West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 4 Dec 1879, p. 3

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m he jlu.fl ‘ a House onto. e the T pzul’ll’-' ist left. 'M linuter could londay after« i resident of an named Wright.got ng to }..' alarm was Fiag 1:10 o ‘cluck. i riflll. H- lns fall he Wraicht. his it : that has me broke n('k, .." Z.\ll’(&"fi me of the he build. cars building, able s heayy. to * seene, the rear gly they quet at lings were o express tered th» A ME d one of vas seen vas one ; from it became firemep, e Wl â€"â€" 4 l was the ke which the rear :llld nfin lortunate 1y by his sutuag of i thauks to which cla P"“' ism 10 tia® i the Atâ€" s Tupper ueuece.â€" M t warn xued position 1 to get n stairs, inding bne rma lion ed the i lln. tt, whe camen idinann», amd apâ€" all. and memen, express« me w ht ott had i were pt by l“m)fl who 1# rlready caring rushed o find ‘« e it that front party. itionl |.Il,‘ trange n 16 extent uzht ev erml wn at com Seott enmier i and t 400 d preâ€" stair lings. s‘ Saxr , Sit Pope, â€" mad s Line lgh;’ were over lict can ye @s OO and be his Sir Or all, Id by tt that ThursJay _ 1 thronghout the tional Thaukss Silko Askatds wa C healta dise. with would and U Jn Sumday last a Mrs. Evans was buried in the Township of Murray, whose weight wzometime before her deith was 475 pounds, Mor coftin was three fect high, and three feet xeven iuches across, and a hole had to be cut botween the front door and the window to get it out. Death was caused b. fat «.o ind the heart . The decossod luly was only 34 years of age, and a large concourse which assembled at her funeral showed the respect in which she was held. Nhe leaves a son who is not y t six years ol l, and was tu ns the seale at 1i3 peunds _ Last year the parents were wifered $2,000 by a travelliog showman for the privilege of patting this boy on exhils botween the 1 it out. . Deat hearst . The of age, an l a at hers funer she was held The Home Rule mecting in Liverpool on Suturday was attended by 20,000 peoâ€" pie, aud Parvell made a strong speech aguinâ€"t the Government and in favour of tae land law reforms which the Home Rule paurty is deman ling for Irclund. Tae Poje is suid to have written to tie Catholic bishops of Ireland,ssking thein to interpuse bet veen the pecple and the Governmwment, und to give assurance that the Fights of tue peope will be respectel. secretor «isto will be Minister 1 is tattesing, ar The wonder i®, o1 and mortar, that It appear that th cal man, and wis save the church qualified peron { 20,000. A great nu raims toâ€"day, but, & to walk uear the pl commission on t e lifice was to e« when completed walls now stand members of the time after, the massiv through the roof, brin portion of the north w wall and the transept : it is probable they wil before rebuildinz. (m was telegraphed for, a noom. _ In reply to som by your corresponcent cause of the disaster w not being tied, and tha owing to their not bein ed the masonry bad, an ly about the inferior n to reduce expenses, the ou*, the cort act for po wl the ins At eRA Ch envering some l-il-hng, they action was n pymitairies Quartz, and Gilson, narrowly escaped being killed, while working on a scaffold at the poinâ€" ting. Whether inferior material was used or rot, there is, no donubt, that there was great carelesne«s in the masonry, as the walls were not bound, and to this is attrributed toâ€"days vatastrophe. _ At seven ~‘ciock this morning, the men went to their work as usual, but disâ€" envering some small stones falling inside tbe‘ building, they decided to break off, and this aigns ol giving way, and this moraiirg the not unexnected result took plac«, when the tower foll in, bringing with it the upper portion of the south wall and the roof as for a* the transept. About one year ago, the maâ€" Konry contract was given to Mesor«, Stock and White, of Waterdown, for $19,000, and this part of the work was completed a short time amee, aul the maney pail over. Mr. James * “’ of Torouto, was the .rehiu-eg and the church committee appointed Mr. William men ement has Lbeen most unfortunate, two accidents having previously taken place in its constructior, . (On the tenth September last a »caffolding fell precipitating five men a disâ€" tance of 40 feet, two ot whom, John Sullivan and John Langon. were killed. One month later, the 23rd October, the three men, Boone. Meral{, inspector, he being considered a good practical man. The church from the comâ€" pl Fali of a Church in Hamilton. By imgg ber The Briti«h wth last 1t uties (From the Mail.) Hamilton, Dec. 1.â€"For three weeks past, e walls of the Bap‘ist church have showed is stated MISCE_LANEOUS. M tun Ai Aa Th rresponclent, he st disaster was due t ed, and that the + eir not being bound ney bad, and had sp : inferior mortar n penses, the commit tract for pomting a t taken too se Madrid, on Saturday by Archduke Remie _ geacrally , observed nited Stites as the m« i Moy a ismm ie â€"hx40B$ W.As s a wif precceced by four car pector was not rintending the xpense of em; the marriage Suturday Mr. Conolly wl be arrived this foreâ€" e queâ€"tions put to him , he stated that the as due to the butresses it the wa‘ls gave way x bound,. He considerâ€" d had spoken frequentâ€" nortar usel. | In order : committee had given inting and reduced his tion of the work. _ The ewhere about 240,000 should the pirt ot the used, the loss to the will amcunt to nearly r of persons visited the t, it is dangerous to is the northâ€"cast gable fall at any moment. l ul re st urslay, while Wm. «l at Frink Smith‘s ar tank which had Petrolia, aod while the tark fit to hold over O@werel by the reman <f the works lifting him out; but, wcame asphyxiated, LnlZ ling ind mouth discase itail wer came crashing s world to paraâ€" ho are troubled urinary . «ryans Victoria Buchu pared expressly : diseases of the t Sir A. T. Galt lian Cabinet as was not a practiâ€" ding the work to of employing a rtant position. Ltb Â¥ Sears.â€"Th American sheep a ane the vealth is wroum illive world to + are trow stood rested for the e baurce Waiâ€" lamp enor masonry ind the ut standin been tive childrer ties, whe The e rems« rdin e Order, iminated ries. The q8 Mac lust, feared a suort proak ladies upper south nly The ut Eggs, fresh ‘ Sheepskins cach.... Potatoes, per bag. SJWMQ *\ vee ceemmeeeeeenee® POUS ..« cscsecrcecerrrreerrerss Barley, ** WOOL DCP ND see ces eee en see en se FIOHE JOF Wil.iscâ€"ycascreccc«s Cabbage per dOZ..............> Turkeys PQF s se eee}+ Geese * keversrrcererers Onions per pushel.......... Cord wood, dry per cord... Butter per M .....0....000.00... EgGS PEF UOZ.ccceceee ces ce }+ MoOUNT FOREST MARKETS, Canfedecrate Office, Dec. 1, 1879. Flour per barrel............... 85 50 to§$6 00 Oatmeal per barrel............ 4 50 to 5 00 Pull Whout......ossssscisicese.. L X% A0 L‘l7 Treadwoell Wheat............... 1 10 to 1 15 Spring Wheat.................... 1 10 to 1 15 BAFICY ........ccciuiessctsniveccccs P BB 60 0 CHMEY sc v ces revescerer verves ceesirc ces T S ty O O0 POKG . .1 reveciohact se corcocpe ce cesc PO OO 60 AF SG Potatoes per bag............... 0 45 to 0 50 IECK . . +« sereveries recereverens veee ME UY U NT Fall Wheat, Sormg Barley Shwep skins Lamb Skins Hides per e EEWY aseecrsert Fall Wheat, per bush ...... Spring Wheat ** Burley, 1 serees Outs, Pous, BET CRED f yeccsrerrcrrcrs EFHS, DOY O%.+cevererkertreee POt2t008, POP DAG....â€"«cee+«+ Turnips, per DUuslk..,..+... ++ HayÂ¥, )K Wikes..seveuscreeetse Sheepskins, each ......... Duiter, ypor lt ............«. Foys, por dok......««. ...« Wood, dry, per cord... WoGl, REL Itcs.. res«â€"sreass Apples, per bag........... Fall Wheat a small amount of slassware being left Dreâ€"sed Hogs, pey 100 lbs Butter, rolls, per ib......«.« ** . Suilt hiE Yyrevvessenenerrs Oats, Barle Flour, per 100 lbs Flour No. #, * * Corn Meat * * Shorts, hidiiiihed bram, o ueA Fall Wheat, per bush...... Spring Wheat, R. Chaff. x# Gilasgow. Edward Cox was hanliag cedar from Charles Masson‘s farm, Eramosa, for the Elora cnrling and skating rick. A number of the school children got on to his waggon for a ride, among them Minnic Hoggan, a girl of ahout 13. At the school house Minnie was ascidentally knocked off the waggon by others while trying to get on, and the hind wheel passed over her head, inflicting dangerous if not fatal injury. At latest recounts she lay at the house of Mr. Lynett in a cvitical condition, and her life was despaired of. This sad mishap should be a w:riing, alike to people in charge of wagzons, and also to children who may feel disposed to cling on to passâ€" ing vehicles far the purpose of getting a ride.â€"Newsâ€"Record. Fort Garry is to be demolished, aud thns one of the most remarkable points of interest in the Northwest will disappear. Around it elusters many historical associaâ€" tions, from its foundation, sbout the beâ€" ginning cf this century, to the murder of Thos. Seott. Nothing can give a betteridea of the progress of Manitona than the removal of this fort, which a very few years ago was regarded as the key to tho‘ Northwest. It is understood in Orangeville that the Dafferin controverted election case has been settled by the resignation of Dr. Barr. The doet r will not be a candidate for reâ€" election. His resignation will be handed in at once. etely empty,only a very few groceries and The delegates of the Great Western Railâ€" way who recently visited America report the fnmplelin‘ of a fuir‘y satisfectory traffic arrangement.wish the Wabash road, and that improved returns are anticipated. Grading was commenced last week near the Palmerston station for the Stratford and Lake Huron Railway. The Arthur Enterprise has passed into the hands of Messrs. E. J. O‘Callaghan and R. J. Marchant. The Welland Canal vi‘ll close for the senson or Fridayâ€"nine days earlier than last year. per ton..... es, per bag per ewt WALKERTON MARKETS. Nov, 28, 1879. OSE ces 204084 core cvie e HHATEAY "I YCr DURHAM â€" MARKETS. Dusuax, Dec. 4. 1879 )er 100 lbs............82 75 to §3 CANADIAN ITEM3. TORONXNTO MARKETS. Toroxto, Dec. 8, 1879. 100 lbs per bushel erectresserce CY O ty ererererczeces *I D0 ho c ccmserencenceoiettnnd §1 24 to 25 to 6 50 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 00 to 0 45 to 4 50 to 4 00 to 1 67 to 36 to . 0 to 0 to 0 00 to 0 CO to 15 to 14 to 0 15 to 0 14 to 0 00 to 0 00 to 1 27 to 14 to 12 to 50 to 18 to 10 to 10 to 50 to 00 to 90 to 50 to 05 to 80 to 05 to 27 to 35 to 45 to 350 to 40 to 00 to 00 to 12 to 60 to 45 to 8 pJ 0 17 0 14 0 oo 0 on 1 00 7 50 1 50 0 60 0 16 0 00 7 20 0 46 0 56 9 00 0 50 5 Ot 0 50 1 10 1 0 1 07 0 20 1 50 18 00 OO 55 57 14 10 O0 16 15 (K 00 50 50 YI‘I!E subscriber has received instrnetions tw sell by Public Auction on Lot 17, 3rd Con., W. G. i., Bentinck, on TUESDAY, Desember 9th, 1879, The following Farm Stock, Implements, &c., viz :â€" 1 span Horses, rising 8 veurs old; 1 Coli, rising 3 JOHN & JAMES SOMMERS, H. MeK \Y, £‘iuqÂ¥IAUIS, sucdenser CREDIT AUCTION SALE The following are the Charaeters:â€" OBIENTAL. I' OT No. 20, Queen Street East, Durâ€" 4 ham. Five cighths of an mcre of land. Rough cast Houseâ€"eight rooms, ludis, wardrobes, stone cellar, cistern, well, &e. Large table. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to Oratorio : Tucsday ard Weduneslay, Doc. 9th aud 1l0th, 1879, It is sard that liis Holmess the Pope has apâ€" pointed the Right Rev. Timothy O‘Mahony, of Cork, coadjutor Bishop of the diocese of Toronto, _ The revereud Father was Bishop of Arnadale, Australia, m 1869. It is said that he comes to this diocese with administrative powers. ’1‘HE Subscriber has a number of val.â€" bie Building and Park Lots situsted in the Toewn of Durham, which he is desfrous to dispose 5, ond & licits a call from those uhhing to purâ€" chese such property, They will be soid cheap ivr ¢.84 down, or part on time. | ‘Terms made eay. WM. . ROMBOUGH. Durham, Dec. 2nd, 1879. h94 House and Lot for Sale or to Rent. M A stock company has beea formed at Wir.+ nipeg with $100,000 capital to build a teli« graph line trom that city to British Columbiz, Certificate as to Parity and EMency. Lasoratory, Usiviarsrry Conu®c®, Toronto, December 4th 1872. (ventlemen, â€"I | a e cxamined the articles employed in the Victoria Chemical Works, in the preparation of the Victoria Syrup of Hypnphnsrhiwl. The _ several Mypophos phites used are chemically pure, and the Syrup is also quite free any impurity. â€" Your Syrup MacRazâ€"In Durhum, on the 22nd ult., the wife of Fiuluy Muckue, Esq., Reeve of Glemelg, of & BrowNâ€" WaALTONâ€" At the residence of the bnide‘s father, in the Towuship of Hope, on the 26th Nov,, by the Iov. Nir. Horton, John Brewn, Esq., Grain deler, Port Hope, to Jonnie, eldest daughter of Thomas Waiton, Esq., formerly of Durham. Kearkyâ€"HAwKEINSâ€"in Mount Forest, by Rev. Mr. Cusâ€"in, Mr. Win. Kemley to Miss Cau.arine Hnwkins, both of the Township of Normunby. This is no empty Loast, bat a fact which al ready has becn proven by thousands of Cana dianFamilies to their entire satisfaction. of Hypophosdhites will undoubtedly prove ; cery valuable medicine. Hexay H.Crort, Professor of Cheanâ€"try, U.C WaLkE2â€"In Glenelg, on Dee. 3rd, the wife of Mr Wru. Waiker, aged 57 vears. The Massey Manufacturing Co., which e« ployed thirty families have closed their pr â€" mises at Newcastle, ty a Company of 60 SINGER®, under the Munaginent of But Bhe price of Wilson‘s Compound syrup of Wild Cherry never changes. A twentyâ€"five cent bottle will cure any ordinary Cough or Cold and give marked relief in oid standing cases of Bronchitis, In hundreds of cases 50 cent Lbottles have cured Coughs and Colds, which have been proof against all other reme. dies, and the propmetors positively claim that a 81 Bottle will ensure a ];\rge family against any danger from Crowp, Whooping Cough, Bronclutis, Catarrh, Loss of Voice, Coughs and Colds, and all kindred discases, for a whole season. To the Victoria Chemical Co. The value of Wheat in the Canadian Market is coutrolled to a great extent by the foreign demand, If crops are short in Russia, France and India, Engiand must buy more Canadian Wheat, snd the price consequently adyances. @ueem, ... .. .. 2. . ... Miss Waay, KB y ul ons e es in OB TANNEY: HHBGH, ... ...( sc cl.s)\... P SAUVSNENS, Leovish,. ... ... .. .. .. MBS. T. Canson, Kegah .. .2 oo lee L% :a ME 3. COuS, Harboush, .."‘... ...â€" ... «.. Mt F.Wasy, Sorib#, ... .. .. ...« Mr.P. Pargusos, Zorish‘s Attendaats, M:ss MatH®Ews and others JEWISIL. No Dry Goods, Millinery, Boots and $Shoes, Groceries Durham., Dee Bi‘l Stuff Cut to Order, All Sizes Of Farm Stock and Implements. LUMBER, SHINGLES, Manufacturers of and Dealers i Mordicad, ... ... High Priest, ... Mordecai‘s Sister, Prophetess, ... Maid of Honor, . TILL be performed in the Town Hal. under the auspices of the Mecharic‘s Insti tute, on : Now Alzortisements. LANYPS FOP SALE. 20u0, .879 The Price of Wheat. C. E. TANNEY. Custom Sawing attended to during Winter Months. _ Fall and Winter Stock Monor, ... .. ... Miss L. R Miss Maggie Wray, Organist. 3. 1879 MARRLED DBEATHS BIRTHS T HOR «. ... _ Mr. WanREx. «_ ... Mr. J, Carson, ... Miss J. Patensos, Miss E. Woopraxp. ... Miss L. Kepsey, MISS F. WALKER, 1 usham i. O *do% Esther. e l A. GORDOXN, .5,.‘ aev, One door north of Parker‘s‘Drug Stere. a9 Durham, Nov. 6 1979, v19 JUST RECEIVED. Repairing promptly done and Warranted. Give me a call. A. GORDON‘S, As I buy for cash I can sell very cheap for Watches, Clocks, Of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings; Go!d, Silver and Plated Chains, Lockets, &e., The Best place in the County _XH stockholders of the Varney C. & B. TA Company uze required to pay Thirty «five per eent. of the Stock held by them to Mr. W. R. \&:t« son, Treasurer of sud Company, within Whirty Days. Was. R. Roxmoven, JAMES ALLAN, President. Becretary. Varney, Nov. 25th, 1879. 493. [N thanking his numerous cast amers for their past fuvors, and soliciting their future ones begs to say that he is now fully propmred to exeâ€" cute any orders that may be entrusted to him with asath>ss and pmmctuality, and at prices the choapâ€" est in the viling, Varney Choose & Butter Factory. Cortificate. . Apply to any of the undersigned trus tees ; if by letter stato salury, Ox Te VeRroe or tH® GrayE®.â€"Such was| the condition of Moses A. Walker, of Derry, N. H., with congestion of the lungs and chonic Catarrh,. _ ‘I‘wo bottles of the (Junsntutiunall Catarrh Remedy entirely restored him to health, and, to use his own words, ‘"built up my whole system," The remedy is for sale by! all Druggiste. \\'nmed for S. 8., No. 10, @enelg, for . 1880, a Female Teacher bolding a Third Class Rehal 1 > pc"t.el'geuin? up clubs wili be supâ€" plied wite specamen «opies of the paper gratis, on »pplicatior. wer«* + Tine Weekuy Goone will be sent free of postage to any Post Ofhce i. Great Britain for $2.20â€"or nine sinllings sterling. w( > e The increasing newessity for great variety of reading matte: in each week‘s issue, so as to inâ€" clude the news from ali sections of the Dominion and meet the varied tastes of its numerous readers, has rendered expedient the enlargement of Tis Werkcy Guog» much beyond even its present large «dimensions. â€" Commencing with the first week of the New Year, therefore, the form ot the paper will be changed trom that of an 80â€"column paper to that of a 96 column paper ; and the length of each page will also be so extended as to give, in all, an increase of reading matter in each weex‘s whect ot nearly 32 columnmg beyond its present size. ®urBea i l\-‘-o «* 4 * « + This vast addition to the ca ty of she ¢ will enable a bili ot fare to bop.pf'en’ented \»'E:{'Ty probably more varicd and interesting than was ever before accomplished in say weekly journal. ‘The literary matter wit! be much increased ; more #pace wili be devoted to Household and social affurs ; and the Agricuitural Department will be rendered mor« efficient than ever before. ‘ Notwithstanding the Jrut entargements and improvemeats to be made, the annual subscripâ€" tion to Ti WeekLY GLoBS will remain as hereâ€" tolOre, Orlly . â€"~ 400 _ ~arne Wl . â€" TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. \ Orce‘s and remittances to be addressed w the w â€"GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, Toronto sent postage free to all paits of Canada and the United States, payable invariably in advance. The "'-I(E;:iil'i}'::isiix-\'n':,"vl‘»’cunt by P.O money order, bank diaft, registered icticr, or by expross at our £47 Al subscriptions sent in between this date and th 1st of January, 1880, witl entitle the subâ€" auriber to receive THB WEEKLY GLOBE ‘rom 1. ¢/ suvscription to 31st December, 1580, W. CHITTICK, CLUB RATES FOR 1880 _ Any one is at liberty to get up a cluo on his own responsibility on o 1 C Uke â€" Each wub paper mey be addressed separately, ad may be tor any Post Office. _ ______ Cutting Specially Attcuded to. Dundalk, Nov, 19th, 1879. A New Stock Glenelg, Nov. 27, 1879. *d03 _ Priceville P..0. THE BEST! THE LARCEST! THE CHEAPEST \9 IN NORTH AMERICA, Â¥2 NEW PRESSES â€"NEW TYPEâ€"INCREASED BPEED iN PUBLICATION. On the 2nd of January, 1880, THE ‘yEEKlY CLOBE wis take another of those upward strides in the march of mprovemeut that have maimâ€" tained it for nearly forty years in its high posiâ€" tion as 10 it fffom +â€"empoee THE LEADING FAMILY NEWSPAPER WEEKLYOCLOBE Merchant Tailor, MAIN STREET, DUNDALK GCREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN 1880 11 Teacher Wanted. and Jewellery, is at NOTICE. OF BRITISH AMERICA, â€"TO BUYâ€" DURHAM. LATH, Now Very Complete. l1 Sizes. Gristing and Chopping attended to at Shortsst Notice. Ne Mccana®r Win. McLeod, $1 90 per copy: % +. dbadiinal 170 o# FLOUR, . McKECHNIE y79 _ Protom, Nov. lith, 1679. LO8T, A Promissary Note, made by George and Wm. Lockhart in favor of the underâ€" aigned, and maturiog on or abuut the 2rd day <f December next. The finder will please return to owner as payment has been stoppod. L. West Km of the first ditision of Lot number twentvâ€"cight, in the lst coneession west of the Garafraxa Rond, ’I‘uwmhi}) of Bontiuck. Theland adjoins the corporation of the Town of Durham. and lies along a good Road, and has all the advanâ€" tages of being close to the Town and low taxes. It is well cleared and in a iood state of culiivation. Will be sold in lots of five Acres ench, or in one parcel. For further particulars apply to W. X. ROMROUGH, Durham, At Cost and Under| : or Mrs. Twos. Buaix, of Glenelz. Nov.6th 1879. All kinds of Goods have advanced considerably already, and a further rise is expected, but having a large Stock on hand, bought before the rise. I intend Selling Now is the For Sale. T\\'ENTY acres of Land for Sale, West part of the first division of Lot 1 Great Bargains‘ FARMERS AND OTHERS Who are arxious to have their Dwelling Houses, Barns and Contents Insured against loss by Fire, can do so at a low rate, and in a reliable Company who pay losses promptly. Applyto JOHN CAMERON, S T OV ES of all Kinds! JOHN CAMERON‘S TEAS ARE GOOD, They are Cheap, They are Excellent Value. Bought before the Advance. Try Them. Finished, and Ready for Delivery : Sleighs, Land Rollers, Gang Ploughs Turnip Cutters, Straw Cutters for Hand, and Straw Cutters for Horse Power; TEAS, TEAS, TEAS! ~â€"_ ATTENTICN ! At the Durham Foundry, Wost 1 Durham, November 6th, 1879. Durham, Nov. 20, 1879. FOR TWO WEEKS At the OLD PRICES! Many lines of Dry Goods will be sold previous to Stock T. Don‘t forget to buy a catty of Tea, 'St a.)nd Under ! a supply of Tobaceo, ar1d a picec of Factory Cotton before any further rise takes place. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, RO2ERT GALLAGHER Intending purchasers will find it to their interest To call and exomine his goods before Purchasing. HAS now received his FALL and Winter Stock. or C. L. GRANT. Everything at Lowest Rates. G R O CE RIE S Always on Hand Cheap and Fresh. Which he will sell CHEAP for CASH. _ HUONTER‘S. to lay in a Supply of Cheap Goods. OATMEAL, & CHOPSTUFF J. H. HKUNTER. A. COCHRANE. of STAPLE and FANCY V nail Pn TooHaedl Wustrccul 4 Â¥ ndebted to the undersigned, either L‘y Note or Boâ€" k account, nre roguested to sott]e th q same on or before the 14th day of Pecember mnext, #s at tiat dato overdue uccounts will be placed in suitfor collection. Whcsi taken at the murket price same as cash. A. that he has removed his Blacksmith business to his old shop, uear Edge Mills, where he will be N’f&.cd to sitend to the wan‘s ‘ his customess. ’l‘HE subscriber bees toinform the pablic JA thathe has removed his Blaswemith bnsina.s NOTI(‘E is hereby given that all parties ndebted to the undersivned aithor Je Naes Durkam, Nov. 6th, 1679, Durham, Nov. 6, 1879 Ageut Western Insurance Co., Durham REMOVAL. Edge Mills. , &C., &c., aking ZEENUS CLARF 190 _ caville.Bentinep.Jus 21st 109. Th eundsrâ€"imed would intimate to thase whase necounts are lony past due tumt unloss a setticenent . in de within tho poxt two m spths the asanunts Lither Sewed or Pegged, On hand and made to measure. Good Work men, liood Materiai and Low Pricea, Ropairing done with neatâ€" 'FIlE subscriber has on hand and for Bale a stock of Leather of different brands in firstâ€"class order, und ut prices as low as it cun be purchused at any other place. Boots and Shoes, Leather, Leather. Shoemaker, No. 5, Garafraxa Street, LOWER TOWN, â€" . DURKHAM The Highest Market Price and Lamp Goods; Machine Oil and Axle Grease, Sugars, TIZ AS, Coffzas, Our Paints, Oils, White Lead and Colore are all that can be desived in quality price as low as auy other house. Madder, specially fine and at bottom price. Toilet articles, Fancy Goods, Trusses Bhoulder Bruces, &c. From 25¢ per gallon. ‘Try our Excelsior Oil, the chenpest in the market. French White Wiue Vinegar. THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner, Jâ€"*Cash for all kinds of Grain. H. PARKER, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST. Flour, Feed & Produce Store, GROCERIES or introduction often ensily effected. Auy person who has made® new distovery or invention, cun ascertuin, free of charge, whether n'p.fltc-n probably be obtined, by writing to UNN & Co. We also serd free our Hund Book about the Putent Laws, Patents, Cnvents, Tradeâ€" Murks, their costs, and how procured, with hints for procuring advances on inventious." Address for the Paper, or concerning Futents. NUNN & Co, 37 Park Mow, New Kork. Branch Office, cor. F. & 7th 8ts., Washinaton, D.© EBm Etm s EoT en )Plum“.. Ili'tmx & (;: um-liriwn M‘Amum ::“ orcign Pavents, have 35 yeurs e + now have the largest establishment in the world. Patents ure obtained on the best torms. A special notice is made in the Melentific Americam of all Inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patonoe. By the imâ€" mense cireulation thus given, public atteniion is directed to l.lu"umriu of the new patent, and sales The Last Call. woal CC GVO» SORIC, Wedica! Ji0gress, Bucial Scienm‘.lh":‘c nn'l'l‘!;kd papers 5y eminent wrive most valy X 0 in all dcpsr\‘«nu of Seience, will be found in t! o Seicutific Aimerican ; Trnxs, $3.00 peryear, £1.00 half year, which inâ€" cludes postage. Discount to Agents. copicn, ten mt-.“gukl by all Novuluhn..‘tnra postal order to NL“(N & Co, Publishers, 37 » Row, New York. PATENTS. *.cqunestic» Iy iDustrated with splondid engras ings, reprosentâ€" ing the newest Inventions and the most receut Adâ€" vincesin the Arts und Bciences; including New ly paid for Hides and Skins. "The Scientific American." railg & s THE Scextrnc Awzzicss is a large The Best Paper! Try It! n de within tho noxt two in 'n"'-;:inm- will be placed in other Laupds for collection . Constantly Arriving at Durham, December 19th 1878, Oils & Paints. Durham, October, 1879. Drugs and Chsmicals. TOBACCOES and CIGARS, BEAUTIFULLY ILLU#IRATED. CROCXKERY! 1E Scientimic Awmwricin is a large Firstâ€"Class Weekly Nowspoper of Rirteen s, printed in the most beantiful style, projuseâ€" Varnishes, Coal Oil, neoss and despatch. BURNET‘S Dye Stuffs. CASH FOR IHIDES. and Pure Spices. MACHINE OIL BURHAM, S3th YEAR, â€"ANDâ€" â€"â€"ANDâ€" II, PARKER, 3. C. IQPP

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