West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 Oct 1879, p. 4

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M I” rorthiiesr. There is n sounding in poetry and. '01! harmonise: with the but fbci'..sr.. at our nature. It is, thereto". peculiarly up- ropmu m1 expansive when its Mn; In! povmnl Bid is emu in tbe "ered - of religion In! virtue. The no”! Psalmist felt an. .1190 In breathed thou Donald "asiot" which "on n the any and” unjustly rag-Ned " the he“ who» ot and My an "a on- uuud In. n indium mind. h but you: “an. plno In" been aimed to Ibo mun-1 uni. ot lb. Chunk of Christ. while We eminently piou- Dr. Watt: an to the can.” world the Manila! and [lama mun cl tho Nu TClmnI 2W0- tbo -touodtlre Psalm. Ut of hull. bhl writer! u" also up.“ their and... a embodying an yr.- upud mommy and unwound:- ct "upon-intruded“ suzum ad to think how " of at the potl- in tho EugGls unsung. unwound or mum- nd tho um Chm-tin: chant", or had the "membrane. " m not. was“ with tl" though!» of Child am] Hi "on, or the fooling: Io wind-tho you than» " Maryann an. is. in “no bosom ot I Claimant.» We my tiad plan, of tits ammonium, ot religion. owl, too, in hon-mm! Inn-gr, but u cold " a; in)!" mum's frusuvurk on our wiuiuw. _ A for M10101 Volume» inked, have their pin: in the lam. bot “my an I... um! ot "use the praise Indungu not cit-lus- mly M the "aim “poetry, but to n thr not. marina: and darned spirit-the Hririt oi Ila Bibb. What in». m- in; this do” ml eeusUirr tire gain of they ”try , What poet " experioueell this i that. long did not breathe an echo of the‘ "ladies 011’an , In tho "no miua- A Inky of devotion than in . high" 0nd l loud- “an that of more pain. Poetry Urself acknowledges I you" thn in not in her Ind “have: I g..p and "all?" two- hnn eseited which size C8ttMt4 t. nun-rind. produce or mainhiv. in the tank " he: l lino um. TI hen Bl). become- the hand- mirt M piety rho fl, a. hem" mama tgud gamma wah a hunt, and vulth that Ire out her own. The, ir-tarte. of selecting " perttot P" try thet is swro". and chm-lo in its mar-I irtfrurree, as In ". 1: Kurd in itaintetleet. ml and pvrlirnl charm-tr): is nut. “when. rrfEeiutly tsppreeiated. Who can tell how much 'zoo? a ring]. poem lit. Kirke “Mink bountiful "Star of Brthlehem" or Nathaniel Parker Willis' "Daughter m Jun-us" may in their time aeeouplish , But in lwhing our the long list ofemiuenl mm». which adorn the “Nun's emblazon- ed scroll of fume,"lrom that of Ueuffrey Chine". tho “Who? of bullish poster," to the pram: Poeta-t.--tu immortalt 'rerutrtron,--how {ow light up "at prunes I they adorn wtth true humming: ofthe spir- it ot Chrutianity , Pre~omiuem among than stands mu of George Herbert, man) of whom poems breathe the very ease-nee duhgions lcrvor. Who, on tending his well-known hymn. beginning. "Sweet day, to calm. so cuul. so bright" have not been impressed with the wlemuily of he words “And all must die" and been filled mth n lunging for s “was! and virtuous soul '."' The few poem' " well u the runny you woe" which ham issued froth the non of Charlotte Elinboth display a truly lunging for . “tweet Ind virtuous will I'" l The few poem: as Well as the many l you work: which hue issued froth the pen of Charlotte Elinboth display A truly Christian ipirit. tn t'ot allegorical poem ontrhd "Christian Win-in" the has faith. fully "ubodied the sentimmt. precept And prnctice uf her own pure life. She wan in- deed a Christina warrior t Though weak and feeble in physical power all her men- tllonorgies were stemly devoted to battling " the Lord. We hum: every reason to believe thlt OM hu “on accurately depict- " with prophetic foruight, the glury of the triumph which, n t conquering war- rior she now min”. How well the closing shun mm with hot present exalted con- dition. For her “Tho Itreun in past-be fore her has All the commend land of glory --rbrk, what none: of nptnu rise'. These yroclaim ber View: “or, l She hnth hid hat woupom down, Mm] the sword sad was" an crown l Trimnpbod I Bit her toes "I bummed. Death u slain aad oetrth has nabbed l" Mrs. c. F. Alexander has contributed to the world a muuheruf very beautiful poems. Her well-known "Burial of Manes" exhib- iM WWW genius combined with a depth of draught and imaginuion rarely met with in modern "mifhsntion. It is I lolly bulged. nifty bundled by In exalted mind. Sarah Domlnoy in the authoteu of many eseelleut poetical article. " well a seven] puma works of a decidedly superi- or and highly muml character. “Upon the mountain-tap".writteulvy her, is mi dandy the experience of one who amount and "Wase upon Wave " of trouble on he! '0,ng over the rough sun at hte. Doulvt lesa nmuy n turbulent lulluw has but against I " own frail bare. But now "That barn at anchor. It hu 'seaped the Anna'- dup abiding and uh front the nuns a buthttiag Wurlsl. In . human if rm: is: riding." l In wry surety the has ruched that moun- l tam-top of which she wrote,--that mount the Rock of Ages, Thou uh- stands God'n {we bellowing From tint mountaiu'u height; Pro-sent, future, put unfolding, 0n the stoop- of light. Thou whom we ttave nation“. mm. a with a few uthon such a William Cow. pn. Charla Wad”. Bishop Haber. Iii-hop ton, the child-like. Ira-tum Bernard Bar. ton. 'inil- Gill“ Bryant. Hun-y Vail-nth land-now. John mm, In. W. - Ila-nu. Charlotte Bttitttt, In. Tuylor. In. Opio. Proctor l than (So-mull.) Tovhdy, Peabody, late, I". T. mu, Ind W. Pooh 3.11m have all Who‘d. in . m or lou dam to - and an [ago a! a.“ - The Council and n the Town mm g') loads] tU 25th by of Wt, 1m. 1 pursuant. to adjournment. Member- pvt-1 sent, Hubert man... by, Rave, Wm. Airth. Deputy-Bane. Messrs. August and Jaly. he“ in the chair. Minutes A "ast muting read and eoutirsn.d. Moved by Mr. August, seconded by ML1 Jelly, um Edward Ooh bo snowed to per Lans 6 days' “out. blur under we dsrmr.1 tions of we pm. " Imus on " , can. 9. N. E., fos an you 1916 and l 1571. sud the Tumor" new” tlui In ugh iii, “a. peodaetion at tho [mum-suf- an tuieate.--cBrnud. will mom the mom“; opposite was: unnu- " told work performed and eertitr ed to by tho an!“ loud comebioncm- Ala. Young, “.00; Chas. Cl\wngh,’15.- 00; Thus. Humor. 98.00; W. u. Dymss, 08.00; Jus. Bur. pan -etst"8.uk-- ‘Curned. ' um“; hv u. amass. seconded by Mr. Moved by Nr.2dly, seconded by Mr. Auth, tUt the uudsmueutiuued per Muvdby Mr. Angst. seconded by Mr. Ainh. that we road cumznisuouu be nua- oriud to let the buildiug of a culvert oven the end an the 2nd can. N. F... 390 Dido road.-Carnml. Mt. Align“ introduced By-Inw No. recon 0.1 and tend I that use. Mona lg Mr. Jelly, scandal by Mr. August, that Bylaw Nu. " In and a we- lnd tiuw P-Can'nd. 111-1411 No. " read . semml time. The Council weuI issto comm». of the whole on By-st No.5; ur. Autla in the chir- . r r Tm commit!" to" Ind reported Bylaw Nu. M a: Sllea up in wunniltee. More in the chair. Muvud by Mr. Jelly, seconded by Mr. Aupc [Alkali-y luw Su- " now read u “urn than. be signed. sealed "tad euros-sod in Bylaw bouL--currte2. Mosed by Mr. August. seconded by Mr. Airm, that the mark of ALtaaecroa corn. muuxcuu: nth the clerk of Shelbume, to umLa nrnugcuwutn t, 'r um: -ctisus nuncils to mm to nah iimu.eiat 4mm. - “Junta “now; (run 3...: “Wham.“ of sua. ,urue fr In M oueiu.-CutiL “and b., Mr. Augmt, seconded by Mr,y Jelly, Haul mu than: “a beputy Home new“ “an Ln mu _ f a}! mlluu for " 10mm; an tue “who ral Canned unet- ‘iug n Uruugunle, mm hut we no." xuuo an umcr tor [he same. and also totr,e Urputy Reeve. we sum ot' two dollam for [mu-mung u met-rug to equalize the Ilu. w" Sou-ml oi b'lselbutmo “acumen! rult.- l Moved by Mr. August, recuudcd by Mr. July. that the clerk be nuthonzed to noti- ty the auditors to attend my meeting ot cuuucil to audit we troileetor's ttrl-Car. med. Moved by Mr. Jelly, recon-led by Mr, Airth, that this council Jo udjuurn until Motuluy,tlse am of October mrxt.-Car. ried. - -.. _ Tter. "mum's m was 04,503 amen or PROMISE CASE. “There is no fool like an old fool," it has , been truly remarked. Mr. James Blur. ) the gay widower, was maleted by n Midday. aex jury for nut marrying his "Sweet Min. nie" Woodman, sent thnt desolate lady many beautiful billet desusa, u come out in the address of her counsel, which kept those in Court in tours of laughter. Here is n verse of a Christmas carol he sent to her _ Thu who: “More wormmud hearts that ere light, Lsto Innate youuug end ewe that are bright; A bosom than pure and not! he the $iown-- On 5 also me these churns turd let morn be mine. A voutdruther hue there-I our runny Buttamt-- [an honor end mum: and good Christina cheer. In Febrwtry following he lent plaitttitt I “lamina. hearing the following "rt+'r-- "Mar noun-re round her pnthwoy grow. And ch spleen round not brow enlwine, And love like lteeaunl lorever not For her who love. my “lama." On another occasion he lent the follow. ing. in reply to . letter of apology- "Ut the we be All torgotMrt-- why that look ot wonry pun? _ . Tell me the you loudly [on 'ne-. 1 I 't no no to your hem min." , Under such beautiful, touching inspire- tion M this, it uee.l not be wondered at slut Igaitttitr herself burst into strains in the following "ru- “You come. no wooed. you won me-- You won my [nucleus boon- And I believe you when you laid The: death alone would port." Defendant at the time of the courtship was a widower, worth " ',000. He was uhout fifty years otave, and to commend dime" to his fair (nebular dyed 1m hair and moustache. But A change came over the happy dream: of the plaintiff. Blair saw another girl l be loved and married her. The jury properly thought this In: a I and naughty, nuJ assessed the cost of the i gory to pluintid's feelings and lore of market It “.500. "Doctor, examine my tongue." said B gsod woman. and tell me what it mods." "It needs real." replied the doctor. The Russiw expedition to Central Ali. appears to hue sustained a Mien check at Geok Tape, and, in addition. Morin and soorbmic diam: have nth “do. 'hnvoc upon tho troops. Os nu "ttatt or TH! G'stave.---8ueh VI” the cull-Inion ot' Momo A. Walkur, of Den y, N . H..wizn Congestion of the lungs and chronic Catarrh. Two bottles oi the Constitutional tutarrh Remedy unholy "stored big: tol health, and, to use his own which, “bull! up say when ny-un.” The My Utor id. by an Dramas Romanov Indus arrival» "e AM complain. the voynp and - bnnd Sim ha but My welcomed by an “Marion-I‘m. banal-h: but! out. - “plat. Inbouwhohavo 30ch that “- A Widowerh 'thigh.' Lulu Bttows, Clerk Aa I eoutemirhtto making coma important changes in my basin”: " an curly thy. have decided to ofUr " l short time only, Goods at Cost, and many Lines Now is tho time to lay in a Supply at Wholesale AND UNDER. 35311 class: a Con.» ad w'vootuet '"tlt Yt advanced in Don't forget that the Bale will last; only a short time. J. ll. HUNTER. oarum--Tlsird Tuesday in each month. tujeovi.U--Mvuduy before Durham. asnover---Mondtty before Durham. Mount Forest-Third Wednesday in each month. Guelpli--Firft Wednesdm' in each month a . .. -‘ u Jud u... l1..nlul.Wn§r “KICIPIIVA A..'. '- ._.....W. F V Iiarrhtou--Friday before the Guelph Fair. Drsytotr--su)urlty. before Guelph. Elura-The day before Guelph. hanging -Mondisy bstfote Elam Fair. mm'ttorrr0yt.tital Palace Grounds, the Clearing" Stile ! day after Guelph. Iurlia--Firrt Thursday in ouch momh Brampton --First Thursday in each mouth. Listoiel--First Friday in each month. Fergutr--Tuyyyluy following Mount Forest Itoanont--Fifteouth of February, April, Jane, August, October and December. Primrose-Wednesday preeedit g the Orung: ville Fair. Orangevillo-The gud Thursday in e: ch month. Inesherwu--Moruht.v before Ornngeville. DauGlk---'NesGy before Oraugcville. ' s3uetburue--Wedtussdrty Mare Ornugovillr . ynsrsvil)e--'3eeond Wednesday in each mouth. WBikerton--0tt last Wednesday in each month. MildmnyTLnst Wednesday of ouch PRESBYTENAN CHURCH. Divin- Borriee our? Sabbath u n m In. and m p. m. Sabbath Scbou at 5:50 by. m. -Pnyer making every Wednesday evening at MO, Bible Clan every Thursday owning " 7:30. Bov. Wm. Psrtr,pesator. khan! tHrMtteq our; Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. um 6:30 pan. hbbnlh some It we , m. Prayer meeting nary rtsursdssy waning tst o‘cbot, and Bible, Chm ovary Mummy evening nu u‘cluch. Paw! Row. B. Godtrey. W. Grant. put-u. Hindu)- Barrie-ca-preset" man B. m.; Hubbub M11001 In. 3:30 p. m.; Preaching it 7 p. m. Wave owning Boruegg- Blouduy waning. yum What tlt or month; " a p. m. ; Woduomy evening. am e aim n B p. In Tummy evening. rounlui prayer meeting " 8p.m Town Enigma every Friday event); from 7 to 9 0mm. tiuargg M. annual to. so eenu. Alena der Renown. Librarian. --e-_ items}: "iFikufiio. in I. o.o.r. ”at moods new Monty a 1:30 o'clock. In the Odd “no“! in) Vii-Mug banana welcome. 'P A innit N. o. W. B. vouot. Boo. B. a, B36181 RY FFICL Thoma: Lauder, Racism: John A. Murmur pmy-uuuinuu. Omen noun trom 10 s. m. to nun Night at LGU, Taestuy on or botontnn moo '.8 ttigth aunt». was” brethm welcome. d VuUut W. M. H. W. uomlerdocnm. Dildo noun hom 8 B. m. to 1 p. In. heuxiu, Puscunmwt. Night ot meeting. Thundny moon II oaustt [no-aw. T. Cum} 'FOBONTO. Mum“. Dorian, Scptember 4th. t879. mm.:::h 3.. M '9 mucus-nu 'dttrc, 'gtltllt, In. .15 mi " 1- sum. L. " . . masons. t,attt.tlllt% “an. nap-Aunt... up In: manual. with m... - My... aurtFeuatrstru MONTHLY CATTLE FAIIW. M" i Bum“)! Lungs; No. 300 or A, r. aApr Tomato April Mk. In moiuh. Goods at LESS TBAN COST, - - -7, mm Mr.' an Inn. W3”.- u “1.11.. mums. MECHAN [CS' INSTITUTE DURHAM L. If“! ION-‘Y. m I m " 1011mm- t M (molt sum. TRINITY CHURCH, d " I DIST CHURCH. BAPTIHT CRL' tum Before puuhuing Eluwhu’e dont fail to see our Sun-k MILLINERY POST t ' It Y, Fancy Dry Grooods. E. a: A. DAVIDSON. can. AND BRUCE Durham, May 15th, 1879, DIRECTORY 0. L. No.Ot, or iuuouuoo rum Tub!“ . HUNTERS. t “I - LADIES on or before u -51- --aN D-- ])1TRIIA " Carriage Works. ROBERT MOPARLARE. Carriages, Buggies, Demo- crat Wagons, etc., Ol',', THE VERY BEST MATERIAL $70“ finish, sud " price: " low u Any ottte and: ithmort in the count)" Th we in need of Such Articles would do well to 33.11 and Inspect My Stock. The Subscrihrr is use Again tor All Kind- o' FABMIMPLEMEsz Custom Sawing of Lumbe1 AND SHINGLES. SHINGLES. LATII AND LUMBER NO ABMlSTICE With the Omaha Saw-chins: all kinds at In Lop during Itr78. Rockville Milli. Domini Fob. H.187! JOHN ROBERTSON' TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. msuonets--oppoaite the Caulda. Presby- ', Plenum-unmask" u an Spring and Summer Fashions regular? ' received. Comm-b I...“ M M Good- Gold Ind Sim Witches. Indian and Gents' Wedding at! Eamon»! Bing', Gold Locket. Chum. Chains. In”. Pond“. Paul, he., u. AB-tttutils-ttcloths. Lun- uu of tune: Good-,MNW. We. Mu, he Repairing I SN”. Durham. done " once. “a Clio-p.110 gttit the Hunt. Durham, Feb. 14, NEW GOODS Cutting done to Order. on hum sud aoldttt down um prion r. F. DOLL-s, Watchmaker, DURHAM Bs., DURHAM. Manufacture: of ROBERT McFARLAX E , - since a, goods in: teriau Church. to. , " nesherton. , War! J. W. CRAWFORD. Durham P. o AT Prices, of sl " ézé’tfiquééé; a“ l anal:- WESTERN All kinds and sizes, Single and Dou- ble, Supporters, 8130., at Shoulder Braces tor Ladies and Gentlemen, a Large Stock. School Books of all If Fashionable SUMMER STOCK WOULD NOW INVITE THE LADIES TO COME AND EXAMINE HIS NEW The Royalist Trimming cspccmlly shaped for collars ' " PATENTED CIIINELLA NECK TIES. MUSLIN TIER NFT TIES, LACE TIES. FRENCH FANS. FANCY FANS. DAMASK POC KET HhNDKE1tCmEFi's, NEW METAL DRESS BUTTONS. & A LOT or" SUN SHADES. AGRICULTURAL Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laid1a, & Stewart's Imp_roved Gang Ploughs,. Ite TU WWW its ".ttyJtt.t.tttterA,tftte.1?lytu11 Aif!Et1t,y,mutufactured by the 'riii'ii'gliC- Itil)]),,)],),,,,),).,),,:! omen t At Kim a; Hughson‘s Store. Lower rom, mm.._ m 4, 1370. DURHAM. ------------" WOUR AUGERS are operated entirely by HORSE POWER, l GUARANTEED to bore at the rate of 10 to 15 FEET PER HOUR. more Mm3m6_F@mgmflmnEMMM! the beat quality. LIQUCRS for Malicinal purpose. (330033138. g and cheap, " KIERN AN & H UGHSON'S, q ---------------" They are WARRANTED TO BORE SUCCESSFULLY IN ALL KINDS OF EARTH, SOFT SAND and LIMESTONE; BiTUMi- NOUS STONE COAL,SLATE, and HARDPAN, and make tic BEST OF WELLS in QUICKSANI). GRAVEL, and CAVY EARTHS, Thor are may o-tted, Mir" MANUFACTURED AT OUR cy Hateful, by Skilled Ind Practical Workmen. cnd'l' ".lrtGrdrcGnaG, Illustrated Catalogue, Price Putin in want of tl.esus articles, will tiud nth" In wb" Pup-r you - um Alum-null Durham, August, 21, 1870 Durham, May, 16, I879. GOOD ACTIVE AGENTS _ , 1'-__si,- __.l f “man. to whom we offer h WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., TRUSSES! ADDRESS VIM 'E"rirL4,pamittrtiatrtatstratath"ee KIERNAN & HUGHSON’S. ALSO Note and Book Accnnnta collected on reasonable tam CAN ACTUALLY BE MADE JOHN CAMERON I)rup;.-a and Chenlicals. iiiiiiiii WESTERN iiiiuaal mm 1'0rl0NTo REAPBR & MUWLI‘. COMPANY All of which will be sold u very low prices m AGENTS Wanted in Every Counts; in tada, to whom we offer liberal inducements. Sen " Prices, Terms, ac., proving our sdvertisement botus Jue. and. ll-ple In Con-true“... and Durable! The find-pent cud Ion Pmuenl In it. World! 'URED AT OUR OWN WORKS, Eon the Very Best ot Consisting in part of the following tAgent for the sale of all kinds of IMPLEMEN TS, St. Louis, Missouri. U. S. --.tND-. BUCI Att-- - it to their adviuttNic to nu: out atmh, MEDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWN GROCERIES. good {011x CAMERON. and "ao-tai-t “at imam-n. READING Thu Lug! and rapidly Wing v. uc “Grey Béview" in the Tommy. at “huh. Bum». Normandy. Wm. Proton. An. u...,., 06m. um and other up.“ 06w. Boot Mum toe Advantage” Good Family Newspaper Job Department, "G l'cy " "vtesv: Pam grout F not 'litm for do m a wl Having Indy made no Bdditlon In our Andwttt “MPmmpmuds an dope!“ upon bin. "tubsd by Iran; r "" "uxvtsw" "Inn-o OI‘FXCI s new fitted q in the very Lost style, Ind MOST APPROVED KINDS “GREY REVIEW” men. Abat FOREIGN Best Style of the Art, I €01.le PAPER My. nut» it on. u um Price 01.25 per Amman. tcePosr.'-cE _ .u- ruff . Job Work In the County of Grey. 'hotal "u-il" " the If not [lid in adv-mo nuaui. fur-had with ”ABET moms, type. Initial winking NVE '" Ti. “Twin“ . ht'unonho OF THE LATEST don. inthe very In Motion. mp 301101qu THE norm!” We " THEREVIEVV Pe " Durham, - - On H ' t a mum 0m cal-nu 00. "ts. ”(HMFI What-y not“. 0! births, inch. An! all “in of local new [no of _ tht. “I numb”. ' . In an: nonh- cam,aM od.erti-t. c aim m u. Ira-t Imuw. umv All! ms. 5.. WW" ...k- [at u. ch- ndvan no‘ qoqel ' but. A henna-00". rsrept when mun.“ Irv wrtttemsrs,trurttot" to ttse g'.' tt Ihr rau- I'm in-ry wn u I'sdn :BUSINESS DIRECTCT; _ LEGAL w the 1v ttet 'Gus -m . "derru 1"“ W l',, a Fre mu TeterirtBO f , [LUN- ' H‘Ti 'Noor, I. I...- 9 1ftRI 'i “it " ifs'iiikmARor sum U. g! ALF AGENTS. READ TIU we. y,yc:s,ii,':?,,idr, a i _ '. “at aubuqml iuuru Gan. a. Iutthowu Cabinet Mali Rus " The British Hotel, Du Do You Mrrart Btonel ' Moltili, IlliA|.li“'I.\xl ' I - I) srhti'O. tut "'eey. "In SI wt, l " Carpenters and Buil " b um lam. bun- mm mod n t'"ah'"' tt-Mesieqttu)y I an“ tle Papa-pdhphfln. The - 0. mil new". "'1 Arutt?hteett, Mum-k" UetrotatrettER, and UNDER! '. MI. W. DI It" ' E-tmst,"..,""" i' mu was.» up... . - W 7rrriAiu iaiaFii - H in. Cutt "d “‘2. “ML. 51(- huh-m. - T, In HJJ 30V”! Et.ttt. blrhm ' ,rnsme" t%SP'""" tn " 'r “Ir-Mb ’mecm“ Boe-e.trortt £5110 ' .. Mfr-1n N " Situ MT VANS “I Emmet-um a -n uni-.C-nnh-I.ud "I In. M In! Blinds MISCELLANEOI ' F" . Uni-launch“ lt1 AVISG bros, I: 7W5? Tl Front lk Boot and Shocmak . CALDWE Gum-nu Rind. t 3 stAll A. no» " H Wood Turninr I“ D. “mum MEDICAL. I q " CLII‘LII " " Watson Bro . .. lu1ucu. n. . D! '54.;qu a w " l" ADI' no per " P ira" In!!!" tht an! S " D ullll " " I;9IIII'E\ A TTOt SA . paan Hum-£1 O Al up. Char TAB To

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