he Editor of the U leving you will iavour use with 8 small e in your columns, I write a few lines he bensfit of the readers of the Review give a little infortmatior about this » taiked of Manitoba. I think I any much astray when I state that the iGh pÂ¥ ntain back of hi leving y ry # the 1 Tone hy 10 Coam ad a had TOM}, Manitoba. Ȣ question. In y o vory ten cases, these eports start from pe & +®0 ©cners, ainl, L1OFE OK l1 in the house. The tather 10 that it is feared is reason rlo are falsely prejudiced vinco of . Munitoba, They ess against this conntry, & repeated through differ. ; so inlarged by cach one > the statement, that it be. in in many people‘s minds, > the mattor, we may first and who those wonderfal », and I think I can quite eD wk the Munitoba fever and ud wher they landed at vund things looking very what they had imagined heur, and especially if they luck to arrive here in the Abigy Aby *h MV Incres 1879 « Bluke showed i w00 yoars iuproveâ€" d not induee them to ve my opinion to be you many cases, such have come under my I trust a fow will I Ianded in Winuipeg [ April, 1878, I came uls, and I can assure s so sticky and deep oll my boet that was ronto, before I got to i 1 was not to be dis« all things, it was not dic J aa er travelling across son to the Doyue f 70 miles, to Mr. cunder being from velling im that dis« A a considerable ing obliged to croes t bridged, which is wuintries, as we have ., the advantages of or the menus at owt ; those difficulties, returned _ to â€" his . nad â€" cireulated , this country, and reliable authority, he found the people. need of the neeesâ€" m well acquainted‘ !« he stopped with, re he got plenty to » be sure, if Le had, ca used to lt‘l!t“ll“ such like Mllï¬â€œ. tlust th ficarink ,,,,‘.‘Lnï¬â€˜.::'xllm ir party, as 1 acâ€" â€"r of them to the » bought returnm in Ontario as soon ir disposal could give you the caso e name of Keoler, camie out to this meht two Entize it Jarvis, N. YÂ¥4 recently, a man In wy opinion it self that they »cndations of agriculturists : continent of Bls, nOW M ind scarcely : much betier th hinx from ¢ inagwession rio, who have say if they ; to the effect country aud intages of it he soil, that that we have irmers from ent, and alâ€" rtune to hail c 1th Masery, uy, and that ind such like ds, which are t would be m settlers that s, than 80 or country, as it o tho pleasure re, with the vlnt little I Keeler came : dainties aro le there, 8@ poor neighâ€" remAns M tart ane ty, never beans on. CURRY. 1 this, as oi one ba, that on *,‘80.+ U waalk 5 owne F Mr, Meredith moved in amendment that / Montre the tall be not now read the thiard time, but | that it be referted bauck to Committesof the _ ITtaly Whole forthwith, waith instcuctions to amoud | irunclu it by providing that settiers who have whou " l dy enteied upoun free grmut lands, aud have| _ **"* located upou Lut who shall locate upudt ""“'“"‘ of Is within three years of tho passing / Priiness \'l‘!““ hall have the option of receiying 8*00* a Â¥mber * gyiac them the right to Crown . POr ""’ sls 1x it "" by the existing law, or to the i m vsed to be stveu by Otlawa My. Pardee moved the third reading of the Bills to 4mend the Free Grant and Homeâ€" steads ‘Acts." * f tweive reet square in which their wives could | wide) yw{ will_Leboldâ€"large trees growing sell their butter. | twoâ€"thirds of the way aeross. The wave Mr. Dryden hoped the Pill would go to the | naturally swoent with the greatest ferce Committee, and that it would be modifiedl opposite the slide ; here The trces on fiftcen theee to suit the yiews cxpressol by lfon. Incros were mown down as though they amembers, | were ferns, and huge firs wewe, stripped of Mr. Waters took a siimilar view. â€" | theinbranches u]l%\gcuw m from thoig ‘The Bill was read the second time and reâ€"| root®. Mt. Wth. Rdce who<#as dearing fersed "to the Commitice on Municipal Aâ€" | land there, was frightfully wounrded by the mendments. | falling trees and flying ice ; and when his Mr. Monk meved the second reading of the | sons found himy efter much searching, he Bill to protect the gouds of lodgers against was insemsible, and about ton foct from distress for reut due to the superior landliord. | the grownd on the top of some trees ; he is The Bill was referred to a Special Comâ€"| not expceted to recovey. Messrs. Ewen & mittee. | Co,‘s fishery was struck and succambed as Mr. Mowat moved the second n.-nd;ng of |though it was a card house, leaving the Hill to abolish priotity of and among exeâ€" ' only m few boards onthe ground tution ereditors, hu remarked that in view | to ~remind the ownors© they ~had of the likelihood of the insolvency law being | a house there. It nest swept against the repealed at an early day he thought they I pul»l{a whaif, nud the slip qws way ; m1 anight well take the step contemplated by | warl it rushed, and Mr. Mnech‘s whar this Bill â€"Indeed he conld not see why they l came down.. with rashk. .‘Two vyaluable wahould not take it in any C@50, 28 & SIMMIAT | poyeg bolmgn‘.é:) &ffl! mMn ‘were Act was now in foree in the Prq\'mco of Queâ€" i str'lck.by the water ud ies and narrowly bee. â€" Me then went on to explain the techniâ€" i A Welduging to / MH. iMai cal provisions of the RUL anfapod? ; A Arow toldncing to/ ME ’“°‘ «a) EVAE was carmed about a hundred yards, and : 8: The Bill was read the sccond teme. the water receded it was loft, like Noah‘s « * FPerox‘r6, Peb: 19, ‘A&,ï¬xh":fld&runlmm Among the potitions presente l, one by | high. Bridges along the river‘s bank wore )\,r. Heliim::‘ the " ‘Down :x\.u 0}; | demolished, and all the boats on the river Moant Forest, against the Bill qbolishiy | as far as heard from (uine miles) wero desâ€" market foes. i thmcad (Srant "~neatinnument "somme Resti nws Mr. Act fo Societ Mr. Mowat moved the second l'cading of the Hill to abolish l‘riuï¬ty of and amon‘g exeâ€" vution ereditors. â€" He remarked that in view of the likelihood of the insolvency law Dbeing Mr. Dryden hoped the Till would go to th Committee, and that it would be modifie theee to suit the yiews cxpressol by lmon amecubers, Mr. Wate#s took a siimlar â€"view. â€" ‘The Bill was read the second time and re fersed "to the Commitice on Municipal Aâ€" mendments. Mr. Cook thought market tees w positian on the farmers. A large was derived from the leasing the stails, and all the shelter the farmer for theâ€"fees they paid was a space c twelve reet square in which their wi sell their butter. Mr. Cascaden said it was unwise to place the interests of the farmers in contradistincâ€" tion to those of dwellers in towns and cities. If ho understood the wishes of those whom he repregented here they were not in favor of slnu{;uly doing away with all market fees, but it was certainly unfair that a fee should be paid ou exery 25 cont article brought to market, Another unmistakeable gricvance was that a farmer driving through a town or a corner uf a town with a load of wheat should be compelled to come to the market and submit to its regulations. He believed the Grangers of Elgin favored not the aboliâ€" tion, bat the readjustment upon a fair basis of the market feem (Hear, hear.) Mr. Calvin expressed himselt as being unâ€" favorable to the Bill. * whange. They were known as the Grange «luss, aud were uudoubtally respectable, but #ircy ouly represouged a small proportion of ghe agrinaliural communaty, war. Paston supported the Bill. * Mr. Field horol that if the Bill went beâ€" fore the Special Committee care would be takeu not only to preserve the interests of the farming community, but those of townsâ€" people as well. Sir. Mowat was: not prepared to say what course ought to be taken in regard to the Bill, le was willing to tuke the responsilility of any legislation that nright be adopted with respect tw the subject, C Mr. Awrey thought the question was wheâ€" thee by right farmers should have (these tees _ mnposed â€" upon _ them. _ Farimers gemerally speud the money they receive . for their produce among the resident tradesmen, and in that way the markets were a mutual accorr medation, ‘The provision for shelter was must inadequate. â€" There was limited accom» modstivn for dairy produce, &c., but no shelâ€" ter was provided for darmers‘ wagg ms loaded with gram aud «ther produce. He thought the amposition o market lees was a restricâ€" tiom on trads, .o he tiusted that the Bill wou‘ld pass tirough the second realing and Mr. Dewoche thought the cities and towns Wure cqually benetited by farmers comiag to kiweir market. lt was most unfair that farâ€" mere should be taxed five or ten cents for #Â¥ery huwd af produce for the purpose ofuading tre revouyse ol the town. 11:. did not think the question was one as between the farming constitueucies and those of the cities and towus, but a question of justice to a very large portion oI mur po;matior, the largest <lass in the countryâ€"the class whach is essenâ€" timlly the producing class, and the class which has done most to build up the country. Me suppoilud the second reading of the Bill. Mr. Long suid that only a small percentage m«A ue agdcaiiucal class was asking for this air. Harcourt moved the second reading of the Bill to amend the Municipal Act. The Bill proposed to do away with the right of sities and towns to impose market fees. Mr. Meredith thought that the subject was of such great importance that the Governâ€" ment should Lhave some policy in reforence to it «lo here. ‘The eity of Toronto had chosen tol grant &o* of $10,000 for certain purposes, | And if thes¢ purposes hal not beén curied ‘ wut he did not think it was the duty of thc, Previnee ‘to interfere in a transaction lx-l Iween the city and the Company. The motion was allowed to stand. ! Mr, McLaughlin moved for an order of the | Mouse for a return showing the names of nll! the police magistrates in Ontario ; the amount | wï¬ salary of each, or if paid by fees the | amount of such fees ; mimbet of cases brought | bwfore each for adjudication ; the number of convictions. and the amount of fines imposed '“. the years 1878 and 1879. would pass thir: 10 to Commmitto Mr. tabson (] hardship im site us Wour these mton had expe market â€" sccom1 10 to Committce. Mr. tabson (Hamsiten) could not hardslhip in wities and towns reecivit we Wour these market fees. ‘The city mton had expended $200,000 in P market accommodation, and the werived from fees would not pay hal terest on the outlay. " He trusted would not pass, as it would ecciowsiy with ve tod rights. 2 «<lo here. Mr, Mowat said it scemed to him that this was a mabter with which they had nothing to C« CAmmUâ€"z0vernor, praying that he will eause to beâ€"laid before the House a return showing the manner in whuch the sum of ten t.ousand dollars, granted by the city of Toâ€" routo for the pazpose of exploring the line of the Ontamo and Pacific Junction Railway, hurg oo . e 2y > Cl 0 TR Tw uie *4 ivetphain: :( A autate /: > 4 i t i. > lndk colan on ies odmmssied: : rwrtamr ce r / *¢~: v--mv‘J Nedhduk \ok UJV M V AALN: COALL OIIT, always on hand. @Groceries Cheap l:or Cash. We propose to merit the peoples appmval by keeping the Best of Goods at Mngble Prices. A Largo and well selected stock of Patent Medicines OoNxT, Having purchased the Drug"Bfi“smess "of Ifé‘é’s'rsi.‘ JKIE‘R‘ï¬'ANU& ï¬':tJGï¬S;'ON,:tli’é subscriber is prepared to supply any wants in the Drug Line. _A Large Stock of Pure DRUGS, STATIONERY,FANCY ARTICLES, Perfumery and Dye StufÂ¥s. Me. ABPID LEGISLATURE. . Trusses and Shouldég Bl‘afei Cheap. {UO.] "»'.‘;j â€" TonoxTto, Feb. 18. moved foran Address to the »luced a Bill entitled ap wi Permanent Builaing farmers comiag to | "*/," % unfair that fare ""'fla or ten cent« for i‘\dl‘ e purpose ofuading : tor lI:: did not '.hint" have tween the farming , er of of the cities undl Th jtfstw; lo a very Hard atior, the largest She | ass whnach is essenâ€" ; */* . _ is, and the class | C NE id up the country. ' Th adinc of the Bill. / with i usiy mtortero revenue butchers received )2 ten or ves could [GCL OIRSul Pme e at Wen ceneoey Aanre |‘Arky high and dry on achilt ahbont forty faot high. Bridges along the river‘s bank wore demolished, and all the boats on the river as far as heard from (uine miles) wero desâ€" | lroyed. Great exeitement prevails here, ?nnd those of the inhabitants living on the | bank are contemplating _ moyving..their } houses back. Loss and damage to properâ€" | ty not kuown. ay, ror las donated an anvaal rant of $1,509 to the iustitution, aud Colâ€"ne!l Gilmonr, of The Dominion At Exlilition, vaderthe patronage of the Governorâ€"General aud the Prinesss L mise, will probubly oven on the secor 4d of March, in Ottawa. The Goverâ€" Smallâ€"pox is cpidemic among horses in Montreal. Italy elaims to the strongest fronclad afloat. 1? T .m D%‘A came down. with a ‘crash,. .Two yaluable horkes belonsin@ to that mtinfdn were struckby the water ud ies and narrowly ascaped. . A seow Mélonging to, M#. Maio was carmed about a hundred yards, and : s the water receded it was loft, like Noah‘s the pcop!e.vl l[:it]' idgo i'orc n‘lll!o}, by a sagndt reSompling the dischargo ‘of heavy cannon, and as those residing on the bank of the river rushed out of their houses to see the cause of this strange commetion, they beheld, not the quict and traoquil river, upon whose bosom "Jack Frost" was qui¢tiv reignin@. but a gigantic wave ahout seventy feet in height rushing onward like a mighty conqueror demolishâ€". ing and conqucting overything in its course,. _ As the torrorâ€"stricken citizons cast their eyes upthe river they belicld the‘ cause of F,"et Mnr's-nng.{tfor his pro« gress was inferrupted by ‘a great slide of about twenty neres of Mr. dustus Howi+â€" son‘s land ; and now ns you joumey up the river twhich was here about half & mile The Bill was considered and adopted, with some amendments, till the 30th clause was arrived at, whoff the Committoo rose and reported progress. F * Mr. White Askeq if it was the intention to have plans of the now Perliament buildâ€" ings submitted to the House during the proâ€" sent sesston ; and "If so, when 2 "~**_~ ‘Mr, Mowat said plans would be on hand next wee‘s, Land Slide in British Columâ€" bia. beer «@ested that the Dominion Governâ€" ent might not l ay sess them fl\'fn’ of the 1::12!011"3“&(]3%-"% le. had thercfore thouglt it desirable to ask the Logislatare to pres an Actselting ashlo any qmeatin npon that point. The Act provided tnat with regard to this matâ€" tor the Dominion Government â€" should have the same powers as the Commissionâ€" er of Public Works should have. ‘ The House went into Committee on Mr. Hardy‘s Bill to extend the jurisdiction of the Division Courts, Mr. Sinclair in the elais. Legislature to paes a Bill fot the purpose of valuing the land needed for the purpose i:p,_\vay which was custemary there. On the patt 8f the Gnvornmcnt‘go had some correspondence with the Daminion. Govâ€" ernment on this subject, and a dispateh had been sent ; iving ahistory of the enbject and disenssing particularly who should pay whatever money might‘be needed for carâ€" rying on a work of this kind., The result was that if anything was to be done at all it would have to he done by the Dominion, as it coutd not be considered a Provincial work, nnd Ontario would; Ni&v$ to contribâ€" n‘c ~ lavce share in any event. It had Mr. Crooks moved the third reading of the Bill respecting the expenses of Insurâ€" ance Companies. Carried. The Houso went into Committee on the Bill to amend the law for the protection of game and furâ€"bearing animals, wlien seveâ€" ral amcudmt.Q were m.t‘g.. Li PBAAA O PBRA PRCBAE 200 PUCC AUOIVCE] EOM to the section which was beiwg taken by the State of Naow: York. ‘The intention of the Commissioners appointed by the Log‘slaâ€" ture of that State was to recomtmend the Mr. Mowat moved the second rvnltl'lina' Odf the Bill respecting the Ningara Falls an the fl‘(Ua('m:t'term;l‘y. In x%nkin:.: theâ€"meâ€" tion he reforred %3 the interest‘which Lord Dufferin had.evineed in this matter, and Mr. Mowat eaid it was the intention of the Government to ask such a grant. The amount wonld be made known in the Supâ€" plementary Estimates, (Cheers.) Muw Tooley askad whether 1t was the inâ€" tontion of the Gov"ai*nfifm!dl&ing’ the presâ€" entsession to ask the Honso to vote any graut of money for the relief of the distress in Lreland ; and if so, what amount. The House went into Committee of the Whole on the Division Courts Act. Several clauses were adopted. O the ninth clause coming up for discussion, F Mr. MecKiin said that the same machinery now in use in the Division Courts would carâ€" ry out the proposed change. â€" He approved of the Government appointment bf.clerks IM] baififs, gnd }:Ii::\'ed the time ljudl come when a thorough inspection of Divisien Courts should be instituted. the gaid, Bill. The amendiment was lost, 25 vwg, for, and 58 against it;â€" The was then read a third time and Séued. Pat * Mr. Hardy moved the following resolution: ‘"‘That the Licutenantâ€"Goyernor may from time to time appcint Inspectors of Division Courts, who shall hold office during pleasure, and that 1 ctors ma id & ldu" not (-xu-odï¬y.’ET',-fl» pnmr“tnd sue actual and necessary travelling and other exâ€" penses as shall be from time to time deemed proper,, Snd that the Game shall .b¢ payable out of the consolidated revenge of thiahv-l vinee,"â€"Carried. (New Westminster Guardian, Feb. 4.) At 2:80 pam. on Friday, â€"the 30th ult., W ER â€"TOWN DRUG STORE: : Drungï¬'si!né‘ss of Id%éssrs’. RITERNAN & GHSON, the subscriber is prepared to sup +2 «> =~ Toroxto, Feb, 20. Sicotrin Eggs,por doz...... Potatocs, net bag Purnips, ver bush LS . us k . «is 6e« 00 To Dressed Hogs, per 100 Ibs 5 75 to liuuu_r,_ro_llr_t, per lb......... 20 to TORONTO MARKETS. * Toroxto, Feb. 25 1880. Fall Wheat, per bush...... $1 31 to $1 33 Spring Wheat ** «... 1 28 to 1 36 Barley, hn se * . d8 to O 62 MOUNT FOREST MARKETsS. Confederate Offhice, Feb. 23, 1880. Flour per barrcl............... 86 00 to§g6 50 Ontmeatper barrelis.s...... 450 to 5 00 PFult Whoftt...s.... ..yill..sk.. t § 5654 95 Treadwell MAE rerecrrseâ€"ses»al 20 tq l 22 Spring WRCit...1......l......sw 1 21 to 1 23 BRAHIOY ¢:+:+ss«srsersrc:sisiviness. C 40 %0 O 4G OMES revssssverriervtisisressserersee O $0 60 O B% TOBS cvssencnctrvnserriti¢stesasneanse« O 4G AO O 4B Potatocs pér bag...............‘0 45 to 0 50 m...z...‘...;......:.:fa‘.'.'..'.... 0 16 to 0 18 PIOUX PQF Dbl... 402 seewk eke+ +4 ('rubbmx,')o pér di@f.minit.l.s Turkeys per Ib. ............... Geeso 4* 0 efsesteatsreries Onibns per pushol........... Cord wood, dry por cord... Batter prer Ib :........Casl.ik Flong: »pring * Ob8+++ «+s zse Teas ... ... Barley, Wool per Jb Fall Whoat parley, â€" _0 0 *" L.l. Poas, +4 »#exith» Zi8y, $OF Pout.....l..sssz2lss0} Potatocs, per bag............. Pork, per 100 (bs............. Beof, 4 prisrirrerses Hides, . * st... . 6L L{ Sheepskins, each ............. PAKGE, PCOE ID + isâ€"aa04«+ tessase Frgs, per ‘doz...iVs......aul. Wood, dry, per cord....... Wool, Fér 10...;...L.Hi...g Apple3, PQY DBG,....4t%.... ceas DERI{A.‘\I # xg Dtzxifait, â€" Flour, per 100 1b8............ Flow No. 2, ++ Cork Mcskt ***~ * ....;.... Shorts, wl dn Bran, se s Fall Wheat, per bush........ Spring Wheat, R. Chaff... * Glasgow... Oats, _ â€" ~per busï¬....... n{)otm' sted by his neighbors and: fequaintances, o was a native oi‘{w:s, Argyl@shire, Scotland, Jacksoxâ€"In Burham, on the 25th inst., at the residence of her,son, David Juckson, Esq., Division Co irt Clork, Christiaua, wife of Mr. David Jackson, tgod T0 yours. Muxox11â€"In Dorby, on the 15th inst., Mary Elizâ€" £N5th. bufuut daughter of Robert and Mary mescol, aged 1 youp 273 11 aontbs, CaxEronâ€"In Bontinck, on the 23rd inst., at the residence of his son, Mr, Malcelin Cameron, Archibald ‘Caraeron, Aged 87 years, Tho doâ€" ceased was an old sottler, and wes much rcâ€" $CoTTâ€"Th Durham, on tho 24 init., the wifo o Alr. Jehn Bcott, of a sonâ€" CoO®KEâ€"In Glenelg, on the Ath inst., the wife of MMr, Thomas €ookc, of i son, V 12 mers, says an exchange, is as follows : A gontlemanly fellow drives up with blanks for statisties on the farmâ€"bushels of wheat, number of cattle raised, acres under cultivation, ete. Between the tibles and the foot of the page, where the farmer signs his name attesting the statment, is & blauk space whose existance is accountcd for as affording room for miscell@neous inâ€" formation, In a month more the farmer receives notice from a neighboring bank that his note for $150 is due. He knows nothing of the note, but invertigation shows t! at the "census taker" has filled in the blank with a promise to pay, which beâ€" ing now in the hands of @n innocent holdâ€" er, must be paid by the unlueky dupe, The loss of memory, the nerve and exhaust« ed teel ng, the diseatisfaction with the result of one‘s labors, the dull unrefreshed s}eep, the want of appetite, and neuralgia, are aimâ€" ply. the brain and nerves ealling for their necessary food. _ Victoria Hypophosphites restore Tost energy in ali weaknesses of mind or body, relieve debility and neryousness, and prevents consumption, Physicians have prescribed and recommenrd it, For sale by witâ€"deslers.â€"b 104 EETIECE !AIU PHIIEY PIUVUU“‘“"D- 2 MV Avrvl- preseuted by the various offieers indicate that the order is in » most flourishing conâ€" dition. Before the closs of the meeting on Woednosdry, the following brethern were elected officors for the ensningR year :â€" Major James Bernett, Toronto, R. W. G. M.; H. A. L. White, St. Mary‘s D. G. M. ; Joln fTeoy, Rosemont,.A. D. G. M ; Rev Hugh Cooper, Listowel, G. C.; N. *Clark Wallace, M. P., Woodbridge, G. Treas.; Thomas Keys, St,. Cathrines, @G. See.; Arthur Robb, Stratford, D. of~C.; John Niblock, Parkhill, G. Lee. ; William Magâ€" ness, Kt. Cathrines, D. G. See.; W. Dougâ€" lass, Eglington, D. G. Lee. ; Deputy Grand Chaplains, Rev,. Bros{ Rural Dean Caoper, Â¥. C. Perry, W. W. Walsh, D. X. B?nc-' donald, M. A.; John A. Dowler and S. Smith. Tt was decided to hold the next meetingof the Grand Lodgo at St. Mary‘s. A committee was appointed to present a testimonial to Mr. W. J. Parkhill, M. P. P., the retiring Grand Master. _ Mossre. James Edge, Glenelg; Joseph MeArdls, Hopeville, and others from this County were present. The twentyâ€"first annual sneeting. of the R. W. the Provincial Grand Lodge of Onâ€" tario West, was hoeld oc Tuesday and Wednesday last week, in. the town g Walkerton. ‘There whs a largo attendan of members, and great unanimity characâ€" terized the entire proceedings. The reports Provincial Grand, Lodge of ‘~‘ Ontario West. | The latest method of swindling the farâ€" FaV dikeEY ycs1+«ssesreree per doz WALEERTON MARLKETS, I‘cb. 19, 1880. hOXt 1â€"1..s....cc.see. $1 20to 1 28 4o ces sevrrqrersreeee <d 15 to 1 20 everserreresrrrcre cessn res _ B1 t0 83 a rrerverstsnnsesserrrenes _ 97 §G _ BW , 6# «.. 0 40 to 0 50 @FID.....:sserâ€"4s+«2++1>0â€"00 to 000 )or 1)]:1...........-..5..-.. ' 00 to= 6 80 oper dég:.‘..‘m‘.... _ "OG i8 § #â€"BGF 1. cce csiisines +ss 0 to _ 00 5C pfvetseaviariiuk 0 to _ 00 O EERECCORPEEE 4o vereener es sae ++ 1. .. . . «ussr; cevers eaee bbi..â€"â€"46 d 4.+ la 6r dénfsiasi. s $Â¥ ADs recsrastbrvnads d viÂ¥sthressestive Brain and Nerve Food. 64 64 0 t, per bush........ 1 cat, R. Chadl... 1 Glasgow... 1 per l)us&m...- 0 + svsssess D *4 sseaseys 0 FORE:rryrtrareerentans. C ¢t. b&g.,..si5..+.+« Q OO ADSe s derniss < «s on 4 C prtsserserces k # strecc 6A LEY yBDCH ..:1sâ€".cii... O D + Poncaies s Sver a un YE Boz. .L MY. uL LE * ue .c S# DEATHS BIRTHS, C 30 to 10 18 to 18 to 0 58 to RETSLA * i .. 20 ,"1880. 88 00 to §3 00 2 75 to °2 T5 2 50 to 2 50 0 14 to 0 15 0 00 to 0 00 0 00 to 0 00 0 6O to 1 00 6 00 to 6 50 5 50 to 6 00 0 50 to 0 50 115 to 1 20 1 10 to 1 15 1 15 to /1 18 0 28.to 0. 30 0 35 to 0 46 0 50 to 0 55 6 00 to 7 00 0 45 to . 0 50 4 50 to 5(10 4 50 to 5 00 7 00 to 7 50 0 75 to 1 00 0 16 to 0 17 0 12 to 0 14 1 50 to 1 50 0 18 to 0 20 1 00 to 125 0 :00 to. 0 00 0 00 to 0 00 15 to 16 11 to 13 0 90 to 66 to 6 25 0 62 40 1 00 0 17 0 14 1 50 0 20 0 50 5 10 5 00 7 50 uJ 20 FISH, LAKE Burnstt‘s Provision Store, FISH!| FISH ! He is prepared to fill all orders entrusted to him on the shortest notice and in a first class manner, Gristlng & Merchant Work, JA . â€"Farmers, and the ‘Public Generally that huving had the above Mills furnished with the best machinery for EDGE MILLS, DURHAM. FTHE subscriber wishes to intimate to In General Debility, Chronie, Bronchitis or Weak Lungs, the tonic properties of the Wild Cherry Bark are fully brou%ht into play, and its continued use will be found to increase | the appetite, improve the digestion, and give , tone aud vigor to the whole sy»tem. $ e e e e en m ted by culling in wii outetanding nccotints. For this l\mrpusu‘?lmvc placed my books in the hands of Mr.C. B. Juckes, Attorney at Law, with instrueâ€" tions toâ€"#u@nll sccomnuts remaining unpaid within a roasonuble time after the pubï¬muuu oï¬ this notica. Those indebted to me who do not desire to hqve their accounts entered in Court will govern themâ€" solves H‘\VING Darham 30 ND Durkhaim, Ful., 1800. The vendors shall not be bound td picduct, A¢â€" count for or show or prove the contents o. ADY deeds, documents or evidencos of title not in thew possession, or furnish copics of the same and shall not be bound to furnish an abstract containirg further particulars than is contained in a Rogisâ€" trar s Abstract of title, The otherconditions to be similar to ï¬w standing conditions of Sule in the Court of Chancary. _ For further particulars appiy to the undersigned at Torouto or to Mr. Henry L’vru.huul, Dundalk. HOWLAND, ARNOLDI & RYERSON, Vendors Solicitors, Toronto; Dated this 18th day of February, A. D. 1880. c104 â€" A case has come under our notice where the inhuman father of a most promising child, suffering from a violent attack of Croup, which threatened eyery moment to termiuate fatally, actually refused to spend 25 cents upon a bottle of Wilson‘s Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, although assured by a neighâ€" bor that sh(:ri(uew it would give the little sufferer immediate relief‘ and effect a spoedy cure. _ ‘The larger sizes hold more in proportion than the small, and those who study econâ€" omy will purchase cither the 50 cent or the $1 size. * Sold by all druggists.â€"d 104 Valuable L/ _ Sule contained in a certain Mortgage to the Vendors which will be produced nt the time of sale und in payment of which default has been ;sande, there will be sold by Mr. J, W, Morrow, Auctionecr, at the Angloâ€"American Hotcl in the balance of the purechase money overand above thd said 2200 and ll)w smid £1000 shall be paid to the Vendors, their Solicitors or Agents within 30 days‘ from the dato of sule with interest at eight per gent fr>*" the day of sale, and upon such payments and tho ea onsion 0f wq‘ mortgage the surchn.ur ; shall be entitled 1w fhe Câ€"RrSYAR¢ and to tako possession, Nep m lz Et Sssc ce \yo;.i;ihgu' stle: as bravely yourself ; perhaps ::l:l two wï¬uflg may 'mynke "IOdey;k Plf you on jndiap ion to exertion, weak nerves, fl%m ete., or are affiicted with â€"Wileon‘s Wild Cherry< never "fails® it is pleasant to take, and. equally efficacious for children or aduits. ‘[T:\'I)ER and hy'vhtg,‘ot the Power of / Sule contained in a certain Mortzaze to the About 55 acresaro suid to bo cleared and undor | culdvnuonlnux‘:’lutlliw reqin ,‘x‘xlx.:l’u‘- »:‘ timl:;;;dtwi%:d beech, muple, . &e. and is o sliglitly rmix:;,f and the soil a clay Jouir, Thereis said to be a gecd well and pump on the ï¬rnpuny. and a ereek running through it, Lend well drained and fenced. This furm is situated mbout cight miles frem Dundalk and about two and ene half miles frm Villages of Maxwell and Flesherton, Tenars Anp Coxnpitions or Sarx.â€"The preperty wial bo sold in one pareel nub*ect to a reserved bid to be in the hands of the Auetioncez nt tho time of ;ï¬;lfloction of the secietory organs, use Vicâ€" aoria Buchu and Uv: Ursi It im;:;ovu “d;e igestive powers and strengthons the weakâ€" u‘o:l.ad â€"dubilitated secretory organs. . For sale by all dealers. $1 per bottle.â€"bâ€"104 C202 00 0_) ViMage of Dundalk,on _ __ _ __ _ _ =_ Wednenday the teuth day of March, .r. 1880, At the hour eftwo o‘clock in tho afternoon the following vuluuble property, viz; Durham, Fob 12, 1880 bour about 70 years of age. The East half of the East half of Lot number Three, and the whole of Lot numâ€" ber Four, both in the fifth Concession of the Township of Osprey in the Coun‘lr' of (Grey, containing together one hundred and twoenty five nmores, more or less. On the premises are suid to be erected a log house 21 feot x 30 feet, a log barn 30 foct x 40 feet and & frame shed and stable 30 feet x 1 foet. ‘ wl dmn c dsn e w c e En Cmy T Sale, | The purchasor shali at the time of sale pay £200 of hi. parchase money to the Vendors, their Bolicitors or Agents and of the balance of the purâ€" chaso money ©1000 shall remain upon mortzage for a torm of five yours with interest payable half yoeurly at the rato of cight por ecut pur aumum, with luterest on urrears. § Thic siid mortgage to contuin all the usual stat uatory covenmnts, provisoes and conditions and a covenant for insuraince in the North Xï¬lu»h ahid lhuelrcuuulu Insurance Ccmpuny for ©200~ The If 1'.h|3h storm ;of ;dvc:];ity whistles :x:hnnll , whistle| 35 brave ourself ; 0'}?:‘ +4A u'LulQ]g may m’Akya -Alï¬v{ Plf :g: D aham, Feb, 18th, 1660 HURON HERRING, Township of Osprey, County of Grey. James Vint, an old resident in the neighâ€" CHOPPING carcfully attended to. ZENUS CLARK, Mortgege Sale New Advertigements s Durham Jâ€"BURNETT A LARGE QCAXNTITY OF Brutal Outrage. JUST ARRIVED AT Warning. SALMON TROUT, Knd Labrador Herring. retired from business in I am desirous of closing my books W. J, HUGHSON. FISH, tho m;;{.a‘;.;'in.;li As all lines of SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE are Advancing Rapidly #: t1â€"103 y42 dâ€"104 ï¬{" Purchasing Elsewhere. n *Bpecial Inducements for Cash. TeJ 6 porty, piy expenses and taks if away with the undersigned, or otherwise they will be placed in suit for collgction. . J AdJ U iA 1 W. J‘ HUGMSON. Durham, February 5, 1680, d102 )&LL parties indebted to the late Firm of 1 3. MKiernan & Mughson,Durham, are hâ€"roby mmuud to call at once and settle their accounts with the undersigned, or otherwise they will be January A. D. 1880. hmhmotiflad to pay the same to me (exceutor) on or before the first day of March next. Dated at Durham in the County of Grey, this 1st day of FIRST Day of MARCH next, Their Christian and Surnames, addressos and doâ€" scuiption, the full particulars of their claims, a astatement of their amounts and the muature of the securetios (if un?‘) held by them, or in defauit thereof they will be excluded from any claim agninst tho said estate. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ And all parties indebted to the said Estate nre hereby notified to pay the same to me (executor) »&LL persons holding elaims agm ist the 4 A. Estate of WILLIAM NEWELL, lat _of the Township of Bentinck, in the County _( Grey, Â¥ooman, who died on or about the cighth 8) 'lu'r of November A. D.1879, wre hereby notifiea to send, if by post prepaid, to me, Exector of the last will und testament of the said Williim Newell, deâ€" ceased, on or before the STEPHEX HONESS. Dunlluck, Fb. 194h, 108. * L104 A nice line of Ladics, Misses and Children‘s Buttoned Boots very Choeap. P Don‘t forget the plees, x Has received part of his New Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, Which notwithstanding the rige in all tho kindsg of Goods will be found As cheap as ever sold in Durham, Rowswells‘s Building, Upper Town, DUIRZILANM. Ducks, Demins, Cottons and Shirtingé, all at the Prices for Cash. MOWAT is now Receiving His SPRING STOCK Bar Iron, Steel, Horse Na.ils, Something New . Pompadour Prints, the latest thing out. BLACK EMBOSSED Prints, * BLACK and WHITE do. s TARTAN CKECK Prints, Intending Purchasers will do well to get quotations before Now is the time to buy if you want to save money, Cheap Boots and Shoes. TRAYED on the premisos of the «nhâ€" | scriour. lot 25, lita Gon., Beutinck, three or «0ur krnea,s Red.und AVhite â€"Heifer coming two PRINTS, Prints, PRINTS. Heifer Came Astray. Durham, Jen. 28, 1880. BLACKSMITH‘S SUPPLIES. and many lines much cheaper. Axles, Armstrong Patent Springs, and General Blacksmiths supplies, Executors Notice Just opened out at GRANT‘S, New Prints in the latest dosigns. Which. will be Found Large and Well Assorted. Notice. FINLAY MACRAE, Executor H. W. MOCKLER, bmâ€"98 C. L. GRANT. prupâ€" JOS. F. MOWAT, Werding and Jom rimgs Repairing Waiches ‘ A ustt Fas tt siniperey mss Elesherton and Dundalk, First Day of April Next, Their Christian and Surnames, addresses and dsâ€" .m the full particulars of their claims, n 8 t of their amoxnts, and the nature of the secureties (of any)held by them ; or in defwult thereâ€" of they will be excluded from any claim aguinst the said ostate, Dated at Latona, in the Town@hip of Glenelg, this twontyâ€"sixth day of Junuary, A. D , 1690. GEORGE LEDINGHAM, 1101 Exxcuron. W. F. DOLL, H. WV. MOCKLER. Q LL, persons holding claims against the Estate of Duncan SmithJate of the Township uf «ilenolg, in the County of Groy, Yeomam, who died on or nbout the twontyâ€"seventh (27) day of April, A. D. 1879, wre hercby notified to sond, if bÂ¥ Post prepaid, to me, Executor of the last will and testament of the Said Dunean Smith, docoused. on or before the on Lower Town, DURHAM. Executors Notice. T ... _ ail sizos and prices, _ C 0| Alodke. 14 Digcialdt y. -‘fiu-’y?‘ l"-.n Stmiilh h ze W u> yror * & + D’vu«. 496 § tnun.:.non Arvll4 &*"° / ‘ardâ€"Ht: -% the | au, _ _ /soversmips off the | ..Jfl‘mduâ€"lâ€"q‘l . o on apainun povimts 1 â€M&.\Vfl.lém Toey 4 OME REASO! suspondars that | S are Mcthisax-h-“: h gp > o $230‘ French White Wine Vinegar, _[rheneapi.;sointhe Cournty Sugars, TRA *",Co Toilet articles, Fancy CGoods, Trusses Bhoulder Braces, &c. Our Paints, Oils, White Lead and Colors are all that con‘ be desized in quality price as low as auy other house. and Lazimp Goods; Machine Oil and Azle Grease, From 25¢ gallon. Try our Exoolsior Oil, '.‘:::rcbcaznmt in the market, Madder, specially fine and at bottom priec. H. PARKER, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST As I buy for cash I can scll vory chear** cash. Repairing prompily done ~»~* Warvanted. CHivi® IBG m ©BiL . ceennnnncad THE HIGHESZ PRLCE PAD FoR Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Poultry, &c. 3=*Remomber the Stand, Douglass‘ Brick Block, MILL Street, MARKDALL. Ordered Clothing! JUST RECEIVED. MATS and CAPS, &c., All bought tor Cash, and every Line New. N BECOND HAXND or Bankrupt Stock lept No llnlu‘flkm to gull the public, Every customer sorved @, No socond pricoâ€"every articke mnrked in lphln lanuw We don‘t protend to keop the largest Stock north of Toronto, nor advertise Goods that we have not on hund. Pull weight and good measure every time. Try us and be convinced. TRY Us for a NOBBY SUIT. D EKEX ®2 New Cash Store BUTTER & RAE â€"TQO BUYâ€" Watches, ‘Clocks, A. GORDON‘S, Of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Gold Rings ; Go!d, Silver and Plated Chaias, Dry Goods, The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDER. Are now receiying additions to their already well BUTTER & RAE. Markdale, Jan. $th, $3# y Oils & Paints. A New Stock Drugs and Chemicals. TOBACCOES anrd CLC4ARS, One door »~#4 @f IPwrker‘s ‘Dreag Store. iwhaya «40946 1679, N yt9 Varmishes, Ccal Oil, Dye Stuils. Groceries, and Jeowollory,â€" is at Al MACHIXE OIL A SPECIALITY. d Pure Spices seloctod stock of weiveanre, Bd hew P oriks H, PABRKCR, A. GOoRDONX, L. GRANT® ts & Shoos, ifang dn n t 4 C [