West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 16 Oct 1879, p. 4

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2i JI H In f Nothing in more "when“ and thor. rnghly wrong then the idea that e .t man 1 fulfils her duty by doing ll emit of work that infer beyond heretrength. She t not only doe. not fulfil her My. lint die -tsieii1sirtitondthe hit-re in truly WHO. Thence-Irene udder ' sight than that at a broken-down, over- t worked wife and mother-t women who in tired all her life through. If the work of I the leasehold cannot be accomplished by t order, rystem, end Monte work. without the neeeeeity of wearing. Mite-kins i toil-brit that ie - ended and never l, tmrmr--witltortt ranking " a treadmill of l labor. then, " the "he of Immunity. let the work go. Better to live in the millet of l dieorder than Chat order should he purchas- 1 ed " an high n price-the coat of health. 1 strength. happiness, and tull that makes life endnnhle. The woman who epende her I life in nuneeeeeery labor is lry this ye/ labor msBttol for the highest duties of home. She would he the haven of rat to ) which both husband and children tern " peue end refreehrnent. She ehiuld he the earefnl. intelligent adviser and guide of the one, and the tender .ontiasutnnd helpmnte of the other. How in it [nimble " a wo- man exhnnsted in body, It! a untrue] con- eeqnenees in mind also. to perform either of these omen , No, It is not with. The constant strain in too greet. Nature tsis" way beneath it. She loser heelth and spirits and hope-future, nud more than all, her youth-the last thing that I woman nhonhl nllow to rlip from her; tor, no mat. ter how old she is in years. she should be young in heart and feeling. " the youth of ‘ eye in sometimee more attractive then youth itself. To the overworked woman this amen old age is out of the question; l-u ege comes on are and yellow before its time. He. dispiaition in ruined. her ten- per is soured, her very nature in changed 1 by the burden which, too heavy toearry, is dragged along I: long an wearied feet end tired hands can do their part. Even her elections are blunted, and she hecomee merely n meehanie--s women without the tune to he womanly, a mother without the time to train and guide her children its only a mother can. e wife without the time to sympathize with and cheer her husband a woman so overworked during the day that when night comes her sole thought and most intense longing is for the rest and sleep thnt very probably will not Come ; and even if it should. that she is too tired to en- joy. Better by tar let everything go tttdirt. tshed, to live as but she can. than to entail all hand! And hmily the cum ofovetwark. ~8aru'lary Maguimv. Plaster has a various eiteet upon the M. I {erent crops of the harm, and on some the 1 quantity npplied requires to be larger. 1 About a hundred pounds of good gypsum l per acre is oftieieut for clover. It line an _ espeeie! effect upon white clorer, which, in l anything like a fair growing: season, it will drew out of the ground. But this only or mainly on our yellow knell: or clay np- l lends, where it is native remaining some- time: for years dormant in the soil, till some moist, worm season or fertiliser, like its {Morita plaster, starts it out. And the advantage is that it will do this without 'dteetiug at the same time the weeds. Gross requires at least double the amount of pleeter. and more if the quality lackesome- what. The best way is to experiment and give some part of the tierld more.being sure that the soil is alike, as clay beyond ques- tion is more favoreldy to plaster. The grains (which are grasses) require about the same amount. Peas take it with even more ofbet then the eleven. Unless the lend is quite poor. half a bushel per new is enough to grow the crop if intended for grim. 0n the very poorest of soil.a bushel, if aided by 1: light cost of manure to start the crop, will make a heavy yield of balm, excellent to turn under, hut too rank tor the grain ; and this, as I knew by ex- perivnee, is one cf the ehespest ways ot (utilizing land. good plaster here with us costing but 04 per ton. In using it upon ( hood crops. it is better to apply it broad, east and in somewhat increased quantities, than merely on the hill or the rows. This will be looked upon by many with inere~ duhty ; but try it on a small we“. The rthret is not on the plant above ground. but on the roots. The rain soon wakes " of the plant end carries it down to the roots. Besides. it must be timt dissolved hetore it he an otu.t, and this ' a hundred parts of water to one of plaster. Apply oarly.--lrimgatt" Freeman. car-T-ttrr".---), Monday oflut week the Manual 3nd Dominion Tele. grahcompanios reduced their rates from "rrnty-ti" to ten cents pet to]. words. The mngement applies to all ofhees of these companies in Ontario and Quebec, u well as their once! in Bahia. Deuqit, os. wogo, and Ogden-burg. This "dutttiott will, we have no doubt be thoroughly Ip- pnciahd by the public. and will tend to increase Lastly the business of the oom- TU mum Chronicle guys t--Sir John sum“! his fn'ond Mr. John Boyd, of tit. Joint, before the elmionl that u had DOV" proposed may w. 1mt only . nah-mum. of nation. A: n comment upon; this the Cuban geturr.g for July should be kept before the M Coup-n than “moments. __ _ _ _. Imports. Duties. my. new... ......u.oss.m 91,096,061 July. WN............ T,g80,480 . 1.075.062 The people Impact. in July. 1910,01“ in July, 1m Theimpore um only the million: of Joann. "than men and I In" million: in the previous July. hut they had to pay more tam on III. In limo!” this July than their had s, ply in thy-wk- "tr on th. an: and a In)! Weary Women. The Use of Plaster. A little girl nun“ Ramp, Burned It Btir. ling, died from but injuries. Borne Muskoh mph penis! in Ibo idea at I new county with Bramrbridge bounty Freighlnge on Boar from Manitoba to 1i.tturord is " per bag. _ At the Lincoln Co. tisir a boar, handled by Mr. Natale, of Jordan, turned on him nud ripped up hi: thigh. By the dedme‘ion of his ban by in In. Welsh, 4tb. 0011.. Tyondinm, lose. 91.560; uninsured. A child Ind matches did st. Potatoes In I plentiful crop in South Ontario. Mr. F. Rule bu knight 850 bomb " twenty min per knoll-Mot Ibip- ment to Englsnd. Repott- [mind from "rival points shown that tlsvhtmttge by prairie fires to wheat stacks Ind noun hu boon very glut and widespread in Manitoba. A brick of gold taken Tuesday from the “on loud. Montague, N. B., weighed 859 ounccs, and wu valued " ",000. It was the produet of fourteen men fur A mouth. The exodus of Canndilnl to the United Sum is con-canny III-mils gnu-v pro- portions. Great numbers of Allan lino immigrants no bound through to D.- totth, The Geolcgicnl Survey ht" made im. portant discoveries of con] nod other min- eral» in the Norm-West Territories, the pttrtieulars tad 1mm, of which no not divulged. In B breach of promise can unit a the London Arsize Court on Thank" u wealthy and respectable middle-.306 gonueman of London was unlined in $4,600 damages for titling with th- diction; of a Huron county girl. The trial was more tUn usually rich And ncy. The Mount Pores: Confederate notice. that there are more then the usual ligns of life dong the line of the T. G. l B. rnil. “my. Between Omngoville and Mount Forest gangs of men are busily engaged ia putting in new ties when needed, and re- pairing the various bridges. A new station has been erected " Onogenlle. The Godotieh Signal Jaye: Daring the wool season many buyers would pared. the acscrtion that the half cent or cent per pound more which they paid in the year of grace 1879, was a tangible proof ot the benefits of Conservative rule and National Policy over Rotor-m rule and the legitimate laws of supply and demand. It now turn: out in the wool business a: well as in many others, that the N. P. has been-we were going to say in eurstr--at least a cause of pecuniary loss. Tho holders of wool can- not now get what they paid for it earlier in the M11901). Some of our local dealers have but hundreds of dollars by the depre- l ciatiou in the value of wool. Of course jwhere it wan bought on commission the Tloee will fall on the city dealers. These i gentlemen cannot help thinking that if the N. P. is not all their - painted ii--s blesaing in disguise-it has at least been a success polar as the disguise part ll con- cerned, for this has been complete. We oppine, however, that our countrymen would prefer having the thing unmasked. The balance to their credit is also disguised so that their bankers cannot conceal a cer- tain amount of Jissatisttustion thereat. Nor are the middlemen and jobbere the only sufferers; many farmers held on to their wool and would at the 230 or Me oiUrei1 a couple of months since. Now We or 18e is all they can get. And hereby a "boon" goes a kiting. A great first has occurred in the French concessions " Shanglni ; 991 house: burn. ed. but no lives lost, The mil d the United States are again doinmsporom businoss, owing to the "viral of trade. or twenty-two roads making return; for September, the earnings show an increm of about 20 per cent. upon the earnings of September of last you. As giving . striking proof of the destruct- ive chum“: of the London ntmoaphoro. it in said that Sir Rutherford Alcock brought home I: brick some thousands “your: old from the Great Wall of China mud exposed it on the balcony of his house. It, fell to pieces in a few weeks. A Mi cunt diamond, found recently at Mckerk's Bash, in the Son“: African din- mond fields, mu sold on the spot for m,. 000. The name "digger" to whose lot this M tind fell unearthed trbortt tho lame time a fines “on. of 26 cunts. and “other of lot can“, besides uvenl smaller gems. A eommitiec but been formed in Ireland I to manlge the anti-rent agitation. Their scheme is to promote the ownership of the soil by the occupier: instead of the land. lords, whom it is proposed to fully compel). are. An upped " aid, heed on this scheme, he: been' issued to we Irish nee in the Colonies and in the United Stain. It is stated that in otter guaranteeing "Mt,000 bu come from New York it 1n Irish member of the Advanced party will visit the counny, And that Mr. Panel) in ylikely to my the invitation. There is at mount living It Skyel-oothy I old Widow MaoPhertron, who catered on her 106tlt yen lat Christmas. She was born there in the same year that Dr. Sam- uel Johnson and Boswell visited Skye. During the hundred and five you: of Widow MePlsersou's life Ibo lived in I turf but. the smoke mm. put fire on the but): tindintrita woy out " every crevice, and giving DIM nil uh uni-bod. to the ma which “no“ ttta Mind rod. all. has "Viv“ " Lad! at the lulu, tho you.“ the month” Ind Mull. think“ thi. and no. it - 3... it. In - but ii d the ilk-I. a! “not uni-9nd CANADIAN ITEMS. MISCELLANEOUS. All kinds and sizes, Single and Dou- ble, Supporters, 860., at Shoulder /Braces for Ladies and Gentlemen, a Large Stock. School Books of of an best quality. LIQ'Jons for mvum--0'htrd Tuesday in each month. Prierrviue-Monday before Durham. Ihmover--Mom1ay before, Durham. Mount Fonrst--Titird Wednesday in each mouth. (iuelph--Firlt \Vednesdny in each month. 1hsrr1ston---Frid" before the Guelph Fair. Dmytou--siurtyy. before Guelph. F.iora--The day before Guelph. "ouiw.r-Monday befow Elam Fair. Htuiiilton-rcyrytal. Palace Groumh. tho Jay tttter Guelph. Berliu--First Thursdn)‘ in oath month Bramptort -First 'l'huruduy in each month. Listowel--First Friday in each month. Fergas---Turtpyirtl1ow?'e.g Mount Forest. itoduout--k'ifteenth of February. April, June, August, October and Deecmler. ptimrose-Werduesdtty preceding the Orangevillo Fair. orangerille---T1ie gud Thursday in each month. Fusherov-Mrtnday before Otmnrgeville. Damtalk-TuesGy before Ortutgeville. suaunrue--Wedntssdny before Ornngeville. brarsviiltr--ssotut Wednesday in each mouth. Usueerton--Thelsot Wednesday in each month. Milttmay-- Last Wednesday of each TRINITY CHURCH. Hubbub sank-on " 11 a. m. and 1 p. m, ttttttdar School It a p. m. Rev. H. B. “fray, B. A., pastor Church Wardens, H. J. Middnugh sud Elias Edge. Divino Service ovary Snbbuth at " B. m. and 6s"O p. m. Sabbath School M. 2;30 P m. Prayer meeting - Wednesday evening at all. 1mm. Claus ovary Thursday evening " T.ao. law. Wm. turk,itrustor. Benito. “Hf Sabbath at 10;” A. m. “11630 pm. Babb“): 8rstrtto In. 2:30 p. m. Prayer meow”; awry Thursday evening nu. 7 u‘chu-k. and mm» Class ovary Mummy evening It a u'chwk. Pastor Rue. It. Godiwy. W. Gram, pamtor, Sunday Servlmn quench- ing " n B. m.; Sabbath Selma! at tyt0 p. Ut.'. I'm-chins a. 1p. m. Week evening 8crrvieeit-- Hominy evening, you: peophas' Vinnie: meeting at. AP. In._; Wednesdny owning. 1m. o c a}. at s p. In . __. _.. -__e-_. ._. ---.-w- t.... ... a“ ... H; Thomas Lauder, Registrar; John A. Munro, he. putyakgistr1sr. (mica noun trom 10 B. In. to 1 Iratr To“ Maw-open every Friday evening (mm 7 to ”o'clock. Sharon! " uuuunl tere 50 cents. Menu del- Robertson, LitmsrUn. one. houm trotnin.to ' y. m. Arch. Mo Route, Puuumner. Night ot meeting 't'uetOry on or before full moon of mum "mum. Visiting hruthnm wulcmnu. A. Yotlet W. M. H. W. Nourlur,sreprtarv. Night of meeting every Monday M. P.30 o'clock. in the Odd l-‘ellows' mu. Visiting urethral: wulcomv. T. A. than, N. u. W. B. Vulkn. Sec. Night of meeting, Thursday on or before u moon in not: momu. T. Carson. Bee. TORONTO. GREY. AND BRUCE RAILWAY. CHANGE or TIME. o? and Mter HONDA", ilk 3btr, IS,.- trains will run an known-J Tonos'ro (UNION “Anal. Depart. tm n. m., 11:35 p. "1., 5:40 p. m Arrive, no.» lb. m., 3.1» p. In. war p. m, omxaunnbz. south, Do 7:15 0411.. 11:35 |.m..5:¢o p. In Ax? 11:10 B. in. ms F m., at!) p. Ind North. Depart, 1P.il0 I. tu., 4:55p m. , Arrhe. w." a. m., Irrar p. In. Welt. Dept“ mu mm. Arrive um gnu om new"). Depart 6:30 |.m., mu Imon. Arrive Mt0 p.m., 1045px». For time " iutsrasedia" Sutton-mo Time Tub!“ mm, riams'sm NO ABMlSTICE Withthq Chan-r Iowan-hat“! and: of a“ ”Mi-(1510. Parties in VIII. of there articho, Custom Sawing of Lumber AND SHINGLES, mum-um.» an “a. tin-I. SERIOUS. LATE AND LUMBER cam-old“ Mn mum. J. w. CRAWFORD. W. Hill, Durham P. tt. v. u... "WW...” *.-____.. .,_, ,, ___ . . mndny awning, mull“ prayer meetmg In. Mun Durham. August, 21, 1879. Toronto. Arrit m. 1879 MONTHLY CATTLE mum. DURHAM LODGE No. we ok' A. F. & A. sr, moisth. STEPHEN LODGE No. Mitt L O.O.F, Tniiit,TrstiiHilS!, KIERNAN & 1iit0aEISON'S. 1'uritutt.TEutiAN CHURCH, C. METHODIST CHU RC}! MEUHAN Wm' [NS'l'l'l‘ UTEk 8. G. REGISTRY OFFICE DURHAM L. o. L. No. 632. REEF. _ 4:!) p. m BAPTIST CHURCR l)rugs and Chemicals, POST OFFICE LIQUORS for Medicinal purpose... 63°C“. 3 KIERNAN & H UGrHSON’S, “saw/rum , War! DIRECTORY 11:35 .. tn.,&40 p. m 4735 p. to., a?!) p. m4 4:15 p m. t or!) p. tu. Arrive trm In ml A. J. D. was. lulu" Brockvilln. Ont. Dunn trm.--rt in now two yam nines your "Con. , tttittttionlhmbrrh Remedy ' wan mundnced to me. -. Time Tub.“ l I have waited thin long to use it the cure would re- DND “A663. I ',rl'aghtriel, belum doing this. my tiaty.to you- Genet-1m" , I: " t the my” caucu- waned upmewbe "too I good to be m. “in fiud it to was: mluntago to see our Muck. " ROBERT MoFARLANE. ])III{IIAI\I Carriage Works. Carriages, Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, etc., ()‘goggax'mh: iiiiit Gciu, low In any otUe un‘ublimmun in the ttouuty. Those in need of Such Articles would do well to 30.11 and Inspect My Stock. The auburn)" ls also Agent (at All Kind: of FARM IhtPLIs'UENT 5 ROBERT McFAlRLASE, Durham. v-l Cmupril Iver and like". I'll!“ and. Gold and Sivor Watches, Ladies and Gents' Wedding and lingagmuent Rings. Gold Loekeis, Charms, Chains, Keys, Pencils, Pens, ke.. Ma h hmunllulliur otC1oekrc AHrgr line of Funey iiooo,swset:seios,virolito, Fife, Coucnrtiunn, &c Repairing a Specialty. Saddler, Tanner, Shoemaker, No. 5, Garafraxa Street, LOWER TOWN.'t-. .§_DURHAM The Highest Market Price paid for Hides and Skms. Tho-Illi- Appl-Id “I “'o-derl'il Curl-I. Hear what a. Reverend Gentleman says of the Constitutional Remedy. 1.1.3. Emmy». Ero.,.. -, & I VII aittietod in mg head tor yem before I Mug- fecwd it tobe (tutu! . In reading in your Circular now my case described In many puticulm. The in1Tyd. ‘drop'; (to? He head but} freer. very dis, MEDICAL HALL. LOJ'LER Tots y-OO inward “drop" (mm the hand had become very dis- umble, And I Pt,",',',,'.', wumtinu alum prevent- ing me from lyiug long, would teal like smother- ing and be 'sompetltsd to sit 2,' in the bed. My health slid spirit; were serious y tbtreeted. When r',',',',,',',),",'.,' can. to “Interim: in August, mm. I am Ohm bottles Below I ind med a quarter of the content: at one home I fouud daemon nut-1, and I,ttN,ttfi'ttt two tfSh'rf mun-d. tquit thing '* quit-tsured n t in . nent. and have not used nny lino. until at late I have, Men some tor scold in mv hand A In" of duty to gum (not: thutloutlmxmor dime. Catarrh, momma we to and on this Ca- tiilcm, unsolicited, with lane to numb what us a! it you my no proper; = . _ Durham. Flaunt-non ' December 18 1878, NEW GOODS -. V . CCCryysts_try1s, w. TINDALL. Methtidiat mum". Part Etgtn, Ont, Aug. M, 1m. Ask for Lituefuldu Constitutional Catarrh Remedy And this No Other. T. J. B. Hausa. Dominion Agent, Brock. ville, Ontario. l " 8:10 by all Bragg“ " only one Doll. nor we. BEST 'tis,")',".),)], -t,ttp,5rt Buy It! - CEhe.vit Durham, December 19th 1878. THOMAS SMITH, AT 7, lb". ])OIJI 4-S- Watchmaker, THE VERY BESTJIATEIHAL l, GROCERIES. Manufacturer of ke., or' 1i'leisherton, w " to " per day lame hr at work! of em)" nu, "'llLlff'l?G'lu'd,'l,'irutrd' I "' _ 7 _ . yam. my) mu: 85 hoe I --AND-- kinds, W. F. DOLL. trot WOULD NOW INVITE TIIE LADIES TO COM " AND EXAMIXE HIS NEW Fashionable SUMMER STOCK The Royalist Trimming esp cclally shaped for collars * cuffs I'ATENTED CIIIXICLLA NECK TIES, Ml’SIJX TIES. NET TIES', LACE TIES. FRENCH FANS, FANCY FANS, I).\.\I.\SK INK KIST 1IhNDKEIlCHIEPg, NEW METAL mums I',UTTO.Nei, & A LOT or SUN SHADES, AGRICULTURAL = to $jiipff,,i,,l,f,,,1,, ',l,yry Gamm- WESTERN The Subcriber is agent for the sale at the frightful MOWER "utztufaeturod by the TORONTO REAI’ER & r.'oWr.r. (‘UMI’ANY. Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlax d; Stewart's Improved Gang Ploughs,. m: OFFICE t At Kiernan & Hughson‘s Store. Lower Town .. ' . q . . ._., EDURHAMJ The Subscribers wishing ta return thank: to their numerous friends nu! cu-tomen for Mt patrotrage id the put would remind them the they no u Inn-l pier-ted to do h .31 we Mn I large Stock of Feice Ind Cm. tian by N' 1:. Eullclotht. Shah and Fianna]: which we will oxelnuge for Wool or mu cheap tor cub. Carding, Spinning & Manufacturing, in the best possible manner and on the shortest notice. We are the prepared to pay (I; aroma AUGERS are operated entirely ii, HORSE POWER, and GUARANTEED to bore at the rate of IO to 15 FEET PER HOUR. mmmsma‘lr‘éefinfgfifier,anamnmmmz . ___f, They are WARRANTED TO BORE SUCCESSFULLY IN ALI, KINDS OF EARTH, SOFT SAND and LIMESTONE; BITUMI- NOUS STONE COAL, SLATE, and HARDPAN, and make the BEST OF WELLS in QUICKSANI). GRAVEL, and CAVY EARTHS. They In - operated, Simple In Construction. uni Durable! The Cheapest Old Mon g.rasetteast In tho Worn! -MAtiqF.Ac'r.U!,UT, AT OUR OWN WORKS, from the Very Bert of Material, by Skilled and Practical Workmen. Unila '.l','taTes-an'reiiara, tt Illustrated Catalogue, Prices, 'rn- In wh" "per yum - ml. tannin-mm Durham. May, 15, 1879. Durham, April 4, 1878, Haw-r, May 22, 1879. . a"iiriiiiGrre%tiumrorrerdtodrastratath"tt WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., GOOD ACTIVE AGENTS Wanted in Every Count} in mi Km“: and Cnnnda. to whom we offer liberal inltceyents. Sen for ADDRESS "iitill] h,llillilli,! ALSO Note Ind Book Accounts collected on reasonable Lem". WOOL! WOOL! JOHN CAMERON CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE Tht to purchasing Elsewhere don! fail to we our Stock MILLINERY ADAMS & ME SSENGEB. Fancy Dry Grooods. E. d; A. DAVIDSON. Durham. May 15th. 1879 All of which will be sold at very low prices. GREAT WESTERN WELL Mlllifll WERE, Market Price in Cash, l?()R NNrC3CDra'. LADIES (Agent for the sale of all kind! of ‘omisliug in part ofthe following . u ‘.‘--.v -- _ " to whom we offer liberal inducements. Send " :5, Terms, kc, proving our tuivertisement 60nd Aw. --....- SUCH As---- IMPLEMEN TS, --AN D-- ’AND -.. --OF--.. u. Louis, Missouri. U. S. A. WITH THE JOHN CAMERON. and cont-ins . not mount of iute mm. READING The Lug- uld mridtr Wing Cum. in the TOW " “Wk, Bum»: Nomndy. Egan-I. Proton. Alluunll Osprey, “CW and othex Tun “Grey Review" Job Department, " in now tttted up in tho very best am. And Vanessa: (and Paint!“ for dong .11 Haring lately and. In addition ttt cm Beat Medium- tor Advertisers Good. Family Newspapei‘ And with the Gm Prompmud: HOST mun KINDS Cfr roy " v ' iv " .' Best Style of the Att, ‘ru “um" rum-1m omcl LOCAL AND FOREXG N . COLUHN PAPER Price 81.25 per mum, Joh Work ships nub- itou of tho KY-'" POSTAGE FREE In ttse Col-0" 0' Guy: should when“ for the; lf not tmid in “was... The omen": fimrdsUd ol, typo. parties wishing Twore If. Al.' who run! I OF THE LATEST mm ofdu Gemini!” My In their“. LXI) EDITORIALS H. -utiot by lest"q REPORTS. of berm” I". " I'HEBEVIE I ‘1 vary 'rn u r.si Durham, - Q " D BUSINESS DIRECT LEGAL IA VETERINARY TERHS:-.Ol.(ll “on" I. LOCI IN n The British Hotel, 1.25 If no! paid Brsth ll' W. CALD Wuhan Bros: Carpenters and lh I'...JA(‘uucu.-. n TTotly'i.Y ul Ln. ., .- l Do You Want BI RATES OF ADVIZIZT pm AGENTS, READ T “H‘TH END, n , mm 'bstat.haiattrr abinet M M IdlSCELLANEO MAI but!" " luv" all an! Mum Boot and Shoe front a Frost IVEBY EST ABLI a. Gsratra" .'y'trt not“ of I MI til-II ' Ii. D. tf.ecl HER. ATT " 2"a't'ti"t an all 'ttttlt, I 20. a. Mamba outi- tiret man anus...“ rut"... 2ii " mum A", we“... , nu . 1 -h In. t%oowauresr in th I“ It Book.“od.fram I " m.fmm* AVOEK ' li TEIKB. S-Ilu'u Wood Turnin Inn-bur MEDICAL. u and In oottgtetmut ohm. dun” m a M a any . an. ANY.” IMM " llm: " "at.. - .h “El? and F,',',',',',',', IEIKMAH A Icon ' u! “I will per y tl; new ‘I‘K‘D th 3111.1 It]! 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