West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 18 Dec 1879, p. 4

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8. The power, skill, and wit, with which u&nr“i- ormen of mind clothé a thing of no moment with interest, beanty, and significance. They shew invention in the conception of the story,skill in the selection and arrangement of their materials in the composition of it, and wit in the treatment of it. Under their touch, a fact glows with humor, a trile becomes a gem of thought, und a fancy is expanded into the expression of risdom. Let us come to examples of such creations and delineations out of little or nothing. (a) A uniqne pictare drawn from certain aspects of life. Life is full of the comic, wnd the droll ; and when viewed with a keen eye to the ludicrous, it may be set forth with graphic, if not with satirical, effect as in the ode written in the spuit of quaint bamorâ€" Three wise old mon were they , wore they, Wheo went to walk on 4 winter day. One curried a club to dig for piclies ; One wore an ulster to keep off prickies ; The third, and he was the wisest one, To kill the mosquitoes, carried a giu, (b) A special aspect of social life. The institution to mangle clothes is to certain parties a place of varied interest, It is a place presided over by a woman of distinetâ€" ive features of character ; it is a pliace of resort to lads and lassies. Catching tho spirit of the whole affair, a poet gives ns a pictorial view of it, enlivened with a fine strain of sympathetic seutiment and enâ€" Lanced by the expressive language of broad Hoo weel dae I inin‘ o‘ the auld mangle wife ; A onnty auld body, that lived a quict life, Wha o‘er a bit crack, or a sociable druw, Could relish a joke wi‘ the best o‘ them a‘. I think that I seo her just neo ‘fore my cen, Wi‘ her bugle trim‘d cap like a gawsie auld quec A flower in the tap, like the last rose o‘ simwmer, ‘The glory an‘ pride 0 the canty auld kimmer, Tho‘ long pust her prime, ‘twas a troat for znc s The senquestish airs that hersel‘ she did gic, When drest up as trig ns a luss o‘ sixteon, JA taming aws at her weary mwauchine. Flirtations an‘ frolics she smiled on them @‘, Serenely an‘ happy when o‘er hor bit draw ; For brawlie she ken‘t that tho bustle an‘ strife Brooht grist tae the mill o‘ the auld mangle wife. (e) The namor of self complacency. The parade of self before others is in most eanses extremely offensive ; but when m, lowed with good nature and genial huamor, it carâ€" ries in it n charm that spellâ€"binds us, beâ€" comes a medium of playfual and racy thought to entertuin us, or serves as a mode of conâ€" veying the sportive sallies of wit tofascinate us. Of all this, we have an instance in the ode familiar to us from our earliest days. krosodhet freaide yo could never gens. +o ‘Tne tythe hour o‘cr a crack un‘ a s Most plouty o‘ Iassos, haith bonnie an braw, "That c.... there at c‘enin‘ their claiths for tu The ds were ayo welcome, the reason is clear, Affinity‘s law waur in mighty force here ; The nds drew the Insses, the lusses drow trade Atween them they kept the auld body in bread Flistations an‘ frolies she smiled on them @‘, "Oh, dear !" cried one, "th. :o wise women I seo ! The only chenres for our lives is to flee !" En they ran till they reached the great Nerth Pol:+ An‘d up the stoacniest way they stote ; Jut Ligh at the top sat a polar bear, W Lich Alled the three wiso mon with dospair, One us~/ his club for a paraciite ; Oue from the stacik of bils gun did shoot ; The third, in the ulster, faiuted away, And there he‘d have lain to this very duy If the three old vomena had ut sppeared, Asd found thesa all more hurt then skeered. Oue funned the ulster into life, Â¥or which he gladly mase her his wif Oue caught the club man on Ler ladd« "Teras hard to tell which felt the madd And whe third, before he had time to i VInere the Toys Come From. ou! of theirlotely land are frequenily snowed up in the chatlets and mountain villages for weeks together in the winter, and employ #he long hours iwcatting out bears from 16 â€" i'.:a:(bmhvood. often with no other ied the sportsman off in her basket, Literary Facetiae. Johun Smith o‘ Fallowfyn6, Can you shoe this horse o‘ mine? You, indood, an‘ that toun, Jist us woel as onyâ€"man, Fit a bit upon the tie Tae gar the pownic clim‘ the brac Pit « bit upon the heel To gar the pownio pace weel, Fuce weel pownio, John Smith o‘ Fallowfyne, Can you drink a pint o° wine Â¥es. Indoed, an‘ that I can, Jist as weel as ony tain, Â¥Fill a bumper tae the Queen ‘va ever true an‘ loval been, Fill another +soe my friond Truth ws‘ friczlship to th Bring forth Joht Yes, indeed, an‘ Jist as weel us 0 Mak! me certain Thon by day or yet by nicht Be it carnest, be it fun, Rhyme an‘ runrods! wham Au‘ whaur‘s t Smith o‘ Faliowfyue, qufuchtthis foc of wmine * * ++ it I un the d tool than a strong knife, making wooden nut crackers, matchâ€"boxes, ‘and the curious little eotteges which slide in and out of well fitted boxes, and are universally bought by travellers as mementoes of happy hghdays among the mountains. YVictoria Wypopborplhitis extends its inâ€" fluence into every part of human orginism, commencing from the fowndation, correcting «iseased action, and restoring vital powers. vreating a healthy formation and purification of the blood, driving out disaase, and leaving nature to perform iss allotted vart. | It is the tinest nervine remedy known, and the greatâ€" est brain and blood foo l in the world, For sale by all dealers, 81 per bottle, â€"1â€"96 The bigzest area of oil lands ever disâ€" posed of in Pennsylvauia at once was the rocent sale of the seven thousand neres eomprised in the Moody tract near Bradâ€" ford to three companies for $105,000, The kidnueys are subject to a variety of dangerous and painful diseases, arising from various causes. By the judicious use of Vistoria Buchn and Uva Ursi hese affections may be gured, â€" Bricht‘s diuscase, diabetes, and all female complaints . are: successfully combat ed by th s popuiar remedy, which is for sale by all dealers, _ Price. $1 per bottle. bâ€"96. A little boy of four was sleeping with his brot‘:er when his mother said: " Why, Tomâ€" my, you are Iying right in the midldle of ! bed ; what will poor Harry do 2" * Well, ma," he replied, * Harry‘s got both sides.‘ The Grey Review Sant to new Subscribers from the To lst Jan. 1881, recelvin 1 Sunscribe at once. 1 _ EDMUND WRAGGE, General Managert This tix;vught was engendered ilead half dollar in change. { Edinburgh has purchased , in the Isle of Wight, as a nee,for £80,000, The mansion the residence of the Duke‘s For $1. »+4 <p ++ present date HARDWARE HARDWARE Just Received at Mowat‘s A LARGE and WELL A Lence tooth Cross cut saws. Axes in great varitiy. Paints, oils, varnishes, glass, putty, &c. Bar Iron, stzel. sleigh shoe steel, spring steei, horse nails, and general Bcksmith‘s Supplies always on hand. CoTTON The record of the los fishermen this season sU and 260 men,. A poxe Trarm wo Surr years of endurance 1 »eriod of aunsyauce i"h\nnlers, of" Manches through it all, writes EMBAE DE AEAEDERIT UEA CA mss co ce eeteiniRhvem through it all, writes : *‘The Constitutional Catarch Remedy has rescued me from insense suffermg and almost the g ave," This medicine is for sale by all Druggists. d ¢ Durhamâ€"Third Puesday in each month Pricevilleâ€"Monday before Durham. H{Anoverâ€"Monday before Durham. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in Ca AAECATIITY Guelphâ€"First Wednesday in each month. Harristonâ€"Friday before the G uelph Fair. Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Elora â€"The day before Guelph. Donglasâ€"Monday befose Elora Fair. > Hamiltonâ€"Cyrstal Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph. Borlinâ€"First Thursday in each month Brampton â€"First Thursday in each month. Listowelâ€"Virst Friday in each month. Fergusâ€"Thursday following Mount Forest. Rosemoutâ€"Fifteconth of Febraary, April, June, August, October and December. Primroso â€"Wednesday _ preceding the OQrangeville Orangevilieâ€"The month. _ beriuâ€"â€"P1iR8t AM0° Brampton â€"First T Listowelâ€"First Pri Fergasâ€"Thursdayf Rosemout â€"Fifteon Pr Ti iro s 0 Fleshorconâ€"Monday hbef Dundalkâ€"Tuesday befor Shelburneâ€"Wednesday | Marsvilleâ€"Second Wed mont‘l. Walkert oaâ€" month. P DURHAM DIRECTORY CaATTLE TIES, ROPE HALTFRS, HAY KNIVES, LOGING CHAIN Mildmay â€" month TRINITY CHURCH. Sabbath sorvices at 11 a. . and 7 p. m. Sand School at 2 p. m. RKev, H.B. Wray, B. A., past Charch Wardens, . J. Middaugh and Elias Ed Nervices evary Sm Sabbath school wt 230 ® Thursday evening it every Monday evening . R. Godirey. Sunday Sorvicesâ€"prencting t 10 t 100 C Cur, School ut 230 p.m.: Preaching At 7 p. i. We evening Scrvicesâ€"Monday evening, youn 1 peopl Erni'er meeting at i p. i. } Wednesday evenu ible class at 8 p. 12« Thursday ovening, rogu prayer moeeting at 8pan. 8. G. REGISTRY OFFICE Thomas Lauder, Registrar; John 4 puty«Registrar, Oilice hours from 10 1 Divimo Service ever p. m. Sabbitiy Schoul very Wednesday eve Thursday evening mt Town Hallâ€"open every y o‘clock. Shares s, in Robertson, Librariin. *A â€"___ post orprick. Office hours from & 4. m. to 7 p. in. Arch. M Kouzio, Postmnasior. o9 Adswelp OSE UE NP AoLiees: Checnemecdeac en i0 0000000 Yollet W. M. H. W. Mockler, Secretury. sSTEPHEN LODGE No. 169 1. 0. 0. E. s Night of incetiug every Monday ut 7:30 o‘clock, in the O.id Feltiows® Mall. V isiting brethzen welcome. T. A. Hartli, N.G. W. 13. Vollot, bec. DURMHAM L. 0. L. No. 632. Night of imocting, Thurs@ay on or bofore u moon in each monti. T. Carson, Bec. Depart, 7:30 a. Arrive, 1000 a South â€" Depart 745 Arrive 1110 North,. Depurt, 11:30 Additional Train On and after MONDAY. 3th May, 18: 8. trams will run as follows:â€"â€" $ ToRoNTo (UXIONX sTATION, at 5:45 ate., avriving at Teeswater at 10:% a.un Returning, leaving Tecswater same day at 11:45 a.m., arriving at Orangeville at 4:4. .m.. there connecting with the evening trainâ€" })ol' Toronto and Owen Sound. On and after MONDAY, 3rd Novertmer 1879, an additional train will be run betwee Orangeville and Teeswater, leaving Orangeville every ~ pURNHAM LODGE No. 306 OF A. F. & A, M, Night of meeting, Tuesday on or before fall mocu each month. \'hicin"; I:r‘ul-'urun welcome. ‘A. Torouto, April 20th, 1879 10RONXTO, GREY, AXD DBRUCE c RATLWAY,. MOXTHLY CATTLE FAIR mot CHANGZ OF TIME. Toronto, Grey, & Brucs Railway. al and HEMP PL PRESBYTERIAN *®BURCH MECHANICS‘ INSTITUTT Second â€"Wednesday in ice evcviv Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 6:30 \ Sehool at 220 p. in. Prayer meeting iduy evening at 7:30, Bible Class every wins at 730. Rev. Wian, Pork, pastor, METHODIST CHURCH Monday before Orangeville. uesday before Orangeville. Wednesday before Orangeville Last â€" Wednesday _ of BAPTIST CHURKC The last Wednesday in Sabbath ut 10 or, Registrar; Jolhn A. Munro, De Oilice hours from 10 a. m. to 4 pau EMP PLOUGH LINES, MANILLA, HEMP and OTHER LOPE All goods at bottom prices ftor cash. Thursduy, and Raturdny No (UXION sTATION nu, 1135 p. imn., 5 ro SurreEr, â€"â€" Twentyâ€"five e with Catarrh is a long e and misery. NMrs. E. J. ‘hester, N., atter going i " " on L1 . m. .. Prayer meeting every wdlock, aud Bible Class at 8 o‘clock. Pastor Lev. id ‘P osses of Gloucester sums up 32 vessels ASSORTED STOCK of HARDWARE For ‘riduy ral fo BEDMUND WRAGGE,. General Manager URCH. g ut 11 a. m.; Sabbatl mrsday in each ) a. no. ud 6:20 pus MADE AXF HANDLES. ning from 7 to L. Abexunder m. Sanday 0 :10 p. ts * 20 p. Aie, JOS. F. MOWAT, each each each each m yik *‘NO ARMISTICHE APPLE PEARERS, NAILS, LOCKS, BoOLTs. HINGES, GRAIN $sCoorsS. _ Shoemaker, | No. 5, Garafraxa Street, ‘LoOWER TOWN, â€" â€" DURHAM ‘The Highest‘.~ Market Price paid for Hides and Skins. â€" War, War‘ THOMAS SMITH, Saddler, Tanner, Lower Town, DUSHAM. With the Cir Custom Sawing Zof Lumber SHIINXGLES, LATH ANP LUMBER JOHN ROBERTSON‘ TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, Roekville Mill«, Rosidenceâ€"Opposite the Canada Presbyâ€" Spring and Summer Fashions regular) received. » Durham, December 19th 1878. Bentinek Fob. 1118 * Any one is at ilberty to get up a cluo on his own responsi oilrty * Eacha.ab paper m:y be addressed separately, aadmay be to: any Post Office. . Kn THE BEST! THE LARCEST! THE CHEAPEST &y â€" IN NORTH AMERICA. 4 Durham, Feb. 14, 1878. WEEKLYCLOBE NEW PRESSESâ€"NEW TYPEâ€"INCREASED SFPEED 1N PUBLICATIOR. THE LEADING FAMILY NEWSPAPER OF BRITISH AMERICA. The iocreasing newessity for great variety of readling matte: in each week‘s issue, so as to inâ€" clade the news from alt sections of the Dominion wnd moet the vared tastes of its numerous readers, has cendered expedient the enlargement of Tix Wurkiy Guose much beyond even its Kraeul. large dimensions. â€" Commencing with the first week of the New Year, therefore, the form ot the paper will bechanged trom that of an 80â€"column paper to that t a 96 column paper : and the lenffll of vach page will also be so extended as to give, in all, an iacrease of reading matter in each weew‘s whect otf nearly 32 cotumns beyond its present On the 2nd of January, 1880, THE 'WY GLQBE wiv take another of those upward strides in the march of mprovement that bave maiâ€" tained it for neamty forty years in its high posiâ€" to This vast addition to the capacity of the paper will enable a bilt of fare to be presented wu-{ly probably mors varicd and interesting than was ever before accomphshed in anx weekly journal. The literary matter wiit be much incteased ; more space wil be devoted to Household and social ailurs ; and the Agricuitural Depaitment will be rendered mor« efficient than ever befose. Notwithstanding mewfwn entargements and improvemeats to be made the annual subscripâ€" tion to Te Warkey Guos® will remain as hereâ€" tofere, oaly TWO DILLARS PER ANNUM. sont postage free to ali paits of Canada and the United States, payable invariably in advance. The CLUB RATES FOR 1880 â€"_Rehali> parties getting up chubs wilr be supâ€" plied wita specamen «opies of the paper gratis, on »pplicatior. Tur Werkiy Guone will be sent free of postage to any Post Office i. Great Britain for 0{”â€"0! nine shrlings sterling. Remit:ances may besent by P.O money order, bank draft, registered ictier, or by exprosy at our Tisk \ Orce‘s and remitiauces to be addressed uo the «y GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, Toranto. ‘ Rar Al: subscriptions sent in between this date and th. 1t uf Janaary, 1880, wil entitle the subâ€" acriber to recerve ®HE WEEKLY GLOBE ‘rom 10:, uf subscription to 3ist December, 18®" Cutting done to Order. WILL BE AS FOLLOWS® : For _4 Copics and up to 10.... .& ho L n S on cPs1 +s3 i“ ve it wl * > 80 222.« e C 66. 00e 40.... 1 94L o++ w .‘0\'91‘....1 on hand and sold at down hill prices CREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN 1880. cat once, wnd cheap, to suit the timos. DPURMAM Sr., DURHAM. AND SIHHXGLES, uler Saw against all kinds Logs during 1878. terian Church TT H B6 J. W the FALL trade CR iy. Hand [A WFOLD, Durham P. O v1 @1 90 per copy 1 10 of Say y1 Mâ€"-â€"f Any person ordering THE DAILY or WEEKLY MAIL between this date and the 1st January, 1880, and guymg one gen.r's subscripti0n, will receive the paper so ordered to the end of 1880. 770000000 cesmm FAYY." TORONTO. DOL LA R % HLDACUPCUUTE CaE 000000 i> Containing valuable iuf« mnation and practical suggestions for the Canslian Farmer, will be presouted to every yourly subscriber to The Weekly Mail, conTENT® : lh'-ll.- for a handsome Country FResidence.â€"Front viow, vide view, porspective view, and two plans. Full s}wv!flcntiulm and descriptions. 8 Engravings. Iwo Pesigns for (‘hfi:p Dwelling Mouses.â€"Front view, plans, soctions, descriptions and plans. PUT N}\U(‘lnl'llu\-uu Em P P _ I Two Pesigns for Cheap Dwelling Mouses.â€"Frout view, D and H}vc‘ Theations. 8 Engravings. Design for Country ¢ burch with dmnri]l'tiun,m-. 1 Engraving. Design for onatry School House. 3 Sngravings, Feneesâ€"Board and Rail Fonces Compared, Seasoning, Systom Post and Rail Fence, Cnttle Fence, Post and Board Founce, Slab I the Fence for the Farm. 34 Kogmu ings. Whentâ€"Soils, Varietios, Propuration of the soil, Rotatation, Fall: Harrowing, Fall Wheat, Spring Wheat, Diseases and Enomics, V PWE ETT TLE ue feain Weelll &c. 15 Engraa 100 PWE PME EP 2. Management of Hedgesâ€" Preparing the soll, Seicouis prtlg, ERTMITEACIIEE R ERRANIN O > lack, Pruning, Laying, &c. 10 Engrayings. Contrivances in BRural Economyâ€"Bag D Aders, Thistle digger, Horse cleaner, Wor Draw ing Posts, Snow Plough, Removing Trees. 10 Engravings. Gnrdes Enscetsâ€"The Onion «ly, the Centipede, Parsuip and Parsley Worm, Flatâ€"backed Cut worns Moth, Htril‘ml Floa Bectle, the Gurdon Flow, Cablage Moth, ('uhhm Aphis, Squash Bug, Squash "oceinelln, Asparagus Beetle, Tomato Worm, Potato Beetle, W’im A Engraving. L e t inp o aad: 19 Encravings. Besides a quantity of other work now being prepared, Gardes Eascetsâ€"The Onion #1, Cut worns Moth, Hrrilwd Floa B Squash Bug, Squash Joceinelln, Engraving. Ast Needieworkâ€"12 Enguy ings All kinds and sizes, Single and Douâ€" f ble, Supporters, &c., at Shoulder Braces for Ladies and Gentlemen, a Large Stock. GREAT PAPER. . School Books of all kinds, of the best quality. â€"LIQUORS for Medicinal purposer, NEWSâ€" STOVES, Stoves, STOVES! Call and see before purchasing elsewhere 7 inch Pipe and Elbows at 7c each! Cash for Hides and Skins. â€" Truck taken as Cash. AGRICULTURAL Mowers, Reapers, Sulky Hay Rakes, Laidlary & Stewart‘s Improved Gang Ploughs,. &c ‘The Subcriber is agent for the sale of the celshrated MOWER manufactured by the TOROXTO REAPER & MOWEKR COMPAXNY. ALSO Note and Book Accounts cqliectel on reasonable terms. OFFICE : At Kiernan & Hughson‘s Store, Lower Town Aarrowing, PWS 7 BUTY TE URus Pralde WaeX The Midge, The Hessian Fly, The Gomin Weevil ETE e B DvinauAll «hi THE Parties in want of these articles, Durhant, August, 21, 1879. Purham, Sept. 18, 1870 COOKING PARLOR BOX from $20 un. from $5 up. from $3 up. Al Sizes and all Prices. Durhams, April 4, 1878. Nlustrated with 140 Engravings, valuable information und 1‘»rm-ticnl susxgestions for the Cansadian to every yourly subscriber to The Weekly Mail WM. JOHNSTON, Jr., TRUSSES! THE WEEKLY M The Canadian Farm KIERNAN & HUGHSON‘S. $1,.00 per annum, the consequent InlMng 0" 7"*"" o akiv.has madé da, The Mail, both Daily snd Week!y. has made I Bpecial Editors have been engaged for the various pense will be spared to muke the wtnlo paper Datere THE MAIL will remain true to the principles it has « intended to muke it, by the aid of such wdditional & 0 EU 75, 27 277 1004 mhanmion of the | â€" Our Murket Reports ovmlata ®éliability. Tho M Telegraphic News, Will be Contisued with Unab Tim other ne Agrisultare in its various U responden >« from Farmers on As wherever they will make the subj value of the letterâ€"press. t'nlu‘lzlâ€"nâ€"'v}:l_h'\fiilfl_\'. "The Manies Acopumes C EME eR Cmm CC reliable in Canad Our Literary Doparini~at will be a leading feature. Stories both short and continued from tho pons of the best autiors, and in many eases iilustrated. The Ladies®‘ Department, under chnn‘v of Lidies of experience, will, we hinve no doabt, prove ain jntoresting and valua ie fexture. Fashions, Household, Culinary Matters, the care of chil.izen, &e., will be included in this department. WWeaith in the Mousebold, under charge of an able medical man, will add to tho value of Whe Weekly Mail. Drugs andâ€" Chemicals. ARCH Defore purchasing Elsewhere dont fail to see our Stock IE WEEKLY United States, or MILLI N E R Y Fancy Dry Gooods. E. & A. DAVIDSON. KIERNAN & HUGHSONS, can afford, even a nore Durhkam, May 15th, 18794 McKENZIE, Agent at Durham {Agent for the sale of all kinds of LA DTE S LN â€" MABL will be sent to any Post.Office in Canad® Of or to any address in E‘n'h'md. Ireland, or Scotland, postage U L io d ce iccccl. ts c ds s cndrntivecs P win true to the principles it has always advocated, and it is it, by the aid of such widditional strongth as aniple eapital n s mrove potent champion of the Couservative cause. All the old Departwents of News, Political Antelligence, and Editorinis th Unabated Vigor. . During 1#80 the following Departments will rocoive special attention:â€" ts various branches. Special prominence being given to corâ€" rmors on Agnicultural Subjects. â€" Hlustrations will be used . TRECT _ Cdummonen the nractionl gâ€"â€"â€"â€"svent asâ€"â€" ) Iingrasines, red, Seasoning, Systom in Splitting, Laying out the Fence. and Board Fonce, Slab Fonce, Conformation of the Ground 8. e soil, Rotatation, Fallowing, Manures, Proparing old soil, Diseases and Enomiecs, Winter Killing, Smut, Rust, Insects, ; Weevil, &c, 15 Lugravings. ied , yrs 17 io and@ o dgcentus Prbtine will find it to their advantage to see our WECTm, m 08 B T s soil, Selecting plunts, caltivation, Underâ€"draning, Cutting f: holders, Thistle digger, Horse cleaner, Wood carrier Trees, 10 Engravings. ipede, Parsuip and Parsley Worm, Flatâ€"backed Contipede, > Gurden Flea, Cabbnge Moth, (‘.uhbut: a’!hh. Cucumber ue HReotle. Tomato Wortm, Potuto Beetle, Wire Worm, _ 34 and cheap, at IMPLEMENTS, t« will be a specialty; we will use every anoRB® TCO Maurket Reports of THE MAIL are noted as the most rimont will be a loading feature. Stories both short ns of the best authors, and in many Cases iilustrated. â€" GCf Cm E. ©#6.00 per annum. »â€"ANDâ€" =â€"~OF... or the "DAILY MAIL" prep We will not be undersold and are selling Annual for 1880, MEDICAL HALL, LOWER TOWN. yâ€"60 HARRIS & Co. for ; we will use every means to seoure THE MAIL are noted as the most Poesm ATTMITTO O 0s dn ammathes in any way increase the practical , good and contains a yast amount of iuu»nv,m,g READINXG The Large and rapidly increasing Cirey. Normandy, Egremont, Proton, Artomesia "Grey Review" Job Department, or oTkk | "aacview" Osprey, Melancthon and other Tow» Is row fitted mp in the very best style, and Possesses great Facilities for doing all Best Mediums for Advertisers Good Family Newspaper Having lately @Grey Review, And with the Greatest Promptitud s can depend upon being satisfhied by lons MOST APPROVED KINDS vhe Townships of Glenelg, Beutine Best Style of the LOCAL AXD FOREIGx 2s COLUMNX PAPER Price $1.25 per Annum, ships makes it one of the yz POsSTAGE FREE. Job Work In the County of Grey should subserile for the, The office is furnished with If not paid in advance. VOITRT. oF THE LATEST Al who want a lation of the pe, parties wishing done in the very y made an addition to out AXD EDITORIALg REPORTS PRINTIXG _ oFMICK ProvriETOP Etc At the ©fice, Garairaxa ® "THE RE BEvery l Thrae i Quarter Mali c« One col Durham, rdinary n 4oaths, and a free of charge sTRAY A 3000830 t o. gix month Do. turee mon Gasaal advertisomen time tor the first usert far eich subsequent waeks for €1 mlar nat Durhitc Momney 40 E roless _ i l{\\l | 6 \\'H VE PERIMARY TERMS BUSINESS 1 C. McF Cabinet The British Hot JJAVING heon_ thor AUFACH J $1.25 1f not J W. CALD Watson Z Carpentors and $72 Smtiv burh: 1 Au° # 6. \aine A1 PToY TTX AI uied MISCELLA Gamaiiva ce Mirect A‘T MeFA MSTI Boot and Frost & I8TERS and REMO ©. 3. 3 AAO Ds B NEY at Law. *) “7 w4X dn MEDIC Yood Tu €1 ou Wan «on t is PUCLE LEGA )1 4. NMa (th l anctly awvia l D\ he v #»

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