West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 Oct 1879, p. 1

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b Work y I luv tenvd If THE LATEST ‘amii y rtemsmrtr tyle of the " Htlx’. ’PROVED 1mm! Review" p11 rtment, .2). of My... PAPEl {carom )REIGX aunonuu crew-in. C3,... eoftU a' v um Tow- 199)., Adva tor, Ark-0d. .»quo- h o- pa on“ shin] toromptttot" nu; It, Jud by M“. rid-(ID no om. a strU, and wit At the D , ". thrUrasta Street, Upper Town " THEREVIEVV” I '1 v0 ry 'EH, u rsdn y. YERwr.--tt.0tt per year in Adam“ " 31.23 tf not paid within two to h q Two asses u Tum huh“ Qurur mm Half awluxnu. One , dun-u. Durham, - - Ont. Prat ado-a1 and business curd- 'una inch tyne-12mm: in, per yen. .. . . . . . . ' 4 11085155" or 21mm, munyanel use-nun: 7 Tim Lichen do. Per year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO Qnrhr admnu, pm your. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 u.n....2....... .. ....... .....28 Inca-u " Or has lo "in, In. ot cl WC 8 lines by written UN guru-l until lhr taken. ”Mun chart: an“: the lira ll uh u nhn IA juisiimyss DIRECTORY. LEGAL ___ i 'eiiijhiraNARs' SURGEON eta FUR Slay-'1 I. Loan Me i. w 1mm”: t.utitlh"l'luls'r' AGENTS, READ THIS. i W ri.-',- ", = '. "', l Il s:rivctm,ty,,o) oldlk Ih The British Hotel, Durham, 'nbll . trt'" A “I amp-h- m- with .hn In , Itlcl n uh A "fue? Basrtmt been a! 1.. M‘ ' ”In ”to“ b.. r mim- t» r "OBS FA' W. CALDWELL r'OI’ a." ii" l 3 pun-um: 'ic-ooo" m" nnocalft MISCELLANEOUS. Do You Want Money. gory, Comm Watson Bros. Carpenters and Builders. maul-non! u, mm! "Vtiti RATES OF ADVERT”)! will». l 3";le In , rotmiee" it l [mun-rh u “with R.. charge wary notic n Issmu for " tue. d abinet Maker, MC FA y our" END , - a,'. , l 3h LWERY E C.:Irnlr.\u nun-1. oroBA.". AVIXt atttt 1n: G 20. J. Matthews. Boot aM Shoemaker, Prod do Fresh sabsoau Wood Turning, I“ k M " l- " IL. L...“ nag-.1. EDICAL. I.) ' M.scMrTtAN, ATTORNEY, *e.-t.'r .\\lll ~§X()N. ' -s1 WedJrnm L150 to 96.50. r*cge1.from“4.75 to M.00, t inurtiun a A. "o'" J. TOWNSEN D ho ta, Matched tttree arthoment not. t: u- 'ON' xuumau in Moe MN-tsu 5:759 1315.}; Marion. births. ma.rrittge, mu news. Inserted iT ABLISHMENT n ROI ‘ILU tt M .t'raan Brou..0won w Iniotv.ney INDERTAKEB rken “commiod the cunlnry. in ml charged " reg "uato, neu Cutler- mun-need lamina- in “any when I shu- of honor in Chan- lt.. Noun Public M most LL. , i'AT made to order C. WATSON, NETS. JOHN ROGAN, hornet" in Chancery. tho Manhunt- M TGi. with?!“ N . ll‘l ot CM Md s furnish.“ for M" Dwellings. mule to order. LGiii/ tJr nut, 'vl ' with the Howl. ulhlt' or ttiuttirt, at? I y overhauled t the mulling 'rry cogtvenieneq , mth is supplied mm. The bar is "riorq and “it"s. Inmervhtl Tuval- . Honk-n. d 8 at». pet cu. per hm Raw In MORE 5.5." Amman mu. Mich. Xupueil inch ,rortmorhtjt a. ry (iii) To Suit Borrowon, UP“ mtsr AND LOAN co. OF CANADA ylo " t9 2h yt.. PROPER'IY FOR SALE. POETRY Tl! Suhuryilmr offers fur Sale Lots 4 and ", f n the in): l', n. of tho Tovmlnp " Glad: Th '1‘ u “mum " lu'tvn, all hardwood. Abou 5 men: an- air-and: titrt an" n ma ttood u may in I‘m TIN Dam”. The 1014 . m Ire Br Id 'tithttr W- " " wright". (-II on“ Earn” of pnunvnt. For Hal-Jul pautieuum apply u Duh un P. 0. to J. P. HUNTER. Durham, 'wept, l‘th, “To. "-03. House and Lot for Sale in Durham. THE Proprietor Wtr'tvs to 'lispo" of Lot No. 3, " Albert Street. one lungs But of (in- dnua street. Lower Tum. I‘nrhuw. (‘n the In! u "new! I good dwelling Hun." Mud Stable. The Lot contain: one new olland. , good well Ind pump. um! I numb” of {run h'oasmr the means”. For “nub-n purl-own [he had is “marched. The whirls property will be sch} ch: up 10. tAtt otuFrta' Erik'myrlje tterouul upon: F punimhn army " the RENEW 012m. Durham, June 24.1879. Hausa and Three Acres of Land For Sale. A GREAT BARGAIN. Money to Instalments, or Otherwise Notice T'hr London At (mu-d!“- l'dlu dk " nay (on-pun). Lil-lied. .V-‘l; 'ftt? Spiniurr. th_.t they have about Halt " Million of Dollars human. Hoyt. rm. 1m. Imrrr-I h Vol. II. No. 37. Putin: wishing to a“ Plum- won] and see samples baton going W. BLACK. Fromm 3r, Openuor. Upper Tum u. Durham. Oppouico tho REVIEW om. Durham, hug. 21, WN. £130 L pun of the country in the "HE Subscriber BblI.DElL Durham, keeps on hand 3 [page stuck at sarh,Doora an] All than of Building truvtsr'vsrs,tsisi? n stock of Mouluiugl In Wtslattt, Rostcwerod, um um I'ttuts,spmsitteatittrtr and Bll'ss ot Lmuhu mmlu vat on short. Donor. A mu nook of Comun, Gluten. Shroud: Ind Trim. m‘uumlwn} sou baud. Sewing Machines For Sale, First-Class Photographs, A FIRST-CLASS IIBABSE Bomumbcnho rife-g. .0nns Ike-payable Ii Residence at the Old Post tMice, Lows: Toms, DU " HAM. . 'uu "P"Vrr_..ie" -. - . _ l .34 “a Ugh“ we AG'tiit notice, mud in me Lawn Sts tc, F.". and attu‘louung. A good h' Real Ectatett at B. 85. and 9 per '. out, according to pm iluges granted. South Riding of Grey. Chen) for Cl “mum an T " " his i "scrim " HE Lann- ParBatrt,h"er 1.1-7“ Cabinet sizeis 3 Specialty TIE subscriber is Ruptured to Receive -- -. A __ A”. -._..- ...a in Alexander Robertson, pmpan y for Cub. Thou Machin- m the but sud gm unto tee.'"""' to thou min; Farm for M the by» an pussihlo mic ROBT. BULL. I‘m-hum [Iranian-l1 "rrr"od TAILOR, " alfery to Stand or Sit for their Photos. flu m itrsbela" EARCLAY'S Inca. a short dbl-ace north ot the Pan 0310:. IN Tint my]! TG {Km} aaa, XORMAM KE LSEY. wishin l',. JACKCS, Lower 'ruwll, DURHAM JI Farmers them -t at Mrw and lst Nnvrm- l-lr anew-mg; or all-1 rrnsrstli ml n t tun would do well to cull to going olmwherc. tit Sale. Loan I ozuynmcs very f N. mm H " slow to ad. _ ucmit) known to the I IN est', [maxing nwuyT rtrrrer. th' Cum; noun? g ilijtt my tttttities, of tht Money -d tor the lust. two (5mm Burgh, nun public I " ity Loan ,nd an: nuxiom wrest upon un- F0} lunb'r have thi, bis proper humbly re. i "rtrciture and , 1 sun. ls new I To FIRE. in Ontario Proprict Jr, em73 uc'ag TO For the Review. Address by Mr. J, Reid, B.A., At the Friday threnuon Session of the to S mth Grey Teachers Association held in I this Town on October 9th uud 10th, Mr, tttti J. Reid. B.h., Head Master of the Mount an Forest High School, gave the fullowing Ad. lit,' dress, which we have been requested to in publish for the l,eucftt of the Association. [on Mr. Reid spoke as follows '.-- lnri The honor of addressing you.wlii:li your no President has conferred on me. is anal did in: not expcct but one in neat-Wing which I it“ could heartly desire my powérs equalled my l a l sizlicitndv. Fo To originate thoughts which may Idit'y HY" tent-hers of cxponrncn as old it uh! older 'or, tlt.un my own, uud at the Home timo to (sr, furnish with things useful in their art, inn those just entering the i1.c4d--suisu who are 'Ti here not to he amused hut iustruetcd--is a by Jdfieuhy in grappling which I shall be best in aided by your recognizing: the p "sition,aud l pr innit cheered hy your nttiihuting failur. Otl r rtln r to the nature of things than to a“ hwy lock (it skill or attention on my part. re l I sunrise you will agree in considering oy, ithut if the p'cacut Convention Le uA "' c ',"r titulyle. if it prove not it privilege for the " hee (njnyni Slit of which we should he rc- fl ,pousilrlc uud shall be iudehtad, the fault th xill he our own. Wo are here to exchange - Mundane; to discover new and improvc W 1 old methods ; to set instruction on a more de lunit‘vrm and, it possible, a more emotive " llmsis; bo search in hotly for results and m istuinp them with the force and value all tl, l united dc'ihmntinn ; to give the puhlic and 3" I cut-h other it pledge that we we sincere, 1 tl that neither pastime nor salary firms the r W motive, that in our work is our heart, and t( ftlnit we brliere it adequate to engage the l$1 ( cu operution of our entire rntionrd and ti ~ymputlietic powers. If this ohject be coni- Ol linomlnlulc- and wise, all should dortrihuta tt 3 to its attainment. You that are bashful or it itiniid; nervofts ot ignorant, must speedily It ‘dwent yourselves of such ulrjeetiotnOle I ft , uualtis, tor why should an excuse he l u lpleadul now that would not be reactive} M t tl la pulle writtun eiaiuinatiort. '51 l With such It resolution rules of conduct i a will he easily deduced. Discretion nnd ‘ tl wand judgment at all times the hush: clip good etiquette, will be particularly so on lp, i this occasion. To cmiceirn cur thoughts l n with pure intention and express them with . g lgoml will, to speak when the subieet or oc- l 3 can on require, and reftuin from dahata tl likely to pfove visu'ioiisot fiudless,to cou- a vey nothing useless and retain nothing use. , ful to utlurrs,--tlte" are duties of the first l ' , magnitude, for the peril nuance of which i f lull should brace themselves. With sincerity l i in) our Motive; ghn6rority in our opinion, I 1 i earnestness and promptuch in our conduct, 1 , i, we can scurccly fail of success, backed, BS 1 .. I lwe are. by tt cuminrtuble room inrmnged programme and an ttl: dent. I In order to introduce n few thoughts that 1 l l merit eoasiderutiou I divide tLo sphere of l lthe ttaeher's action into iwoheitiisphetes- ‘1 one in p10 cuce at his pupils, the other Mac t' i, fore the world. Next to ol mining in crrti- [ I ticute " nvemge slandmp, the essential re. lquisite to succeed in either of these is tt ', proper sense on tho part of the teacher of l, the dignity of his position. That he sl.ould _ indulge thit feeling he must know that his I is a calling of dignity. A single refUetictt [ demonstrates this to be a tact. Skill ttttd, lime-fullicss are right merits by which to l measure professional excellence of any i I kind. If, theany this tueasuremeut society l Thott hast fought the good fight '. Thy warfare. o'er, My peace r, wipe in unlin- of light Thou"must finished thy com-u. Ihsst Imth striven, And gained the promised rest Rerervml {at those With Cluist In Heaven Who have His name confused. 'I’hnu hast kept the faith-thy work is done! Thine nrnmnr mm laid down, The Land of Life through Cl,rist, is won. Alt,o the prumiaed cnwu I '6os"h Grcy Twirl"?- Association is indebted to the doctor for repaying and prolonging physical life, if his claim be just that in determining the symptoms of dis- can and compounding medicine for Its re- Lindy, broad scope is offered for ingenuity 1 audjudgtueut, irs not the teueher's claim to 1 thch qualities in as hi3" a degree equally . valid ? Is less judgment needed to dirett.‘ stimulate and strengthen the mental i faculties. to grasp their usultiiormity Ind weigh their tendeueses so " ta invest iheml with power to subdue dimenlty and art to l strike syatem into chaos? If skill assists I the Inwyer tn preserve the rights of property, l or the minister to ensure the wise and dis-1 erect behaviour of men, can we suppose 'll man void of it who rents the bone, nerve l and muscle on which diameter is built. tt l law. religion and health are valuable to 1 men. is it less valuable that they possessl i the varmtu--tlso principles of knowledge" l and the skill to use them t To unbnrden l society of crime and ignorance is the teach- ' er's duty. for the performance ot which he is held responsihle ; for its faithful discharge . ought he not to be esteemed? Why our I calling uaotood on low foottttg--speatfttttt l relativity--- may "Mon! on: be aligned. . """" .v u...‘ ot' evcrmnro i LEAT H OF SAINT PAUL. ijif:iiiiirir, Co. Grey, 00110331213 23,-' 1879: Whole N6.‘88.' Tp-- F. W. Pou'nzn. le room. a well 1} an able Presi. . Iliohitiun I cannot too strongly urgo. If my you luck this god like gift your movements s.",. i are nlmcllcd “one than those ufany prison. to il If. Ifytril have it in your lion grasp, your mt. {mart grunitn Jiitieulty crumbles to sand. are 'Tis sense of dignity can In hatter reached is u by a, process of thmitzht ter by n. formula. pest I in words. All that is commonly Minted ma I pride must be excluded ; all that is thor- ur.' oughly earnest embraced. Forbidding un- l to due familiarity on the one side and n. cold 1, reserve on the other, it bases its pretenaiun ing on works-not words ; despising the 1strltisls ‘r ', ml quilubling. it advocates the gcncrous the and true. Curnoz‘cd by frattotm-'s smi'.err re. full iinderu frown, it acknowledyr' 'ult thoughtful opinion and pants for tlsat"Lme “ch --that last infhuuity of the noble tuitvl--, It has never been clothed with the preetige but prudent; commit yourself to no course a . of wealth. Opinion regarding it; moulded which cannot it need be carried out to the :1. in m “Mum-“L1. period, has not been ro- letter. Trieat than; kindly. Remember that ' u moulded. Edneation - the instrument to [tilt the citadel of the heart is the ii whichit tu,hittn..c'sis not "itmetiig,a crime teacher's giant titat step.- and there are few li: in the eyes of many, bat merely an able of hearts to which kindness will not open " ie the most exquisite uses. Its elliicts are avenue. Love in the strong right arm of . N not palpable to the senses not immediate. discipline. It often triumphs when birch it The architect who rears his strue'ltlr'e' Illa: or maple would purchase; at but; but a a his ct‘t‘ortappreciated.becauee it embodies it. rebellious settleitttnt. short; well ile6u" t: self in what can be seen and felt, but the lessons; with the human but an and» v student upon whom a large amount of standing that all excuse is out of the ques- s Mn'erer toil has been expended, is still like tiou will largely promote the common r other men ; nor in it until in the counting- weal and general peace of a school. Dar. t I house, tunnel. or debating hall,n difference ing recitation excite such interest, ask so t i” we" ', even than wrongcauses are assign. many questions, provoke so much lionor- ' I ' ed. Who, after writing a good book, " able competition, that entire surroundings li livering a telling argument, or striking an shall be forgotten, them while all minds t . advantageous bargain. ivaltn to analyze bis are intent, drop a weak member an easy l'; _ lsuccess, and should he do so, is not human question, accompanied by an encouraging , t i 1 nature, with its feeble recollection. prone . word or look, Let him fuel that in your ll I to attribute much to the individual, much esteem, at least, he has some power,-is of: i to the occasion. much to fortune, but little l 50"” importance. You may ia 'such B l , , lto the teacher of early years , I Inciting moment have the honor of launch- I t ' l Those are not the only causes of our re- tug auboy'on “the tide that leads on to for. l . wiring the “cold shoulder." liehind them, tune. Ion-mar rtuie antler-t a. chord m t land unoerjinMheir operationais another, his heart which all the thumping? of after I j _ l for the eradication of which we to-day unite “I’m” not untunc. In rendering capla. l i i in earnest counsel. I call it FEEuLENEss in nations guard against a moment: TONE or l l . {our own ranks. Of that fecblenoss which I “Help" . a in)”; we”, on jly part of, l lax-hes from a ilefieieut educational and ( “will“ m“) ltl Ft.“ I,",ril',vyeh a month a l l r normal training I have nothing to observe. l goo Conduct won t alleviate. If you T , i 1 ( Its remedy has speedily followed its rocoa- poet l continuous, thorough .provT'ssteli.eil i l 1 in'tion. llnt that lechlcnoss generated by questions on tlto suljeet P hand and T"' l3 v in misapprehension of the dignity of ottt [ houes'.ys'".". Iftteeessntrr defer for time I ', _ lpo:~itiou I cannot too strongly urge. It" to consular, but be honest. An honest l i , Ivon luck this god like gift your movements I teacher, though fl roved,--. i t' inrc sliiwlilril “one tltunthose ufany prisou- l 'iv'), lid - l Ir blilL’lll ',r,i'",'i:2:',"i,s' . l n (y. "t'1liavr1?, in your lion trttspt J'""."; an: 12.11233; 1:;:.::::.::i:, 1:1,...iwtéii , rtuttrt granite diftieulty crumbles to satin. “may will, a "fine some of dignity can ba better reached; What others talk of; while their hands are a l by a primes: of thought than by a formula stilL" tlit: words. All that is commonly termed , So much then for the teicher'a conduct} a l pride must be excluded; all that is thor- in school. now for n point or two on his .' oughly earnest embraced, Forbidiling un- I conduct out of sehool--a conduct neeessi. I rf due familiarity on the one side and a cold tated by the nature of his employment. It reserve on the other, it bases its pretensiou _ will hardly be denied that real success and i ',' on wcrks--uot words ; clospising the "Ms-ls a good reputation are co tvlated--tht one' I 1 ml quibbling, it adrociitos the gontrous I being an index to the other. Now a good 1 c and true. Untamed by flattrci's smile 1:2" name xxx-3: be taken as the product of three l V fi'ilt ihu1er's frown, it achuowledsf' I incurs. Ist. The statistics of his school. 9. it thoughtful opinion and pants for tlsat"Ltue I such as results " c:stshw.t'naw,mrri:cetwr', c --tlmt last iufmnity of the noble uiin'lw returnr, government grantactc. y..H.. R- t. which tho clear spirit doth raise to soorn E yruts of his work disseminated by his own .0 delights and live laborious Jays." Success 1 pupils. 8rd, Imyrcssions of himself form. 'e among blocklicuds will always be the best i oil by his immediate intercourse with the ,1 nwnsut‘e of teacher‘s eflieicutey. To Lain I people. As the first two radiate train the " this ic, certainly the liar-dost task for the 1 school, 1 dismiss them with what has ah I (1 young master to learn, and the easiest for I tvirdy been mid. and turn to that part of p, the old one to forget. lt is the end for , his tepututum which arises from a dirccll m' which both should titrtig.,rle. True self-in. I. contact with the public. I deny not that .d tcuvst and high burn duty point in it tts the : the school is the great mirror in which can .9 BUMMUN B 'NUM. In it “'0 find a foumhr. 1 be traced at any time not the teaeher'sf;icc, "l tion for our iliguily,--ttn honor budge fir i but his character, habits of thought, system I. ottr togar--!' trtar " our oliaplet. Its irri, Vol discipline, amount of night work, the to mediate effect is an approving conscience. l very striking pceaharirius ot'his-i person; but " its rtttnote one an enduring fame. The l to do this requires an oxpozt. People have ly millionaire who lives for himselt may be I recourse to a dim-rout Innis for their judg- lo I forgotten, but time will sweeten the gamut. However much prepossessiou may he i memory and burnisli tho character of him, i d.) for or against a man, it is only who l _ at b the highest ambition of whose soul was to t face to face that he is thrown into the 'ttrengllieu the weak, direct the doubtful balances of judgment and his complete ct l and instruct the ignorant. Even if spured l calibre chalked down. What part, then,of ad i the ordinary rr. an of lifevlio may receive a i our eonduct is most scrutinized and how Ml portion of the meed of his toil. Long after I must we shape it so that it bo favorably rc- yn l examinations have lost their interest. what i guided. are pertinent questiotw. A straight- “ i more pleasant thing than to GHJCY tt har J' l forward, sober, polit .', gcutletnauly bearing th i grasp from the hand of a veteran whose contributes much to their answer, but emi- ,c. l sympathy you gained and success you veriuttiou--the grunt medium between mind as guarcutsed when a timid lad l In school and tniud--faruiixhos the true solution. ,I,. a teacher ondued with this tttrise of dignity The eonversatiotnlist who always carries uv will neither allow hauglitiness in his own about with him a goodly amount of ready- ygt _ bearing, nor will he cramp his pupils by cash hnowlcdge and rarely fails to pay it c1. I; extorting a mean submission in theirs. Be- out neatly on current topics will receive It has never lieen clothed with the prestige of wealth. Opinion regarding it; moulded in an unfavorable period, has not been re- moulFl. Education - the instrument whichit immune-ills not "1tcttetiub,a crime in the eyes of many, but merely capable of the moat exquisite uses. Its effects are not palpable to the senses not iuyediye. The architect who rears his su.uitii'i:t has his effort appreciatedJeetuure it embodies it. self in what can be seen and felt, but the student upon whom is large amount of MnNrrer toil has been expended. is still like other men ; nor is it until in the counting- honse, tunnel, or de‘mting hall.a difference is seen ', even then wrong causes are assign- ed. Who, after writing a good lnolc. de. livering n telling argument, or striking nn advantageous l-nrgnin, lmlti to analyze bis success, and should he do an, is not human nature. with its feeble recollection, prone to attribute much to the individual. much to the occasion. much to fortune, but little to the teacher of early years ' These are nut she only cause! of our re- wiring: the “cold hhouldcr." Behind them, and 1uroerjinsfheir opemtiruist,U nnother, fur the eradication of which we tu-day unite m earnest counsel. I call it traumas in our own ranks. Of that feotolemsius which Mixes from I 1lefieieut educational and nonnul training I have nothing to observe. Its rmnudy has speedily followed its recog- tftiou. But that kehlcuoss generated by a tuisuiTrehenittva of the tligttiw of (m! which tho clear spirit doth raise to scum delights and live laborious Jays." Success ummg blockhends will always be the best measure of teacher’s oflicrieuey. To {Nu this iv, cerminly the havdust task for the lining; that to open no chasm between him. I in self and his class would be impolitiche does 11 lot consider it the best thing to always i, keep if Open. No sooner, therefore, does 9. he show, by solving a few well framed dilli- l Culties, his qualification to be their master, , than he hastens to (ltmonstrnte, by well t timed acts of kindness, his willingness to t be their lil'utlLr. Thus he commands the 1 l seniors” respect lull tltejnniors' love, Thus i he avoids the two very greatest calamities l thnt can befall any schoot--dmri1ir whom: I the dull; Judah! among the clever. At thi 1 point I suggest a. principle, and with all thr l turtle in me. prose it home upon your otter.- tion. I give it as a commttud,-aLLow M I 11an To Bacon; DISCOL’RAGED. You nmy never make it unexccptiuimble in practice; but relolleet and think of it in this form as I the best motto to inspire your conduct. No i principle do I know to which so manygood 3 practical rules of teaching can be traced, i and it might be hard to find one from which i more can be made tlow. The first thing. l therefore. after organizing his school. that I should engage the tenoher is to determine l carefully what pupils are likely to become i discouraged. Experience points to three l classes. First, the buy of vigorous, quick " mind, but weak body. Eccentric in temper, " he is sometimes marked by peculiar likes i and dislikes, often sensitive ; usually to. ll words the end of a term he was into such , l o sluggish state that to rouse him yort tolls I l and swing your laws in vain, Then there ,li. the intensely mum. bat, alas! nut-l . l tenure. headless. lazy puril. m frequently 2r: wall m the gummy. looking diligeneol b to ruin, he rarely exhibits that compro- {l Imam grup which alone onsuru sucoou 2' at on ennlnuiom may. the homo F..') ,1 he it is whose cleverness and good putt in l e conenl roll in torrents from on, conversa- n tion had with the parent. With him you i must frequently stoop to conquer; but if tr) properly hon-Hod he may be made a pillar a Q in your school, {or an " tide. whether r l right or wrong. will duster all blood rela. a i tions. Dunn of s quot-rel with Inch l I. I With then tin“ clout! ; in sympathetic cash huowledge and rarely fails to pay it‘ out neatly on current PM!“ will receive attention and respect in cases where 116;} upon whom the tailor and hairdresscr's art has been exhausted, if lucking in this no speqt,wouhl obtain but an indifferent notice. (lamination is a staple employment in which we should be randy to engage at any tune. I would not "dvise equipment for any particular occasion because a change lot the tide might lead to a ridiculous result, but a vigorous previous preparation lorcon- l varsatiun in general cannot be esteemed too highly. Hence a careful perusal of a law leading journals and magazines wodld be advantageous to all, but by him who would combine in his words matter and elegance It course of reading in poetry. history and biography must be pursued. i Read ad hethatiou may direct. keeping in mind that flueney and cxeelleueo are best I owed not so lunch by the aurtutut rend its i' by the amount cancocted into judgment.“ If you converse us a ghuliatnriul exercise, contend for Victory with firmness, than "let decision fulluwjudgmcnt M the thund- erbolt pursues the flash" but if yuur object he to increase the fund of idea and thought speak with moderation and listen with de- ference. As people generally mind their. i own business must you may expect to tall l i in company with th use who caru little or think little about your business. A know. ledge of the principal trade operations and manufacturing processes will give strength ' fur the occasion. The point I drive at is this I be rudy to convincoa man thnt yam- l judgment u nound in motto“ which ho understands Ind bo'll the mot. readily loonsidor it sound in mutton ho does not understand. This in a fruitful thought. l Provo your judgment in o parlor oonversa- tion to be good. Discu- sucooolfully the qualities of the lever with I builder, or tho classes of grain with a farmer. and you ere. l ate for yoarself an niixilinry force. the very i existence of which will render its need un. necessary. To sum up my admonition in l u single utterance. be cheerful, read good lbw)“. talk with wise men and take plenty of ammo. And new loin)? you Hun of “to dangers to which, in u elm. we on peculi- arly linble. .mroptltirq altar. of our work and the necessity of Always communi- ing unconditional obedience are favorable tn the growth of pedautry. This may be checked by self-meditation and a fair por- tion of tlnt wholesome clash of thought found in cheerful society. Tho iufiuitude of little trouble: {hut misc day lifter any to tax the attention. is Apt to produce a pee- vish; ill-nature ', remedy such by airy; strolls,friendly letter-writing and humorous‘ tending. The im'idious distinctions seine- timol drum: between schools and the num- berless little cutting remarks that occident- ly are drnppod in our hearing (cuter the heart and unless nipped in the bud, will develop that worst of all conkers-Jul. 'tish'. I To combat this, summon nll the attril,uter, ofyonr manhood, all the moral {area of l your chriuian character. It is the greatest I sorrow of our nnturc. Far from us be that _ eye that sees a rival in a friend, fur be l t'iut pasaion which has "uvr its hour ol I thought." Young man, if you suspect any parent in your section, consider the tho aght mun-but You have no tune to indulge petty result meat. Exercise the buck-saw. axe or spade for an hour. Visit, talk clreerily, and, if invited. drink tea with him. No better plan can be adopted at rectifying misunder- standings. Young woman, should you feel jaded. chm-wh-Fs or old.tmridish, "dress ytrur bonnet Hue" and make I: call on the sitter of the nicest Joung mun in the neigh- borhood, or if it Ire an Assoeiation week. he conspxcuous by your presence, your graces and your smiles, Instcml. then, of being tutuored or " cnnrngcd by the vexatious and crosses that rise to oppose, let us prosecute our Work maufully and etteetually, remembering that these He the column: h t of all and 9mm. ble us ; that 02.: humble-5t work ispedouu- ed by nud brightens nnr highest fucultirs. that it is work to MIMI curls mmld stoop. Let us go straight on-being faith- ful; for whether furluuc allure us with its -unshine or disappointment smite us with t: frost, if we an: faithful ours shallbe the "Suffrage" oi the wise, the praise that is worth ambitious" Because We shall im. "Knowludcu by which men mun Mm: {In mun-e: t? Mum l What to nu;- quthor out mstd to God they owe" ' -'--." - - --- - The High School at tit. Mary made into a Collcgittte Institute The Montreal Hardware men raised tlm price of ireu on Saturday week to " pet 100lbs. Two children of Mr. Michael Schnefer were buried in tsstuullmuk atWmterburn on Friday. One, n girl aged tive, was taken out dead ; the other has a chance of recov- cry, though seriously hurt. The death sentence passed upon Chester Munroe at tho late “him Court in Simon county, for the murder at Thomas Cook, has been commuted to imprisonment in the Kingston penitentiary for in term of (0430 years. It is a curious fact that while the Orange. I men of Ontario are still knocking at the‘ door of the Ontario Ashemldy for ii special l het of itteurporatiotw their friends, the Do. _ m tron Uovernme.:t,~still have pigeon-holed at Oitiwu-wlu-rc it has been for "veral months ptrst--an Act of Incorporation of the Orange Order passed by the Prince Ed. ward Island Legislature; which Bill Wu reserved for the assent of the Governor- I General in Gounod. That “sent has been ‘wiihhehl so fur. What does Brother Sir (iii; and evGrand Muster Bowen any to this , A Lost; Tm: To Jt'crrett.- -Twen¢y.tivu year: of undurauce with Laurrh in aim; period of nun-cs mace Ami mitery. Mu. E. J. Flanders, of Manchester. N IL, attergouii; through it all, mm": "The t)ou,titutionarl Cntarrh Remedy has teamed me (mm untrue tsutfertug Ind ulm ht “my are. " This ntesdieit o is for sale by all Drawn“. Iixnxzznsuzxr BY A BANK Cmnr.-»Chmz. l I Lancaster. who has been employed at the i 1 Merchant's Bank, London, as ledger-keep ly er, was arrested on Monday last week, on nu information charging him with embez- zling 81,000 from the bank. He ciijOyedn ‘ high character tor integrity Ind was great. l ly trusted, but he seems to have {then into i bad hads.‘ Shortly after he mus arreutcd‘ another man, named George Rowe, was I also when iuto custody for receiving part of the stolen property. Inucuusr is but " i Iii; of age, and his companion, Ema; _ lame ten years his seni'ox'. ff h slid In was inducedhy Itowe to make rum and“ I and take the money. Ind afterward: cum- I 'Yelled to divide WIN! him. The spacial our 1 wulement referred wof 01.000' Win-i ef- l fected 18 months ago. but nines than it " slleged other sums hnvo ' appropriated i linking in All about ",000. A preliminary elimination was held, when; Lgncastor i'g"it,ijtt'i'it,' to the ttre/y on. Pgt i ' "““‘-“ A ”Allin In " Leaky He mi ponitoutiury. Siva-ic-h very great number of those in tho middle and higher clam of society. who, without being our ututlly nick. nova know wltat rod health is; who live constantly in n lower piano of living thin is normal in man, who no wank all over, though not specially Bad constantly weak in any one organ. who may not experience piercing and grinding pain, yet suffer " thnes, it not linyl. ‘tlut profound emanation which in may limped: is worne than pain. Those in I that lamentable Mate have always been re- I have". md many permanently to by using the \‘Icronu Sun» or Hrrornourlmr. iiriiiiiiiiiii,iEEiygr""-"" For uh by all W. CANADIAN ITEMS. M, W ...- Vim,” was sentenced to t years in the Mary's has been (Concluded M Lot Week's Adw'm'oer. In the MIC of M.lvilu n. Walk u. ty wrought in I "e4ut a! Mn in»... tor pinata. Themmljury mum in menu- 13mm! PM “my tor Injury. sud Iqhu Grier " I 'operty. Ghent rs. Mocoll,--eJ'eeumrttt,--veadi" " plain” ', Antler-an a. Hall. and Will‘- rop w. Murdo seuloh V f V . _ ,' Ju an en. ofCodn-m " GM. I! action to move: the all“ of l diluting alanine. the jury fitted to - and we" dilelurged. _ ' [amount who“ ri., MI Johnston, [Irony of two can. the Judge thought it m not trutheie at " go to. the jury. tutu” tteisouoe was discharged. PLUM: they” was unsigned " per- jury and [headed "not “any." Net but”; ready far will he In Held over on bail u]! the nut mixes. A ' .. . we next. may: ' ' T .. _ In an case Ttua', n. J our, Grier (aha a) the Judge was of opinion an! “A chm-c of the mania nudut u'highpriuyi- indicted did not apply, and “at an quin- tion down N, Totouto Extinction. The cue of Sue n. Baum: Vin “not out for wnut of jutisdietiou, and that of Hay vs. Reid settled. In threw of Jury vs. Driitil, to Ninja): we refuted last week, um wry Waugh! in a verdict partly for plain“, and partly " defendant. The Queen vs. JImOR Arm+otte,--For-, gery end uttering a forged deed. The thete of the case are u follows t--Mr, David Douglass Young, A lumber merchant in Quebec. owned 401 ncru of Inn! in tue. township of St. Vincent. Mr. Young did mine ten years ngq since which time " propt-rty has boon in tliaglnudi of his ere. enters, c. It. Sing, Esq., of Mentor]. net- ing as agent. The prisoner thought the property would he a \‘nlnnlile nequi itionzil. he could succeed in seeming it, null for tho. purpose of doing so he an" Int Much to Mr. Arm trong, the Clark of the Pen. her ', and represented him selfeur about ta purchase the property, at the same time getting M r. Armstmng to write him out n Ped. lie then proceeded. in cmpnnyl ( with Patrick Mooney. to A. M. Stephen, Esq., to have the deedexecutod, “apron“!!- iug himself to Mr. Stephen: as Mr. You . the owner of the property which the deed" conveyed to Armstrong the prisoner Mooney witnessed the execution of the deed. After this the prism-(r got the deed duly legistered. and was in march of I pur- chaser of the property' when he was deteet. ed and “rested. He was fond guilty and sentenced to 8 years in thn irovimGl pen- itentiary. The prisoner in client Bo yes“ old, and bad previously ' 6 month: in Owen Sound gnol for convening money to his own use. and four yentzin the peniten- tiary fur hnrse stealiugiu the neiglibotltood of Hamilton. The business of the (Nut was r meludcd on Friday foreman. The The matter of: new f Willa“ .u of coun- ties is again agitating the minds of main" [maple in this sec-um of up Proviuod The probul i ity is that thehuestion will b. n leading feature of the deliberations of the forthcoming meeting of Ontario Legislu- ture, und with this probability in view those "ho are inuruud in the matter an putting themselves in slap: for pining. their respective claims, for county-town honor: upon the attention of the Home. Our IGrriston neighbors hue for non). time past been working themselvu into the belief that their town is dee Sued to be the hub around which the muuieipuitUs are to metaphoricnlly revolve. mid they no exciting themselves to impress their ttetglr born with the soundness of the timid. Li.,tmel and Mount Forest hue elm been long in the field as candidates for the dir. tinclive honors, with whet they deem good proupoets of ultimate success. end they will undoubtedly wield a powurful stroke in bat. le tor their claims for their new mnty. We have not lately seen e sketch of whet etch of these candid-tee propose to submit l as their scheme. but presume thet Harris. wn's plea is to take in the townehipe’ of Wellnee. Maryborough. Arthur, 'tinto,' Howick end Normmby. Hemmer: echeme includes the township ot Willem, Mary- borough, Morniutou, Elms, Grey, and i perhaps Huwick and Mink). M aunt For. , est endeavors to scoop in thi: towmslrir' of l Nurmenhy, Egremont end probably othen There will, therefore. neeersurily be A clashing of interests, end A strong end ob. stinete fight mey be looked tor the next few months. Now, from I gleam: at the mep of Western Ontario. We cen nee tint Clif. ford "s just In good meson t , Deanne I cendidute for county town as either of the yleces minted. tt is evident that the mum , " of Bruce in eltogether too large. and tint in the genernl out up. there will, no am,» l be e eliee teken " the lower pert at it in- , eluding (Jet-rick end Cull-use. A good square L‘oonipnct county. with Cunard right in the , centre could than he formed [tom the town- ehipe of Minto, Howlck. Tumbnry. Clutch I led ”on”; lath eet up our chin. llwdeuiveein'tmeke just use good I . 1 e show es ny of out msigubws.-- Chloe! . Amen. i, --------_----" 1 The hymn of Cabut lg Sir I" rah-rick I Roberts is fully couhruted. Ho united the i ciudd on Saturdnv,‘ and and. l puUic entry into the (My 6itSttrdsr, The “than l troopa hive been ecliplcwly round. 1nd l tho tribes assembling to tight luv. utm- lod home. The Annex in now emu " 1mm. And the hummus mint:- rm persondfrhndswo but“ in tho and! may be new " My unclu- ivo widens. Nut bu own fruaul.v _ lions In" boon feigned unequal. Aged 1:"qu no oltau "with! with managements of the kndueyu Ind unsun- organs, and Will be glad to kill) tut Ttcrotax Bowl: and En Una in M with the will purpose of mating than teoubuedmsth%C life km. to It 'iliiiii, Jiri,' un is highly recounting with mum. fonds by all Mr. County Town Questlon

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