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Grey Review, 11 Sep 1879, p. 2

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'tn it» O , tt IL " has boon represented um Enaliah “Mummy we" surprised into the belie! that an. an; Guam minim mammal. My! Annexationiat undeucion. Incl that I further continuation of the lint of duties had eaured them to clung. their opinion. Tim following In“! than Mr. John Bright. to 1m Amuican friend, may: that after takmg ample time to look into tho matter he oxpresoed an." decidedly than out hi: mining: of tive mouth! Ato ..- “Ou All. Roe-mu. Amt. 16. WN. "Du bu,--- . . ' ' Th0 potur.ot the Cal-din: Guns-uncut mm: to an m- jnrioud to the inhuman“ of the Dnminion. and, if poni~tecl imam be titat to it! 'OR-l motion with the mum Gantry. Tol that nut the minutiae... ' 5 of England in] but enuuuh. but at the, , 3...; to lock "1 him. than MC policy of the Phu. uuu WI.“ . wound on in. union We“ Ibo-My and Enttlsasd from which. if it in - speedily round. bad cur-nah. but at the , , 1..,Tto ml to borrow money from In. " " ' June. " . loan in a when). and n pony-oin- vudont than. it sauna! “and. "Tio gnu runny [tn-jet. (tho Caatsds Paesiir, em quy add to the John)! Can-uh. and this can only - huvior pun. uni ml! Lo male than» for dillhigbor pro- a mu- an“. Imjlgpogtf. to am England‘s gem-nil W blah 50b.“ hr Colony -t' mm» given. ,eill and NY to 0131‘ 3 the "ml. hot-con thou. - '"ikteilrthtr-rirCttr_-tioet l ".turioh"tft'sed_iefhu#dith; ”aim tea-tth-tGaim,.. “numb-a. Tpmwmdo G'iaeqtity"""ha"etttar iassed_r't . _ ' ““1qume The divinitiet ot the beveled" Council " Que-bee. hue been left, my! the Will-cu tilt-no to sit on high Olympus in [wt eoutetupluuou of their own majesty. And it is well that it " to, nlthongh [ml-lie busi. ness in the mnnt‘me must "tur. The exiwtenee of n second Chamber. non-elect- nml not nepomihlo to the people, in the Panama: of Quebec lute been eaneideml by many in that Province u can hereunto. expend“ end A hindnnee to good lugieletmn. Public opinion loved Dubai-r from Inn in: imrdend with . second chin-let. end it in very protahU that the b.oluls oulidnet ot' the Quebec Council in throwing out ti Supply Bill will meteriel- ly hate» it; mum-Ll from the Pnrliement of Quebec. .The Anemlvly line adjourned until the ‘Bth of October. and in the ween- tuno the Council. under the trutment of Mosul. Chuplenn and De Boneherville may be able te - e glimmering at common lease. It in mommy to observe that the Connrnt-n has genenlly do not attempt to defend the action of the Quebec eon-tilt. Even the Durham Chron. iota goes MI tar in to admit that the lender-I of the Chmsorv.tive party "ought to know that the Counsel-votive: ofOnturib approach- ed the limits of their turl-ue. when they sustained M. Moose“: motion on the; Lctcllicr Coup d's'tat". Think f,',",'?,',',?,?: ndnnttinx Igl‘ettt deal. It virtue», admit; that the mum of Sir Jehn'e Government! in dismissing M. Intolier wot unjastiiuue end would not have received the Nippon of the Conan-eave- of Ontario had not their new: of the nlleginnue induced them to wsivo their duty to their country. It in more tbs n probnl-le that in n few month all"! when the Netionel Policy will have been shown lay experience to be I gro- lnnd that the ttetion of Outfit) will be exploited one, one: the tune tuition. -Ptu(euof Daniel Wilson In. boon ue. tunug u Sun)“ on Anthropology And con-ta subjects. Tho loaned peofeaartr maintains tlv" In can" duhution of n prulustorie kind has uni-M on the conun- ent of Awaits u is damn by the V“. areas filUd with minds: Peru, Modem.“ the alloys of tho Ohio and Nisaiuippi. The» ancient peoples, though rude in some "sports, want In“. ' fat Minne- ed in the art' of sculptuxo and scammed skill. Conudonhlq satiety is expand by acme to dimmer the truce: of an "rlurr nun, miouno or yummy but Prof. Wilson in of opinion that there doe. not exist my qvid.ueo to thaw that any tom-ins discov- ‘bd lo In won po."liude. can. c. .vl-P-m. ”and Kent. alt lowland B it, th ' Pout Olbre Me. furnur. b I... m, w. I born It Kidder m mm" in 1795. no] Locum known to the Pull" tirut of Ill h connection with the Huldovuod ”new ousueation. The high rate of ”up only engaged his attention, um] in 1837 be rr'btistsed . ramrrhlet on “I. nut-jut m which b, nemmondod I low um] .etiiortet In. on We. The scheme " one. met with animus] (nor. petitions pound in - the Home of Common in but of Mr. Hill's when". “din 1840 the prequ - of pony ”up “rough. out lb Bmuh [Junk In “lop“. Hill mu plum) n the but! of the Poat Ofhee dept"tmm" Ind and» his aluminum. nbil‘y tho puny Mao noon became a iiutua.idl amen u well In " inculcnlable Much to all orders of “no people. In no kuowledttemott of bis grow mum maniacs Mr. Hill mu invested with t. [ .x. . of K, C. B. um] prenanbd with a pm” , t ataiu, in; "6,000 enntril-nled by 'nNeription. Akin-do: "nylon Agants for tho any Review. Durham, September 11, 1879. --Th. W" about domination of the Gnu Water- and theAh-1rrrsrtk Kuhn}: new to be " far from 1totttp!- tton so our. The “I, tleuhy Incl-I to be with the (has Wukll not being alip- tied with the an“ mound, otd Being "omewUt ulna. to mammalian tho- gem". . L; iuarFau. THE REVIEWI THE QUEBEC DEADLOCK "In"; Bun-13' MaxwolL “cl-Iv In “knew l tiu- streets presented a scene of brilliaucy [will uniumtion never below witnessed in Toronto. Ax for the illumination: no der- ( scripting: Could convey an adequate idea of l their bounty. extent or brillianey. A null: or n ride tluongh the streets would be He Cetuiary to n complete apprehension of them Toronto eti‘wt was gorgeous, the splendid display of the Port Ottitm (arming an er. quiaitely beautiful terminus to the displays on either side. On Front and Wellington “Teeth those which iorrucd the greatest utmwtiun were on the Parliament Build. ings, the Queen's Hotel, and the Custom House. On Yonge-street there were some costly illumination from Front street to King, but north of that the displays were of u wmewlut "retail" nature. Oaverm meut House was the gem of the evening. It was literally bathed in light, and looked 1 intensely beantital. But on King-street ‘tbe greatest interest nppeured to centre. From Siuwoe.atreet to the Market it ap- peared like a great avenue of fire, the I many-colored lights mingling in the eye _ I and forming everelttutp,iug pictures ilk; the varying \iewe ot n kduidescoln. Al huge number of rockets and other fire. works were discharged during the evening. The time of his Excellency the Governor- General and II. It. H. Princeu Louise Vila l rally occupier] on Saturdoy. In the morn- I ing they honored the Royal Cunnilien i Yacht Clul, by attending the regette; in tho afternoon the Lacrosse Grounds was i meal with their presence ', and in the availing n Drawing-Room was held at Government Home. when . large number of ladies and gentlemen were prenatal to their Excellenciee. On Sundey their Ex. cellencien attended Divine service in the lorenoon It tit. Jnmos' Cotbedrnl, luv] in the evening the Marquis Attended St. Andrew‘s Church. There were immune eoo-iou. " both places of worship. An important event in Sunday's proceed. iagn won their ExoellerueU's Drawing-Room at Government House. The Indian. of comic. looked their most attractive. and up l to Setnrley night the Meta of tension in which they have existed for the last week I must have been very trying. The number l of India and gentlemen presented on Sat- l urdny evening reached newly eight hun- ldred and on Mondoy evening about halt inc number. Among the name: of thou: ‘prenenteul we observe the» of Mn. J. H. ‘Hunter all Mr. J. M. Hunter. M. P. P., of Durham. On Tuesday s Grnnd Review ', of the Militia of the Province wu held on Garrison Common: by the Governor-Gen- ernl. The 8Lst"iOrey) hadron, in their ”slot tunic- nnd bras helmets. mode An excellent opponent". The total number of the volunteer: in the Moi-out battalions were over 0,000. On Tuned-y evening the most interesting event. to may. of the "uso-tho Citilon'l Balt--- teu, A puilion I» erected " the _ Emanuel Guile". .. ,, we. menti- svery "eurbu6q'iah h muo- danced in w vb _ Mote-Int W ihiiitii'" H to. my! tn- “out Anita's-w utairtuoturhuo. W. -ateett 'hoqred that the pena- a the may else " ma mums. Expand-mains“). 0.0-. was ”I. paid out to MOO-My. ",M4.t-ingsrset We. “Qt”. The Great Show PM been "fiat success The Toroutr,nia . . hatmvd "to one up. u- the strongman“ agrd In H " they could. by him! and expose. mike it a one! one they did on, end they law not been' disappointed. Ftidny in n rod-letter tiny in the hitter of their Exhibition, for on thnt My the Governor-General end the Princes- Loniro arrived " the Queen City, And that on which the Exhibition was tor. melly opened by them. Queen'e weather brand the Vice-Bagel My to 3 degree completely new. The on than out clur end bright. The beet m mtth. ciently tempered by e cool breeze to ren- der the any one of the mount charming of the awn. The um world I"th ed its Mention. and from only Morningthe continuou- roll of teen- end con-inset min. gled with the content and of palettriuu " they bled to the urinal upon which seemed to oibr the“ opportunity for henna t good View of Toronto's illnurionn rieiton. About 9 e. m. the children of the urinal nhooln began to ensemble And take their place. at the landing-piece. and very shortly - nuilelile inch of pound on fully occupied. Precieeey at the hour nppointed the train drew up at the eteuon. end the (loveruorAueteral and the Princes. Loniee were received on the platform by "war Beaty end the other civic tusslton'ties, the members of the Outa. rio Government, the School Boards, le. After the mun] relntntions and the preun~ tation of two boqneta to the Princes: hy the school children and suitable nclmowl- algemeute on hee pert e proeeuion was formed end led the may to the Bortieultur, al Gordon-s, when n civic address was pre- eented to the Marquis and th suitable reply was read by him. After this part of the ceremony use performed the PrelldeLt of the Horticulture! Society stepped furwerd. and in n. neat speech reqmsstedot her Royal Highness the honor of pleuting e tree in :he Garden " a memento of this her first vit The Princess graciously acceded to the wishes of the Society. end being conducted to 1: suitable part of the grounds, planted I Scotch pine ucundm artem which is to be henceforth known a the Princess Louise', tree. When the procession was re.formed it mule its way to the Exhibition ttrounds which were reached about one o'clock. On reaching the grounds their Excelleuciel were " once conducted to the Grand Maud when aim the usual whit itinus, Mr. With. row,Pres. ofthe Agritultural Society, read an address, to which his Excoileucy made I suitihle reply, and tlelnred the Exhibition to be formally opau to the public. The Vice-Rem] party then proceeded to make atour ofthe Exhihition grounds and are laid to have been delightnd with the excel- lence and variety of the exhibits. The evening of Friday was much more orjoya. hie than the day, if that wen: possible, for TH E TORONTO EXHIBITION. fr it were really ttrented by the Crown it 'Jllld be but enough in principle we [TI-mu, but nonolnd " it “dually is. Crown nomination: would mud some chance of going puli_t_ietlly Beam! tPl 'rtlptttable. l Lttimt mom and not the gople. The at,',',' of Cumin will not In M longsueh unwind and irn-sponsiblo pranks M that which in Ina-hag the Lexi-hare Conneilol Quebec stink m the nodu‘ls of ovary lover of rgsponsilglo for.trrt.tmerrt Ind re. pr-ttire" "wtit,atiAiCv" being politieally neutral and respectable. Brtle our Upper Houses-Federal Seam. inelmud-- made up of the dominant party uf tho-hour. ed represent the party “The whole Ire-ip/u' lay-evangelistic system," says Mr. Grey, "M at preseut carried on among us in America. ir, in name points, radically unsound. Mr. Moody did great goal, no doubt, but he also did a measure of evil by the example I which he not choking the olfioe upon him- self. All his imitators. small and great, have done the some. They profess to de, rive their commission from God, and olaino in plan: of human learning, the direct teaching: of the Spirit, and point to the witness of the Spirit in tho conversion cf soul: and" their preaching. This evidence is not to be ilisparugeil when genuine, out T the question is. when is it genuine ? It is [certainly not so if we are to judge by the number of converts, for often the most questionable moans are resented to fur get- ting converts, and when gotten they are found to be liko the barren fig tree. A clericnl friend mind that out of about one hundred converts 'rushed' into three or four churches by such menus, he did not know of one who land not fallen away or bean l thrown off by the churches which reeeived them, cud another says that the harvest of about a hundred converts reaped by his church, added neither spiritual, intellect I unl norjinamrial strength." This is a very severe indictment brought by Mr. Gray, himself a lay evangelist, ugnini‘t the class to which he belongs. But the question is, what is to be done with all this "al-no doubt genuine rind well-intentional on the part of some-WINS develop“ itself from time to time among laymen, into tspeneh- out fur 1ehrustiosiziug their fellow man. Shall it be thrust aside t Mr. Gray thinks not, and adds that every branch of the christian Church have standing regulations for such work. Episcopalians. Presbyteriuns ‘Methodists. Grugregntiouttlists are in no lwly restricted from taking such workers under the cure and control of their church- es. The puts mired by some evangelists that u connectlJn with any denomination would destroy their reneml usefulness by rousing Feetatit.n turjudneer, is ridiculous. No great evangelist ever found himself thus hindered, nnd he is In unworthy serum who rejects the constituted authorities, which Christ .hns k tablishod. Nay. more, adds Mr. Gray. "bat he who reject: this divinely constituted order, or refuses to submit himself to it, or specks of it contemptuously should be unhositntingly rejected from our churches." Such Ire the matured opinions on this (object, ofone who has been for many years an active lay worker in the evangel- istic movememont in the United States. leonox Wtsig: “The Liberal party should rub war n’nu ttrdheeiietivis Prratterie “A; ad" Lore oi'iley Eli-weasel. by William 'i:lti','l' Mr»! Chimp. Mr. Gray isd Hyman and an C‘sannlift. Ind writes from I layman‘s point tn view. He belongs t I matches of permit. brought under the inthtenee of the recent "revival tuevesuevt" in the Coited States. who took an active part in upon- air meetings, meetings in railroad depots, ”as, hospitals ml shipping ; who founded It!!! taught Subbeth Sebooll. and _ ens-god "slowly in elmoet every kind of benevolent end missionary work, and out of whiehu'oeethe moat popular of.gli the manhunt. D. L. Moody, whoie name is Almost}. household word on both sides of the Anemia. It Iney he pl‘lullod. there (on. that the evidence of Mr. any will be of greet imporhnoe to I corms under. etendiug of the iMrseaes end results of this wave of minlilm. which, within the last few yen". bu rolled over lugs portions of the United State- end Great Britain. and which appear: to have spent itself in 1solat. ed diltricte of our country. It is witu an: object in View that we refer to Mr. Gruy'l paper It the present time, more ee- pecinlly u the mlvjcct is one which has been dismmd at ttottttt"ortsbhshsturtlo in the columns of the Itrview. In the only day! of the revive] move. ment in the United States the most promi- nent of the outwerd ettttraeteristiem wan [ melencholy. Sorrow became a chief virtue, end levity met with almost as much reprolm. tion u the nnperdoneble sin. "Every specter," lays Mr. Grey. "bemoaned the vice of levity, with a. seeming determina- ion to cancel all his past wickedness by n more then equal measure of holy gloom." But with the niece" of the movement, and under the magic intluenee, of the sympathy of numbers, levity wee wholly trenrfurmed. "it wee no longer e sin, hut I very import- ant evidence of reeeneretion. While this new type of the Christian character contin- ued to be neen in the ley evangelist, with a predominance of rue and wandertul inter- pretation of Scripture and (I tearful zeal, which wee ready to ortsrftow upon anybody, at any time. in neuron and out of season. yet at the nine time, there appeared in some int-Janeen in business transactions, the most cold-blooded wwvlfishuosa and cruelty. What little theology there was, or retlur. that which stand for theology, was. " often as otherwise. it compound of Plymouthism, perfectionism. pyramid lun. ncv. Millerum, and no on! of exegoticnl vaguriet which [in man could mime or num- ber." Such nteenlt was inevitable. Over. weening conceit and a glib tongue are mt the qurlitiee which have been considered as most desirable in those who attempt to “pound the hidden mysteries of the Word, but these. toguibcl‘ with a supreme can» tempt for "man-tmutt, comm entaries and uaan--tuado ministers" are the c%rttctcris. tics which stand forth prowrnim ntly in some lay Mongolia“ of modern times. is August nthber 91' the MICK-5WD. amnion“ Parliament. LAY EVANGELISM. it ----eee""- die Bros'. 1mm] engine and plenty chute: on hand it was Ioon extingniahed. Oa the following night than: " o'clock, Mr. Rid- dle'l house took tite and this “I. both were Luv-nod to tho ground. The furniture bud Bil been moved om “to day before pending the "pain, and consequently there was no one in the building " the time. Pt houses were insured. Orangevila MWMng, tue roof of . home new“ Md by Mr. mm. Riddle. in the no» “a. an discovered to be on fire. Considenhle 'i-ttrata! done to the house. but with the mofKing‘ A L'gasr.-.-On Monday, as the noon train “as nearing Brussels, those ntnnding on the station platform noticed one of the rear can to lo on tire. When tho train stopped, the titunes, which had spread rapidly. were quenched. The car was clouded with nhup,md they had I narrow escape noun lacing turned into rout. mutton. MANITOBA Istatrmurros.--TLe emigra- tion Iron) Outmiu to Manitoba promise: to be very much less this {all than last. Com. pantively few parties are being made up- farmers generally disapprove of the grand luck-up policy of the Dominion Govern. ment. More and more attention is being direeted to the free grattrlamls of Dakota. Futz.--Aboat nine o'clock on Friday night in alarm of fire was sounded by a bell at W. Remedy & Son's foundry. 0n proceeding in that direction II was discov- ered that the Saudi-oust curner of a. large frame home occupied by a Mr. McMillan, on the corner of Campbell and Poulett Streets. was on fire. Fortunately . tub of water was near, with which the thuues wet: extinguished. Only for the timely discov. cry the whole house would have been burned, and even the fire engine could not have saved it. It is suppoud to have been the work of an incendiary. " dry straw and a bunch nflmlf burned matches wnu found stuffed under the corner of the build. ut-O. S Adeertiger. Os Tuesday last in young man in Ben. tinek, son of Mr. Genres Adlem accident. ally shot himself. The young man was stnuding on the roof of n small outbuilding: sgmmt the side of which the gun was rested, and, seizing the gun by the muzzle was pulling it up when it accident- ullv went off. The contents entered the abdomen itatuediUely over the left and of the stomach and escaped at the right side, ploughing for itself a truck under the skin and over the stomach. “edict! ad was at once obtained and at the latest reports the unfortunate lad u doing " well as could be expected in the cjteuuvstaueea. GIG. Jscasrs, Esq., M. ., has con- trilmted tto to each of Towuuhip Agricultural Societies in Sun Grey. I 80ml GREY Ann. 9ttuw.--The work on the new grounds is being rapidly pushed for, ward, and the fencing will be completed in ticrefor the all”? The Hall on the old 1.1an gtotupl has got up on its "pins," and is "tttselling" wwmuls the new ground, under the gtdltutetr of 1ir. Richardson. of Wulkcrtou. We thlllk the Directors acted wipely in securing the new pr:*[:3"‘l', and we leliem lwlorelong they will have .'o purclmso the neighbnriug park lull, a. the time is fast coming when extent lad ncconh I mndauon will be required and I larger} Ilww hold. I r 31,0001.” been raised by tttttr, to repairthe brilgo nu the T. U. & B. ailway It Mount Forest, and the Company are going to repair it at once. Assazss-ir" Atoizes--0wun Sound. Odobcr 7th. Simone Asta%ts---Barritr, Semeer 28rd. Wellington Assiztrs--. Guelpb. October Ttlt. Peel Asiueit-. Brampton, October 29th. Tu; Roe“ Shin-u C'acttett.-.Ou sur. bath lat Sacrament mu administered m the Rocky Snugcan Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Mr. Campbell, oi Harristou, preached, mainedhy the Rev. Mr, Thompsntx, of Nor. manby. The attendance was very Inge. Bervie win lwld in the evening. Sunny D-m-on Thursday evening hast, Mrs. John Uehrthur, residing about n mile north of this Town, called into Mr. John Cameron's More. and in a very short time fell over insensihlo. tuused by a tit of apoplexy. Mrs. Mehrtlsur was at once re- moved into the resident", of Mr. Cameron. medical aid secured, and kindly cared for, but she grtu1uully sank, and expired Friday morning. Much sympathy is tell " Mr. McArzhur in his sudden bereavement. Pruzes ma Iuttos.-T1mre prizes, .25. $20, and 910 wdl be offered for eompelition to [Iran bands: attending South Gray Agricultural Exhibition, " Durham. on the second day. Oct. In. No entrance fee and open to ull. Accmsn. -bh. Ruben Ball, of this town, fell oirn Waggon at Mr. Davidson's More, on Sinai-day eveuiuglatst, and in fall. inst his foot got fast under me sent, giving his leg at the knee joim a seven: wrench. Mr. Bull is able to walk about, bat the leg is very sol-e. " understand that the Directors of the Mulkerton Mechanic's Institute intend getting up In Art Exhiliitinn tor the bone- rn of the Institute. Could not the Direct- ors of the Durham Meehanies' I: stitnte get up an Art Exhibition? About five years ago one held in Elem realized nonr- HUO, clear of expenses, for the benefit of the Institute. And for every $200 spent on books we Illould get 'a Guvcrnment grant of 9400 to spend in the same way. A corrospondrut of the Owen Sound Tribune writes to that paper as follows _ On Sunday evening, Ans. Blst n most sin- gular occurrence was witnessed lry farmers residing near the T. Cr. & B, Railroad. Sydenham township. It was near mn- down. They perceived the telegraphwires shaking and shortly uterwurds swaying to and fro, until the posts, an far as the eye could trace, wrro apparently nhout to rise out of the ground. It lasted five " ten minutes. The most singular thing was that more Was nota breath of wind stir. rh , 11309.1 and other Itgfns. Sa'th-ntb can Summon will bu ud- trod in the l‘ngbyteria _ arch. Dur- Some of our citizens have gone and men the Marquis and Her Royal Highness. Lnuims-do not know what effect the seeing [ml on the Marquis or Louie. but on our folks, n raised them up-well, a little. Some of as that cannot go to ace the sighu. because we lure no sillerc-estteet mm. to see Bonny on our own “new _ do come. In want Ilen- Majesty -odtt C a lot: will do. BI, are loyal. M the Emcibr man t--onlr Dr. Chris!“ has been very ill; under Dr. Sproule‘l treatment he in in a. fair way to recover. We hope to see him on tn street as usual soon. Oar Monthly fair was buyers, in face of the N. P. Weights and Measures the sympathy is the mute felt on noonuut of Mr. Campbell having given up A fairly lucrative bunueuu to devote his time to the duties of this of. fiee and for elheieney we can safely eUl. lenge the "N P." party to pr: dune one more 50. There exists 1: var; ntroug feeling ofindig. mui .1: among all parties here against the iniquitinus action of the N. P's. in remov. ing our much respected tow nsman. D. Campbell. from "a Inspectorshin of We have had 'several intestine toad, ot late within our usually quiet village. Inmo of which are not settled yet, and “here the mnje~ty of the law " been iavolurd, hars- es. pigs. and poultry tuuro largely as fact, ors in the sforesnill lends. From bur Correarpsttdetit. There wug srteatttd elm at in Hanover on Sunrduy niurht, “\‘ur the carrying of the Brunt 8roetinnt Don-H in tsta of the Strat ford and Huron Rtilwsv. It 11mm?“ that two potent and ittt1uential gentlemen L34 for the past two weeks held meeting tsl. moat. nightly m oppusitiou to the whemo which created doubts in the tuiudsot its supporters whether it w nuld curry " all. The result-a marrity of t9--tvats I surprise. A mod den] of dissatisfaction is te'd along the proporusd line at Railway at the master- ly inactivity of the Directors uf this lload. They seem h damn their whole energies to the formulating and carrying of hy-luwu for bonuses, without eating whatnot the Bond is under construction ur not. A! the Mro Iva an by taw sutured u wishing du: f a.“ the mocha" in tho mum are summed to be pl‘w- "t. The work on this line in rapidly promen- ing. and the grading in Durham in l-cing pushed on with vigor. A curious accident happened to one of the teams on Tuesday. The driver going too near the edge of the "dump"-ltsst's and Waggon rolled down the bank, and landed at the bottom in a “confused henp." The'driver at once made nu out-cry, but it was eon: :time before the lmrses were rescued from their perilous po- sition, as each one had to he pulled out with a. eiiein. No serious damage was done. We notice that the paper-e along the line of the B. a L. H. Railtmr lave “rived " conclusion. that no not correct. in relpect to the progress Ind prospects of the G. B. t W. B. B., from reading the opinions given in late Owen Sunnd papers. No don? t they wonid l'e glad to we the work rtuppe-l ou the road that is now being rayi 'ly built to this town, and are only too ready to grasp ut nut-thing whether true or untrue. that they think will injure its In Igeits. bat in this line for crud impudence and mi: . representation the Che-ivy Enterprise (if last week bears " the palm. However there is no danger of It. “Ingestion: being complied with in regard to the bonuses granted by Beutinck. Sullivan and Derby. The result of litigati in in regard to the Sullivan Bylaw. can only and in loss either to the Township. of to the parties ob.,truetiag the carrying out of the terms of By-luw. And we have an fear but the residents of Owen Sound. will eh wily "wake up" to their mm interests, . ul show tome energy in securing the com- pieu'on of the Boad to that Town. Indeed it is quite amazing tho extraordinary indiiiereuee and apathy that ha! been displayed by the principal resi- dents of Owen Sound in regard to Railway matters. and only for their short-sighted policy L. this respect, the line ot railway now being Imilt would have been cumplet ed tuthut puityedra my). and instead of having: a smaller population than Culling- wood they might lune attained the dignity ofa city ere now. If Collingwood were oiterod an; inducements. we have P" duulnt but in n short time they would se- cure the Completion of n scheme for malt. ing. that place the terminus instead of Owen Sunni]. TIP". will be u. Pauli, A-Mrosu on some Edatts. timuJ subject, of whim duo anti " will be gin u. The following is tho Programme of the Meeting or the Teacher's ASsocintién tur tlm Inspcetotra1 Dirisiun of 5mm Grey, to 1-0 hold M Durham, on Thursday and Pri. day. Oct. 9th and 10th. 1. Tun PussrDasr,-"C'mtunureat Emmi- nations. 2. De. Clmr,---cltenihtry with Experiments. 3. Ma. Attsrsruosu,--Model Stunuls. 4. Mn, Gurauurru,--Huw to teach Gram. IO, 11 P?, 11} 14 Touchen‘ A-rust'." of lit-II Grey III-pectoral old-Ion. mar, Illustrated with n Jun. class. sts McMrcmcs,-0ljeet Lessuua, Il. htstrated with a Class. Mtss Comtr,--Uow to tench Blinding. Illustrated with a Class. Miss J. Gtmsos,--Selsool and Chm Drill. Mm D. ALr,ss,--Edueation. Mm Machrtrrrtrrt,-uratnmatitml Didi. cultics. Mn. Josr.s,--IL'uts to persons about to enter a Normal School. [ IN. D. Garza,-. Mi..mu;: Links in the Canadian Schnul Spurn. _ Ma. ItctD,-.Musie in ESL-hauls. _ Mn. McDosuurer-Jneesttive. to Study. [ Mn. Iurcmsc-Cunn ml puaislu1teut. G. B. & W. Ra1'.way. Flesherton. Hanover. _ ..-. In Inapectorship of was a. failure-ao Iso. T, cliuesyvg--capt. il 'rke, Lute. Pemstt, and " sau-tui-io,.:" “in Cet, and men. Jlttod--L'audusruuet. Johns. and " non. rotutouiused Idixrs and men. The tetitr. are pitched in the old pmition on the Pleasure Ground. each company occupying 1; row of six tents (commencing with No. 1 on the Elm.) the "ieers tents occupying the with end of the rows. mule I that ot the Lt. Col. in on the west margin 'uf the field, and the others men tent " the south weasel-n corner. Behind the tents to the Keith are the camp fires, where the men do their cooking. two ‘eook: being detailed from each company. land beyond them rgain the guard. wi-h l the sentry [neiug hie monotonous bent in ifrnut ufit. We nutue that the otiitrers are l ‘guing in for luxuries, one of the teme oun- taiuing no less than two rocking trlmim-.. duuhtleu for the accommodation of he fair eex. who, as usual. an ntreeted with the “scarlet fever." The camp presents a yicturesque appearance. and is visited by large numbers of our citizens. The Bu. tulion u composed of a tim, body of men. but owing to the uots.arrival of the new nuifurnm its appearance for the first day or two was meatlv marred. Although Monday and Tuasdsw were tine, days, everybody will the Battalion was to have its naval luck; and on Tuesday evening there was a shower. followed up by a. wet day on Wednesday. inereaxing during Wednesday night to a territie storm of wind and rain. The men took it philoso- phisally " part of the heldelnpe of e sol. dien Brenna maintained um jollity in spate of it. They I'll ooeetit- to drill here till MW, . mom hem nstd ,t,?Ll'i'iiiiiiiiii'iikC1t1cti, review No. 4, Durham - Capt. Hamlin. Liam. Williams, Lieut. Moodie, Ind 42 nun- pmuuunuuued otheers and men. So, ti, 9mm souml--Capt. Boyd, with " tsovuuuuciririouetl rdhecr, and men. No. o, Fleatertc'--cupt. Fuer, Lieut. Campbell. and 42 u.rttHlotuuusOMnMNt otii. en: and 'u"u. The presence of rod cunts on our streets on Monday m: ming but gave tvlan that the Slst Battalion was about to minute: for unou drill. whim. a visit to the Immature Ground showed uni". preparations being made for the camp. Early in the mar- noon the Multan], tttul Clank-dung Com. parties arrived by steamer Northern Quecu, the Ir. .shertnn Cumlmuy came by T. G. * B, It., and the Durham and with Cum panics by waaurou---all Iraiugun hand by Monday owning. The ILuaiirut is enn- prived an follows : LienL-Col. Brodie and staff, camintiu: " tiuwvon Murmur, Surge-m Umulmn. 1'tt.vuustxr Cpordon, Qmm'rmmtxr D .. ”nun, Chaplain bia:uollaud, and Ser- geuut Maj -r Grant. No. 1 ()mupuuy. Owen Suuud - Leut. Saw-neon Liam. Robinson. and 43 non ttounuituuoued otiieem and man. No. 2. 1leaford--Capt. McGhee, Lieut. Pol. Lrsl, and 42 uoiraouuu'usioued amour. tsup men. aL,,, are huge quantities of cop out in the fields ban you M r, Goo. Hilliard, of uetattettatrmtltoup,'U he would name him“ with a ride on one of his oxen. George mounted but im. median-1y Mr. Os nnl.mded him. Georg" uuw moguls the loss of the use of one wing. Permit me to make A few pun-inn re- marks on your mm Zero. firut ifhe contin- ues in the future. at ho but improved in the past. he will nun hoaumo a tit mlject for tho Asvlum. What, in all caution, moo an mun be have in huping all the time In lho frost.,, the nudge, and the poor crops? ths has ulna, for we third time, mull the mum of poor Scott to appear in the col- uium of your paper. Should Atio, over hicnma iusaue--whieu in very ikely to 1sttppo-ltow would he or his friemlI, like to lime his minis limped in the public pnprrs. He also speaks of mearrv, dip- thoria. and even dimutry being prevalent in thin neighborhood. It suited me very forcibly that the whale tenor of Zara's car. reswiudeuco during the spare huum he hell on hand is calculated to he tsforewarner to dangers aud other: nut to tame near Dominik. He even speaks of the Reeve of Proton supplying; the village boys with houses. Just linng'ne our Reeve honey! Your Zero correspondence r, only admini- ul to injure our xillage, and not a lew of its inhabitants. I hope this gentle hint will put a stop to such foolery I if uni, Zero will iiud his head in, bandha. Yuan, Fun PLAY. muted largely mm Lord Hale torhuw that stealing a cow or two was not I very serious offeuee. T as J. P's. did nut lake thut View Mit, and Mart'.ux "Jamming" 1mg l-ouml over in Two Hundred dollras to appear at the Assn“ bud mind her trlnl. "s 2m. Mrs. Manila "Inhasiug," of the Colored perstursiott. w" I-mught before Noun. thauam and MiMretoa, J. PU., on I chug. of cu‘tle naming from oneatiu. Us". out Priceville. There was quite I number of witness“ examined on both sun. 3nd “mum: the rest B. L. M. Lake, Esq. UM erul calm-ed eiticeus wen put throuclt their faunas. Mr. Laumu "pireared " 1'aiutiit, nu} Mr. Guy for Dot‘cucleut. TLe ly t " Mr. Editor, Our mule fair w" held tn-dny. There was quite a number of flue cattle, but than! was not u buyer--Aaot':er “hum” for the N. P. Pun. . n. 3. Leith-ttpt. Tt4iorr1,Lient.Cantaon, and a nun cummiuiaued viruses and me " Dundulk, Sept. 8, 1879. Dundizlk, Sept. lo, 1879. Dundslk Items. In Camp. Dundalk. --e.- an. wu. ”noon. and! math _ l-mkoun-n on tle. Tcmuto. Guy t Bum Railway, Ind brown of Conductor and Hurry tiltroule, I‘M HIM on Cn' Gnnd Trunk Railway. white plum; under . mag. on I {night tram There were no “was bolou tko bridge to warn him of the any“. a. m g ' mm: nun cod hold in high Odou- by all win: - hindouthil ligte.-At. 3. Adv' A tarmertmmmt Deejudine, adding m the township of Clevenee. than, a... day hut week, to Caledonia Springs In not In supply of minerel newt. After getting ' he left for home. ridiculing up " the time expected. his family ”My boon-m very enxioun elm“, him. and "W tist, mean to the neiahhon. who turned out en new Saturday in level: at him. "A dead body, " well u “in. of Na haunt. wee f mud n the bottom ole eteepeml-Inl‘ meat. It is supplied “In Dog‘udim tell uleep. end. we hone. getting out of tl" come. were precipitated mth the arm-r a dietetic” of seven! hundred feet. Death must have been insuntaoooatn, his Gee be. ing bully until tied. lie have: e wife and nine and] ohildnn. wits, ' on him for support. An inquest in be", end a verdict returned in Men. with $1.0 ikets. my fog mel- I one to me: tost mm. cull anal-h u Srhnol Bard to mpp-mx him in for that kid!“ to go illduitriunnl} to work And an I new oeetitiw.---lriru. Mon Whig. One of the Answer: to camapomlenh m Saturday'. Glob. is " [allow- t “Whoa the oertifieatr of I public Ochoa] [mailer orttitm his “I”, - to ho Many due." This being soit 1011de ans-1m toueufter 3|ch: to and: a pm in Ills ol. 1, [unit], and mu tunnel who do thm ,l'egnl thin] In annual-h to m an: m " law for in mom-cry " the nit nf nnv tat payer. A teacher without I eerttiVate n i.,pllr no tucker at I". nad tl" only A strung" hum-d Punch Rally. w'iv, has been working for the (‘muh mm.” .~ Itaila " " Wauaford the Int two or Kim " weeks, came to St. Thomas and drow L, pay on Titti:tdo.v, and V“ (“and drud n. the Canada southeru ll-ilwuy youd then al 12:80 nan morning. “is right “within. an] tide was badly culled. null-o had other out: and built! on the body. Au unbroken bottle of wlniuke, in his right pocket um! I hate: one in th. oaher told the nary. [In it “append to I)". friends in Toronto, but nothing m (mod on hm: to gives any clue. An incl-tit In In) I, and a verdict returned in marina. with tax above has. A little boy, Ion of Mr. John h%lchrt. Townlino of Souk-n M Bcnhm-k. I'm nations}, injured by A horse on Fruiuy morning Inst. The child I'll taking tlv, born. to pasture. when it unddenly bieked kim in the (no, splmmg In! new and up. per lip, bat, strange to My, his mu. warn uninjured. It is supposed that the bursa I“ annoyed by them, " he hm kimono home a good reputation u o hum-lea and quiet saint-1 .--cheurg E ntarpn'oe. Mr. PH. McDonald In: boom. the l, sm- of an um. um nuns. Four bundud emigrants arrived at 31 Il'. weal Baud-y villa " Guano. Col. Fiddler, late military met”: lo Lord Dutretih in Caundn, in dent Sir Patrick New“. ovum-ad” “I the {urea ‘11 Blind: North America. as on his way to 11:“an {tum Enghnd. the mm- tary Commission to which he no unmann- ed L-n'ng concluded in khan. A daughter of Mr. In. Modd.et, ot It m GwillitnAttry, who broke her leg tome m or eight weeks nan. vu- antenna“ mum: last Sabbath. in (Idling um] banking her leg main in the an. pue..--Brad.rrrd Wanna. By “I. sinking“ . ,.elrt in Henderson Bay, M Ontario. on Frill], Devon pep ton. were around. Some seventy-Gun dismissal]: have men plus as tho Ham“ and New nun-u... ot he Intel colonial [kiln-y . thin tin-1 an tbw (13:51. B. hymn. of Hun-inn. but a vnluui,1. has. recently. in jumping over I fence it was impala! on u mil. Tho ulna of luv. stock shipped ft u. Monuwalso Gnu Britain " the hem. mouth- Mum year u can.“ u 01.7.5", l Ly-Inw grunting I bonn- of 060,0(m to the Waterloo, Wer0istgtott, od (imam-m Buy Itailruad I'll and“ in Wooluuvu towuUgip by I majority of 17. The dwelling house of It. Simon 1%. Heist, three mile- and. of Berlin, mu harm-cl last week. The Immune, whirl, Iran I splendid mane dwelling. '0 113mm] ttt the North Waterloo Fsumers' Mutual Cum- [any for 0600. which will only - Ilwul half the loss. The ret‘dence of ttr.Duekwoosl, 141.43“: nut can. win the “but availing dam "l ed by be. Large shipment: of lamb: m '4ng mud. n “and " BIIOCOI Ape. Freight m.- rule "eoptiotmttr low. The contact for the 115 mile: of tlie Cnnndn Pneifie Rnilwny Ina-eon Englnh River and Eagle mm and not be Cunt pleted before July I, tim, but if fiuirirrl by July 1, 1881, I [mum of on. hundn I llmuuud dollar will be given to the mu- tmctorn. Messrs. Para" 6 Co. A prutty sulnntmtinl bonus this t No wonder he contractor: in: making mo»; "oris In Ill crease Weir present form, o! 1,0tte to 2.Ho I Acoppu’ mine Inn has diam-arm 1,, Wilton”. Luncuburg county. in t; M South. .' MI. War. SW. and] math b abuzz-n on an Tomato, Guy h Bruce uilwny. and broth: of Conductor and [try tiitroule, wu km on t..e and Trunk iuihrar, "ttite Plum; der . hide. on . (night tram CANADIAN ITEMS. L: Utd. (he " olbrr (‘m r. 'worm, “1" I'.--". MW“! N1 ”aural"-i _ the tudi-or, u u, the " that tbe attsis "n “o Ill-ind: bubmy cum 11Wt L oinru.msd by an. Am"... n hen-h. “In -' "y'cp'yi't_rto- nu. The Iiuetr.t "’ tu0ia 'dmmru on tht t “It. that Mn lM-uu will nub run trom yvu.la :h Me dun M Will Me t “man-l "i . "PM “In. on 11M! G) Stewart G. ' M " hula Van-Ru. and wmwtf-bm I”. Eula. 'tom', 5‘PL r.-n. troop: o! l “I Late has“ recatkd has Patou, And I My)“ W- ”Hind. Knu- I ‘11:" UAW? sud. N.“- Km. ll bu. (b an"? I!“ “hung-ulna " Smt " b ‘Ibl' Mod t ttfe lo have I be " " " w... he out” . tell. grub thr in t a") IIcn a Ill " tsi half i lurk tr mm tr And t In. Revcit of the Afghan A and an Uprising of in Populacc. M VIE vlmm: Ian-hon. The m cm: completely surl- k. new to , rural Oaoudsito to N k Insist-non. but Dumb] Ind {tally-undid. 1 ml lo to. will“ l or I Ill...“ t'.x awe-1! Akhnu regiment. nhkd. dons-ding man an milky eqeqet of th In de4Udimt them-elm if Irulie i-dintel.r orde Mi KM! " mm Miami rGn P... (Scum! Rah: uh, my. ml Iona. own " but a. not: WIS! The M on tho tin-nod We"! ' broke out on I their my. Theda- , the “It. .1th that the t' after “in; m "I ah an... m . s “we and (on. th F nt-ted ”or (m Bun-I1 Aunt of a]. "on. I” h which muu Ilul lare. Tho hum-x". (in M II tiUt and“! "In. ,efallett M {rm-l “I‘M Alghuuu Kua. I friend tat "and chm ml M wtthdeew It th. Am an“, the nod alum In". O, away In ht WIM' “TE! mu h ik illyqeuur ruin-J ~I’ridn . Inner: rm Autumn, w a...“ h” At a. tuna t waiting on ml. tty pt. 6.--Staw Ami-an Imlvel um t «know e \clmuoul " M4 WI 01 the I- 1w. at ttia. tr mW_ "a. h C" Brttrh e an“... JCl. I. wi 1rd!“ Or I rlruu IT m Il‘ml eml tlt (new. b, the my " W Inn. In nine tag Afghan: ‘1.” my “I" tr, M ml with t “an... (In IN mMie od tr tr ll 'fl M tt

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