West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 20 Nov 1879, p. 3

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I an “-1 re age critstoatt 1nd war}; may“); I.“ 'lrmer, ot l MM! "Itrtr.t ru’. aug on " an ll r"TNe "t Council t Council. R ‘n the “to.” _ ”on brine: woven...“- Arising mun. ‘Ivemm Peg. we! Yaau.. B Q at the M a does, N " wa the my" _ an”, 305,“: . u! an; ”I. . " Him) In - an Q"..- ard ..mount to bo io-rllol .No. L Bum“ do)“ " Bambi ol Elm sccmdd " oaeil a, - ‘rcW’ t from owrv‘. CI.- Mr. W 'astal tly tn nleJ by p, y an hum an“ M wed lo I... ia tta C... .dly In M 1"?”th ruled by w. rid N - udmg all "led by It. I 913.0.” " Snub. lumen: Id " I. Mt 1,-_ H" with .1. sud tho F“ at". M. Com-q. .unr. T. C. n LI... “labor, ae, U Mine“. “no. ut a. , slop. bo . " u. .4. fun. IMM- a-ul aim. m. Stow] & t tho Clark a of urn; 3.15. Ward. account ted u Luv; mm. " .0 iudiemrt but I - 8, be and. "A , .010.“ l an scum ml. Hon- me In". Hmong q “I; I by It. ul by w. uh" Me. mrtuq.r. and» .13ou lo .l by Mr, J by w. b. - ts "" of I. cure. aud If ' nun-L INN, you tho I., {run The“ new all yr Lat chm. 00-. 40and 'eat, at! nu. who. nth. nu .4 Mk ‘I A " ‘IIA " ‘5 We observe by the minutes of a Into meeting: of Minto Townshrp Counenl that it p intended to take 3n cxpn-uion " upiuiun from the tummy-rs of that municipality in rah-hon to thu. was: of new county Le. .“th Meetings with that end in View will be held at Connell'n Incl Drew whoa] Pit-“ac; on we 191.1: imst. ; " Ihtglresuohoo1 how. Ciao”, on the "lt . as] u The Guelph unwary in a “cent pan. mph refers to tho fact that a deputation in to wait upon Mr. Mowat on the lat Decem- ber with the new of imprcmng upon hun up prnpm-ty of fuming new counties from outing ones. those affected to be Huron, Perth. Bruce. Grey, tiimeoe, Wellington m Yeti. Ihtr contempt." also not” that there Mama a prospect that at no dil- tant day the county "t Middlesex will be airided gm] tt new county hand. with a bun-hip or two (nu: Lambttrn or Huron "UI. Fulton‘s school 'Ixousn, on “no 31a in k. .ett.h sauna; rr-rs-atm:'-.:" " gown 1r'.t!teA rbould not In]; to be: any of tho rial!“ or intererts of \anann inzetfered with. We think. however, that out contentment; would an wisely in giving judicious on- conngrment to a reform which will an. dunl»tculy present itself for settlement on the part of the Legiolntun and tho Govern- ment at Ontario at no distant date. rounly " rally we , rbould m ilselfin a bu with the question of readjustment at the Nrproaehiug .serusiou of the Legislature. Our Bruce contemporary la disposed to sneer at the nm "mm of which the “atrium meet- mg is an "titeoute, ou the ground that it is met all but m the mun»: of ulingcs Lol . to deal WM: " ot the Legal “n o Hove their to det '1 he Walkvrtou 'rcltueope has something to a, rapt-cunt; we mung iaetd " Har. Halon rcccut'o to dine-u.- the advisability of will”; [Lu Uutarto Government to deal k " [but bras In a 'tuutsty TU, am-jnct of “any n-adj-mcm new... L, Le stunning; Bu Lulu autumnal: Hannah-u t..e l'xuviuce. and u a rule the upland: " generally in (mm of um. sun ot ""uruntttuueut. The Tutuuw Tchyraa . which mm.» In independent with». wmmuy. ruler. to do. qua-Alon iu the " lowing um: ti rd ' Mat In! M In V OF!- M the 2 LJisicn cf Ccnnty Boca.. duties. m: u me Bort Mun m "Id mm to rcmow Walurton 'reseut unsafe position not" ths b, Ixmlury of the county. bring it um- of the division, and cut) con- " the camp of the iconueluue m- M fila Cruziek from Bruce and a Walkerton of her dignity II m Cu confer it upon Paisley. Lo. Jenn it on!" proper to n\' that we [Mung muted. Law sprung up y, m- 1...: l "J. hull of the couutj M:- loss And attic“ “nonunion“ pulpit of a largo portion of mud Wu hare gcucra ly ngrcol that ,gel Ind WWII!) lkerton of her dignity :- confer it upon Paisley. Lo. it only pruper to say that we mallet organizations. uuu.und wall be In t {amnion next Juuuary, with the aid tum, m a. satiuiteiurr max.- L a M Fun at [inn- Sun.) ttl orIutizattouts. The , is crnteionhly pleased Ir', "meut might possibly Luz; Condition ot wings. " t Mmhipof Bvutiuek, ”muck and 'furnbea'ry ll towns located in th _ In ",unry of Bruce it Would cunwuicnce of the in, ' ' n the nth" hand. it .urs naught be “evened 'uwuship of Anna and u to Greg-mu] the town- ', Huron null Kink)” .r.c:.uuw might be I" .u. Crou'erielt. All this asueutt would to promoted fwrur..tiou of u a"! agrtation with hat out Walka- (mm! the new (t oHert of the uppustd the qtr I i NmhrcrtiAaii.d......... 3113.12" Don. Full Wham)" bush ...... Spring Whoat " ...... Iurrey, I' .r.... Spun“ " ... ............... 1 12 to 1 12 outa.............................. 28 to 30 Peas ... ........................ liOto 60 Barley. .. ... 0 40 to 0 50 Wool per lb..................... 0 oo to 0 oo Flour per bu........,.......... 5 80 to 6 00 Cabbage per dos............... 00 to 00 Turkey, per lb. ............... 0 to M Geese '* ................ 0 to 00 Unions per ttttShel.........., 0 00 to n on Cord wood. dry per cord... 0 00 to 0.0 Batter perm 'w................ "to " Egg-t [In doa.................. " to " has; Sgtillk c. " u Bark-y " '. Oats, " Peas. " Dreamed Bogs par loom. Butter, rolls per lb. ...... " large rolls per lb. , n tul, dairy .. " Eggs, flash Sheepskins each...‘ Putnam», pet bug Flour yer ham)... 1/afyeyyl per barrel Full W heat Fall What........ Treadwcll Wins! Spring Wheat..... Hurley .............. (Fats................. I'o ll W Von! per lb....... ..... Sheep Ain......,........, Lamb SKI..........., Hides per tnet..........., "otatoes per bag Bum"............ ll O-eutlonun,~ but tall I commuted a severe wold, which. by my Iwgloct, settled on my lungs. [found new inlhoatiuu of the first stage of eonsuuptiou, and, Ilka "any others, when ulmmt too late.comrraeucetl to doctor up. I lulu-l "‘de vcmvuisv..,.lrut got no better ; was alum..t saUstied I was incurable. Accidentally l huanl ui ynur Vivi-nut 1'ompouud Syrup of 1i,yt1loT1.tititme!u) as afurlurn hope bought a hunk. A immediatcly felt. reliuvul. A tel" takitrg an (5) bonlu iam trured,and new: tut 1mm In my life. I would heartily rummmcml \hur 'alyi,oplrrsphncse. It): I'wtrutially 3mm. W. Eunnwun. Bran. b0 .. Full Wheat, per bush..... Spring Wheat, R: Chat! Oatu, Barley. Peas, Coru M Slums. Articles of an agreement. for a mulling match between Hunlun and Couruey were .iguod at Inches!“ lat Thusdny night for the ohl purse of 36.000. Tho contest in tired to com: " at Washington ou the 9th December. M (‘u'xcxsunx S12, Tumuto, May 13, '78 3lt"rspil'oarn, Bentley f l'cu.rm._ Flour, per 100 lbs Flour No. 2,” " Ox THE Vmwt: or run GRAVE. A A3uch Ina the c'nuhtim. of Mme-o A. Walker, of Derw, N.ll.,wnn cuugestiuu of the lung: and chronic Ctsturth. Two bottles at the Couisttttttional Cataolt Remedy entirely tenured him to health, and, to us. hm own wands, "built up my whole ayatun." The remedy is for sale by all Druggiats. By an explouiun in tt railway tunnel nn th narrow gauge railway now being' built in Camel-min, over thirty L'lsinnmen lost their lavas on Monday last. and a number more were very seriously injured. {In on evening. A gonad mun muting! [ u ll In: Luat m. titq 'l‘owuslup Hull. new g 'lxz‘IJ-hu. " um u'clvc p. ' ' -u Sam; . 41w. 22ml inst. w. was. until Lumen: _ Town Council u. lino ”pain-ed. com- l Lune tg look the: the 1utt-rftl.at “val gin LLu .mm connection. Tho It. county ""0: on." i, mm in l rdcr. I Mr. Ross Huntington, one of the editon of the Moatreral Herald, died of typhoid fever on 'l‘hursdny, He was tho son of H m. L. S. Huntington. The delegates of the British tenant far. mcra sailed for humv on Saturday. They speak very lavunrubly of Manitobl In I field [or emigratian and settlement. In the Lower l’rwiuces the emigration to the Luited Sum continue- on . large setde. Many of the superior cusses are going out from fit. John. Frank MttToggtsrt,' of I'cturbow. Ml uul ofumggon on Tuesday night Ind was killed. lie was nude; the iuiraenev, of liquor. Hon. Mr. Letellier, who is in Ottawa, a still suiretin,q {run an nsthmmicnl “ileum. and i, frequently tmutiuod to his twin It u slated in Landon that the new loan imited by the Grand 'l'muk Railway has been subscribed seven] time. over. Mrs. Dwyer, n old Indy seventy-urn years of Age, WIS batted to death by I. run u at M. John, ti. B., on Wrduetdar. A tir . broke out on Wuhan] y era-mg m the large cooper slum of Cowman a Guwiuloek, Smdnrth, which Wu coummed. Lord Dam rin, Ll'ltlnh Ambassador to Russia. has gum to Paris. on New” toSt Peter.lnrg. u MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Cr:fe [crate Oltiec, Nov. 18, 1879. \VALKBRTON MARKETS. Nov. 14, 1879. Want .................. H P2 to l T [ " ... ............... l 12 to 1 . Dt' 1:11AM MARKETS MISCELLANEOUS. 05H DUNDALK MARKETS. Drxmu, Nov. 18, 1879, r-ut.pcrbu~h No. l 'l o? to " TORONTO MARKETS. Tortosm, Nov. p, ULngow per bushel..... Dc 9‘-.- JAM , Nov. 19, 13794 n 20 to n 2; a 13 to 1 2 " to o T $275to 250m .2500“) 000to 050to '1olito .100t0 " V .9550t09600 .15010500 .10t3to112 .105t0110 .10oto106 .0'o'5to040 .027to028 .050t0055 .040t0050 .01510017 .014to0t4 .000to000 .000to000 .050w075 . " 50 to 7 00 .700to800 U 40 to 0 45 to 8 oo to 0 45 to 4 60 to 4 00 to 6 JO to 0 40 to 0 14 to 0 12 to l 60 to 018 to 075 to l 05 to 1 oo to 0 30 to o 28 to 0 40 to 4 00 to 16 to 00 to 90 to 12 to 60 to 45 to com 66to 20, 1879 to to 'o,raarC, ___.- -_9_-e- . my. " iii! thsmch 16, 1m. 33 00 '2 60 2 50 $1 Us 110 I 16 050 029 070 065 060 480 675 060 016 oil) 150 0 .50 l to l 01 1 " 0 28 0 45 050 I 00 '24 21 18 1.3 l8 , cum“ Street. Lower Town, Durham on which u "mud . fume more and D rolling Ham The Me " a I). “when” mnhim “I room The lot gut-inane quarter urn. Will " on an" TI'? subscriber begs to inform the public tlust ho has rammed his Blacksmith bummer. to his old Ihnp. near Edge Mills, when he will b. rlruscd to Mtcnd to that wngtta ot bin alumnus. " Durham um! Tarttcry P. o., M Inninmgn. on minty night. Oct. Bug-comm in; arguing wnt"iningtsltetrt, mm of money. The an " by lvaviu' the alum " the "Review" 0mm will be l'i'llGtr hm med. THE subscriber will sell Lot No. 8, West Ouahnxs Street Lower Town. Durban m- '1‘klNI)EliS " the eonstrttetiott of a _ 3103!: s(‘ll00l. “OISE. to behum on Lot 60, Con. 2, Glenda, will be moetivort ha the undersigned up till Snturday. November $9t , n "no", with whom Hum mm BPeeitieBtiom, may be sue". Thu Trmstees do not bind themselves to " com :11. Iowa“ or my Tender. 11)hlf, and Female, " cowl or third A 7 t"tasre for s.s.No.2,uHsccuuutt. send testi- tuuut..L, and stub.- 'uArrt so " AUGUIT. Gunmen“. .. v - ApplicMiosta [mm-11y or br letter received by thu undersigned 1mm this 25th of November. mo. JAMES SKBNE, Lawns P. o. Nov. 13, 1879. tm APPRENTICE WANTED. "H,i).2'li,(' at. the British Hotel, Durinuu, ll Cook. Apply at. ouutt. l Promitumry Note, made by George and Wm. Lovkhnrt in {an-r of the under- niguml, and Kunming on or About ammo-y " vacuum: next. Thu tttttFr will plan» return to owner u pa', mom has been uwppml. “(HEMP GALLAGHER. VOTICE is hereby glven that the co. k ',hr,trei"21,t,1' 1'gt'g'rlt' 'tatmiertittg butwu-II us, um 'urlcrrsigat, , Noah human and John Hott. "tun, an Wuggon Muir!» at Hanuvur under the in; la or Emu of null-n. _ iGihiiiiE mm mm any dissolved by mutual eminent, and the will Hummus will in {mm b. carriul on by um and Numb llnllmuu done, who will rueuire and pay all thr, duh}. yt.tt"r Into let tr!u.vrchiiy Enid ist ItiudvA tisis'iiuijii7 131' October, A. n 1879. NOAH HALLMAN. JOHN HOFFMAN. Witrums, Dl'SCAN tustrDzLL, (Hummus-Wm Munch. oh tho 16th inn..Jmo Pryce, bdnwd Mile of Mr Wut. ('rulmwn, agod " yum. (‘Ammokv Tn (Hum-1g, an tlrv m. imp. Christints, the buhned mm ot Mr. (Nun ('nlucrun. aged 42 vows. like have hot Ira: 111mm vim pl.” ant-u. and cheerful rrhibttrtOior, to the l 'h'ine Will, ulnl died in (Lorne 11014: MB glunuus rmurrecliuu. , , PriuUtrg bunks-ail: Apply mum-dink 1y m. the ltrvtew ()rncrz. ll This is Mo empty least, but a fact which all manly has l-crll prawn by tlmmalul: of Caus- dialIFamllie-u b, their entire "stitstactiou. Slum Ytovxo - At the :c-sidonce " the bridh'n future, on the nth man, by the iasv. J. Ir. Humiltun. MA., the lier. Alex. Nicol, Pream- wrimn Minister, Aylnn. to Mary Juno, duuumrr of Mr. Jnhn Young. 17th mmm-tott,Nemmsnhy, mu] mace of Mr. Alex. Davidson, of Kgrotuout. Hm. the mice of Wilson I Compound lyrup of WiluCltcvry luver change, A twentrttve cent bottle will can: my culinary Cough or Cold and give mlrkwl who! in old minding cues of Bronchitis. In him-lied; of owners Mt cent bottles have clued Vaughn and Col-h, which have been proof Against. all other reme. dies, and the proprlctnn maitivuly claim that a 8t Bottle will ensure I Luge family again“ any danger from Group. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis. Cat-rm, Lon of Voice, Coughs and Colds. and all kindred dim GAL'ti, for a whole season. \anusu At At ton, on the 7th ind... the wit. of Mr. Aaron ' Rage:- of A; son. Wi', The value of Wheat in the Canadian Market is eotttroiled to - an». by no lonngn demand. It amps are short in Hunks. Frauce and Lnlia, England mil-t buy more Canadian Wheat, Lnd the plice cnannendy mlvancel. Durham, Nov, 6th. ma Durham, Oct. mm. Mmr, Nov. 12th. 1579. An Air Una Railway Conducter whilo coupling cars at the Aylmer station on Wednesday night had his foot caught in the frog ofthe switch, and was run over and. killed. 'htcretary-Tcrussarer Homing. Mina mb, Omaha! M, WN. - Dwelling 313d Store for DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS and SHOES, GRO. Durham, Nov. 13, 10979. Are now receiving FALLSTOCK of "STAPLE and FANCY Proton, Nov. nth, WN TEACHER WANTED. CST byN-geg the 1313139 irtfhe Town of TENDERS WANTED. ’ANTEI) for L'. S. ti. No. 8, Bentinck I " Hill: kilcnclgaTeaclser 1uMistgtsThird Clans Now Advertisements. ANTED, an approotieo to learn the RE MOVAL. Durluuu, I Cuok. Apply It unce‘ The Price of Wheat. Teachers Wanted. Servant Wanted. NOTICE. MARRIED wanna BhrrTH, Bocretary L n tu, Con, 2, would; DEATHS N. G. & t MCKECHNIE BIRTHS LOST, Har. WHITMORE. I161 JOHN HOGAN 'bot 5'15“] Onedoor mm of rumor-bu. ' ttM Dumm..\‘ov.6 P"3. m col tur.', MI“ my“, C... and Wm Give me a. can. JUST RECEIVED. As1lmytitreaahlen ullnryebuploc Of Gold and Silver Watches, Cloch. Gold Rings; 1so!dusil."r. nu! PM China, A. GOBDON'B, The Best place in the County --To BUY-- Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery, is n 11. Lou numbuu Mt and at tn the Third Concu- sion of the said Township 0! Ftst'ttttuusy, enum- ing logothur 210 lcrul, more. or has, month-II M d which lll‘l! chum], uni on trtoprumisoes are a how Log House, Frame “urn. an x 70,51“ Frame Driv- ing Home, mad We lance. me good. TERMS. 4‘11: (10) W'r cent It tho time of unit. l-‘meum mum-rem wimtu one month thorotstter,tstsd the bulnuco to be swurml by murtguga mith inter. ust M right, lwr will. ha" youth, or " mam-mu uncurny be given no cash nocd u, paid, or term. may ho varied in any rem-numb way to can put- elusser. For further pvrlicnluu apply to " CG" McKAY. Auctioneer, Durham. or to BETWNE, MOSS, FALCONDIIIDUE A BUTLER, At IRVXNI'I'S HOTEL, in the Villas. of ORCHARD, on '6'"mrdar, the 99nd day of Noremhee, II70. at Tw'clvc o'clock, halal). £1110 (alluvial. punch of mm ". L The linearly part. of Lon numbers 62 and 68, in the and Coucerbiitut, We“ of the Gtbrtsfrtsxt_ Rout in tho mid Township of "eutinek and County of (bray. containing togetiser Forty-two Ind one-null I new», mnm or less, as more purtituUrly "tscribed l in the dead otmortgagea trout the mud (Eh-rim limithmum to the Vendors. (in the land: as I (rune Human Lo I Burn null Log Stable, and siil m of tho Innis tram boottealtirateu In] m. [was no good. I L ot Sula cnnuiuml in orrtattt Homage! mule 'talt'"; by l‘hurlr- lulu-II“! and Thou-u awry to the Vumlon, whmx will be [Irwlucml at the time of Sale, and In fume“ of which delmllc has born lumlu, there wi I be uni-rod tor Sale by Public Auction. 33mm: ma Nomi-shy. in MI. Valuable Farm Properties, In tho Towuuhips of he" r. cas 1m; lulu. s'a..it,ovsuuir, A New Stock '.iotwttttstsudun.r the glen. enlargvnwnu and Impmvemmu In be ma e the Annual lulu-crip- mm to Tur. mun Own: will mun-in u hero. totore,outy - - "N - 4-... TWO DZLLARS PER ANION. 1'th was! ruhiltbrtu to she enmity of the razor will ettatsl. . mm m [an who wanna-l wee ty pmbahn mor; urn d and intereatmit Ill-II wu mu helm: ummpmlwd In any weeklt jamual. Tho literary mane: wut trc maul. inrlulcd ; men space ml: he dentu- lo Haunt-hula and maul “IN"; and the Agricultural lu-pnnmem win be rcrrdoot nun. .mcicut tnan mar Lame. In". puma-r free to g” yum"! ttnadn Ind the Cured titabcs, myahln: iuurinbly in minute. The CLUB RATES FOR 1880 Any on! n M duerly lo get up a clan on "in own "sponaomtrtt Each u uh pay-Irma no mime-ml nun-tau, lynx” tre Inn In) PM! mm. . . . -iiic' / ia Vtrcn'gbumvg up duo. ml: be all» "livd nun human wine: at the [war mm, a-v:_'-m\iuati- r. ... VT t's' ir.U.id, (hour. “I" he mm tree of volume to am Post (Mn ca. Great Britain (or $3.21» Ur my: x:n_"l|:r:ll 'crm":;. _ _ Thu human“: mar-nil) " (mt variety at n-adauz male: in curl: week‘n inane. In u to in- clade the now- trom Ill mum" ol the amnion manual the Mmed tum of In numerontruden. Ira, rclltlcleJ “pennant the enlargement of Tn. “'19:va G'Lorr much bevond even". groan: largo Munch-dam. C'sruruieurriutt with the In! new of tiw New You: “newline. the form ot the purer will be “lunged mm: tttat ot m (lo-column paper mama amlmhmm papert and the length "t each , " ml Mm be .0 amended“ to gm, In nil. '.l"t'l'Alli ot null». maturmwh wen-'1 mm " nearly " column: beyond In punt-t. Vendors' Solicitors, Toronto, bleed can day ot October, A. D. 1879. d I]: 333?! THE lARCESIl m tl.hrhfri$t 9 IN Muff" A3u'.ttll'A. and Pusan 13v un4ucnnmm arm m P0BLlCAri0ti. on an: ind at Janna”. Ists0, Ttlt CUBE wm t-gkcAan-nlwu m thet upw-an 7:77; match at "trptorerttvut thit have LGF. Liar-I A far new, forty )‘curs In mum: puni- t on .m TM tUllllitl FAIIllY IWSMPER TilEiiltll.lrstluM " I th prlr, i "In. " " muons “if 4crtpltuttrto1tl-.. .l .. n " '* .. '20... . .. 21 " " .. 'do...,, L“ 8t " -- (tp' 'O..., " 41 .. '. ohCt .... '51)}?! nud‘by_ ritte o{_tho Power! Mortgage Sale (MEAT "iPr,08thtENT8 IN 1880. l . b nyh as .m' m bduvu Illa date . ' J Jummlfl. I' w. and run!!! the ab 10!!" ttr' 1:2! - ”on ’rom .u'. "u4rerte I; 31.1 bra-mu 7,1560. CF M r: tit'.tu' Bt 'he summed mm: th'. [GE I'll/("NB COMPANV, Imam County of Gray BRITIIH AMERICA. mi By l'.0 manual-kt. t not by “was " uur A. GORDON, CERIES, 800. It 99 I?! '"I'Y 110 In: rum tpward undu At Cost and Under? Conn-I’VE?“ "iiir%"t CjisrGraTr"-riiiTitouera, Thistle nugget, Hana cleaner. Wood earner Drum Pom. Snow Planck. Removing Tree. 10 ErtgravitrtrV. Garden "---Th" Onion :71ng Canaan, Parana: Ind Pushy Worm. Flu-backed Crnlimdo. lint worm Moth, 6triood FIN: ootir,the trdan Finn, Clbhngo Math. (inhuman Ayn“ Cut-umber 'tgtther Squad: {machining Asp-tuna Beetle. Tomato Worm, Potato Beetle. hh In Won-x. 34 1mm. nu. All Needlework-12 Ema-Minna. Btutides a quantity of "ttsur work now being pmmmd. ARCH. MCKENZIE. Agent at Durham. V ._, "m... ' "W ............. - .,. "..W' _....". " vcvu. um Ii! 'ure'" 1m Mul- out-I of nu..- -Prepuriag the 'oil, Relocung plumb, cum .. “Li Irleie 1ttt)r1it.iPArryiaWam., _. _. A 7 7 All kiuO of Good: In" advanced conidornbly airway, and as further use is expected, but having a large Stock on hand, bought before the rise. I intend Sonia: Now is the time to lay in a. supply of Cheap Goods. Containing unable igttortttntlrqt Ind "mun! 'uutttrstior" tor ma Claudia“: Puma, I’ll] b , t nun Hui to JTCrr your], nub-crib" to The W'nkly an“. CONTENT. I De-lc- [a . land-onc- run-m .ea"erwe.-vront dew, side View. per-poems new, and no plum. Fun n mrciatttstiutta and dyyftHptrtltta, l Infamy. . Two Ikolfll *0! (Many Burma. "o-s-Yr' new, plum, muons, 'ttserious" and and n we amnion. tt Eng-min 'I. Dru-l.- lor 00-0" limb ‘th dormirrtion, A '.. l Ertttms%tg. Deal.- tor Con-try not.“ “on... I Ewan-inn? "rtii.-Boarr1 Ind Bu) Page“ Compared. Samantha. Hyutcm in Splinina. Lapinu oat n o Fran». Page and mul Foam, Clmu Fume. Po" and Bond Feline. Bltut Fence. C)outoruustiou of the “mun-l tho Ponce (or the Farm. " Nun-Hun. qYt"m"--iroiu, Variation. Plowman-I of the mil. Eduction. Fullnwinn. Kim-1m. hopm-inguld nun, Hnrrowlnu. Full Wham, SPF“!!! What, DIM and Binomial. Winter Killing, Smut. [tn-t, 1111.03", The Mum. The! Russian Fly. The Grain Weevil. to. " Enunvinpm Elan-cm..- at [In]... -mnmwin. on. .4.“ animal..- “1...". _‘...‘._.;,,,, .. . . . -- Great Bargains ! DOLLAR Any person ordering THE DAILY or WEEKLY MAIL between this date and the let January, 1880. and gaging one year's subscription. will receive the paper so ordered to t 6 end of 1880. ADDRESS “THE MAIL" TORONTO. STOVES of all Kinds! Finished, and Ready for Delivery: Sleighs, Land Rollers, Gang Ploughs, Turnip Cutters, Straw Cutters for Hand, and Straw Cutters for Horse Power; PAPER. NEWS- GREAT Durham. Non-abut 0th, 1879. At the Durham Foundry, FOR TWO WEEKS At the OLD PRICES! Durham, Nov. 20, 1879. Edge THE “my lines of Dry Goods mil be sold previous to Stock Tuking The Canadian Perm Annual for Illustrated with 140 Engravings, THE WEEKLY MAIL. of Pieter, Cotton before may further rise taken place. lcunh " the Ila-who“. under charge ot an nblo numbed mun. will Id , to tho vduu at The “'erlly Mull- ( The “(101' Bap-mug under '/lt,it",', of Lmliu of unwrlonc", will. wr' ,hAvo no doubt, pron um interesting and “Inn pie trump, P am nun, Houarrttotd, [Cullnuy Mutton. we cm of children. to” will be lmludod in mi. dottartmettt. ‘rvlln'ble h uitidd. _ Our [ARI-Irv Devan-cl! will he I lututirtg tantrum. stark“ both short ‘und continual from the pom ot tho bust mum”, and in many cums iilustratcd. vol-“Platf- rii} agility 1 $6.00 per annum. It In uau] alum you: Illll‘o The ”all mu "ml/linked, rind during that that it bu KIM" acquired clmuhuun and tttttacne which render: " mend to no other nunwnt in ma lkmluiun. The Publish” taken p1eatutrr in unuouncin. Gr, The - Mulrhu met. with I wry lam men-luv of New in an minim elm sud Hut 1totylt0taudiug the gum-nu depraauiwn in bun-lam mud 'A','N'filf, {idling ott in the ciivulntinu ot Minoan nvor) "that Itll'if in (flat , The all. both - uni “’erltly. has nnnlu u very grunt in "brteq. Swill lid-Wm hav- boen 'i'Ntt,'dg, an vrsrioug "rtrtsrottetttat, uni no ox» penile win be spared to make the w ole paper "urreiiaid I“ Hell-bk. Ttry, NAU. will n-lnuin true to the prfuctt4em it hm t.lwuys “mound. unl it is ; luk-ndal In make it, Irs the lid chunk "6titiotuu tstrength " mime cnplhl I can afford, cum in more potent tthtutrpion of thu Cut survsuve mule. E All the old Departmema ot l Telegraphic Nun. Political hump-u. and Editorial- .\\'lll be Continued I'm: Club-Jed Vigor. Outing mm tho [allowing Departing“. I wlll roe the sytreiU attention -- Ark-Inn.- in “A vurinu l Manchu. Sperm] prmnluem-e being given to mt- §mspondonCu from Funnnrs on AgnA-nllunl tiubierea. llll “muons will be I led ‘wbaruvor they will unto the trublect clvsrvr or in nu) WI) iiIJrunw tho pram all value of thu lettvr-protstt. lun per mum, or -thel“DAILY MAIL" for I'll “'IIIKIJ" all; will hrs Hunt to my Punt-01mm In Cu“; or the United Hum, or to any mum-u iu Ellyn-ad, III-Inna, or Momma. pun-tum ( . propat tor - lurk" fre": 1pletoreGhility. h. I Everything at Lowest Rates. . HUN TER’S. _AT.... J. IE. HUNTER. I. will be - specialty; we will In I ovary mo ml to rem lurk ot Reports o THE M UL an: nah-d " the mun A.. COCHRANE '.2a'2ttPd,t,',a'2'g',t,,tNgug',trt, Thoma Mn. -romtiorso m MID AM “callous-good t9md,natdtua.nttaqsavsn. i'r,'gf2MShht,t,t,o'g".'tte,logggi.ei It krone India-good In.“ at W. walk-oh“: iota of he was each. ovum -t. PrtrNrNeerartgea-rte', or... “(in Bram, ofm-tg. lot“: WN. WENTY arm of Ind for Solo, being We“. of the am tin-Mon of Lot number lbw“! uni-scam vanda- mun. Bond, To.tmship of Bimini. This“ Don't forget to buy treutty of Ten, . supply of Tobago. and 5 piece W For w. _ gamma. who. 1880 " Randi-inc done with mt- nou and cleanest. On but glad 'ttMr to 1 Leather, Leather. THE subscriber I)": In: hind Ind for 11atitoeaotLmsusrr,,roitr--.t. ammo-order. and " wk:- nirvana-N yum “Inventory“. Boots and Shoes, The Highest Market Price paid for Hide: And Shun. No. 5, Garafrm Street, LOWER TOWN, . - DURHAM “udder. secslly iine and ut bottom pnce. Sugars, TEAS. Coleen. French White Wine Vinegar. nod Lump Goodti Maehitte Oil ml Axle Prom M., per gallon. Try our Emlsiot Oil, the clamped in the main. Saddler, Tanner, Our Paints, Oib, White Loud and Colon are all that can he Geared in quality price an luv: an my cunt home. II. PARKER, CHEMIST a vacuum. Toilet mick“. Fancy liootu, Tu.“ Sinuuldtr Braces, he. L‘s’Cuh for ttlt kinds of Grain. The Flour, Peed & Produce More, 'tttomtNtra.'T2the.iti.eiii.a; J. C. JOPP GROCERI-E S teUNN a on." in. no... in: to... lunch 0.10.. out P. l m: tits., Wuhlunou. D C Ilium um made tn mount ', Good "- -e-. 0004 M a“ la- M barium. December "th ION. mama tOvuHtiott St"ftii'.'t pubiir unnum- u mum-un- uu avg-mud an.“ A or itt,'i't,thi"tii"ii'u'rii',i clonal u-y ”on Mr m u M “Mr or IIH‘OCUUH. um W. at. ct”. unsure n “an! an proudly be command, by “mu to Ivy» & (‘n 'rttu? on“! he. mu Bundle-i about the tuurnt 4mm. PIMIRS, Canal». Tma., Hartman“ cout.9ld - mm. VIII luau tor [queuing adv-mu u‘lnvuldo‘u. “dim tog the rap-r. or wheel-um “a. mm tutves the lumen uth-fmmum the coda Putat- In "balm-d on ttto but. “I A _ noun: u made m the M Ma- we Inn-"Hum tmterttod tin-om thin “any: “I; nun, and rend-Ion of a... Putnam»: My up In: than”: tiyruyulyt (gm-ppm. punk Inaugura- u The Best Paper! Trr It Kenn-Janina}: ttiaisrrTiiai V_â€" JiraG T G%sTiG mod nun-u. pram 11ht.'iii?rf “in." s'll%'Jll1=.l.'dirq'tdllWi.' biennium Constantly Arriving It Oils & Paints. Durham. October. 1879. r" "ralrenrqgta'rcg,tuJ' 5m "r, Drugs and Chemicals. THOMAS SMITH, TOBACCOES and CIGARS. BEAL’TIFI'LLY ILLUSTRATED. Bither Saved or Pegged, CROCKERY! Varnishes, Coal Oil, Dye Stuffs. BURNET’S Shoemaker, CASE FOR mans. wad Pure Spices. MACHINE OH. $9.99!.“ “M Pi I ‘2 "" DURHAM. .60. I'll- --hNtr ~ANI - H. PARKER,

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