West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 16 Oct 1879, p. 3

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ALE“ tural Leht I, W“ m ,h, "aikd “My 7.“!!th t uric- Inn. [ " " mom. I which , bush-b l. - " butch n unt- wn. and ies. Two t Chal- l, can-Io- , bun-Ink ITh- s In to 'urated vonhl' 9:1. W" Auai Bust. Spa). “in.“ ' do 'amber up" 5mm IWH ' " Intel db tho, Th. H W H and All)!!! tahh 0M nub. med K ith r tt m. PM id one ye knitte Arth at For tor Rom n a I risk M ddtttt,1 butter, -a,rr a“ " '1' Pt " mil" Sun-mu M Dom“ SKA-“um mknJm noun mum Alexandr: y M tern um Raul Wm. Allan. th'. 2nd V .' liners bl t Nebuugnl row mtula AIM hem buy limo trom I Inna have. mittits an l I.” ohm , nymumm; my and a! that am “an“. l adtho and! him. wtth a tiso duh " Sound in t; “you t rrtimd, 0nd upturn, in on. (m. 'lp was or. M his 1 i- alt prom .0. Andrew "I "I urn. {whet-H the ""1 . svcei. 1!- 4ietete.fi AL . P T ole h,. tll ark-9k h - dun 'Md a re “I. Bur." ' who an xiv tustinlt, ot'ne - m the a - luv - --" Wu“ Wu “In 31”)” n D Pair of Tuh -ld M To he thoro I . ' "i, w t - r.reat n A "F Rt r-oss , o ht! f Au In DIDHI Wu! known Mean; wou'd J had n not re-l DUNDALK l ms L Divu, c, >sn- Pall Wheat,per bush b' 7039.50 ' .. w............... " Lows-per mahnl.......... 080 to Curd wood. dry par cord... 1 go to *B-mu pal D ................'. 10to Fe-toc-.---. All. to 'm:u1~.nu| Ifti 201 and 202. Mali: “-3,, auth and to onuc taxes on T »t.;1.c.u.o‘; lot In. con. It,' tho oo. i man). to maLv a refund of taxes paid on 1032", con. lo, m tho Mile: of Tux Title. Also tit-t “"hnlle receive hi: bond as Assam _ Thu! Samuel 0:111:11" bt paid "ru, full of his claim. & bedrtddtn widow toreeeive 010. Clerk'. bill paid; 36.”. Treasurer paid M, being expenses .n connection In“: School By.hora tot serum». 13and tr. [several snub made u eondition tor the improvements ofruads. if; Sump.- labor paid tor It,t W, can. 8, to " vxgzcxukd on roads adjacent to said lot. The P. .1: t; be ll mill; in the 1ls'ilar for Hay My Outs. t a Flor pl! ttlol..,., Shupakius call Cat%vte per dog Turkey: per lb. q Spril Barley " all W'ar.nt Hey FIN-“2 1W huh M w. E. W hter Skins per ttl per lb FLESIIERTON MARKETS. Oet, 14.1879. Vbent ........'.. ...... ti Otto l ( I b0 ._. ............ .. loo to It o......-....."..-... " to E To " ... own tr per?ttvr--'-. 010 to 0 - ttu......,............ 4 Mrto 5 on Chum-H [not at Cednn'illo, 8th, Three Dy-luuvs were Md and Pl li' ht ll M " Proton Council. Ho ll W " LIARRIED IAM DEATHS M MARKETS. DtmHast, Oet. 16. 187 " " h Id tl w 7 RV the “av. web. Durham, alum. of (Helm th h MABKE an, Oct. No.1 91 " 040to " UR h o 18 to n 00 to I) 50 to 5 00 to 6 eo to ft 80 to " TS. 14, 1879 tft to H M to l Mlto It. trouter. Ct Sam. Nth g, to Miss C. Eh WN, at Clerk. _,",,"',.','.. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS and SHOES, GRO- trt ogm' trstto-.r,tntt9eCIrrn i"19 9115 no 135 'ldil 080 050 0650 024 500 60 40 (bl ,5? 17.3; 13 -1?! M Coon " " Durhax Servant W anted, W)) I“) 2.! C; :;ITISII Hun L, Tym- Luau. a. i'nut-cl.r _ w 5-? Mug ':c,y/yi: . Farm Stock and Implements. F7,,1/,),),?il,', from the last Prieeville Fair k, hrlrl on the 15th Sept. I rod In'l white near. a waxing two your: old. Attr inwhizrnz-o ot “I "unannoun- in be thankfully received hr WM. IRONS. Willa. Ate now receiving FALL STOCK. of STAPLE and FANCY .‘VIRAX ED an the gamma: of the Sub. l; srnhor. in! No. M. Con. It. R. Munch. about one month sire. two hail." two and chm - orl.red all white Mint. The one: In re- qncatod to prove novelty. pay expel-u and tug than ”my U',t.',.e,Sif,U,),,hi,t',', for the omee of tol. .1 Ivan at - toe the I m'nship at Mink for on current youwill ha tench-ed hr the undu- signed up In noon of Saturday the 25th day ot Octaber. 1879. 1ppWatiortn tn oontaia tho Mm" of good ad mines: mania. Amount of mm 9mm. DURCAN CAMPBELL. Cloth. I‘m-hum. Oct. 1th, lim), Strayed Steers. “Marine. 0 :1. Tth, TAW, tl1ettetg, Oct. ttth, 1579. Cattle Strayed. New Advertisements. Steer Strayed. Public Notice. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots& Shoes, HAS new neon-ed his FALL and Winter Stock or intending purchasers will find it to their inure-ht To call. and examine his goods hetero I'm chnnng. C. L. GRANT. Apple l GBOCERIES hams" 110111.. Dur rruk Must he aux-.11: and, “mu :uiotcly to , _r_')i_,_r,l,'._'iri_',jlr'":,r)r,',', GROCERIES r Tum, Durham, on and burning! Home. u~ 'umtoius six room; more. Will he on may [urn 'Hrplv to tlt" trtr- JOHN A'i'lryla').rl' Always uh Hum] Cheap and Freslu Which he will sell CHEAP for CASH JOHN “(MAN JOSHUA DEAS Lugwmn light prove propor- M’iNALT . G. & J. MCKECHNIE 1 y i'urrirl' Ort. goth, um nhuut "ul, t h" MAST i Oonstantly Arriving at , BURNET’S S11's1,l, ED from the promises of the suosermer, Lat No. :57. Cull. 2,F. a. It. (ilouelg, " y “mm; haters, one Muck. one red whl) a lime mum. utrd um: durk red with whim It" on (we! Awnrlixr; near. apecklod rad und whim, and l m F yo tr otduvirtom,rodwitts yum IE, "e f,"e. The following Property y-Lot, N016. In tho 3rd (01:..qu Lot No. J? in the 4ttt con. North Emit of the L‘uruntunnd Hydvnlmm “and. in the Town- slup mt Malnucthou, County of “my. 100 Acres l my Luau-.15 new: cloud. Well wncurud. wan 2 nuld in twp-Jute Lots ortogetuer, Lu unit Pur- c “mum. FARM Property, t" ADE“ and by Virtue of a power of mst" couttviuvit in It mungn-ze mum) try S ul, FBI: & Wild IAM .YENKih' 3, dun-Jun hum: 'ie'ii'typt'eg'tiv,1ytg"'u"'"'t' will bu sold by l‘uLllr Ale! on. at ' 'H.u.\m,- "The wtrchuor n‘mll my a dammit of Moo " tlie time a! “In, the Immune of one-half of mo purchusa mom-y in can duyn thereafter ; the rcnmiuiug t.rte.0ut1fitt club. or “carnal by armor!» 1'}.le 'iirit'o,r%u'ti"iiitiitTiLtioCa "a -iimii to Lin ir it rovb y will be srutsil,l.s newurdedA THUS. GREEN WOOD. Monday, October 20th, 1879. '"GiiyGrir'i'dirur'FG iir, was a nm'nmou o (In: tutrciuuwr, For lurthur puticuluu apply to CHE RA k st M L' I R, Vumlun' ts'ullcitora, Hamilton 'i'l.e Pose otfiee in the Village of Duudalk, Flour, Feed * Produce Store,, @0131: for all kinds: of Gmin. next to Parknr's Drug Store PRACTICAL Watchmaker and “Weller, HAS Jud Received a New Stock of WWM to give mud-dun. 'tutter- mu-d " remnants-l or money mind. annual»: the pun. Clocks & J ewell’ry Sign of the Big Watch. Upper Town' DURHAM. " wall-g “a Inge-OI! In... I My (jlvnelg. Oct. l, 1879, REMOVED ! Durham, ()qtobbl'. Iti7th CROCKERY! 123311121110 or all kinda, A, GORDON, Cattle Strayed. At 12 o'clock [mun SALE Of PE r", \V of awry ditsertptiott DURHAM. --avr' --- CERiES, 860. A. GORDON. M.8S y42 o! Don't forget that the Sale will last only a short time. J. EL HUNTER. A: t ti0ntetiiplato making sumo important t‘lmnges in my business at MI anrly day have Uettttletl to offer for u short time only. Now is the, time to lay in a. Supply at Wholesale Prices, AND uxnm:. AI All ducal of Cotton aat,d Woollen. Guilt, have advanced in price since my goods were . ought. ' Just Received at Mowat's Goods at Cost, and many Lines of HARDWARE HARDWARE Lance tooth Cross Cut saws. Axes m great vantly. Rand MADE ANP. HANDLr'S'. ' CATTLE TIES', APPLE Priming, mm; HALTI-‘RS. mus, LOCKS, . HAY KNIVES. - BOLTS. HINU'nR: Lomxc. cilklys, mum scoops. Call and sea before purchmnug chum-here. We will nut he "tulersuld and are selling '7 inch Pipe and Elbows at 7c each! Cash for Hides and Skins. Truck taken as Cash. A LARGE and WELL ASSURTFJ} STUCK af HARDWARE For the FALL trade Paints, oils, varnishes, glass, putty, 800. Bar Iron, steel, sleigh shoe steel, spring steel, hose nails, and general Bcksmith's Supplies always on hand. COTTON and mam runway LINES, MANILLA, HEMP and own: now All 390d: a1 bottom prices for cash. STOVES, Stoves, STOVES ! During the Months cf September and October I will sell: all kinds of STOV’ES at unprecedented low prices. A really good 9 inch Square Stove fully trimsi with but of 'I‘lnware and THE VWELL KNOWN KING, our”: TIES, mm; HALTFRS. _ . HAY xxxms. - LOGISG cilkrys, tova Pipas at 8 cents ; Elbows lil ccats. No Tick. No Track, nnleu Old but. aka: " it. Cub Value. Durham. Sept. lit, Bill Purham, September (111. 1879, Clearing Sale COOKING J?AR.LOB Bolt, from $20 up. from $5 up. {Toni $3 Atl Sizes and nil Iiv"wett,r. barium Foundry. lag.. DURHAM FOUNDRY. LESS THAN COST, also fully trimmed, for 1522 .. HUNTERS. (fronds A. COCHRANE. if OS. F. MOWAT, ---AT-- Lower chlwn, DURHAM. HARRIS & ttt Bolt. {Toni $3 lip. Chap for Cult. The Minn " thq but mutant! an: mun ttth',?""" to than all; am. CAME on the przrmuml of the wheat", 1.osNo..86,t'rtuVtttaesk, Ibo-t u rock 01v. Ono lied Hum-r. would ly J )Mn old. The owner u Mtpt'd to pron- pmperty, m dram .md an: or “my. JOHN 308231380!" TAILOR AND momma; iutsidenmr--oppotsito the Cumin Pushy Spring And Summer Fabian. reg-in! niches}. I And lulu» Minn the shoriest Initial, um! on. but.“ Style, an and Bay'- clutluu. A n ttt umwcd. Sewing Machines For Stile. Hui-lent: u. the tltd Put Unite, Lou-ct To! r, --Ar-- Kelsey: Gullery to Stand or Bit for their Photos. l mood Imtaw'i-rv. and“. in: lamina “a tser-ries: " hr mm prov am". .9. mm numb?!" [while with Sugars, " ‘ICA ttl, thrireas, French White Wine Vinegar. 500 Men Wanted, Pum- wishing to get l’hctol would do nu a a»! lad no: ample: baton- .ulnq W. Valuablé Farm PROPERTY and Lamp Goods; manna on ml an 0mm. Maids}, spedinlly hue and at bottom pram operator. . - l'ppot Townjhrhun. opposite an Burl" OtBeto Durhun. All“. u, Mmr. I!!! Leather, Leather. '" "LACK. mm: W nonnaw, lmnrluk. Ana“. 0' tat ”rump. loss, nrrasmdool a Ion-cs, deur human-u. Tm Mmanydmtobor A rum. as THE subscriber 1m An hand and for an. I stock ot Lame: of dill-Ml M II amb- order, and at prim a. In! a n... in 9M .5 any othqr plan. Our Punk, Oils. White Lend ludCdon no I" that on be desired in qudity price " low " “y other has... From Me r: in." m. Try our knob-u! Oil, he chap“: in an market. Boots and Shoes, tht kl!” M4 main In mrunxr, a non. 80.4 Ma oHtAt Toilet "litlt. Fey 00051:. ' ll. PARKER, CHEMIST d; DRUMIST. 'u-a-tgg'" 'htttthtt 2tta2ttt Wu - no II. . iiiiiiiiiiitiiitl? 'lTt"PSttgttr" First-Class Durbon, 'i'ot4,tettr Benn-mt. new. mm. mm but"! Uni-Ions "_roe'disrir itriiitgt Lot amigo! mm; Durham. FO. 14, Mms. WE. yy.leriber m lvrv-pmjed lo Bangi- “X11; y.tylys.i.prc'd 153%]? EIEQ‘I‘L" 't Cutting done {toZOrden Oils & Paints. Alexander Robertson, Drugs and Chemicals. Ind Pure Spree: 'roBAccoiis' and CIGARS" Cabinet Sizes 3 Spedin1ty Cattle Came Astrgy: Inna Wk lab ’21" "n MORTGAHGE SALE , p DURHAM si. , human Varaishes, Coal Oil, Either Bewod or Peggot Dye Stuffs. In the Township of Proton, 1nd in! his” CASH mu moss. A in? nut-dun BABCLAY'II At the low“! [ml-Hula "to" TAILOR, MACH I NE 01 I. torisn Church DURHAM NORMA M KELSl-ZY. ALEX ROBERT (111036! “ILLEIL B. PARKER. J. C 'orr W" tl "

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