879, p. 2

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go In ' “Madman-s ”phi-ink“ ho ho a -tuatt ”at... WM “do. nint- -o. i. i-ply no“... Mr. Jun-0' vb- Iby inch. the no. of my pawn qeai-tottietttuodiutrtoeottserwri. nth- any than. The cum of bee. lay-I h- is“: in iMnito number of . titt-eddod-huts-turtted out uh to“ H “and “WW-ilk up]: a-.i.nerlgt.th-a" “155:! no. miaa.i-ub.thr-ther+ t-tu-uhr-r*trArwithoe'"- "s-a-tou-ue-ue “hr-hm ind-aunt " un- minlhmia 3-1:.de way. mmammumwm “Chin's-balmy ”mum. 't,1-,M4). Shah-In the "In of -etmuu.ouood"illth-aw beretattandwqtqNb-aHydotttrhd. All “kahuna-wound! expandi- mduo-oy. AMI-dunno! hid "than.“ in u naighboetsood III. that in good a... Bunn- of “bundluhnquo-mbo Pt ah-d-dit-U-ofthe new -lrothrtttelsaard lamb" " the -histg of the hint nod comb-hm; o: .50ny “on. ho on. get the 2m. Int] Bet dub-buns oomph-u for mom ”.50. IuAtqndntimt.m.her in too may n im. thnnnbuhopalo purchase Minion“ -p.nttr In" to par -bi-bketrstutioa_ad, made. Mubdoud-onindnnchueud- who'd-odd). m. Then the nu bin-dumb -. u "rand “a hit. ol but which older tsends “pond. Hominotgoonrgronnd COME. “latitudinal” hind ob. "in”. paid. Me law may ”Hum-nun ol an up. and my... N them .11 together and tta-ot-at-tsitter"-. In "eo-th-oem" My. aided Lymph-duparinundam of on. or trro-.ttt-uorwti1ttentrl.to go 13(0un. Maine-a. Ind he or IM.MMiI u boob-ping. willy...“ s "rtain mm of livelihood at which nothing can dispen- - him. Ilia income will Guam with “swank-theme to than the in- oo-o clout, “or. like in not um. peddling round his honey. he on got I In tatterrioteittuniftt-U it to I MO DUI!!!“ Mt WI an!” Manchu. Ind honour his -e-ilituastro Inn of getting it MW.Mwmwml-tm mawqmuuu. mums-nu. ”custodian-Mama) My ntoloudlhiobouby sly-outcry in the wi-tti-tu-routine-tsts- ”Valium. Br mum of tttis pipe, which - ontnbont M tool may from the have. tuairiadeiiveeed pun And a W. On. ot Mr. Juno's winter hallu- in . .0401. It is equipped with tho undu- - pip. for only“ " auburn. acid - Ihioh in now bun. Implied to In “Hot- Wm of about go do- -rtutteraadsausur"r. The hivoo no “I in Whoa“. we Inning boon first than .0000 that the "an“ m “was. ad that ther have enough of honey to In: .5- Sum. The moisture generated by the but you cl Mil], aud tho cou- uqmna in that the “och can. on: in twin: in In good condition " they go mm Cu: or Po-mo.--. ull by. ago. Mr. Obadiah Cannon. 01'th city. had coo-lion to roman u few root: of MI Ivy from the {am of Mr. Complitt, on th. Who W. which ho momm- louly did with his mid undo. Not long Who was wind with th nltmtqt “has“. itching ova tho and" body, ind, - To and. the "tietiott still - ml. the skin [new dry and paid odi- but nod... imparting . pain WM tho entire undue. “400,055“be ho. and hull. Under followed br m.eiiisusodudummation. By momentum mum tahead I“ -tug.othntt-tusabuttt opon his ”a, nad an extol-m“ van corn-pond- 't.- Fa-.--The Intro-l -.nn-tutthortnMD.Mer- ImbCo..uanmihon.thom pad rarrsent, nu! up!“ the hop. U M who and)“ - I‘ll Wu about“. M been “Mann-inhale“. MM tit-tnthi.eeu-r-huRrttrttt. “of!“ mam any-it. i-aiu-o-tMui-ttte i,grgttgT,ul'rdifettx'et:l hm-Mdmylo-Ithmuhu “in pal" may!“ “whom“- impound. Mr. ,gu-un.imtarat1tehnhiet"" o-a-h-Meter.."-. “It“ “11“th wad-buck. lot-hu- "ie-Suas-ite-eel', 'riiivi.iis.a-ve"rett-te- asacGrur,oec-Nurlphl, uvwm», “dugout of Hadl- hd'hiol hilhosidect, hwmho THE' REVIEW --Eamd WI bu boon ”fund 'toawtuGo-tottbt.P_trgtothnt of Constantinople. It would new IUt the sum. in not auroard to - out the rumina- of tn. Berlin Tmty " - Turkey and the (inch frontier, And hone- tu. diplomuic Ionic;- of Lon! bulletin m to be brought» but upon him. bonito oontinue to nuke the tour) the Lower Province. and an remind with nary nah of loynlly all "betion whore- ner they go. They no " would ll Prluco Edwin“ Inland. but will shortly romeo their utop- inland. lining and to open tho Toronto Exhibition on the and of Sep- tember. The china: of Toronto an put. tiattt forth every Mtort to “can! the dia. Wed visitor: ”grand "caption. Wo churn by our "change- that thrs Township of Woolwioh in moving in tho direction of [touting o boon- to tho Berlin l I Georgi-II Boy Ronny. The Best ICO- lion of thin lino in ,1me u built {tom Waterloo. we mot Minimu- of the Grand Trunk nun-ion. to the villa. of Drayton, Ind tho mood action tron Dnyion by In, oi Mount Ftttest and Dar. ham in Owen Sound. Thu nu uooud union truer-u tho an. lino ond new“ Pt loan Mai to the Georgian Bay 3nd Wellington Boilwoy. on]. inasmuch u I l coon-double pomon of this diouiot bu " ' V ,1 . 1hirheyahttturt21 879 rend, contributed lorgoly by way of boom toth0uildistgoftttrt G.B.hw.lt. Kiti- quite evident tint if the Grand Trunk or hallo. from Waterloo our accomplishes its pupa of mining Owen Sound. it till be m " it to cant. in some way. on Mun-tin!) with the G. B. t W. Baiuoad. Indeed, ovorturu to this{ ond hove ohm-d, been made, but iron the1 M tho charter of tho 0. B. t W. B. B.' “you that Company to make Pulmouton it: ohjoctivo point. And that similarly the Borlin and Georgina Boy Railroad in ro- quired " touch It Dnyton,tho negotiation. botwoon than. Companion hon. in the month)». boon suspend“. However. the interests involved no no important, Ind the Iduntnge- of amalgamation no so evident that it in to be hoped that try the “noise "td o upirit ot mutual oompromiu tho-o l Complain mil, before proeeod‘ng much with". bed“. to million such a hub of future notion I. will be in harmony with their individual internat- on Well on droning-om to the important notion of Country proposed to be larval. An oxmimtion of the nap of the dis. trut will “now that the G. B. t W. R. R., intend of Inning. will pin oottsthUrablr- both u to undo and loo-l aid, by running digeet to Puma-ton. It would thus tonal: n St. Juobl. Blmim, Glomllon. Rollin. unporhnt can".- of trade. Glennllsn. Elwin. Rollin nud mam]. no oupooinlly no. from then panning water privilege' "n the Count-to”, and connnoction with the G. Trunk guilway would be npowenfnl manila: to the busineu My done, " well u to tho development of the district gum-Hy. As to local support. this mun wovld tum-em the township: of Woolwieh, Peel, Bud Maryborough, And the amnion- bl peanut, lid thus obtained by may ot bonus would more than connhrbnlnnoo the increased to“ o! the few Addition-l mile: of nilw-y who man. in order to reach Pnluonton. A "Traveller," writing to sh. Hamilton Tina of the 16th ittst. on thin minty qmuiou. (Ii-paw tho mum.- of the County of Gray. Ind pluinly Mate. an: it could m offer We sulBrrunt " A rail. Iny. Thu "'l‘nnllc" writes of that which ho do“ not know. It is n wall-known (no! -" shown by an crop "ports of the Globe -tut the yield of when. oats, you lad bnrley per acre in Grey is equal to ttmt produced by ny other patina of the coun- try. sad it a pawn-l district. from the wand-no. Ind auction“ of in water not! the powliu‘ WMimy of in soil foe the youth of hay pd mot my.“ u -ior to any otitee my in in Product. The "tr-ttses-ttreno-o-nd points to at " a: «New of sterility. Well, it inn. “than." I!" “on“ to to [and "att-sd be. “I them, but ,r.it.verttouaratutthuutobo"' on u n oopduivo "column-u. 0n boom victim-tonal. mend -tti--am.,brttsirtuathe "-ntee--r--thottili' found tttbe-ri-rig-sod M Why. no. that who. runny -aittmie.timtis mom-awmbnmotwd3huu Wm. Im,ubthom d‘hOCo-ty of an, it shall not“ o-ditty-ami-d-ot'. mm nlo- . “I or non -att-r.rivi1-_rrtt-, ”human-win...” -aur.iat-Fthi"-'tr -Tho Hamlin of Imo 3nd “arm": autumn-Inn”: Mmmwhoh“hun"d indmiritt to My hand. a! ,rtt-bF_tlhonriiibe pm- vlhiktb may Company which is hunk mouth to "0ttt u. _ THE RA! LWAY QUESTION sowq - means. the hen. gentlemen said " thetweareat present passing three-he a Ml end. Yonwers led'te believe thetthe commercial depression was due to the existence a a Liberal Government in the Dominion. You were led to believe that themnment the Government should C be - a new on at prosperity would t' be inangtirated. .Yon were led.to_belieVe that the depression in backstoch, that the C tinastaial disasters occurring here and there under the general name of bankruptcies. l would all cease. Farmers were given to understand that a duty would he im. mediately placed on foreign produeu,wuierh , would raise the prices of their products in I this country. Nut one single promise made q has been realized. The commercial de. pression, instead of becoming lighter after I I the defeat of the late Government, became t deeper and more terrible. Since that t dime bank stocks have sunk over 20 per l cent. ; one-fourth ore little less of the cm i tire banking capital of the country has dis. appeared in this manner. During that time , three banks have been compelled to sus~ I pond payment; during that period there I has been a greater teeling ot dietreu l amongst many of our manufacturing else: l sea ', there has been no use in the price of the commodities which we have for sale; I the state of our shipping has been worse I then ever. and with all this has been ia. I augurated an era of taxation which will I hear most heavily on all interests of the I people. but especially upon those who have addressed me to-night. (Hear, hear and cheers.) The sources of wealth are in the labour of the workingmnn, the farmer, and the artisan. end an unjust protectionist law like that which exists at pmsent only steps in to distribute that wealth to those who never worked for it. (Cheers.) It is utterly impossible, it is contrary to the first laws of nature. it is sontrnry to all ex» perience. that we should be able by addio tioual taxation to enrich ourselves, and while there is a plausibility in the state- I meat that we must protect our own work- [ ingmen against competition from abroad I there is also a deep fallacyin the statement. I No nation produces all that it requiremend I any attempt in Canada to grow tea or other I products of tropical countries would utterly I fail, as would any attempt to produce in ' those countries the products of the temper- I ate zone. In places, too, where there are vast beds of coal and iron there are nd. t vantages for manufacturing which com- , munities destitute of those minerals do not i possess. We are therefore compelled un- I der these circumstances to exchange corn- moditiea one with another. Now it is I utterly impossible that you can restrict ini- f portations by protectionist laws without also restricting your esportations. All I exchanges are made by barter. In Eng. t land during the last few. years there has been a ttifreNrttee between the importation. . and eaportations of about '80,000,000, that is. their imports were of the value of '. 260,000,000 more than their exports. Did I England send to those countries with which I she traded bullion to this amount. Not at , all. The amount of specie exported in , those tour years did not amount to one-half the amount of difference for one year. ', (Applause.) Bo that it is thus shown by a I course of proof which is indisputable that t we make our exchanges by a process of l barter. We send to other countries our I natural products such as timber and grain. l ' and also many manufactures in which wesl, a excel. and for these we buy the products of i ' those countries. This is done no doubt ' through a course of exchange in which bills , of exchange take the place ot money. but ' there is no exchange of bullion. of the hard 1 money, which is after all the reel standard , of values in these countries. We are in the position in Canada of having adopted a I busB1 policy which is utterly at variance , with our historical tendencies, and we are I endeavouring to limit our importations. t while " the same time we are endeavour. . ingto increase our eaportations. [have t always believed that what mainly conduces t to the prosperity of country is to make it a , cheap country tor the workingman. The l workingmen under protectionist doctrines t may tor a few years have nominally higher . wages. but he is taxed much higher tor . all the articles which go to provide for ' the necessities of his existence. and there. . fore his wages here not the pnrehseing pout which mull m: would have “60:qu and oqtdtsbU dual mien. That hall been iilaauated Io well in the but“, of the United Stab: thnt I will not consume time in giving not. detailed The Government of Mr John A. Mao. donald in doutminod to render itself u no- torious u that of Gourd Ink-on. in making the civil Ionic suburviont to the van ml nonunion cit!» putty in pow. at. “GM”. ofthe victor! in seizing the Ipoilo “can“! tttis timo in connection with a tummy. 1’91“an unions, to which n undid refer no "at. the Gov-rum; ol the Dominion punk-nod up him Du Ltrthmiiofttri and Trunk Baum: exuding {tom Biviou in In}. In Mini-u at the handout] Mm. to Ptiq't I‘VE. It Quint. Thy pull. was an“ on My' but. a! the ow uh m in; aqua-nil. tho with; on!” line.“ the following Ar. Wot. only in tho 'rsemt'tnetttbemiatiuundormihmret4b dab ambled “them uni-i Md- ly prevented the bin hail; thy depot. m our: DEMoNtmiATMyN. FURTHER DASMISSALS. “no... Mr. [minis Bowoluwho u. on hood the lain, invaded to the crowd. Emu. Joshua Woodland. jr., tad John Cinch an pushing along the budding of their new dwelling houses. WI but received the mint)“: of Proton Council from m. obliging Clothbut In my thin to tind up“. for than in this mm. The, will nppeu‘ in our next inane. minim: Government. Mn. B. Con: has hid down . new side walk between an bridge on Lambton street Ind Gum“ “not, which. when finish. ed. will be I nub-tomb! piece of work. BIO!“ Bonn. --Thururry but Mr. Hector McPheo. of Normanby, got on tho back of I can wuhout . Inner. Being thrown " his collu- bum uni shoulder blade wu bwkon. The pntiem is recover- ing nicely. The remains of the late William J “hon were brought to Durham Int evening, having taken lines last Friday morning to roach thil town. The funeral will take plum to-day n two o'clock, to the English Church Cemetery. Two week: ago: terrible cyclone did grout dunno to life and property is And around Buck-ache, New Brunswick. A number of people were killed, more Hun oighty bonus und burns blown down and dertroyed. Over 'i00,000 damage was done. Fm ix su.rox.-About twelve o‘clock on Tuesday night three buildiugu. owned ml ireopuied by Mr. E. A. Morris In rtoro 3nd dwalliug won burned. The loss is partially covered by immune on the build Eng, ti,iso in the Wmrtera, and Moo on the goods and furniture. The cause ot the fire is unknown. Fmw--0ts Saturday evening. 16th inn., while Mr. Win. Wobuter. of Yeovil, was takiug tea his Itnm saw And shinglo mill was observed to be on fire, The fire spread so rapidly that nothing whutever w“ saved. Loss .8000. Inmmuee ttooo, This makes the sixth mill burned down in this section within the hut (aw in "ttia-Confederate. MaomrrurBs' Count-On Wednesday evening Int Mrs. Splnow was brought be. ton Hit Worship the Mayor and Alex. Cochran, Thur, J. I'., charged by Mrs. Rowland with "maul! Ind using abusive abusive Immune." The case was adjourn- ml until Friday ovauinmwhen Mrs. Farrow Whit convicted, tine and can“ amountiag to 05.50. All tho parlie; live in Durham. Mn.“ BtmgBtr.--On Tuesday night lust fhtrmss were observed inning from the grist mill owned by Mr. Thou. Rogers, in Cedar- ville. An ‘ellrin mm speedily given bus the fire had gained Inch headway thnt it was impossible to t$tbVtt the building and it was totally deutroyed together with ull the contents, including I quantity of grain and fiour. In spite of tho effort: of the neigh. burn the tire also uprnd to the neighboring etenm am mill owned by Mr. Samuel Rogers, and it wan elm destroyed, together with some lumber. In the latter it is an. dentood that the engine boiler will not be injured mnterinlly. but that the engine will be useless. We have unt,heerd'wh|t the loss is estimated at, but it must be con- nidenble. There wu no insurance on the irroptrrtr--lfount Fame Examiner. D-m-ie menngere of the Blue.) vele cheese factory and others were thrown into considerable excitement over the Bad. den ditrsppearattmt of Syphon, their cheese meker. who decamped Int \Vedneedny morning. He went to Bluemle well re. commended from the United State: end Canada A: a cheese maker. and w e em- ployed by the joint stock company there. m in a young, stately-looking gentlemen. and made love to more than one of the ballot of the piece. After the evening train bed peered on“ edneedey e lady with three young children claiming to be the wife of Syphon enquired were he stopped, but found he wee gone. She eeyn she liver in Tileonbnrg. he: not eeen her Inn-bend for over e your. and knows of no vertical" reason for hie conduct toward: her. m denied ever being married the day he left. --CliJrord g, row. can!» Auriiiiir." a. “final; um ”(hum willingly.“ 'ttgl Stt'ltt2i2't,uti'dct'ftg 'lrlrlul'l'i'iii'rl'hU,11Tll."lUl'ldlll mid“ that to on: Who your: Clerk uni Treasurer of tho Township of Pilkutgton, retired the two moaned two hundred dolls: note in the Merchanll' Bunk hue. and but tho Township debenture. which wu bald " counted "tatrity,ltattd. ad our to tho Council. We might “to that we cumin“! this debenture and found tht the bunk had detached one of the win-inhuman: the “In. no nuk- h. the What. worth [on by that nmouut that what“ an pluod in their lunch. yr. 30, he“ also Futtd that, should he Puma-mu Towns]: Couxcm. - We an placed to notice thatpn Tuouluy last, oonnu iobo who the Smt Jirist November aux-h. would ply Ind inmost tor, 919 We m In“! .ttto priryiirsal n- tUgita In“ 1.tg,,pt', val-bond 'msotingtuutrltitinio the township. m g1tg,t."g,Ttle2gitttittu2e: how he. the books M ting. tr_ttFteofthetttettirtrttetg m. an"? 'ererrr.itto WWW-F!“ id, for um pd, [Hunt in Qould 'Aida, Irli,'l in». For is Hf. of_h_iln beettusot no not the My ahottid 11"; to“ I" qr.et.ryrla, ttt the ire-cur! who! fiutt 511539.11: may 91' the iortelirt n: Mr. Wanda Roynolda. for the put in ELF-1317;}. in"... Local and other Item. refund to man b The Model Schwls will be orettod on the toth int, .1! it is duh-bl. um Modem: .Md pail-us bun-ulna on that a". no a“ nun: my H mulled M a- Math“ thvrork of In us- !‘0 0m Boeme The: "new in it hit. in“ {Ink they would open an “a "tlt int, but oiiur)pat mutuality or with wut object our antemponry could nuke such In Won: min-uh we no at . long ,‘9!!9."~.,13-‘.2 911.3!!!"de School it thoroughly cquippod for giving n bat.elaa. com or intimation to student. The Principsl. Mr. Armstrong. is I gentleman of high landing in lus [wok-lion And the mum-ht Mellon In" and the .deatt9 of a Normal School tmitsing and" (no new rrsgttlstiotts, so that students will ttad it to their hope“ to take ulna-go of the opportunities for theoretical Ind pneticul iinuructiou client! by the Duh-m Model OI My lest the and nouhly tsir) Wu held in thin town. The number of cattle on the ground we: very km. in mt larger then we have mu for over I your. Any trattle that were In were quickly bought up. except in . few - when there we- I diibr- of opinion between buyer and seller " to the velue of some nuimnls. The price: paid renged from 014 to $82 for sworn, and from $15 to 080 for heifeu and cows. A number of oxen were ottereil. A good runny cattle that were not tht were offered Ind some sales made. Some hone trading took plus in the “tar noon. Most of than who come into town left fur home before now. no any are busy with their harvest just now. South Grey Agricultural Society. A meeting of the Electoral Division Ag. ricultural Society of the South Riding of the County of Grey mus hold on Tuosdny list It 2 p. m" in the Town Hall, for gone"! busing”. Directors proumt '.--0tu. Edge. President; Jas, Park, Clan. Moist, Wm. Reid, IL Btiglssas, Francis Neuter. Edward Ard, Win. Putternon, Geo. Hughisotr Minutes of previous meeting rend 3nd adopted. Moved by Chan. Moffat, ueonded " E. Ard, that the President, R. J. Middnugh. and the mover be a Committee to tender the condolonco of the Society to Mrs. Log. an. widow of our lata Secretary and Tru- ouw.-C'aaried. Moved by Char. Mottstt, included byE. Ard, that Arch. McKenzie be Appoiuud s.tt..Trms.--ctsrried. Moved by G. Hughson, semndod " W Reid. that the re; on of Committee on no- lection of Show Ground be hid over until the Directors exuniue the Grorutds.--Ctsr. tied. Moved by Hy. Brigham. wounded by Wm. Patterson, that the report of Commit. toe on selection of Show Ground be not received, but that the Committee be in- structed to purchase the lot offered by Mr. Eva, providing he give the same for 8000. --Carried. Moved by Hy. Brigham, seconded by G. Hughsou. that the Committee beittstrtteted to accept of Mr. Middaugh's offer of Moo for the old Show Ground, and that the money be expended in moving the building and fencing tho new Ground, if possible In time for the Fall i1lrow.--Ctrrried. Moved by Geo. Hughsou, seconded by Wm. Patterson, that the sum oi 020 be paid the estate of the late Mr. Ugtsto for services romlerad by him as See. and Tron. of this tio4riety.--Carrud. Muvod by c. Mom-u. seconded by W. Putnam. that Ibo Secretary be “thorn- ad m apportion the Guvornment Gum. to Townohip Societies according to the num- ber of members on their respective liste.-.. Moved by Geo. Hugheon, seconded by C. Moan“. that A. McKenzie's nune be ndd. ed to Committee " puronuiug end {eno- ing Show Grouttd.--0arrud. Judges for the Fall Show were Appoint. ed. Arch. McKenzie, Bee. The Potato and pen craps IN consider ntrly damaged by the front. Several parties lnve “mashed their {all wheat and any it is turning out well. A certain reuident of Shelbume. hold a p’nyer meeting in one of our clmrchor. on last Sunday between morning and evening service. It appears Ben likes to read a chap!" mu! lmve prayer It least once I day on Sabbath. We In told he did not may for the Spirit; for he had more spirit: thus he oonld easily get dong with. It would be I had qtteatiots for some man to “are: "How may than won any for Summon and extinct it , Per. lupus "E. B." could than: it. Dipmeri: is beginning to - again In “it tr%irhborhood. The "mttof My. P. Bum m in to" I». not purchasing grootb-at but oar. ing to petri-r-et the mic. little price of '1.” par ooe6-whutt and up.“ "tmm of “it," Among wood-doth“ who grid "hi+U0iirtwintar. Tho ti. " Our teachers have returned after rm tion, and are now randy for business, We no plead to to. that Mr. W. P. Bundle. d'lelnucthon, bu "teeeeded in obtaining . Second Gina. and. B, u the last Teach-3f Bumimtion. There in grant demand in Bholhurne for "Mm. Wthutow' Soothing Syrup" sud "thrttfrerr's Cordial." Poor fellows! Sep- nation in I but! pill to oe.itow--but now you have got todo ir--au I 1m. Jolly oaMontikwood budneu. In Sandy's 'itty"rfrltiAH1h_ - - Malt. ht Mud the Whit of may..." of Woman sud Mount“ -- _ you} 1". pt you: mad. License Innpoctor Cnmpbell made us a visit launch. Woo 90 the Inn of our town without [icon-e I m Gg-und that Mr. T. Lyons, of 19eq, in my tte What of wmbnu your sound. Womlllltom“ Mi. John " DoFittnirauedtsiitt-rtim. bun. Tlumtqtsudbetueuerotttofthas. Duneitk, Aug. new. 1959. 2m. m: MODEL scnoou Dundalk Items. _-----'""" Bm,-itr waded. My». " quit. am to to the mm” but] position on» “do! Bind h a. Eduatiopl manual-i I M‘wxmm his w, LTsGroaiea_oo with dc County Council. ind go tbers may " admin high in position in tint (uncu- body who know Im than Mr. Alpha don wound» "bieest, I propou. with you pal-inn. to W use d ttm arm's ' - - - _._-.......n-..o 1... To into The object of the “odd School is ttt unbalan- who hue pun-d mini-duo cumin-don. be. to “all. It in - thing to know the all. of that tr-tt. eally,but “in “other and very diluent thing to know how to and: it. a and: no that very often good ”not... are not! in- competent. touches. Thi- i-etao' fut is mind by " who Mn gietru smu- tion to tho “IBM ot duo-Minn, And in Grout Britaiu,Nrmstt.s', the United sum. u well u in Canada. Norm-l Schools have boon "ta'uutxed for the purpou of giving . morough prelude“! “winning " than who cum upon tb- voutinn of touch- in. In our Province them are glued, are Home! Schools. one st Tacoma and the other 3 (Mum. but it wee found that than were not .uitieirtst to eccom. due the went: of the country. To rorse1y the detest the Model School woe instituted and grand], to to Ipcuk. upon the "istiug mochinm of the Public School, for the purpnee of giving o Normal School trairsitstt to Third Clue Teachers, while the Sound Schoole. proper. " Toronto end Ottawa, are marv- ed for the me of Second And Find Clan Teachers. Had not the Minister of Eduea. tion devised (hi-expedicnt it would have) been account-y. on the port of the 1.3m.- mm, to build end equip two or three new ‘ NormoISehooln M. e on“ womanly in ex can of that required for the Model Shoots on now consumed. And to ensure titat Teachers should receive a thorough can». tiomd training in the Model School, the School Law provides tut .V4brr Public School becoming e Model School shouldbe provided with one First Class mole tucker end two "aistattt Second Clue kitchen. The School system may seem "baron. eome end arbitrary" to your correspondent and othere who regard education uhnply from a utilitarian point of View ', but Ioan. tend that it is neither the one or the other, with all due reepect to the Councill of Grey. If education in the primary duty of every civilian! State end every intelli- gent being will admit tuin, then. he can» pared with other oouutrUs, the edncetionel eyetem of Ontario, while more complete. caste lease than that of any other country. At the nine time it ie of the most liberal character. and placee the power almost en- tirely in the hath of the people. l I have thus, Mr. Editor, amwured fully _ l I think. the objections railed by your cor- _ respondent. Alpha, against Model Schools. l A: to the action oi the County Council of _ Grey in regard t) the grant for the Owen [Sound and Durham Model Schools, it was loo for an I have been able to “cerium. a sharp piece of wire-pulling on the part of Owen Sound and its supporters in the County Council. The retinal to pass the grant. It the June resainn is the first stop towaree withdrawing them, and place- the Board: of Trustees in a most awkward P" eition. Before the December mansion the school estimate: for the nut year will have been made out and the neseouuuT arrange- menu entered into with the teachen, while from the action of the County Council on uncertainty exist: a to the amount requir- to be levied for school purposes. and pouibly interfere materially with other or- rangements tor the conduct of the school: for the ensuing year. I am to. iii" County council and Model Schools- 6m, the nctionl of the Council of Grey he" unused the public mind, sud, doubt. len. further comment will be made. As nu old Ratepny r, I am at I Iota to under- tetattel ‘hom. I red in the Warden'a Ad. dre as the following ..--"i have much plau- ure in congratulating the Council on the sound finouiU position of tho County, etc. Then again I rend on the next dny, in the Report on the Warden'. Address, that the Committee regret that the County Trenur- er bud to borrow 011.000 to my liabilities theu due. And now. with your permits. sion. Mr. Editor, I now respectful” ask the Warden. which Internet“ is correct; uniting bin reply. I Am. air. your- respect- fully, _ - _ To the Editor oftha Review. Thumhy. There was . lug. majoritv hero in {not of "No Equation." The Gauguin. men were here with handful- of bunk bills, Ind I up» to any they Iuooooded in finding . low ofthe Article any wwhdmlled nun-3nd unrelated them " . low figure. now general. The “eminent ontoed " the Inte aloo- tiou bu cooled down. It in expectant! an Commission will sit in Oetotter to “at the validity of the election of Dr. Barr. but. Bixtrit" mum panook of tho ordinance. At canine he'd on Sunr- dny h “alluded Mr. P. "cannot u on. of the Man of the church. “WM Fur-A no“ um fire '0le to In" originated it t hm building occupied u I liquor Mo. our. rod in cam. on Tuesday night, deatrorittg out m diluent building: in the my butt of in MI: an! 'tamine . lo- a! my to the mount do!“ ”MAID. Thoma" town ind I my “new - fun “Mon. Mb in“ on Snub, morning the Lord's Supp“ in the Pmbyurisn mm, d the Bevim. The vote on Separation took place on .7 Att ou, Runnin- Xehncthon Aug. WW, 1879. Our crop- look cpl-nail. Run“ in Dtrttostt-Ne. Mr. Friar dispensed County Council. Horning’a Mills. how to M. St in no a... rule of time tr-tt. another and "er Wm bow to use}: lt, " and: " 3 mod scholars as moat in- ches. Thin imrortaert hot n " who bar. In.“ null:- .rttdeaAt Atrha, " "uf".'"'? - ""."."TT' M-__-'"-" rum» ind was“ iettrtetttit,hert,t1 l h - Eduatioql hue. The mum- not burn; , Wharton " m t,t,e atttt'ity,,ty?,r'rr'4 "M tum» with do "will min: Hum. may I - "tur,, an, 3. Dina?" snertitere,nrhott plum - .. e___a, r.o.--kaoa, Own. A meeting of the Dix-scion 0113100 oorgmn Bay and Wm “way was had n, Durham last 'l‘uundly 5001'an tn 1mm 3"“, t “a“ . itof st h ou Ills lino. Tho osniatato not be' quite ready It,? Poem“ ,.4iotyyH.tt meet we no“ "maul: will. an... runny light the Di-ttues not here, who purulent Wlu, n] “Elton-h. fund“ all Along the lino dun-lug July.“- wln'oh moum he. in. datum 0m Th “tantrum” 'm'now si inch, about two-M of an, Inn hing W Pt'""' Lou and bur. but The men of an mil-ll "lb-0.)“. emu funding-n an blown: Turing t m. who I." a W at he. mile-north off-ham: InleDougull, an no“ two nil” ' Thai. New at... the ascending dam an“. “NICK!“ W's luau. a th. m limit. d tlus town: Moan. Boson t handy have from Loni-huh Warm; G. F. Fun momma-oil's; 8.1::qu Ur. chad the nest mile, And Bird h Andenou latte nut nix miles. which bring- tt to Do. um. The fencing in .11 sub-ht 5nd hem; pushed forward, noun being turi.lwd mm consider-Mo mun-id laid dun. Mr. Jas. Bullivent he. the bridge but“ in bend end is pushing the work (own! with vigot. We M tttaiMr.Them. Swen,o.' thu: village. in supplying the iron work for the bridge. end Heme. Martin t Sane, .1...) of New. oo.aitumbt. otthe timber. luus. her, new for bridging allowing. It it expected by the time the next estimate i. brought ",16th tu-her 'sext,the grading between Mount Fol-en end Durhem Will be bsished end thet horn Palmerston lt Mount Foreet well on the we]. Botue lit tle deley he- heen eeueed in [recording with the work through linen towuolup, owing to lame enemies to the line hm lug eet adoata rumor to the ' that the compeuy wu. to nee e common phruw, “gone up." Whenever pereone were mum holding each views. they were "Uited and nude quite "tiatUd that each wee not the one. As we here previously eteted. the eonveyencee ere being mode out n ftsst u poeeible by the oompeny'e soiioitor, Mr. W. H. Kingston, who it ensued elmoul mgm end day It hie work. The money for the peyment of the right of wey liee in mm Outario Beak. here. end will be paid out to att u the unwary “anytime: no and. out. In aver-l lam arbitrator , will have to be and in. This will u st, however, hinder the mm: of the war}. vary much. The new] tho col-my Ire wrt. ling to pay in much on. will to plmd m mun until such time u slat-lemon: in omtcted,awl damn-k will trat,yt',ttttt,tlt' ri sltt,,f wly wan tiuUV settled tor.-- ounr "on“ Con/W. Abboum Maud Duh-l Mullen. Wart hllod in Guelph. on Friday last, by the ombudsman! of I. conch caving in on him. Cunn- VALLIV Iua.war.--lt in exported that the Credit Valley Railway will he noun- plctod and rudy for tame Lennon Torouto and Inset-toll on the mun line, And from Struts-ville to Gm'nn wwnship on tho brunch line. n autumn of 185 mills. by the 16th of October next. On Wednesdny evening hat I hens v thuador storm swept over the southern purl of this portion of Ontario. The hams " J. B. Conboy. of Cdedon; hum lit-1d. nut Georgetown; And of J. Crockon. of Dorchestor. were I" struck by lightning Ind burned down. The ban of Galnn Dunlap. of Down-.0. w Mud burned down, null Dunlap sod an has. killed by lightning. Ihmat Senna to Dunn-Lu! week a little daughter of Mr. Thomas “Mud n! the 10th lit" of East tumtum In so badly 30-1de by falling into I pot of boiling water tint death ensued the day following. While Mrs. Wood in M to “(I her aulk mil: tho baby in " adjoinilu mom com. mount to cry. also ”at b “and to the infant. And during be than» the elder child either stumbled into the boiling um or was knocked in by the dug.-Frro" Noon-W. Wm. Caddy. Treuurer of West Hara- fraza wee charged by Wu. Hen-rm m. with having hudnlently eppliod mum-y belonging to the mauieipemy to 1m ul'h use. Tho exeminetion took piece at Fergus before Magi-hue M. Ana-on. Jaw" Cettnuech. A. Taylor. Robert. 808010, am! John Dobbin. hturheaei" the exudvner, on the prisouer being naked ifhe htvi any “element to make, be Ind, N have nu. thing to eey. only on... I - not guilty ol the chemo." m Ive- eummiuod to (vuriph gaol to stand his trial It the next Court " oompeunt jurisdiction. Appliretiun f, r bail hes been mule. Jud. Chmiuxk grented the petition, tho pliant)" L We hail tor MO,000, end two We to the mount ot M,900. A riot took tNos in Quebec on Thumley led. between two attqiotie. It dtipulrorer' moan Freud: Mi EM other the English meeting. The Fee-h "mhnngiu M. M “In. Mud unmi- wbea an“! by the out. My. One men. med Pierre Giro“. we. killed and I large number wounded. Ml. wen “haiku. Inlet. store who “on": is the (“Minter mm oonlpllll'“: is [on no} is mum "E" $3.11. a, in “it": wing-31; M d than!” mm to em hmuuhu M carstl" t in W m. colic. camp‘- '3? an, vomiting. and at. inn-um“ r !hom which. Thumd‘d hit“. it not atBttnaioua, die, “e ditty Glut upon 'lG'll1't,tfd PW"a to In!“ than teething. Colt, 41mm and ttther In": of tho bowels yield" who“: " once, _ 'er. "oehaer. In but -ryusl" weiguy, w“ dmharRed oesthebesdsof the yon-Ion. who am, “ma for shunt-nu. and“ M. Thmb“ 'rm-ded h died. Th. “it” In" and out. A “what of Munro Sum m huh- hto. and “magma” 1eey'u1tee Ltet.arr _.vt',' in the oar" /id" ..--.%.. "lu"""- TY-lure, tourist. M can“ lw m 1ttotgh'ettmtr diet and - 'su'2'iri, should damn . and, Be. f we: a Ind 7t,',:litl'A't thear lt a. B. & w. but”. Pttpi" Aida Siacigm tlghthtdeinee, “one of tire dun o6ters than“. he hard: work. Utes wet-dim mental vac-It at what larval tlaart if this we six hoary went iu he Tim o-ri. Tm' Auburn it. nun-l hood-1 in Toronto. m “'04” M Thur-day of I The chair can ace-pod by Dr. J Lthu. and on the trUtforrn m seveml Aati-iahod Edueauos alumna of th. teacher: u The pt-id-e. Dr. “ch 11 I very “Wm lecture "Yd-t d Watk- u ”milieu! " Win“ the M on I'M-y Professur l [mm-nit, W. 'IV. a [can "Education a6tke Young," wim- great poteeimt impomnee in shim,- m 'ie blow in full, m. in the tNae. It in not "el.s th who with the new“! Pott'uou'w by we learned Prom-nor. In in the In“ of home Work. n air-Me that young children m I PM!” You“ hog-II in Iron mg time "e. a the growth of wcwht to wall in in being "nu-I Knuth In: meid ('an the tirst of vii-m, alt-war timing thc you". and damn; we "treeedini glow mu t so tisat that the 'sul.: in. t-ttramt we» the brain Ind run-urn growth. That three terased WM] “0 hole and as pm“. the ”We mhool pen M school oard anrly college , gamma. it u . ttometiar cunt-n tbe age a “I“... Whoa u clnl l until-rd an... In. than“. unit " b at Main" . 'ttsr mm M ddiumg "ocean-d in and, he _ durum J “O first P"' gnu - “why. (2) I mm M101. “it - a nth-nu 'tutetat Idio- “I still Vary Iligl grset D“ Mtg. l'uder no». In M it Could be unl- Pout up:- ‘0 “d any vrry m- if be “CI m to Lu on: (m pluucily a! " cum-my uuuM He the.“ h M to due-wot “prim“ in. hard wd Thou but bet laid an! body don]. a“ u“. “no mm, A Cut aid. “in home of ch} to o Mtg-U And tar bqiod a dam our“: 1n 'rl"tiowr Ina-0 above Thou I”! th [alien crown " enry than [and Jjoy and love. Thu! had V“. in in bush! and Mac. ...“ mm The [Amh (h W! (In! alum- (uuvor unl have. Theu, How, “I. have“ to the m an. utopia. In“ “any in your Father 'e h- Fnhor'a ("dou- kequug 00m to tut butter had, " trust. on“ into life. Culmnhvu-yuoohor m. . .u ”and high! b.totr,--- While ml: - of joy " a... one: yd. h in ...s. Tish-d his! to ”than that than I put " - 'nmanhwm would uni-4 HMHUMI'MIO 1mm 1 w W‘s‘; . We“ then, hiked shout an pun ; And who. an“... Inn! told um M” In» low. locum but an to hon it- In. . a and and“ blow. l and by In“. brow aud In “an“! vu vain, l “I" tU ”0* d lite had as} has light "ned M “an I - thy happy look 40 pa In] and lo Nut t Almost av“ in that hour that euar - -uiiiTsi i'l "J:_'_' ' --- .-.. Gout teuaphtisraiggi'1 WM. 13 Noni; and lam. bound oold, and Mm 1.. ' “(In " lmlhn Ind loan: mum. he h an“ of ttte all: lug: amount ..( the ctuld M h. per-mun! to tur" haw" the - d "tinnitus wt,e-c)s cxpftui. d hi. Vina and “whim. hub” -d, cl ending from of tive I.” you". “In mental r- ivaling W - I More. thr In luvlpl pundit!“ in Inch-and. The H: mould - min. the In: p'uy or the, In thn w H. only Whit hurl lu-l: do” I“ “M now hr done I will]. i” '..dnrrraotal "hut-n- t ohjclM‘ W which the young til - id ~in gray-d , m. - colon". qboqatttU, um (xii-f i m -tits' in “use. on d up. aod h. i (8t qmuty m tune, Illa m'* I u “I number. which I and!“ ". Quinn; of cluhlm l mm m chill-1 be lulu Tb: loll at. Henry, thou m ”up -,', in tby ”ENVY. annual,” 'ue bfitthy days. Hem-y, Incl nun For fhr Only we. IBIII’ film “M m d 'igbt. karma. and u. Th two - cannot and] Mid ta: "burn! b purl-non of gen-n! eduo III a “m “tea. And the child m I ”is ' ti-ti, would "luau I 'r,thout -uide -utatsoe, The h m:- of I‘ “I the mat noble ammo A ttte We. of quumty In that. “I Irat* hm Ind-- oetloy' "mun ”w other taw.. By the a tsgtt"u a-ther . child lam! to In- 5M 6* to an aatd numlmr of olq .M “I“ - - - ..-._r -- _ l um- - an" urn-0L1 - .. In thy a” dbgdivc power» A. we enema ttab' I‘m. that: Jud-d dehg viuWetr. Wound 4.310":an ahou 1'34”“. " Unbound TM ”49- w . child “at to know any ' he Iain. tt--B6, for Inrtauoc. " ”an “new” e'" H by “a; tt--B6, f _l.,nd te teaeh I "hrid ed IA l ll ow holy M Teacher's Associanon large put of an n mm menul .oR8e Huh att walk the plug“ if be what it on; IDNVlIDI'IIf . spent an haul use: pf matty W. T. hon“ a 'grttottrUt .4-.. u and

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