West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Sep 1879, p. 2

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't, U E?. $.52 M thu a S. M. noun. Mun. Mabbt on. Cit-4MB F. 'ttswat, 'NA.,','." iii"i'L WM "1...." Vii...‘ J" an; ' --a-r-aE.thb,Dmtt-. A; ”the.“ w. "rr-as-r-oh. I... II A. ”MHWW “an kWHCUm In: is “and.” in being would exhibitor: on the you“; hilt-ya loading to the city hit. -ntto" I. Toronto and but for . inch in. Man striving in the city pm “on my touch up Exhibition [mund- br to“. many. - out. up». 11otel at. will, the 610“ up, be very little “and. ad mace-uh bu. been mnd.Asegtvt'ngttdi-rtts viaitoraat the 3mm.- mlnr “mm-nu tmtta. A" to may m5.- which will " h.“ mum-ao- al whim". no. mo hm cumhmogboms continue " hiding Man by - which con. laud would! on load” but amt till uni-Io M, aattil the at". of the Show. 'ro-ow It. Gunner-Gourd math. Primmupooutoformlly open tho -roa.nodaoh-obolmru" ottttocitrA-oimoturou'todoot bott-oexruonrtatuth-ot-tt gum-Id huh“, during the incoming Micah“. who}. mph but toe tmow-ti-tit. Thomtminhiuiow "me". -, at ruthenium. Thu, only on. not admit. holds Wish true d the BIO! tCo-tive) party of W I In "I. 6.0. During tho and. dtho Quota Lexi-hum which is no! new}, M the Opposition, led by the nun'qmlou hatin- of Mr. Chplo-u. have "I huh the .08: debunked "ortg to out Mr. Joly. hut “Mod with the hung-m and“. of mid our “mus-.5.“me batmintuttiaereyat.rt, Minn-at. ht. ”it.“ till bib on ot-att-e-et-tl-vm, th-r-ttnt.-. 'M- at. w..* d M u with“ the “I-“hm Hp sa.---. an In. a. na,rai “how-Q“. opting of the In”. they hunch than! tu End-tinge...“ a a. WEN-1 Quin: in my.“ .lmedrroted,ntordertotmildtheramdto “no latter plnco. Wo no authorised by tho Pnoidonl of the Company to on, that Dr. MM and In" enuroly misunderstood him. and that no ml: addition-l um will to mnirod in. tho "id uugaieir.liti" to build uncontro- Durham to Own Bound. My ”0.000 In” boon voted by certain unnioipoliuoo along tho propoood lino,and m order to oomph“ tho rand probably IMAM morn will be required. Consider- ing tho [not durum otuesd by the G. B. l W. R. B. to the ill-um north of us. oopodolly the town of Owon Sound. more ohonld bo no faculty in ruining this sum. .--The pooplo of Toronto Acorn ammo. od to polo tho Exhibition which won oponodinthoitoi‘y on the lot in... n chant-”Mano up In memo-“‘0'- loud. an the mth-hdMynrho Who’ubdbmiym u- .mwhmwwm D. I”. In the eonm of . debat- on It. notio- nal m mud-oat thereto Mr. Ohm In tho "eat out o! the bag." to do Ibo an best thinge-tau . ohm of tho w. Ahab! moonntry! -01. Bunhm u "ported in the Owen Sound Abortion a living "ated, that u mot-aha! " inuniow with tho Proud- onl of the Gown-n Buy And Wdlington R. B. tuyonntt “human-on Intended in this line of Mun}, that the Inn of 0100.000 would be "(mind try way ot bonus fton the ar"misirsliti" bow-on Durham nod 0m. Sound in Addition to the boom isa-tth-el-iii/tata"'" MNquW-wu the Bout. “and. . d-irq of ull trmiirtembnsnigretiingtti. cham- tuqt m ”but: numbed. buthmmOdipity a! the can within-twin!“ ~Mn‘bhhdulvim the Ouch» Waning and on motion of Mr. Joly... We! the Gammon. tho and Ann-oh), ha “journal an the “but into your Grit Cum.“ 1 will [malt-o tut tho Upper Home will with. dm lt- 'rproeitioa to the Supply Bill." “with. It in not the good of the out.” than condemn nu about. M whalo hurt 3nd mind in centered on the have. not! MOI of othtre, Ind u they “and m It. Joly out. they no willing In AAvqtt%rrtrrte this TH! QUEBEC DEADLOCK. A dugia-'ahed as,“ bu amid 'tet Mb” "eoetodk, - And "on ulna-1 unholy of otaid old gentlemen of true _ Tory Won. M to this he! must b. tt taiuted the Minty uh. uh: _ Q0 Gavan“. My Bill. The total t-nqpa my nun-”Minot.“ mm. that gm. with). tun-the I“ mm Limttonaa_eemtr. " Join '8 an M. lat-lief: www.mgooe." and majority of .- uni-lain Council at Omaha any, i _ agitate” the Li-t . Gonna, “It. .lolyhadhihd to bring whoudutyfm from the Unitod8tatm, um] “mum-bu boondono by and with the can“: of an Gomment. Than the duty Mhtu.tt-tt.ots when. the proton-dob- yedolwhloh VI. " trro6eet the firmer, not! which mltlboofaomo little uni” told- " this neunn “than", is nulib od,arsathooov-rtttrtae-iuetrs'rtth. podium d the notch“. mandoli- on an. Tho Tory pun- " I, “to "situ-tta-ttgt-eo"", ".ouiaru'o-srrerrmimt". qui- nhlt. VCyMHh-ill-I and. Whip-“hum“ than th-rr-tsins-h" all)!“ “Mil-swam In. Iva-diatomic” an privi- I-q-tra-ti-i) Mn Duluth-JIM can the '-itiott of lpoochlro-tb an... and that Ibex-dare but» but - at adtruuustariM tuathimottusvUe Thin. . and -itrrahy “a.“ “new t IN con-awn..- Bet ' b apt-Ida! in Pe inky of funny Govern-um. _ “by” mug Styli: magnum. , any out? Iran Lord Mada: Bu G, mining: who could “(Spine-l, and”. pumps. Mr. Mowat t line not we .11 boon no funilhriud with the "tuual daughter of ‘hinaootnll that it bacon. to Minot- ed-es-att-tnr-t Andyet bo- lumen denuded that there should be A l duty of "ventrtise, cents placed on every barrel of fhrur, BO he to enable them to eompete with the Amencau millr'rs, and tent a deputetion to Ottawa with the View of strengthening their claims. Ageinst this the Nova Scotia memben re- monetnted. maintaining that fifty cents we: too much end ntoutly opposed any further inemse. end the tar'ft on fiour wns allowed to stand at My cents per barrel. Nevertheless. the deputation of miller: re. turned home smartly well satitdUd with the result of their lelmn. although it was ditBoult to conceive how they could he so well "rtufied, mug that they had {tiled utterly in the "owed object of resorting to ottawa. But the secret in now out. It new that during the lat month or ten one. to thie on. ell the (“bellowed logb- hthl he. at be. '" through. the unite Int b I” Mole-din. Miaister--who tee-"need tr e nejentyd the pap-12‘ bro-eh ot the Ltdautrtr-tt.t be utreded‘ Ate theheeutive nut he pee-dyad end alt "uAdt.inutwativ_eaottu Crow-db latent Theoretic-11y the Upper Home he the - to deal with eey neon" min; ‘belore it, no it may deem fit end proper. but , in the ceee of Money Bill; the power hoe never been cxereieed. The Bill receiree the Giiii “not of the Home end ie returned l to the popular bunch of itlte hgiehture. l Such bee been the uuiform prectice ot the Renee of Lord, in England, the model unord- ing to which the Constitution M the Council ot Quebec end that of the Senate of Canada hove been determined. So early " 1693 the Bone of Common ref-d even to code: with the Home at Louie " to the emonnt of Inheidy to be - to the Crown, and con. tended. end euoeeeefnlly. that the granting of eurpliee reeted with the Commons. In 1860, when the Route of Lorde rejected a Paper Dutiee Bill. Lord Pelmereteu moxntemed that the Common- "hee in “not": bend- the pover- to impoee and remit toxe- end to fume Bill. of Samply. end that the right of the Common: " to the matter, moor. measure and time u to be maintaiuwt inviouto." Still further, May, who ie "gel-dell u the highest authori- ty by all parties. on Constitutional quutinm, up. "that the Home of Lord: has no voice in qneitimu of expenditure, lava that of e iomel eeeent to the Appropriation Acta." lt Inn-t therefore be concluded that the Quebec Councillors ere ignore!“ of the plivnlegee of their Home or that they are no filled with the epirit of faction that they ere " regerdleee of the good of the people on they ere ennui», at whatever eoet. to promote the mtereete of their own partr. It in one of many objections to a protective uritt that m order to Jo justice to II] - intend ought to be protected. which. in the very nature of things. in im. possible. While the duty of fifteen cents a huh.) on whoat, end an; cent- on every 1 During the days preceding the 17th (of September. the Tory prose indulged in i the moat glowing descriptions of the high 1prices and better times which would tollow who return of Sir John to power. The re- train we: taken up by every Tory stump orator, end wzu no persistently diuned into the our of the greet 'lubber' the electorate, that nanny lost their hoods and out away their principles at the sums time. These politicnl ndventurere addressed themselves partieularlr to the farmers, and succeeded but too well with their quack nostrums. A protective duty, said they, would be placed on wheat and flour and every other pro- duet of the form, so that the Canadian mar- ket would he kept for (‘nnndinn farmers, and this certainly had the air ofplnulibility. n we: contended in the columns of the Rmzw and elIcwhere. that no tariff, how, ever protective, could effect the price of groin or wool or any other farm product. for the very obvious reason that the price of everything which the Canadian {Armor but to sell ie determined by the demand in the mnrheta of great Britain. But it wee admitted that in times of scarcity such u the senor: 0(1877. when there eluted n shortness of crops. thnt . protective tariff would increnu the price of flour to the eonlmner, end, in no far, temporarily bone. tit the farmer. It wan also admitted that in the beginning of harvest. when the old stock: were cold out, and before the new wheat had yet been garnered. that A high ‘ duty would be of some Advantage to l thouwho hnd wheat to sell. However, the nbrnrd cry of Can-do for the Cunn- diene bore down n'l consideration: of rennon hum! of low "tistiod the fmnen. the WHEAT AND WOOL. the duty on wheat become: a perfect rham. Tho "ttters wtli an“ to. how ttttly thardtaro boon Mind by our pi Dominant 00m. _ uvithliauIB mm of wool. As linden Maw out an " pay has but: aqhnitt.d to the ratepayer- oanyton Vin-go. It in for 910,000 Ind " In voted on on Saturday. Sept. 10th. The township council of Woolvieh In! d” and“ I lay-lbw in tiror of an “limo. i-huuonhotav-i gun: the Hub and“). my. A for wonky oqttat. iou uni manhunt. In wont to be (nulls: with“! whilo tho great mm of the pooplo will ho haraaased and impover- iahed. Th0 utiolc of wool In his!!! dull with by “voodoo of the N. P., Ind -ialiy in “a. ttrtttty Q (in. Tb] wounded ttiat (Mime? would In" con- trol of hits own market And be oven ‘ with tU Yahoo who charged IN cents on ; ovary pound of wool imported into the I United 8mm. 'Ls-er, when the new [ taritt can. in (we, wool wu ploced on the' tree list, whilo imputed woollen good: wmnhjutodb Minty 0150 to 60 per omst.,witls tho malt that thouundl of pound- of wool on just now being import- Then is =, (“Edutain- -intluuvillage, . Tho Guelph Comm Exhibitin- mil In Emu“: opened by tttr Governor-Gm on an 17th inst. Anon-Dylan to an» WAD-doe. Valli!”- t 00min Bar Railway Com. but. I'ovarotr.--ArrEarly Ron PM W taken up the other day which menar- od " inches in circumstance one my wd " inrbu the other way. and weighed 1 lb. Got. The nodvuphnhdon tlteitthof June. Can you id bun Dip-bun t The Fleshcrton Volunteer Company left on Monday by train for Owen Sound for drill. The Company in full and may m . splendid looking jolly crowd. On Saturday has Thomu Banner WIS driving into Floshertnu with his father's tum. and when within about We miles of the village on lune took sick. Ho man. used to get to the village, nnd played the horn under the can of our Veterinary Surgeon, but it died tue' name evening. The mind In: worth mom 0180. Attcttysot-0ue (by lust week J. B., olden non of Mr. Wm. Strain cut bis leit thumb off at the firstjoint whilein Hooper'u futory. m had it dressed Indil doing " well us could lo expected. od tom England into Gum. and char the Candi“ farmer gets no mom for his wool while. a the sum time he will have to pay very much I u for his wool. en good- thnn he bad to do under the old was. As "t the increase in price in not very great, but so soon " tho stoek now in the hands of manhunt: are sold off and the new come into the market man the true NEW srmott.--Messsrs. Dickey and Wragge. of the T. G. t B. Railway, were in town Touay arranging for the rebuild. ing of the elation house, uud also for the auction of a new hotel on the site of that recently burned down. The contract for both wee unrdcd to Mr. Hugh Heleynvho will commence operations " once. The station has been greatly needed fur I. longtime. s, my: the Dungeville Ad, omit". MI. W. J. Graham. collector of Inland Revenue. has just returned Iron: a. trip to the Manitoulin Island to Owen Sound. He report- lnvmg captured An illicn still in the vicinity of Michul'l Bay, which to all up. pom-names had been extensively used, and was found in a cedar swamp on Black Crook, on the premises of Mr. John Snow. clan-cur of the N-tioml Policy It“! be felt in all its odiousueu. Fol I nice photograph or ambrolype try Mr. W. Black at Koluy'l Gallery. See Simple". Timmy“) " Nooraor.-iout three weeks ago Mr. J ohu Meaghan Normnnhy, had two hum of four stolen. Mr. George Moorer,in the same neighborhood, had a bag of sltorta stolen on the same night. A Snow. Excursion Train will leave Markdsle and Hartman It 5 a. m. To-morrow, (Friday) morning tttul . ping It iutermediMo “aliens. and will re. turn on the same day. One Fare tor the double journey. See posters. The Stnga from Durham will take excursioners to Fuslserton and back for " could. Tn plus. to buy good Hardware, plated wan, Dill. Gila. Rope, os., cheap. in n Mouth More, Lower Town, Durhnm. Se! advertisement. We are happy to observe that the RSV. Mr. Yuk bu returned trom his trip with upparently rammed health and vigor. The 11w. gentleman preached last Slbbutl) morn. ing and evening to large congregations. Cum“ SAL: of Goods at oost and low. at J. H. Rankin. Durban. See “ivor- tisement. _ Atrg person requiring a new no" should inspect the large stock It the Durban Foundry, before buying. Sea adv. The Proton Show will be held It Hope. "3. Monday, October 6th. We notice that mnuy of our exchanges have the Bantinck Show in tutr list to take place on Sept. Mth, instead of October 8rd, the date at which the Show will be held at Hanover. A srtutis.--0n Thursday morning last the laborers working on the MeLenmsn's Contract on the G. B. & W. R. It., in this Town, struck for 81.12) per day, they then receiving only " per day. On Saturdly their terms wen complied with and they wont. to work again. i Fol casrr.-Ti" Volnnuor Company of this Town left in toar waggom under the command of Captain Moodie. for Owen Sound, on Monday morning last. The Company mustered strong, and we have no doubt but “my will acquit thcmselves creditably while in Camp. Local and other Items. From our Corrupoudent. Flesherton. in The Dayton Telegraph says :--The Wag. "loo, ngjngton h Goorginn Bay M11", is 01%113. rd‘b become u: mom- was; The M-booh Ire annual the that m - “than up. Dayton “who! partingood gr... Tum it! new baton “no “up”: of WW uni Dayton; Woolvich will vouotttU 6th of ttt ; Dayton. owing to tha with. dnvnl o the firat by-luv ml the substitu- "ion of a second which provides for the lumen! of both principtl and mum“ [in a swing of our “mm the 'ryutieitmlit.r. on the 18th. The petAllity of the my- ing of both by-luu mounts almost to . certainty. No doubt Pool 5nd lmborough will do “I, who both. eon”. _ any: "eetompuiatua MW it - who“. _ It. Gm:- Soon. a! who. '" ouch who-coma zone to the Toma» Umatio Asylum. Our an Bra .P.Ud “Eaton Home" on tutardq morning last. The unm- blngo wu not large but "er lively. The Editor of the Bunw und some other pro- niult “than: waived lurk-d than» tie: that!» prinnpl! weak». Tho "DurUm Marksman" paid an I wit" teat inland. t helium pronounced our “Swamp" " A l and». and the vow trunk to his trate. Mr. Jul. Crydomn. of SGiattottttsu, w» This old ci.izen died on Wednesday eve sing, at 10.80 o'clock. The deceased we: a native of Northumberltusd,Eruland, lining been borne there in 1819. He came out to Canada, and settled near Toronto. he taught school for eight or nine years. When the gold fever sprang up in Califor- nia he went there in 1848. remaining three or {our years. when he returned to Canada. His brother-ia-hor, George Snider. Esq., was then Sheriff. and appointed Mr. Mau. gham his deputy. In this omce he wee very active and efhei.nt,tsud in 1863.when Mr. Snider resigned. M r. Maughen wee appointed ohms in his place. This cute no held till this summer, when he resigned He has been failing for tome months, but hoped to recover till . week or two Mo, when he succumbed to the disease. His deem will be deeply regretted by his wife end f-unily, who have the sympathy of the community in their "ietion.--0. S. Tri. tune. The Messrs. Weaker. of Ayton. are e!- tenrive butter manufacturers, carrying on a croamery in which a number of hands are employed. Alfred Auntie. formerly ol Guelph. has been managing the Messrs. \Venaer'a crenmcry since May but. and to the utmost satisfaction of the proprietors, who were led to place implicit tsonihUnee in him. On Saturday last Mr. Auntie was entrusted with the sale of one hundred packages of batter at Guelph. for which he received something over 0900, as the Messrs. Wtrnger pubsoquently learned. A considerable portion of this money was due to the farmers in the neighborhood of Ayton, who had been supplying the cream- ery with milk, and who expected to re. ceive their pay on Anstie'a return. It ap- pears that Annie had a housekeeper at Ayton, named Mrs. Prior, whom son. a lad of about twenty years. worked in the creamcry. The first intimation reached by the Messrs. Winger that anything was wrong was the discovery on Monday morn~ ing that the Priors and Anstie were miss. ing and that about everything of any value at Anstie’s residence had also disappeared. Upon instituting inquiries it was ascertain- ed that Anstie had returned from Guelph, and with the assistance of the Priors bad packed up and left for “parts unknown"m Sunday night or early Monday morning. It was subsequently learned that they had been driven to Wilghnm. and that Anstie and young Prior had taken tickets to Listo- wel, leaving Mrs. Prior and the baggage be. bind. evidently with the understanding that she should proceed to Goderich. where they would join her by way of Stratford. A description of the parties was wired to Listowel, and Constables Woods and Hampton were directed to be in readiness to mako a capture upon the arrival of the “mixed" train from the west on Monday night. The constables proceeded to the depot, but only succeeded in capturing the younger of the fugitives, Auntie having managed to elude detection until he had got off the train and made his way to the 3 back of the station, when he took to his. heels and was almost immediately lost ( sight of, Search was made for him, but} without effecting anything. Young Pri r. was lodged in the lock-up. On Tuesday i morning Mr. Isasc Wenger arrived here, and after learning the situation of affairs, he and constable Woods proceeded to Godo- rich, where they succeeded in arresting Mrs. Prior just as she was about leaving by boat for the safe side of the lines. No clue could be found of the whereabouts of Annie. Mrs. Prior was brought to Listowel on Wednesday. and about ten o'eloek the same evening she and her son were taken back to Ayton in charge of a constable from Newstadt. We learn that Austie hr a a wine and family living in the neighbo.‘ hood of Guelph. Mrs. Prior's husband is also said to be livittg.--Ltutouml Standard. irons“ ' our “Bee!" on Manley evening. chewed with “king eome bone made by Mr. Men! Bole for ihe defend- nut. It eppeared to be A menu of an“. end the use we; diam-led. J uni“ Grey append for detendnut, end had en eye to buniuess. . T here are a good xunny can; of measles. diptUria and hyuuuy in this neighbor- Our In." have “no. “lens-lures ool.i, lectiug bones, " vhich ther receive tir. wminlhouhnpc orhommm which to" lull the citizen: to deep. The no". of Proton kindly mmvliod “no bones. Dundalk. Sept. Ist., 187.. 2:30. Absconding of the Manager of the Ayton Creamery. hon-pin 0&1“th Death of the Late Bheriif Maugham. ar, ..'.3'.£p}u.-omso. H. Kuta- ttave doll 3‘" m‘ S6e _,_____7 _' omatr.ogeie,tr'1 w To tho “M of the In“. 't.,--rottr ou-sae" in an [autism ofdn Wuh- his stand "T, reforms. to Undo! Bacall ou the amund that the tor M: 00 the: is "arbitrary Edam-mo." trrd in illustration "tt'.trsrine" dige4tts Four mam .I li-Il-Qnu-..‘ _.__V - - . "r "to the interminable wuul book: and the inclined». pasture brought to but on parents to numb.» the too frequently new sdoptiott't to prove slut it in both "tritrary “a bunk-mace! school hon-u 1nd mu, upon pin of Inning the Governmem pittance. nnd ignoring the notion-people who have not homo- muuh'u to “do In, and their farms unpaid for. are oblirod at the will of the Ira-puck" to Mild. enigma. In chtar-Lertt1. Wine. S. Johnston. J, Show», D. Burgess, B. Print. B. Witte Er. Erma], a. Enid. furnish, le., he. Omen must be mute that nun, web and “in in Gray " this momentum] when we mouies m paid by the grace of we Inlpocwn. 311m ne- wsm- oomph tho mp1: to Mint. either From the alumnus of unit- action or thoir poverty." - - . - If -.-- on ranged according to merit. 1nd alaas--hmes 8lorrar, E. Chittiok, M. Chittiek, Theo. Sherman. J. Ryan. G. Shaman. I had intended to dlsonu some other aspects of this Model School question. but, Mr. Editor, as I have already occupied too ranch space in your rnlunl'le paper, and further, as I observe that mother cones. pendent. Beta, by name. trend: hat-l on Alpba'l hula, I will reserve what I [an to "r for 3 future acumen. Yours, ta. Honor Roll. Honor Roll, 8. 8. No. 6, 1Uutiaok, for the month of Ann“. Tho - no u- 51:1:ject'that the expenditure incurred lry the Model Schom ”stem is infinitely less than the equipment and nisiutaittttnee of n uric: of Normal Schools sudrnisut to do the work at present done by the Model Solo o. Moreover it is qusstionslde if the work would he done es well no it is " present hy lislf-u-duzen or a. dozen extra Normal Schools. The chief design of the Model School is to give practice to pupil teachers in the work of teaching under the guidance of competent Prrsous--th. oral instuction being, I would suppose. of a secondary character tutogeshrr--ttud with this object in view the number of pupil teacher's attending any Model School must be limited so that ench one will hove tun. ple opportunity of engaging in the work. Indeed, the low itself has so determined. Bat says Mr, Alpluv-iu referring to Mod. el School "pertsea--in the your 1877 the Educational Board of the County of Grey cost the County in pens, ink, paper. inile- iige, ke., e., nearly one tlioiisend dollern This certainly appears to be I most un- werrsntehlo expenditure for the work performed. and that the County Council would tolerate such extravagance is only another proof of its utter incapacity no I public body. But the port of this large sum incurred by the Model School pupils in very tsmall-the examination being held on one day and its being tr1oiedy of on oral eltantetsr very few sheets of toohump would be required. I hope Mr. Alphe will see to this matter, and occur: the tsppointmeut of. committee of investigation. I mast) receive Mr. Alplis's disclnimer of their u. ( ing any wire-pulling by outside infhvsnee from Owen Sauna. in Withholding thei grants to the Model Schools " the loot meeting of the Council of Grey. but when l one considers the persistent attempts mode i by certain persons at Owen Sound to build l up its Model School and crush out the _ Durham one. and the action of the Conn- 1 oil lint June in Educational matters, it is (limcult to come to my other conclusion i then that the County Council is being made e cat's pow of Fr the purpose of furthering the interests of OwenSOund. But time will tell. 4th elm - Jam“ Redford, William Earls. M easr....A. E. Ubittiek, M. Burg“. A. B. Eula. r' _ __ i ' Now I need scarcely "r in reference to he mutter hero ruined. that it he nothing whntever to do with Model Schools. The text books and in the M idol School ere very few and have not been chased since in institution. Bat Alpha evidently eon. founde the Public, School question with the Model School. on ouch objections have been ruled against the Polio School sys- ( tom. end at pasta»! t may jnut say that they ere entirely without foundation. Ae. _ cording to the School Law no new text book can he introduced into n Public School without the consont of the Board of School Trustees. not can my Board of Trustees be compelled to build sud furnish a new school home without the consent of the ruteptqum1. Of course is cute may arise in wlnch it new school house is e no- mrsity tor the heelth and unfety of the pup‘h when I schoal sectio.) m uy V8), properly be compelled to erect a new build in. But even in e case of this eort should e tlitre- of opinion urine between the Inspector and the School Section. an ep- veal any " taken to the Minister of Edu. cation. when, M a nutter of course, justice will he do ie. U, then, euch evil practices " Alpha Cl mylaine of, are perpetrated in Ihe County ofGtey by over meddling In. epectors, the mtepwe re ehouhl no that their rights no protected by the gentlemen whom they choose as truiteeI from your to your. for the lew places the pawn to do ea in their hands. The question then turn: upon the matter of 21.9 pipe-use, and without entering into my olubc"au calculuiou. it will be quite .ppgrent to any person who consider: the Dunn. u be B."""-"""","'""" 'T , - than“! council “on“ no. to but (hiked into the aide “(Heddldwolm taitatirrtaetfttst Marquis-tuna..- - chuck wheeli- m. no doubt the first dutrottl"t Govmmenh clout comm) to educate the mum u " " poo-Mo ; but it is the the duty of than who fuminh In“ " ll new In" -.' -- w the - ot dentin. " wnteh qritit We“ can. - '5'” " - oo" " their money. lent it be “mad meal-11. or ego-Ideal “H!- M " U P heck to the main question of loner-Ch! use: and upon-u of County Councils. It Home to he the opinion of all that Gent representative: could do the m of our counties better end choline? the under the existing state of (hinge. in feet. one gende- men of the council stated that the Worden end Clerk could do ell the work of the county. But the Jitfietttte W! to he the I eqnel umrtionment of the mmeuntetiren I to the envenl Townehipe. Your - pondent“Alphe" aye tut, "the men-Ilse- mente end sub-division: of motion noon make in~ronde on the Inca! eenneile end core- to A limited extent the matter oom- pleined of." Now sir, mullet council. is not the end nought. that is merely the moon: to the ortd--errttuUr elven-ea. The erection of new eonntiee would only moh- tttttttertt worse. new county buildingrwonld l have to he built. and A new set of Mieiair -prnvialed for by the new. and necemrily "taller countiel. and the old would here the some amount to provide for u before, except the expeoace of the one or two Township! taken ever. It is uid we should never find fault with anything. un- less we can provider 3 remedy. It my humble opinion is worth anything. I will give you nod the public the bemrfit of it. Let five or ttir---. perfectly 'udheiotst numA ber-of the heat men of the county, be elected every two or three year: by the whole count} , or it would perhnpa he bet. l -r to let three of their number altrraetelv le elected annually. or hotter nil], two elected annually. end let them lei-re a term of three yearn. much the same " the pre- l not school trustee eystem, and I em con- vinced the work will be done quicker, chonprr, end better than under the present 1 climhrous end expensive system. “tenant's Iitrtrrmc--W. have re- reived from M r. Otto Klotz, of Preston, the copy of e. somewhst lengthy letter on the subject of Government lid to Meelttufte's Instiutes, showing that while the institnies receive only two dollars ofGovertrtrteat aid for every dollar contributed by them, the Ontmio Society of Artists receive four dol- l lars aid to every dollsr contributed by the l Society, esch egriculturel society iivs dol- j lam to one eorrributed, each dsirymen's l sssociatiun ten to one. the Entomologicsl Society thirteen to one, end the Fruit. Aircwers' Association twenty dollars Gov. ernment eid to every one subscribed. m rim-thei- paints out tlist while the Fruit. Growcrs' Association and the Dairy-men's Association may receive s maximum grant of 31,000 the highest sum thst msy be granted to any Meclzs iics' Institute is only MOO. Mr. Klott does not had any fault with the smounts so paid, but strong- ly urges that the Government should en- conrsge the building of Mechsnic Instiute buildings by tasking grants. on certain reasonable conditions which he tspkttUs, of two dollsn to every one dollar contribut- ed by an Institute to s building fund witl this restriction thst no Government grunt shell enticed 82.000. He points out it is unlikely that, should theGovertunent adopt this policy that ell the Mecliuiice' Institutes will spply for such aid within one year. but tUt the expenditure of 0120.000, which will be required will probably be xpresd over sever-l yous. Mr. Klotz has devoted much sttention to the msnsgement oi Meehsnic's Institutes for many - end is thoroughly intimate with the subject lip-l on which he ttxsata.-Namir"r. Flu. " Mono 1lour.--The cheese factory belonging to J. T. Henderson wu Genny- ed by tire 0. Friday Int. lt in enppoeed that it caught from the engine. the greater part of the cheese of thin union's nann- feetnre wu destroyed. Tout lone than "ooo. Mr. Henderson’s 10- u thont ttt,. '00, insured for 01000. The tim "umud to the out buildings of Henry Nixon, Esq" and burned them. They cuntaiued about M bushel. of old when! besides ell this you: crop end . number of implements. Lou shout , inland " Moon In the POD! F urn-$1 bmrnnce Com-av. Another thing mentioned by “Alpha" folded to ll). M40 granted to Pearce. Now the lucid explanation of your eorrtupomhsut throws light upon one or two pointl. The money wall paid to Puree. woe gnrniuhoed by Dr. Meoregor, and the gnmishee re- uinted by the County Solicitor. But why resisted t If Pearce had I right to get the money. and owed Dr. Mchgor, then the Dr. had a perfect right to try and get his own. and the Council hm! no onrthly busi. ness to attempt to keep him out of it. But “Alpha" says the money was paid to Pearce to he poi-1 by him into the Liccuso fund ; but why didn't the council my it directly in'o the License fund itself? and thereby "" both the money, end all the trouble they have had nhout the matter. "Alpha" say- fnyther. "tUre could be no doubt on to the logitmmte persons to receive it, viz. the Board " Then it would nppenr the County will yet have to pay the "0240" to “the Board." on according to "Alpha" the Government lllOWl “the county in good enough for the amount." Will "Alpha," or some one also. "pl-in how all this In: come about ' I (on tho qucnion of Ignorance is not Jot disdpakd. Btartctm. Glcnelg. Sept. 1st, 1879 baa-luau. to“ mu. .. dumb“ by at an... ttot Mb Mi-ar"" lumbar! id Idkw “a,” El... Reno; Wm. m. In" My “0."; “mm Jelly - III Corbett, Mk". d.' Win the chain. “baud 1N mm. in ' ned ooatimsod. Commmmnuum from WIT 'ot"tstost, BN.. hide": ottU W G'olur, Wm. Pemttsst ti, Le P. 591:.“ law. you -uted w Moved" Mr. m. COCO-dot) by Hr. Jill]. tut “I. Mull order m a” ("at at “I. "with! ot “than”... p,” mun-”JIN‘NI bill ihfullto [and by Mr. Aw. amended by It. Wt. and tho CINE be “unwind bu rr, qua: P. G. Closes, Rankin-w. m. f...“ statsdirttt on the raid downtown.“ lot ttrt, N. E.T. tr. Boaa.--AUrrud. "I. w. u. .. w..-_... -7, Mr. Angus! hum-laud Braiaw No. M, to: tho puma. of loving In!“ for the cm. "ttttttkt-, m m bv tri a! M» In", .‘M. ' Y"" MD”. not you. W" rad I first time. "ELM by Mr. AMI. acceded L, M Jolly. an: - lo. I bo mad a "tond time.-aueried. Tu Camus C-eat-sewers/oe m, Staten laud. Aug. .tth.--Tur w- fomnou of the Hamilton. Onhrin. Cner a Club.in In Yeti. and an Pitiudelplut. this CIN -s Could! "It in“ mm» of G whole on 8:451 Bo. M, Mr. Aim. m h, A nun tries to be I tumor up] 2. ee. tries to be . Indian“ lid Gllst; w . trs ho I uwror ”(I m: “I to b. I mum m an! is not - good ml; for that; l but on. thing be can do-he can be u .,ehooltnastar. And no you wd: fur; throughout the country Wynn no selected because any on chap. y, as tar get him for ten dolls" I month hum" Slime on the pail-my In would uh I cent from the pov of men or woman em polyed u unborn. "M in to, prom. sion which should be ”do nln-iumlv indepmdeut of I“ can on to the menu of living it is 'hat. I do not nudoruluv- my 0'0. but I think that I uhmlmnsur “and: motor God than u minister mm For myself, I mad the Ichuol, I ha: l " in my mind, I mad it in .y body, I mud it in my Rfuetions. I laud no n ugh-u: min». " I could not hate it in that, I hated school, out] ya “you come a mm mar in old “which! whoa in spite t,f tom and protestation I won sent out rf thr house “Id " "ttroot, - I found . "l,loo mo'un comely though with o vary pun ik and young-oo' on ticking-uh“ mri mo " the door ond M In. on ths up; Ind tMred with my early My “a she n: no down " her foot and Ind. no lnpp' She VII token sick onddiod. but w‘m a» taught nu an only me, time I we! Ind in school. Thu. b no "ttthom.' " pemtrious, no mm: Io inblonble m that which run down the pay“ the temlm. and imply honou- tha" Will: w will they hon " do on only einld no l Your children. my chimp“), God! children. an m blue... in tho alr- den ofthe world, tor m... “915 tu9 " proud to do “who. "day on, mm: (ted you no to “In. " it,“ cared H; .ugh about it it would no": .Urpen.---lle"' Ward Beecher. The -rtitt" not. and "porn-d li.r. In: No. 58. u Btud up In mine. The Bun in tho “I. Moved by “LA.” cue-dad by bis. Jetty, tut Bruw NO.‘ .0. filled up m committee at the wink be now not punod but amus- m be m ”ducal mm trrelvo to ohm mill! 0- the dohar. - The you and any. bring can“ L: um You. M“. Goebett, Alt.“ And J..Lly in,Vea by Mr. Jolly. ”waded hr Mr August. that By-hw No. a. now read I t min! tune. in w. "Ad and order, I turi, Mum. was “a IIonee Can-ind. Moved by Mr. Jolly. waded h} M r. Corbett, thnt the bitt of Wilson [huh of $28, be paid for two ”doom. um um the not". in“ " oedee hr the mum. _ Moved by Mr. August. ”conch-d by Mr. Corbett. that the nodal-mentioned [Dernum receive an nmonnu opposite their nap-M- i" names. for road with In. ad m run ml to, by the and med commismnm. Clur‘nArm-trong. .... .... .... “Sm Sum»! KcDowoll, ... ... ... ... it hit (new. Cor, ... ... ... ... ... 24 MI, Henry Taylor. ...... ... ... ... 216m William Cull-ugh». ... ... ... .. '.110, --C|rriod. Moved by Mr. AMI]. lecondod by Mr. Jelly, that. this Council do uow adjourn to we min M the Turn [lull on Mon. daydbo 22nd of sspumur nut-Cm- tied. Does it Pay to Wm Cheap School Teachers. Moved by Mr. "tir, mailed Ly Mr, Airth. that the bill of Maori: Diekey, be and work performed, the mount, $16 ce, be paid, Ind the, no". iuuo ooler fur the -r.--turried. Moved by Mr. Airth. seconded by Mr. 3011].!an the collector} 'im. for returning: his roll beexkndod for (Indy any. from this date Mth A'lgllit. "t79.-Ctrriod. Tit“. at Brody” a. w. It.” The you nod a," bring es.tudcr. ouqe No. to noemd um -, M. pounded by u, . touA.Uis m titat on the Br/ Jnlu Emu. Clo-n L " number. clout " “may; apt-m Vt LIAM (has. It! mum opens tgtk Aw. Plum" Imus or mute cpl- H “In Ist Much ; 4W. wood mi -oP*'" " t'rrtmerur, Ohm any: .II M - duic September. clot. Id by. Aklmuu. I.” tua got wool . mm that is mum lulu u tieation by the County Jud; Dun by his modal”: Ina-um ' to £884” curling. mu. " Ttto cropl- III the any n' been a comp-nave Inlan- l to an dryads ofJum an! run Ull " all. Thu ctieret 1 III . roeky coil can eNuly Full who“ dune In. meow “a “mun no - Impu- of m alum-cu in b! " "when" The [Iowan tnritf is “ruin-l 'M Wang! Cum. Hum-ml: nothing n being dour toll mum: In“ It. Bt. Marttu r ple of report- hiu M of vmoe ' "tetgrHiuiate u an!“ pended. hut I - ma I. an tlsr rm]- db -rst tune. I how of new “All, work m Nun dam." " Tho Woodeiit. Alvaro Sun-mu In“ M. wh manly m the you Mtltt m! our tutu-clued Ihllutyllevw Muddmg. which and "I”!!! three mile. to. Curlouast, , hum of lurid in ttro donors" l! The mun-ml mmmeuh I! most approval “Inc. Two lmya. aged Oil 0nd «ugh Inn- of A. Jn-oi ”van. " P, drowned on [only Quorum." mg. muhw an - whoa], but um ttat (mind all My: went a the tin about m who on m Mr slow“ . Ion! In march. and found both m "CIrr 7 M mini-t industry m Avr- " "wanna. .- - m now n “MM-1m. “ nil-I from l and my “WU! ‘nin Tho ""00 " “in. bu an “a pm” of m p .611“: for mnnu" Tm 'yhtrodurrd 287 The Gus-l but Inn-u ( cloud W on Tuesdn., Wm. "MIN“.- II‘Mo-u thro from who...“ Pom-mt Tue wnll. tt u up“. he emnpln-kd b tirst of Doc-hf- Th. no. Ptovirteiul Lunnhc Aw esqeni by the I’d-on Eduard Lin rum-om. in M (at ace-wow- Mr Ron. M. nephew of chr In. OMiM‘M Vat. a raw tum". "WM iq the tn'nthlp of harm". "ro “Hal Bum-idiom LPM an I’M-V “in. while Ill rm""' with hi. it“ John. Tues (1mm: mm Bo-ttte, Inning n Hume} (at. d“ when pm i the orrTsetettiair but (right u . '4 'hn - -- u - not Ind may. “no.“ butt, an mpg-m (an mun-M 'hd-qi-too..- 76 n-xnm- Thulyhu also” in! hot" mac tt met:',,",,', to at!" " tr JIM"? M ”A!" on: " Ort "ud u ”as, and tttq . rr_..,atto,tNttaicw. of nnumr’V‘" “I'M-g the pm In! The mum I‘m- Inrry's mum. Mona "or. b“ loll-Mahala“! up! that muon- of I'M. Inn-1mg 'tut “A “an“ ‘I mum“, thttitlr,d 'uiiha. “I “like. I M. John, the” Inn .0” M _ l.- mu. VII A“.on w by tlr nunuoe on but. bot ”Our nu comm pirutvota, aod "tt new. of (all "hm A Mr. WM "It. of Hank. n have “I“. the bonus aim-d n mum: (M of the human Wk. and in to guys . (nut null a! "m,'. I _ t Inch. “In” no. on lied! “In Mouar M01»: Int-Item Tuetettrdt6- d“ win on a mo bonus to up Tutor-w and Hum way Cm 0. lb. 7m OrtMwr 'uiuur. .0 in “Ink-nu In ""qNttt.itlt-.e, of m. a The mot an!" of a mu which M built“ I. W n Collins" [may In! not The not W Gaunt "Illa". Pub. in Hdhnd. In c Sand-y. Ang. w. Hm I.“ in I’d-am; out My: Ind My girl: trum Blwhnd Wtll mum " uatt thm "out. A muplo a! Mm cap-him f waded . “if" on the Ltttlr Sud Inn “not. cal i“ to unto A L um mu" of the our muth-wesl. Mr. "M. d the ACID.“ W‘ A“ Mi». ”Edwin Chit lat“ " k deitmted “I! an int 8m Malachi“. want“; In“ treoqht “It. hm. than m “may. C‘. on Mr. What. all m. wu digging a well no." w 1w. down “a bet, In- 'vm 4 trd about.“ “Mo tt, The! I. ttt ”DOW. well Md " I; Ar-tt " when tho Imy Inn-l! In: 111:, and M “ml pl-nh m h tent k the MO. [in It! Nah-n n! ma tr, hi" M” m atrium ml "an duo in “I injund. I a I Inger an. “an rm . " {allowing an thr dam n d closing " h - in: :--Dar epon- 16th mu. Den-ht; Mull 'II“ w MM and the 1m. and Mind in vcnnm part ‘H m‘“ -tretst. In! " wry amtnNI.--c-. CANADIAN ITE' W --.----.-..---- Tiut. In. Prndnr'd 28' tel " an the p wt “Cull MM O on"

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