West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 6 Nov 1879, p. 4

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o 2 P 1/ m 0O i) & LOYVELY TROPICAL «.....@£N CHANGED IN OE & Â¥IGHT TO a DESERT PLAIX, New Tork, Oct. #o.â€"Tke Herald‘s Lon: | don special of the 24th rays: Full new»> has Leen Lrought to the papers this moruâ€" ing of the terrible Socds that Lhave devasâ€" t: to d the valleys of the Mundo aud Segura Livers. The present summer has beeu unuâ€"uelly hot. Even this trrid region . Las koown no ruch heat for a generation. For mouths not s eloud has beeu seen, ana mt a drop of rain has fulten. Ou Tuesday last few people ventured into tue streets during the daytime, but in the eveninu there was a general movement of carriage> which stands high, and from which the | " view exstends over the river and the Camâ€" | * pagas as fir as the hills. It was about |° teu o‘clock when the approach of the misâ€" * tral, a cold and biting win ‘, was felt trom | * tie directicn of Curthagena. The «ky}‘ clouded over in an inâ€"taut, and the erowd turned hastily homewurd. Soou the st tm | ; was bowling over the town and amid t.e| / streets, aud tore through the houses. ltv‘. meres ed in viclence every miaute. The ; ru.no »eemed to be fuiliug in broud sheets | : of water. No such tempent Lad Leen seou | withiu the memory of the oldest imhabiâ€" taut. Shortiy after miduight the wutch mus foand that the river was rising rapidly. It had already overJowen the buuks,. He hurried to a clock tower which gives siguals of fire and other catastrophes to dwellers by tie waterside, aud set the beli in imution. lustuntly the inhabitants rushâ€" ed isto the streets, Lut few of them Lbad time to do more than soateh up a little elotaing. Tue authortes at onee proâ€" geedea to organize assistance for that purt of the towu which wus already lying LQ-I ueatu the level of the fuod. Suddemy ali ‘ the gaâ€"lights went out, then every body knew thit the food was advancing. From strees aud <square, from . balcouy and house top, came the ¢ry, "The wuter is rising !" It was a fearful moment. The: coufusion was unparalleled. In the suburbs of San Benito aud San Lovenzo, before ba ( tie peop‘e cou‘d get out of the r l e is they had the water over the lower floors of their houses. The church dsors were soon forced open by the food. It invaued the nunneries and hemitages, the oratorâ€" ie~ and convents«. It poured into the cayâ€" alry borrzeks. It skirted the greut Episâ€" copul Pulace and the Colleges of Si. Sulâ€" geuiss and St. Lsadore. Many of the pu‘ â€" he brildings and inâ€"trtutes it shared. As Terrible Â¥)â€"~as in Spain. Y0s¢ Each time, he came back with a caild in ls urimns. Nor were the lugher classes les» generous in their effoits to save tue drowuâ€" ing people. One nobletuan in his cart age reâ€"cued theim by dozens, until his horses, ‘ deud bent and balf drowned, could no longâ€" er pursue the work of charity, and as fast as the re. c. ol were brought in, t.rey w&‘® exmried either into private dwellings or into the Governiment House. Tae Bishop wpene his palace to several Lundred anud set wsoup uud wine vefore then. When day Ir ke, us fur as the eye could reacu, thore wus seeu a level expunse of wutes. Wuere viues grew as if woven over th grogid, dead auni.azls, and not & fow homan bodies were fHoatinz in the tursid tile. Villages and farms all shured the same f.te. No intelligence could be obâ€" trined from the survicors, as the roudâ€" wee im psssable. â€" The line of râ€"ilway wa t ramiles destroyed, and the telegraphs has ceased to exist. â€" Frualita, Corre and Mouâ€" duermas were a heap of ruin:, from the midst of which rose the pointed spires of their churches and the gables of a few larger houses, whose tulabitaats had exemped b\ s1 euding the night npon the roofs, drencl. ed Lwrein aud surrounded by the flod. Bevjajsi. , Lwew and Carravcca suffered no le«s damage than the other villages ot the plain. . As for the hamiets of the BEeg#. they contained nothing but ruins of buildâ€" i ig» and dead bodies. Within f ityâ€"eight th us . 160¢ rpses have been brought in aud laid beside 142 others which had been taken from . the riverside houses. _ Nover had. Murema and its valleys known such divaster . mpee the flooJds of 1691 and 1802. The exâ€" teut of the damage t» Alicante, the cluef e â€"mmerginl port of Valencia, is very great. F.e whole plain is cov ered with raging waters, which form a lake near three leo gues in exeent. The illages of Monduerâ€" mas, Fraâ€"lta,, Torre Aqu rra, Alosotmwilla »un Corga have been swept away. Murcia, Yelhaels, Lorea and Almeria, have Leen partially fooded. Ten th n« and inhabitants are destitute. The loss of property exceed> 50,000,0u0 francs. ‘The loss of life at Lore. is 100, at Qubuela, 80, at Murcia more than 1,000. . ‘These are the latost «fficial resurns, but it in feared that the totul loss of life wiil excead 3,000,. Ths King has already visitâ€" ed the foodad districts and has enbscribed 50,000 traunee towards the relief of the inâ€" hibi Madrid, Qct. 30.â€"â€"There have heen heavy rains thromchout the entire conntry. At Maloga a waterspont uprooted trees and | wijired many persons. At Vera. in A‘â€" mer‘a, tha river overd »wed and 8 wwded the mines, throwing 1,500 men ont of work. Twentvâ€"one persons were drowned, and thirty houses and 300,000 pesetas w wth of ore were eattfied away. _ At Cnevrna severa‘ lives were lot and one house destroyed. Maranders are taking advantage of these eventé t » commit depredations. The Suraâ€" gossa and Barcelona Railway is ex‘â€"mer,0 for sizteen kilqmetres. f mm fnflGnte@ecm mm In Glaszow, Se: tland, 28,013 household. gossa and Barcelona Railway is ex‘â€"merge | place will not he forwarded aaless it bas the for sizteen kilqmetres. f name of the State writiea npon it. Thas a wuenmnnnemnnmmnen enc l« tter addromsed to "New York city" wili be in Glaszow, Se: tland, 28,013 boueshold. sont to the Jsadâ€"letter office as Washinzton. er.ate so pror thit they omuct pay thear The Po.tmarter General ovidontly assames por râ€"tes, and conse mently are debarred that it w no duty of his subordiantes to frout veticg. Glamegow never saw euch orrect the mistakes of those tuking advarâ€" The people of the United S ates pay over 47 ©0,000,((0 n year for spiritwous liquors, $95,0€0,000 for educution, sad $48,003,000 A »towaway arrived the other day at New York from Liverpool,who Lad been thirteen days without food or water. He was terâ€" rible wasted, and after fuintly calling brl water, he died. | General Adama‘ mission to ti»» cam> of ibuuih VUtes hus been completely snccessâ€" fal. All the women avd eaildren taken iupfivo nt the Wauite Kiver Ageucy have An English fermer‘s boy was recently killed by a peculiar accident. He carried u loaded pistol in his trousers pocket and auother buy threw a st. ne which struck the wempon and caused it to gooff, discharging the content, into the Lowels of the youth who earried it. P.ince Bismarck, according to a German paper, is bleased ut the present time with 470 crosses or decurations of all k.ads, the daytay of which in a single row w »ald cover about sit yards. T.e ouly power which i+ n % represeuted in the cullection ucems to be Great Britain. The trial of Rosenburg, for libel on Mrs. Langtry aud Mrs. Coruwallis West, took place in the Old Bailey, London, England, on Saturday, before Jasties Hawkins. A gay throug from Belgravia witnessed the proceedings. _ Rosenburg pleaded guilty, und was sentenced on Monday to cighteen months‘ imprisonment. lceland is progre«sing famon<ly under the liberal coustitution grauted by King Curistian five years ugo, and elects its new parlinment, the second, next year. Taough taration is light, there is a growing surpins in the tre sary, compalsory education has been intr: duced and receives popular supâ€" 3 p rt, und coavenieut roads are building ‘ throughout the Iâ€"land. A Paris ‘radesman, fearing that a favorâ€" ite Newfoundland dog was exhiviting symâ€" tous of rabies, hires two boys to take him to the Scine, attach a heavy stone to his neek, and drowa bim In â€" throwing the dog in, one of the boza fel} into tue river and twice sank, when the dog, having vot rid of the stone, rescued the boy aud carried him sufely to the shore. The decree of the King of Portugal proâ€" viding for the civil registration of Protestâ€" ints, and granting to sueh as shall registor all civil rights and freeJom from all disâ€" awbilities, has been in force since January last. â€"Since then Protestant Missionaries have suffered occasionally from attae‘ss,but he police have never Ini‘ed, it i said, to vive thetn help when called npon. A lurge eagle lately swooped down beside three Minneseta caildsen,ind tried to cursy Af a three yearâ€"old girl. â€" Mer sevenâ€"ysar d brother seized a oatcher knife and cat it the eagle‘s legs till it attaeked him. Tue creams of the caildrea brought their ucther, when the eagle flew to tie roof of the baru, where he was shot. His wings \ neasured seven fect from tip to tip. T e Great Westero Railway hallâ€"yearly ‘ report has been issued, Tue halfâ€"yeur‘s nâ€"t revenue exhibits a deficiency of over £10,000 stg. The credit balanee from the ovevious half year reduces tiis to £5,000, which f rms a charge aguinst future revâ€" cune. The dividend on the preferonce stock was also c..rried forward to the debit of the n xt half year. The Directors look wopefully on the prospects of tae current six months. At No. 36 James St., in the Ambitious City of Haniiton, the atteation of the traveiler will be attracted by the splea lid large Druâ€" Store of Mesers. Archâ€"lale, Wison & Co., the mannfacturers an | «ole proprietors of Wiisoa a Compound Syrup of Wiid Cherry â€" This mo«t vopular cuce for Cougis, Colds, Broneniti |, Croup, Whooping Touch, Loss of Voie», &e., is having a most astonishing run. Even at this :eason, when diseases of the respiratory orâ€" rans are eommaratively rare, orders are c nâ€" zans are eommaratively rare, orders are Cmâ€" ing in for half gro«s and gross lots, from druzâ€" :ists who have sold out of last year‘s atock»= ; ind the propriators have found it nece«sary to wurch .n' new and i nproved apparatus to enâ€" wble thein to tarn out the Compdonud Syrup t Will Cherry io sudicieut quaatity to meet the demand. MISCELLANLOUS. "Chawles," lan :midly drawled Josephine, looking up from her hook, "I see one of the tudies is trionometry, â€" Wast is trigan » netwry ?" "Trig mometry," replied Charles. t ying with an invalid mu Aucue, "‘is aâ€"a â€"is the stience of pulling the triger, of gourse." . "I thought* so," said Josephiue, resuming her nove.. A Lowe To t> Surrem, â€"Twentyâ€"five years of emdura ce with ( atarrh is a long ne iod of ann vanes and misery. Mrs. E. J. Fian lers, of Maschester. N H, aiter go‘nâ€" throuzh it all, writes : "The Constitational Catarch Remely has resene l me from invense ‘uffering and almost thefz ave." This moâ€"licine is for sale by all Druzyists. A five year old son of a fumily the other day stood watehing his baby brother, wh vas making a great noise over having hi lace washed: The little fellow at lent" iost his patience, and +tamping his tiny foot, said : **Yonu think you have lots c trouble, but you don‘t know any thing about it. Wait till you are big enough to get : Vckin‘® and tuen you‘ll seeâ€"wou‘t he. mamms ?* Sror tus Covax.â€"Hacvarp‘s Pecrornai BAaLRAM is compased of the most healing baiâ€" â€"ams and guins. ‘The Balsains, which entes no its eompositios, were nsed by nativeâ€" when America was firat discovered, amd are cambined with other vegetable touics, s« blemled together, that it is a specitic for all aiffeetions of the thro. t and l'nfil Theu and if bottles are used «n in lly, and it is c >isi io al one of the stamlant preparations of thâ€" lay, For Uoushs, Coids, ete. For sale by all dealers at 25ct«. per bottle â€"190 Postar.â€"An imoortant pos<tal order ha heen maued in ‘the United States, whic. Canadiap« would d> well to mike a not of, The order instracts postmmasters that Hamijiton. HARDWARE HARDWARE Just Received at Mowat‘s A LAiLGE and WELL ASSORTED STOCK cf HARDWARE For the Lance tooth Cross cut saws. Azes in groat var. NADE AXE HANDLES. Paints, oils, varnishes, glass, putty, &c. Bar Iron, stacl, slaigh sha3 si33l, soriag sh32l, hass nails, and gon»al Boksmith‘s Supplies always on hand. COTTON and HEMP PLOU3H LINE3, â€" MANILLA, HEMP and OTIAER ROPE. All goods at bottom prices tor cash. Tae expense of runaoing the Province of Quebec increased after Confederation dowu to Juue, 1878 at the rate of $150,000 per yeur, or from $1,184,000 per aunum to 22. 750.000. But it is said that Mr. Joly $2,750,000. during a year Goverumeut CaATTL® TIE3, ROPE TALTY*3, HAY KNIVES, LOGINXG CHAINS, $870,0J0, 1 iwhamâ€"Third Tuesuay in eA€4 7907 7+ i r:.cevimeâ€"Mouday belore Duiudlu. Hsaoverâ€"aslouauy beloite D. uilu« Mount sorestâ€"AsiÂ¥u Wedaesu@y. i1 each mouta«. G reipaâ€"rirst Wodnesday ir each month. i arcutonâ€"i‘Fuay before tuae uueiph Aaa. wruytouâ€"Sataraay belore Uueipu. Eioruâ€"Tue uy before Uueipu. UJoug.as â€"Auuuay befuce lsivra Fair. am..t.aâ€"Uyrstul Palace wrounus, tit day siter Gueiph. Berlinâ€"â€"First Laursuay in each month Brampton â€"First Phursduy in eachinonth. Listowelâ€"First t‘r.day in each monuth. Forgusâ€"Taursday following Mount Forest. (Rosemoutâ€"Pilteenth of Feoruary, April. \ J aae, August, October and December. i Primro.eâ€"Weduesduy __ preceding t Qrauyâ€"ale Fan. _ WEeeitm CC CCC Orangevimeâ€"STae dud Taursdry in eaci an Auitli. Fies ierv »u â€"MonJay before Oranceville. Daadaikâ€". u sday before Orangeville. i 1 MIF _ nouth Walkertonâ€" 4MR PNIMET® Fies ierv »u â€"MonJay before Oranceville. Daadaikâ€". u sday before Orangeville. Saelour a¢gâ€" y cuacdatdd y vefore JFaugey ille. M irssuleâ€"Scoound Woedaesday in each m outu« Middmcy â€" month. DURHAM DIRSCTORY Sabbath services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Scuool «t 3 p. u. Mov. L 3. Wesy, 8. A., paster Cparce Wurdens, H. J. abiddaagh and Elias Edgo. Divine Ser i:o oveli Savbuth «t 11 u. m. and 600 p. in. dubuuta Souvul «t w p. i. Proyer meeting uvery Wounesday eveutig at ) stivle Cluss every ‘Tnarsduy evening #t 100. Mev. Wai. Park, pastor. M o P e wiee Bervices 0. ury Subl ath at 100 «. m. wnd 6:30 p.m. Suubuth Scuvol ut 34 p. IR. Prayor movting 0 very Tuarsamy eveuiug we + vEIOCR, aid sivie CL se every atouduy eveniLg utd o‘civex. Pastor iw\. %. Godarey â€" GHETEMT TAE ieesccassugs W. Grant, pastos. . Odiaag 96 ing «t i1 u. in.; Babbuta acuvol a P PCs L2 aghane aent PrvaCuiug wb 1 y. u. Wook OÂ¥WHNie M DINDUC sionday @vcuing, yOUi¢ peoples‘ fh{u in3dthiag c 9 p. i. ; Wodaceauy evenlug, L o Class ut 5 p. w ludiiuey ubchiby, doifiwd pird) uP In Qoving ut 5 p.a Bs Town H al â€"ypen gvers Frduay evoning from T t 4 Jdivca. Buulus au, Sdilel i0b W Couls. Aléiul dor assvertesl, adufiulluL. Thomas saduct ly cli ghsiiud. . V Office hours from o «. ti. is 7 p ah Jurddoo, 4uotartsdLCd+ DURHAA LOUGE No. wu OF a. F. & A. M. Nigut us qooudag, Fugsday ou Of vutore full.0001 on gaca Advilas | vlalling Ofdburch welsvime. A Nigut us qcuting overy alouday ut /; o‘ciock, in u10 Cuu a cilywa‘ ad dL | Visising ofviaron Welculiy k. s af sad y aveugs . We w, Vuldct, Be¢, DURHAM L. 0. L. No. 632. Night of moviing, Fuarsduy on OF before u aduuds is Julll adviaeal. 4. vuaratli, 30C+ Vullct 'l‘J.iox rO, GBEY, AND BRVUCE RMULW AY. On and after MPN@DAY. &th May, 1879, trams will r in as follows:â€" , ToRONTC (UNION §TATION. »epart, 7:0 &. im., 418 p. m., 5.0 p. m arrive, 100 u. m., 400 p. M. 9:. p. m, ORANGEVILLE. Jouth, Dglrt TAS «. m., 1i:5 a. m., 5:40 p. m Arrice Lii0 4. . ‘::.iy.m..u.‘:.».y {orth. vepurt, li; 0 4.10., «10 p M. Arri.e, Una5u.m., $0p.m. Nest. Dopurt lisss u.m. . Arsive 11:00 a. m. owsn so08D. mut $:30 a. m., 12:00 sbon, vo 400 p.im., 1045 p.m. pepart. 6:00s. m., Arrive 4;0 p. m., Fortims at ias>r.q »xdiate itationssee Time Tables EDMUNTN WRAGGE. MOa ‘Toronte. April 29th, 1879 CHANGE 8 TEPIIEN LOUGE No. 169 i. 0. 0.# NTHLYX CaTILE FALKS. o en P utd mowta. | vlailing. ufoburcl welsvime. A W. i. ih. W, sagtaiol, d00Felul). PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Third Tu;uuy in each mor h. SbSCMANICS® 1x SILTUTE 5. G. REGISTLY AFF&CL TRINITY CHURCH Last â€" Wednesday of each METLO ‘I8T CHURCH of the incumbency of his has efected a clear suving uf The last Wodaesday in each BAPTIST CHURCKH or, alogistear; Joun A. Munro, 1+ Uhice as ifs fOdl ad &. 14. t0 4 plic PO8E 111. s aAs.sâ€"preach vol at .140 p. Ui. eveniug Sorvicssâ€" Province of JOS. F. MOWAT, Sinday APPLE PEARERS, NaIL3A, LOCKS. BOLTs3. HINGES, DURH A M Carriage Works. ROBERT McFARLANE, Carriages, Buggiecs, Demoâ€" crat Wagons, etc., Lower Town, DURHAM. U-,m(:uâ€":a:uh. and «t prives as low us uuy uthe s4,ubiichmer1t in tue cuut) . Phose in neal of Such Article: would do well to Sall and Inspect My Stock. The Sibscriber is also Agent for All Kinas o FALM IMPLEMENL® With the Cirsular Saw against all kinds of S Logs durin, 1878. NO ARMISTICTE Custom Sawirg of Lumbs: AND SHND GLES, done at once, and cheap, to suil the times. SIIINGLES, LATH ANP LUMBD} on hand and sold at down hill prices. J. W. CRAWFORD, Rockville Mill«, Durham P. < Rockville Mill«, _ FBentinck Feb. 14.1878 JOHN ROBERTSON‘ TAILOR AND CLOTHIEE Residenceâ€"Opposite the Canads Presty Spring and Summer Fashions reguler‘ roceived. Durham. Compris trer and Electre Plased Goo: Gold and Siver Watches, Ladies and Gen! Wedding and E=gagement Rings, Gold Lockets, Charme, Chains, Keys, Fencile, Pene, &c., &c. AT V. â€"PF. DOLLTL.‘s. Watchmaker, A ~sautifulline of Clock®. Alarge line of Fan: Goods, Spectacies, Viclins, Jife, Concertinas, & Repairing a Specialty . F THE VERY BEST MATERIAL Flesherton, Decen: ber 18 1878. Durham, Feb. 14, 1876. War, War! NEW GOODS Catting dons to CriCer. DURHAM E1., DURHAN. Manufacturer of ROBEKT McFARLANF, &e., OF Flesherton, terian Ch. 1ch. ‘tiy. Hand FALL trade. W. F. DOLL. y1 Â¥i Goods at-;" Cc;st, and many Lines of As all classes of Cotton aud Woollen Now is th: tinms tol37 i1 1 Don‘t forget that the Sale will last only a short time. All kinds and sizes, Single and Douâ€" ble, Supporters, &c., at Shoulder Braces for Ladies and Goenticmen, a Large Stock. Clearing Sale‘ f the best quality. LIQUORS for 3chool Books of all kinds, contemplata miking some important changes in tay business at an early day, have decided to uffer for a short time ouly, Durham, September 4th, 1879. he Suberiber is agent for the sale of the celâ€"brated MOWER manulactured by the TuRONTO EKEAPER & suWLE CuMPAXNY. ATRO Note and Book Accoent« eallccted on reasonalle terms. OFFICE : At Kiernan & Pâ€"rhe~n‘s Store, Lower Town Tashionab‘e SUMMER STOCK "he Royalist Trimmirg especially s11921 for collars & cuffs \TENTFD CUINELLA NECK TIFS, MUSLIN TIE3. XET TIES. LACE TIES. FRENCHA FANS. FANCY FAXS, DAMASK PCCKET HAXDKERCHIEF3, EW MLTAL DRESS LUTTONS, & a LOT OF SUN SHADES, Parties in waut of the.e articles, OULD NOW IXVITE THE LADIES TO COME AND EXAMINE HIS XEW lowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidla & Stewart‘s Improved Gang Plcughs,. &c LGRICULTURAL Durham, August, 21, 1879. Durham, April 4, 1878 Turham, May, 15, 1879. LESS THAN COST, TRUSSES! W M. JOHNSTON, J r., KIERNAN & HUGHSON‘S. JOHN CAMERON Drugs and. Chemicnals, Before pmchosing ElsewLere dout fail to see our St ck MILLIN E R Y Fancy Dry Gooods. E. & A. DAVIDSON. KIERNAN & HUGHSONS, Durham, May 15th, 1879. All of which will be sold at very lo = prise«. . HUNTER‘S. Consisting in vart of the following : L A DTE S Goods ;Agent for the sale of all kinds of iaa 3aooly as Waolssals Prices, AND UNwER. @>ols have alvanced in price since my goods were bought. â€"ATâ€" will find it to their advantage to see cur r Me lienal purpose, and cherp, at IMPLEMETS, â€"â€"AXDâ€" â€"OFâ€" . H. HKUNTER. MEDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWN. JOHUNX CAMNERCX. and contaiae a vast amount of fnterest in READING MATTER, ; ing Cireuâ€" The Large and rapidly increasing in wihe Townships of Glenelg, Bentine Normandy, Egremont, Proton, Art: mesia Osprey, Melancthon and other Town ships makes it one of the "Grey Job Department, Best Mediums for Advertisers Good Family Newspaper Is pow fitted up in the very best style, and Possesses great Facilities for doing all ~Grey Tteview." Having lately made an addition to ow can depend upon ‘ cing satisfied by :eaw ; And with the Greatest Promptit«d: MOST APFECYVED KINXD® NEBW PRESSES, TYP3 .« "GREY REVIEW" Best Style of th: LOCAL AND FOREIGN %s COLUMX PAPER Price #1.25 per Annum, K3 POSTAGE FREE. Job Work In the County of Grey. should su‘sori‘e for the If not The office is furnirLes with type, parties wishing NVOTR K. Al: who want a lation of the OF THE LATEST done in the vory AND EDITORIALé finh ord: r8. Wontinck, attor Rathorford‘s at VZTERINARY SURG heurs \\ 1J‘ AGENTS, READ TH YE yill pay, Agents a Salo Is Protessional and business card»‘ one spave aud under, per year, Two inches or 24lines Xouparte! me Three inches do. per year Quarter columm, per year . Malt column, Af One column, t o. «x mouth . »+ miar rate® E. D. MACMILLA N ];.\RIKISTEB. ATDORNXEY, por Town, Durkasm, Ont Money 10 L.omm» I{\\l Cabinet Ma m caSure The British Hotel, Du D g()l,"r‘l! EXD, Durham, nca * Yard Hetol, having commenced ) the above lum® wwlm?xwm the patronage of the public. The n:-'y.-lu‘ â€"u‘-fl used ; wo .»q-afl-" R ‘ yo conuty, ha e wourk dan t: ues ‘ 5«:1’:‘;"‘ ' midipel cluise of U pormerly Master Shoomaker in H« wdredth Rogiumont. W. CALDWE J +a)! kinds done to order Durham, â€" â€" A LIVERY ESTABLISH "TH E. REVI WUvory Thur BUSINESS DIRECT LEGAL Watson Bros. Carpenters and Buil wed , and every Th ALPRED PROST, Exremont, Jan., JA7R ine tor the first insertion, an« r eash subsequent inserti purbam, August 7, 1876 Uruoust®rE®, and UNDERT Goratraxe Mueer, ©4BDB! S blic may @epond on findi 4 ainle accommodation , th the best the semson c pplied with the best brand fhc ~lu-mluon f r,. Good and att 8 UR McFAYDEN & »ARRISTERS. 8ol Po You Want Mon \ MacRAF, REAL ESTA PE A JLANS and Specificatior g-h.u-l-.Chtll:.‘.“ pris ine Calf Boots, sowed,frow % TERMS: â€"$1.00 )rdinary notices of iths, and all inds 0f TYILI PDo, ____ aix mouth> » De. three months . . . .. asaal advertisements charge be at Masting‘s Hot and Priday, trom 10 ndalk , Murch, 20t 1 TrORNXEY $1 weas what we say. Ba SHERMAN & ( AVING hbeen th :z been opened in connec vest ©opveyanoes, cither can be procured ut any pable terms. and put in Arst«clas MISCELLANEOU Boot and Shoemak Gsoo. JI. Matthew RATES OF ADVERTISI 25 if not paid withintw riisements, except w tten instructions to % 1 until forbdden, an M ues pR. K1 DUATE of AY ANJIMALS, «e., a« for $1, the advertisen Sash and Blinds m Frost I8TERS NÂ¥ 60 4.5 A 33 Ofh Wood Turnin: wn, Durhaim. B TD 04 Anapt mipir oughet aund ul' st . Owen 8 DR mnnd «r â€"principed pa MEDICAL DUNXDAl ut‘s Wotel Farafraxa Street, Upy 18 Pusthia® ED 3 A 9Dk BOm, B6. A at Law, Solicit ) A M «2t Dh@ N nor in B & Frost. An »d A. EOm ip Rod it M POW N 36 R D 45.50 t W

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