fore Durhamy: â€" Wednesday im each v in ca the Ga (iuq Guelph. Flora ce Grol I\“L ~1H“1h’ u “.h 1TLE FAIRS. E‘Y NEWSPAPER ERICA. NTS IN 1880. fn THE CHEAP:ST ay in eae 1y in each month . dnesday of ~"gach axa Street, =« â€" DURHAM ent free of postagd hioased separately, farket Price and Skins. ber and M' c u: preceding â€" the TPPâ€" INCBREASED 1CATION. t=o. THE WEEKLY CLOTHIER, a l Irossod) us the GLOBE "s aker, )t 1 Canada and 1h¢ y imadvance. Tha up a cluo on ie luos wils be wupe the paper grats, CGLOBE ND BEST MPANY, ieronto. R ANNUNM, SMITH, Tanner, resting than Was y weekly ’nï¬ i increased ; Tt cholo and epan t mewt x“ Bmawn whas dait to Order. th ap io »» ~g* maryements ’l mual subscripe emain as hereâ€" N TBR nt m dn f the Dominiom nerous readers. zement of Tw® ts prosent hirge e kr-t week of m of the paper *column paper the length of i as to give, im in cach weew w ad its present n ied iblier at bave mainâ€" its migh posiâ€" at variety off i the HAM Or in Presby. t« anbscril oadwr. at owr new booke the worid‘s geville, -\.‘i“..ib ingeville, in each . It is the W ORI3>. e réelation v. In this re henaive artment almos6 have & y tw brun® wes 4o tried vtouges ppl vI uhn l This hewr mer tw Prolsssional aud business cards. one inclh space and amler, per year, ........ $ 4 T wo inches or 24 lines Nonpariel measure 7 T aree inches do. per year.............. 10 Qiarter, per year.............. 18 Malf colums, %* Â¥2 wies i in s« + P One coluian, €6â€" whn en c 14 deven < woldRt t ree %A. .23 if not paid within two months. J measure Atthe O fice, Garairaxa Street, Upper Town Durham, â€" â€" Ont. "THE REVIE W Every Thursday, o al w CALLDWE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. LEGAL â€" ' \\’ I IL.I 11 Or 1) TERMS:â€"$1.C0 per year in Advance Money 10 Avertissments, OME REASONS why these Suspenders S are better than ot'heil Fake 1st.â€"No Elastic required. 2nd.â€"Is Siack when stooping. 3rd.â€"It never slips off the Sgboulda‘ “-â€"w_ t_i prices i _o! common suspender® Manufactured by C. E. RAMAGE, _ 282 Adelaide St. West: ‘Foronto. Do. «tÂ¥ mqublt® .. .. ..«.â€" / < 4x« 90 Do. three months.... ... T7 6 asail advertisements charged 8 cts. per e tor the first insertion, and 2 cts. per line euch subsequent insertion â€" Nopareil Viek® Hia wW. CHITTICK,. VAUIC® s# »\ th M AM li ed until forhi ates, Addr ustrat o RATES OF ADVERTISIG Bock ot az1d ty .-)}it :h AY 8 Â¥lo vâ€"z aad YVe Try a Pair and Secure Comfort, Morckont & & U sAev2A J ANTMALS, &e., advertised three $1, the advertisement not c exâ€" ¢. B. JACK " D. MACMILLAN, Y.AT.â€"LAW, &e Y ICOI‘S tod â€" Floral 1+ PUBSLISHLD es of births, . marriages, inds of local news, inserted stac JA J. TOWNEEXD kaicr, DUHDAL Upper r in Chan tury Public w uUIdo Orricr 1 Flowor yâ€"54 to. |\Repairing done with neatâ€" nsss and despatch. win 50 M \Y,. T. DOLL, ().‘; Real Estates at 8, 8}, and 9 per cent, according to privilages granted. Lonnus Ttepayable BY f 4 InstIments, or Cthorwise consisting of three acres of excellent land, under cultivation, on which is erected a small cottage and a frume stable. This property would make a nice homestesd fo: & mechame or acy one wiskâ€" ira to retire from faurming and live in m village. Will be sold for 3300, which is only $25 per n}m\mr were lot, Apply to the propri¢ter.or by letter to ty in the Money to Loan 'l‘u E Proprietor wishes to dispose of Lot No. 3, on Albert Street, one Range East of Gar« wiruxa Street, Lower Town, Durham. On the lot is erected a good dwelling House aund Stable. The Lot contsins one acre ofland.. 4 good well and gump. and a number of fruit trees, or the lrnmin- or garden purposes the land is unexcelled.. The whole property will be sold cheap fo: each, or otherwise as may be uï¬raml upon. For furtber particulars apply at the Ruview Office. Durhai,June 24, 1879 House and Thrge Acres of Land For Sale. A GEREAT BARGAIN. THE Subscriber wishing to leave this _A. part of the country offers forsule his proporâ€" PROPERTY FOR SALE. House and Lot for Sals in Durham. 4 PIR®Tâ€"COLA®S® REAR®E To Hig:. Boots and Shoes, "TYHT EDCE MILLS, DURHAM. Pricoville,Au .16 1877 Aristirg C: le is preparc4 to All sll oric‘s entrusted to hin a the oh Irtost nowse cud im c itst «lussincundr CMDP21LN‘; caratnlly wttimded so. " ZEXT3 CLARK:. prohar: tCt in rash, t# 105 D V ol. III. No. 9. glish & Scortish Envestment Co. Rockville,Bontinck July . ist. 1879 AT® "HI i0 hand i nem, 1 YHE sulscriber wishes to intimate "to .. Eurmors, and the Public ?eltlu"_' that ving bulthe abovre Mills farniâ€"hed wih the bout> ‘nachinery & r eather, Leather., VILLAGE OF PRICEYVILLE. Aloxander Robortson, +405 »* Rashions Megaoinriy Received AND LOAN CO. OF CANADA ither Sowed or Pogged, ef id nuvule to measure. Good Work sod Mnteclal and Low Price«, INTYRE, Valuator bscriber tock of L CAILOR, To Suit Borrowers the Old Post O ASH FOR HIDES, Mas *\ T2 n Heint t irstâ€"cluss BARCLAY‘ achines For Sale, ho Marchant Work wt j ut w onman i Orgn th > Mn tisfm § on hand and for r of diiferent brunds in rices us low as it can be y other place. imnte to thoso whose that unless asettement 0 months, the accounts hands for collection. mort AJ JO8. F. MOWAT, Agent, Durham iâ€" RBundalk.| Paze asd D NEA be GftD rod to Weeeive t notice, and in "Mothing. Agood Priceville P. 0 th#7. s nre the oest to those using J ..C.JOPP Call. T)( ited) w n v4 The elock had just struck six from its place on the black markie. mantel of the pretty little diningâ€"room, where fresh boâ€" quets of roses exhaled. perfume as if each separate pink blossom had Lbeen a crucible of sweetness ; and a noisy ery of "Mamma, he‘s coming! papa is coming!" filled the house, from. three or four rosy little mouths. Nina Melton, the most eager child of them all, ran to the door, and stood there, smiling and lovely, with the little ones elinging round her skirts, to wel¢ome liet husband‘s coming footsteps, the beau ideal of wifely pride and liappiness. "Why, Honry," she said, as li¢ came up the steps, with a kiss for little Nin, and a chuck under the chin for Johnny, and a word of greeting for thein all, "what makes vyou look so grave 2" Mr. Angus Macdonald‘s translution of "God Save the Queen" into Guelic, for the Gaeiie Society of Inverness, is as follows : "Dhis gleidh ar Banrigh mhor, Beatha bhuan da‘r Baurigh choir, The dinner was realyâ€"a pair of brown little chickens, with a Parisienne soup, first, and a bread pudding afterward ; for Nina Melton was as notable a housekeeper as any in the land. But Harty Melton‘s fuce did not soften in it‘s rigid outlines as the meal progressed to a closc. Nina was helping her youngest child to its little plate of, pudding, when one of the servants came softly in and whispered something to her. "Yery well," said Mrs. Melton, earelessâ€" ly, @give her the other bundle. "Harry, can you ict me have five dollars ?" "Mothing, child ; only I‘m tired, and I want my dinner." r "To pay Mrs. Barbour for sewing." "Nina, that woman charges you toc much," he said, sharply. "I do pay her a little more than Jane Callzhan charges ; but you must remember, dear, that she is a widow, with six little children." **No, Harry ; butâ€"" "Pay her for what she Las done," he said, tossing a fiveâ€"dollar lill ungraciously across the table ; "but don‘t give her any more. Jane Callahan sews cheaper," Mrs. Melton made no further remonâ€" strance, but obeyed in silence. "Charley Miller is coming here this evening," sne said, a fow minutes afterâ€" wards, "to get Johuny‘s old suit of elothes. Mrs. Miller was so thaukful when I told her she could have themâ€"*" | _ _"If this is the way you aro feeling,| w 'lInrry," said . Nina, "I‘m afraid you will w ‘iinppro}'o of, what L. yenjured toâ€"diy. gl Mr. Liscombe was here to.ask about: the ||,, | rent of, your little store on Sixth, Avenue. Lt was for thrt lame brotber of his, an | q lhom.-;t. hardâ€"working »young. sLoewaker, ; ,, wlio is very auzicus to,go wmbluu)elg for Mimsolf. / He thas ~seraped Aogether nine | w hundred dollars for the first year‘s rent." _ | w ""She can‘t have thein," interrupted Mr. Melton. "Jones tells me he gets half price for anything of that sort, at a store on Chathain street. He gave me the card, and I shall send for them to come up here and take away all cur old cluothes. We must economize, Nina." & "But Mis, Miller is so poor." "So shall we be if we go on in this reckâ€" less way. I tell you, Nina, I‘ve been thinking serionsly over this matter toâ€"day. I‘ve lost eightcen hundred dollars throusk Corbitt‘s failure, and I can‘t aff=vd $o keep half the prmupers in New York. There‘s old Aunt Dorcas living rent free at the farm. I dor‘t know why I should support Aunt Doreas. Mortimer offered me three hundred a year for the place yesterday, and I shall write to tell the old lady to turn out." "Harry, she‘s eighty years old, and very poor.. Surely you would notâ€"" "Now, Ning, you are talking like a woâ€" man, and a very silly one at that. Suppose she lives to be ninety, am I to keep or. losing the rent of the furm just because she has taken a childish notion that she can‘t live any where else ?" *£""* Mr. Melton bit his lip. "There," h said,, a little petulantly, "I might have known it would end like this, if I tried to reason with you.. Women can‘t be logical if they try !" % x ag+ "It‘s very little to you, Harry," softly pleaded his wife, "and a great deal to her." dred." "I know you did, farry ; but L knewâ€" ut least I supporod â€"you would be willing "What for 2" Mrs, Melton looked a little surprised. It is not : qnestion he was in the hubit of "What Shall it Proft ?" "But I suised the reattoâ€"@welve lhunâ€" | shorit sizhted Phia gleidh ‘Bhanrigh t Do thiodhlaig mhaith thoir dhi, Doirt cirre pailt gun dith, Fad‘ riaghladh i; Ar reachdan dionadh i, Toirt dhuinu aobhar, gun sgios, "Bhi seinn le‘r guth ‘sar cridh‘, Dhia glcidh ‘Bhanrigh !" Phia gleidh ‘Bhanrigh Thoir buaidh dhi, ‘us solns, Son agus ro ghloirmhor, Ead‘ chum riaghladh cirnn‘; Dhia gleidh ‘Bhazrigh t A Thighearn‘ ar Dia eirich, Sgap a naimhdean eitich, "Us leig iad sio. Cuir cli an droch riaghlaidh, Tlig sios an luib dhiabhlaidh Ar dochas cirre leagâ€"â€" are nC DUEHAM, Co. Grey, APRIL 15;â€"1880...~."".. t bouud to support them, are POETRY "I will put little Mary to bed," she said, quietly, and stole away upâ€"stairs, with the uther children silently following her. f "Papa isn‘t nice toâ€"night," said Johany, as he took his spellingâ€"hook to the nursery table. *"*Mamma, what makes him so cross 2" Nina listened | in, silence».. To: her. it scemedâ€"as jifsome strange kansfom\ntipp had come unexpectedly, over: the whale spirit and temperament Of the: man she called her husband,. .. Progently, she, rose up. $ I "HMush, Johuny," said> Mrs. Melton, whose wifely loyalty admitted of no doubt or question. â€" "Papa is tired." 3 ""Then you did a foolish thing," said, Mr. Melton, rising and Leginning to pace the room in ¢vident annoyanee, "a very foolish, and illâ€"consdered thing indeed, .;[ maust send my clerk around to Liscoinbe‘s the first thing toâ€"morrow morning. . I can‘t afford to make a present of three hundred a year to Giles Liscombe just because ~he is a cripple. I pay my taxes, I contribute to the charity funds of the church, .and I can‘t and won‘t do any more!" M oY Johnny was not altogether satisfied with this version of affairs, but he fell baek on "words of sit syllables," without asking any more questions ; and Nina returned downâ€"stairs, taking up her needleâ€"work, and quictly seated herself by the shaded gasâ€"burner, as she saw that Harry Jay on the sofé apparently asleep, with a newsâ€" paper over his face. Once or twice, us the clock ‘ticked> softly in the stilluess, and the indistinet hum from the strcet below floated in through the halfâ€"open window, Nivag let the work fall to her lap, and unconsciously drifted aivay upon the tide of ~grave and troubled thoughts which seemed to eddy around hor heart. TL They were making money, the firm of Melton & Chisdale. â€" She had heard people say so, time and again ; she had beenâ€"conâ€" gratulated upon the suecess of her lmsâ€" band‘s business, and had smiled back a pleased response. Old uncle Darwin Field, when he had made his week‘s visit: in the city two years ago,lisd contetplated Harry Melton‘s Inxurious home with grave wistâ€" fulness, and said to her : o do a charitable action for one so piteous~ ly afflicted by Providence ; so I told Mr. Listornbe that poor: Giles|could have it for the former rent of mine hundred."» »(â€"« ;/ She had thought the old man‘s interferâ€" i 89° ence almost impertivent, at the time ; now | ""€ his words came to her like a halfâ€"forgotten ®8¢ prophecy. | e Lat "Remember, Ninz, my gal, that viches bave wings, and don‘t get too sot on sich things." ' « "Can it be possible," she thought, as her sadl eye gazed out isto the starry firmament of the summer night, "that le too has caught the worst infection of moneyâ€"makâ€"> ingâ€"that he is growing avaricious and mean | and grasping? Oh, no, no, Hnrry‘ne\'cr' could be that !" | The work Iay unbeeded in her lap. She had no heart to sew now. Up to the presâ€" ent _ moment, _ Nina _ Melton‘s life had been one of nninterrupted smoothness and sunshine. Could it be that the shaâ€" dows, so long withheld that she had learned to doult their actual existence, so far as she was concerned, were coming at last. Suddenly Harry Melton started from his slumbers and sat upright, gazing with a bewildered air around the room. "Nina, wife, are you there ?" he said, in "Nina, wife, are you there ?" he said, in a strange, husky tone. "I am here, Harry." "Then, thank geoduess, it was only a dream I" s "What was only a dream 2" "Come here;, and I will tell you, wileâ€" here, close to my side. Heavens !" he muttercd, beneath his breath, as he passed his hand uncasily over his wet forehead, "how real it seems yet! Where are the children 2" «"Upstairs. Mary and Nina are asleep, and J lmny is at his lessons." "I have had tho strangest medley of a dream you ever heard," he went on. ‘Ni+ na, I think it must have beon intended for a warning for me. It seemed to me as if I were dead. I had not passed through the mortal strife of dissolution, and yet I was standing in the gloom and mystery of that other world that lies before us all. You understand me, Nin& 9" _ s _ * I understand you, Harty," she anâ€" swered, her soft, woudering eyes fixed upon his face. "And you and. the childron were with me also, and not with meâ€"that was the strangest mystery of all. You seemed to stand iff{ar off, in beautifal green meadows all misty with the sanshine that was around you, and the children were gathoring flowâ€" ers at your féetâ€"flowers such as I have never seen in any imortal gardens ; and there were many others there, and the air was full of music whose strains T "tould faintly hsar. Aad I was hastening toward you, when my footsteps were stopped by a wallâ€"a, wall built of s}ï¬n;:in'g 2‘7“;. of gold, mith, a sentinel standing beyond ‘in whité. Lame Giles Liscomhe had the store on Sixth Avenue at the old rent, â€" and" Aunt Doreas lived and died undisturbed ‘uncer the ;woof . tree, which . had , shelâ€" tered _ her. girlhood, . Charley Mfl_lor bloomed . out, gorgeously in _ Johnny‘s suit of elothes, and Mrs,, Barbour had a new roll of work sent her the very next day.. Nor were they the ounly ones that blessed the nobleâ€"hearted liberality of Harâ€" ry Melton in years to dome. weight rested on my iléillâ€"‘-:a’n"q"l;v‘i'fl‘fl Ioln.]f of remorse. , L lifted . up my.,yoicé to affer a ery of despair, but I ‘could not bregth oven a wl{ispg,; and then I awoke. ‘Nina, Nina, thank God with me that it was only a drgam !" _ . _ [ :C 1i Lavaell Slhe,pressed his Imn(d softly. in hher own, as thg tears i:‘&'r'nfe‘mgo her eyes,‘ " | _ ‘,’Ihéélflï¬g\i.“‘ihd;ed'. dear Harry 1 she answered. , C Busbne: socthies , Aud, when old ,Chisdale,. his partner, shook, his head, and talked of how many hundreds of dollars Melton might have been worth ‘if he hadn‘t been so foolishly generous to peoplé who never thanked him," Harry only smiled, and rememberâ€" ed the good old text : "For what shall it profit‘a man ‘if he gaid the wiote worlt and lose his own soul ?" * of,, those,, persons, ,, who ", were, poorer, than .Iâ€"Giles, Lascombe‘s Lard earnâ€" ed meney, aud the :'Snf for ?téc‘)' old Aunt Doréas‘ house, and the liftle IZ‘ï¬â€™ would have taken from Mrs, Ifirbo'ur’s hoard, aud hlgéh more l}csideg. Oh, N_in‘g! when I saw that shining barrier, I knew that it divided us eternally, and it was mode pTï¬i:‘ ; to me all of a sudden how misérably I had failed in life.‘ . ‘FRor what shall ‘it profit a man if he , g&fn the fu'}lble world and lose hig own sonl?‘ â€" It seamed, ds if a grest weight rested on my soulâ€"an awful load Odanah. is ilbe name of the newest city of the Northâ€"West. It is a suggestive name, too, since in the Indian language Odahnah menns‘ "the city." Tt is sitiated just ‘where the Canadian Pacific Railway crogses the Little Saskatchewan. C Porty thousard dollars: ltave beeu=exâ€" pended at Barrie by men engaged in seeurâ€" ing the ice‘crop. Sitteen houses, containâ€" ing from 14,000 to 18,000â€" tons each, have been filled. > 4 Baci 96 A Larpasis Onizor.â€"We are requested to inform our yomnag . readers in Egremont that the Doard of Directors of the Egremont Agricultura) Society have decided to offer, at the Fall Show, five prizes for the. best specimen of printing and the same for writâ€" ing.â€" The ‘first prite is to be $1.25, and each ‘succeeding one to, be reduced by 25 eents. . The eutrance fee is to be ten cents, and liunited to children attending school in the Township, and not to be older than sixâ€" teen years. The Secretary will require along with the specimens a note from each teacher certifying that such work was preâ€" pared under his supervision. We trust that the teachers in the Township will give this matter their hearty approval and aid the enterprise. by becoming . members, so that .this will not draw too heavily upon tae funds or private subscripâ€" tion. We give timely notice so that the children may prepare during the summer months.. The age of each child is to be taâ€" ken into cousideration, and is to be on the specimen.â€"Eazaminer, Tarportaxr, ie Cornzor.â€"Judge Savary ot the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, has just given a decision thet, if correct, will hayve & Startlingâ€"effeet in ‘whatever provinces it may hold good. In an appeal from a magisâ€" trate‘s court on a license case, he has deâ€" c‘ded that judgments issued by certain magistrates are invalid. â€" The Judge‘s prinâ€" cipal ground for the «decision is that Liowâ€" tenant Governors, nst beisg representaâ€" tives of the Oreen direct and not having bee" inestéd by ‘Provincial law with the Barrist Corncar,â€"We learn from the| Baptist that the negociations for the pur: chase of a site for the new Theological Hall, ‘ to be erected by the munificence of Hon. Wim.‘ McMaster, for the training of the: ministry for the Baptists of Canada in Toâ€" rauto, are completed by the pryment of $10,090, the price of the land.: ‘The Uniâ€" ‘ve;sity ‘anthorities ‘made an exception in ‘This case tnd assonted to & ‘¥Ale, instead of loase, by redion of the fuct thatthe lot was, to be ‘occupied by a Divinity‘ Scliool which would Avail itself of "gerthin‘ eldssés h the, University, in much‘ the same "way that" Khox ‘ Calléege® does.‘"The site is on the, DBlodr Etreet front/‘of the University grounds beev investéd by Provincial law with the power to appoint magistrates, their appointâ€" ments to the magistracy are invalid ; and, hence the acts of the persons they appoint are also invalid.. As no Act has been passed in Nova Scotia since the Union, authorizing the Local Governor to appoint magistrates, no man has been legally made ‘n magistrate since that period. If Judge Savary is right, then a perfect mess of mattors legal will: result, unless remedia) measures be at once taken ; and the same will be the case in every other province whose Loegislature has not given its Goverâ€" nor the right to make magistrates, 9 uott ul beflalst od # WÂ¥ Bd 4 c ccm "~ WHOIENO., 112. . nu.l Owrx Soux», April 7.â€"â€"W, J, Grabam, op, | Collector of Inland Reyenus, and Mr. R. the| Hartley, Deputy Collector, made a visit 1. | yesterday to an ilticit distillery. situated in ; of| the woods in rear of Mr. J. Gordon‘s, lot ni. | 8, in the 3rd concession of Eaphrasia, The in distillsry, which éonsisted of a large unâ€" 1 of | derground chamber and a frame structure vas. nlv)ove',‘Wns most ingeniously contrived, and ich was 'outered by means of a secret trap in a {4| closét; A‘portion‘ of the plaut had been Hï¬ttâ€a“e“d' There was a consideraUle quanâ€" m‘,‘ t flt?’pf_ipidu in the placs, the greater porâ€" na," fon ‘of which the ‘officers destroyed. The , gt‘etfliée’ were ‘enid to be ‘owned and "operâ€" ~A ated by a party natmed Wm. Shaw: h. m ‘Afoost Pomist, April 76h.â€"Mis George gtj. Grey, whost proniises wese seized a short «& /) time‘{age for containing an , dhoit malting | pérform statwbe Jabor for lot 24, con. 11, on ; the new roadâ€"carried.. Six hundred Jlolâ€" {ln‘.rs was appropriated to the repairing and | improving .of roads in;, the townshipâ€"§25 lin éach ward, including commissioners‘ fees; no. specic}. grants, to be made except on town lines: Mr. Elliob, moved, seconded l by. Mx, McLeod, that the resignation of J. W. Menderson as clerk be n.cqepted. and at ! the same time this Courcil, take pleasure | in acknowledging the ability, with which Abe.duties.of his office have been. perform> ' e1., ‘This Council, furthermore express a gesire that all his future associations and ! business relations shall be in the same hon« L est and com: teous,demeanor as was always amamifested to this Board by him. Council â€"a ljourned; M t2d «i midhied |. â€"Countcil métwin‘town hallyFlesherton, on | Monday, April 6th. | «All present.; ~Minutes | of last meeting read ‘and ‘confifmeds Audiâ€" | tors‘ quarterly report prosented : and read. Commpunieations presented aid read as folâ€" | lows / A. MeLellan,re‘lots 201,â€" 202 and (208. 2 east, Artémesia ; MeKittrick : Bros., reâ€"toad scrapers.â€" Petition of W. Duchanan and <others presented: and read. â€"Byâ€"law No. 312, appointing W. J. Bellamy clerk, and fixing duties and salary, introduced and passed in the usualway: . Mr: Elliott moved; seconded by Aar. Wright, that Byâ€" ’ Inw N6. 811y appointing pathmasters : for 1880, beâ€"now read a third time and enterei in by â€"lawâ€"book.~â€"Carried. Mr. Elliot movâ€" ed, scconded by Dr. Christoe, that the po« | tition â€"of Mr.~Buchanan and, others be gianted, and thit he:â€"receive $40 in considâ€" erationâ€"of his loss in the{Neleon Hill. matâ€" terâ€"lost. Mt. Elliott aoved, seconded by Mr. Mcleod, that Mr. Hislop be allawed to | â€" ‘The Councibmet at the> Townâ€" Mall on ‘ the 11th of March,â€" The members were all ‘préesent.~"Anumber: of communications | and ‘nocounts: wete> presented and read. | Robert Hickley, an intligent, was granted | the sum of §8. . The Trustees of 8. 8. No: l 1 were paid the sum cof $17.24 ‘being surâ€" «plus taxes accruing on debentures. â€" Messrs. Atkinson, & Tupper wore paid $8.25 for reâ€" pairing 3 road scraperis, and for repairing ‘ two road serapers Mr. James Hemming | received the sum of $1. The Clerk was ‘ authoaized to invite tenders for the printâ€" | ing or 400 e »pies of the minutes and audiâ€" tors‘ for 1879‘ in pamphulet form. . The \ Treasurer was authorized to receive from * Mr. A. Perry $24.860, texes due on Lot 32, 4 Com, 8,; N. E., for the years 1878â€"79, and ; that he be allowed to perform six days ' . statute labor and reveive for same $6, the | Clerk to motify the County Treasurer to 'emse the taxes ; from Mr. Vickers Bates | the sum of $10.40, being taxes due on the ‘ east half of Lot 18, Con. 3, 0. S. for 1879. i On the introduction of pathmaster‘s certifiâ€" ; cate, Mr. John Craner was ordered to be | paid $4 for four days statute labor for Lots ‘ 15 and 17. Con.7,, N. E. An order was| |ilsued in favor of Mr. Andrew Jamieson for $10, to be expended for the bep#Lt of } Mrs. Jane Wood. The Trersw*r was auâ€" thorized to reccive a noie of and, with security, payable in iÂ¥ woeks, for arrears of taxes on Lots 248 and 244, Con. 4, S. W., for 1879, Am.nunting to $19.12. The Clerk was paid $4 for postage, &c. The ‘ Boad Commissioner was roquested to let by auction the chopping out of the swamp on the 4th Con., N. E., opposite Lots 11 and 12. ‘The application of Mr. G. A. Pritchard for payment of a stove for Mrs. Jane Wood was not entertained. The Reeve was paid ©8 for attendin? Provisionâ€" al Committee at Orazgeville. 100 posters were: ordered to be printed at the I‘ree Press office for the use of the Road Comâ€" missioners, . The Meeve and Deputyâ€"Reeve were requested to investigate the cause of the accident that befell Mr, Wiggins on the Brd Con., N. E. The Collector‘s time was exiended till the 15th of April. The Treaâ€" surer was instructed to accept from Mr. R. Watson an endorsed note for $10.43, payâ€" able in three months. â€" The Reeve, Deputyâ€" Keeve and Clerk were appointed a Comâ€" mitteeé to nvestigate the Treasurer‘s sureâ€" ties. Mr. Robert McGhee was appointed arbitrator on behalf of Melancthon in the matter of separation between Shelburne mnd this townslip. The Council then adâ€" journed to meet on the third Monday in Ape â€" 1W Seizgure of an Illicit Still. Melancthon Council. Artemesia Council. I edt eqn=S§ i. seq s i; . . W J., Bereaxy, Clerk neemmmmuern e on i 4 le $ 28â€"A + byacc ds UOUMMTOY *4 <g + 199 Ansait The Peter Redpsth has ggreed to erect a now per. | pusean lailding for MeGill Colege, aud R P‘un\‘:‘P] .Duwu.m presents to the museum orge )u, alugble private colloctioa. hort |. Maulan anvd Courtney huve sigued an wlimemut to row a five mile race at Wasâ€"h fare , i :gton, Baitimore, or Puiladelphia on te aud | AOth of May. 1’3 The Loudon Agrioulfwral Gazctte: sa a "*} thuy«Oon..dian bacuer db the wurst class «f m,." bottor‘th..t is broughtso i2¢KÂ¥ aglish marâ€" umuï¬amnï¬mm Council. Memâ€" bers .all present ; Reéve in the chair. Minutcs of last meéting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mr., Lawrence, That the application of William Walden for remuneration for deviation «of road on Lot 22, Con. 1, be laid over until the Clerk examine old Byâ€"laws of the Townâ€" Moved by Mr. Lawrence, ‘scconded by Mr. Allen, That the ratepayers in Holstein having asked leave to lay down sideâ€"walks, that this Council do graut leave, on conâ€" dition thet no sideâ€"walk be laid down withâ€" in twenty feet of the centre of the road.â€" ‘The Directors of the Sounth ‘Grey Agriâ€" enttural Society addressed the Council on behalf of the said society, showing that the Township‘ of Egremont owned an equal, proportion: of the grounds and Gxtures built thereon, and asking a grant of money to enable said Directors to improve said grounds by building pous and other imâ€" provements. Moved by Mr. Dawsor, seâ€" conded by Mr. McCormack, That the appliâ€" ention be laid over until next meeting for further consideration.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Dawsov, scconded ‘by Mr. MeGormack, That the County Treasurer be anstructed to crase tuxes agaiust Liot 8 of 2 and 1 of 8, Con. 1, for 1876, as the same is an error. â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Allen, seconded . by Mr. Lawrence, That Mesers, MeFadyen & Mcâ€" Gregor‘s bill: for 1880, for expenses in conâ€" nection with Mrs. Rogers, and drawing Treasurer‘s Bond, amounting to $18.59, be paid ; and a hill of McFadyen‘s for former years be laid over for further éonsideration, â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Dawson, seconded by Mr. Allen, That James Shearer be refunded $8.80 as taxes returned in error against Lot 8 of 80, Con. 1.â€"COarried. â€" A pétition was presented by Richant Morrison and 31 others, praying that 8: 6. No. 1 remain with its present boundaries: Moved by Mr. Dawson, scconded by Mt. McCormack, That the Clerk having written to the Minister of Education, asking cortain questions respecting S. S No. 1, This council considers the answer to said questions, not suffitiently clear to cnable the Council to tuke any action in the matter.â€"Carried. Moyed by Mr. Allon, sseonded by Mr. McCormack, That the Reeve having reâ€" ceived from the Court of Cuancery, for Mrs. Rogers, $127.84 ; and according‘te agrecment with Mrs. Rogers and this Counâ€" cil, the same be handed over to the Treasâ€" urer, with instruction to refund to the Township all expenses in connection with the same, and also the bill for clothing‘te Mrs. Rogers and daughter, pwuid to Mr. Dickson.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Lawrence, secondcd by Mr. Dawson, That the Clerk notity S.‘t. No#. 8, 4, 5 and 6, that the Council will meet on Tuesday, the 6th of April next, #t Noble‘s Hotel, for to reâ€"construct, if adâ€" visable, said sections, and for other busiâ€" ness, and that this Council, do now adjourn accordingly. â€"Carried, Council adjourned. We notice that Mr. DBeatty, Solicitor, an Mr. N. Dickey, one of the Directors of 1» T.G.&B, R. are visiting various Manict palities interested in the success of the road, regarding the proposed scheme far widenâ€" ing lbe. gauge, and otherwise improving the railway. They have visited Mount Forest, Owen Soqnd, and other places, and are meeting with favorable reception. The AOUQ.t of the financial assistance required from the mumicipalities was stated to be as follows :â€" YRUGHAD..++»s»s + srarssassesssss»+*1s $10,000 S TDLOH +ss sn oncr en n h ren renve n ennnarae snn« _ POLOUO Bolton Village.......................s " "©1000 IORNOCON s cÂ¥4Â¥4i + syx s araiav en srvent nrn v6 44 i:3 Sfeg OO Chinguacousy (sectional)............ _ 5,000 o nSL CARCRICRKE:1+++rrsesssrssrire1s»1» _ 100080 Ocangeville.............................. â€" 16,000 M VioRIANATL..~...:?.s:1.>+â€".â€".+s¢1¢58 .+â€"s¢« * BOPOUG LObRer sls isiee. c cesavispensesciinch ienss sw ) BOAOOD West Garafruxa (sectional).......... _ 10,000 , Arthur Village .........~............... .. $,000 Arthur ‘Township..................... 10,000 APountt Fopest.........s.â€"â€"»+ssrersier»+s~ "00000 BRPORIOLE 1.1s.â€"55ss38tvzrez4vk rata0406» + AAoOq NN NOTBBMUOY 1ssm»»sssssszezesseesrees2+.+â€" 1050088 MARLO . ... smm Suarirttimnenszenssraysrss . 10,/000 MurrichOb....,. .65 rkvssare sn zecsusenes * $O08 MIOWICK .........sssmasishiskina in ns s ths MR0,000 NY DORODMNE 410050 w4Â¥3 i4 Â¥su ns veus «+ u+0 .: ~ABYOON TUPRIMOTY ) snvrse nptssses css ssraarcrns «+ ; 10000 MOUIFOSEAvranrariavarerensrzn c en en nine syr ce . AGA0O9 N OESWAEDE , 1 rrvrsnncannnnaenermsnacn sns . _ PWQDD Melancthon...................s....... ... $00,000 SROIDNEIG .s$8550,¢iisuirirraravchceess 400000 MEOHO .1s w20 â€"vdsvar inss shamnasviereney +x ; Ielg OO Muimur (sectional).,........»...»«...... _ 10,000 DP PORNE . se ut se n on enc renmunnips sn nesser es . P00 Dyudik ........................... ... ©,000 OSDDOY 2. ssssarstsssvars syrransun ravsners>. ) £0,000 Ktoland ...+++++«e0â€"â€"epertrxbartesczanessr . HHOOD EUpDIRASIQ | .e 8,000 SETLVEN "1..... ... ccclcnssisis sns sn fasncss > h 00O DOFDY ... sessveere sn esnsenrnnrensnenes 8,000 SYAQDDBMQ .....sse essm snn en snn nes â€" 15,000 Dwen Bound +â€"+...â€"cccorerssmnsenenss â€" "R§FOUU ‘Orchardville, March 19th, 1880. We undorstand that all the employees of the Torost», Grey & Bruce Ruilway have received potice that th cir services will not be required after the first of June next, as it is the intention of the company to close the road on that date. It will be Iocft for the people along the line to say whether its supension will be permanent or mot, There is no doult the closing of the rond would be a great public calumity, and we trust that the municipalities interested will s¢e it to be to their advantage to do @il they ean to prevent such a rewail.â€"Shelâ€" burne Free Frcss. The T. G. & B. Railway. Total w on 4@ n Allen, seconded by Mr., he applieution of William »~ ++ Leeatc, Clerk, . £484,000 15,0004 20,000 80,000 10,000 8,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 20,000 8,000 10,000 15,009 8.000 20,000 6,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 8,000 20,000 10,000 18,000 8,000 8,000 2 0 xt- 1 Z