‘P" the excessive flfl"y Was re. > concluded thy + _Friday nighy He cited the e Canada Con utanes of Brig. omd the mounâ€" delay in the n British Col. han the older Dec were proâ€" ration that the llhcalll.p cuted ; yet not * the present ndefinately the of the terins of ish Columbia ee. . He blamâ€" iseli some w hat t too dilatory irveys, an.l he t Government as much aw bromical ap~ im which Mr. asked the were pleased of his natâ€" asson replied ernment had yive the Froâ€" d bye. This serprised the usition pressâ€" he branch, but ration of water neâ€"continental ly adopted it itruct the railâ€" He contrasted ince of Quebec )‘Wh, short distance ursued by the ared to act as """C4C7, out of testing againsy t of view, ;h Messre, t:«l to the Columbiz » provided to violate the heir predeces. ind he contras. *) Opposition‘s im apparently h'-!-I M ered by the miions of enstically nygth that he embarâ€" ed owing owed, by 1 me y was no% ure with» was Mr. hreaten to se riton as tra med 4. April 19. straightened d the rapidly eluding . his ue delivery . April 20 : denounâ€" ing in its intereste ‘ction by Algerian stated lis» the Govâ€" been re 1 speech, the cen» e attached nsi bie y near the of Sup at 240 VIgour it ng in lavor speech was amnend n present tims ielay im the or® east u > adjourn weyver, was resumed , admitted mMu med that solutely t only 131 id the y had e lute af i en ductâ€" as were ex; veas the lntercolonial and Pacific Railway on capital account were made, after wluch that for Ocean and River Service was conâ€" sidered. D 0k ET AAATCT CR IHC EIERLCL, seCQLded by Mr. Mackenzie, the House went into Committee and voted the necessary sum. The House then went into Committee of Supply upon the Estimates. The votes for & ent saw that the sentiment of the 3 ~~ainst them, and the amend, . was at first refused, was acâ€" .« dissent. The amendment « the Committee, and the Bill passed the third reading, as also «d Mr. Baby‘s Bill to consolidate and amend the Acts respecting the Inuland Rsvenue. After recess the Minister of Justice‘s Bill to amend the Act respecting ernc‘‘y to aniâ€" mals was advanced a Stage * A message from the Governorâ€" Genoral was received, recommending a grant of $7,â€" 000 for the relief of the Hull safferers frow ‘ fire. Ou motion of the Premics, secouded Under this head the Premier made an iportant announcement in regard to the ‘m of §$50,000 for subsidizing a line of :ramboats from Carads to Rio Janeiro, azil. He said that the Brazilian Gov. ament were about to select a building in 0 where Canadian products such :s won‘ mired in Brazil could be sxhilited, and F iolerest dn dnbdbiae enre and ex diÂ¥iston. Mr. Oliver meved the recommittal of the Bill to strike out the fifth clause. Lost or a division. withdraw his amendment. Mr. Weldon moved the three months hoist in amendment to the motion for the t passo could On the third reading of the Bilt respect @z the militia and defence of the Domin n of Canada Mr. Ross (Middlesex) move ameudment that the Réll be referre« ck to the Committee of the Whole. with rate Jhe House went into Committee on a Bill to reculate the encumbering of real estate by 1 _ money or otherwise. The Bill as w â€" was further amended in unimportant res; . »~~ the Committee rose and reportâ€" 3 ©ot.om for concurrence. ‘- ~*â€"â€" :moved the recommittal of the > wd by providing that no higher rate of interest than eight per cent per anonm might be charged, and providing also !o'l certain penalties to thoso charging a higher | Mr. Giilies moved for correspondence relating to the the extension of an evening mail service from Walkerto® to Paisley, Port Flgin and, Southampton. _ He stated that both last and this session the Government had promised to attend to this matter, but thus far nothing had been done. He desired that Pusley, Port Elgin and Southampton, all of which were places of some importance, should be granted the advantage of the English ndl‘ service which Walkonog exnjoyed. _ He hoped ; the matter would no longer be kept in susâ€" I pense tas W buss bhupuitiul Lrade. w#e unmdor tus head of Fisheries ited, 98 niso were se.eral others of The Courts of the different Provinces composing the Dominion during the past six yeare, statâ€" ing the number in each year, viz., 1874 56 7 8 and 9. Carried. Mrc. Bunster said thrt in view of the vote given last night sustainining the Government in their Pacilic Railway policy, he would like to ask the Premier if it was his intention to visit British Columbia this season. If so, he wanted to know itâ€"(Laughter)â€"on behalf of the Province, which had sent him here 1s their agent. . (Hear, hear and laughter. ) Sir John Macdonaldâ€"I think the hon. genâ€" tleman should have given notice of his ques tion, but I may say that the matter is under my most serions consideration. (Hear, huri and laughter, ) Mr. Farrow moved for a return showing the number of actions of seductions tried in the The amendment was declared lost on a Mr Sir John MacJonald said they ts upon the amendment u: t ! i; W n priute The House The motion was carried 18@ om for transfer of muse Orton sain that to night its passo, be risked, and h Bull was read a third time and pass P Orton Inindintithen this io o ... went into Commuitteo of S rt M Laev w Governmect were going tiit in Montreal speciâ€" iican and Buitish proâ€" »ted to Brazil, so that mers could study the cbuked the uncharitable alâ€" y Mr. Plamb, and gave & > the amendiment, dougall and Mr. Longley, ists, spoke strongly agamst ring it to be opposed to the ment of the great mass of owed with one of his charâ€" pertinest â€" speeches, in it the watchfuluess shewn e interests of teraperance Orrawa, April 28. Mi uit uave to come cheered the spee Otrawa, April 22. ; of the Bilt respect menaibers Orrawa, April 21 1 M. Lonis Pavre. the engineerâ€"inâ€"chief wil 23. ' who built the St. Gothard tunvel, fell dead * of Sapâ€" | in the tunnol on the eve of the completion ‘d the hering. â€" His bust in marble is to he gre fgorss placed over the ontrance. | Several persons were killed and wounded and twenty buildings demolished by a eyclone in Aduras County, III., on Pndny The Potomac River at Washington i named as the course over which the Han lanâ€"Courtneyâ€"Riley race will be rowed or May 19th. By the etplosion of the powderworks near San Francisco on Friday, twelve white men and as many Chinamen were blown to atoms. Under the operation of the antiâ€"Socialist laws over a huadred persons were expelled from Berlin up to the 1st inst. |_ in the House it was concurred in on a | division and the necessary Bill introduced. Sir Leonard Tilley then moved the House ; into Committee on the resolutions renewâ€" |j09g the bank charters on certain conditions already known to the public. He explainâ€" ed the meaning of provisions in detail, but nothing absolutely new was communicatâ€" ed. ‘ Instructions have been telegraphed to General Wolseley to return from South Africa to England at once. The House resolved that Government business should take precedence on Wedâ€" nesday, thus depriving private members of every day. After a speech by Mr. Boultbee in favror of a National Currency. Mr. Casey argued at length against it. The amendment was negatived, the râ€"solutions adopted, reported to the flouu ud incorporated in a Bill, which was read she first time. |Scopung a wational Currency, and he Ic\m;.limemud the Government upon the courage they had manifested in taking this ;,tep. Mr. Charitor® expressed mistrust as to | the result of the Governments currency ‘res\'lutinns. aud then proceeded to criticize ! the defence of a fiat issue offered by Mr. t Wallace. In an exhaustive speech he reâ€" | eited the past history of snmlar efforts, and ’ portrayed their lamentable results, and sought to impress upon the House the noâ€" cessity of acting upon the lesson which After a fow solution by M carried. In the Hou these events inculeated. |¢y‘s rapid return the particularly in times o / ey, would experience keeping it out, and in 1 , would probubly increase and thirdly, it would 1 l’numll amount of gold 1 | While he sdmiited his 1 | erument ought to shar ’ benefits arising from the feared the present sche sult in extracting a larg try‘s capital, the result c active overation of trade Mr. Wallace (Norfolk) accepted the resoâ€" lutions as a concession in the direction cf adopting a National Currency, and he ecmplimented the Government upon the p|lisue of Dominion notes from twelve to ¢| twenty millions of doliars, with a basis of 'ï¬fteeu per cent. in Dominion securities. c| The Covernment had in their hands £600,â€" / 000,sterling of the four per cents floated in \‘©78, which it was proposed to utilize as cemuty. In proof that no danger need be‘ | anticipated because of the smallness of the ";vh] basis, it was claimed that although the circulation was nearly thirteen millions "| of dollars last year the Receiverâ€"Goneral | was only called upon to redeem in gold $1,600,000. It was proposed to ouly issue four millions of dollars this year, and a similar sum next year. To assist in disâ€" tributing this sum the Government conâ€" !umplated paying the Indians their annuâ€" | ities in Domion bills, and to make all payâ€" ments of less than $5 by banks payable in Dominior. bills. The cities of Charlottetown, Winnipeg, and Victoria will be provided with branches ol the Receiverâ€"Goneral‘s , office. : ! Sir Ruchard Cartwright offered three| objections to the Government‘s scheme. | â€" It wes 2 long step in the direction of the Government‘s assuming control of the curâ€" 1 rency, aud universal experieuce has shown that such an assumption alway a is succeedâ€" ed by the adoption of an irredeemable curâ€" | â€" rency ; secondly on account of the currenâ€" C ¢y‘s rapid return the Finavee Minister, a particularly in times of fnancial stringenâ€" | â€" Orrawa, April 27. ' The Minister of Justice introduced a Bill to authorize the making of certain investiâ€" gations under oath, which it was explained merely empowered the Department to enâ€" quire into the conduct and actions of subâ€" ordiznates. Sir Leonard Tilley moved the House inâ€" to Committee of the Whole upon the resoâ€" lution providing for the increase of the issue of Dominion notes from twelve to twenty millions of doliars, with a basis of‘ fifteen per cent. in Dominion securities. The Covernment had in thaiw kas e eane MISCELLANEOUS. _ Sir John Macdonald said he agreed that it was desirable that this question should be settled. The only proposition which had been made was that a tract of land ehould be given the Indians on the Upper Ottawa, and the geutlemen of the Beminaâ€" ry had agreed to grant a considerable sum, $20,000 he believed, in order that they might have the lands. The Indians had however declined the offer, on the ground ‘ that the sum was insufficient. Mr. Scriver said he would like to ask the Government if they had had the condition of the Oka Indians unler consideration since they came into power. Sir John Macdonald said it was not, as it was desired as far as possible to have a respectable museum at both places. On the i‘em, Indians, Ontario and Queâ€" bee $24,800. Mr. Mackenzioâ€"â€"Is it the intention to remove the whole museum from Montreal ? Sir John Macdonald said that the old Clarendon Hotel in Ottawa had been parâ€" chased at a very reasounable rate for the purpose of a musenm, and he believed it would be found well suited for those purâ€" Montreal to Ottawa Mackenziec. i fow remarks favrorable to the reâ€" by Mr. MceCollum, the motion was erience great difficulty in and in his efforts to do so increase the contingency ; would reduce the already f gold held in the country. tod his belief that the Govâ€" to share somewhat in the trom the cireulation, yet he: ut scherie would only reâ€" g a large part of the conu.‘ : result ot labour, from the , $5,000, in reply to Mr. Potatoes, per bug............ Turnipe, per busg............ HAY, DEF HOMâ€"eserserrarreries Li iA .23 sexsesssesa0000 ggg-.perdosy’ Dressed Hogs, per 100 Ibs Butter, rolls, per lb......... ~** HHD dMEY,â€"«+â€"«corcantess Fall Wheat, per bush gnring Wheat * Bheepskins ench............... Potatoes, per bag............ Dressed Hogs per 100 lbs... Butter, rolls per Ib. ......... ** _ large rolls per Ib. ... * 4ub deiry ‘* * ... Eggs, (lesh o s e eug OWEX soOUXD MARKETsS. Owrx Souxp, April 20, 1880. Fall Whent, per bush No. )1 $1 18 to $1 20 t * CÂ¥ * 2 105 to 110 Spring ++ * 1 116 to 119 Barley _ " «* «.. 0 50 to 0 58 Oats, ++ ... 0 85 to 0 37 Peas, ++ ... 0 65 to 0 66 Dressed Hogs per 100 lbs... 0 00 to 0 00 Butter, rolls per Ib. ......... 18 to 20 Bubter PBX D ..:sâ€"ssscccesiess EQGGY DOK UOZ+â€"+rrcsrersessinere FIOUY pOF Bitl..ssâ€"sccsererserers Cabbage per doz............... Turkey$ PBF IDs «»seesereserres Geese ** .\ esvesssesscesvees Onions per pushel............ Cord wood, dry per cord... Barley, Wool BBE ID.s«+..scsesccrirerers P CMG ..s se srueseeives Fall Wheat .. Spring â€"‘*. .. OS sesvvce‘se es Hides per ewt MBY sssesvsversss (Wool PEF Mrssseves s reresÂ¥rrases Sheeg (BEHNNN c coee cerPrvaar it rin s Lanily SKH1S....+++2sserests¢84ce0 Potatoes per bag............... DUENEF:. s saxevitrvivestesttetbinese OMESs:+ erecesvirrsrerse POUS.ssscsivsssanivecinds Oatmeal per barrel............ Full WRCRE...sâ€"sssesstsesserreree Treadwell Whoat............... Spring WheAt................c... DHFIOY .....: .n cesc rqsessresath 6+ MOUNT FOREST MARKETS, Confederate Oflice, April 27, 1980. Flour per barrel...............$6 00 to§6 50 Oats, per bushel.. Barley, ** . s ige Peas, +* as Hay, per tou............ Potatoes, per bag....... Pork, per 100 lbs....... Beef, hid Hides, _ * Sheepskins, each ........ Butter, per lb ............ Fogs, por do%..........«,, Wood, dry, per cord.. Wool, perrylb Apples, per bag.......... Flour, per 100 lbs............ Flour No.2, * * Corn Mest **< ** ......... Shorts, e ho Bmu’ a4 44 Fall Wheat, per bush........ Spring Wheat, R. Chaff... *Â¥ Glasgow... gatn. per bushel........ MclyTyr®xâ€"In Egremont, on the 23rd inst., Mr. John Melntyre, uged 92 years. LEyBUunN®gâ€"In Bentinck, on the 1ith inst., Jane wife of the late Thomas Leyburne, aged 71 MeKINNoNâ€"MCKINNONâ€"At the residence of the bride‘s father, on the 22nd Agru, by the Rev. 1). McLeod, B. A., Mr. Hugh McKinnon, of Worins are the Bane of a Child‘s Existence, and the prolific source of the numerous diseases which imperil the lives of ' children. ‘Their presence in the intestinal canal is the source of great irritation, which, acting on the delicate nervous organization of the child, so keenly alive to every morbid impression, gives rise at times to the most violent disturbances of the nervous system, such as fits, convulsions, epilepsy, and St. Vitus‘ dance. Mothers should have resource at once, in such cases, to Freeman‘s Worm Powders, For sale by all dealers. Price 25 cents. ERGUSONâ€"In Normanby, on the 19th ins wife of Mr John Ferguson of a daughter 101. Two centenarians have been discovered in London, Mrs. Christy McLean, aged 108 ; and Mrs. Diana Calvers, eolored, aged No Man on Earth can do a good job of work, preach a good sermon, win a law suit for his client, or write a good article for a paâ€" per when he feels miserable and dull, with sluggish brain and unsteady nerve, and none should make the attempt in such a condition; What the man wants is renovatingâ€"so to speakâ€"National Pills will do it. Try a box price 25 cents. Detective are making it} hot for whiskey sellers who break the law in Perth county. yeurs. 19 MeL‘c"dJ,"is."X.."f\irf"ifu'{isi"iké'ï¬xi'ï¬;{,"& Elg::'m?m. t‘o‘ ‘ms', Kute .\l‘c'_'_inm:n. daughter of Mr. Donald McKiunon, of Glenelg. WALKERTON MAREKETS. TORONTO MARKETS. Toroxto, April 22. 1880. Detective 1880 DURHAM MARKETS. Durmax, April 22, 1880. DA â€"rersseuihisees arsesisscsses PE 46 t MARRIED DEATHS gord....... BIRTHS «..... $1 18 to $1 20 ..... 1 20 to 1 25 FASHIONABLE Spring 11. 00 ty 45 00 on the 19th inst., the 10 to 1 00 to now Receiving a Large Stock .88 12 to 2 75 to . 2 50 tb 1 00 to 0 50 to & 1 20 to . 1 10 to « 1 15 to . 0 30 to . 0 40 to . 0 55 to . 6 00 to . 0 45 to . 0 00 to . 4 50 to . 5 50 to : 0 75 to . 0 16 to . 0 09 to 1 50 to 0 00 to 0 00 to 1 14 to. 0 00 to 0 00 to 0 40 to 0 00 to 6 00 to 4 50 to 5 00 1 08 to 1 10 1 08 to 1 10 1 10 to 1 12 0 45 to 0 50 0 31 to 0 32 0 60 to 0 61 0 40 to 0 45 0 16 to 0 18 0 14 to 0 15 0 00 to 0 00 0 00 to 0 00 0 60 to 1 00 5 50 to 6 00 6 50 to 7 00 16 to "oksy m Wiart. 12 | 160l 0 45 | 1 18 1 18 1 10 1 10 1 12 0 50 $3 12 2 T5 1 50 0 17 1 50 0 45 18 10 1 20 1 10 1 15 0 31 0 45 0 55 62 a Year in advance The Grey Review A. 3#8, 2nd Concession, East of G. R., Township of Glouely, containing 100 acresâ€"about 70 acres clearâ€" ec. The furm is situated about 5 miles from Durâ€" haw Railway Station. Terms $1,800 :8400 down, for balance time will be given. For further parâ€" ticulars apply to F. MacRae, Durham, or to Farm for Sale in Glenelg. For Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, Wilson‘s Wild Cherry is the quickest and most reliable cure. It containa no Opiure, and can be given with the same mafety and effect to an infant of three months as to an adult person. _ T}{E Subscriber offers for Sale, Lot No. . 88, 2nd Concession. East of G. BR Townshin a _‘ A great deal has been written upon this very delicate subject, and still there is a great diversity of opinion as to what the ladies have a perfect right to say, do and think. ‘There is not the slightest doubt, however, about the fact, that when a lady enters a drug store and asks for a bottle of Wilson‘s Compound Syâ€" rup of Wild Cherry, she ought to get it at once : and it is no part of a druggist‘s duty to undertake to convince a customer that they want something other than that they are asking tor. _ _ f Clâ€"nelg, April 20, 1880. Dixie, Feb. 17th, 1880, °_ _‘ Ald. Jones showed us this morning a very rich specimen of gold quartz, which he brought with him from the Northâ€"West. He says the specimen was taken from what is known as the Arctio mine, between Winnipeg and Thunder Bay, The mine is said to be very rich, and when treated witlh the proper machinery will prove a bonnnn} to the fortunate owners. He gives a glowâ€" ing description of the wonderful resources of the Northâ€"West and its extraordinary fertility. The emigration this year has set in wonderfully early, and the number of people from Europe who propose to settle there this serson will be unprecedented.â€" St. Catharines Journal. Sold by all drugsists. â€"dâ€"112 UEXTs :â€"I have much pleasure in recomâ€" mending Hag; ard‘s Pectoral Balsam, 1 had it in my atore for 3 years and was never asked for it, My wife tried a bottle for a bad cold, which completely cured her before it was all used. After this occurred I had confidence to recommend it to my customers. I am completely sold out and will be obliged if you will send me 3 dozen bottles at once, h _ _ _Yours, J. Kexxzor. some Pe::})le Doubt the genuineness of a Testimonial, but a moment‘s thought, or & line to the address of the person who yives it, (with a postal card for reply) will convinee any one â€"â€" Suvscribe at once. New Advertisements. â€"Durham. S?flme' P°SP18,P°‘,“" the genuineness Woman‘s Rights. And lifeâ€"these lives we boast otâ€" Are ripples set in motion, That never reach the ceast of The great eternal oceanâ€" Tossing and surging. Every day Somebody‘s lov‘d one floats away. These trials that beset us, These ills portending sorraw, These cares that vex and frot us And oft becloud the morrow, May sometimes cast us down, but they, Like waves and clouds will float away. We stand besido the river, Gazing on the crested billows, As they sweep along forever ‘Neath the overâ€"hanging willows, And in our quiet musings say, "How swift the waters float away |" We watch the clouds far rangingâ€" In lights and shades so pleasant, Their forms for ever changing, Their beauty evanescent ; And whilst we watch we feel that they Are floating silently away ; For $1 FLOATING AWaY SPRING. on the promises §114 Antraun Ivy . _ McKECHNIE 1 e _ _ home. worth ZEK. $5 to $30 pouiasthons damplerof® @7 4 WeRE, 9192 doy Portland, Maine Auguste. Maine. Seed Potatoes, Alphs and Early Rose. A select assort ment of Flower Seeds. The finest Pmple-top_flwodo grown. i lSwede, Bangholm‘s Improved, I A very fine Bwede and a large Cropper |Swede, Sutton‘s "Champion," n Grows to large size. Swede, "King of the Swede," A renarkably fine Turnip. } Aberdeen Purpleâ€"top, Yellow, Green Top, or Yellow Buitock. Devonshire, Greystope, j Red Globe, Mangel Wurzel, Carter‘s Long, | Mammoth Prize, grows togrut;si:m,‘ Mangel W‘zel, Carter‘s Warden ; Orange Globe. ! CLOVERâ€"medium, large, late | Alsike and White Dutch. | TIMOTHYâ€"No. 1, Orchard. , GRASSâ€"Kentucky Blue Grass I Hungarian Grass Millet, Tares &c. Carrots, I Red and White. Beets, Cabbage, &¢., &c.| . All the Btaple Garden Sceds sold. by the 1 O%. Or The Staple Seeds includes Swede, Cgrfer’_s Imperial Hardy H. PARKER, e Druggist & Seedsman, Durhkam. Seeds, Dundalk, March 24th, 1880. First Class Flour kept on Gristing, Chopping, &0., &0o. MILL Produce '1‘!“5‘ Undersigned having leased the above Mills and placed them in first class running order, begs to intimate to Dundalk and Surrounding § Country, Dundalk Mills. ALFX. HUNTER. The Latest Novelties in Parasols HATS, MILLINERY, Mantles and Fancy Dry Goods That he is prepared now to do all kinds of SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS. Men‘s Felt BONNETS, and Summer Goods. ALL KINDS OF Imported. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, â€"ANDâ€" CLOVER & Timothy At Very Low LARGE ASSORTMENT of Choice FIELD and GARDEN ?'Ije & Are Showing the Largest and Best Assorted Stock of Ever offered in DURHAM, SILKS, mn““" st'm “d che.’. Also a Choice Selection of Cheap dâ€"110 . DAVIDSON, SATINS, Price. HE subscriber wi ; £ TJNYE subscriber wishes to dispose of his of House and Lot in Durham Durbaz, April 0, 1080. For to any size and painted in Oil RIBBONS, LACES, to order in any style moulding. Mettoes & Morte Frames always on hand. Small Pictures Copi'e_(i;;z;; ï¬'nla.rgod HA\’ING Bought the Photo Business h«lg carried on by Mr. Kelsey, and foeling confident from my long experience and success in the past of pleasing even the most fastidous in their tastes, I would solicit the psmnnr of Dur. ham and the country North, Bouth, East and Weost. I also keep on hand a large stock of Picture Moulding Wholcsale and Retail. Durham, Avril 15 1860. Durham Art Gallery. Till January, 1881, Pictures Framed fof _ G. C. McFARLANE. CASEH . "REVIEW" and Lot. The lot FRILLINGS, $ & at home ansily made 'A“nu Tave & co., JAMES LAWBON, ‘ _ COLLARS, CUFFS, homeensily made | c , India Ink, or Water T. DONAGHY. Cents, 80. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. | _ _ DURHAM | s (Carriage Works IROBERT |â€" MeFARYIAX®E LOWEST PRICES. The subscriber is also Agent tor allkinds of crat Wagons, etc., Of GOOD MATERIAL, GOOD FINISH, and Proprietor. Has Now on Hand a Good Stock of Carriages, Buggies, Demc Particular at tgptioh Ei-;râ€"c;vto Horse Quantity of Iron Harrows g-nmw from the very best Material, Good orkmanship and 'fl‘ uarranteed and on Reasonable terms. l,u) have also uf, Waggons, Carriages, Sleighs wat y borecoli eebatl Red t inform there ve c - 2 on ' lufldhzsld are now pvhgf‘nd to offer to the pubâ€" 0 OF CLENELG, ‘VISH to Thank the Public for Patronage in the nast and ks qufim WAGGONSs! wWaAGGoxns: Messrs. T. & J. BROWN, Remomber the Place, Noar RYAXN‘S HOTEL Glenelg, March 17th, 1880, 108 A quantity of Lost Na WHEAT for Sale at Field and Garden Seeds, Seed GRAIN Upper Town Durham, March, 1880, y42 (20 010 CRLL 220 7200 SNOrto attached about 24 x ‘8 feet, all two storeys high. ‘The lots are fair)y enced. Parcel 1 is row in the occupation of foseph Caswell and Parcel 2 is vceupied by Jobn Stevenson, The said innds and premises will be offered for sale subject to a mortgage tuoreon to the Canada Permanent Loan & Savings Compauny on which there is now due about $2000, Conditions of Maie.â€"A Deposit of ten per cent of the purchase money to be prid down in cash at the time of sale, and the baiunce thereof to be paid in one month thereafter without Intere st, in all other respects the Conditions of Sale will be the standing conditions of sale of the Court of Chancery. Vor further particulars apply at the Law Offices n:lL M. M:Ctnhy Esq, Orangeville, Mossre. Keort, e nR n t APSmmTee, Tetre parcels, the following lands and premises namely ; Pamczi I:â€"Lot number 230, an the first conâ€" session on the North East side of the Toronto and Sydenbam Road in the Township of Melancthon ::.:Iu County Grey, containing ) meres more or PamorL II:â€"Lot number 231, in said first conâ€" session containing 60 acros more or less. Both ofsaid parcels ure situate about half a mile from the Village of Dundalk, which said Village offers a rood maurket for farm produce About 27 seres of Parcel 1, and sbout 23 uores of Parcel 2 are cleared. Theland cloared is of & good vich clay lowm and ina fair state of cultivation. In Pareel1is erected a well appointed Hotel, YO‘I:"E cast finish, the main buildmg of which is 46 _ Oe 100C (NBD, the main buildtng of which is 46 xi a?‘h‘ot."snd the wing therto ._:y.cf“,.a about 24 x At two o‘clock in the sfl.anu;m. at Fgr Joseph Caswell‘s Hotel on Parce! I *J and Final Order of Sale made in the cause of Randle vs. May et al, and benring date respecâ€" 37.1);‘&. Tth day of January andthe 17th day of _____ with my approbation on _ _ _‘ Wednesday the Fifth day of May, A.D. 1880, TOWNSHIF OF MELANZTHON. UNDEB and in pursuance of the Decree C/ and Final Order of Sale mada in tha samas ty m P PP CTTY TTE SOOm, kers & Bull, Toronto and Alexandor Millar, Dated 30th Murch, 1830, ALEX. MILLAR A. LaCOURSE Piaintifis Sollcitor, Master at Berlin Repairing Promptly'Attondod to Call and Inspoct My Stock. J. BURNETT‘S PROVISION STORE. TO elose out the balance of my Hardâ€" ware1 will sell at Wholosale Prices the follow. HARDWARE AT COST! Durham, April 22, 1880 Chancery Sale â€"OF.. rm and Hotel Proper aro umn&u BOTTOM PRICES s« ht their stook of Iron when it was at its and can afford to sell accordingly. and Cutters, & Compass Saws; OF ALL KIXNDS. C. L. GRANT. yâ€"1 d 111 o $ mt- a Z