West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 9 Oct 1879, p. 2

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4: SH" " l k} ll [I Stray Cow-John Spun. Stray Steers-gosh- Dun. b'toy titrer-Wm. 1mm. Tandem wanted-J. Cameron. Tuck" tuned -J. lands-y. SUBSIfBIBEBs that are in u- rears for the "Grey Review" are respectfully requested fa forward their subscriptions at once, as we are very much in need of money at present. Although the amounts we gen- erally small in themselven and scattered, in the sum total they amount to several hundred dollars. " . "anal"... Ankh." Th.-. Thou. Such (but: (HWY-7h, ”IIIOI [rhi- Agents for the Grey Review. Akxn-do' Taylor. THE REVIEW. ~11: Canada Pushy”.- n): tl It Mr. Joseph Jul-on of Montreal 11:5th- ferred Lusk "oek and otGr neuritic: to ttse "In. " 94.000 to the Home Mission Fund of the Presbyterian church. This rnmlcmnn had intended beqtteathitt,'t this mm to tho Church at his death, tmt 1:!on determined to make the gin during his life. Are than no others who can kdlow " good example , -Tue Queue dead luck still cwntinucs The Legislative Council not on the 28th nit... nod min rotod do" the aupply Bill. this showing like not I “I much more distinguished personnel, that folly has blinded their cyan. The and of lush imam disregard to the public good in not iliMcult to tonne. Ous nmstnrs had A roulr way of settling Inch cases, but if in our day the mean: an less direct they are none the leltl decisive. Whether Mr. July will ulviso an immediate 'li-lution of l'nrlxunent or wait until the Assembly meets on the 28th inst. is not yet known. ..-Tiso Rev. Dr. Topp of Toronto died suddenly in that city on Monday Inst of dine-so of the heart. The Rev. Gentleman wee engaged in visiting a member of his eongrogotion when he mu suddenly taken ill uni dimt before medical nit] could he prorured. Dr. Topp was born at Elgin Scull mil in 1815, nnd complete 1 his studies for the miniatry " the L' university of Aber. deen. He was licensed to preach the gospel in 1836 end ehortly mar wards was chosen partor of n ooogrugatiou in his native town, which position he continued to fill for fourteen yam. when he Wu rc- inovml in 1862 to Edinburgh. In 1853 he neceptcd n ullhom Kn): Church Toronto. in contraction with which he labored uni-l- unruly until his death. Dr. Topp took a deep interest in edmlionnl matter- and in every remnnhle “heme aiminl rtrform. Tbat with which " name is most closely idontitUd is the Home for lncurnhlee. nnd it in only the other day that he "aist.d in laying the foundation “one at e new build. ing " the womodntion of this met'tu- tion. In connection with the Presbyterian Church of Canada of which he wae an honored minister, he took en active inter. est in I“ that pertained to its walla". and it may he truly said that the union of the different Prmhyurian bodies in this country is largely duo to the consummnto tact and Ienl of Dr. Tulip. He won oleeteil Moder- ntur of the Preehyterinn church in 1868 end again in 1876 he was chosen an Moderator of the United church. New Advertisements this Week. The National 1'oisey having failed to bring nlmut the much vaunted era of pros- per'ty. its mlvucutes now uudcavor to launch a National Currtuscg scheme, which they say, will certainly distribute tho gnarl things of this wuhl more ”only than they no found to Olin,- at the present tune, and nuke mane, as plentiful as it is now scarce. This. the latest humblix. is familiarly krown as the “Bug Baby," null consists ot an unlimited issue of paper money hy the Got erurucut and made haul tender by Act of Parliament. In the ideal commonwealth of the lutun when All men will he virtuous and intelligent such a means of exchange might suit the imposes vi the cummunity. but in our day and u- pechsily in the lands of a puliticinn at Sir J uhn A. Mnmlonnld'n proiieitUs, the tettsptatiou [haunted by Lu iruronveriible paper currency forced into circulation by the Government renders t' a scheme im. practicable ml dungerouu if put into prac- ture. So won an the note. became depre. mum]. and they soon would Io by the animus in the market, th new Issue would be forced to cover the deficit and so the depre- mation would go on until an in Peru it would uh two hundred dollars to buy a bruit. fast. The London Free Press utilitarian that the American pooplo by moan: of n paper currency were Iblo to put . "I armyiuto the tuid Ind bénthnexptnm of n great war. and the French poop]. to ray the hairy indemnity incur-rod by tho Frauen-German Far. Std: mating in absurd. The French poop]. we" .51. to PV ofrthe wari_sitrioosttoetatims bylaw- oltbdrindutry and my. and All“: nth-u Inn to My 01W til CUB at a your minty N tttey "PM . in“! I It. Durham, October 9, 1879. 'r-armc..-The Manual and Do. minim: T. legruph Companies, In" lowered their rate {omen words from Mio 20e. to any put of the Mai-q. No doom the “I: -" of but. " unit Mr In the low "in _ A "NATIUNA L" CURRENCY. DIM-III. JI-Iwcll. “nth. tin-cl... Motor" The prop-l at Lord DIM-ta toermnrt the land in the amuiBt. vicinity of Xingu: an. into “If.“ ditto not!” of u Public M by. been '01! received. C and will no doubt very Icon “share n t poetical dupe. no - being Ionie- 4 whatotnnsticmlmthe 1hnrtitsitan0owit errant wilt no doubt contribute its Mmre 1 towards the expenditure incurred. 'or, as l wall put by the GloU, while the State of ‘New York u not in behind the whole 1 Dominion of Conan, it would in than , them-unce- be namely " to " the i Pm” ofOItuio to do " the work 11- l. 1',','l'd' tobe done on the Candi“ side of I the Nina-.1. But it in not only " the 1 FAR. hi I public park is necessary, where I our, one no dimmed may enjoy a few l hem recreation flea end unmmnIelled. 1 Place cubism Would be possessed byl, every community and it. is it phasing Ionian of the age in which we live that public parks are becoming more Ind more common and more end more appreciated. There is sealed} 1 tot"! of my pretensions bat is provided with I public park-some. times obtained by purchase but often be. 'sto'e!l by wealthy citizena. We need [ stun-cl] remind nor road": that Durham is not yet provided with a public park, nor i that such is as much of a'ite,ideraiaon to the health and well being of our citizens as is recreation itself. At present there is no pluce but the common which old or .yonng can visit in the warm weather of hummer for the purpose of spending ll day ‘ tin the open air and iuJulgia,r, in a little I healthful recreation. Park lots and every Printable Iriceo of vacant ground is being) L rapidly bought up and put into cultivation, . l aud by the time the railway whistle, is I heard in our woods it mil be more and ilmnte difficult to secure any suitable site. 1 However men are several choice spots in i the neighborhood whirl; by a. little "t , 'mght be made very eourersient for pic- .- l nies and open air gatherings of all kintlspad r i" the matter is only agitated, than is no lqrw ii m but that there are public spirited tum; among r5, who have lands in their 1 possession which might be made very y ‘suitiible for such 1>nqx><cs, who would only I {rho trmr glad to exercise their liberulity in ' ' this direction. 'I'lwy would this be tsreet.. sl'. 2 tastiue Gl d in ill', for Pnosc"ys a mum" magnum xur ttttr,',':,',', an invaluable bemut on their .. . fellow citizens. We remind the Minutes " Bcntinck Council, but we short ut space this week. Co-sos-lu the Durham prize list, Thos. Reid should take first prize for White Russian Wheat. and James Edge for Shear- ling Ewes, and not those whose names ap pear in our lust issue. S. Fl. F.srratutotr.st--Ou tho evening of Fridav, Oct. 24th, the Union Sunday School. in School Section No. 6, Bentinck, will give an entertainment. Admissionlh. Prsrparahous are being made worthy of a crowded house. WA " turns. The Thirty-acoondBattalion Bruce Volunteers went into camp on Muudny tor 12 days' drill, The battalion mum. lit 8 companies oi 42 men each. They are of un- usually tine physique, bong mostly big, strong young men from the rural div.tristr. LADIES, have you MPtt those lovely Braid Pius for tho hair at Jos CAm-znns's ? Al. an the Popular Chenilo Nook-Ties, Opera Chains, Frilliugs itom 5 cents per yard, upwnlds. Cyprus Wools, Fingering Wools ditto, Silver Back Combs, Silk Ficllua, Times for Chairs and Soft”. The latest styles in Ladies' Jackets and Ulsterrr, all of which are sold at very moderate prioes.-- Ttw. Sonool. Bonn met in the Town Hall on the 4th Oct. Present I The chair- mm and Messrs. Coohmne, Whitemore, Anderson and Gun. Tho minutes of the last meeting having been tinut and adopted, the Tees, laid on the table the School report tor hut quartet. and communicating; trom Mr. Armstrong and Miss. Carry, when it was moved by Dr. Gnu, seconded by Mr. Anderson that Mr. Armstrong be n‘enguged as Principal " A salary of 8600 tte-ner-Cyrus).. . _ -éma. new! by Mr." Cooling}; and“ by Mr. Whitman that the whole quadiou of and” to Muted until Sat. mday the nth inst.-4Urrud. TEANIIIS Asurocurro.N.-Th. Teachers Assoeiation of South Grey meets to-day in this Town. The session is expected to be a very profitable one as n number of papers on subject“ connected with the pro- f-ssion of tlas Public Eolsoo1 Teacher will be read. We understand also that the association have secured the ncrvices of Mr. Reid of the Mount Forest High School who will lecture this evening in the Town Hall, subj cct I "Milton". Sums!“ Scnmm ENrEttTarsatrcrt-Ou Saturday cvming lust the annual Euter. tainmout in connection with the Union Sabbath School, hold in the Orange Hall, on the corner of Mr. R. Lega‘c's farm took place. After those present bad partaken of the good things isroiilttd by the ladies a very excellent prugmmmo of dialogues, reeitatious, one, was given to the audiece, Mr. Wilsru, being in the chair. The rip citing of the children WM remarkably good in faet could not have been better, and we mink if it had been more widely known that such would have been the case the place Would have been crowded. Misses Whituaore,Lawrtmee, Legato, and others fairly brought down the house. A number of the boys did Yerr well. Rev. Mr. Had. Jon ot Prteeville, and J. Townsend, of the Rm-nw, delivered short uddrmea. A choir enlivened the otteatainrmsnt with music. At the close of the entertainment each Sabbath School Scholar received a very ' book " a prize, “cording to merit. )4on " Dr. Gun. secondtd by Mr. Whitman. that the use of the Schoolhouse I» (won the Tenhen Aaaoeiationot South Grey on “madly And Friday 'tei-Car. riod. Tho B "l adjunm d. , . Moved " Mr. Coehmne,tmsoru1ea by Mr. Whitman. that Miss Corry be re- enpggd _nt 1:31:17 91' "ff peg upnum. LOual and other Items. PUBLIC PARKS. School Board, W 9¢O.< On the two-muondauon of the Minister of Eiraeation, amended tegulutions have been ”proved of by the Lieutenant; Governor in Council with reference to the {allowing maidens, an which experience has, shown (but certain motieeatiom, and changes should be made _ I. With refenuce h the Intermediate] Extunittatiomr, which are now to he held yearly in July, instead of lmlLycarlv, tho passing is to ho datenniuell upon questions on "Ell “We! aimed by the tax-miners, not with reference to any l-xgh standard " opmpetitivo onwintion, but solely to latex-tum whethet the candidate luus, acquired '. hur knowledge of each subject, po u to be qualified or Incl for the app" ischool, having regard to his rrofleienry in answering questions reasonably framed for “but purpose in each subject. The sundard at math is '20 P" cent. on oach subject, and " per cent. on the group. The pass- ing of the IrAcrruediate Examination is to be taken as eqmsaleut to passing the new lprotessionar examination for a third-c115: heuhex's esntitieate. 2. Candidates who, besides faWliug the{ above conditions, obtain 60 per canto!" we whole number of marks obtaiutale,; villi» deemed to have passed the non? professional ex-mimtiun fur "eotul.eluss tenehers' eertiikates grade "B," while those who obtain 80 per cent. on each sub. jeet and 60 per cent. end the group and 60 percent. of the aggregate of can: marks Friit be considered as having: passed the nonmrohmsiomtl examination for Steami- ttil non-professional emtmimttioa for r"':',':!,) ohm greatness'" grade "A." The exam- iners are instructed not to extend the standard of their questions any higher than they a. present “min. 3. As tty iust.elass eertiifetttes, menis- No In. non-profession! .eriuuimttion for grade "C" septum tram (kn fur first ,"B" " tirst "A," and .11 candidates must ital. tlmt for crude "C' 1mfure being "digihle to be examined for grade "B" or Regent Education Regula- tions Approved of by Order-in-Council. h 4. Candidates for third-class eertilieates must, after passing the uou.psvfesAouc1 axnmimtiun, attend for out session at loan at a. County Model School for prcfessional "Mixing, and pass a satisfactory examina- tion there-1n, when, if proved to be at hast eighteen years of ago/if amale, or seven- teen if a female, tucieanOhxus may obtain a third-class eertifieate. The mail to Homville “to? Jun, Ist, will be run three times wreck Tweed-3|, Thursdays and Saturdays, and to Ventry once . week, on Fridays. Mr. J. A. Seuriet, of the Homville Hotel in anticipation of the large number of vis, itors " Ihow on Monday. had and. ample provision of tho lost " could prov“. " the tible, and although s m but num- ber [unlock of his hospitality, 113 had 5. All candidates for second-class criti- ticatcs must attend fur one session one of the Provincial Normal Schools for profes- sional instruction. and successfully pass the cvuuiuatioa therein. Public School teachers who have successfully taught fur at least three years before the 18th August, 1877, are exempt from this condition. Mr. W. Irons is buian l Phohg'mph Gnllery. which will be . pmminent tigatare in the rising "Town." ti. Candidates for 6rrituOss eertifurates shall attend for one your M one of the Normal Schools after obtaining a second. class eertiiieate, and shall pass the requi. site examination; but attendance at (mo ot the Normal Schools in dispensed with in favour of A candidate who has successfully taught " two years on a second-class eer- tithrato and who his passed the loquired examination. Any person who possesses the qutuifi. cations 0fo High Sclxoul head mastor is re- garded tbs qualilisul to be the hand master of tk Public School not being a Model School. Coimty Inspectur or Inspectors, and shall have the like duties end jurisdiction. Each Model School Hi to be visited by the In- spcct Ir twice in each term, wlmn he may exch‘lM: the like authority its in inspecting Public Schools, and shall rtureive the like remuneration, and in to report unnunlly in December to the Eunoatinn Department. la order to Secure a unit'nrm standard and systeruatized operation of the County Model Selinuls, as well as t) afford special intor. mation to County Boards, Public School Inspectors and Principals (when necessary) in regard to the conduct of such seltools and other matters relating thereto, the Minister of Elnmtion will, through tlo members of the Central Committee of Er. aminers, extend an oversight and super- vision over County Mmlvl Schools with the express object of Enabling them the better to fulfil their functions as loonlinstructions fot the training orthird-elass teachers. a, The Normal Schools at Toronto and Ottawa are to be respeetivMy inspected at least once in each of tho three sessions of tho academic year, and this duty is tub. discharged by such we of the members of the Celitrul Committee as the Minister may appoint tor this purpose, who are to report to him the maul: of emh inspection and any material ciccmmmuces connected with the working of either of such Normnl School. T. The inspection of County 1icdel Schools is in future to he placed under tho Public Sehnnl Inspector or Inspectors having jurisdiction within the county or subdivision of the county in which the Model School is situate. m is entrusted with the duty of orgnxiizing it at the beginning of the term, and he is also to direct and assist the l‘rincipnl in the elsssification of students and in other neeesaary work. In cases where the County Model School is situate in any city or town the Public School inspector of any such city or _town .shall get jointly wttli_th_e Hopeville Items. plenty left. The goose wll taught in time Ind well fattenerl and the turkey was in prime condition. The only tlting than went wrong was the well gut dry, We don't know wlu marine bottom tell out, or wimt was wrong, but no doubt it will soon be all right East (hey 'The crops are All in, busy threshing. The Agricultural Show, for End Giej was held on the societies ground, at Flesh- erton. on Thursday and Friday last, on the first day all the miicles in the inside de- palm. were unused and judgod. Not' many visitors iwere presmt " the day was shower} Widsy VII th beautiful day; am! (Ire Cannon! was even beyond the or peetatiorf of the Directors. The live stock and IWements were on tlot grown}, L Mr. Tioboit Black, of Proton, had eight head of cattle and succeeded in taking in iiiiu:'r,". of prizes, as will be seen by the list. H. J. Middaughmf Durham, exhibit. cd a fine span of carriage horses, and Dr. l Sproule, M. P., showed a span of carriage‘ horses, which took lst prize. Mr. S. Stokes, took lst prize for Wood mare, and also a special prize, and 2nd for filly. Mr. St, k as has as Jiue n span of horses as can be seen 1u",1"sj. anywhere, am) have only to be seen l ta be ad. aired. The show (If h yrscs gener- (ally war very good. In cattle there is 1‘03!!! any “u! “1, k'""" H. h"..- -..-.. -- for improvement, Thoroughbred omute. I ing conspicuous by their absence. The _ show of Sheep was very good. Mr. Ed. 1 Shaw, of Collingwood Township, Showed time IT us of tiu. slump, and from the large number of prize tickets In but displayed he must be a Tttttan prize taker, as well lv, n 1euefitter to the County. Mr. Shaw took 6 lint, 2 second. and 1 third prizes at l this Show, for sheaf. Mr. Joseph Mellon 1 vis, of ostweyphowed some very fine sheep, 1 same " were at Durham, and took 3 first, 2 second and 1 third prize, fur Cottswdds. l A number of other good sheep were on ex- hibition. Pigs were much better represent. nd thus " Durham. Fowl» were well re presented. Mr. It. McFarlane,o£ Durham, had some the whim Ieerentr-herwy waggon, democrat, 2 buggies, and tuner. he did not get any trrizes, and no wonder he did not from the partial manner in which the jmkes in this department “and. they new: impeded his Waggon at all, and one was honral to say "there L some good Wonk ‘here, but I would mther go for my own "Pawn," or wurds to that effect. It is tt great farce to appoint such men “Fjudgcshlt any sslsow,e--if, We}: are not pmusred to away-l prizes on the merits, of the articles oxhibikd. “my have no right to act as l The entries have increased from 600 in 1875, first year of East Grey Show, to 1,104 entries this year. The receipts u the gate in 1877, were 9115 g in 1878, $158.78, and at this show 9170. This speaks wall for _ the prospority of the society. There must have boon several thouisaudpeople on the ground the second day. rm: Inseam. The judges, after they were through with their 1lttties,sat down to an excellent table, provided by A. Munahnw. Esq.. and after doing justice to the good things provided adjourned to another room. T.Kells, Esq., President, occupied the chair. The Presi. dent, made a few remarks on the prosperity of the society, and S. Dnmude, Esq., the obliging Secretary, gave some interesting statistics in regard to the society. H. J. Middnngh, Esq., of Durham, criticised the judging of the horses, and was vigorously replied to by several of the, judges, Mr. J G Blrth, of the Expositor, made some ro- marks in regard to the show. We have to thank Mr. Damude for his courtesy. The following is th: judges, and web partU!ity w.sll only bring discredit on the (but, and will ultinrecly tend to injure it. Mr. T. Swan, of Mount Fol-cal, had the same lot of'buggies, clowns were at Dunham, but only received I prize fur outta. For we rest of carriages, ele., they will be found in the prize hat. The Durham Foundry had on wx1sibition a Reaper, and sulky Bake, each takine Ist prize. Mr. it. H. McKay bud several Fan. ning Mills shown against his, but took lst Saddle hone, R. Plant, 2nd A. Cochrane, 3rd 8. Martin. Pnir carriage horses, Dr. Sproulo, M.P., 2ud H. J. Midlltugh, 3rd R. Smith. Wood mm. T. Sunk, 2nd W. Brewster, 3rd D. suntan. 2 you old “Quint. B. RayMrdg1r, 2nd T, New... and J. {ham-My. 2 par old Riley. J.‘Phuhot,2nd W. Cullen. 3rd J. HcMnllen. {who .NSIDE mow. 'I'ne diwhty of ladies Work, print, regir tables, rents, grain, dairy produce, ctc., nus. r'xr‘olleni, and the show altogether was in advance of lust your. Mrs, Milner, of Pro. ton, who is an industrious exhibitor of Indies work, took a. large uuty.ber of prizes. The tall wlwat was good, particular one bag of Arnold's Victor. the rut of the classes of grain were well represented. liurluy and [was being very gum]. As usual there was a. large display of butter. po. tutuos ware remarkably Cine and clean. The show of vegelalrles, flowers, was up to the mark, a nice lot of beans were shown. W. b', Doll, had on exhibition a very nice case of jewellery and ninto. Several pairs of nicely made boots and slt ms were shown. and mine well made brood. ling mats, quilts, shirts, mits, socks, homcvmmle ihsn. nel, embroidery, braid work, berlin work, ete., were very tine, and well represented, there were four very nice hair wreaths, seven handsome cushions, auroral pairs of worked slippers, three feathtsrwreatlvs, ate. Mr. Bulmen, of Flesherton, showed a. very nice assortment of Photographs, Spring ton, R. Murrow, 2nd J. 8tewart, T. Stock, 3rd Spring foul. get of Euglandu Glory, lat B, Morrow, (apecid prim by J. R. Tnimble.) PRIZE LIST: Roxana. Pair saricnlnre horses, J. McKinnon. 2nd lohn Fawcett, 3rd It. Gordon. Buggy ham} w, 81:26", 2nd w. Trimble, Durban out, A. l P. Bacon. Durham heifer, R. Luv", Union Show. “a the tumors are Artemis v: , yr. old “be". T. Yurtin; "e, J. Beam. Bwskiu, R. Black. Shading run, R. Whittaker, 2nd D. Stin- uon. 3rd J. McMoniI. Ram hull», J. McMorril. 2nd J. Helium, ( 3rd G. Ruskin. Apt! Cwettr J. Kellen“, Nd D. Btiuon, 3rd R. Buck. Shading run, J. McMonia, 2n.l G. Bur-Lin. Jul It. Black. Ewe lambs, I). Skin-on, 2nd J. Furriy. l WIRI- Bcrkshise boar, W. Brewster. .. pig . w. Brewster. 2nd J. McGee. Aged sow, W, Brewster. Spring now, W. Brewster, 2ad J. “dict. tiufro.'k hour, p. Stimson. Bull calf, A. t F. Beanie. Grade cow, J. It. Trimble, 2nd T, 2 your old bell“, R. Black, Shui, Yearling wafer, Y Lucian: an". Shaun"; ram, . tthor, 2nd R. Clint, 3rd . Stimson. Ram Lamb, E gum gad, J. McMorria iair and eves, E. Shut, 2nd E. " spawns ova. E. Shiv, 2nd U. Bu Ewe taming B, 8hr; Sod ' Shut, " pig, R. lac-your. Apt! um. D. Sumo". . Syn-$13 pig, R. Ian", 2nd, R. Leaver. POULTRY. Leghorm W. Mallow, an], I New... Yolanda. w. Smile. llamburgl. J. Nevis, 2nd W. McCgullv. Cochin Chitin, J. Plain. 2nd J. Plait. Spaniah, C. Bellhmy, 2nd T. Duds. Game, It. Swauhu. 2nd J. kiwi; Large din-kl, W. McCanlIIy, m Ind 2nd f Other ducks, w. Buchanan. 2nd J. Brodie. l Turkeys, D. McKenzie, 2nd R. Bentham. I Geese, R. Inner, 2nd W. Riclludnou. ans. I F Fall what, Delta or $111175 w. Cumming, 2nd D. Stimson. Unwwu, J. Brodie, gud W. ('nznming, 3rd Inn. Bela-nit. Trmvlwell, I. Calm-run, in! John has t St, au W. Cumming. Other varietiea. W, Cumming, 2nd W. Patterson, 3rd It. Ruthun. Spring “Lent, G'larcow, W. Cumming. le J. Cmuerou. Cleuetiee, J. Cameron, '2ud D. Stimuli. Buchanan. Red chum J. Brodie, 'ad K. Rutledge, ad J Farris. Other varieties, J Cannon. 2nd I.) Mch mick, 3rd A. Dawn. Barley, R. Ruthuu, 2ad D Stilton. 3rd J Brodie. Black oats, ft. Black, ma J Bancroft, 3d 1) Still-0:1. White, can“! Graham, Sad D stir-, 3rd J Cam-emu. Soul) Pear. J (7m, am! K Rutledge, 3rd It M eGrutlwr. '1'imothy sud, J Camerost, 2nd R beaver. Indian corn, white, It Plant,- 'tut M ALE“. Plums, blue or rod, It. Plant, 2nd It. Rutlwau. Plow, yellow or green, ll. Whittaker, 2nd M. Akin. Grapes, J. J. Graham. 2nd T. Gilmy. goo-rs AND watchman. Cup potatoes, E, Rutledgc.2nd J. Whitty, 8rd C. Bellamy. Early "OSes------------, 2nd J ' Bancroft, 3rd G. Dale. Potatoes, orOer varieties, D, McKenzie. 2nd W. Buchanan, 8rd A. Dawn. Collection potatoes, J. Miliaor, 2nd B Black, 8nl H, Matthewson. Mangel wurtzal. long, D. S. Bark, 2nd C. Bellemy. ' Fall pent-s, T, Gtlray, 2nd J elm nan croft. Winter pears, It. Plant, 2nd J. McGee. Peaches, T. Gilmy. W Buchanan. Fall apples, 8 Varieties, T. Gilmy, 2m? J. MoGw. Winter apples. 0 varieties, J. Cameron, 2nd J. Mofue. Turnips. swedish, W. Baehanan,2ud W. Burnett. annii-s, other field, J. Cameron, 2nd W Burnett. Beets, low; blood, T. Leiteh, 2nd S. Damade. Beets, other varieties, J. McGee, 2nd I). S. Burk. Field carrots, A. F. Beattie,2ml G. Ihr.,. kin. Early horn carrots. D. S. Burk, 2nd ll, McGruther. Parsniim, J. Farris, 2nd C. Bellamy. Black seed onions, A. h F. Beattie, 2nd J. Mehrdle. Cullcctim Beans, C Bellamy, and. J Brodie W J Curvy. Potato onions, W. J. Coooy. Md A. k F. Houttim Shallot onione, W. Patterson. Wimgstad cabbage. E. Rutledge, 2m] C. Bellamy. Dmmheud ablaze. D, McCormick. Cabbage, other variation. J. Hiekling, 2nd D. MeCormiek. Cattlieowerts, C. Bellemy, 2nd A, Downs. Celery, white, J. Hickling, Stud Dr. Christoe. . Celery, red, J. Hicklmg. Pumpkins, lt, Plant, 2nd D. MoMullen, Squasbes, It. Mathewson. 2nd C. Bol- 10m. Citron. B. Human“. 8nd R. Brown. Bed hum. R. Bathtub. 2nd B, Dunndo. Common mm. C. Bollomy. Water melon, J. Whitby, and W. Bu. chm-n. Crab npflcs, W. Stone, 2nd T. Clark. Full apples, l variety. w. Meua1un,2nd J. Weber, 8rd W. Stone. Honey, J. B. Kurd. mm new". 6 lbs. butter. B. Lower. 2nd G. Bmhin an! I. Abttott, 4th D. B. Burk. ' Winter apples. t varioh’. John McGee, gud w. 1teuallou, 811] R. Whittaker. Rustin; J. Brodir, 2nd T,. mus, am w so De. bud", {hi-£333 G. aqua. Loyd WOOL aunt, , J. Stuart, M J. Park, 3rd yullvl’. Mn Chulwiwk. 3d J. a, Head. mm. IL Kelis, and: E Rutledge Brodie, 2nd, A. t F, Shut, 2nd E. an“; Fit ctr, 2ud, R. Widt- M W. Stone, 4th B. Louver. Cheese, o. Bvhin; 2nd It. Bluck. Broad, Mia Manhcwson, 2nd Mrs. Leaver. .....,,... - . Fania; mill, B. McKny, A. t W. Wil Ion: -- MAM“: All) mummy“. Single reaper, A. Cochran, 2nd Atkins, Knight O Wilson. W. Guy. Buggy,- T. Wilson ind T. Swan. Cutter, T. Swan, 2nd W. Mason. Iron hum", J. B. Baud, 2nd Hitch.“ Whittle. Knight * lewu. Straw cutter. Mitch-ll t Tnplo, noon- mended. Boot can“. Mikkel] I Tuplc, recon: mended. Single lumen», J. W. Lennm. Men's Boots, W, Rambo“. Conn. boots, W. Burnbouso. Women's boots, fiue, W. Durubonue. Wouseu's boots, coarse, W. Buruhuusc. wlnmc n2wucrunxs._ Puit blankets, Wm. Howey, 2nd J. Came-run. Failed cloth, W. Howey. 2nd I. Milinor. Flannel, Lana-made. J. Cameron. 2nd J. Milioor. Flannel, union. J. Crunch, 2ad D. Me Cormack. Swain rarn.3. AIAott, and. J. Cam. Cro". . Woollen mitts, J. Cmuorun. Woollen sucks, J. Abbott, 2nd J. Cam or" " Cameron. Patch work quilt, T. Gilmy, 2nd D. Me Ct rmick. Cultivator, J. H. Board. (but plough. Atkins, Knight a Wilson. Lumber Waggon, Allen‘s A b‘leming,2nd Sur other quilt, It. Y. Burk. 2nd Mrs. J. McGee. Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs. J. Miliuor, 2ud Miss E. Kelli. Colored berlin wool work, Mrs. Smylb, 2nd Urs. J. “inkling. Braiding in silk, 1fts..T. Gilroy, gud Mrs. J. Mih‘nvr. Braiding in weaned, Mitstr Flasher. 2nd aLuu 17:30:); R. H. Stimon. 2nd Braidiwgia woman], Mia Flasher. 2nd Mrs J. Milinur. Braiding in cutlun, Mrs. T. (may, gud Mrs. J. ll. Trimble. Emtoroidery in silk, Mrr. Smytll, 2nd Mm. J. Milinor. Embroidery in condo, Mrs. IL Matthew. wn, 2nd Miss M. Raina". 1imlrroislery in worried, Mrs. J. Mllinor. Cumin-l in comm. Mrs. S Dmmudc. gud Mrs. T. 61TH)". Point and human lace. Mrs. Wilkmn 2nd Miss Davis. Needle work, omnmht, Stu. J. Cairns hi Miss masher. Mans shirt, Mrs. Mattuwtiots, 2nd Mrs J. Milinor. Crochet in wool, Mrs. Smytfx, Net Mrs Badman. Fanny knitting in wool, Mrs. T. (may, gud Mrs. J. Milinor. Tuning, Mrs. Bulln'uu, 2nd Mrs. J. R Trimble. Was fkwers, Mrs. J. Miliuor. EXTRA: MIXINDCD. Sufi pillow, Mrs. Susyth. Collection offaney work, Mm. Stu-lynx. Paper holder, Mrs. Smyth. Feather brackets, Min liuthvux. Crystal painting, Mrs. w. Trimble. Natural i1owern pressed, list Flasher. On Monday last the Protun Show wee held at Hupcwllo. The day was all that could be denirul. eouturqueutly the turn-out of the youth m a beauty of Proton and the neixlthoring townships was very large. There Rere present u “Merry-go-romd," "which did a ilouvislti:og lmsim-ss. "Fort. “no Talsks," l?) bt., as were at ututst of the utlwr shown. The Exhibition of cattle, hurscs, rhovp, pigs, fomls, ete., took place in tt field beloging to Joseph hlehnlle, Esq ' the very ubligiug unwary. and Mr. W. W. Hull kindly gave up the use of his blacksmith's slum, " the the display of grain, roots, ladies' work, Mo. Tho show of horses. cattle, sheep. end pigs was very good. News. B. Blank, h, Dingwall, S. Stokes. b', Flaming were extensive exhibi- tors. Mr. ll. Oliver, of Arkmebie. showed a number of good sheep. The show ofim- plemenn was entirely muting. Mr. J. MoArdle sltowosl I splendid Iced boar, Rag mat, Mia. J. R. Trimble, 2nd W. Tri'nbh. Mairitowesrs,Uta. Runway. 2nd Mrs. “may. Father Bowers, Miss B. Y. Burk, 2nd Miss Flash.” Feather frame, Mrs. S. Durante, gud Mrs. Gilmy. Worked dippers, Mrs, Smyth, 2nd Mrs. Cloyhoa. mama snow, The inside Show was pretty frir but there was now very large display of grain,there being only a few entries in each chm. Severn) pieces of tuned cloth and home. made fhuauel were go od, There were some nice specimens of ladies' work, A number cf mqu m. ete. Mrs. Milner 11ml sewn] uncles at this show. There were eiplr' mg mtrbe, two fetttlscr wreath, etc. The first and second prize onions were very large. T urnipi were pretty good for this reason. Some very nice apples were chm/n. Ind some nice crab apples. Plums, tomatoea and pears were represented. Sane nice looking home-made bread was shown. The butter 3nd cheese Ivor. good. The potatoes were very We and undo 1 good display. Odin-goo, pandas. been, Men e'tttota, 'tes., um copra-obi. For the limos of ti- quu of and. lid- no can LIST. Weir. A Ridden. Md J. Bezel]. Pair minus horses, D. McCormick, 2nd J MeArdle. 2nd J. Ferris, Itrd R Campbell. Woollen duckixmr J. Ahbott,, Sud some”. Bast 0min horse. il. Haw. Tutu of horses to wugon S. Xian“, 2nd Baggy hurse(to Imam) ht O'Lachlin, What”. M. O'uelrlin, 2nd G. Proton Show. M " M -. ' W, Sol 0 Campbell 3rd Thou. Member. ' Two yam“ on“ 5 Edgertort. Two year old 'll, a Cunpbril. 2nd It HIV, M " kiue. FiJ,U, old all, GWEZud It la, 8rd W King. - n "In; sur"ota colt It Bitch, 2nd " Me with.“ R King - - - - - Yin.” old - I m NJ. blthr, dU,8ed It 1hor. - Yum TMI. in! J Mcwk. an. S Kinnoll. - Fiina 8 Stokes. Ind s “mung. lkd A Wall. MM“. A K We“. lat Ind Bull cull I “in,“ J Ferris, " It Black. Aged cow, H Chan. M J Dryer}, IN Tho: Hugh“. Two year old Indie! B M, gud J A Scarlett, 8rd 8 (in-isms. Heifer calf B. Black, II! D MeMillats 3rd 0 'rtsterylu, . n -" " , . ' But ma ball a a". m a new." One you old boll I Dull. and " sd. Mills». Best agtd M g Fania. ill ti "utaell, md R link. . Swirling” ll an“. and A Came. bell, Itam huh It Olav-r.“ R Black, 8rd 5 - irGtriris. J “all. Sud wan. Kiuuull he: mum} «at s noun. Lind lt Oliver. 8rd R m Pnir eve huh. I Grit-on. Sud 'o " Hell. 3rd It Muck. m Bets. with: 1 m. sud li m. Lnreu, 8rd D ggeDotanid. Spring bcar Wm. “dawn. 2nd D lie, Douald.. Aged - W Muatrett, ind w Manre'.h 3rd " McDondd. 7, "iiiiiriwse «a a m..2nd u on, 3rd It Oliver. . -- -.. .. "iGiGisow A Dinar-l,“ A u has neu, 8rd W. Helm-an» ytecomiiak. Pair other furl: A w. 2ml h In}. wall, hd 1 Maudie. Pair turkeys, 3 lick-He. Phi: (hose,N. W,“ " Black. 1m“! cum. Aedimll E King. in. ' when", - Best Muslim " _ lt Binds Spring when (Bed cum " Black. 2nd S Flemming. 8rd 1 PM. Spring wheat (WW. tbCigsrm, in] D WC‘IW, [an noon Boat anlnI early ton pouiucs A Illa;- wall, 2nd fl Fleming. Ad B Black. _Bete4 ytrruretuoy, I In)", ma 3 Black, M D M'dhnnld " 0 plums. A hing-I“. H S Fhrtuetg 6 pears It Black. Ektrw--Comttimt of tntrf, manor, 8 full sud 0 Winn-11 it truth from Meant. Coll-” . _ am. humid Fleming. . Best ig an)!“ I A t-iett, Sud S Hem mg. mm lmrw'mum Prest tmir bltutkets, OI-wool balm-mode. J Milner, 2nd Tum loud-or. tr ma: tuned stun. J mum-r, gui D. Hellman. 5 yard: “land. mrttott Ind 'rool, " gt. Comm. 2nd 1 Gunmen. Pair wollen with A Diugwnll. in} " Manon-Id. T Pitr Wo1Un Suck! A Dingwall, ind 1' McDonald. ’HHOIV! tnrtelted quilt II King. 2nd l Best Cub hitch " [In or lawn. r; l nun; hell, 2nd J Ferris,“ I Bntshrl m Bull butter" " A Batu-[And " Camp belt, an A iGiiilh". Choose, lilbs. or more, R Black. 2nd 3 Millncl, It‘d J 90trsar. Leanne“; Biiiit1an,emt " s lies Lunar. Gillan potato onion tFGrigron McMillan. Dingwn'll.‘ . , Lit!» mm D mormick, 2nd b Campbell. Met In. ‘illl. and I A Scarlett. ,, Mon, Ht'ot (In-dude; A true. 2nd J Minx-r. ., Mot's .hiet Winch-1A Ihn,rrls 2ud I “that. _ Berlin wool work w MeLuzas, gui, Milnor. Ornament-l male work A Ferguson}:- A Ridden. OHM-menu! lower: l Ridden. 2nd l Milner. “gushing yam. momma-add It (an: In blacksmith'u work. " by H mm“ for best heuy “an ham, S Molina!" By John Hopkiuon, " for but but: sawed Ihinglon. D K Murtbur. By John Hopktn-ou, u [or I ctst u Ft' od plank, J um. The fallow” the judges at 11.0 le; ton Show _ n. m a...“ h comm M i,rty “pend ”and” " (hm, Sound_ MI Jul" tl' ”“th “mmnuu‘ " tnc) a. 7 Grinning] m M " of a wry “In tttttt WM mm. L. w d, m on w <tbn thm, Il A bam “Mei-ab John sum AM In: drink by 1135.“..- ”My t“mark and totally and. “a “mm u" that “.000: My“... “yaw W 0qu for $80r. Boasts no Cavet.e-at Gord m, W‘ dull: ; Quintin Canyon, Bentlm‘k , July" Lauder. Glenclg. Samar. Pro, Poul-u. "C.-- s ".,r",:, Markau,. B Hum“ [‘rnhm- . Lawrence. Glen-lg. tts Gnu. Boon. Ema-John ALI-“q. Ff ha; N Xenon, am; Mr. “may. Holstein. m LADDI' Woaar-am. leknmr. Hm- thin, ind m. “mammary. I'm m. ' a “winds-t a}? 00 an lit",')") Inuer provided "mektt, “faint “ ville Rust, . lie" ptir Batman] Heb-nut, au " Black has S “Wm M lt Huck. White, a.“ B Blink. You! " McCormick. Sttd D McMillan. Hurley S Fleming. B Grigsuu. Snnothy send LDmpv-U. and lt Mr)! 'tWOM 6 Swede turnips ll Weir. 2nd ti lunurIL Othel- turni m A ”mam-ILA Fermhun Blood Loam; Featars,and J Millie‘- Yd‘um csrrots,J Dew", 8nd R Black White carrot: B Bigot, gud J Inlner, 6 parsnip: J Ferris, tad J Miller. 8 cabbage: J Huber, m S. Grim 6 vomit,“ l mum. ind N Boyds 6 large onions 1 Mehrdle, 2M '6 Gut-3‘79!” D WM-‘lud J um Ch T he! vat W MdLamhtpd:.u' A 1 EXTRA. Ptttrty A pm, 2nd "I air Model Sci _ .ulh any -. m mum mm: c M -dsitrt on _, , ho. will “nun with! " MW“ mi N "run ..n m am It.” my” alias Glam 8 wry-anon c nib. I l ”his: that am in u it lad N "I. In“. d Inn It (h

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