West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 28 Aug 1879, p. 3

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u; Accident. trs' ', . i‘:~ "wa Pt' k d C, Rim Ta.", ""tr" '--o,,-ttm"'r urn/II my: :--Wi6 'r. I; m» to throw“? ' n”; tent which h (l many. I all.“ " Stf: cm. of 'botmm. wally 351". I!" was {ranged in "him -- 1 rw'vrqu. when " mum- frkgdam m . "u, - mit . " the iron m ring-d hi. aa.. uri. 0.11..” g k :mvo would“. It, rushed g. tho "l Leo, WW”. r' on tho m the a", m as "run." 'tHat ml) min. w. runhod h M X. and "to"red .d nent in Dm. 't' cLia. hi3. ml aha-40ml“ '"r"e.e. tho when.“ “I. m Poe.ibt. In. rim- oeAad tho 4‘11)“th ,2. m'dan‘ ed in h I.- , p. In. who. tan msd b hin mt " ,m. of rty up burg. ‘vlent. H..- ck an h “I. their it ha inw- tho “poring i a" : -Unihd “haunt” c w” " m ms! in“ o- nun.” sod “I br .50 w tho anti-Ito r the In"... . u jail“ by “-12.0”. _ 1...; Aha-u 5.000 M io I I. M to H, . m a.» entimnt. '- t the prayed , non no father, - and by nil huh at Mr. " the and" m2] .ooo.oon; rwhittr.. they mm). "rtird reap-“Ir nee. l“ ge- can”. m we!" - mpplid'o bat on. - Dannhipn 3.010.000 '. to ”you. tlurir han- d are tour, tho than r ”at.” y chm I the M' . pm) 10-!!- MIN" ~10! of Ja- ”was...” mm " total. 29t ”mama Italy. 18.- Ttt limb»: II bushel" t [mount u Finn hon-v. wenucn. 1.320.000 any: to their 1nd. SW shod to of Mr sue d. wife 51 no at & of vary fr nu .lnl a"! "o 1m at The ennmct for building the one lmn and mil" of railwry west of Wuun'peg has been unwed tolsiut Kym, of Brock- ville, Ont. The " 93,000 " "unis: "tr Filrhrnry Ths townuO of Wmlwich will may on a lay-luv grmlmg $60,000 to the Waterloo, Wellioeton A Georgian Bay Railway. " is now an matured he! that the Tie. torin Ritlest, o.' Mantra]. will visit Toronto n' the ope-mg of the Indaatrinl Exhibi. American: l' 'rted In tl .myod 94 too. known Is' mtler the Idnal m M pt (Inca! l nun cam nmhontln killed by Wham. m Tho "part b current It Ottawa that the fuchsia-l Human: in to be "moved trom Mound to the capital. A Bush Ares ity " 0er! Koppel and Mn done in Lug. mm.- 'tr " Prest glued. Sir chum Tupper bu ordered M,000 tom of st el rails for the Cut-d: Paris, Railway. rnmm ttt night were on. “army's: hue boon . breathing pm tori t - t know not now the "s--tu run.» or the when. TUr an we thour't an “aim! thintt-a" Inthnutrl shell; "on nucnem , Ah ! I Mid them thin; bttt ths may ounce! tell; To win: tunnnlmn thou bolt-nu" , or what any lo thy a)“: ' An gunman» which I have not solved..- ---Fnamt W. Pom“. ”crumb" 4th. and then prore in the "caption NIPqnh l f Lnrn him-m Louie. 0". my ml! take " mknowlotlgmcnt Thm ' g ("In H v ("“de to give, through the in” of the wig and daughters. Ali.” a- gimp, this :VIHYM” the lb." "r-te. n. “70011001“. thrnnzh the “an?" I - In thn n-M‘ the abodrly Mme m.. W. of, aw! the farmer ray: two mu by . te err-2‘s 'en . "Elly?“ We fur John Maedonnld nil; for home on “to Mth Sumo-tuber. Isl-men or hr Anon-ir- an their c, hum. - (When run]: was deluged ly the flood for tttsilt)-- In Runw- proud "BPro" had begun to hold the world u: “my. Or Outla- mud V-udals entered on Roma'- ntnbuuou d '--. En 'cTl"t,'2u,,i'NG donned his crown " Human! began- But the” m- modern 'l1Trat,,'t'e" than Hug-M Ind: y - 1 on; or: old adam inked “a. bismu- nrlual spade. _ Cr Mother Eve named the winning .000 of $10 one Q... of W.,', rol. SWIMV warm, we no told. are not "hing mm! mditstrioutt1y manhunt the farm. ". " thr mnntv ---or rather. amongst the lm‘ 'Iw- Th PV pm‘ their ample. to a. ‘00-! In“: of the )mm. tol1 n rrttu"ihle m of how (my can Mrorxl to all the goods em ml. Ly mxsropmonut'm: And pal-In- W, irtrhtco , [main-e. No money any It: duh trskeu' fur ' uh the good-And it you w M yuncnn paw tete then my time; I Loni Jccreu1,n, " we call it bad b---. Whon all a an dar'---.nd th. day and - to CA" “ad for "midi-the '"'""r m». "raw“. punt”. in his ttrighbesr. ”lb-C like I'll?" tLc. “one! mgskriuua tLinal l but thought to my creative fancy up”! A the"! a nu) she“ ot bond stone! h med in the duh days long "tmr,--' Wtrtte cull: NIH m nu yet cimntie "ate,-- Usctt on ehrottolosry ital! had date,-- Lolofo 5’” Fun." Nod: bis Baum; cutie rm T130051: I Dari 'rt " hum“ inns ”my solve, Blast CANAbIAN fiEiiis. o't like them they M mot u paid " An a matter of form, hunt", u “My Lines to 3. Fossil. um Jam; fur the purpose of ritsintt the building ot a High School in was earried on Monday by I mvx- Lawn raging in the vicin- sound. In the township. of Sarnwnk much dam-go In: Um way of destroying fenm. 'f limlwrod land in tho viein. " Isle have been completely week no In. “an: 'hrty-thrr o m‘lllitor Township wtre fined l'nnmh tltistle to an to and Two of the forty-thr" were md “my - mutilated in the mob. tltr "at "eapittg with osand men are at work on PY Rallwnv. and hopes are t the road will be cumpleled ' fdtstroying them. t' gum and nilvar on by Canadian territory in re- Irinily of Arrow Luke. It gm und .57 in silvet per running dream that b man River, which, just Suspension. is TOO feet by mm. any: the Thorold " lay week u had c It , mm I Troop ot Cunlry are In at Richmond Ihll on ml parade " 9 o'clock. t , Tammi)” his part wf His Excellency the “Lb-go buuerfty no dumngo in the vieihity here seems to he no nt'thom no laid to be no frontier. greenback: on now he lines. Beware of y! no one of Mr. J 15, WIS trusted "or Highnons the your ti re to his in therh, a Pam". clergy l Bland, opposite Knuth")? shot and n named Jame: barium 51:), Carried. Naval by Mr. Angus}, laconded by Mr. Corbett, That thin Council Jo "0" adloum until the 25m day of August, Igtil.-Sarrud. Junta Bkowx, Clerk. W..'; J. B. Orvis, $2; John Norris, 88; Robert Myleu, SIB; Francis Mulligan, 86; 'lgmuel Thompson, balance, 81380 ; Thomas oldi‘dd. $6.75; James Hunond, 82.75; Jeremiah Curren, $10; Jame: McCue, pay ,lseet, 310; Alexander Tongue, m; John Two btromns of lava Bowed trom Moun Vesuvius on Friday. A disease pronouneod to be Asiatic e'tolera is raging in the uouthern ports at caina. Moved by Mr. Atrtin leconded by Mr. August, That the callecton time for return. mg his roll be extended till the Mth day of August next.-Carrud. Moved by Mr August, seconded by Mr. Corbett, That Samuel Thompson be allowed to perform 4; days work on the 6th tt m. N. Fl. opposite Int 23 under the auperiuatndenee o' Wm. llnnLin p-Card td. 'c'ullitort, H5; David McCoy. 87.75; Fanci- Mulligan, s7 ; William Neithereall, u; R. Hunting. tg ' Abraham Jackson, 810 ', Wm. Hcallie. 88 l Wm. Bunn, $20 ; Thai. Oldfield, n75 I John Chrutt.'. $9 ; lmuuu Stewart, President Gravy In“ signal “bum parduniug 66 Communists now at New Caledonia. A new Ministry has been formed in Egypt. with the Klwdiva " President of the Council. Mov.d bv Mr. August, seconded by Mr. Jelly, That the undermentmned per-om re. ;eive the amount: opposite their respective names. for road work don. and eerttfied to, by the several road commissioning. sandy xcheudry. M8; W. G. Dyna. 87; John ,'patthomse,balturce, 817. 10 , Thomas Tipping, A white swallow has been seen for Ievoml vents tlying about the premises of Mr. Scott. at Reach. near Epson It is aunouneed that the Grand Cross of :he Order of the Bath has been conferred upon Lord Chelmsford. There were 81 fatal cues of yellow fever in Memphis last week. making a total of 177 to Mundny. Five Nihilists have been sentenced to lenth. and 22 to imprisonment for ten years, at Odesett. It is reported that Stanley. the Atrium axplorer. arrived at Sierra Leone on the 2ith of July, and started tor the River conga. France and Italy will insist on the Forte 'urryiug out the provisions of the Treaty of Berlin in so in as tho Grotto-Turkish fron- tier in concern-l. Srurvati m and misery still prevail " Cashmere. Cr£me and lawlessness are increnling at m alarming rate in Memphis. The prospects of the Engliull cotton ia. Justry in serious for the winter. Rains in England continue to overflow ha rivers in Derbyshire, Wtsrwiekshire, Leieestershire and Staffordshirc. It is Mated tint 1,476 houses have bean burned " Sarajevo. Tho losses will reach 30.000,oou norms. Forty-six soldiers we" killed and wounded. Moved by Mr. Jelly, mondod by Mr. Att- gust. That ttte dark be instructed to write to the public Ichool inspector to -tttttt what Action should bs taken with regard to I union minor-l with Osprey, Artemean and Menac- than, -Uarried. One thousand Indians in Northern Ari- mun no in a starving conditinn, and the Arueriean War Department is making a:- mngements for their rsriiot. At Lurgan, Ireland. on Sntnrdsthe rival mobs fired at each other with rifles. Two hundred police charged with fixed 'myonets. but were driven back. Moved by Mr. Attguat, Iocondod by Mr. Corbett, That the offer of Punch Mulligan b0 Acceptod. m. to chop out to the width of mo rods on tht 6th concession N. E. appetites tart 22, " in! of tho aid road on the out" who dared of stump. and other obstructi nu, she and work to be performed at the rate of N cu. per rod.-Carriml. The British Home of Commons has pass-ed a Bill endiling banks of unlimited ‘inhility to become banks of limited liabil- my. G. " . Child: of Philadelphia, 't,T,,ttl and political friend of Gonorll nut. is given as authority for the statement that tho Ganeral will not be I undid-to for A third term. One of the chief bullion houses of Parin mrtirttnteq that ittstttheiertt crops in Englnnd. Franco. and Germany will neceuitnte pllrchau-s in the Unitod State: to the amount of £20.000,000 sterling. Grant damage has been done " the heavy rains, in England. Raihny mm has been Interferod mth, and low-lying lands are flooded. In same section: the wheat in ttradmslls rotting, and the standing crops will not pay for cutting. Mend by Mr. Jolly, msoaded by Mr. Att. gust, Thu the Roan, and Deputy-Run ro- ach. the sum of 86 for unico- in “tending the Provincial Council of Dntretrin " Orange. v 11h. -Carried. In addition to the oiheial ,tMifleautut of the reversal of his antenna of court-mm- tml. Lieutenant they rewind a letter from the Duke of Chamdxioh eon- clmles witlutlto on?!“ m "1312mm Moved by Mr. Airth, seconded by Mr. August. Tim the Account of J. Ruturtord of 827.40 fur printing mun tut, and other mut- ter be paid, And that tho Reeve in!" an ordit for the ulna. --Carricd. rm": "rm. loud by Mr. Corbett, seconded by Mr. Aunt. Thu the pczitionof Boom Deity and othm he mttertaued,and that tho an of '10 be muted to IIppIOmOnt the 'tttto be expend-d by the Icahn. The aid money to " upondod um)" tht luperinmdoneo ot Simeon Cue]. pathusaoter. -carrud. Movod by Mr. Airth, wounded by Mr. Jel. ly, That the Trauma:- be but!“ to pay to James Brown, w, on the production of June. Sander: pathmuun unmade. that he pet- for-od tr darn lntuto lsbor for Lot 288, 289 and 290, can. In N. . for In. you "P.- The Council mot It tho Town Ball on Mal:- dsy. the Nth a, at August 18N, pursuant to adjournment. Members present. Robert McGhee, Eat., Rena sz. Airth, F31. De- puty-Reeve . Maura. August. Corbett Ind Je'ly, Councillors. The have in tho chair. Minute of Int muting read and eoedinrtqd. A communication from the clerk of8Ulburne, was present" and read. MISCELLANEOUS. Melancthon Council. Data, per bushel...,.... Dinky, " ........ Peas, " ........ Hay, per ton.................. Putnam. per bag............. Pork, per wo tbs............. Beef, " ............. Hides, " ,............. Sheepskins, each ......,...... Batter, por lb .................. Eggs, per dog.................. Wood, dry. per cord....... Wool, per lb..............,.... Apples, per bug............... MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate OiBoe, Aug. M, 1879. Flour per burrol...............64 00 to84 M Oatmeal per barrel............ 4 00 to 4 50 Fall Wheat....................... 0 94 to 0 08 iieadwell Wheat............... o 98 to 0 M Spring Wheat.................... 0 " to 0 90 Harley............................. 0 M to 0 40 oats-........................... 0 82 to 0 84 Poms................................ o 50 to 0 M "otatoes per bag............... 0 60 to 0 65 Butter.............................. o 08 to 0 ll blggi3-.......-...-...... 0 08 to 010 Wool par lb....... ............. 0 18 to o 22 Shoo skins...................... 0 00 to 0 00 [mung Skins...................... 0 80 to 0 M Hide: per ttwt................... 4 00 to 4 60 'ray.....-.-.........-.. 6 00to 8 00 I 610391;. Arm t8, WN DURHAM MARKETS. DURHAM, Aug. 28, 1879. b'lsmr,por100lbs....-..4'2 60 to " 50 Flour No.2," " 2 M to 2 M Corn Meal " bt ......... 2 00 to 2 60 Shorts, '. " o 70 to 0 76 Brut). bk " U 60 to 0 60 Fall Wheat, p"r bush........ 0 90 to 0 9,5 Spring Wheat, It. Cltatf... o 80 to 0 80 bh Glasgow... 0 80 to 0 85 Data. per bushel........ 0 82 to 0 M Burlry, bh ........ O 45 to 0 50 Peas, " ........ 0 45 to 0 tro (fay, pct tm.................. 8 00 to 9 CO Potstups. per bag............. 0 00 to o 00 Pork, per wo Ibs............. o 00 to 0 00 Beef, ,t ............. 4 00 to 5 00 Hides, " ,............. 4 50 to 5 00 Sheepskins, ouch "mum". 0 40 to 0 70 Butter, pot 1b e................, o 03 to 0 10 Eggs. per dog.,................ 0 09 to 0 09 Wood, dry, per cord....... 1 go to 1 50 Wool, per lb................... 0 18 to 0 fto Apples, per bug............... 0 00 to 0 00 "ugttertuitrtr-At his mm ruqhk-nce, Mount Forest, VII the all». ma. Mr. B. J. Humphries, used 90 5am. Menus: --ltt Mount Forest, on the 26th itat., Magnet. relic! uf the hm Mr. D.McLu-on. age “you". Fall Wheat, per bush ...... Spring Wheat " ...... Barley, " ...... Oats, $t ...... Peas, " ...... Dressed Hogs, per 100 Ibn Butter, rolls, per lb......... Gunman 4n Glenda, on the mm but. the wile 0 Mr. Juhn Cameron of a son. hicCtruL- thunk.“ Prierrviurs, August am, by the WW. n. Airhead, A. It., Mr. Insosld McCall to an“ Catherine Sunni]. both of Emmonc. mow-1mm Emmott, Toronto, Sept. I an 19. ovum: C-ag. EXHIBITION, Sept. 16, w, I! a " Nonmnr. " Ronstadt. on Bqrtomtter Etmt, PnomcuL. at Ottawa, Sept. mud till 27th. gunman Bouncm‘nmu, Sept. an! And Nth. Nonraznx, " waterton, Sept. Bard to 26th. New": GREY. " Owon Sound, Sept. Mth Ind Nth. Nonrnrzmt Usrox, at Onnuevmo, Sept. 24. " a M. Wrumtrttr, " London, Sept. Nth to Oct. Itrrt. SOUTH (may. at Durham, Sept 80th and Oct. lat. HortaND.Bt Chatswurth. on September 30th. E LET Omar. at Pinkerton, on October 2nu und 3rd. \IELANc'runs, at Shelbnvlo, October 2nd my! Srd. annxcx. It Hmover, on FHdtry, October 3rd. EonroeoN'r, " Hal-tan, Tue-tiny, October Tut. Duxmut Usaos, at Dundulk. Tuesday. Oct. 7th. bb tadairi,............... Eggs.perdoz.................. Potatoes, per bag............ Turnips, per bush............ Hsy,per ton.................. . Correeted from the Telrunpe. Walker'son, Aug. Ili, 1879. Fall Wheat, per bush ... to 94 to 31 00 Spring " " ... 0 80 to o 90 Barley " Fi '., 0 46 to 0 60 Oats, ii ... 0 86 to 0 40 Penn. $h ... 0 60 to 0 68 Potatoes, per huslx............ 100 to l 00 Dressed hogs pot ewt........ 0 00 to 0 00 Beef " " .....' 8 60 to 4 60 Cnbhngo per doz. ............ 000to 000 Eggs. per dog.................. 008to 009 Butter, perlb.......-..... 0 05 to 0 06 Hay per ton...............,.... 4 00 to 7 00 ‘V'ANTED. an 'gr,t,t,ti,gl Fire Insur- mco Agent. for th a neighborhood. Adds-cu Grand River Mutual F. I. Co'y. GI“. 'MO SRAYED on the Ranch or Model Farm, Lot 58. and Com. E. u. B. Glenda. On. Cow; two upotbd Moon: and one ha meer, with two 6 wt mall on rump. In. "not: will alone p on prom. Pa, upon... an momentum k 1.37. I The London Tina mnouncea that the outboritioo hon decided that the ovidonco before the Court martial in Atria. doe. not justify the conviction of Hunt. Corey. The t1nding. of the Court on ucordingly quashed. and Melatonin Cuey retain: " nut. m will be ulna-0d from mt " 0an. An old ruidont It Niagara Full: any: that on In "crop shout nix pox-on: no carried over the toll: every year. and that tour out of the six or. wholly or putly m- toxicntad 3nd loco their lives by cordon» no” or recklmneu in rowing above the rapids, going beyond the lino of donor. But for liquor not more than two lives, he son. would be lost many. By the timely In of the “not of W bl 8trawtserry, you my “on all dingnul ul, summer comphintn, din-rhea, dyuntry, ch Jen mo bus, on. nothing in on luunt in in euro, no " id, reliohle, And elfec'ml, to Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Striwbarry. And the ulna of this modicine " on onudota in war atomnch, colic. cramps. m nickuul. vomiting, and other visitotionl of the staunch and bowel: in inealeutabU. It in “to sud sure, and would be untried in the havenock of only tnvullor and touriaE Thorougbred Durham Bull 66 M A J o R " ' TILL SFBVE Cows this Scum: on W Lot Nts.4rartdtysn-to_VPtk"t. Inc" tf malted. My“ 00le C. MoPAY'DN. Lieut.-Cmy with. hil nut in the British Army. An kWh bu prover: that he wu not oowudly and did not nhirk his duty in Zululand when the Prim. tu. poison In: killed. The Presbyterian hue created I church in Denver City coating upwards of 080,000. It will seat 1,200 pawns. The stone of which it in built coan from .25 to $76 worth of silver on to tl" ton. Aunt er, an. New Advertisements. WALKERTON MARKETS. TORONTO MARKETS. Tottosro, Aug. 2' Cattle Astray. Fall Shows. MARRIED .. .1; " ... "uth............ per ewt........ " " ...... oz. ............ DEATHS BIRTHS THE Aug. 27, 1879. $0 97 to l 00 to 47 to 88 to tm to tr 60 to 16 to 11 to 11 to 0 70 to W00to mm a Ce., $100 1000 047 15 P2 pg J. H. HUNTER'S. Arnold's Victor, Silver Chaff, and Clawson, UNDER and by virtue of a power of "u Contained in I Home made by Don." 3Furttytr, dtm9.urit.tt .trtrt tn.tdt its. PM“ 3rurtttur, dot-nit huh: béei: and. In _ mat were“, will be 2'lt by Public Anna): At the British Hotel. Durham, At 125-3150.; noon, the (allowing m n ..--Lot number eleven in the let (16mm, 3:11; 01030 ihritia% Bosd, hi a» in the County of ghe mm. 1ioir-p1tsr loan l 26 um chi-rod And In “canon mu of cum- ution. bounce well timberod. Good tmitdings Two Ind . but naile- trom PritteTille, T " BM . t T'?, a urchun shall I deposit of .100 " the time 3f Isle, the bunny“ one but ot the pur- chm mung 1n twp wash ttttoyster; the "maln- chm may 1n two wash Chet-utter; the remun- Mtl'f h in can. or muted try I 1',on'lttWtt,ri ub a in trout one to the you. " an option " ttie warrettd to give "tut94stiort. __ -Giirta- J Kiri-SEQ GrGiirurarauaf. _ - I’ll-member the place. A. GORDON. Sign of the Big Watch, Upper Town D DREAM. " Weddll. all Eng-gene" III-'- a Special- Sale of Valuable Farm Property. H. PARKER, CHEMIST Jo DRUGGIBT. Toilet articles, Fancy Goodl. Tran", Shoulder Brunet, ac. Our Paints, oo, White Lend Ind Color: are ttll that can be desired in quality price In low a any other home. PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweller, HAS Just Received I. Now Stock of SEED WHEAT. 5nd Lump Goodaj Mmhino Oil and Axle From Me per gallon. .Try our Eu Oil, the ohonpost In the market. Clocks & if ewe11'ry Mulder, spoohlly in 3nd At both- price. Sugars, TEAS. Cohen, At tho new.» pan-m. plan. _ Cabinet sues I Specialty. Putt.- whmn‘ to not PM”. wtmld do Wet1 “Mull had no unpla- bolon lob. m. . and Pm Spins. TOBACOOES Ind 0mm. French White 'rbtrimmre w. 31401:. Upper Tow}, Durham, Oppomo an Blunt one. D I mun, Aug. 21, mo. “-1. =. nimml w“! “I“. IV" Imam.“ """""J'fbtu'lt, :mwmm: " m Pint-Ola." Photographs. Milburn, Bentley & Pearson, TORONTO. In” 500 Men Wanted, .-AT--. Kelley's 6.11017 to Stud or an foe than Photos. For further particulm Apply to August em, 1019. awaGiiiir" Jr Avumtas'tp, Oils & Paints. Drugs and Chemicals. MONlh.‘"~ Mylo-her Let, 181.: REPAIRING of all kinds. " undoni odhnvi th I u- m: 1'flt','ll'df, 3492-13-2 It“. a}... A. GORDON, Varnishes, Coal Oil, Dye Stuffs. FOR SALE AT MACHINE OIL PIIPABII " ot "an dueription, "v CRERAB a Mom, Vandon' Boliaitom,rramiltots. NORMA)! 'iMachine Highest Market Price in Cash, FOR WOOL ' The Sub-crib": within: to ream tlnnlu to their “more“ trienni- And ell-tome" tor tlseir pawn-go in tha - would unwind them that they no u “and [new to do AI lull to have . largo Stock of Voice ud Gnu-din: Trudi. mam... nuns... and Funrsesu which we will “clung. for Wool or all chip for cub. WOULD NOW INVITE THE LADIES TO COME AND EXAMINE Fashionable SUMMER STOCK Cami-ting in part of the following t The Royalist Trimming especlglly shaped for collars & out: Oar Load of Salt. Carding, Spinning & Manufacturing, PATENTED CHINELLA NECK TIES. NUSLIN TIES, NET TIES. LACE TIES. ERENCH FANS. FANCY PAN B, DAIABK POCKET HANDKEBCIIIEFB. NEW METAL DRESS BUTTONS. t A LOT or SUN SHADES, All of which will be sold a vary low prices. At The DURHAM FOUNDRY. None other need nyply. Burnet's Flour a Feed Store, Horse Powers and Separators MOWAT'S Hardware For Machine Oils from gallon, go to in the but possible manner and on the shortest notitm. We in duo prepsrod to my the Duh-III. Lulu. 1. um. yo Latest Improvements. etc. Low in price, and on good Long Terms to good men, who intend to pay. Hanover, May 22, 1879. Durban. May, 15. 1879. Durum Foundry. Aug., 1879. Just Arrived! WOOL! WOOL! JOHN CAMERON ADAMS & MESSENGER. DURHAM. Before pulsating Eluwhere dent teil to no our Stock MILLINERY --AT-- Fancy Dry Gooods. E. a: A. DAVIDSON. Durum, Mar 16th, 1879. Ready for Delivery at Once. LADIES MACHINE OILS. A. COCHRANE. J OB. F. MOWAT --AN D-- The Grey Review ",m Saharan a can. $1 per J GEN CAMERON. “dance a the Old PoetofBee, [mu-er Town, DURHAM. Tel, mlucribor in {row to Receive 1t2'tt,Cu',',etl M you“, at! In tho hunt Duh. on Ind Born Cleaning. A good “(u-nub“. Chomp tor Cash. Thou lacuna In a. bent Nomads“. nun “agglutin- to was. um Spring and Summer Fabiano min) Sewing Machines Por Sale. Jon: 30mm TAILOR AND CLOTHIEB. Beau-Arpt-ite the Canal: M- haul-1% mu Ina-u to than *1: r' account” iiiiiiii'Eiiiif2'iiiii?ii; villi-Milo“ 'hrlnTtftst',lt,'l','"' Rom do“ with nut- “and” Bones Wanted! oeurxxii"i"i'iev,ue- IStetgltti2d'i". *. I. w Leather, Leather. Boots and Shoes. Fiiiiiiti. LIVE B a 00., Dunn. Nov. t,Mr'm, lam. In.“ log-hr" mm A low Ant-elm BAnCLAl"8 W.W.JII7 nun». Durban, Fob. H. 1816. ttttlathe/Shu-italy,?:.?,?',?,":'"",;,?) . J. C. JOPP. Cutting done Ito Order. In“: We: tend. DURHAM St. DUI“. TAILOR, CASH FOB mu. in“ (Inga-l pad}: as? 8 Q m 5.3 fll a ALEX . 30323100!!!

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