West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 8 Jan 1880, p. 2

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New Advertisements this Week. Emmi: Notiee-F. Mat-Bu. Dunno. Che meet and Boswlubn Dougall h Son. loaned. --A terrible accident. resulting in great but of life occurred on the Print of Tur, on tho m December last. On the evening ot tint thy. while the train, going north, on the North Biitish Railway was panning over the bridge won the Frith of Tuy,the whole tum urn-mine of the engine. bag. me tand pusengor can Ill suddenly precipitated into the wet". which " the pita of the Accident is over forty fee! in depth. The lotus of life is urinusly enti- uuml el from 200 to 800, but e no“ In- brmetion on thm point, he: not yet been received. An examination of the bridge ehowed “in twelve men: bed been bodily eur'ml “my. along with the railway trein end thrown into the water. At the time of the “my t m fearful hurricene wee rainy. In A e “ending to some “thunde- at t, e we of 60 to 80 mike In hm". end its course being ”role the line d the bridge.“ 4:.me that the violence of the wind was so - u tooveteome tbe minim. - of the bridge to letenl We"), tttis being unruly inn-need hr the red-ten” ulna-d by e whole tail to the {one of the wind. The Nike some. the Te, we: builtin lmMineeidtobe shout two nilee in length. bunch-mi - bridge in an world. i taunt To '" mos Bar.--The ottawa Wee Pros any“ " u mari tint tho qeliea- tioo fun. about! to band a railway trom the Load nth» Waunim to Port Nelson on In!“ in} In”) numb- in- the Thad. wn Bay Phony. This ooqoeatiem Arya- -tly redis- wh won -sthms in any pun-ling one, that Mr mat in?” li. n owl-main; tha SurthJVau, it) 'o w 30.] bum "'"'"'. UIVJWII nu"! J"'"" I‘muuu. Ja,u..- "m tu. The church i. . ugly of budding the [mo M railway Whyi 1:110 Imp " uni-ll. can?!” m w' you neat tt,,"i'l'2t, md‘whon it is 'ae. but at tbo uuubtnamo- th. The. 0" CW" 3"“de light said to “It in. mud wink very Mitt”. We In 'cve moo-purl ulnno into Ito-mm a! ot "I 1taliaaatmaet, nnd .I tm. ..”- " 3' i. I" i1tttn.ttoet of e ”man to banking ma. and oi a. am...“ ”hi twcnuy My aunt. Fot Ibo oagbow point tee n mud to a tt'tt,t 'ttl You“. no. undor It. ('onpuy'. lupin-d {any “bid; "a so PM! W in, Mr.. '3: ttttttguests:; to to: 'tttT. tt'13.tt1.?e.t TITLEL‘L '52:?" .Wg. -----. Lt: 'e...eeef111t ttt It an Fifa which - W 'lu"dd'l New Cub Bio-Butter t Rae, Kahlua. n: Canyon-l I .emur-C. L. Grant, -0lrAttp-rttodutae' PM 0.9. “Owl-mum for in “an“. Thu diilhemlty of mucus»; “bulimia: of this chum-om: nut-om lowed win-in upon pymtumbo‘inn'mgdlhymh Agsnta for the Grey Review. ....-om. - m. 1'... Nichol. Moqvnt's My. Store. Durban. Alon-dc: Taylor. m. --Mr. Pen-ell the Irish "itator landed lent Friday at New York. Immediately or. his erriml he run presented with en ul- dreu " welcome by the citizene end in replying therapy)“. Parnell clearly stated that while one " the object: of his vieit to this continent in to ruse funds for the re lielufthe summing poor. the other, end ”inep- not lei-e important object in his eetimtiun. in the raising of money for the ”we of carrying forward the Home Rule mutton, end plain; the reletiol of landlord and tenent upon e more equitehle helix than he end " fellow exitetun eon- eiiler to be the one at the present time. --'rue Owen Sound Advertiser IIXOS wroth on account of the indifference nanni- hsml by the County Council " its Decem- ber union, to the queshon of reducing the working expanse: of the Conny Council. by lessening the numb" of in newborn. A: the qmstion u . very important one we hope the "riotttrm, at our Owen Sound Coulomponry will beer bait when the January Hessian come: round. Whatever simplifies and reduces the coal ofour system of government. ,ritltottt nmpairing in "hr. ioncy is dawning of "." consideration, nod an it stems to he gamma on nll undo: that the County Cunncil. as It present can mum-I? ', mulberwnle and expensive in its w--. lung. it may be reason-My expected that mo question of improving the consti- tution of that body would receive the an... eonsidemtiort of its members. Mdui-gthupvingudn-"dlm. with“ “I! _eoaeum,'atttto-"i"iiii"i""iil'r"iii'r'." -an contoqneneo of the imprisonment, by the Sultan of Turkey, of I “whammy in who mu engaged by a Missionary tn Iranians the Scriptures into the Turkic!) Lame, 1hr British minister at Constan- tinorlo bu “upended ullcial relations 'ith an Porto. The result it laid to I. stimulatory to thou argued in Christian work in Turkey. -The health ol IL: Hun. M. hum" hubs.» in a wry pr'eurioua “at. for - time. butit in “tint-curry to learn that the" is now our, likelihood of hip. hing noon tutored to his wanted hum: Ind vigor. -M. Delano)». the tolerated Punch Engineermlm lam lad under comidenlion the building of a enuul 'tttro" the hummus of Puma-a. arrived at Aepinwnll, Consul Amerios, an the la'at day of the you. Be In necv-mp-nied by several pntlemcu who my interested in the prujcct. M. De. Lou-pa says that he in not nuly determin- od but nhlo to build a canal new». the isthmus on the sen lowland; Aspinwtll " a. .ttatern terminus. -w. lave received the Brst number of the Betututife America» for the current you. The iotsrmsl le devoted 'ruiay to chronicling prunes: in the mechanical um. but u well. wives cunnhleruhle Attention to recent discoveries in every department of lethal eelenco. lt page: ere prolnwly Ind el gently iOustrutod, while the paper mod printing are very superior. The 'eimuigte div-nitrate is puhllahed by Mann I Co., New York. THE REVIEW. Durham, January 8, 1880. ”a: well. At Onngovillo connection is obtained with the Toronto Grey & Bruce, at Fergus w.th the Wellington. Grey a Bruce, at Milton With tho Hamilton and North Wesmrn, at Druutio with the Buihlo brunch of the Grand Trunk, at Wood. stock with the Port Dover * Luke Huron Railway and " ' Thomas, when com- pleted to that point, with the Cunni- Southern, u _ Itmted. Thus the line itself and its conncctionl will be of the greatest importance to the city of Toronto. The process ofehctric lighting in the bonds of Mr. Edison of Menlo lurk, is nlowly but surely upproaching Inch tt de. greo of perfection u will plan it Boon within the reach of every body. The cliiel difheulttes hitherto wan-rm provide omit able lamp in the first placer-ml Uoondly. we}: I subnmco u would otrera high re, aisunco to the electric carton. and which " the some time would be 'tnail.' panama. Both these ohjm hove but "timed., TU lump in small. comb: il' w.‘ gm- -iiow lights-id I) ”In.“ H ot on tantalum.“ an. In" no”: u Ithrnrnonredin political abduct“ tun that Sir Leonard Tilky pol-paleont- trodueing I mes-are Arr the Reform at the Civil Service ofthe Dominion. This we will be gratifying» did-nee “the people. “though the ttratt'Smtiem nut be 'sahqtud with distrust, when it ie ”when!” perteneeiottslr the Government d " John A. um In“ degraded the an! Senieeeinee it-td-to-tttmei' bu removed competent otNiak, who week empected of living Liberal eyrnpethiee. on the most flimsy pretax“, no u to mete room for political but: of the Conservative party ; and that introduced into Cumin the vicious Amerieen system of "to the victors belong the spoils." In illustration of this, we need only remind our render: of tue Weights and Menu-u Aet, by which "icient Ind trained men were thaw. end about ofimaompetents pntln theirpheee " no good reason. whatever, but that they Jud been of service to Conservative poli- _ tieians in the recent elections ; and the Act 1 nlutiug to Assignees, which we: of A worse ichumcter still, if that were pastime. But I perhaps conscience but at tart gunned her _ sway, and that Sir John and his collengnet have repented of the evil which they have dune, and are beginning to retrace their i "PI" to a purer and more patriotic “was. i phere. 8. The Elam Branch, from Catamt Junction on the Orangeville Bunch to Elam. a distance of 27 mil... Molina in tUi . total length now eorutrmrted of 166 miles. The Ottawa Correspondent of the Globe says that the proposed measure will provide for all appointments in the Civil Bemce being in future, made, after a competitive examination; that the heads of the Colleges will form the examining Board ; that the nominations of individuals to compete, will be made by senators and members of Parliament on both sides of those Houses ; and that it wall contain stringent pm isione for prohibiting the members of the Civil Service {rem identifying themselvee with politics, or undertaking any business out. side of their public employment. Bo far. so well. But the opportunity to eompete, being made subject to the recommendation oi Members of Parliament will completely nullify any good results which otherwise might Bow from s measure ot this sort. It is the "lanited competitive" clause, which was discarded in England on account of its Vicious effects. and which eIter a short trial in the United States gave place to the old system of 'spoils." The most important object ofany measure to reform the Civil Service is to take the patronage entirely 1out of the bands of the Government of the dnyms’well as to remove it from any sinister intiutruees which might be exercised by members of Parliament and this can only be secured by a competitive system which will be free and open to all who seek to enter the service. The open competitive system was the keystone of the English Civil Service Reform Bill of 1870, which provided that "all appointments which it may be necessary to make after the 81st of August next shall be made he reasons of c "upetitire examinations according to regu- lations, open to all persons of requisite age, health. character and other qualitietstmmr pn- cribed in the said regulations.” and wlneiwurked so great a revolut on for good in the service itself.and in the constituencies as Null. Wh 'n the Canadian measure comes before Parliament, we hope a similar provision will find its proper place in the Bill. Tue Examining Board also, might be imprni ed by substituting the examiners in the Faculty of Arts of the different Colleges " the heads of the Colleges. However, It l. The main line from Toronto to Inger. sol, 1 distance as now laid down to Queen street. of 94 miles, and when extended to the waters of the Buy at the foot of John street, of 96 miles. 2. The Orangeville Brunch, from Streets. ville Junction on the main line to Orange. ville, a distance of M miles. The Credit Valley Railway has new teen completed from Toronto to Ingenoll, Elam and Ortsttgeville, and VII formally opened on the first day of the yen. It traverses the best agricultural district in the Province. and when the remaining section M28 miles from Ingersoll to St. Thvmns is eompleted,hy which connection with the Camd- southern and the Ameri. can railway system is obtained, it will eon. tribute very materially to the commercial trseemhutey of Toronto. The Government engineer, Mr. Slinnly.in hit report, divides the line into three sections c-- is nomewbn premature to criticize the measure until it is formally brought before Purlmnant Ind the country, and when that is done, and ifit turns ottt to be . real ntep in the right direation. the Government, for once, will be entitled to Ill praise. CIVIL SERVICE REFORM. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT. C. V. RAILWAY. of charred amino-aims" been “haunted. The only question not Imagining in on. of it isevident that if they last only for I limited time, that the coat of "phenom“ will be lo and u to -tst tho Electric light coming into general on. Bo-r, dread] one of Edison's lamps bu been burning st Moulo Park for 300 nonnative hours and whatever the result of this new Sam: " Ceronn.-A Soiree was held in the Presbyterian Church. near anfurd P. o. Bentinee, on Tuesday evening the 29th alt. The Church was well filled, and the tee and provisions provided in great imundane» end of the best kind-several very fine three Ind four story ettkeq being presented and cut up. After tee we: our interesting “drone: were delivered by Ben. Mean. MeDinnnid and McFeyden, and Mean. D. McNiehol, Cook, Irvine, Alex. Skene.end J. Townsend. Maseru. 'gteyaoot and Irvine and: gnu I lending. _ An onllen. Choir-en: I number of choice piece- nnddn meeting we: brought to a eloee in o - cried, who! theatjen unless an" the when strips are destroyed [in of experiment my u, the" b no question " to the problem of electric light ing, and in all probability eke-hie heating u well, being solved Within A very short A. Steward, Min M. A. Edge-Delegates to Ihvitu'on--C. Mottttt, James Edge and John Weir. The, Auditors' Report showed the Grange to be in the most satisfactory condition. Business done since last Audit ot nearly ",000,leaving I bslance in hum): of the Treasurer. " Suburban In - for the GREY REVIEW 03-190“! Over an raga-nod!» edlmd 'ltd thrtr manual»... or ton-rd by war- od can bolero the he of Februw. other immune-duo: and: my noun! they have to my coat! to the “an” of more that tho original dam. W. In cal-polled to “to thin nounc. u we In." mm». in con- nection with our but“ that mm be met. Thou manna fl'd,2"tf and over my cot and”: on. now” lam for them. J. rowan, Bonito" Games. - At the regular meeting of the Eeremont Grunge, No. 160, held at the Grange Room, near Dromore, on the 24th alt., the following Miee.imsrers were elected for the ensuing year: Jamel Mathews, Master; Samuel Fleming, Over. seer; Jas. Benton, Secretary; Git. Culvert, Steward ; John Adams.Assistant Steward; J olin Allan, Treasurer; James Isaac,Gnte- keeper; Miss Susannah Stwll, Ceres; Miss Snub Snell, Pomona; Ms, Merton Fergu- son. Flore ; Mini E. Nicholson, Lady Ass. sistant 8iewttrd-Delegtttes, to the Division Grtsrurts--Jttmes Mathews. James Benton and Jan. Plastic, 5r. Guxnw GnaNaE.-ht the annual meet- ing ot Glenelg Grange, No. 664,held on the 24th of December. the following ofBerrrs were elected : Mutter, C. Moffat ', Overseer, J. Weir; Lecturer, G. Binnie ; Steward}. Edge ; Assistant Suwnrd. Wm. Ritchie; Pressman R. Edge ', Secretary, J. Edge ; Chaplain, H. Mosul; ; Gatekeeper, c. Williams ; Ceres.Miss J. Ritchie; Pomum. Miss L. Binnie ; Flora, Mrs. J. Wait ; L. Tn Rev. Mum Purl nad Godfrey ex» changed pulpit: In» Sabbmh evening. Brmm Ballard-y morning I good deal of rain has fallen and lbs sleighing is about used up. The river is very high. Mlcumxcs Ixs'rnm.--A specinl meeting of Directors of the Durham Mechums In Inhale, will be held in the Library, on Fri. day evening. As business at gnu import. moo will be brought before the Board a full ntteudnuco is expected. Mssostc.--At the regular muting of Hanover Lodqe,No. 801, A. F, k A. M. The following oitieers were installed by Worship. full Bro. Landerkin ..--1hwid Meh'iehol, W. M.; J. J. James, S. W. ', J. It. MeGaw, J. W.: T. Boules, See.; c. Scarborogh. Treas.; H. P. Adams, Chaplain; Bro. Chrestie, S. D.; Bro. Wittie, J. D.; Bro. Burma. J. G.; Bro. Mitchell, Tyler. DEATH " 7m: GAOL.-An inquest into the cause of the death at a young man Lum- ed Smith. late of Chicago, whose relutiivea live in the Township of Keppel, was held by Coroner Barnhart on Saturday last, at the County Gaol. The medical evidence showed eonelusively to the Jury that con- sumption, slow and insidious in its progress proved the immediate cause ofhis death. The unfortunate deceased had only been an inmate of the prison for a few weeks- Owen Sound Advertiser. EsLAeano.-rt is With great pleasure we observe that the Weekly Guelph Mercury is showing unquestionable evidence of in- creasing proaperity. It has been recently enlarged by adding a column to each page, besides lengthening the pages. It has al- weye been exceedingly well got up, both as regards matter and printing, and the recent enlargement places it nmong the first.elaas weeklies in the Province. Tn Mzrsrrso.--Hiutover, C. M., Ten Meeting on Christmas night was unplendid mm. The church wu crowded. 095 wt: received at the door. The choir and band did weir pm: well. Then war a has: of openkus. and u . whole an speak. ing WI! good. Tan Ontario Leglslutnu met yesterday, for the purpose of electing a Speaker, and the formal opening of the Home Inke- place to day, when the opnzb from Iba Throne will be read. J. H. 11mm, Esq.. M. P. P., left yesterday, so as to In present at the opening of 'he Assembly. . Tun Bums! crrmum.-Thg Rev. Mr. Dunlop on. been chosen pmtor of the Dar. ham Baptist. He has preached in she church during the last three SabbLths and has been favored with large audiences The Rev. Mr. McFayden, Baptist Minis. ter tor North Bentinck and North Gleuelg, has taken up his resideuce in Durham. Bauer" Omce, Durham} January tr, mo. . I. Inherits" I. Am." One In! all Oven Local and other Items. Theta" Notice. Armamrm-g. Houmu,the well known hudwu'e march!“ in Guelph, he: mule tn ”simmer“ in insolvency. Hie liabili- ties no“ to "out 050.000, of which 023, “mm directed be principel medium The election of Municipal Councillor: is out with the' and result of “auction to who Ind disappointment to mtut-tho "appointment being nil the more poig- nantin the use oi thou defend and» date. who we" actuated in their appoi- tion to tried Ind {tithful public whammy ‘a putty umbilio- or no” more unworthy motive. la MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Mr. B. T. Kiddo”). lam end Mr. G. McKechnie, Reeve, was elected by Icela- metiou. The acute" for the oftitte of councillors wee very keen if we are to judge by we number of candidates who oftered in the "veral verb. The result ___.-44 -o. - ----_ Tu Murine " was Mernomsr Cnuucu. Ih;rurMt.---On the evening of New Year's Day, is very successful Tea meeting was held in the Methodist Church in this Town. The church was tastefully decorat- ed with evergreens and scarlet cloth. At an early hour the church was well filled, and the ten and eatables,whielt were plenti- fully provided, handed round, after which Ber. Mt, Wilson, of Hanover, offered up prayer. Mr. Huston, of Egremont, was appointed chairman, and gave a humorous address, and by his witty remarks, tended to keep the audience in s very good humor. Interesting addresses were also given by the Revs. Messrs. Irvine, Wilson and God. frey. The Choir gave 5 number of choice pieces In a. pleasing trimmer. Mr. Arm. strong gave a reading very nicely. Miss J Putte'son, of Durum, sung several solos, which were well received. Miss Wilson, of Toronto, sang a number of pieces, (one of which, “The Death of Hemlock." will be found in another column.) and was loudly applauded and received an encore. Miss Lizzy Godfrey, accompanied by little Kate, took the audience by surprise, by singing two pieces very nicely, and was rsptumusly spplsuded. The Tos meeting wss the most successful one held for some time in this Church. The receipts unscented to $69.10. Votu'of thanks were given to Miles Part. terson sud Wilson. A few unruly indi- viduols indulged in throwing oaks, Hound, s pnetieo which is frowned down in any respectable stunting. sad is 'sertairtlr dia. creditoble to on, one indulging in the habit, but ”duly so in s church. _ no in Enghnd In] Montreal. 3-W- Canada and“ cont-in- . notieo convening Parliament for the da- pud: of basing: on the Nth of February. utuxcmox. New: Wm. Airtb. Deputy, William August. Countftllrmr-s. Corbet, George Bailley, Simon Jelly. w. W. iirdr.-.............-.. 11 Hugh Bose r..........-................ 10 In looking 'n'er Ibis list, we "grab to observe that noun ed the most useful mem- bers of the late council have been defeated, and deietsted without A reason. la Anrxxnsu. Reeve, Christos Councillors, Elliot, Pedlar, Wright and McLeod. owns BOUND, Mayor, Dr. Bur-hut. Reeve, W. A. McClenn. Deputy Reeve. John Fox. coar.eillortr--Ray ll ard. Harrison. Ander. son, Griffith; Centre Ward, Smith, Dows. ley. Rowland; River Mud, Kennedy, Heath and Spencer. Our Markdnle friend: will be Iadly dis. appointed at this result. It is said that at the nomination they tried to secure the return of no less then three Markdale rep- resentativesr,nr rather avowed sympathizers. in the Council. and no doubt worked hard for the attainment of that object, but like, the dog in the fable, they endeavored to secure too much and lost all. However they may rest assured that the Council as now constituted will deal out even handed justice to all sections of the Township. P.0RENONY. Reeve. J amen Murdoch by tteelamation. Dep. Reeve. Wm. Lawrence, 814; N. McIntyre, 173. unmet. Mr. McNicbnl V"! are gin] to observe is re.Aceted 1s Reeve by the lama majority of IM. The poll stood thus;- Reeve, Koenig; In 2nd Deputy, Winkler; and Fisher. For tho Dep. Reeveship. Messenger. ht Deputy, 808; McCullnm, Md Deputy, wr; Dickson, 290; Cooke, 258. Pep. Beeve, Davis, 207 ; Balm, 138. Mr. A. Butter alter the nominations were closed, discovered that he could not quali. fy, and gave notice that he did not wish 1135 friends to rote for him, but his nuns had to when! on the ballot. councillors, John A. MaeMillun, 168; Patrick Neal, IO'?,; Geo. Binney, 166; Wm. Glencmss, 188; N. Dunsmoor, 129; John McDonald. 117 ; James Lauder, 92. For me Reevesmp. McNichol, 390; Irwin,286, For Councillors. Reid, 281 ', Willis, 228; Fursrutsn, 211 ; Sumpton, 141. GLENELO. The Reeve, Mr. MncRao was elected by txeeltumttion. The poliing for Deputy Reeve Ind Cotmeiliorrr resuhed thus P- Councillors, D. Methrramek, 221 l J. Dawson, 212: J, Allen, 184; James Paul, 156; Wm. Caulfield, 146; N. McKenzie, 118; J. Miller, 101 ; N. McArthur, M. HOBIANBY. John Robertson [ W. Boulders ....... June: Burnett... Mt. McFulane J. M. Hunter .u‘ John B. Thmm-...--..-. Walter Taeker..--.--.. Robert Bull, (elected).................. Richard Home........................... Owen Gaynor J. A Johnston........................... A. C. McKenzie ....... 3911!! Siory............. u...-...u....-.n..u..~u. ww" WARD. “HT WARD. -.......-_ .nuauuuuunuu. ,... w............-.-. o..........-..-- WARD; Deputy, Blythe; Councillors, Ball " 18 17 " 11 The concert announced by the Free- muom of Durham, ulna " in the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 80th December, m3 in newt-dance with the Iron ambushed Mpntntion of unblock!” of the "htrstie tic," everything W tro8tea up in tho my boot style. Tho Commas of mung.- ment had the halt not. beautifully deco- tastefully my“. Before the how futile commence"!!! of the concert n highly cpprecietive endi- encc bad use-bled. Tue following is the 1natrumerPa1.--Piatto III 'iolin.- umu. Konold ma Colic". , Bong-'Has" Ind Doubt-Mil Dachau. Bolo Ind Chorua--Woor 0H Tnmp' (Thomson)--'. Canon, Misu- Wny and Wmen. Bong-'Lwo my on To-mmv' (Berg)-Mitus Anna Hunter. Instrumenul - Pitno .-..em1tn Kappa Epsilon Gm‘ March' (ptr-ry-Mitra" Jones. fsong--'Boekm1 in the Omit of the Detrp'--Miw hawk Paterson. A Irwin, of Erin village, '1: Seaway“! by in than: eight o'clock Monday new. No immune Hon about "WOO. It is sup- poud tue building an act on an. The new St. George's Church at Owen Sound will out 011.058. sins,, - ’Bumey don't Fume" - Buck-n. PART It. Instrumental - Piano - ‘Snnl Emmi Gnlop" (Anchor, Op. 8t)--Misses Jones, Sohgé'Ohe manna: oh so 1ilarly'(af? --Misa Bncuun. thx KILLED BY A Fauna T-.-- On Tuesday Meander Caro“; farmer Ott' the 12th eonceseion of Gnnfrue, near Menville, In: chopping in the woods, when the tree fell in . different direction to whet. he expected. Mr. Ctr-roll got under I lying tree for may, but the one he bed been chopping fell upon it, breaking it through, end crushing him in such a. stunner tint he died in I few minutes m we: "out " yam of Me, and leaves e wife end (an. ily to mourn their sudden and unlocked for Mretrvemeut.-9ursrs" New: Record. Fm AT Btuasmo.--The steam - mill " Hakim"; WI?! to Mr. Samuel Solo trnd Ctsor-Dtittfrm with the Mde' truompsony-3tisses Wray, J. Car. son and J. Warren. song--'The Bridget-ati" J. Paterson. Bong--U've only been down to the Glab' --w. Buehan. The scholars of Priceville school present- ed their teacher. Mr. Kennedy, with an autograph album and a photograph album and several other smallpresents as a token of the esteem in which he is held by the scholars and the following address, after which the teacher replied in an appropriate manner F-. To Mr. Neil Kennedy, Principal of the School in Prieetrille. Dun Tttacmm,--We the pupils of your school take this opportunity now on the eve of your departure from amongst us of expressing to you the high appreciation of your labours for the advancement of our education and the mutual friendship, good will and harmony that have existed between us during the past two years which have made your instructions and our duties so pleasant and profitable, and as a token of warm friendship, we all feel towards you. We wish you to accept this small present with the compliments of the season and assure you of our best wishes for your happiness and prosperity. We deep- ly regret the necessity of saying farewell when we think of the pleasant associations during the past two years.snd the yearning of our saddened hearts. Heaven's pitying angels knows our worst wish for you is that we may all meet together in a bright- en and more glorious world where sorrow never lives and friendship never dies. Presented on behalf of the School by Aux. MoDottaut, Men NICHOL, has an". Instrum sntni--Violir, and IGno-hGssm. collett and Ronald. fkmr--'Dare I Tell' (Wimmertrtedt)-- Miss Amm Hunter; Messrs, Calla. and Ronald played several pieces in their tun-l style. The Misses Jones played a beautiful due“ an the Mano i) such an excellent manner that it was disappointing that they did not appear again in the second part of the pro- gramme. The Comic Song by Mr. Carson with the chorus by Misses Wray and J. Warren, were well received. Miss Dachau of Walkerton who had kindly consented to usist, sang two songs (playing her own Be. compsnimeut) in I manner that should have called forth encores from the audi- ence. Mr. Walter Buchau sang two new songs in his ususl hsnpy manner. Miss Jeannie Paterson, who 'wss down for two songs was compelled to sppesr n second time after each. And Miss Anna Hunter of Kincaniine, who was on the programme for two songs, was listened to with wrspt attention and had to appear I second time after each song being most enthusiastically moored. This young lady, possesses rare musical talentn, and renders her pieces with grant effect, her voice being powerful and at the some time sweet and clear, taking the deepest note with ease and the very highest as clearly as a flute. Seldom if ever, have the people otDarltiuuli,tetted to such music and our sincere wish is, After the concert those who remained for the memhly were provided with re- freshments in the lower Hall, and using done amplejustiee to the oysters ete., which were provided, the petty returned to the concert room which bad in the meantime been cleared of seats and the floor wellwnxed. Dancing was kept up tilluhout2 o’clock. _ That o'er long. thin Queen of Son. May return to gave us another opportunity of listening to her enchanting strains. The concert ended by the company sing. ing ‘Gud Save the queen', Miss Buchnn leading. . Presentation at Pviceville. Irreermaaoruf Concert- picture. Bns1 bunting V" PART r. Aam-r.-ahe main-my tst the C. M. Siphon: {School v“ hold " and on the In! -uttr in tho New you. The mandam- km and 0.“qu good. We think node a put improvement on fruit coke and other "on neck. After due attention had In» paid to the enable: the Manon w“ exiled to order. The ' as. tho opening pine, entitled. ”Coming shaky caning." one! which the Bow. Mr. Butytls M h peer, when the Bour-"Ring the all! Betu"-br School. Beestatiort--"Be in ti-rt-Walter hitch. bmg-"6ottgs of m.ven"9ettool. loci. tatioo--"Dont trot"--'. Sullivan. Song- “We at link Muller-"Mt dun. tueitatiou--"rlte Iona “AW-Netti. Cluk. Bong -"Crstur up 03.. inputs" - School. tte-un-Ou. You“ Mom" -Mnggie Clayton. Diosgne-"sku1kimt" -addi. L'ichudson. P. “Diva, W. bitch, and J. W. Arm-tong. Bong-- $wa Bau"-.-sahook Dai---""" Bditor"--A. G. Campbell, Joe. Club, And Master hitch. soag--"Rod :Whiu msd Blui'--Jalin Piekcll, May Dam, on! Lizzie Blelunlwu. isong-"thrrmttlurte to As"-iftust Clan. Beeitagio-"Love one ( Another" - Mabel Club. thrnte"u'ir' and the Lettle streersr."--aa'saie Richard- Ion, Mo Spunk, and Annie Richudson. 'ateeitation---"Big storr"--ahrry F. Legard, and Alice J. Lean-d. somt--"ruttredgs" -Sclwol. Ihilogue---"New Books"-F. Leiteh, Jon. Clark, W. Clayton, Ind James Clark. Report reod by J. W. Aamstroug. Treasurer, showing I sueeessful yen. Sung - "Memories of (artue"-- School. Addresr-"On Sabbath School Work"--- Rev. W. H, Hidden. Beeitatio-"Otth, a Boy"-iister Benton. thrng--"iGlly 530mm tue Bible"-Miehooh Address by 'utev. W. Smyth. suitable to the occasion. 't"sorut--"0ne More Hsmn"-fulrooi. After [ which tho Rev. W. II. Madden,“ Eugenio. 1 pruuoumyedthe Iksrtrdie8iou; closing I very ‘successful Anniversary service. ProeeoO lubout $70. We wish the school success. Aroma Flu " Bow Pm Farar.- Brantford, Dee. M.--A large frame Urn on Bow Perk Farm, fitted up utter the lute in for I stable, wit bully destroyed by tire abort 1.15 this morning. Fourteen horns and their lumen. About Moo bash- " of oak and some by were burned. One of the hon.- burnod was imported, a very "1mm. tugimai. Loss on the build. ing, about “.500 Floss on bones, 11mm, oata nnd hay. Iboqt M,000. Insunnce who". Cut. of in unknown. Tho Dario Ewe! my: two that; was fired " the royal curring". an mound pun- ing quite clone to the Queen's (we. The weapon mud was I doubie.urrelled pistol. Attempt to Assassmate the King of Spain. Mum"), Dee. 80.--he the King and Queen were driving through , gate of the Boyd Palace this evening I young men, dressed u I workmen. tired a shot from n revolver at the toy-l eel-ridge, but hil aim In bed and nobody we. ban. The bell bu time been found, end weighs an ounce. It pulled elm to the head of one ofthe n y. Al bonnet). The King wu driving " the time. The wottld.be-trin wuimmed- tBteiy "rested. He confused that his ulna is Gouda. He in I waiter, and a naive of Gnlica. Eraacrtott.-Our Municipal Election is over. we have had more stir than usual. The council Meet u follown '-Bmsver, Dr Christan 85 majority; Councilmen, Wad No. l, U. McLeod, Ward No. 2, A, Ellie“, Ward No. 8, Tharp Wright, Ward No. 4, Samuel Pedlar ; all were members of the old council. except Mr. McLeod. - Arum-ion": SCIOLAII. Mr. Ritchie. in his very facing reply, thanked his scholar: in his own tad Mrs. Ritchie's nume, for their bountiful and "la-Mo gift, expressed his sorrow at ' ing them, and assured them he would al. ways look buck on the four yen-s spent nmong them In the happiest of his life.und ended by ulvising them nlwnys to "do right," naming them that only in this 115' would they be pronporouu and lumpy. Tn M-o.--" Ten Meeting held in tbe Orange Hill. nexu- the St Man. on Monday evening, the 29th inst., was well attended. Mr. H. Meldrum was called to the eluir. After the entables were dispen- sed with, a good progumme Ins rendered, cumming of songs. recitntwnl. speeches. and dialogues. Proceeds than $22 for Union Sublyuh School. Dun TEACHEB.-We are very sorry that this is the last day we sre to spend in school with you and that we are now to part after having been together so long; but although soon to be separated by distance, we shall always remember with pleasure the many pleasant hours of useful instruction we have had with you. We hope the change may be for your benefit and wish you all success in your new situation. We present this to you and Mrs. Ritchie as a smell token of our regard and regret at parting from you ; knowing that you will value it not for its nominal worth, but for its real value as the Word of God. That the blessing which maketh rich and addeth no sorrow may be yours, and that both you and your worthy lady may enjoy health, happiness and prosperity are the sincere and hurtJelt wishesd your " _, Asswsataatrr.-TlMs anniversary of the Prethyteriaa Sabbath School. Flanllerton. mhdd on Christmas evening. The ul- uuhlu lama. Enables and programme "O 51703. Net proceed: some when atom Mo. May the school prewar. BcmyoL.-Mutuew Bitlmrdson was " elected " Trustee for our Village eclsool We wish our new teacher emcee. On the 23rd ult., the scholars uf U. S. S. No. 2, Beutinek, presented their anchor, Mr. John Ritchie, on the occasion of his Ion-Eng them, with an address And a very handsome Family Bible. The ceremwy of presentation Wtttt very many perfnnued by Mr. In. Anderson and Miss Kelman, two of Mr. Ritchie's scholars, in the name of all the others. The Iddreu read as follows _ Presentation and Address. Gould ninth “In. Hall, on Dee.. 28nd, 1879. "tire “u a tha Remy” All the when M Minute: u last looting and and contend. “and by Mr. Davin. seconded Ly Mr. Neil, That the about: due to we hung“) thrrtiot" of this Township he Mud. tsud union issued on the Tau-mud tot Utut Mr- Order: on the M! were insuul in pnyunut of work on Null and budge. u tuiio-.-WagrlNo. 1'01““; IN am tio. s, 0161.00 . Wad No K 0125.26, and Want No. d, M30: paid. via. ..--Bo-it t Houkuoti,tos m ' don blank. “.00; W. It. Bumbag)“ lor WWII“ a“ ttV, J. Brown. tor lluslng(.' Monet}, to" ”.50; “no Euler. u-pun - in; mud act-per. it. and T. Davis, tur clothing " L “c0015. "d$0.--Carncd. Moved by Mi. Hellman. seconded ly Mr.thsit.Tuat John “who be pm 'los, " mending mad "rmpesr.--Lhutsed. loved by Mr. MCMLUMU, becuudrdl.y w. Noile Thu John b'ogerty be INN w " tuiuttg 3nd leveling the “any of the elm] " “a Town Baii.-Carried. Moved by Mr. IHxisr uoouded by Mr. Dammit. That an tailomug uocounh bu Moved by Mr. Davie, seconded by Mr. “OW That the colleen» for Ward yr,. I, be mama to Feed" .34 " payment in full chase. “that W. l at Lots 51 um] " Con. 8, E. G. B.," were is an ”my m the a-ment'.--'". Moved. by Mr. Soil. seconded by Mr. McMillan That Widow Tuuhy, I, " 17. Con. 8, be up! from has for Inn... Curried. Mora“), I. Dtmsmoor, seeorulcd Irv Mr. Duh, 1mm. collector for Ward C, 4,beiaMrueedoo nah-o "aus payment in full 01‘qu " WN, -iest w 11m, but of Lot u, Con. s, E. G. It. hm. Widow Smith be exempt trom taxes In“ i g of Lot 80, Con. I. E. G. It., and 13m. Widow PIN be Owl“: from lam-a uh I 't No. I, Con. Ia-carried. A (an! "eident oqtrtmed at Elwyn. m W'ymm'": Dee. M, VIA“? the 1. "’1 WON "NPR tho round home on w t n “- yuur. Briiqsar. Wink the ttents “I " L9- in and one a! In. ”I, “nun: Wei" tt.h..thrAooer.ot W. on tbe 1.4m]. hum. bin ind-Ml . In due-mi wtt6 a“ of #r, "'9. Emmy. who in" um Man in rut-5' ii.-" " The Bun Inning left the chair, n u u moved by Mr. Davis. locondml l, y M r Dun-moon’l‘hat the thanks of an. C nturnl be 110' mandated to the Reeve " tlu, v: 1y talcum 1nd courteou- manner in u Emu 1m ha (“new “I. Iain of his oflith. d lr. ing than", which In: now drawn t I a 'tiosar.--4uertod unsuimouuly. Hon. Mr. PM“! med collunmm eation with min. on“ in England and in amazing» ml, the Elgll‘h mum! with propl and can: Dunn; timber. Tm will npen up . lug. him to this mm- try which My ‘- applied by Nor- vly Ind Sudan. On Fm W "cm. I lad alrntit unwwwymoln'livi-gm Seaf nth, wtsik “who: to m I outrxdge tnt " "vo1vet, hold “I. maul. man“ In: aw damn sad but“ th. "triage mm In old BU, 'hon it oxplodnd, pausing: nonr- ly through his holy. The doetonshave very mu. bop“ of his noon-7. Moved by Mr. “mm. seconded h Mr. Neil, That "mes Cameron be (Mum! from hues on Lots " aml 42. Con. l, y, D. It., on nccount of dentin: and slam-n n. his family " an Ind» “no yetur.-Car. There is ttmat excitement in Madnc J :4 new. One former tms a?“ his farm n! .50 narc- neu'where the [on was found hr 0%,000. The barn belonging!» George hum J. third Caucasian ofMarytroroqh.nr" em:- mnu-d by in, “other with its mum-nu. inat Flick, m Th0 toe, which is hut v, it count! by hum. Moved " Mr. Davis, wounded by Mu: Neil, That. the ’ul'uwmg nuumntl be raw}. to members of thin Couucil Gr letting um} inspecting work on road; :-.Mr. Neil. 52-1: Hr. McMillan. "r, Mr. Davis. 016 ; M t Dunstuoorr06e and that the Breve, Hut; and Trenswver be paid " and: fur pry-um. connected with Rah-3y Dlentares.--Car, lied. The thank: ofthe Council were tenderol the building Commit-e " theable mum. ' in which they oumpkl-d “IOTUWD Hth and the buildings connected there-wail. Council mourned to main n the T m lull, d H o'clock in the forenoml, nu the third Monday gn (“nu-x, out. Montreal “Manon 3n making ammun- Inenh to "coin Mr. Parnell. Attortte_mt Walker, of Manitoba - lost hi! life in a no.“ storm. A safe um blown open with nitroglyorr- ine at Omemoem “my night, mu pa- per- valued " "Moo carried of by m burglars. Th6 'sonditioet of the Agricultural and Arts Association in very not-ions. They l «l "(.000 on the Domingo! Inhibition at (rt. “in. and this leave. ch. MIN» It in “and an authority that the ty w Nrlintnent building. In the Queen's I‘m k Tom”: will not “and "50,000, and n will probably not out not. than 600,01 m Moved by Mr. Duh, made] by Mr. Duusmoor, That an otder be ism-med In ("our of Robert BW, " "ru, lulu: mount due on column of “a Town Halli -€nniod. Home by Mr. Darin, month-d 1.;- Mr Dunsmour. That the following damn Lu paid "..-curuq Mum“; for inupvclim: an} drawing plum and sp.eitieui ms foe the Town Hull. ta, I”; T. HMris. mung up stove and pipes. and J. Edge, J’nrumn 21h" -Cnrried. Moved by Mr. McMillan. wounded by Mr. Neil, Thu the ”locum-s of Juror, bu [mid " e.eu.--itud. Then on now two handled Protrstaut schools open in Manitoba. Moved by “r, Didi, much] luy M Dominion!» TUt the Clerk be paid 510 1 tutoring school human the Colieetor's It [ for " "etioun.--Cnrried. CANADIAN ITEMS. ‘Ob- rt Damion, Doc. 29.- A d: dee -aerta that thr mm by the Tny Bridge dit- 90. This is prulmlnly In an bodie- hnve been "my London. D...2tt.-mae. the bridge di-tee, that feeling of haunt whirl. crummy 'daall have 'ad"" uvm i-itiot: int” accident will he downinh and nothing that ot a l will In tempted. Tan 3 Inigo hunted-ed wan “(MM limiting to do , which Ind M tHoo the broken Won. The tion in stitch. and the in he ”with; in“. Union Doc. ".--The ties an. ounce the t " A tele- hom " only.“ ”Henge? tieAet, the II! 'mt",', hem! ”count fort ',u'l'lli,t ' wailing” tttcg or a: 2t"'lSJU,t Men tt this mm is correct, u icon My our estiml‘c m tn. The Frith of Tuy In mm "t the n "tutm'ers " Satan“. Thr run-r In] it is supplied in formed by the jun4 two acre-nu. one Bowing {mm IA Ind the other from near the I’m Argyle. From the meetutg of thq mm: “I. that Thy [turn-u. a u on". and cod nub put Mara-Id; b4d, and M. Gaining the l " Preth I!“ I [In of Forfunhl mums tint humans . mm. ori rim to th-at of three mild “bind” mi Pom. on tht Cll‘l'll; (run of a "mod Iwu' whom. it in belse, from Edinburgh MM. " the t -eratl largo nu the can“! and that. which I\'I'l depth. The Inuit el, tnrvo gin-dot" Edinburgh w in night. 1 ll M of fare lu-eum on mil damn that a nun-Inn ten-h the - of the di mail bars have been w tttttes from the bridge. the train is in the Voter who are mainly all in ed " I50 to also. Larett. --The pie I mmewlmt. the Provost number of loading cili “mound” tt6NMe, h turned. The excitemvl 'tation in 'qmattimt. h I"r', A Frightml Dimtor land. Iowans. can)“ the while 5 am VI: mum Inch-Mod by tunic in 'T-so: itat-thast “ho-nul- in Mfr-m hm. Ital-animal”; Inn-cool ”nowumuhmc Kelli-sh. Muenmhudnyo-ow MmdLMM-mh ”mun-Mnulmnmn ”MWIulmlu-chuwu “me dove-putat- they“: bur-PH Prr"a'ortea"Huom laughter-nub. uuuuhm~ “mm-m4 hmnmucw: Aas"or-ttrt. “to wont-Im- nu munq “on hhhoo-ammelmu v.1 "ortta-tro-trt-otae._ 'uluuo-Jr. Yohwhm.mrmmol W and an N. con-m and ”(WWII-mouth. OIII In“ - to- up In a mei-ep-ttuni-r. Think-“hummu- Mowhubmmom "osur-tatta.tece,no. plum: "t-tta.trmir.-a.u,.iua,s Yo Wu that mourn him, do imp In” anyu- lu-mo III Inv“ t qe, The .'-6oe% ruin-m. The mising Danica " Mailman Midge. then a: tl " hr tl In N:- to warm: 1504a- AI " an“ And-gran Velma-“mun n then can W. i -a. landm- idea: 1 ttatt Fame.- pita of th: from Dum In?" Filth of TUy .. II from Mum: K Ind night. Th Dee. an w" nail-h th, rec-led POETRY M but L in! wall luv! m " m. flu Apart M " "Hf fr

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