, hr the Inch "My. Mr. Mov- I. which um do: I. diam“ d M. " man In huh at tho y. enigma. u. }nylling could thrown out to FM Cuba“ III 7.3.17. iii than wt be debts . w. on tho notio- nol wld, to n- I-nocio. loom- ‘oxpc-nel n 01.0 pal in tho hope b be autumn. am, him MI fthe tiller-oo- "u or-rio. Punt", Esti "omadetotso )Utr,whiehngter made,qu You Punk. having; than) mun), In thr mum III My been - trust... but mm of that my“. to no 1 of money. I math. " am.- i-.. i an, an " the eon- ml. Ther '05-, of “to an " the [In LLATURE. [murm- in I rotieyod It. is [and hi a)" that policy Municifd M m can»; In, ot mean that no I railway no were made, ttuottght Com. 1y mm mill-“hon futon†be Meredith "the-d ".my any facilities sal, tho not. I from . III motion cos - about holding st min ti wad. t M; up, hunt-Go'- u Bilt " a majority inn of Mr. a without In nutty. DINâ€. wb alive mod ‘rown Mad .0 " eon- Tho notion of wiry than than a not this on†net! non After One Col. rod. mm '7 " " all of HweJhetltwitie eeidtlntthehith of the Province bl been te some limited extent pledged to than now which hm win} these Inge some. all to the Com" i.". " nah had oxpetided m Foch: ; ,.L C., ;;.e Government had placed n notice of resolutions upon the paper with an object in view, but they found that ’blic feeling was very strong egoinst future nid to railway- in my shape It present. It was the duty of the Government to give that to - opinion, end they would not be true to themselves or tu the onlyâ€; it they did not do so. Finding “who opinion u expressed to he so, t..c) found themselves nimble to aid those roads. suv. 'ntt come to this determination in relercnce to railways in coune of construction. the Government felt it to be their duty to warn municipalities end railway promotes pro- moting new scheme: Ind new roads so that they my be guided accordingly. He did not pretend to any for a moment that the Legislature would not Le asked to grant mid to reilweye in the future. All he did any use that the public teeling was strong in the direction of withholding all aid to railwnye at present, and the Government felt it to be their bounden duty to give etuet to that tooling. They had decided to hevo no railway pulley this session, end he naked to withdraw the notice of resolutions. Mr. Sinclair regretted the course taken by the Government. and that it was grievomu wrong done to the people of his section. Mr. Hunter could not allow the decision just given to pass without notiec. The mnnicipelitien were esutaiuly led to In have that there would he in change in the rail, wny policy of tho Government. No doubt the opinion of the country was against the uranium of i'urtlwr aid to railways. lint then the "mnieipttlities were committed to railway-lmiltliug. and this assertion of them " the Government was. he considered, " ulviwd. lle we bound to protest in the interest "I his constituents main-st the policy just enunciated. Although there Inn no declared promise there WM certainly nu implied one that the railways which were hiking in the Province would be new“! by the public money. . kiln some other gentlemen had spoken, Ln: - ruled that the discussion I“ out of order, mud the matter dropped. The Hum ndJourned at 9:35. Having purchased the Drug Business c in the Drug Line. A Large Stock Toronto, 2nd March. A whiten] discussion arose in the Home of Ass-unhly on a motion made by Mr. Cronin to expend 930,000 oat of the Upper Canada Collcgo Endorsement fund, for the "onion of I new boarding house in con- motion with the College. The propel“ mm Gtuly mum“. C( )‘\IA CDEC always on hand. Mr. Meredith though that this was a nut singular statement just made by the Commissioner of Crown Lands. The hon. ‘Untlenum stated that public fading was against tho granting of further sums to rail- wnys. Whom- did he tiud that feeling , 119 eoniutersrd tho Government occupiod a moot humiliating position. After several Government measures were advanced a stage, the House uljomcd. The Mini-la of Customs, in reply to a quo- I, by Mr. Casey. led the Bonn to under- “and that n nlnwbuk win be allowed on India corn imported for fuelling purposes. DOW , '5 "IN PARLIAMENT Orrawa, Pub. " The reference of the petition attaching the an: hold hy E Imam] Hooper, " represent» twe of inunux. to the Cnmmittee on Privi- leges and Elections In! moved by Mr. Casey. The Jeteeminntiort of the Minutcrialie, t.- retain an their colleague a vow»): v, P. b, Ls' been oéBeialiy clocked apaldie default-T Wu. , manifested by their eager aha, uf "but“ on thojutol tU action being communicated to the House. At the Funnel-‘3 nqunl the this“ was ohusmed on ths 'marrstaatdiatgt thatthe p.eitioes Ibo!“ he peirstod in the You. and Plucoodingl. A long and varied Ilclmtu, sotrtetrttat wido‘ in its scope, wan incited by Mr. Fleming's moving turn T the Urdu in Council prohibiting . tg of immigrants " Halifax wh twinned of 320. Mr. Macho tically quoted ex. tract; from Sir Tupper'. speech made in introducing his Paoitie Railway "solutions last session, whoa with all the descriptive povwn of the projector: of the Eden to which Martin Chlizzlewit was induced to stray' he described the North West as aparadise which was to afford happy homes tor the starving millions of tho Motherland and Europe. Now, unless the starring millions are, nfler incurring all the expense attached to the tram mtlantic passagt‘, posstsscd of 3'20 on lan ling in Canada, they are cruelly excluded from entering into the joys forcslwlowcd. Messrs. Mills, Anglia, Putnam (Brunt), ml Fain spoke again" the Order in Council. The Slinistcr oi Agriculture and Mr. Thos.. White. made tht, principal Ipeechu an tho “term lide. A pangs at mm b-tweon Mr. Mackenzie In! Mr. Plumb, which excited cahoidemblo inure“, was luv-ugh shout by the Utter gentleman repeating tho old slander that ii. for." had phi-ed Tom at a tuid cl enigm- 500. The truth of the matter is well known to the himindcd public, and Mr. Mocha:- xio’mpooitiun of the slander need not b. n- ciMherc. The debate was then adjourned. The Home went iuto Committee on Mr. l CMtrr's alnpto-l Bill to repexl the lnaolvcneyf Law. . A One and my duFto regarding tho - ot tin manure and the manna, which have he“ Polished, took Pb“. Ind Md tho Wald": appeared who tbat tho repeal ei.- sin-Id bo aa time-1.8 I Pte- ublo 31: in opinion. Wink!“ M“- Trusses and Shoulder" Braces Cheap. u... LOW-ER TOWN DRUG STORE. . Biittauimmuiate 0M Iâ€. to can. but u it now “and. such will be tho can. Yet a widely 'rupported oyiuiou wu adranaed that before finally panning, I clam should bu ambled determining that the rrpeal shall not mum into force till iouse future "to-oar the tirst of May. The amendment, notice of which wan given by Mr. Colby, ptovidmg that the the raped shall not affect and: all M are in the hands of the union", " the hme oi the Hill coming into operation was . _ Boiliuc moved the second reading of t “’1 ' humid the Act respecting the doction .' him-rs of the Home of Commons, At Cos' yrcscut tune each candidate bu to make a dupuait with the Returning other od tifty dollars. and the Bill propose- to inure“ the amount to three hundred dollars-the depot“ to be returned to idle "caudal mm. and also to the Wcuuful one in the "an of his polling half the number of vote: polled by the former. This, it will be loan. is a thumugh Tory maLure, and reviven property qualification in its most objectionable form. After a short debate the Home divided on the Bill, which, however, was deUated on I vote of 69 yeas and Tl hays. Mr. Fleohg'Cmotion for a cor', of an, ors dvr in Council prohibiting the. landing ct im. migrants at mum who are not pone-nu] at $20 in mum-y wad éarriell without debate. A reference, on motion hy the Punter, In made of the whole. printing scandal chargel to the Committee on Parliamentary Printing. with instructions to investigate the lame and repent on the best "mus to prevent luck oc- currences in futuru. . Mr. Mct'arthy vttrmhused two public Dina, the that for thu Supreme Court of Canada the your“ of amendment, not at pun-ant on- jayml by it, and the new“! removing from the Quart“ Sessions the power of trying cas- e: of homicide or any chaige of attempt to n'mrdcr. Unun. Feb. 26. An unusually large number of peiriste bill! We": introduced. For hours the debate dragged along, the speaking being almost eontined go members who speak r wely, but about half-past eight than: was a gcmaral rush of memben to their seats an the word being paused that Mr. Mo was speaking. In corchuion, he moved in amendment a Six mouths’ hoist The you and any: were taken on Mr. Blake's anomt. ment, nml it was carried on a vote of us you to 29 hays, the majority ngainst the Bill being no. The public 'are becoming interested in Sirl Samuel Tilley‘u fortlteoming budget speech and this afternoon Mr. Mackenzie enquired of tho (lovernnwnt when the tinancial shaman: will be made. Sir Samuel evidently did not like the question. He appeared enthused. and npulouetically said he was waiting until _ T Ja returns asked for by the Home could .ll'l on the table, The earliest possible - f that the speech can be delivered now mil be next Friday. the beginning of the mmth weck in the session, when-cu under the late Administration a week to ten days earlier was the rule. Tho Inaolvoncy Law Repeal Bill was again under discussion, an amen-Item by Mr. Blake. providing for the winding up of insol- vent banking and insurance companies, adopted in the Committee of the Whole. Progress on the Bill val "potted. Orrawa, Feb. 27. Mr. Carey has re-iutmdlood the Civil Sar- vice Bill rejected last session. . After rec-u the consideration of tho Bill‘ was resumed. and an amendment by 'ir.: Blake. providing for the winding up of inlol- vont incorporated companies was 1opt on I division. The Government in the Mtenioon indented to Mr. Blake'n amendment relative to banking and imurancc companion, but alter rec-:33 the Premier mid that u lone objec- tiom uniorcaccn at the time had boon raised to the amendment, the Bill an mended had both; stand for consideration until Tnuday next. . A 1iubate 'sprung up on the mound reading of the Hall legalizing marriage with A deceased wife's sister. Mr. Girouard in moving, and Mr. Cameron INurth Victoria) in moulding the motion. spoke favorably to the measure. Mr. Thompson (Hahlimaml), objected on scriptural grounds. Mum. Mill. lad Abbott both supported the Bill, but on 'ltgulr var- Red grounds. Mi. Blakaahospprovod " principle, but objected to it! provisions u bo. ing (dim vires, La an infringement on' Pro- Viucinl rights. Mr. Anglin thought the objection founded on Biblical inhalation was a matter tobe fought out among the Protestant members algae. The Cullolie Church deemed such marriages objectionsblc, but retained the right to M dispensation under lynch! circumstanoa. â€W'l‘he :lalmte Val “journal sad the Bonn row " 10:45 p. m. __ . Qrrawa, March -1." In the House of Co-mou seven! Print. mm were introduced, Ind mg them one for tbe ittcorPteatiots of "I. Winnipeg and “when Bay “may MI my on... l by um Cummiwc, and concumd in A “dd-'55 DUUUA UL I “U U&UUUU’ .mr"."_'"-""""-""""""-' -n-‘v'~ -""-"""--"T' - "_--------" -- 77 v - Groceries Cheap For thah. We propose to merit the peoples approval by keeping the Best of goat, at Reasonable .Prices. A Largo and well selected stock of Patent Medicines Drug Business of Messrs. KIERNAN & EUGHSQN, the. subscriber is prepared to supply any wants A Large Stock ist Pure DRUGS, STATIONERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Perfumery and Dye Stuffs. _ ‘wwH-"Jgi at, M. . , LK '?/lt,'ti.'iriil?ii)rii'i'i, ny. let-II unions for returns having been disposed el 3 dehste, which continued severel hours, unexpectedly sprang up on s motion by Mr. Casey for I return shelving the list of inspectors and ussistent inspecwu ot weights and measures appointed under the existing Act. and elist of those whose services have been dispensed with. The disdhesinn took a wide and varied range. end emhrneed almost every dismissal made by the present Admini- stration, Members from Nova Scotin to .Narnia rose and exposed the wholesale dismis- sals mule by the Govemmongthe injustice done, and the greed for patronage and power displayed. The Government were not slow to defend their conduct, and Sir John Mao- donald had the boldness to reqnelt that the name of a single employee in any breach of the public service dismissed for political ree- sone be sent in l but Mr. Anglia casually l mentioned the name at Mr. Ellis, ex-Post-. master of St. John, K. B., and the Premier’s l boasting collapsed. A noticeable feature of the debate was the announcement by the l Minister of Inland Revenue that no dis- missed Inspector or Assistant Inspector of 1' Weights and Measures had up hell for a. i gratuity or allowance. It this be so, it ml unlikely that he will be able to make that statement very many days hereafter. The debate' was prolonged after recess, when the motion “(as adopted. . . .. l Mr. Guthrie moved for n return of appli- cants to the Exchequer Court, which gave rise to a long delmto in which several nets ofjohbery were shown to have heed perpe- trated by the Government. The Home adjourned at 11:45. OTTAWA, March 2. After tho‘disposnl of routine husinean Mr. Colhy's Bill to repeal the Insolvency law was discussed. which was withdrawn on the Premier agreeing to introduce a Government measure embodying the pro- positions made by Mr. Blake. Mr. Ilob. crtson introduced a Bill relating to criminal proeceiluro. Considerable opposition was manifested to its provisions, and the dc. bate was adjourned on motion of Mr. Me. Cnrthy. A can has com. under our notice where the inhuman father of a moat promising child, unlferinz from . violent attack of Cramp, which threatened every moment to terminate fatally, actquly refused to spend 25 cents mm" “bottle at WiUon's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, although assured bya migh- bor that Ike knew it would give the little “later immediate "lief and effect a weme can. Wilson'. Wild Cherry never fails , it is plenum to take, and equally etthssinut for children or adults. In General Debility, Chronic, Bronchitis or Wcak Lungs, the tunic properties of the Wild Cherry Bark awfully hum ht into play, and in continued no. will he gonna to increase the appetite. improve the digestion, and give tone and vigor to tht whole nyrtem. . The larg7rr lites hold moré in proportion than the small, Ind those who study econ- "my will purchase either the JO cent or the 8t size. Sold by all dnipaisU-d 104 The population of South Australia (capi- tal Adelaide) is 803,829 ; of Qneousland, 210,510, seven per cent of which are Chi. nuo. The are; of Qmmlund equalnlthat of the British IdandennBo. Spin, Por. lngul, Italy and Switzerland. ""ydfalt Glam]? on the 28th inst... the wile of J on Burial o . Ion. mcrsoL-DrtBr.--At tho residence a! the bride'g lunar. on tho am: March, by the Rev. Mr. Park. Mr. JryeNiseb?Vto gnu Btirtsh Derby. daugh- 'uxctam.--1n Egremout on the 22nd inn, Ana, mother " Messrs. Mulcohn. John “a Mox- Indnt Sinclair, aged 76 yours. Flour, per 100 lbs............1 Flour No. 2, " " Corn Meal " " ......... Shorts, " " Bran, " " Fall Wheat. per bush........ Spring Wheat; R: Chaff... Flour No. 2," " 2 " to 2 751 Corn Meal " " ......... 2 60 to 2 go Shorts. " " 0 90 to 1 ill') "ran, " " 0 50 to o to) Full Whent.pcr bush........ 1 " to l 20 Spring Wheat; ll. Chaff... l 10 to 1 " " Glasgow... 1 15 to 1 18 Oats, per bushel........ " 28 to 0 80) Barley, " ........ 0 M to 0 fd) Pens, " ........ 0 60 to O MI, Hay, per ton.................. 6 00 to T 00 Potatoes, per Img............. 0 45 to 0 I'i'/ Pork, per 100 lu............. 4 50 to 5 IO; Beef, " ............. 4 so to d no1 Hides, " .............. 7 00 to T 50 Sheepskins, each ............. 0 " to 1 00 Butter, per Ib.................. 0 16 to 0 17 Enema. per ttoz.................. 0 12 to 0 l4 Wopd, dry, per cord....... 1 50 to l rn Wool, per lb................... O.18 to 0 20 Apples, per bug.............. 1 'OO to 1 M DUNDALK ABKETS. Dunn“, March s, 1879. Wit Wheat.per bush No. l " 24 to " 26 " " " " '2 1 06 to 1 10 ‘Spring " " " 1 ' 1 15 to 1 20 Barley " " ... 0 86 to 0 M Cats, " ... 0 31 to 0 81 Pan, " ... O M to 0 60 Drama Hogs per 100 lbs.., 4 M to 4 50 Butter, roll: pot lb. ......... " to 16 " lame rolls per lb. ... 00 to 00 " "ttlt dairy " " ... 00 to 00 Potatoes, per Pork, pct lot Beef, " Hides. " Shoepskins,ue Isotnioes, per li.......... Eggs, fresh V ghgepskins one!) ran wncu....................... Tremlmll Wheat............... Spring Wheat.................... Parley e.............'...........". P: Ill) ................................ To? Ji VirTJouo'ph barb! MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate Oitiets, March 1, 1880. Brutal Outrage. DU “HAM MARKETS. Dulumu, March 4, 1880. MARRIED DEATHS BIRTHS . ............88 00 to 60 to " to 14to $8 00 2 " 115 118 080 046 OM 16 If the norm of adversity ,rhiatue non-d pm, whistle " bravely yourself l pedal! the no whistles may nuke melody. It you feel an indisposition to exertion. weak nervee, pain in the back, em. orm aMieted with my affection of the necmtory argue, use Vic- toria Buchu and Uva Um. It improve: the digestive "more and strengthen- the weak. ened and debilitated secretory orgam. For sale by all dealers. $1 per bottle.-b-104 I OST on the road between Durham and Chimera 30001 .n. brown homo blanket. Any person lowing it " We British Howl. Durham. will oblige, ANGUS CAMERON. Credit Auction Sale. x OP _ Farm Stock. a; Implements. THERE will be sold by Public Auction. on Lot 23, 2nd Com, W. G. B. Dominick (old J. & D. McDONALD. . _ l’ropriotorl. .1 a, Lot 23,2nd Com, w. B. B. nonuncx told survey) on Wednesday. March 17th, 1880. The following. Finn stock, we] 1tnptoruonts, viz " 3 working Homes; 1 two you old Well bud Bull ', A (town in ("111:1 lt‘mow Cow ' 1 Boiler two u5mm; old, in “11:3 two year old Btmmc, 6 offing C "a," 1 Lumber Waggon ', 1 Buggy; 1 Cu My 1 Block Sleigh; 1 Fanning mm; and other “do!†to. numerous to mention. Sula to commence " lit o'clock noon. TEBMBr--63, and under. cash ', Martha! amount eleven months crcdit on “unloved Joint nuttys. 10 per cent discount for cub. A: the "ttttttrib" haa mnted his turn) no tcscrvo bid. J. a D. MCDONALD. . HUGE “GRAY. Valuable Farm Property I INDER and by virtue of the Power of Sula m tttviucd in a. certaip Mortgage to ttut U Saks IN unlined in a. certain Mort mm: to the Vendors which will bu producml ut 'df, time at Hula and in payment of which domult has been Imulu,thore will be sold by Mr. J. W. Morrow, Auutiuuoutatt..t.e AttglttAmH,i.etut Hotel in tho "T-Fist-tara-tfait-diff/at-" '7 “Hahn-May the lamb dny of n-rch.A.n. [880. At the hour ed two o'cioclt in the afternoon the lollowlug valuable property. viz: The East half of the East. half of Lor number Three, and tho whole of Lot num- ber Four. both in the mm Concession of the Township of Osprey in tho County of Grey, containing together one hundred and twmty five twee, more or less. On the premises are sum to he ercrkd u luv house gt {act x 30 foot. a log barn 30 feut x 40 not, and u frame ghed and stable in) [my x 14 foot, _ . About " non-s are turid to be cluurud In)“ under ettttivatiott'mud tho romaindur 1.4 thuberml with. beech, mnlvle. elm. We. The land is said to hr slightly ru ling and the soil It clay lumu. Then-is mud to ho u and well and pump on the property, and " crook running through it. Land well drained and (ennui. _ H _ _ _ . . ' .. . "WERE-EEK; is situated about eight miles from Daudulk and about two and one 1m." mile- (tow Villages of Mann-1| and Flame: (an. -.- . iaG/s my Cuxm‘noxs or sur.re.--Tiu, prrpcrtr will Ire sold In one parcel subject to a reserved bid tube in the mum at tho kuvetitmevr at the time of Sula. Ibo punjhuHer Alumni my tip."! in why“); savanna pureluuurutouey to the Vendors, that Sullniturs or Agents mu! of the balance of tho pur- chase moucy $1000 shall remain “you mart" re tor a term ot live yoyry with imam: payable 1311 you“; odtlv., me oleig'ot per cum per autumn. with More“ on Arrears. _ -- - _ . . March 8rd, 1â€. "rue said morning“ to contain 1:11 tho usual Mat untory covcturuts, pmvimwn and eututitiottti and u cm'clumt fur insmhuu‘c in the North British mm Mereantilu Ixmurunoo Company tor $300. Tho balance of the pnrchnsc money thvertvndnhuvctlte RAM .3200 and the sum $1000 shun 1-0 paid to the chlnrm their b'olicitom or Agents within 30 days trom tho date at tuslo with interest. " dam. age: can! train tho any ot sale audupon anchpnrm ta at! ply orrt?ioit RGiifjiiii'iiibiia, the gulch‘ugr lid "" .ateetaioit of all! morning we purchaser mm bt enuuod to the Conveyance and to who ponaosniom . The vendors shut“ not be bound to prodnso, ae- count for or show or prove we contents ot an; deeds, documents or evidence! M title not in we" posse». fun, or furnish copies ot the sumo Ind stun not lw ir, mud to furnish an abstract containing further punk-alum: than In contained in a. Regis- trar ti Abstract. ot title. The othereonditious who similar to the standing conditions at sale in tho Cuurt at thnccry, A T _ __ . . . L i'G'iiirttGT'Mienors apply to ttutttm1erslgturvt at Toronto or to Mr. Henry (Helium, Dundnlk. ROWLAND. ARNOLD! a BYERSON, . Vendors 801mm". Toronto. Dated this 18th any of Fobnury. A, D. 1880. 0104 sur.'E"ii.VGidWiiGhar REEL-Ii, kviitriristruis." tions to we all accounts remaining Imp-lid within a. reasonable time after Lbs pnbllanuon of this HAVI.\ G retired from bnsmoss m Durham. I am desirous ot closing my books by Calling m an outstanding accounw. For this lyyrpgsy 1Jtaye. My?! my YA", in tlyhPt,e.l? ot ttotitso, March lat, wen. "11:33:50 ludcbtod ta mo v Iso do not don't. to how their accounts entered in Court will govern thum- selvcl mordlugly. W. J. HUGHSON. Dttrttant,Feb.18th, 1880. (1-104 I -TGuiri,- var mowl‘ublic Generally (but having bad the above Milli furnishvd with the boat numbincry tor EDGE MILLS, DURHAM. THE subscriber wishes to intimate to Farmers. and thp_I'atriie .tlpnerant tly) He In momma to ml all nnlum entrusted to him on the shortest. notice and in a tirgt on†manor. CHOPPING carefully seconded to. _ ZENUS CLARK. Durham. Fob 12, mo. “-103 Gristlng & Merchant/Work, FISH I FISH L Burnett’s Provision Stove, IN THE Township of Osprey, County of Grey. Durham, Feb. 18th, 1390. Durham. Fob 12, mo. New Advertisements . Mortgege Bale Durham, Wb., 1333 Horse Blanket Lost. - J. BURNETT. HURON HERRING, A LARGE QUANTITY OF Warning, JUST ARRIVED AT SALMON TROUT. And Labrador Herring. Auctioneer. a. 106. $13 Something N (w. Pompadour Prints, the latest thing gut. BLACK EMBOSSED Prints. . BLACK and Warm»: do. TARTAN annex Prints. PLATES. ago. ac. Ducks, Demins, Cottons and Shirtings, all at the lowest I’vices for Cash. MOWAT is now Receiving His SPRING STOCK Bar Iron, Steel, Horse Nails, Now is the time to buy if you want to save money, As all lines of SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE are Advancing Rxpidly. Intending Purchasers will do well to get quotations before Purchasing Elsewhere. Special Inducements for Cash. if OB. F. MOWAT, Cheap Boots and Shoes. PRINTS, Prints, PRINTS. Has received part of his Now Stock of BOOTS and SHOES. Which notwithstanding the tire in nu tho kindle of Goods will be found As cheap as ever sold in Durham, .and many lines much cheaper. A nice line of Ladies. Etowswe11s's Building, Upper Town, DIFRIIJXl‘I. ALL persons holding chums Mtttl tsh the Estate of \VILLIAM NEWELL, int ot tho Tuwmhlp of Bcnuuck. in the County t Hwy, Yeoman. who died on or about the eighth m (be- ot Nnvuuber A. b.1879, are hereby notmuu com-n t if bv post prepaid, to ma. Elector ot the last WW, and Matmncnt of um and William Rowan, au.. coaaod, on or before the [1331‘ Day of MARCH n' 4, Their Christian and surnames. fallbdng and an. nnriptlanho frt11 trttrtieu.iaw, ot thou claims. " Mateusrnt q.f than mngu" .3 rad the “Mum ot the accurctms tit an?) bs"." or them, or in .lvhmlt memo! they wu 1w “and from any chin) 55:91:13“ 910 up 02mm. . . - . And 'utt'.srtl .ul indebted to the said Estate Are herebv ttot'.Ma to poy the same to ma (cm-mum tttt ' r "than the tirtst day of March next. Dated at l "chm in the County ot Grey, this in any of January A.D. 1880. Fi .mdeWB' Guru- GGari GuirirarGdisousttk wi the undersigned, 0: otherwise they will he placed in gait for collection. AI BLACKSMITH’S SUPPLIES. Durham, February 5. Iwo. Hon‘dnt‘i. Pet. TRAYED on ' llcrlber. let I}. r, Axles, Armstrong Patent Springs, and general Blacksmiths supplies, Durham. Jen. 28, 1880. umber. lot M, “in ca.. 1isotimu,tttre" m (om I nun, u. Rod And With Idler. coming two ar. The owner ' mama to prove puny- Heifer Came Astray. Just opened out " GRANTS, New Prints in tho latest designs. Executors Notice Which will be Found Lttrgts H. W. MOCKLER, Notice. FINLAY MACBAE, Executor, bin-m. Misses and Children's Buttonod Boots WIT Cheap q Don't forget the placa. , W. J IIUGTISON -NES.T. W) .Lw: l L. GRANT. .--or---. Mi Inh- II. W. MOCKLER. , . . . ALrmeS heading chums against Hm t my _ot Tsntttu.qrnitbJrtto of the ’l‘mmship o a†d161, Lillie County at Grey, Woman, why in“! o" or about the tieuty-swhyttl1 (27) dnan l-pri'., A. D.1a79.nro tyywlqyittititta, P, m-ua.nili b); t I" . a â€In-vu- .N.. ......... .. ._. .e"e -. . iGi'p%t'ii'i'it, mo, chcier ut the bust will mm mm“: ot the and Imumn Husitlo, dammed. on or hcluru the First Day of April Next, Thur may: and Surnames, adamant-e: and dc- Itat',',',',',',', tho fail particular; of Weir chum. u bin mom of their alumnus. and the nature of the , woman-(of mum-1d by them : or Lu default thew- l ot they wtil bu oxolmuul trout any claim Against. tho mid astute. Dated at Latoya. in tho T'ornatsip td Clement. this twenty-nun any at January, A. D. mm. GEORGE LEDINGHAM. hm Exmvron. Lower Town, _ DURHAM. Pleaherton and Dnndalk. Wedding MM Jon: M " t'attr tttui triots. ,', Repairing *Vntch“ b 'L‘Iooh a Spocjdily. s-------------" _------------- then-Im- - ' mun .swa mm W†“a... -- fl W 'lito $20 t,'.t,'d,?."fh',Pr', Pil".'" 2'.. W. F. DOLL, and Well Assorted. G. C. McFARLANE. Executors Notice. W. F. DOLL, F um- (nation and 1 rum. y90 Clocks give that the best fl‘ The Best place in the County Watches, Clocks, A. GORDON’S, Of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Gall Rings; uohifiirer. um! Plated Chains, JUST RECEIVED. As I buy for cub I â€I? sell very chap for ens . Berth-In; pro-pay done all WWII. Give me a can. Ordered Clothing l TRY Us for tt, HOBBY SUIT. . wiirzt New Cash Store BUTTER ctr, RAE An m toeeiving additions to ty. selected mm ot Dry Goods, Groceries. , Crockery. Ghvssniraro.; note 3: Shoes. HATS and CAPS, a., No Daqulvou tutu" the numb. livery customer served no. No second tsripo-qtvcry ttrueto multodlu {plain Emu-en. We don't pretend to keep mo argon: stock north of Toronto. nut advertise Good: that we bum not on hand. Fun weight and good manure awry time. Try Ill and be convinced. Alllmmzm for Cash, ttnd over: Line New. N #1159081? Wilm- “swarms! Mock kept THE HIGHEST PRICE PMD PO1t Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Poultry, da. Brick Block, MILL Street. MARKDXLE. hammers um. Garden and Agricultural t. A New Stock SEEDS, Markdnlo, has. em, 1380. “and. mm Kiss0temtr.t_alTrtlut stay), 799mg Ono door north ot Parka": 'Dr-g Mr SOME REASONS yuan-w no tmttnrthanoth-.-- q "t.--No We :0un 1r,1re/d,tk.2,gi,,tptghia,- bd.-" no" dip-06th. ui.u4ta-iaotesmrt--r- -- ')r_"tt'.ret.1y.t.1eJhe,t?," Season of 1880. The UNIVERSAL SUSPENDEH. and Jewellery,- ta " SEEDS, 'ett can" the tyttll BUTTER & RAE. A SPECIALITY. --TO BUY- DURHAM. iifiiegit.Atee't 282 MSc.w-sw SEEDS, may of new Good: at H. PAREER’S DRUG smut. Durham. SEEDS ! h. GORDON, air already well Try cumin"