West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 28 Aug 1879, p. 2

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U z! s? 2c H "e Nr-tu-Grand Rim uni-I Mk III-Inna. Co., Gl. ' Dr. POM. " d m '2rtggi,-. )lilhn. - 8 Mon. T b. ceueer-"im . 0... Mn. Aunt- foe 'ef'"' Mei. I...“ - Quit... q9rarMtr. --.'ruP-Ctutst schnmoi-boingpmJ ”and steadily, I‘m it in: not with very little [not in the Utritsd SIM”. Bun-ohm pen! nil", hir-ids, to Whining-11th.] unkind" tho m ol the _ --Dtutsat-tutu In. new» In pod-cud his was orhmiahing the doc- trie light that “his, in chapel than n "diam-y (an bucket, And that 95 per cent of tho whole power gamut-d is converted mm ouetruity. It in with that coal oil lamp. my be soon " . discount. --'ra umber in (it... Btitsin eon- t nun to be ,ret sad no“ unhvonblo for tho crops. There have been during the Mason bury Min of ruin without number, and many hrrricnnu. doing ("in injury not only to the crop. bat to buildings ofall kinds. min. bridges. he. The nee-comic an Oxford bu boon Boodod to such a ox- um that book In" boon ailing our it. -For- time, negotiations hue bun procedilg with . vi"! to to amtlgtnution of tho Gmnt Western 3nd Grand Trunk 3-51wa Computes. Mr. cmmm, who was oppoud to “Inhalation, has ruin- ed tho alumina-hip of the Bond of Dime. ton of tho Glut Walton: Ind Sir Edvard Wuthin, of the Grand Trunk. who in in favor of mo scheme. hu Loon ofUred the nitration. Prount nppemncon indium that tho two companies will shortly strive " . baits of nunment ntisfactory to Durham, August 28, 1879. Now Advertisement: an. --ru Nembeu of the Dominion Gov. ernment who have been new for some time in Eagle“ with I View to obtain the Im. perial [II-nuke of the Iona for the con. “notion of we Canal. Paeifie Rdlwey, he" tiled in their pupa“. Their mom. it would npposr, are now direchd to induc- ing the British Government to appoint I Commie-ion" lo not with the Dominion Cabinet in nperinteuding the eonstmcuon of the mihmr-tor what purpoee is beat known to th-iv-nd to induce pri. uu mrpiUNts to uh hold ot the scheme. --m, In": hon the Confadn at: of Mount Fomat that tho bridge on tho T. G. h B. R. B., loath of that nation In con- domnod. trnd an! that in consoquouce no tmins nn some further up than the T. It in .Ino "ated that other bridges on the rod m in n and. oortdition, ttnd that in order to do bouillon this winter it is m- - to npuir than bride sud put the you!!!” in about! state. Mr. ange. tho Superintendent of tho T. G. h B. B. R. and " Mount Forest that the muniei palm.- will be reqnitod to furnish 50 per out. of the an required to repair turoad. --The Roe. Dr. Willis, hi. Principd of Knox 0011..., Toronto, died at Edinburgh on the 19th inet. The "T. panama VII ordained u mini-u! of the Proabytorinn Church in 1821 and shortly the! the dia. rnption in 1848 visited Canada u n downy from the Free Church. In 18" he wu ”pinto-1 We! Theology in Knox Collogo. Uhiettt up his residence u Toronto. Ind eontirtued to an that one. mm! 1870 when he mignod and "karma to Scented. Dr. Willis hu dwuyl boon "and“! u I sound theologUrt Ind nu nblo defend" of the orthodox hith. At the tim of his ninth he bod attained the Ag. of eighty you-3M; colloquial». Bums, hoving died at the me "o. --m, no duty: glad to notice the Butt. cou which attends the useful labors of tho young men of this town who go shroud to pull: their fortnuu, ttttd it in with plot-Ir. that w. churn that Mr Alex-odor Prue! bu boon honored by the students of Plum-0y " Toronto. It mm: that during the Into anion of the Ontorio School of Mummy Mr. Fmor ha: boon Add.“ to Mr. Hey-Ah. lectur- er on Mini Di-ing, Ind " the Moe. od tin union the elu- pnuntod Mr. Pmor with I an hunting “are“. Accompanied by In dogma, bound at of the works ot Sir Walter Soon, " n and cl M Mon for him -ttnllr, and that rape! for him In . “when --Tho UM Shu- Conn! " Quebec ny- that the protection policy neatly in. nu‘u-ud mum toproduoo my other "bet than damning routine-ad inexcu- ing the can! of living. But worse than tll I. tho condition oltho working _ In Quobu during (Input ,rinte. an" m ml] any 'mptor-t. Th low who bbond and" Dubrin Tuna. roe-ind q0to09-ils.Ut'tttt “lym- un. Thomntmoutbu' Gov. mcbuildin‘mwto I) ennui on bani-amt 70mm " may of “was employ”. hing nun-am. dun-n. In: ortimat.d and: mi ,.e.M-uareatpmmt Implant! i.) Mon-drum Thom-l a," -etHMth-dteiraqr-tkrat) UM‘IM do. no. bod} Chm-3‘50““ in Am in“ an“ nb-butqnonlyn-bi‘ htthisn_r_th-xr" um" ”.mdbbbor MM ”out. pa. in"... but uh. -itrAei-l.old1ar)y. Thnt '0“th Policy M a.ttui-6iaFotito im- r"'"----"'"""-"'-"-""'- timswou1dutoreovi_ttd- ofu. ‘bortnr the unaware-mam" Vitamin“ -i-ttar dam III that _li1'l"ltd"t'l.7."lll.C'U2u1'i'2't'io'Ci2 The Axmantient in“ at tho m Eddy- :tou Lighthouo “I bid by that)“: of BdinHnthontbei9thhtst. The no! a! rocks. known" the Eddy-tone rocks is situated in the English Channel About 14, miles south-vat of Plymouth. and, from nut-at Mite only Magma-ring high tide, and being surrounded yrtth w.- mfroln lit. mum-dam. it has been a constant and ' to moral. The ("pout shipwuoh Ind lot. of tile whiehoecind outbound! My Crow tho mason ot “going pol-Iona “a oth. m to the pmjoct ot one“; I lighting» upon an. Emu: nothing w done until 1006, when Mr. Winmlgy mule the Mn)” And -l.a in -'tag on the mod WW not iatherrutroitd- on polygon 100 [not hick; w? . qtpne but. This, tooth: will: at We: wu waahed :awny in me. The'" nest attempt was made in $706 by Mr. Rudyerd. who erected another woodsn structure with a stone base. This resided the storms of the Atlantic. Int was burned down in ITM. The present ughtlsoue was built in IT68- 1759. by Mr. John Button. a celebrated engineer of Ueds, who superintended the building of the Manta breakwater. the Perth and Clyde Canal as wo‘l as several other public works of great importance. It stands upon the sloping side of one of . the rocks and b built of blocks of granite. i from one to two tons in weight. which are ( dovetailed into the solid rock " the foun. datiou, and rises with a gentle curve to the height of 85 feet. Thebose is 26 feet in diameter, and the tower, which is tfreu. lar, gradually narrowes " it ascends to a diameter of " feet at the top. The light i. s fixed one at the height of " feet, illum. inating the horizon all around, and may be seen at a distance of 13 miles. In the days of Mr, Winstanley the only means of light. iatt was a few wax candles placed in a chandelier; but within the last few years oil knows as Colsa or Rape oil is used " [ most exclusively for lighthouses. It is said that Mr. Bmeaton took the oak tree as his model in the construction ot this famous building. which his now withstood the waves of the Allantic for 120 years, and which to all appearance is " stable now as it was when it was built. However, M. though the engineering skill of Smenton has been able to resist the action of wind and tide, it is now found that the rock up- on which the lighthouse stands is being gradually undermined. so that to guard against the inevitable contingency of the present structure tumbling down the auth- orities of Trinity House have resolved up- on erecting a new lighthouse. This build. ing will be built upon the largest rock of the reef, and about one hundred and twen- ty feet south of Smeaton's. It will be much larger in every way than the present one, but is to be eanstructed upon the same plan, and is expected to be tinialuil F ia about four years at a cost of 0860.000. Won on the mum; in still mogul-ins rapidly all the way bosu Durban to Pal. monton. Tn new lid. walk on Lambton “not in tirtiahed, and in . audit to tho contrnctor. Mr. M. Colo. Tu Stern-non! will be dinpenud 3t Burn's Church. Rocky Enigma. on "b. bath, Sophmbor Tth, by tho Rev. J. Camp- bell, B. A., of Barnum. Ote Wetland”. two wooks Mo, Mr. Bowie, Wood, of Elan. died It the ugo of " years. Mr. Wood lowed on the hunk- of the Grand River not! Elam, in 1828. Tu job on the hill non the old N. C. Church, should be done At once. u Iinee the reed down the bill In fenced imputiu wishing to drive to my place on that trtrmtt are put to greet inconvenience. on Monday morning last, while J. J. McMnllon wu threshing out Kandy. Sul- livan townshipmo got his right “In ctught in the cylinder. And it In: bruised so u to require unpuutiun below the elbow. Tn CIDAIVILLI PmB.--'rhe In” of Mr. Thor. Rogers. of Cedarville, by the destruc- tion of his grin mill by tlm on the night of “A. 12th m... it in min-M " ",000. Mr. S. Roger- loul 01,000 by the burning at his uv-mill. Thore is no insmno in WI an use following from a list of Military orders published in lu‘. week'- t7aatrtU.s-8i" Battalion, they. No. 2 Compattrvro ho Lieuunsnt,proviirionally, Joni-h Gannon: Sing. No. 4 Gtmpastr-- Tobo Lieutenant. provisionally, Edvard E. William. Village. Mr. S. McGhic occupied the chnir. It in propoeod to organize I Debut- ing Society. The last mun] monthly bit was not very well “untied. l Anna“ ON I'll WanDot.-On Mondny Judge Mncphenon nppcmd before the Police Magi-mu to waver to I charge of new“ on Dr. C. E. Bunhnrt. Wnrdcn c! the County. MUr honing the evidence of Dr. Bunker! end Mr. McPeyden. " the request. of the Judge the cue wee adiottrn. ed till 'kturtur.--o- Sand Tribune. Ott Friday he: this nech'on of tho conu- m w Vieited by lone d a» content “anemia-em 01 the cocoon. accompanied by n raging wind “1130an of min. Among mecca-liti- we no not!) to ot. eetve that the new Pnebyurinn Church in 'sts-teo-tit-in GM. on the Dublin Baal, nee! Bane-on Poet 01:... rue than do“. mm: in eme- vmdelunpetbthoud of “a pro- mo! the m. but they can ”he thnt very can the lanai-port. as emery-ice. hue in the beginning been he.» will an“. and disco-n..- Eoorootr.--A meeting took plouinElm. wood on “to 18th ink, H which it In! de. cided to [mild n new School Homo in that Mbj-thhml but... Local and other Items. LIGHTHOUSE. 'rr-i" £50an 'ru-ui-ttiso-N.," them-1W of Britmnh Haul Wan hubuuloudshd tho men ducks“ tu-m, "u--ertother spot. in the whoddtho B. P. of'rilleyt Go. A - and only dividend of the at.“ of Hopkin- l Co., ot Hum. '13 dad-r- ed on ttto Mth of August, opt-to 0ijan until the Mth inst. when the dividend Ill 1 paid, Mid tho nut. in to ho wound up. The Good Templnre of this place have iittaiiy nbendoned ell hope of em; e "formatitmi00aldt' of the people in thin yin-3e end neighborhood tn regard to the drinking new. end en he" concluded to ”in. their ”up. A in!“ of the clever end . vendor ou-ltr, heed- d the movement of late. The one he. _ mien to reading "Zimrnmnon solitude" end the other to the Itndy of "aioeation." his only " to eey on behelldtheeegen- amen, that, were it not for the extraor- dinnry elon- nude by e Mercy genuine. eoneepondent of A contemporary. print to utilize their speech. manor-Jenna. ete.. l they might have been nble to monplieh tl.eir Aim. but, nlnel they had to wbmit to the ineviteble. end so. tor n time. nt lent. to dieeontinue their labor of love. In re- cluirmn. the inebriete. and eevin. the young from booming intempernte. The Presbyterian S. S. pimnie 4t$btn6 oft on Saturday in Eherth'e flats, and wee n moot dmdel euccen. There were the beet of good rien u, prepared by the Indies. end apart- for the children. All present en- joyed themeslvu. .. in. Episcopal Church B. s. had their mum! pic-nic " "Spring Bunk Farm" no“ Elmwood, on Tuesday last. The wanker wu doliglnful. No. I-TU aural Compsuieu of the Regina“ will numble for mum! drill " 'usapmrurtnthrott Sound, on Monday the lat September. . No. 2--The men will be in heavy mareh. ing order, Kita comploto. and -tlt oompuny will bring camp cooking oquipage. 1 no Ind spade Ind an t of boot brushes. NG, 8, 1 And g Companies will panda M. Drill Shed u l p. m. on that "r. No. t-.-0ftitmrs oommsnding outlying oompaniu will "range for their transport in treoorGnee with provisions of Gonenl Order ot 20th May, 1879. No. 6--optains will notify Command. ing 0mm. of the route they propagate Me, probable hour of arrival trnd whether their Companies mll require an evening mud {or the lst. G. Blown, Tn: bonus submitted in put of Brant Township in favor of the Btrsthrrd and Hu. ron Railway will be voted on Sept. 6th. Fattr.--Bu-n tour end fire o’clock on Thursday morning Mr. John Jelly‘s hell wee discovered to he on fires. An slsrm wes immediately given, and in a short time s lsrge number hed sseembled, Int it we: found impossible to save the Wilding which was consumed in s short time. Mr. F isher's stable wu also destroyed with all that it contained, bat the "orta of the eiti. zens prevented the fire from tsommuuieat. ing with other buildings end the Home soon snbeided. For n time. however. there wss coneidernble danger of the fire spresd- ing, from the showers of sparks that fell on the roofs of the adjacent houses but every plea well well wntehed. and s more disen- trons tsoMagmiiort was evened. There wss nothing sued of the contents of the hell building or stable, and es there is, we understand, no insurance, Mr. Jelly sus- tsins s very hesvy loss. The total loss is "timaUd st about 01.600. There ere strong grounds for believing that the fire was the work otaatittttesdsurr.--8hel6urrte Free Press. Batons newest-0n Friday lest, while on " wey home from Kerrieton Mr. Duncan Stewart. of Normenhy, met with I. very painful accident. He had ruched I. point neer Home's mill, Minto, when the tongue of his wagon dropped from the neck-yoke. the horse: beingtrtart. led went " at e furious pace. The tongue catching in the ground the weggon doubled up instently, throwing Mr. Stewart some twenty feet in tho air, and, alighting on a. stump he sustained u. irecture of the caller bone and had hie epine injured. The M- oideut wee fortunately observed and the unfortunate men was at once removed ton neighboring house; medical aid was sum- moned and hie one received due “tuition. He wee taken home the some evening, and is doing as well " could be expected. Af. ter the accident the team ran some distance until they were stooped by the weggon being taught by e stump. They were then captured. Ind it was found that neither the bone! nor wagon 1nd sustained in- iury.--ausminer. Bunny yherLorsss' Ptc.Nrc.-On tut. nydly but Mr. Snider, Agent of the W. G. a B. B. B. It Elan. Wu honorod by a vim of s few of his friends Bil don the lino: of tho Wallington. Grey & Brno. And Bum. ford 3nd Tihonlmrg branch» of the G. W. ax“, My. The lie-hie 1m hold in the grounds in resolute drill shed, “a "ieythhtg pond at ,uasatsttr, m! w. t-Gotnattmtif'hFmut inhold in the no. plan nut y u. the “Madman " -errmrsethtarger, uni will m ur w tho “play... ofthe Georgia my twmingkon “my plain. Giraud: ll Its-nary. visiting ita interesting nnd ox- teuiv. Inn-cum. no. The 80th Bnthlion Band n» we guest. on unit-trial at the union u “out an n. m. The Mm. ton Band who present Ind good magic w given by both bands during an. day. The anion and other pm um around in TaGL, and my» m TU rmiivetueetrPf,t1t "' Tut. Railway. There wore about 2,000 of them 3nd they uppoand to enjoy their visit to Elan very much, and many of them were very “my they could not spend more time in that burrr,,--vioring the bountiful unnu- aut Regimental Orders. I.t.-C ol. Commanding. “Tho object of tho Model School. is to Ouch thou who In" - third one: 0:- "ninatiort. how to latch." Tho! in “only the notunl irdbemtete of my marks not! what I fully understood. I .110 "mit the principlo "That it In one thing to know the rule of {hm th-titnlly, but it is “other pod vary Mount thing to know how to 1W1: it." My munch nu Ind u, thntif I during the time . student attends . our I - taboo! ha “I to loom this from his ordinuy tucker, two months additional womb We may untur- ot things. mic him much if my honor. A motion of thanks. no doubt, will be {on-mooning to Omega for hi. msil-tim.d "with on tho mun-o and object. of Model tkhool.--e abject so well ventilated Md dummy undentood by that august “Hymn Conny Countrii-and it a thirty your experience, dimtly or indi- JairuGi V 7 L School Ifaum of Camd- counts mything. then Alpha will not be no In behind his friend Omega. Itis but fair to inter thet out preunt‘ pone of “when no not only well versed; in the principlu of proportion but that they ( All) “know how to teach it." This admit. todythm remain- nothing more but to in. eomorate this "how to touch" with the oranarrrdutimt, when required by students desiring to be teachers. If this were Idopt- ed the necessity 'tor these schools ceases. end u I intimnted in my last, their quali- tirMiort therein might be tested by n more Ample and Ian expensive prccou. And, it whnt I have stated he praetieal-ttnd I sincerely think it lie-tlien no such calami- ty will cccur " forenhndowed by my friend --'Nomr “Normll Schools" with their pn. l ormoul expense will not he built and there will be well euteblined econnmy. omega says, it is neither 'burdenaome' nor 'arbitrary.' A: it is n mere in” dint of my friend, I suppose u contrary "pres" ion viii make an IIqunro on that argument. Your ggupondent 1hmaga M I think, whom any "n“? m "r I admit frankly thst compared with other countries the Csnsdien system is the best, end no one in his senses would be otherwise than proud of it. An srticle may be good but very expensive. and therefore burdensome. A system may be good, but press unevenly. " this does, in the new end undeveloped sections of the country. I hove only to refer to the interminable war of books and the irresistable pres- sure brought to bear on parents to pur- chese the too frequently new adoptions, to prove that it is both arbitrary and burden. some-or school houses and sites, upon pain of losing the Government pittance. end ignoring the section-people who have not houses themselves to live in, and their forms unpaid for, are obliged st the will of the Inspector to build, enlarge. qurnish, he., " Omega must be aware that many such cases exist in Grey at the moment, and when the monies ere paid by the race of the Inspectors. Sheer ne- cessity compels the people to resist. either from the smellness of their section or their poverty. Take the teacher: as another item. And what other cl“: of Her Mnjelty'u liege sub- jacta are so liberally dealt with , And the people are compelled to submit. If my reckoning, he., are correct, they have thm months in the year to themselves. for which the people have to [my I I I have already referred to the matter cf the Model Schools' expenses. Take the expensn of the Educational Board; the year 1877 is lefore me, and I find it to be $1,000 nearly: This, I apprehend, is for examining the Teachers oftering them. selves, and it does strike one accustomed to papers' an enormously high. Questions neturully arise what would be the espouse of stationery ' In the instance it was ”80 That is for pone, ink and paper, I suppose. Ponder this item, Mr. Editor. It your stationery was proportionately " high the I Review would soon cease its existence. i Another question naturally nrises ", "How _ many papers could be examined daily in a fair average day's labor "' And then could it be possible for our board to run up so much time 40 days each or 200 days total , which would be shout one set of papers per day on an average. I confess. with all due deference to their aeknowledg. ebility, I cannot see it pssible. Of course my calculation is lmsed on three dollars per ditm-Gmnrillora' psy-mileage extra. I look upon it " expensive and therefore burdensome. I cannot enlerge further in this letter, and will only rem " that Omega is oeray in reference to the Owen Bound people. I do not think there is my wire-pulling; their excellent Reeve is Chairman of the Educational Committee nnd in very liberal on Educational grant; and earnestly ad. voeeted a larger sum. It was purely an outside opposition, upon the ground that Durham bed but one student attending ita Model School. and therefore if I. grant be made at all, it should be eproportionete one. Yours, Anus. As be justly up, the greatest argument in their {Mot w“ that the tmtou would it new from ttttqualified tau-hen. This adamant. bond on theorv " first, ha low. handgun on tut. I In: tut. gninbd with non than on. “who: who loot W work, in my opinion, than ifno 1tMmmerboerstmietedi. I“! School, “I Ibo-sh :6 Viking vhf-Q my judg. meat -inst that of “Alli." and his col- lagen. I think I In in!“ in (helium; to be convinced hr mumm ands. A in“ - of Profouiond Ex- attritaatimte to in one “mud w in - We tU Model School! won "tab. lished. They "applied tome tut for one', 8rn,-in your item of the 14th inst" “Alpha" cruise: the Model School system laurely. I should reelly like to know who those “but educationieu of the county" ere, that heve “listed him in coming to the eoncluuon he bu "rived st, vig., "that the" in no greet moo-city“ for the institu- tion mentioned. To the Editor of the Grey Review. Model School. weft "ntihtted than: for l tucker. but wore iTirtruiriiaaitriouiatrtsis a... w. n W - --. -- - - puctioe. It in unscented um pupil- ought to derive - deal of benefit by ruch- ing the Whirl; done while they ere " tending echool. Well. path-pl they should. but it will “wily he found that they ere too much occupied with other mutton to do no. or they any - think of it till too lata. Their Where. also, on too busily employed in drilling than upon literary end "isutitits eulrjects to here any time to direct e course of profeeeionnl studies. l Lastly camel the question of elven» " referring to thou “tending the MheoU. So long in than institutions work well It in to be {and that this will be one of the hordehipa resulting from the endeuor to umplieh the “greater good tor chemot- er number." Celteinly the expense would be made no lose if the Normal School: were to be utilised, but indeed very much incremd. In conclusion. permit me to refer to the l statement that teachers follow their Impeo- ( tom in their "tttnate of things oonneetedi with dilution. No one is fitted to m- mend who hoe not learned to obey or who in not ready on proper occasions to obey. Teachers generally show e proper ramped. for their Inspectore, but do not. " a rule, pin iheir belief to my man'e eoat.tails. No one knows better than the good ten-her the need there in for trainingin them of teach- ing. It the Model School system ll pro- nounced good, it in not heceuee the inspec. tors do so. but because teacher! welcome _ that which promises to raise touching to e Lhighor plum than it he: yet occupied. I am. sir, yours. Council met " the Rocky Snugean Hotel, on the 18th inst.,pursnnnt to the can of the Reeve. All the members present. Minna! of last meeting read and 'sorsiirmtrd. Maud by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. McMillan, That 01.90 be paid the Registrar of South Grey, for Registration tees.-Car. tied. Moved by Mr. Dnv’s, seconded by Mr. McMillan, TUt the account of a. J. Blythe for printing, nmouutiug to “4.12 be paid. Carried. Moved by Mr. Davir, seconded by Mr. Dunsmoor, That 020 be granted to Glenelg Agricultural 8oeiety.-Chsrried. Moved by Mr. Dunsmoor, seconded by Mr, McMallun. That the building (summit tee be authorized to purchase one box-nova and pipes, two tables, six chairs. two lamp: and any other furnishings they can think necessary for the Township Hall.-Ahsr. tied. Move"! by Mr. Neil, seconded By Mr. Dnvis,Tlmt the balance of crossway. at Lot M, Can. 6, be completed. and that the work be M. by the mover.--Curried Movnd by Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Neil. That A, Cochran be paid 427 for tour road scrapers for the use of the Township. --thrrried. Moved by Mr. McMillan, nenonded Ly Mr. Davis, That tio be granted to repair the bridge on side road 15, Cone. 4 and 5 N. D. It.-(arried. Brlaw No. 186 to levy rates to meet.the expenses and liabilitiel of the Township for the current your, reed threo times and passed. Application received from the Trustees of Union School Section No. l, Artemesin and olenelg for authority to borrow $800 to pay for the erection of a school housé for which purpose a By-law numbered 187 w“ passed. CJuncil adjourned to meet at the Town- ship Hall on Monday. 29tlt September next. Council met in Town Hall, Flesherton, on 4th of August, 1879. Members all pre- sent. Minutes of lest meeting read and approved. Treasurer's monthly statement presented and read ..-J. J. Robertson, rc- mad deviation on 14th com; A. Melville, re-roud deviation opposite his ltnd ; Wat. 1 Brown, ro-school debentures ; M. Akit, re- l Eugenie bridge. A motion of thanks from i the East Grey Agricultural Society preeeut~ l ed and read. Accounts presented as follo vs ..-G. J Blythe, printing, 938.45; R. J. Sproul. postage, 81.11 ; Wm. Richardson, trlegrams. $1.14 ; A. McGill, road scraper. $10; Wm. Ormiston, road allowance. $25 ', M. Spoor. road job, 63?. ; Wm. Reid, rotuljtrb,M.76; Angus Kennedy, rend job, 915: Alex. McArthur. road job, $16.60; M. Williamson, rout] job, t2.50; John hit-Rue. repairing scraper. H ; he. Watson, repairing scraper, Me ',, B. J. Whitney, road job, " ; L. Butts, road job, .038; Robert Akitt,road Job, $19--payment l ordered. Mr. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Pedler. That the Reeve issue hie order in favor of each of the road commissioners for twelve dollars etre1r-thtrried. Mr. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Wood, That Henry Armstrong be refunded two dollere charged in error for Itetute Intron-- Carried. Mr. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. Wood, Thet the Reeve issue hie order tor monthly ellowunce to itsi1igent-Nr. ried. Mr. Pedler wee authorized by the Council to repair bridge over Beaver River at Eugenia. By-lewe Noe. 299, 800,801 and MN were introduced and put through the and course end peeled by the Council. Council Adjourned. Shock: of "rt1squnk. were an in M. Catherine. Ind neighboring phat on T1mmUy morning hat. No dunno Wu done. Robert Raynor. . lad nine you: on. living a Sunnidslo, on My, 16th inst... got the trig toe of on. ofhil (not torn 9“, coming Mween two plnnh. IAat Edu- dny he died. heng luring id in on the ”avian: day. A printer named James Stevenson, aged 86 PF", hanged himself .in Toronto on Thursday Just. Drink VII the can“. The Egnmont Show will be held " Holstein, on Tuesday, October 7th. Home thieves no plying their rubric!“ work in the county of Waterloo. Aug. 22nd, 1879. Artemesia. Councu. Glenelg Council. J. w. Hunnsox, Clerk. Bun. into The Council met I: per annulment a Dunddk. on Aug. Mtth, MrN. n ten o‘clock n. In. Members MI pron!!! except the Room. Sunni Flemming. Euq.. Deputy- Boon, prodding. Minnes- of previ- ouI meeting held at Ceduville wen read and tstmfirasod. The Munitions of the Trustee- of Schools to levy sud collect rum - . l " -I_“I ya. the following Mom-Non. I, 8, A, 6, B, T, 8, n, " sad 1.. to levy sud collect the ml of 1879. Drafts of hy-lun were pr!» “and by the CM for School Sudan: 0 M 18. At this “as. of proud“. J. J. Middle. ton, Esq. wand Ind took his not. loved by Mr. Abbott, would by Mr. Almw. Tun ivy-lav for School 5..»- No. 't,.readaflrattitm' inconniuooof the whole with J. J, Middleton in the 'ill) Br luv " School who No. 5. W then l puma through the nun! any". sign-d, lulu]. “ground in tho By-an Book and numborod I". Mr. Agnew mend and Mr. Homing usondod. That hy-huv for School Section No. 18 he read I ttret time. Thu by-luv was also posted through tho mun! ooum. signed, unled. angrosud in the By-Law ( Book And numbered MW. Moved by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Mr. Agnew, Tint the Run be instructed to iuno on order in favor of tho County Tressttrer for "i, being a 'utittierrtey in municipal rasaerssrusttta for school purposes which will command an equivalent man the ooverumont.--Caraied. Moved by Mr. Agnew. seconded by Mr. Fleming, That e grant of " per month be given to Wm. Kirby, to help him to sup- port his inve'id non for the remainder at the present you, provided said invalid is not removed by death or other causes, and that the Reeve iuuo an order " the end of every mouth for the same commencing mth the last day of the present month,-- Carried. Muved by Mr. Agnew, uecouded by Mr. Ill-ck, Tint In additiomu grant of " be given to pay for the bridge on tho 10th commission, " the grant already made wu insnhieient to build it, and that the Reeve Issue an order tor the same.-Ahus tied. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Fleming, That the Cnuuty Trensurer be "queued to ense the taxes against Lot27, conceSsion 7, Lot T, contusion T, end Lot N, concession T, as they have been pil to the Towmhip Tre-r.-Cttrried. Moved by Mr. Fleming. seconded by Mr. Agnew, The! the Reeve issue In order in favor of Mr. H. Dugot for the sum of thh ir can“. money paid for mending tret'aper.- Carried. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Flaming, Tlent the Clerk be instructed to ascertain the arrears M taxes against Lot 82, concession tr--thutied. Moved by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Mr. Black, That the Reeve be instruetcd to eo-operuto with Tharp Wright, Eiqu Councillor. Artrmesia, in erecting a bridge an the 190m side road. near Proton station. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Abbott, “waded by Mr. Buck, That Lot No. II, concession 18, now on the Nou.Resideut Bull. be placed on the Resident Roll to Dnnicl 'telk-Car. lied. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Fleming, That the Clerk be instructed to search the books or by-laws regarding: deviation of road on Lot lo, concession l9, and produce the name at next meeting ' f Couueih--CBrried. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Agnew, That the Clerk curmspond with the County Treasurer to nut-min if the taxes are paid on Lot 18, concession 15. and Lot 18, concession 6, Proton, for the ym1678. -thsrrieil. Moved by Mr. Buck, seconded by Mr. Fleming. That the Clerk be nutboriud to correspond with Artemosil Council regud- ing putting . bridge were“ the Bungee!) River on the boundnry line of Proton uni Altemesia opposite Lot 6, ooueouiou 19, of Protom-Carried. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Fleming, Tim! the County Treasurer be re. quested to erase the balance of taxes paid on L 't 27, concession to, for the year 1876, as we have lean] advice that the same in uneolleetable.--thsrried. Moved by M r. Abbott, "eou.Ud by Mr. Black. That the Township Treasurer hav. ing received . counterfeit five dullnr lid from Collector be be allowed to credit him self with the suuue.--Carried. Moved lny Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Pletttittg,'rltat tt grant of 850 be given as an equivalent against 103 days gratis work to improve the minds in and around Dundalk, to be paid oat of the collections for 1879.-- Carried. Moved by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Mr. Agnew, That this Council do now adjourn to meet " Hopovillo on the third Tuesday of September, 1879, It ten o'clock I. m. Jon: VIBT, Tp. Clerk. Clerk’s on“. Proton, Aug. tg, 1879. any.“ n Bartttte.-ht the lingle null prof-Ilium nee " the Berri. up“. on Mon. nlny last, tor [our miles, Edward Henna. of Toronto, and Juno- B. Blley, of Suntan, were the prineipal oonteetantl. At the clone of the contact the judges declared the nee 5 tie between Realm and Bilt--both being understood to alum the first phce. It we. " cidod that the nee for tint prise should he rowed our between than men on Wednesday; Kuhn howeveryefnud to row Ind Riley go. ing ovu- the wane we. "rarded the prim. The event caused no little teataBtimt in auntie circlee. Beulah of": to row Lucy at Toron. to or Barrie for tin nilee tar bom 81,000 to “We“; The“ had mtbeennooept- a! st lat mu. cont " .1 slaving: for hit rerrrrUta man. life. He Wu aha in the night to . may in the village, and. and %emd. Public (“hug an very Mougly‘ nation the vietimpnd, it is aid. the Run although min; all person: again» (mm. molesting him, refund to take prneredirtgs to titrd mt the tmhseitretl new in the cut An older], mm and Ettiot,remidingin Bolton Ville wu recently muted w I Proton Council- reach-0d from it“. of the Th can“. Iand-ua t--Witi, an». fooling- of mud n hem to chi-aria]. m: “and adamantly accident wlucb Imp. pawl to Mr. Wm. (Runway, 3 nrelrto.do firmer living in do w. m. of the town, ship of Scott. on Tawny lust. It Wm" that Mr. Gdlony It: “(used in “thug . stubble fUld with I bor-rake, who L, hon. suddenly hoe-nu hallowed. and than him in front of the uh. And a. n m passed ova him one of the irov. “on. any!!! in " car. In! in”! him a G. an. of won: it min. In! tulh"ray m, min. that All I. not right. rushed to G qtot WM. - “I“ H been R "but. V“. IN {OCH him trug CI the pound "Ilium A“; the only mm“ chard by tht has“! will “run." Slteat one. an. than to mom-smug new. bour- who Mud: realm! to when lb. injund an. I'M lying. Md Convgyed him to his own homo. and nut m Ihs. Black ml m. who on their “an had but little hops of " roeovery, a, tooth at the rub having [unarmed m. his, but "may tut as possible for than to do m (on. On obviate lm sum-p lug. Mr. Galloway "mind in um um Luso,. "ate until about , p. m, whm tho cold amino. of death put an end to " mining. W m abom " Puts M I”, and In In]. nstd My up to (he hour he not with ma “Incident. m n. . kind husband In Mouth father, and m “5!:in all Wed " nu who know him. The "Men death of Mr. Galloway In: an! I gloom over the enun- neigubothood. Md haves n wf. nud (lam children to mourn his loss, a], , luvs (he hur‘iolt uympnthy of the (ultra neighborhood, in thil that ad bereuve ment. Flu-men who my be holding orttothmr wheat in the expectetion of better pv-m n then at present pun“. will do well henn- nider what in the condition of the stocks hold“ in Europe "ttte “me purpue For some time put “pl-int; have c Hm- of depression in the Bnuien export trndn in the region: mount! the Bettie, and [law these "pom ere reputed from the 8..qu TheOdem - etete that at rrev‘nt in that port there ii en woman: stark of mpwn-de of ammo ehetwert! (t2,82tt,0tkt bushels) of min uniting for purchasers, end ndde that each I wretched am . " Mung: we: never neon in my pron m. veer. Demendl f on shroud are very e "aree. Kevertheleee. oomignments l 'ttt t 'e inten' t urovineee came pulling t 1. one]: hriluinn to the port trom 100 to 150 wagon landed with I" Itinrl- of can. Tue "in". of this we: "all in the price of whom of two rouhlet ebout the bertr,im.itttt nth) ; “In: it will be seen tUt at olmon sst mu 12,000,000 bushels of Wheat awaiting shim went. with the 'toek humming. In tls. United States, there were, on Arte 2ol, 25.451370 lmehehl of that em! Ina-4n. cnm “in store Ind " ant." nmCoet 12.6%.- 698 at the tune date last year. and ".626- 428 on August 4th. t8TT. Then extra. ordinary supplies of last you‘s (“up br/l over are I. more importnnt element in [La pronpecte of the grain trade than 3:31”er to he genernUy estimnkd. Dzrrcrsxcms " In: Etmorrus. Cwrps. --trere in an estimate of the proludde dv. fieieneies thu your in the wlnnt cups " Europe, mule bv a French authority whuse predation: in former your: barn lo: n at» curately veritUd :--Pratter, “4.000.000 hushels: Enthnd. 190.ooo.om;n.1y. ls.- 000.0(‘0bunhelaz Spain.2(.000.m0 bud-oh: Holland and Belgium. 12.000.000 Ivmhoh.’ Switzerland 6,000,000 bushel: ; NHL-194.- 000.000 bushels. Since this estimate was made the eiurlo inform: III tint the pmqwt in Enaleud bu been-e even mun- un- tenable. though in Prince it has Improv- ed elittle. The tun-phi. ot the exporting ttotttttHem is estimated a follows : -0tvted t9tatms,t67,000,0tt0 bushels; Hungary. 7.000- 000;Io¢lie, 12,000,000; Auetnlin 21,000.00“; Southern Rude. '0.000,000 : Dnnulmn countries. 6,000,000; Egypt, 8.00000; total, SKEW.” Whole. The tystumtte for the United Staten it by far the Ureost of my you In its hilt/my. but isjnutfied by ‘the preeent crop [rupee-tn. bit-mule hr-.-T'lsteo Xxlnlm condemned to Siberian Milo wn‘md to marry. and fired upon three girls vi t'ne;t political permission, who agreed to (up Ile, and follow them to the pine of mm,- hm inhalant. Mining" ot this kind m‘rl ZI-r nted by the [an of Ennis. ml thr ti,rro convicts ware wedded; but their mm: w of banishment was immediately 01mm!“ to one of solitary emtliuement in thr Cell, tnl ptiso l at b". Pout-aim"; L‘pun 'wrrrn. ing of this, their u ". sought 1nd I-irlnznml nudience of Nnbou'ko. the Minister " Jas. tice. whom they mttemted to rel f rw we I.“ My Bard to - “I husband», " 'u first determined, to Sihuiu. whither Hm." wild imam: than. Ndmkow repiw'd "ls" he could not In” the remmsiri /rt altering the trtoditud nuance. and rp. {and tho them wont-to losenmr. tho oetufo?tu"third “on" or were! poll"- To Human. “anion they npplwd ; but in angrily 'queeouirreition. As W" In this decision of loam-w wu with known in “Mink, In was It ont+ condemn“ to lit a in most imam-u I“ all!” - dud” cum." “id the. "r W in hm by the hand dun-Allin. In thirty-two Comm. of ”Mum lo, 602 chap ltav"ee0iiudb, dogs. A farmer ostiamus that then a. M2,000 (was In “meanness; that it ' Bh mm‘i) In fend n dog " it would a. WP . Irs' that would weigh goo PM " we end of the nu; and tutifthiditven u, an duc- "a” "Vi... a “a woidle 92.’ 000.000 Mad! ot put. worth “.550900. it“ uh ttd M “a born kid on the new contract of a. Cum-in I'aefe 'trthtr, and it in W] [hat torrcMs will!» built thin NI. " i, "hm“; that an on contact to Btteit'ah ri, mm M GIN-had it til wig. M Min" mun" u any are a" rmmhtg, Terrible Accident. Grain in Stock. 01-). fred union or rain hut been an“ t will... Ont. The " t 3,000 " IGtvir,t Mt M' um I. not That may" have he“! I lunch“ th- l kn". not no. the "s-tho wl the VIII. They all no Gtemr't an ancient u ”1!:an the“ ', [lot we“ , Ala! I ' tla but duh “My qttttpot um. To that [Minn than boil-n01 I may he tby dun , Are q-nie duh t have not may now" solve, oss t l 'net tsNtpel sud "I'll l Isa-n done in tho way of Large trunk of anal-trod In of PM“ nu Inn W The upon in e-tst u Ottaw Ironing“ Me-- in to be rem Montreal to the apiul. The oma- You“ Britons and I tvtltolum i a“ hnve, NJ; t "ttton titgkt. of last .ve"s 2mm.- lm Ram's - "t'tioeu may hold “no world In away. Or Guth- OM Vandal. artsteeed on "mimic. a "-.. Fae 'lrd"lelSll'tra doeseted hm “mail-d b-et--- liut lime an nod-n: tbit---- W I All day q I on: mall al.- deluud tsith sreu.1 “do. Or Haunt in mun-J an I tml-- _Lottg en Caution.» we call " land when all Ill d.edo---itd tho huff thi. daze! ugshrium- tl l het thmqur to my (av-nave (an! ' shrill a mu an“ m mud at“: t sttoed tht tbe (Int day) [one " White on“: In In nu yet VLIUU I.” an Minty tttielt had dam [We old Father Noah hit Emu built, (when mid: “I deluged I y the Mr. G. no“. of Brot1w Hm hay In. all In: "r striking “I. tumbling m mat-him M W in my my: MW. - in w h hesd strikiae tU “OM. "attend on up Soar. FMMV W. we aw told. wrtrktrttt In“ Mm]; OW and tho -ttr--ate not». " {nmm' m. Mmt theur thrgoorl “yd the luau-r. (all; ,.,,ry M how - can allow} to ”It rho“. aatd, I, nWtah'm . "new. "when [cumin-e. So now} u!) lw - , tnhat the gondn I bkr than you“ - {or them u} r"r. horN In. “I tut and not I " Bll A. . m d form, how“ ”y, ther ‘*- would" ' .urr-rt. Wodwm'w. a te.trterV huh and Annmar- mt fo-rtitimt,thrrsrtr,h thr but '6'e trtthit - the www (and r04 M. M “than" pan (To . w! mick when n m'h' m mm In at»; for m-hu'f'v‘ one 91“.“ Iron-hon. in his v of 0mm The emu-Ml " hum ed union of mitwrr I FIT 10.1. ”“1” sul- for re nu. w. Fur and. Tapper hu ma.- m- " and miU for the Calm nilwny. it " Fun W. roman ll 11 The donned rm own in (In Nina! der the bun- ttts i'he “which (im-orm mom-oun- tloetlrWe “at Mnuioiputod [ml lhe town-lat. of “-Ilan uy-luw (mum .0090“ munch-n & Goal-gin: It: It is mm- on unwell n in Inn». at Ilanlml. l Show wring lat took no less mv-rn d M an allowing Can-d: Ohm their it“. Tun of the um)“ - any m In] by a young man cl”. on My week. m-h Gm In" Inn My M 0m Sound. Int um! and hunk mu M oA 'tatt" T mmded to muster my 'r. Mr. Tilliug‘ur' enmpi‘ (It " I orstlrurR, - as CANADIAN ITE examination oi tttsims' Baal. " mm at nearly tl J “0 ouch. an r f a each. my M Ml"! T " pm... we monumluont voting of 1 Lines to a Foss J." for tl the build" I". on 88. m the dunno -

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