§7 [ k ®) t U Collision 0n the Grand Trunk, Guelph, Sept.: 26.â€"&A collision cccurred | on the Grand Trupk Railway at $:45 this afternoon between the city and Rockwood. It appears at present that a freight train going west gansed a red sigpal for a special following, which was not noticed by the officialsâ€"at the Guelphâ€" stationt ‘mor by thol men on the down triin, which was waiting at the _Guelph station to cross the up‘ freight. The consequence was that the down train left here, and about four miles east met the up special. Both treins were running at full speed, but . fortunately they were on a straight piece of track, so that the engiveers had time to shut off steam, reverse their ougines, and juimp, Both engines ars a total wreck, together with about twelve cars, cight of which, loaded with coal oil, were totally destroyed A tramp stealing a ride, hailing from New Jefferson, lowa, named Brackett, louand for Montreal, was jammed between two cars and had to be cut out. He was brought to Guelph and placed is the hos pital, but theze is no hope of his recovery. Ausziliary trains were at once ordered from Toronto ard Stratford to clear the track, and towards morning the line is exâ€" pected to be clear for traffic. BY MRS. HENRY WARD BEECHER. Fairs in which wrong dealings are winkâ€" | ed at are held in abhorence by all honest | persons. To follow those who refuse to buy through the crowd, persistently urging them after they have once declured, is a breach of politeaess, ‘The directors of the fair should aet as a police force, watchful and vigilaunt to detect the beginning of evil. _ If they do their auty any equivocal act will soon be detected. Among the young particularly, a desire to make rupid sales, to have their rceipts swell beyoud some other tables, sometimes tempts them to resort to various schemes to effect their object ; and if this propensity is not nipped in the bud a fair may exert an evil influâ€" ence that will far overbalance the good that may be attained. _ Raffling should not be tolerated for a moment, or any device akin to a lottery. There are a thousand ways to which these chance operations obtain nceeess to some of the departments in a fair, and it will require determination on the part of the directors to keep them out. Grabâ€"bags, cakes with one ring, whero & dozen children buy a pieee, hoping to get the ring, and turn away disappointed and envious of ths lucky one; trees with little bags filled with candies, in one or two of which there is & ring or some ornamentâ€" each of these is a specios of gambling. Every child who spends its three or five cents at the grabâ€"bag hopes to be the lucky possessor of the something worth more than the money he put in. If he finds the money spent for naught, he goes away feeling, and justly, that he has been cheatâ€" ed ; or with the rashneess of the true gambler, continues to risk the few pennies that he has, hoping for better luck next | time. In that seeminly trivial operatin he | has perhaps laid the foundation ot a habit that will be his destruction. And the same is true of the one who has been over suceessâ€" ful. He tries it again, and is not likely to forget that in a trial of chance he was the lucky one. The same is true of the ringâ€" eake and the candyâ€"bags, where the purâ€" chaser has a chance for a ring. We have heard parents complain that their childâ€" â€"ren spent all their money buying candyâ€" bags trom the trees, hoping to get the ring, butcame home crying because they had spent their money for naught. A groat dishonesty 1s often practised by refusing to make change for things purâ€" chased. We were told a few days since by a gentleman, that ho went into a fair a short time previous and made a purchase of two or three dollars‘ worth from a very bright and intelligent young lady, and bayâ€" ing no change handed her twenty dollars. He waited a few moments, then said : "I‘ll take my change, if you please." "Oh ! we give no change," the young lady replied. "Now," said the gontlemen, I have done with fairs. They all tend to make those engaged in them dishonest. I would never trust that young lady again." Taking "chances" or buying articles on "shares," are two very different things. The "chanee is nothing more nor less than n lotteryâ€"a species of gambling. Buying on "share" is a strictly commercial . transâ€" action, a partnership concern, when each one who buys a "share," is so far the ownâ€" er of the article, has just so much invested in it, and when from the beginning it is understood that when purchased it is to be prosented to some one, each one who buys a share or helps to pay for the good is a joint donor of the article when presented. â€"Christian Union. Mr. Thomas Wilson, of Baltimore, died a fow days since, at the age of ninetyâ€"one, He was a member of the Societs of Friends, and noted for his benevolence. He leaves mbout $2,000,000, threefourths of which are given to charitable objects. One of the bequests is a $500,000 engowment for the "Thomas Wilson Sanitarium for the childâ€" ren of the Sick Poor," and $100,000 for "Thomas Wilson Fuelâ€"saving â€"Fund,". of Baltimore, both of which were incorporatâ€" ed 3 years ago, in pursuance of his recomâ€" wendation. es A Sunday or two ago a Baptist congreâ€" gation at Tampa, Fila., was somewhat exâ€" cited over the strange conduct of a skunk, which entered the church.during service, and proceeded up the aisie, leisurely lookâ€" ing at each person as it passed along. Finâ€" or so, and then turned and walked out deâ€" liberately into a graveyard near by. The of evil and a warning of some kind. Church Fairs. to a close., A few of the old d sisters coritend that it is an > cause the minister to bring wore laden with merâ€" for a ma€hent surrendered. In a fight betwees Servian Custorms offiâ€" cials and Austriau srougglers ten men were killed. A great meeting to promote the comâ€" mercial â€"treaty betwecu _ Franse and America will be held in Paris ou October 5th. Deadwood, in the Black Hills country, was swept by fire on Friday, and thousands of its citizens are lef? homeless aud destiâ€" tute. emaucipated by their owners, who have coutracted with them for tive years‘ serâ€" Wearly three thousand fires occurred in Russia during the month of August, deâ€" stroying over $15,000,000 worth of proâ€" The London Times states that Princess Louise has invited a number of English friends to visit Rideau Hall during the coming winter. f s Jn 1829, Emmons Rudge was fined $40 and costs for selling ice in the summer in Hartford, because the traffic was dangerous to public health. Dr. Baring, late Bishop of Durham, who resigned his See last winter, has just died. He was a brother of the first Lord Northâ€" brook, and was seventyâ€"two years of age. The Duke of Edinburgh will hoist his flag in November as Admiral Superintendâ€" ent of the Naval Reserves, in succession to Vice Admiral Phillimore, who then comâ€" pletes his period of service. A singular incident recently occorred at Pesarc, Italy, Rossini‘s birthplaze, where at the local elections not a single voter campe to the polls, and the anthorities reâ€" turned a blank certifi¢eate. It was not a case of bullâ€"dozing, but the voters were abâ€" sent at a musical festival, where the works of the great masters Leld them spellâ€"bound all day. The question of dividing Dakots into two or three territories is being agitated with a degree of vim and persistence that promises suceess. . Several plans of divisâ€" ion are suggested. Dakota at present contains an area as large as three times that of the state of Iowa, and no region of country is filling up or developing more rapidly. All the hostile chiefsof Zululand have One evening lately, a lecturer on spiritâ€" ualism observed a Jady in deep mounrving leaving the hall. He addressed her from the platform, and asked her to wait for a few moments, as the spirit of her husband wished to communicate with her. "I know it," she replied, "for he is now at the door waiting to escort me home." The lecturer adjourned early and left town the next day. I. 0. G. T.â€"The twentyâ€"sixth aunual meeting of the Grand Lodge i. 0. G. T., was held lately in Hamilton, _ The auditors presented their annual report, showing that the books of the Secretary and Treasurer had been correctly kept and the funds properly accounted for, the stateâ€" ment of tke assets and liabilities, showing an excess of the latter over the former of $2,747.89, exclusive of a disputed claim of uearly $800. A discussion took place reâ€" lative to the salary of the G. W. 8. The salary was fixed at $600 for the onsuing Sz thousand Cuban slaves have been year.r Toronto was selected a« the location of the next session of the Grand Lodge. The following officers were elected: John Shaw, Whitby, reâ€"elected G.W.C.T. ; E. Starr, Ottawa, G.W.C. ; Mrs. E. 8. Cumâ€" mer, Hamilton, G.W.V.T. ; T. W. Casey, Napanee, reâ€"elected G.W.S. ; J. H. Flagg, Mitchell, reâ€"elected G.W.T. ; Rev. T. Maâ€" guire, Jarvis, G.W. Chap.; B. Loverin, Greenbush, G.W.M. ; Mrs. J. W. Robertâ€" son, Hamilton, G.W.D.M.; Mrs. J. Miller, Hamilton, G. W.1.G. ; Wauouno, Bothwell, (G.W.O.G. Representatives to R.W.G.L. â€"John Ormiston, Rev. M. L. Pearson, J. H. Flagg, and Dr. Oronhyatekha, Alterâ€" natesâ€"H. A. Crain, W. C. Wilkinson,Rev. J. Shaw and Rev. J. B. Aylesworth. Audiâ€" torsâ€"J, Thompson and A. Burritt. The total membership of the order is about 16,â€" Apvice to Youse Laptss.â€"Ladiesâ€" caged birds of beautiful plumage, but sickâ€" ly looksâ€"pale pets of the parlor, who vegeâ€" tate in an unhealthy atmosphere, like the potato germinating in a dark cellar, why do you not go into the open air and warm sunshire, and add lustre to your eyes, Lloom to your ckeeks, elasticity to your steps, and vigor to your frames ? Take exâ€" ercise ; run up the hill on a wager, and down again for fun ; roam the felds, climb the fences, leap the ditches, wade the brooks, and after a day of exhilarating exâ€" ercise and unrestrained liberty, go home with an apetite acquired by healthy enjoyâ€" ment. . The beautifal and blooming young ladyâ€"rosyâ€"cheeked and brightâ€"eyedâ€"who can darn a stocking, mend her own frock, command a regiment of pots and kettles, and be a lady when required, is a girl that young men are in quest of for a wife. But you pining, screwedâ€"up, waspâ€"waisted, dollâ€"dressed, consumptionâ€"mortgaged, musâ€" icâ€"murdering, novelâ€"devouring daughters of fashion and idleness, you are no more fit for matrimony than a pullet is to look after a brood of fourteen chickens. The truth is, my dear girls, you want less fashâ€" ionable restraint and more liberty of action paore ki‘_“â€â€˜ 2“ , less. parior, . more, leg exercise and less sofa ; more frankness ard less mock modesty. Loosen your waistâ€" strings, and breath pure ‘atmosphere, and become something as good and beautiful as pature designed, ~:+re x A man named Michael Murphy fell head first into the .éylinder of a threshing maâ€" chine in Granton Township on Friday. He died a few minutes after.being extricated. About 1,600 cords of wood belonging to the G. W. R. were burned at Thamesville flo.ppoi;tmto(lr. Smithers to the Kice of general manager of the Bank of lontreal is favourably reseived in Montâ€" w4 @ + All kinds and sizes, Single and Douâ€" ble, Supporters, &¢., at Shoulder Braces for Ladies and Gentlemen, a Large Stock. School Books of of the best quality. Durhamâ€"Third Tresday in each month; Pricevilleâ€"Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durham. Mcunt Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in cach month. Guelphâ€"First Wednesday in each month. Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Eloraâ€"The day before Guelph. Douglasâ€"Monday before Elora Fair. Hamiltonâ€"Cyrstal Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berlinâ€"First Thursday in each month Bramptonâ€"First Thursday in each month. Listowelâ€"First Friday in each month. Fergusâ€"Thursday following Mount Forest. Rosemontâ€"Fifteenth of February, April, June, August, October and December. Primroseâ€"Wednesday _ preceding . the Orangeville Fair. Orangevilleâ€"The 2nd Thursday in each month. Fleshersonâ€"Monday before Orangeville. Dundalkâ€"Tuesday before Orangeville. Shelburmeâ€"Wednesday before Orangeville. Marsvilleâ€"Secound Wednesday in each month. Walkertonâ€"The last Wednesday in each month. Mildmay â€" Last Wednceday â€" of each month. Sabbath services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ni. DUDCR) School at 2 p. in. Rev. H. B. Wray, B. A., pastor Church Wardens, H. J. Middaugh and Elias Edge p. m, Sabbath School at 2:30 )‘) m,. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30, Bible Class every Thursday evening at 7:30. Rev, Win, Park, pastor. C. METHODIST CHURCH. Services overi‘ Kabbath at 10:30 a, m. and 6:30 p.m. Sabbath School wt 2:30 g m. . Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 o‘clock, and Bible Class every Monday evening at 8 o‘clock, Pastor Reyv, W. Grant, pastor,. Sunday Sorvicesâ€"preach» ing at 11 a, m.; Sabbath Bchool at 2:30 p. m.: Preaching mt 7 p. m. Week evening Servicesâ€" Monday evening, young peopley‘ ‘vmi'er mecting at 8 p. m. ; Wednesday evening, Bible c nse wh 0. P m 8 p. m.; Wodnesday eVOmTHE AIIE PAIR TR DW ’K‘Enndny evening, regulai prayer meeting at‘sp.m Town Blif:open 'oirety Friday evening from 7 t« 9 o‘clock, Shares 81, unnua) fee 50 cents. Aloxan Thomas I:m:do;: Vlrterginru: John A, Munro, Deâ€" putyâ€"Registrar. Office hours from 10 @. m, to 4 pam der Robertson, Librarian Office hours from 8. m.to 7 p. m. Arch, Mc Kenzie, Postmaster. N{th of meeting, Tuesday on or bofore full moon of euch mouth, \“unu;f( brothren welcoms. A. Vollet W. M. H. W. Mockler, Secretary. Night of meeunï¬ every Mondn{ «t 7:30 o‘clock, in the Odd Fellows‘ Hall. Visitingf brethron welcome. T. A. Harris, N.G. W. B. Vollet, Sec. Night of mntm% Thursday on or before u moon in each month. T. Carson, Sec. On and after MONDAY, 3th May, 1879, trains will run as follows:â€"3 ToRONTo (UNION 8TATION, Depart, 7:30 a. m., 11:35 p. m., 540 p. m Arrive, 10:30 a. m., 3:00 p. m., 930 p. m, ORANOEYILLE. South, Depart 7:15 a. m., 11:35 a. m., 5:40 p. mj Arrive 11;10 a. m., 4:25 p. in., $:20 p. in North. Depart, 11:30 a.m., 445 p m. & Arrive, 11;15 a. m., 5:20 p. m. West. Depart 11;45 am, . Arrive 11:00 a. mj owEN soUND. Depart 6:30 a. m., 12:00 noon, Arrive 4:00 p.m., 10:15 p. m. TEESWATER Depart? 6:00 s. m., rpoRoxTo, GREY, AND BRUCE RAIL WAY. CHANGE OF TIME. Fortime afintormediate stationssee Time Tables EDMUND WRAGGE. _ AND SHINGLES, done at once, and cheap, to suit the times, BHINGLES, LATH AND LUMBER on hand and sold at down hill prices, . * ._.__J. W. CRAWFORD, Rockville Mills, Purham P. 0. NO ARMISTICE Wmlmï¬nululcwwqmdl.' Logs during 1878, Divine Service over?i&&bbnth at 11 a. m. and 6:30 ‘m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Custom Sawing of Lumber Farties in want of these articles, ‘Toronto. April 26th, 1879 Bentingk Feb, 14,1873‘ Durham, August, 21, MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. DURKHAM LODGE No. 306 OF A. F. & A 8 TEPHEN LODGE No. 109 I. 0. 0.F War, Warl TRUSSES! PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH KIERNAN & HUGHSONS. MECHANICS‘ INSTITUTE 8. G. REGISTRY OFFICE DURHAM L. 0. L. No. 632 Arrive TRINITY CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH Drugs and CGChemicnuis ity. LIQUORS for Medicinal purposes. GROCERIES, : and cheap, at KIERNAN & HUGHSONS, POST OFFICE DIRECTORY and Chemicals. will find it to their advantage to see our atock , Â¥1 ROBERT McFARLANE, DURHA M Carriage Works. Carriages, Buggies, Demoâ€" crat Wagons, etc., OI" THE VERY BEST MATERIAL j§ood finish, and at prices as low as any othe establishment in the county. Those in need of Such Articles would do well to Sall and Inspect My Stock. The Subscriber is also Agent for All Kinds of FARM IMPLEMENTS ROBERT MeFARLANE, wW. E. DOLI/‘S, Watchmaker, Compris Iver and Electro Flated Good» Gold and Siver Watches, Ladies and Gents‘ Wedding and â€" Engagement Rings, Gold Lockets, Charme, Chains, Keys, Poncils, Pens, &¢., &c. A beautifulline of Clocks. Alarge line of Fancy Goods, Spectacles, Violins, Fife, Concertinas, &c Repairing a Specialty. Saddler, â€" Tanner, Shoemaker, No. 5, Garafraxa Street, LOWER TOWN, â€" â€" DURHAM The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Skins. Thousands Applaud its Wonderful Cures. Hear what a Reverend Gentleman says of the Constitutional Remedy. I saw my case described in mapy particulars. The inward "drop" from the head had become very disâ€" agrecable, and a ehunn’ sensation often preventâ€" ing me from lying lm would feel like siotherâ€" &ngmdbe‘mupo wdt“\.l})mtbebed. My health ahd spirits were seriously affected. When yonw:oum to Walkerton in August, 1876, I secured three bottJes Before I had used a quarter of the eontc:gla( one bottle Lfound docidog relief, and when L used two botfles and & third, I quit taking it, fecling Q|=ln0 cured of that ailment, and have not used any since until of late I have taken some for a cold in my head _ A sense of duty to sufferers from thatJogthsome your spare time at this businese. 7&°€:, PortJand: Maine? bwln’bugou can e ein BEST sc ay>mAceto .i . o oo on whnele ï¬(‘ihwonlm T.J, B.Harpixc. EsQ., Broc:e'flle. Ont. A ue tay PP e w. D Mcethodist Minister, Port Elgin, Olt...cf:‘,‘ï¬i:‘l}lï¬. Ask for Littlefield‘s Constitational Catarrh Remedy and take No Other. T.J.â€"B. Harpixc, Dominion Agent, Brockâ€" ville, e, Ontario, ibe" CV .08 For Sale by al} Druggists at only one Dolla Buy It! â€"» Try It! Dean Sim.â€"It is now two years since your "Conâ€" stitutionalCatarrh Remedy ‘ was introduced to me. L have waited this long to see if the cure would reâ€" main xermu:ent before doing this, my duty,to you as at first the happy effects seemed to me to be "too good to be true.‘ of it you may s see groper, Flesherton, December 18 1878 MEDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWN Durham. NEW GOODS Durham, December 19th 1878, THOMAS SMITH, URES CATARE CoONsTITUTIONAL Catarrh Remedy Manufacturer of &c., OF Flesherton, AT Yours truly m?.f".';fl‘i'u 9{3 Cerâ€" leave to mn{e what use kinds, W. F. DOLL WOULD XOW INVITE THE LADIES TO COME AND EXAMINE HIJIS NEW Fashionab‘e SUMMER STOCK The Royalist Trimming especially shaped for collars & cuffs PATENTED CHINELLA NECK TIES, MUSLIN TIE3, NET TIES, LACE TIES. FRENEH FANS, FANCY FAXNS, DAMASK POCKET HANDKERCHIEFS, NEW METAL DRESS BUTTONS, & A LOT OF SUN SHADES, AGRICULTURAL OFFICE : At Kiernan & Hughson‘s Store, Lower Town As usual we have a large Stock of Feice and Canadian Tweeds, Eulicloths, Shirtings and Flanuels which we will exchange for Wool or sell cheap for cash. Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlat & Stewart‘s Improved Gang Ploughs,. &6 The Subscribers wishing to return thanks to their numerous friends and customers for their patronage in the past would remind them that they are as usual prepared to do Highest ~Market Price â€"FPOR W O GOTL ! Carding, Spinning & Manufacturing, 25 to $50 PER DAY ihe Subcriber is agent for the sale of the celebrated MOWER manufactured by the TORONTO REAPER & MOWEKR COMPANY. y ALSO Note and> Book Accounts collected on reasonable terms. CREAT WESTERN in the best possible manner and on the shortest notice. We are also prepared to pay the They Bore from 3 to 6 Fest in Diancter, and ANY DEPTE Required [p°OUR AUGERS are operated entirely by HORSE POWER, : GUARANTEED to bore at the rate of 10 to 15 FEET PER HOUR. g m en in § 0 They are WARRANTED TO BORE SUCCESSFULLY IN ALL KINDS OF EARTH, SOFT SAND and LIMESTONE; BITUMIâ€" NOUS STONE COAL, SLATE, and HARDPAN, and make the BEST OF WELLS in QUICKSAND, GRAVEL, and CAVY EARTHS. They are Easily Operated, Simple in Construction, and Durable ! F LC * 0002 w.2s Wenstieal in the World} They are Ensily Operated, Simple in Construction, and Durable ! The Cbenpest and Most Practical in the World! ses~ MANUFACTURED AT OUR OWN WORKS, from the Very Best of Material, by Skilled and Practical Workmen. United States and Canada, Hlustrated Catalogue, Price (Jâ€"Etate in what Paper you saw this Advertiscment Durham, May, 15, 1879, Durham, April 4, 1878, Hanover, May 22, 1879, W M . JOHNSTON, Jr., GOooOoD ACTIVE AGENTS Wanted in Every Connx UVVZP PAXWCSC iO whom we offer liberal inducements. . woss â€" (RAP WEITERN WELL AUGER WORKS, s in what Paper you saw St. Louis, Missouri. U. S. A. WELL AUGER! WE MEAN IT, and are prepared to demonstrate the fact. WOOL! WOOL ! JOHN CAMERON CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE WITH ADAMS & MESSENGER. Before purchasing Elsewhere dont fail to see our Stock MILLIN ER Y Fancy Dry Gooods. E. & A. DAVIDSON. Durham, May 16th, 1879. All of which will be sold at very low prices. Consisting in part of the following : LA DTE S fAgent for the sale of all kinds of to whom we offer IMPLEMENTS, â€"â€"ANDâ€" â€"ANDâ€" eC AOBoL wCC CCC Cua uced EC &c., proving our advertisement bona fide. â€"O0F. SUCH JOHN CAMERON. and contains a vast amount of iuts ros j, READING The Large and rapidly incressing Circe. in wthe Townships of Glenelg, Bentine Normandy, Egrement, Proton, Artcmesia Osprey, Melanethon and other Town ships makes it one of the "Grey Review" Job Department, Is pow fitted up in the very best style, and Possesses great Facilitiee for doing s Having lately made an addition to 0@ Best Mediums for Advertisers And with the Greatest Promptts‘! can depend upon being satished hy esd Good Family Newspaper MOST APPROVED KIND® ~Grey Review," Best Style of the Art, LOCAL AND POREIGN #e COLUMX PAPER Price $1.25 per Annum, Job Work t=PrOsTAOE FREE In the County of Grey. should subscribe for the} The ofhee is furnished wiil If not paid in advance. type, parties wishing MARKET REPORTsS, SV OR . OF THE LATEST Al. who want a lation of the done in the very ns their orders, ANKD EDITOK:iaLs ppormsto" «na DUNDALK, Oné. 470 he at Mathing‘s Botal, holbsiFie. ow gay and Fnday, froim 10 o ‘dock m as. in 4 Duode«lt, Mardh, 2055 1970 First H «h of a!! kinds done to order on short a~ise Vetar.nary Burgeo ®EADCATE of 0 Bentinak., «ttet a «ou. 0 Ratherford‘s attended t w 1)} g()(_"l‘flu ENXD, Durham, near ;) Yard Hotel, hraving commenced bu ve 1 o oue ehoro on oï¬ poiheottully solicit» N2 T uol the patronnge of the public, _ _ The very best -'“» used supsrior to w an the counts Te m‘ work in iy, hat United Stutes. sities of C« Cabinet Ma LANS and Reations furni 1) I'h""l‘.c.mm pflmv‘to Il'lruu.q Doors, Bush and Blinds made t W‘ks The British Hotel, Du Je Aa LTVERY RsramBLIsSEH p vi i; been OpeR®E in connection with The bost +»00Â¥@®yiMees, fthey dontble or W. CALDWE :..:;-‘r‘nb Mastor Shooemaker in Hor Qnecalf Banu..-u,hm- $5.50 sPRAY ANJIMALS, «o., adver weeks for $1, the advertisement aeed 8 lines. A dvertisements, except when ac by written instructions to the co #«erted until forbdden, and char U McFAYDEX & ROBA Bmmsmus. Solicitors i teo. Office, one door emst of t Baok Unionâ€"st., Owen sound C. McFayDiEN. yâ€"50 J Taurse inches do; per year. . .. .. ... Qaacter columin; per year. .. ... .. Malt codmnitiey ** Â¥x*% Un s M #* shanes . of Oo, m« mamth®... ..... â€"| Do three months . . . w Casaal advertisements charged rnn« the first insertion, and 2 6 41th â€" subseqtent . 4us®@0uh «â€" measure, ‘ @rlinary motices of births, Abaths, aad @ll dcincs o Lemnl abew free of charge. _ 1\ TERMS:â€"$1.00 per year in Â¥Xk. 31.25 if not paid within two Protessional and business cards on space and nuder, per year, .. . Two mones or 24 limes Aoupmivel nu At the 9 Tise, Garafraxa Street, T l!.\l‘.!HSTER. ATTORNXEY » por Town, Durham, Ont Durham, â€" â€" W atson Bros . Carpentzars and Buil 64 Dur Frromont, Jan ., 387A BUSINEBE DIREC UrnolstzRER, and UNXD CGarafraxa Sireet, W1 Mancy to Loan. Lower Town, Durheam. May 7t DPDr. JAMLLE:® t NADUATE of Toront Do You Want Mo AGENTS, READ TI ir rates, Svoery â€" Tlhur THE REVTI "I1LJ t , he ©. B. 4 ACOK EN. 8. A TTORNEY at Law, Soliet AVING heen thorou; and put in firstâ€"oluss or may depend on fAinding avle accommedwtion . T the bost the semson can j0d with the best brands of t~l us Itoom for < Good and attont Boot and Shocmak E will pay Agents a Sala per month and expenses,or al lo w . ’n to sell our new aud worderful cery , Commissioner in B. 1 MISCELLANEOU Gso. J. Matthow ind w RISTERS and RATES OF ADVERTIt] M lage TIST ham, n w ow oank |-flnfl’|'-l an d Wiid wnd 4 ttaps tm Oimucery and D PR Wood Turning Frost & Frost torms CuTRRIY] August 7, 1879 April 1th, i1870 r. B. MACMILLAXN treal 7.. T® I xX 4 » Bla ckesnai th | ho will ie pyromagtd hat we ‘{ Bample fr IUGCRM AN & CO.. Mar AR, REAL I a, Go. Girey, (Os voneit, p-)-l{h ab golst in MEDICAL. DR. k L. LGI t ds O vi pegged,from$ i 75 W T1 «s 0 2t Ph4 % ts #UBLECTTD 1 8. 44 M ipal pa A. Httme Baimple free JOMN 3 Tos®sx®s C. WAT Drowon p