jji 42 2c I! F, - 7 . ' Mottammodrtrw" MAIN AMittti1andmttetsGooi1Gtutor. New. Pete of Egypt _ “inâ€? x'nLLaa‘n can†was PttFBENY To u A n5 , um Il l nut-1‘1 rum “up THr'. “Ar/Ms " t.rMc'0:-uAKLM, " . mi". . . . - l ,i ‘3 ' __ . wussnxnucn. liis Higlmen â€unnamed Tew.tir, tho 1.5.3 avoided to [he (icrmgully of huh. l: s were: d the Wan-n Empire, upon the weed Mann! uh myâ€; In. horn on Nor, to, 1552. ati. “the j, sixth ruler of Egypt in the am cello? I bummed Ali Ptabs, the [no unpainted 1 Vuli orao-iar-duiso,bufNtit: got the Sultan. with the Pin Great Pom 1 " Europe. to It.“ tho ugmtiury [liai- pah'ty blah-ovum. “MW mind as. "ht-, on“ -by “a French 01mm od that thy. gnaw made himself tiuotrstq gmtreter of “I coun- try. He was succeeded in 18318 by his Ion L “him Pasha, who lived but m Wm alter ins eluvutiou. The next ruler, Abbe: Paolsa, e ion of Nahum-uni Ah'e mud Ion. argued but " yew. In 1854 he I“ “Hum by on!" od the Bolt-n, u . put- iuhment " attemptedtn-uon. MW. e third non of New Ali Putin. ene- mdel on the death " Abba; new A ho and in 1868, upon wLieh hip nephew bunid Pasha; mend ton of Mill. horn in Jammy. 1%9 beam "tbr in his "ttgtt. This in the "Endive" who bu menu, been deposed. that situ (s word of two syllahlerFeiug coufcned upon himdm-tcnd of "Tali." by In 1ueeeialfirmt"t ot 1806. At the lame tune. the I" of alienation In altered item that which had heen egul-lixhed in 1511. Instead of succession dunking as 1reretartore, “cording to the mud priueitsles of Mohammedm lawmpou the senior mule descendant of the founder d the dynoty. it-wu to go to Imr.‘ ehlert sun. end theneerrtls in the same order of grimi'geniiuremxcludiug the other branches of Mnhuumcd AID. manly. Thin luv" was granted to the lat. Show", in 1866, by Sultan Abdul Aziz, in considera- tinu at a large money payment. but in win- l:.tmn of the “want and “and law, and of the canveutiun with the Foreign Powers. T he cA-nsequeuco of that art"ungrmeut of 1866 i, the premeut Mormon " Tewtik, in. MI ml 1 f 1inluu, n t 'III th sun of :ttolsoutued A t, m-w "l, Ill mu yerm, of up, and re- lH-lt'd a much alder mun. Ourcairoe "vsvsudeut'sttys: "It would‘ be preurvture to npeculute on tho prospeetsi of Eeypt under the new regime, as the Prince has not hitherto hem pmuninontly brought tt,rward. He held ofhee as Miniatu- ol' the lutcvior Gr same time, bettre the tall of the late Linn il [Kuhn ; hut the pmi- tiou gum little M'ulm for drqdayirtr, his capacity. u be was eunplr-I with a council- lur ur adviser, noun haul-headed vmcinl. who really did the work. and m actually toqwnsthe. The Ihiuee's siv,rt pruidtum of the Council " Miuie,ters did nut pr we lt mecca; but he could not have been an indgponclout Agent under the wh ttutustttuees. In "iv-to " In in for] much esteemed, And is populu mung nll class“ . and autumn“... lie is u strict and eottsistettt Mohammedan. without being u lunatic ', and. though he has not has! the advtmtage of n Ear-pun duration. like hi: brcth-, he ii, Minsk will informed 1nd co V vert-Iut with tho topic: of the iur"--mua. mud London Nun. Bulb. Aug. 21- From I tabular statement jun publish“ an to the opornion of the Socialist hit up to the 30th of June last, it - tut during the tint nine months of III "We no favor that 667 inhibition. have but) issued in conformity with in pro- nuuut. Prussia, of coum, hold: tho raptor m. list with a total of 304 "pm-iota, 66 applying to “one: and the mat to various kind. of p-io‘licnl and other pablioatiooa. Tho mil-hr ot clulu tusd socialâ€. lumen". dimlval by the Berlin police is tritli"g in new aake 56,000 Social Dunocntic “loci: tions mare-l in thu capital " the last Im- perial shalom. After has†comes Saxony, with a Wu! L56 rows-sinus. npreseimuu " mention and 93 puNicatimu of various kinda. .Mll of slaughmruhch in omtparatirer I, lamb“ in ennui-lumen of the fact that this mh$rial hingdnt i. the mar-cry and hwlqn'tors at tho r.eottrtionaries, and that of nine &teial Donn-crab how sitting in the Reich“ SBXHHV eoutributes half I-dozen. Next in an!" in Hos-olhi'hxtalt. Whlcll has been visited with titty an. interdicta, Bruin:- wick with thsrtymve,, Ind the free City of " mm mother out at German Nihiliou, with batty-urea. " Catholic Bavaria, cunonul, laugh. only tighten- publication: uni .oqi.et.. have bun Dippreoud, in Wart- cmburg _ and in Biden eightoew--a n- oult I'M almost cumtninu one to us some juntiou '- tho cmntcntmd the Vatican that the (but! tho teat mend of the State, though. “ether on pdtive or negative grounds if were. perhaps, too uncourtmu- to mqmre. The remaining rowan-ion. undil- tnlmtnl arm-n; the rm.“ fitatca of the Fart, vire. hot there mast still he uhlel anti-t c. of those who has "ttrest under the has: lute of "in! chute in In. law " Uckber. RBIAIAILI Arum!!! or Gown s'u'iuo.--iletreutiy, f luloy Cochran. who has lor luau) yum Icon the fmmnu:g10uw " Gunman Mun]. tho humus tumor. or- nved from cultioruia, “a Willing to m the grand old Ironing more and he! wk. called on Mr. Smith, ttAowuer, to "Main lu, permiuion to visit Fashion Stud Faun. in New Jersey. Mr. Smith coco-aphid Coehnue to the form, In] on on Rhythm remand. “Charley. the Nomi: jeolon ot he: colt, in very own. and will per-i! m on. to approach it." Cochrouo om ed that Goldsmith Maul should bear hi I ce Wole r-ho sow him. and. almon "c it", bad not seen each other " two "mi o loud than) ptooontly mane] the visitors that the more bod recognized tho (Abu, vom. Cochnoo not: showed than: mun o touching noun onus-red. The old queen at tho out. who " month. would not allow “you w om]: her, trtgtiaq mdmudtqoth. ifpt on " M not“ with rho-d w by on hon: hon] "aria (miner. [my PM in u. tam, pl-s 2l2,fhe,fgt thla'r.trqrm, by in: - . that In: Luna's [uh of ' , to an . Jim-Ur!" ' up"; than. tti.1,tg up“ “a od Pe.". uuatltr we!“ . __ _ _ Operation of the Socialist Law in Germany. ia. an. wank WIEWPG thr - on...“ lung to the gnu, 1mm. know-d him to an (IR, inm- m "on AM lubed 1:1qu When Mr. Sham. Nerellar.of mun-'1 ton. who in In unenffmu. heard of the _ Muquiu of Lowe's “rivaling Can-5h. he succeeded in protmring-t1rroidt tU kind othmas of Major Music. offTillimy East, county ot Kent, which Mr. McKellu repro- unud in Path-(non! " any "-. lune of the anâ€! wild turk " that could be had in mm region. The“ were he. wudod to au Exodkncy in than for his Chtisuln dinner. with 10.05: letter, I cupy of which is soioiued, together with the reply wLich His Excellency was gra- ciously pleased to rule, in the “we hut. gauge c-- Do 'N Ard mun. Uni-l. a: Inc-immm ". Mnheur habit-lo. A†Ali-Unchu damn Chum-15:;- 0w 1:31:th I Tunnel L'n N'Oub- [KANSAS _ Tlus mi gnbh-il denae'al A chat d'nr n-iounmrdh it chnmlmir Lama NON-is. a ma alum air laimbdn Cboilouh Flann- gnoh. s chum agar gum bio dun glue eunlnim {Liudlmich u tha anus an tir to. Ths (Incas ugum gu'u gnu: sibh ind mar chnmhnrrndh air an nrram mus In dil. settrisd n tha mi 'v. ultrum M: vii n “mold: 'ur N'.thrdlsetmrtu: fein ngus 'ar Ceile Biog- hail, nighoun ar Ban-righinn tsraituaietot'e'. Gum human dbl) Mann I unlbbnebldh slainte was mnr shonus re iomadh btadlsno, is o inn-m cridlm Tr SeirChiseaeh umhnl, Gxunssuxo .UscEtaattt, Frat. do raltaiautir 1nthirAonuth. Baile “or Ramos. d" treaala gtchead dc 'n damn Mica thug, 18t8. nu xxczuucv's um. Tigh an Binuhluidh. Ottawa. l An ctnthnmb la that {kicked de'u Jusal MI " drug, 1878. Tua lu l‘nuunh chbdnmn m thnituouch le lair clauuimluui. Myanmar Muchllaix. . nu hinged “mun an [make Cliaeduealtueh I chuir e da ionnsuidlt. Th: a cut mm cine mar glnil-ht'u not: do utituiutir1ubhir Aunulh a chu‘un din an muteada ugus an mum nuns an T.' moghul Ur, ism mur d‘ueurblmdh air a gurudu do 'u Bunn- righinn. a tha air ullrum lo eluugh ua dummy. Laws. The hrlluwiug may is mid of Jacob tlidgway, a with, oitinn of l’hilndoh phiu, “ho d.(d many you: tigo, leaving tt !--r1m\u of tive or pix tuilliou dullurs. “Why nu t" responded Mr. Ridwny. “I am not mute ot any can» " which I mama he pamoulurly envied.†"What, sir T exclaimed tho young man in "toaiahmeut. “Why.are you In t a mil- tt mm ' Think of the thousands your in- come brings you every month '." "Mr. Ridgwuy," and A young man with whom the millionaire was convening, "you are more to be envied than any gen- tleman I know." "Wcll, what. of that?" replied Mr. Wdgwtty. “All I got out ot it in nu victuals and clothes. and I ean't out mote than one man's allowance. or we†more than one suit u Mime. Pray, ean't you do as much t" hue-hath of tine huum you own, and the rentals they bring you I" "What better am I " for “an. t" replied the rich man. "I can only live in on. house at slime; as fur the money I re- ceive for rents. why, I can't eat it or won it; I can only use it to buy other housu " other peoplo to live in; they are the reneficiaries, not I." Mmt.aro.-bhums gentlemen of . Bible Association calling upon an old worn-u to see if she had a Bible, were severely re- proved with the spiritual reply. "Do you Mk, gentlemen. um I an . human an: yuu would ask no we]: . qua-um: t" In») lad-wing n. mun girl, she au, "Run and (out: um am. out in} duvet. an: 1 any that it to use “than.†Tm Won decline! giving In: an mu. bunk. mud on giving than aegis: now-don. MW. the Bible - usetortr', My te-' iuhtiehe,d "But pm Mn buy splendid mruiture. and eortly pictures, and tim, carriage- Ind hut“, in bet, tanking you desire." “And after I luvs bought than? re- manded Mr. llillgwny, "what than t I run only look at the furniture and pictures, mul the poorest 1mm who in not blind can Ila the "ma. 1 can tixu:rRheteeitt I tim. mrringe thnn you can it: an 'omnibus for five mrnta, without the huau “alluding to drivers. (batman and hustlers; and uh anything I 'desire,' I can tell you, your): nun. that the less we desire in this world the lnppxur we shnll be. All my wealth cannot, lmv me a single day more of tite-- cannot bay back my ,otttu--oattrtot pur. chau exemption from nickna- nnd pun-- cannot procure me power to hop If" " the hall: of Math l and than, what will all avtsil when, in I fev than yearn at most, I he down in the gnve and leave it all for ever , Ynuug man, you have no cause to envy the." Smugling has become so common dong we St. Clair that the smugglers go and come just As it suits them. The bounty of Hummer: that die Winn no all “long protectionism _ No vegehble improves more on ugunin. lance than celery. It is sometimes object.- od to its eultirution by farmers that than i, too much labor about it, and this was a serious objection when the fashion was to calm-us it in tranche: requisite " the dwarf and medium varieties, which are really Atuu morftisp. helm. Ind better thuu the giant. It can be grown with little more labor than I crop of cabbage, and u .t adorns the table. tickles the palate and tones tho stomach. It deserves a wider cul- tivation by farmers than it bu yet “3. to-aiiefttheutwoem_irrted, ma qh't'l'l%'d'lrfl', you In" com!‘ .. ““4an neutron-g that 1 h" '- . J. W-CRAWFGBD. Atta, bouq* = tt â€mud min-m. Durhamr.ty M‘MMHM Cit" ' hum rat. mm " "Ah, but, ' said the youth, "tlaiak at the A Rich Man on Riches. HR!!!" u‘umn‘l nun. Celery. -r-----. -- All kinds and sizes, Single and Dou- ' ble, Supporters, 860., at Shoulder Braces for Ladies and Gentlemen, a Large Stock. Me- in mm of thee -an"ieue, will iind it to their “image to see our Mock, School Books of , all kinds, of the but quality. LIQUORS for Medicinal purposes. 630033128. gum! and chap, at KIERNAN & HUGHtiM)N'S, Durham-Third Tuesday in each mouth, Prieevilu-- Mend-y before Durham. Irsuover--Mouday before Durlmm. Blunt Fore,t-TLird Wednesday in "sch month. i 9yelirh--Fir.tt Wednesdnv iv one]: month. I iGrviston--l"riGy before the Guelph Fair. Drayton-Sail/sy, before Guelph. Elotu--The duy before Guelph. Dougltur-Mouoy bettue Elem Fair. Hamiltott-c.tttrl Paluw Gunman, the , day utter Guelph. L'erlin-Fitut 1'ltursdtty in each month Brampton -First 'l‘hnrtulny in eaelnuonth. Lis'.owel--First Friday in each month. b'urgus--Tlsttrsduyto)lotitysr Mount Forest. itosihuont-ritteetult of February, Apil, June. Auguat. Octane!†and Deccan] er. Priusrotus--Wcdavruloy preceding the Onngeviua Fur. oraugerilltr--Tlw gud Thursday in each month. Fushevwu--.uouday before Omngcville. 1haudiuk--Tuoulay before orattgeville. Shelblu'nu -Weduvralny bur-um oiatw,evillc. hawks-Sauna Wednesday in each numb. Walkerton--Tlse last Wednesday in one]: numb. Mlldumy C" Last Wednesday of web Sabbath service: " n w. n and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2 p, In. Rev. H. B. Why. B. A., path: Church Wardens, H. J. Midduugh 3nd Elias Edsel p.16. Tiiao ttrstsooi at 22.10 a) m. Prayer muettug our! Woductdgsy evening M :..II). Bible Chal- owry Thursday new; at P.at. Rev. Wm Iurh,ptwtor. Bunion. "err 3.1mm at 10.30 a. m. and 6:30 pm. Snubâ€): Selma " gut , m. Prayer meow»; c ' a ry l‘umdny awning " u'clock. and [HIM (Jim every Mouth} evening M. I o’clocs. You» Row. B. Unduuy. Town Rl-open waxy Friday evening trom 7 w 9 o'clock. 5mm» et, “mm! tee oo com-1. Menu 1brr thobertsou, mum. DURHAM DIRECTORY W. Grant. pastor, Sunday Home " --ptth- km " u a. m: “bum School at in!) p. ur. I'rwuuug It 7 p. m. Wonk evening Hurviceu~ Monday owning, yum porn-luv Train: waning at N p. tu.; WWW†owning, Bib a 0 use at a p. u: Tum-day ewumg, walnut prayer weaving nt ttpart Thoma- Lauder. Bogiattu' John A. Munro, hu- putr-Bvautnsr. Ottico noun GG 10 a. m. to ' my. onion ham trum8B.tu.to 7 p. m, Arch. Mm KunmJ’umuuur. Fer limo st inhumane nuuonum Time Tutu. V DURHAM LODGE Nu. 30601" A. F. sk' A. M. {Night of ','al,'rrf,ttrltu'l or bolomun no? o men " ' “wan w one. ' You†grit? H. W. Mooklvr, sou-cm". STEPHEN LODGE No.uq LO.0.F. Night at meeting aver, Mommy M Tsto o‘clock. in the uni Folio“ w' Hull. Waiting htvtnnu welcome. '1'. A. Hum. N, Cr. W. n. vouut. are. Night of meeting, Tummy on or before I: law†In each mama. T, canon. Soc. NO ABMlSTICE With the Chem-r In! “gin-t All kind- of BM! Loan dating ma. Tomm’ro. GREY. AND BRUCE "hiLWSY, CHANGE " TIME. Depart. 1:10 I. Arrive, acne B, -. may; 11210 ("if 1?iiiAitTts,Ui fix; North. l'epun, 11:40 th. Lu.. 'urt' m. . Arrive, ti:15 B. m., 6.uOp. In. West. Depart 11:15 min. Arrive 11:00 1.11.1) OWEN Ions». Damn 6:80 B.tm, P.'.ojttoqg. Am" "lo p. m., 10:15 p. m. "BtbWayten w, 6.00 I. m.. Custom Sawing of Lumber south, pupa" SHINOL‘ES. IATH AND LUMBER â€madman-um on sud “my HONDA w, 5th Flay. IS‘IO. cums will run as tuliowr-- . TuttottTottmtott STATIOX. Divine service our, Bubbutb " It a. m. an! 6:30 ,xn. tiabtnsut Schoo at 2:40 tr ruvhlr.rsytr.rmtsettug Toronto. April 9th. 1870 “$0.0,â€me minim than Durham. Aggust. 21, 1879. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIIW. uunlth. "H13?" P TRUSSES! PRESBYTEBIAN CHURCH, KIERNAN & HUGHSON’S. C. METHODIST CHURCH, MEt'HANlCS‘ INSTITUTE S. G, REGISTRY OFFICE DURHAM L. o. L. Nu, m. TRINITY CHURCH, BAPTIST CHURCH, In. 11:35 p. m, m., 3'00 p. m onnazvxum. m, gnaw-'5 1110:. tlt., 4:15; llzwu‘m" 'url 1111.5 B. m., ir.uoi Drugs and Chemicals. POST OFFICE ', War! U. CE DN UND WRAGGE. General Manager um I. m...’v:w p.sml 4:": . m., uw p. mg ms t' m. . lrul p. m. . v) If? . . V, r - - â€"â€"â€"â€"- v- w“ two. I . ,TibiiiiiiiiriGGa"tn7Jt P at! m u be. In ’23:.“ who withâ€! LWair,',",2P, ROBERT MoPARLANE I )ITl? 11A " Carriage Works. Carriages, Buggies, Demo crat Wagons, etc,, CY," THE VERY BEST MATERIAL Egon tiuish, and " price. " low II may ou" (will) uhmcm in the county. Those in need of Such Article; would do well to Jail and Inspect My Stock. _ The tNtmcritrer " ulls Agent for All Kinds o FARM TMPLEUE.NT8 Compris "er and Electra Plan-d Gui. Gum and Sin-r Watches. Ladies and Gents' Wedding and Engagement Rings, Gold Loekets, Charms, Clmius, Keys. Pencils, Pens, he., kc. h benutlfullluc of mocks. Alamo “no of Fancy oouo,teotacimr,vioit'us, Wie, Coxscvrtinto, dc The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Skins, "e"'"""-.' -"r vq..- ,_.. -_._ y. - mi. In. ttto-tu-tnitrite-ttlot bulb“: um. tome tor . can In In" baud ' A sense of duty to null-I’m ttom tlpattoattmosne disease. Campy, Pprn.pf.. no to audio“ when» titimste, anathema. wm: [one to m e wttat use of it you any I“ prover; _ Ropniriug a Specialty. Mr. F. DOLL-s. Watchmaker, LOWER TOWN, - - DURHAM Tho-nul- - In Wondcrfll t'urcu. Hear what a. Reverend Gentleman says ofthe Constitutional Remedy. um it. teeiiirghuU aa _. Grifaiaiiii Ciiiiiii,' in. YItre and HI) {huge mm at late I tum, tum. am" ___ Llama cm: in: mo 99'," lriysr I?!" iii: mu from lying long, l would ml like another. my and be compelled to an up In the bed, My health am spirit. were tertoyturysttmnod. When your Agent cum“ to “Idiot-ton Ill Allan“, ttrl6,t mound three bottles Below I had ml I m: ot the content. of on bottle I found decide: relief, bud when I had used two bottles and a third, I l‘lljl hid-u: it lull-nu and“ -.._._.I at .L_. -18, l l. l T.2.B. ammo. My}. Ami. Brock ville. Ontario. T. J. B. Hmong. Egg ted,' Xik for For Sale by All busine- ou on e 'al BEST " Ii,",hi"i P233239“? . a . .'_.._’;___J_A_ 1h'gt'll"d1i/lu1't,rntg't Saddler, Tanner, Broeevitlr, Out. . In“! Sum It is now two yum muna your‘Tou. stitutionatCutarrh Remedy ' "Pf introducc-d to u: . Have waited this 1mm to we" the cure would rc. 1et,rlt'.'i,",l butore down an... my duty.†' ou' u " m: the In?†etueu named tometolw“tou good to bo true. 1'leshortott,Deeotuber " 1878, Shoemaker, No, 5, Garafraxa Street, W. 1mm PM. on. Arts MEDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWN y-60 Durham NEW GOODS Durham, December 19th 18t8. THOMAS SMITH, ItGarGiiit It! - Try It! Manufacturer of he.. OF Flesherton. ROBERT MOFAILLAN E, m... “a". [â€359â€, 3mm. mama. --Atrtr- 'iitii ifGikraiiiiarG'G'a AT " on); one W. F. DOLL. Mom! Catorh Highest Market Price in Cash, FOR woo L: The Subscribers wishing to reth iiLiGJtiieiU,iriai, friends And customer. for their patron“. in the put would remind them that they we " mull pl cured to do qyy1ing, SpinnAm‘g , .hlr?n11fatoturing, " an! we have I bra. Stock of Pei“ amt Cumiiu Trash. Dtlielnttr, rummag- and 'taamets which we will exchange for Wool or all chip for can. omen t At mama _etiuiiiii'G' SQkéI'iQwer' Fashionable SUMMER STOCK wocLDNow INVITE THF, LADIES TO COME AND EXAMINE HIS NEW --hND - The Royalist Trimming esp ec1ally shaped for collars * tmth PATENTED CHINEUA NECK TIES, MEsLIN TIES, NET TIES, LACE TIES, FRENCH FANS, FANCY FANS, DAMASK PM KET Hh.NDKEilcrHE1%', NEW METAL DRESS lil'TTONS. t A LOT or SUN SHADES, Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlax d; Stewart's Improved Gang Ploughs,. b: AGRICULTURAL “I: ituberitter is 'gt!t_tftttl"s tsale M $25 to $50.2???†RAY 'T" - v - I CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE WITH THE GREAT WESTERN in the beet pauibh manner and on the “when notice. mmmamsFï¬Mggmnmmm! CP'OUR AUGERS are operated Entirely by HORSE POWER, l GUARANTEED to bore at the rate of IO to 15 FEET PER HOUR. Dal-hum, April 4, 1878. They are WARRANWE SUCCESSFULLY IN ALL KINDS OF EARTH, so and LIMESTONE; BITUMI- NOUS STONE COAL, SLATE, and HARDPAN, and make the BEST OF WELLS in QUICKSANI), GRAYEL, and CAVY EARTHS. Durham. May, 15, Irll The: on may 0mm, ll-plo In construction. “a Dir-lie! The (hear-l and no" Prune-I In the World! -MArTrACTPFED. AT OUP. O' Material, by Skilled and Practical Workmen, Ian I. will up" you - If ate Ad'ulluml va- -.NP"qre - - .r.-__-- - United States and Canada, to whom we oar Illustrated C atalogue, Prices, Terms, &c., pro' GOOD ACTIVE AGENTS War mm States and Canada, to_whont ye oiicr .liberal WM. JOHNSTON, (In, ADDRESS ther in agent for the sale of the culabuted MOWER lanthanum! by the TORONTO REAPER & gs'0Wh'li CUMPAKY. ALSO Note sud Book Account: collected on remmnalvle terms. "it-ttt AUQEJLE WOOL! WOOL! "iiiiriiiiiirri" and m‘puparea to demonstrate the fact ', May " 1879. JOHN CAMERON ‘XBAï¬Ã©mJMESSENGER Brim" purchasing Elsets here dam fail to ere our Sum]: MILLINERY Fancy Dry Gooods. E. d; A. DAVIDSON. Durham, May 15th, 1879. All of which will be sold at very low prices GREAT WESTERN WELL AUGEB WURKS. Consisting in part of the following ". tAgent tor the sale of all kind. of LADIES IMPLEMEN TS, --AN D--. 'PIP, Wanted in Every Count: in the we offer ibcral inducements. Sen for our &c., proving our tuivertisemettt bond foil. .-or--. St. Louis, Missouri. U. ts. A. SUCH A5- OWN WORKS, from the Very Best 04 Womuhopupuod topay ch: JOHN CAMERON. AMWDUIIIVM mu! Mania READING The Large 3nd “puny ham Cinn- in an Townships of out. has» Normandy, linemen. PM. “no“. “Grey Job Department, " HOST APPROVED KINDS know tittcd up in the wry but nyh, and Passes“. can depend upon bung "tidUd byleavu ' Having lately mado n ma And with the Gm; Prompmud a Good Family Newspaper Osprey. McMahon had other Town Best Helium: for Advertisers “G roy " c" le “a" Best Style of the “GREY ItmrXIgNr' LOCAL AND â€Illa! Joh Work Price 01.25 per mum. " COM: Us PARI SPORT“!!! ship. lush: it on of the m use. is farm with should subunit». " the. In the County of Gin]. If not midis: ulna... mu Item“. (at doing all ‘\'OR K. MARKET REPORTS. or m: um All who want . . done in the var, 1atuttottU unwed... Etc VE TERINARY SU It jam: " It, I: " AGENTS,'BEAD w C,'-,,,',:",",,',":.',",,,.':,',','.',,':.'., l r w, IN Cabinet M At th Durham, - - The British Hotel. lis’t-I'y 'Ch " -" pm mu hu- _ I. ecu-rm»: Tu" w»! alumna." an: I an M I an) Ut Lnnnhh n. “THE REVI ll W. CALij BUSINESS DIRE0 LEGAL , turd "mad. I.“ -_.. - flue cut M.“M.fron " , " â€than." â€mama-l and Mun.“ I - and In“. Por I a o maho- ur it liuu Not lune inch- do. put vat u Mar ooh-I. p! it" [alt mm. .. 1.†Nun-I. " _ Wuhan Bros Carpenters and Bu ‘AIUHSTER. ATTI pct Torn. â€minim, " Hoary so In..- I... JAM†1RAUUATE of Turm IMI 1 RAIIITATE 'LAN, tltd Manama I" Do You Wu“ H: yttt Shawl“ w'"'"" ""V' Funny)†My: in N who", - a! lamb. G, ood att ' oflocal I of chirp. PRAY ANIILLS. fe ' " " for u, 6hr mindin ' linen. hon-um. “up! who: “when human-m- to the ‘tr-l until (Widen, sud c c.-""'"'. t T1" HIKE" Ill Lam. _ “u 1. or'rl t‘ummuJUIn-I n. " h N, rum) PM. mun Crav- Mann tor the “Autumn, m. enh "haunt mun Lf'v“ “I â€aâ€. . lo that month all! Judi-OHIO!- an“! Mud-III. to Beta. AVING In" thor and m I. ttmta.t- r Inn» - an ttrut , plrmun 'll,','.' tttututt,t'eg "d . a r"i'lii'i Bnnm It hood I All. IOIATEIII. Ir IL! “and" I a In." JVIBY ESTABLI Boot and Shoe MISCELLANEO M ACIIAE. REA] Geo. a. Huang RATES t In Huang“: n I “1&erqu Tugâ€. Durham. n rd hm commune-I :‘vn In. “I win“)- In†:tnnopdhpubur "rr ha 'thBqetgu ood, l yr to u b- oouut), I _pi'ta.htltN'e'fot'i muo- ot McFAYDY.N & I METERS. Salim " MS I. Will and In"! F Bauthtud Bold in gtot ' Sui and Elwin a m, an... In. rail! as Fur â€TENS “ml St', tl' “:IJJl‘I l. "uh! Wood Turnin rhmchmul pr Inch. 90 ‘UII f, I"! ammo.“ «Jun U ATP 1.0 DI hlll' MEDICAL an In. " Thur D. MACH“ Dun-hm " tl n ll “IAN & haun'n “my: Ore .\'l JN n I" " " JOIN 'll