West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 13 Nov 1879, p. 4

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U 22 II O 7 9, The horror- that “tended the time/rel ctr the mother of Unholy orChnh. the brt , greet chief of the Zulu. show in en en‘- " ‘entod form the nuivenel idea an. the TI wait- of deported roletivu ere - by l its... done in their honor by M living I." desm"tdnota; and that they will he more b pleased the [motor the thing in the“: giv- ' on ,tP:--"Wtten told that " mother we: t deed. he mi in. principel chid- pot on l their wu npporol. And wont to the but in ' which thobodyley. Bottom! silent (or' routine In mantel ottitnde. with " t hood bowed upon hie anon. At lon‘thhi- i looting-round to town» new-noble.” ondhobrukoont into ire-tie yello- The!1 “enabled people oylnpothised with their l etaebriiiiimt'honir with loud h-entv‘ been. Dnringtho ", [root number. of _ nth-o- from the surrounding country - to the place of weeping and joined in the terrible outcry. By noon ot the nut a”. it in aid that not ' than sixty thonoend persona. mole And female had gambled. hundndo of whom were lying on the [round hint trom fatigue end wont of nonriehment. tor none had dared to - from their lementotiuna. or to refreoh thcmulvol with [cedar voter. Soon alter mid-day the wholo Immhly formed A cir. do. with (Snake in their centre, and long I wu long. It the close of which he ordered noun-l men to be executed on the spot, when tho cries of woe became more violent than over. Then, an if bout on eonviucing their chief ot the reality of their grief, the people began on indiscriminate mess-er" unongst themsch as, runny of them receiv- ing the blow "f death while inflietimg it on '; others. Thou who were found non tho river panting tor water. were beaten to death by men end when and with ex- citement. Seven thousand people, it is an], perished on thin oeeosiuu. On tho Hound do} alter her death the body of Cho" mother wail placed in alnrge grave The tuneful of Ghana'- nee: the spot when she had died, null ten of the hemiunert girle in the neighbor- hood were buried alive in the same grave. Twel" thousand men, ell fully armed, " tended the horrible Inner-l. end veto eta. tioned u e guard our the grave for I whole year. But exttnvngent u thee» rites were they were not thought to be tmMeient, and regiments of soldiers were sent through the country for the purpoee of putting to death ell those who heal not been preeent " the funeral, end several thousand more were thus killed. Then it mu decreed that the oath should not be cultivated for a whole yen, and that the milk of :11 the cattle nhnuld be poured ont upon the ground, but at the and of three months, in eou.ideration of receiving th present of much cattle from the chiefs and grout men, the kin'mnnlled this decree. which rally ctndemncd thu people to . an. of “nation. Lastly. it wu ordered that if daring the year of mourning childron shank! be born, both parent. and children should be put to doalh. Thin order was enforced with and string. oncy. and led to tho death of many persona. When the year of mourning but upircd. the people, in obedience to the king's man. date, mumbled in great numbers " the royal haul. and 100,000 oxen were brought together to grace the crowning caremony, their bellnwing being thought to be peculi arty “ammo to the dead. Standing in tho midst of these herds, Chaim began to weep don-l. Int] mo hunentations It one. Lemme general. This manifestation of narrow cuminucd till tho Inn-u. when . great number of cattle were "eruiisod. N oxt morning. the poop]. bung marshnllod in military order, the king took his pl“. in the centre of the krnl. Every nun who [mutated trattle had brought " hut one on". and each mun cut open tho side of. can Ind tore mt the gill bladder. Regiment after regiment than marched be. fore the king. and ovary mu: u be punt] Ipl'inkled him with an“. After this he Inb- mitted him" to certain religion- ablntions. Ind with these proceeding! he m" releas- ed from bin Itata of mouttsing.--hfu'ion Life. Mum has been said of lute of the char- acter of tha reading of our youth whohave attest. to our public lillreries and of the large proportion of novels and fietitioun literature tlnt they ulcct. It IB a serious question whether it ie . boon to give them them the unrestricted to odour of our circulating hbrarUs. And it is also . quot I tion whether parents and when end guardians librarians pay tutfhreieut ntteu. tum to the character of tho litereture in whiel they indulge. In Engleml they ere turning; more conful ettenh‘on to thie point. An experiment has been going forward in Manelurster for yearn thnt might well be imitated here. In two or three of the free libraries they provide, separate rooms for juvenile renders. and with e ja. dicious selection of books that are nitric ire to boys, including work: on popular science “vols. history. end biography, ndventnre and heelthy action. They are eueoiingevt to visit than rooms, end ere edrieed in the eeleetlon of books. The weak is en ever- ege Attendance in one of these libraries of 150 one]: evening. end of 'tro in the other. end eo greatly here they become intemt ed in the bright and instructive worh pro- miadhsrttteen tlntthemt cl Aetiot, reed by them in {Arlen then in the Average of other librenee, being only ebont M yer eeet. There to surely e hint berethet my well he Moved by the friende ofonr hop in eonneotion with our public 1ibeanuc- Christian Weekly. A novelty which ettreeted Inneh - tion-taped the Amerin- biannu- II for grinding during, the point hon“. Stun! livery 3W0 hop-I hf. nine. "ort.d (will liming. fat bedding, 3nd iind that tho We]. is superior to "t thing also tor the purpou. besides lacing chap". The nboorptin power of the dump in greater “an that of the usual wading material, Ind communal, the giving ott of unmoujued upon Inch: “than. in amt .tabu--i. patented. Tho ahavingl Bel, both " an Minn! tad um. and u an, tu id‘ly. do H in I “it. on " the but... ..-.. arid for bedding There in no on. clam-it in I man'- clinncter tint contributed nor. to In an.- can in life than can“... at golf-nuan- in his own abilitv. A tiinthearted man in unstable. Mid will MY" one]. 17de in the endeavour to will uni to "eemte in on important in A succeuful business cuter u is the keystone tothe Itch. A man pone-I- l on] of. bold, daring. and "solute will my [ " modest in rustling his pots". but vill1 " determined in perfnrmiug Inst u con- ; coins to be right. To men with thin never- dying him than in no such word " defeat, ttnd when ohmic- present themselves in their path it only results in their putting limb . mm! mm to stteompliah tad: l PM Tall. trig]. “and". gloom. And dnngor may Quinn And throat“: to ovor- l, throw the most eborialnd plum. yet or" and shove all hindrance. In heroic will will triumph Ind win lame nnd honour. The discourngomonts tint would retard tho im- Ioluto only discover the red plum: to tho brave, um). strengthening these, they ro. new the oontliet with incrnsed vigour. I Timidity create: cowards, and new" wins l success. It is . urong nnd drilling hit!) in one'. own ability to perform tint our- canoe "uttltu. tint other. thought eonld not be surmounted. In ell the pursuits of l life we find that thence who echieve honour end Jistinetion are strong end eelf-relient in their on povere, examine faith in their own ability. end any out plane conceived in their own brain. Marne llld faith in telegraphic wires, end Field in enhmeriue tnudes, and to-day, in consequence thereof, the lightning in harnessed to convey the news of the world in - pert of the hebitahle globe within the eompeee of e few hours. Two young men in wax commenc- ed a banking business in Wall Street in e _ small oftieo. They had faith in their own l nbility and also of the United States to pay lite great Iver debt. To-dey they ere the leading bankers in Government neuritic» I on this continent, thur duly rule: running into the millions, and their name and credit take high rank in all the fiutumial centres of the world. Not many your: ego Edison occupied In humble position In a telegraph operator; to-dey his name end fume are I world-wide " ttssrrtGUd with some of the I grandest dicoveriee of encient or modern times. Astor, Stewart, and Vanderbilt furniah example: in the large fortunes they meted as to what well. directed energy end determination eon accomplish in hasineee‘ pursuits, while the eventful life of the letej J “ng Pucker is another striking illnetre- tion of the high position that on: be uttein- ed by reliance and persevernuoe in the in- dividual man, backed by a liberal endow- ment of common sense. In the ever-widen- ing paths of commerce and the ever-increas- ing monetary circles there open up before the young men of the nation rare oppor- tunitieu to win wealth and fortune. In agricultural, mining. industriel, end mer- cantile pursuits like avenues to attain dis- tinction are presented. But fortune will not come by chance nor distinction by hnrred; both must be won by strong, heroic endeavour. Backbone is vital in the achievement of lofty aims, and nerve end grit are essential requisites in the battle of life. A man, to triumph, must heve faith in his enterprise and reliance in his ability. -Urtited State: Economist. Din-um Cunt) BY 8trt,Pmrtt.--Tue celebreted Dr. Fivld enrol hie patiente br sulphur. He put I tempoonful of flour of hrimstnne into n wuu,rltuuul of water, Ind stirred it w‘th his ting" instead of e spoon When the sulphur was well mind he sue it as a garglc, and in ten minute: the pa- tient in out of danger. Instead of Ipitting out the gavgle, he recommended the oral. lowing of It. In extreme came when the fungus was too nearly cloning to ellow the gurgling. he blew the sulphur through . quill into the throat. sud after the {ungu- bnd shrunk he gave the angle. If the pe- tieut cennot gergle. take I hve ooel. put it in e nhovel, and wrinkle e epoonful or two ot Bour of hrimstcne upon it,iet the patient inhale the fumes, end the fungus will die. Brimetone kills every specie- ot fungue in a men. been, or plant. in e few mutuutu-- Eafrarian Watchman. At, No. 36 June: Rt. ' in the Ambitions City M Hamilton, the ntontiou of the Small» will be attracted by the splendid largo Drug titore of Messrs. Archdale, Wilson 'eco., Hie manufacturers and mule proprietors of Wilaonu Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. This most popular rare for Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis. Cruup. Whooping Cough, Loss of Voice. br, ia having a most. astonishing rim. Even at this season, when disease: M the _reapirntory or- gans are comparatively rare, orders on com- ing in for In" groan smigrnas Iota, from drug. gisis who have sold out of but you": stock- l and the proprietors have found it mean-I1 to purchase now and improved sppantu- to on- nhle them to turn out the Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry in “Scion quantity to aim the demand. “An account of American farming, es wen on the road between New York and Boston," is published in the London Time of the 8th of October. Corn he: been well nigh driven out of the tisrld by western com- petition. So has butcher'l use“. In their plane are produced milk, butter. regen- Mes, end fruit. Here, lays the Time, in eleuon for Englishmen. Let them turn their “Nation to make! gerdeniug end dury fuming. A Low Tm: TO tttrrran.--'rw-trh. yaw d ell-luau- with Cum}: u el period ot emu-venue end uni-cry. Mm. no? Elud'r...°'.;"-nvl*?t°':,§,"g,_‘_‘.set59‘"! through it nll, wring: "The Connimamul Catarrh Remedy hm rescued me from inhale "iurine and than the gave. " This modicino u for sale by all Drum-b. An Impeml due Us boon iuuod " St. Petersbure "twishing martial law in “In. of the Rustin: Provinces, 3nd marking ttae nomination of municipal Oneida in the province: to the GovunOt-Gononl of Moo- S'ror run t"oeau.-.-_tr's Pic-mun. hum] .il comm! "tye no“ India; byl- um and gum The Mama, which cm. into its competition. Iron and byntivn when Ammo; was tint (lino-cred, and m ”away with ttlet "rhino pe, tt iifguier, ni Mr" iir%itid - J-aid Hamilton. HARDWARE HARDWARE Just Received at Mowat's A LARGE and WELL ASSORTED STOCK of HARDWARE For the FALL We. Lance tooth Gross out saws. Axes in great varitiy. MADE AXE mamas. CATTLE TIES, . APPLE PEABERB. ‘BUPE HALTFBS. NAILS. LOCKS. BAY KNIVES. BOLTS. HINGES. "mm rams 0mm scoops. Paints, oils, varnishes, glass,putty, 860. Bar Iron, steel, sleigh shoe steel, spring steel, horse nails, and general Bcksmith’s Supplies always on hand. COTTON and HEMP PLOUGH LINES, MANILLA, HEMP and OTHER ROPE. All goods at bottom price- for cash. ir OS. F. MOWAT, Drsmrsarrvsrs.--1'tsrathn and cubolzc Acid no both vorv popular dismfochnts. But why In not black oxide of maugnneeso more often in use , If you find your room close in the morning alter having the win. dows alum fur the mght, you can make the utmosulm'e appeur quite fresh by keeping them tdl night. I dish of Muck oxide ofmnn- gauge “muted W111: watar.--Parttreial Durham-Third Tuesday in each mouth. Priceville-Muuday before Durlnm. rTsaoverr--..uouGy before Durham. Mount Fomsst--Tttikd Wednudny in we 7 mouth. o'mslph---Firltt Wednesday in each month, --- _ .. . ' fl L_L_- n... {hmlnh buir "V0114 "1""l"""'"'A" VV mun“... , __ Harrhtou--h'riday before the Guelph Fair. Dmsytou--retrd.tty. before Guelph. Eioru--1'ho day before Guelph. Doug1tus--Meudtry below Elan Fair. m"iihton-Cvrtstul Palace Grounds, the iiiiiiriirieuyryiu. day After Guelph. Bor1in--mrst Thursday in each month Brampton --First Thursday in each month. Listoyur--First Friday in each month. verguis--'ritetttay following Mount Forest. Boanout--Fitueuth of February. April, June, August, October and December. Primrose-Wednesday preceding the Oranguille Fair. ottngtsville--Tiso gud Thursday in web month. Flemiusruru--Vondtsy before Orangeville. Damulk--TutmGy before orangoville. __ - _ ' - "- ». _._..:IIA lunuul. Fuaersou--.MonGy before Orangeville. DaaGlk--TutmGy before oraugovil1e. s3uelt,arne--Weduetiday before Ornngeville. 3Lsrsvithr-sscond Woduesday in each month. wtubrrtorv--Thtr last Wednesday in each month. Mildmay - Last Wednesdby of each month. PRESBYTBRIAN CHURCH. Divina Bonded we?! Hubbub M. 11 n. m. and 6:30 p. In. sabbath Sohnu at T.00 till." Prayer meeting ovary Wading-(11y waning " we. Bible Clu- - Thundny evening M. Tr80. Rev. Wm. Park, Paator. DURHAM DIRECTORY Sch! Services “or; mud: " man I. m. Ind 6:30 pan. noun: scum " Y.ao , m. Prue! moot“): ovary Thur-day "will: In. o'clock. 5nd Biblo Clu- ovu‘y blond-y evening " a o‘clocl. Pater Ber. B. Gunny. CATTLE TIES. . ‘ROPE HALTFRS. BAY KNIVES. LOGING CHAINS, W. Grant. punt. Bunny Borvto--prmset" tng It " B. m.; Ninth School " 2:30 p. m.: ”caching “.7 p. m. Week wading Ben-tcoav Monday evening. young pooplos' LW,'.',,', meeting n _ “La.“ .4-.. -.....a.... an. . a n]. n. a n m iiira7li'riiruidioiuse pooplos' Tl,flf, meeting " 8 p. In. ; Wodnmulny ”snug. Bib o e an " 8 p. m Thundly "cums. maul-b t'ruprr mamas at Mun Thoma LiacGuuar; John A. Munro, 1).. puty-nugiutru. Once noun GG w s. m. to 4 gun. Tom, 115:6an "on Friday evening trout t to it o'c|ock. 811m: " mum] he 50 gonta. Mom do! Robert-on. um. My}: ot meeting. Tuesda‘on or bolero full moon oteuiett womb. visiting rethrun welcome. A. Von“ W. M. B. W. itodiiG7ara%r. mum at rittthh't'", Hominy In P.00 o'clock. in tho mm Ftrttows' all. 21itf, brethren Islam-no. T. A. Harris, ti.O. W. B. Yo ohmic. --_e" POBT 'H'KE. one. ham (mm! s. tn.to , p. In. Arch. Mar Konue, Pawns-Var. Night of meeting. Thursday on or baton 11 tnootr-ltutostut. T.Gunon.uea. GAG' iris Fic. M1337 mun-n has: my I. A " an p. IL. Tatum “inhuman“ Mouuo'nno It“. IDKU” my“. Tonoxro. GREY. AND BRUCE RAILWAY. CHANGE or TIME. 10-03110 (UNION "AhotC Dunn. t:30 B. n. IP.86 . In. " . In Arrive, 10.30 B. m., 3:00 'l: In. no $.13. omolmu. South. tas B. an, 11:35 i. Inuit“) . I! 2rdhliflt,',',t ms p. IL. Stalin North. Dos-an. nan-Am. map In. ' Ant". mu LIL, 5:11pm. Won. Damn maul. have Ma, “a. Additional Train. On and am MONDAY. 5th 3101. "rs, trun- will run " fotioi.- ' a. “a that MUNDAY. 3n! Novuuu,’ I879, an additimtat train will he run have” I m and I‘m-1w. I Xormtto. Avril m. In! 30mm LODGE No. M " A. F. a A. M. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR“) Toronto, Gtey. as Bruce Railway- S TEPHEN LODGE No. 160 L o. o. F. C. METHODIST CHURCH Hénmxcs' murmurs Eb. mums! men DURHAM L. O. L. No. 532. TRINITY CHURCH Eli-nu mama 11:35 I. m..5:40 p. In; 'ss p. m., or» p. In.) 435 p In. ' w p. n. have mm B. m. 2 Mb l)1TIlI-IA " Carriage Works. ROBERT MoPARLANE. Carriages, Buggies, Demo. crat Wagons, etc., OF THE VERY BEST MATERIAL [food nnbh, tsud at prion In low In my who nub irumeut in my county. Those in need of Such Articlou would do well to Dall and Inspect My Stock. Tho Suburtbor in nu: mm for All Khm- ot FanhriMT?UhafWN'rtr Lower Town, DURHAM. NO ARMlSTICE With the (mount an: again-t I.“ kind: of an.“ Logo staring 1m. Custom Sawing "of Lumber SHINGLEB. LATE AND LUMBER Rookvillo Milli. Bentin" Feb. “.1878” Spring and Summer Fashion regular! received. JOHN ROBERTSON- TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. 1testiunee-0ppoaius the Cumin Prelby Mr. F. DOLLS, Tirattohmaker, tMrtrtttrh. tver “I - Phil-d Good- Gold sud Siver Wntchua. Ladiel and Getsta' Wedding and Engsgement Ringu, Gold Lockout. Chump. Chniul, Keys. PeneiU, Pena, ta. to. A Vanuatu!!!" ot clock. A In” the of In» qoodio_viounr, PW, Com. Cc Repairing . Specialty. Durham. Mmboeombnu WU. Durham, Feb. 14, 1878. NEW GOODS done " once. and char. to In]! an “mu Cutting done to Order. on bud 5nd Iold " down hill priest DURHAM th., DURHAM. AND SHINGLEB, Manufacturer of ROBERT McFARLANE. in. OF Flasherton, brim Church. , War! J. W. CRAWFORD. Durham P. o. AT ir Band W. P. DOLL. y! " All kinds and sizes, Single and Dou- ble, Supporters, 860., at i KIEBNAN & HUGHSON’S. Shoulder Braces for Ladies and Gentlemen, a Large Stock. rum-mum of thou nuclei. will tind it to am School Books of Drugs and Ullenucsus. of the but quality. LIQUORS for Medicinnl purpmeu. (3300mm, ' And cheap, " KIERNAN & HUGHSON'S, STOVES, Stoves, STOVES ! Call and use before purchaarng elsewhere. We will not The “halibut in Agent for tho uh on tho celebrated MOWER unulutumd by the ' TORONTO REAP“ t MOWER COMPANY. ALSO New . d Book Account: callccted on renoun- amt. omen t At Kit!“ & 35mm Shimmer Tm an A u 7 inch Ape and Elbows at 70 each! Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Ltiditrt a Stewart's Improved Gang Plongha,. dm AGRICULTURAL WOULD NOW INVITE THE LADIES TO COME AND EXAMINE RIB NEW Fashionable SUMMER STOCK PATENTED CHINELLA NECK TIES. MUSLIN TIES. NET TIES. LACE TIES. FRENCH FANS. FANCY FANS, DAMASK POCKET ITANDriEBCHUWii, NEW METAL DRESS BUTTONS, a A LOT 01" SUN SHADES. The Royalist Trimming especmlly shaped for collars & tairs, Durham, August, 21. Durham. Sept. IS, f879. Dubai, April 1, 1870. COOKING PARLOR BOX from $20 up. from $5 up. from $3 up. "CII Sizes and all I’rices. Cash for Hides and Skins. Truck taken as Cash. Dal-hm. Mar, Its, I879. TRUSSES! WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., JOHN CAMERON Dry Goods, Clothing, Bootsdc Shoes, Before purchasing Elaewhera clout fail to tea our Stock MILLINERY HAS now received his FA LL Ind Winter Stock. or Fancy Dry Gooods. E. do A. DAVIDSON. Intending purchuscn will find it to their intern: To call and “mum: his goods before l’ulcimnug. Durham. Muy Wh, 1879. GROCERIES All of which will be sold u very low pricel. . L. GRANT. Which he will sell CHEAP fur CASH. Alwnyl on Hand Cheap and Fresh. Consisting in put ofthe following l [Agent for ttm ale of MI kinda of LADIES and Chenniculs. will tind it to “Mr ulvwhgu to no on Stow. IMPLEMEN TS, -AND-- .--AND-- MEDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWN. 3-00 HARRIS & Co. uademold And no balling JOHN CAMERON. and contains a "A mount of tutu mm. READING Tuuatrsasdmréd1ri-ine Cm. in the Town-hip ol Glen-Ix. Routine Howdy. Wt. men. Alumna. “Grey Review" Job Department, I: now MM up in the vary but nylo. sod PM! - Emilia.- for doing tll MOST APPROVED KINDS Ewing lately mule an addition to And with the Gm Prompmud: can depend upon being oatiatUd by loam; But Madman tor Adveruun Good Family Newspaper “Grey I{evie\\'.” “out REVIEW" LOCAL AND Fommm I Mulx PAPER Job Work Price 01.25 per Annum, Ke" POSTAGE FREE In the County of they. should "bseeibe for the, Thcodutetutumiairiu, If not paid in Advance. Hum IEPORTS. NTrC '" Ea. OF THE LATEST All who VII“ . Iguana!“ done in the wry All) EDITORIALS it on. of an of the and other Town "ortur-rot oFrtN Etc VETERINARY sum a rad [aunt-Lduw noun . nut-Hard] lltmulv “'lu ho at “WI Mat" a, uni hat-y...- I. o Dun-h“, I”. “I It I!“ it m: mu In w Nut haur- any Vetoriuacy I , BMW V " l ' TJai/Ga l‘lMlkMu-l 7 van. lummd._ that") In mu W1lre w j, way-nouns. L I)‘. and N “(I BU ph A tl') Goo. a. '"tuursrd, Cabinet Maki The British Hotel, Duri m‘ has?! McFAYDBK & llOlSARTS. IPltPigtie; Solicitor! in cu Ir. Moment-H.910! the In hut III-wad .owou W. til-inns: ya I T Ru I”. Fm" Alumna-on“. o-rt by written hunch“ " mortal In.“ (“cw-0.1 Illr um. - f STRAY ANIIAM‘ In!“ for " the " ".qeltt lulu. IP/el','???,',',",", and Att, A ulmwn m Chancery Mr "rind-Mu] um! bun-cu cud: . or upturn-Junior. per year. _ Two “who: or 'ttia- kupond In Time Inch“ do. w you“ .. .A Guru-r cola-I, pot you. . H Hall coll-u. .. .. _ . ' , 0n oullnl, " .. _ T T _ _ Oo. "Knuth"... m..." no. thMM...... ELI). tgactntAAs, 1tt,PW,h'lc ATTORNEY. L vet Tutu. huh-.00... ll “M.” It not paid via-Intro no At the “I u, (hr-Inn lured, UM Durham, - - Wntoo. Bros . Carpenters and Build livc-I'v . , . l qu' BUSINESS DIRECT Dari ALFRF." PM "THE REVI !Il.\l|l bum Town, Durban. - I'iurot.srrmF.rt, and l'NlIlili'I Nli( WI. and. OCR-Am "wr" IND. In , "rd_reoti"ty.e, , HAUUAT.‘ I Mnlll'wt 0' Ion-y to loot in "I Int. KIEBKAK URADL'ATE at yawn, Do You Want Mon AGENTS, READ THE T'Eil1ts:-4tAto per .n "I! but Inca-l - " w L. “gun-1|- (in mu: - . wt a an ..- 000' Emmi “an. . mum, I ma wot .Invllh “an“. IZV'I'IS'I AVIS“. ' Mainly no put In Ind- oedre r In.) - a. te."tcg "up“. u- «am. In- u up boat It. “can an m " 'otttthiat Wilt ot In“ ”lu- 1t'ttt, Imam tor 1 Hum "and - “the I TToRNEY at law. Salim at) Atomic-hm- l- B. I. 'hul: Boot and tihoernake Nullkli. REAL ESTATE " nrhmu. I'm (my. 2'urit'ci, to. m. “if "'t (r PM?” rain-l myuhlomm 1'd "$23qu 'ffara"at'i :g:2,gtrgtM. MISCELLANEOUS {VERY BSTABL! SHF , ' CALDWE my. wttat uncut h 'l'Gr.tlitN I . RATES OF ADVERT!” .h slf " MIM.”'“.M 05.5 " [WJI'IOI “.1 br6-tooed-ttoet will pay ot, "ar., W a n. Durham Wood Turning Front In Frost. " ILI...‘ I Airmail”! ITE of " d brati, r l gddtg.et'J"aof'; .h and Blind- nude CIT pm "I! Z. NIX‘D\ c. I. taint-J m , qtt Bt.. - I“ I pry T'ttueiy n " MEDICAL. m. nun-30 w as. Mk not! On macaw-m Vina-Jamar dun Mu up um DYNIIALK t. LIGIITI t his "ttirc. Sargon nuns. de., aim“ a. git-Mom nu rt, . "ro nLVIu " (£0.90 , Acme) " " IUI‘IIJ) Agents . R ulna-nun“: a and word, 39):» fierwtf we“ the: m a. to the cant ha, and charge 1. TOWNS! A. Kohl J. W " "II. It"? yen in Ad) J1 "II. Mr I "ttteo' II luv Prog bet I urn-l ll W A T "or I n wogt- 500:1 cu

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