West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 May 1880, p. 2

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go f, i, fem Sultan‘s-inc, mil not on}, be of who... uthirqrArthrir_tittrt ob. tei-i-ttemit-tie. and when 'u-ai--)""'"?' {on dined by tho Boon And Clerk " A - ingohhoCo-dluul owls-Mk!» chem factories. Nor has the upplicution of mmuru been ovodookod, Ind it in ,eall, tint every oppottnm'ty nhould be Mind. of directing the attention of igrumiturisu to thin subject. " it bu boon nbundntly OM“. that in thou countries when ms- m--nat-t u well no nrtuuial-.-are libonlly applied to the .oil, than the great. nt yield pot um is always obtainsd. In my pull of tho Province and: lac-glint)“ in this dam-taunt of hus. bandry has r-stud. that the soil has been owl-ted. by "reued toppings, of the daunt- uuntisl to tho wanton: growth M dovdopunont of shin cups. And in mung-mu in u but": for that growing . --nrttiett by the '1’ in [quid Is thell nuptoiuthcutimationola lam wow-3 tion ol our 'u--" tho tab-coo Arid, t a Virginia. 11.. aria of-tio" and , " tho eon-ido- in to be mad and 1 labors. Circulars have been honed to the Boon: and Cloth of Township, asking for inhalation upon B variety of topic- ooaooctod with "rietuiure,yul embracing, in bet. the progress undo in rural districts from tboit oulioot settlement. Speciol oto tontion in given to “attaining tbs chom- tor of the soil and sub-oil. tho ototo of droinoao. tho general ttoMgumtion of the country, the proportion of swompy to on- ble land. the [walnuts of tho soil, the pro- pottion of scum devoted to tho ditrereett lamb of groin and toot crops. aud tho avorogo yiold per In". Information is also caught upon the kind- ond brood. of stoeh, 'hosuputioo at tho Meant "etitma oftho ”any, for stock mining and dizzying. no compo!“ with (his mwing And the aitu. The Commission applaud by tho trt) rio Logiulnture. during the inte union. for the pnrpou of enquiring into the It!“ otl agriealtur. and all cognate matters in the Provinoo of Ontario, bu commenced it. Mots. Circulars have been itssued to the Run- Ind Clerks of Townships, "king for intonation upon a variety of topic. life. Not only so, but Mteun vary noon laid aid. the Mohammedan religion and bum a convert to Christianity. The ob. Joct of tho Embnuy nut to London. to". union diplomatic relations with tho conn- try which has wnt forth no nanny duties. mlud nun into Africa. Tho oxplontion of the dark oontinont in going on rapidly, by indopondont uplotm from several oonntriu in Europe, no that in n " you: it will be a wall known - at the other continents. --.Aa ombuey 'nu ”rival in London from “ten. the King of Uganda, one of the Provinces of Cantu! Atrial. Uganda WM discovered " Stanley, the African: "plorer,w'uo, on making mountain. with King Ittora, Ian received with every mark of kindness and encoungod to nettle in the country Ind introduce the Arts of civilized -The Imperial Parliament met on Thursday lut. The Speech from the Throne only referred to matters of pressing importance. Efforts will he made toestab. lieh pencefnl institutions in Alglmmsten null South Africa, end to compel the re- torme in Turkey ngreed to by the Porte under the Berlin Treety. As to the work of the neuron, which will no doubt be e ehort one. the Government say that it in not their intention to renew the Pence Act in Ireland, hut to rely on the loyalty end good some of the people for the preset"- tion of pence. Menmres are promised for tho purpose of letting " not the contro- versies no to hnriel in elmrehyarde. for de. termining the liabilities ofemployersiu the cue of neeirlent befallir. their workmen, end for extending the borough lrnnchxse to I Ireland. -atr. Northwood. of Chatham,has been appointed to the Senate in the room of the late Mon. Mr. Brown. The "Globe" tron. tend: that the doing sway with the Senlte “together is n subject npe fur discmuion, that the Senate u n unclean body, and that the tendency of the age is to 1op.ott nuleu bodice. Moreover, the Senate in In expen- eive institution, having cost the country hot your "40.002. Some contend that the Son.“ should be elective. but the "Globe" holds, end rightly. that Inch an Upper Home in inconsistent with the whole tenor of onrinetiutione. The inentnhle conclusion therefore is, that Is its remodelling is im. pceuble. and u ite existence is unnecessary and expend”. the only coum lea in to “click it altogether . . -Tho Pull Mall Guam has been bought by Mr. Thompson, of Maud-05hr, an un- der-Suntan for Ireland, in a former Lib- onl Cabinet. The Gazette u, bun known In a independent owning Journal, but conducted in the interns“ of the Consent- tin party. Now it will be n “we“. of Liberal momma, ttnd giving In independ- ont support to the new Government. O. I. I”... ”a. than.“ Web-on. my“... 1-. I. "I... M. Ooh Cr. III-yd... OM Agents for the Grey Review. Aha-onto"... a.“ _ Lumbar. tthirmu" lath-Rockillo Hills. J. W. (Jr-viola. Mack. PM to ut-F. Hun“. Durham. W230: Sowing Machines-A Mn. Bailing Wooluu 1'netorr--Ns. J. Camp. Kiln-put Tst-g. Woodland. Jr., Dur. Aria, l Human Grtrat Csatburatiort Durham, May 27th, 1880. ONTARIO AGRICULTU HAL COMMISSION. New Adver REVIEW. , Mcxwnu..--TU Maxwul Cornspondont of the Owen Sound'Timu says t--Just I lmonth ago I had tho melnnuholy task of .nnouncing to you the death of Mr. Wm. Boron. A fortnight Ago his uthtrr old Mr. Riohud Heron died here, tnd his corps. no token to Scarborough to be interred beside that of hia Ion. Another fortnight hu just elopud and ”stinky “about! o'clock p. m. Mr. Riohud Heron's Mother Mr. Thomas Boron departed this life and ‘uixty-fonr. m will be buried to-momy. Tho body will not be khan to Sou-borough. Thu ia I most "teaoo1inary ciao "mun“, that I death should occur for three fortnight: in anon-don, no]: time striking down one ofthe 0130: member, of the may. v - --- 'J law. On the some day the vote was taken in Arthur village on A bonus of $8,000 to the T. G. a B. R. which was carried by only 6 of s majority. Sou“ GI" Tucnns' Assocursom.-' The Semi-Annual Meeting of the South Grey Touche-N Association was held st Flesh-non. on Friday end Saturday last. The meeting. though well ttttett&uldid not l seem to be as interesting as usual. Bow. ever an entertainment mule up whet might be lacking in the busineu of the day. Mr. Williams, B. A., Head Master. Collegiate Institute. gave an excellent Address on “Public Opinion" which Ins listened to with interest by Ill present. The not! meeting will be held " Durham, probshly in October. . Thoma». Won, law. Br.Laws C'asutun.-TU .3th grant- ing 3 bonus of 07,000 to the G. 3- l W. Itaiimty-M,0t)0 to the Ist section to Din? ham, and 94,000 to the second section io, Owen Sound, was carried in Mount Purest on Tuesday by 59 of I majority tor the by- l-... A_ AL _ I .. WILD Car Ktutaat.--..th, Saturday last a [dog belonging to Mr. F. MoCo-kory. [near George Ryan's Hotel, Gleuolg, " ‘tnclied B Wild Cat that he discovered Irrowlitag Around the barn. A son of Mr. McCoI'xery. went to the dog's nuisance and quickly dispatched his "Catahip" with a no“. thus ridding the farm of wing might have been g very troublesome visi-i tor. Mn. J Ants Busrn,tho well known 'paper "mtntthurturer of Georgetown, died last week aged 59 years. Mr. Barber was one of tho firm of Barber Brothers. The deceased was highly osteemod by those who bad dealings with him " he was a man of hsgl) principle, of sterling integrity 3nd answer- ving honesty. i We direct the attention of our readers to Mr. 1tobertaort'g advertisement in another column. Mr. Robertson is prepared to lupply a first.elttst, mochine ofthe very but make, out! warranted to Jo good work, It o price that well notonish the most econo- mical in the mutter of household “kin. SIBXOUI Accrtmrr.-0n Tuesday last, Mr. J. Morrow, of the "Nmprranee Hotel' in this Town, while sitting in a light wag- gen, w“ kicked by the horse he was driv. ing, and Isis log broken. Wo understand he is in much pain, and that there is great tinge! that it may cost him his life. . Fttte m 'NoRmttrrtr.-MeKiuleyu hotel and dwelling house, Thornbury, owned by A. Grier, Ind occupied by A. A. Ingersoll, wen burned to the ground on Friday morn. ing. McKonney a Co.'s drug store and stock were badly damaged. Tho total Ion is supposed to be about $4,000. Tm: Dummy Woot.r.y FAcrorti.---Wo direct the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. John Campbell, which will be found on our third page. A steam engine And boiler has been pat in the Inc- tory this week, and it in rapidly being got rea'ly for operation. The corner “one of the new Presbyteri- an Church It Woodland, Emmont, which was to luvs been laid on the Queen‘s Birth. day, has been postponed, owing to the work not being in a tinthe/tly advanced Mau. hams in mm! of Lumber, Shingles or Law, can be supplied at one. by sending their orders. or by going to the Rockvzlle mu... Boutmck. See advertisement. J. WOODLAND, jr., Lower Town,Durham, has opened out n splendid trtoek of new goods, which he is Idling very cheap. tue akvertistttnent. Potatoes are selling in Elan It the rate of tour bags for n dollar, and ifyou grumble " that an extra one is thrown im-tFuel-h Mammy. , Flown» Hum! but Riley yesterday, on the Potomno. by two minutes and I half-having rowed the tive miles in 861 minutes. WI understand that the Prubytorinn congregnion of thin town In- auctioned the mo of inltrumonlnl music in public worship. Cortex Srocnxon u 8 cont: per pair at J. Woodland] jr., Lowe: Town, Durham. menu I" paid up It once, including the lav-nee mite for 1889, they grill be charged " our credit price. 01.95 per ennum. end have their mount- hended to our solicitor tor collection. Taking a paper yen after year without paying . cent for it, in a poor we, to encourage the press or to mist the pnhlieher in advsmringtrour interests and the interest of the public generally. We Ire bound to improve the paper more than ever during this yea, but to enable us the better to do no our subseribere must pey up. A use: number clou- nheetibm In yet in emu: for their "Ueriptions b the (in! 1uvmw--oomo in bet who have not Imid e cent for the paper the. it mean- ed. although may hue been ranking it regulerly every week. It is impomihle for us to lie out of our money longer, em] we Would intimate to alt tnarbtednUt unless ("at service to immigrants and othun who no on the lookout for homestead., but will tom: I complete tux-0W and W- eal hiatoty of the Province. There in no ionic but the eiforta of the Comminion in this work will be lb]: and trordially aided by the Township menu. Local and other Items. Mount-Id with.“ vtel' l The day being far advanced e disposition gig. ' to quit was expressed by some, but they riv. finMly concluded to go on. Paterson and ind Cole were sent to the wicket and were out quickly disposed of, Paterson being run out . for l Heckler took his place and Cole was ato immediately csught by Mama off Harris her after scoring 2. Woodland followed only to to meet With a precisely similar fate at the est hands of George McFarlanc off Harris at without scoring. Kross followed, when no- )lockler was well caught off McMillan by . D. McFarlnne, after running up rapidly st score of 7. Jumieson following we soon 'l','l, bowled out by Harris after scoring 1. if Cochrene now went to the bet and in st- ," tempting to make is run Kress fell and woe ed run out fur 4. Ho was followed by Reid, aid who very cleverly run up n score of 6 to In" E“ at McMillan's hands. Arrowsmith follow. ?r. ed. to be caught and bowled by McMillan. Firth, bowled by McMillan without scor- l a ing. Wiley to bat when Cochrnne wss T ' bowled by Harris after scoring 2. Brown tt. had scarcely reached the wicket when Wi. ed icy was caught by McDonnell off Norris lr. this ending the second innings for the Con. ee "rvaiives, th The Reforms“ sent J. ll. Hunter tad I fi C. B, Jackes to the wicket, the former of I sl. whom after scoring 1 lost his wicket to , ’Kress. Harris replacing him wee howled l t. by Kress and caught by Firth the first ball. t V. ( McMillsn to the bat when Jsches skied s a y ball into Mockler's hands " Kress and re. l t o “a: with 2 to has credit. Monet without t t "oring cr'rreil A similar director at iii:', _ bends otJamiCott " Kress. Sutherland o I new took the bat and gueeetiUd in scoring w a 4 when he was caught by 5100“" " Krese. p f Buchinghsm followed and Mg?urilltut in " I tempting to run s sh rt hit was run c . out scoring 2. McDaniel] following, o I made the best stroke of the day being I m ', clean hit to leg for 8, his life however we- A , short " sfter scoring 3 couple of singles he pi fell to s shooter from Peterson. Dnvid jo McFarlsne wss next and succeeded in get. ting together the only double figures of the lest innings of either teem. Buckinghsm's wicket wee got by Heckler by a splendid Ih three qnsrter round um ball which going tie over the shoulder of the bet took the inside , bele. Miller {allowing was run out for 2 D; and was replaced by George McFu'lene. , The brothers ren up the score lively until E in their esgerness David wss run out hav. I made one 3 two 2': end 4 singles. J. P. Me _ Hunter was the lust men end made . 11 _ splendid hit for 8 when Mchrlene lost his i wicket to Mockler ending the guns. The Bol bowling throughout wee hardly what it I should have been, but with pmtiee we ere l "tidUit thsts teen on be put in the iUld a I which will be second to none in the Coun- I' ty. Below is the scorn-v . las- 1mmta.-Ahtamst-. ll',', D. Jukeon. b Burk ... ... ... I Tr; M. Kroc, b Hm ... ... ... " It! N. can. it e Holman ... ... 0 ties. M. Heckler, b do .... ... '; ... ... o Pt Ds"mtumnt,oeuesiuagmek. . . It. A. magnum -... ... I _ * J. Wool-i. e Ends I m, I " 8,”. Jaahe. " ... ... . (H w. seam bde ...C... " ._ he The Reiormcm sent Muifatt and Suther- land to the but when Sutherland ‘16 run out without scoring. m was replaced by Morris who lost Isis wicket to Krone utter lconng 8. lie was replaced by McMillan who did the best batting of the any on the Reform team, scoring one 8 two " and 8 singles. Moffat after scoring 3 wu caught I by Jamieson off Muller. he was replaced ivy Buckingham who fell a victim to Kreu after breaking his egg, repleted by J. II. Hunter who was caught by Krone " Mock. ler without scoring. D. McFarlnne follow. ed to to Quickly disposed " by Paterson after seating l, G. Mel’nilane followed, who without scoring we- caught by Coch- rnno " Paiersou. Miller the last man was run out without scoring this closing the let innings each. C w. no glad that the gone of Cricket in being generslly rovived. Old clubs ore be. ing ro-orgnm'nd sud new onos formed in almost ovary town sad ville throughout the Province. In slate issue wo nnnonno- oi tho reorganization of tho club hon. On Monday hot, tho 24th, they bod the first gone of the "aaon--6rfor- Th Commrvuiver-4n which the latter wore victorious by " runs. One 'of the chief features of the gum was the almost uni- versal failure in yloy of tho old bends. but it must be home in mind that there bu been no play here for the last six year! and want of proctiee will mslre itself felt. On the side of the Conservatives the stand of the day wss mode by M. Krou, who by steady, persistent and csreful ploy tired out l the bowlers. He went first to the bot and who bowled by su over pitched ball from; Moffatt, after 9 of his ttompanion had lost ( their wickets. His score was 14 in tho _ Brat innings and run out for 4 in tho sec- l and. IhwidJaekson, otter two singles wss bowled by Harris. Colo taking Jackson'l place, was caught and bowled by McMillan i without scoring. Mockler taking Cole's place was bowled by McMillan on the first ball. J nmioson taking Moekhrr's place ran up rapidly a score M9 when he was caught by McMillan off Harris. Paterson Ink- iug Jnmioson's pluco was bowled by Suth- erland after scoring two, Woodland taking Paterson's place was caught " Harris of McMillan after scoring 8. Firth was caught by Jackes off McMil'nn without scoring. Reid, after scoring 3 was caught by Harris off McMillan. Coclirnno now went to the bat and mule a good stand. Kress now lost his wickets and WM replaced by Wiley. Cochrane was secured by McMillan after scoring 9, and replaced by Arrowsmith who was not out. Wiley bowled by McMillan ofter scoring two. The Mth was u-hmd in very quietly in this town, noimprovued artillery wu M. Mun] of our citizens were "tir, however,1 betimu, collecting "the only worm" ma than betaking themselves " in ovary di. nation to mm th. speckled beaming of oath-flood cyst-l than“. The Jerri noon band .otr very gum], in toms, and the Only mum. "ture o! the day hon wu the F- Ber Majesty’s Birthday. CRICKET MATCH. ... ... ... 2 Vang" ... ... ... 14 new; My ... ... 0 ti... ... ... ... 0 Ptrttistgi mBHmia D M,“ a ... ... a M,.‘ alumna I M b ... ... 0 ”.1 . ... ... ‘8 I BoW M v' Bor' Rm, 5 "tvue-uma.. MW . 100 and Rural. tues. a ontrur--ut J. I Helium”. Ind A, Benton. r Shading Jump, ll otateieo..-tst June- McDong-ll. 11 he! n hm 9nd W. Morris], I 11 feat " in. Running High Jump, "ntetu-.-ut he. Robertson, 9nd In. MoDounll, Running Bop, Step and J amp, 6 tutti“ --1st Juno: Xenon-J], 88feet; 2nd Wm. Howler-on. a? Set IU in. Running Jump, 6 ttntrie.-tst W. Not. by, 20 (out; 2nd Juno: New "(at 8 in. _ . Waltirg with polo. , oaxtruo-aat It.“ KM Ind 0. Wood and W. Kori-y. tin. Punting the Show. 5 “blot-lat W. In) Juliu- lolly-o. Quin. I -hi--tat Lulu. Kuhn. I Chat-n. d J-tei-tat Tho-u A. l 800 led Race. 5 "tteu-tst In. Donal]. 8ttd A, Banana. lieu. pulling the cublo were the Amino“; team. I F. Wait, Captain. Robert (Jockey In: Gaptain of the Glenda tum. Mr, A, Me. Cormick oulivouod the plug by pinging a number of tin on the bagpipes. Mr. Thor, ’ Atkinson gave the use of ttia Ull for trip, ping the "light fantastic." in which many joined. The following it the PRIZE Lttrr. 100 Yard Recs. 8 otttrus--nt Jul. Me. Dougnn, Md N. MeKoohnio and A.Beaton " PRICEVILLE. l, the youth and beauty of the surrounding " townshipe might be eeen at an early hour n of the day melting their wey to ms. village, g and by noon e lerge concourse of people hail eucmbled et Prleeville. h witneee the n sports of the day, and couridering the y quantity of "mountein dew" that eppeered a to have been imbibed by some parties, a everything passed off very pleaeently, and t the crowd became denser " the evening . drew near. The venom gamer were keen- ' ly contested. Mr. Jemee McDougell, " r usuel, carried " e number of prizee, e: , will be neon by the list below, and n mun- ' her of ethletee might be seen at any time I ' in the etlernoon. in bright partreolort,d , heed-gee! end "tPts." Mr. John Robert- ' eon, of Durhem. took let prize for running t high jump. vaulting with pole wee very . keenly contested. In the welking match ' it wee reworked thet the “welk" wee pe. I caller. "The Tug of War" wee the mart I ettrectire future on the programme, end " althongh the lent the crowd wee greater then during the other part of the day. The "Tug" was between ten picked men from eech of the eel-rounding townships, but Egrernont did not take part. B, McDoug- l ell, of Dnndalk, wee Ceptein of the Proton _ teem ', which took the ftrst prize, Uving ‘ pulled the ten from Artemeeiu end the ten from Glsn.lg---iu seperetely-ecroee the 1 mark. The Proton "hoye"felt puticulerly I good, " well they might, " one of their 1 tttttnb- reel "8torart"--Ud been 11 weeks in bed, and only got up yesterday," I but considering he had been no recently t ;convalcecent he was remarkably healthy , and 10' net looking. Altogether they Wtrs e t very “Hopeful" crowd, tIve of them beingI I from “the this; town of Bopen'llef' But , romeo! the "Hopevillius" ‘ere noted for ti obetlnacy and Irtrtsisuntsr-good qualitiee * when used night. Tho second victors at ' l The Day Elsewhere. Many of the townspeopk of Durham went to sea the oelebmtion of the Day in other places, and I good programme being ptovidod at . We undenhnd that a match game u. twoon the club: of Durham and Walkerton in to be played on the grounds of the for. mer, probably nut week. I. Me. . . __ - --. noon at Prescott. and the Inbjootoi the pee “on, of ligament. It In proposed to lay mutt notirm wu born there in the van I798. down a many over the spot. "vetttrdi" a. n. a. emign in the Cundi“ Militia, and bat long and “than feet with an! cover it wan pm: with the new and: at the with and. Tho and bod " the plus has .tsrmm1erot Detvoitsaed also fought“ Landr- given and: trouble tor may you: from Lu. 3nd Chippewa. Rama-10d "want dar. the may)” chunk: of tho ground, ud In: tyne uoquo. of 1931-31. P. thy mm u is to be mod that an ttrxrttoaod improve. trfitur.., “may M Mt W “W"- '4 ttre windmill but mean. lb “mud. un- mont any h. meat. The pm of the and . I...” fortune, and for mary your: unmet in "tV-Bar-ner. tttdrlti2,t I“?! a ftfi'g't,tt',t, any . t II 'tettttt re Tho when of P"". puma, Owen mm of "i,r,ltl,lliatit.'tf.i m. a, 'll Sound, mud that mum». Bu. It. mud tit. ttle,','?, in the thte of hafniu- M'm.mhmmnlm,:nmnu_mnvutq up": " . . . a myth-g " and“ that 1".'l,fg'"'"'""i"' hm»: M!!! “If“: ”your n. being mice! was. last I‘m. i out. . . . .. Conner "r.-thtauuaios, consist- _ in; of Mr, Jamel Murdoch. Reeve of Egre. mont, tad Mr. John Blyth, First Deputy Run ot Normnnby, recently lot the con- but for repairing a bad section of the Owen Sound Bond in the forty~mile swamp. some six mil.- uorth alumna: Fan-Mo W. J ohm I thy passed t THE "TWENTrFota'm" Ps MARK , DALE. ', The inhnhitents of Morkdolc and vicinity i were not outdone by my other place in the l Dominion in their no.1 to display their joy t ct the fart of their being a part of the noble l Empire “which the sun never sets upon." l After the ushering in of the "dag" by I the customary solvos ot improvised cannon - out of laekstoitiu' nm'ils, the race took l place on the gravel med shout 3 mile out be. of the village. In the Running Race, Mr. on B. Gordon, of Dundalk, took tint money, or- and J. Seoul, of Owen Sound, "eood. The Trotting Motel: was looked forward to with more than ordinary interest, " it was known there was to be I keen struggle for m: the prizes. In tlsis,however, the spectators in . were disappointed. Not bottlint there was tttt ' some good, square trotting done by some of the horses, but the majority oftlmn only exhibited the disgusting spectnctc of a gal. mg lop in harness. The horse of Mr. A. Han. nr nah kept decently down to the Turf Club (o, Rules in trotting, while in the lit heat the l 'a,' horse oi Mr. " . Spoon gnlloped nlmnst the, we entire way, and that of Mr. Purim"), 0!, ttt Owen Sound, mutated In the second heat. nl Indeed, nothing can erase from the public I IA, mind the {not that it was s "put-ap job" Id on the part of the owners of the" horse-5’ I! and the wire-pullcrs connected with the B. race, and will here u dumping; ofreet on " any future contests in our town. Tho {one u was so glaring thnt even the Judge: took h objection to the irregularity of gait, when ue up csme our fUrtgling M. P., who declared d that the Judges must reeoguiee a glllnp as t- a trot, while it was done under harness, ' for that he understood the rules of rscing, , while the mar gomliug never so“: a horse , race in his life, except at Markdnlc, and at l h Owen Sound once, but presuming that the l t public were no gullible now as they were tl d when they elected him to Parliament in Il r 1878, he tuimiuiatered his dictum that n n ' gallop were trot, and the supine Judgzs t t swallowed the dose. and ralednceordtngly; tl t but not so the slwetntorn. There we: no . iu.tifuation for this eoutemptibU course; it I for he had not even the plea "Gut-interest d , further than the paltry one of sectionalism, h : which one would imagine an individual , , glorying “I the title of "M. P." would w , worn to entertain: own if it were inher- Ct , out in his nature. he would cndenror to o "shuttle on the mortal coil" of his nature} tl becomes. in duty and respect to the posi- fu tion he occupies relative to all the public . with whom he may coucin coated. Who , the number of "hcnts"hsd been no. the bl', murmurs of the bystanders and a natural Uh um. otduV conned the Judges to decla- f; thet the me must be run our and} 1721'"; with the sudscity on Tuna" or the in. an grained un"utrtifitr.tiott of: Swansea, he o, stalked forward to the Judges, and de. " mended that they should give the money tht up to the perpetrstors ct the {onlest job fro thst he been prectised on the “course" for ted my a or, n" In the too we Rm. w. Spears took if P, urn-q. end A. McDonsld 9nd. In tl e , (In: A large m ber enjoyed themselves throwing quoitc. running ibot no“, and other athletic sports ; ind the (by was very pleasantly spent by all, Is there mu not a cross word sputum to In: the proceedings of any of the games. Tho Qnun'l Birthday was observed here by the Luann Bu. Bull Club playing . much ---tu losing nine to provide I now hall tor the an ot tho Club. The fol. lowing no the nun“ of the winning nine with their r-tive soon '. Wslking Much. I Milo, Hod tsad Too, 0 ttttnu---" John McLeod. and up“ nu, and --- mum... Law 3.... t intra-art Christ-n In. of War, I ontriu (To‘nlllillw‘ Proton. Md mum _ John Barber John Stewart H. Sheppard Jdlm Minn Than. McKnight ... Alex. Lediughnm... W. Malone ... B. Brent ... Robert Mills Juno- Smith John Malone ha. Robertson John Hull Jan. Smith Jan. Ledingham Ju. Shane Total Alex. Smith ... Boyd Bu. Ball, 2 enteh--Ut Pruning LOSING $13!. LATONA. l " ber enjoyed themselves l waa . U. a. Loyalist, mm 31}; Liiiiic hood ot Preacott. and the abject oi the pm mt notice wa- born there in the van 1708, Ha was an "urigrt in the Canadian Militia, and nape-ant 'ritheuortttrsmwttrsrhai a. lune-dam! Dstexritsaed alao fought“ landf- Lana and Chippewa. Ha nan-lad a award duh I the troublaa of INT-3t on the an” t'r',',f,,'it'dl'l,'. Mill “a akin-nick Mttse windmill 'l'd'l5agd lb “Inward: Mt. a-ed a large forum and tor than you: t had led the lit. l an ivhtpettdoiit put. an Although " 'eyetimie_ttoe4 th. ‘__..._ -t AL- ____ __ II A -- was one of the few tum-Sung we; of the War of I812. The “the! at Mr, Barri", who VI. A U. E. hymn. mum in u.- ..-;_u-_ Draru or AN on) Sauna: " Tmtmosvns-, Edmund thtrritt, of Thambury, died on the Mtth ot April, st the tame-d lg. of” van, The downed gentleman held the position of Liettt-tt.Calonet in the Rent-w Militia.- tomorrow. Ion-go. ; Pullman & llnmi'ton'e Confedention '." will make their grand entrance into this C,' Town, on Thursday next June 8rd.and n will give two exhibitions-om, in the after. ” noon at 2 o'eloek and in the evening at B e o'clock. This exhibition is highly spoken u of and recommended to the public by the newspapers wherever they have exhibited I . s this sear-on. We take the following trom, . the Hmnillon Sprrtatur of the M April: 1; “The expvettttions of the citizen: in re- . ward to Pullman & llamilton’e Great Lou. ; don confederation were fully reeliaed yel- terdny. The nftenmon pedal-nuance wee ; fairly intended, and in the evening the I immune tent “is packed to ita utmost . capacity. many being compelled to stand. ' or the "how itself little more can be “a i then that the prediction: relpeeting it were ' mltilled to the letter, and the audienee ' went away thoroughly "taug. The pen- , tomime of ‘Humpty Dunpty' we. exceed- ingly amusing and . created rounds of laughter and applense. The other perfor. mance: were untried out with remarkable excellence considering that the company are Jun emu...“ ii}; .lly "ttson', Ju'deg. ll One " two of the old performers are miss. 1 ed, while several new faces are to be seen. . the changes not detoriating in the least I from the merits of the show. The celelmr 1 ted Boisett brothers, in their popular gym. s' neatie performances. were exceedingly , good. and the name can be truthfully aeid I 'of M'IU Benita. Prof. Smith'a educated ' dogs, Sir John Sott'a trained here“, and, , in fact. each feature of the show. At the ' evening performance the tent was lit up 'l with the electric light yhieluhed a brilliant h real-nee. Meters. Pullmen t Hamilton exhibit in Dundee to day and in Caledonia _ Mr. E. B. Gray captured two trumps some time ago in the old tank house three miles from hero belonging to the T. G. & ll. It. Co., had them arraigned before a magistrate and committed to jail " six days for the terrible crime of warming themselves at the stove, it being raining at the tinter-d think the law called this tres. pus. We would like to know in Mr. G. a constable or what authority had he for M'- resting there men and bringing them near two mile. withort warrant, amnmous or anything in the shape of authority. ad and McCoy quttrremrd “a Hilliard clme to Dundulk to tnkovlnw 5nd on his, rctnru he wan met by McCoy and his two Ulf-brothers, dragged out of his waggon Ind batten unmercifully. In the name of Common decency how long is this tlutog going to be tolerated. Is law a mockery that those Tomlin are snowed to run at largo for over a week. What's our author. ities doiug, or havo we my , _ A most dilgnceful occurrence happened about three miles from here last week. It uppe-n parties the name of McCoy nnd Hilliard who he dong side of each other, disputed about I. liste fence. Your": Hilli. The T.o. l B. It. has been 1nd in n- maxknbly busy running timber, exrrbrood, ties, Toleghph poles, taunt! lane " much as they can do for flu-co months yet. Hur- ry up "Narrow Gauge" you mast close on June 1st "tm-it it some. on Similar I citinn, and . mu of considerable wealth. and further, he was I good N. P. In“, under whole benign ittheesee he he. to seek I home in Unde Sam's dominion. Tully tutothee " Sir John's "Nuionn Purgatory." There are many farms in this eountry the“ last two yen-I with considerable clenrnnoee. which no now let out for the tan- nnd statute labor, and many ere not bringing even that. Tho prohbility at pro-out is thrth: T. G. l B. ll. boun- will be ast.atsdi. Proton If you nun. bonus to mon of tho Kr. mon you require to be good at n in mil. go-u-yon»plem. . Mr. Lam-ones Brew, of Molnnctlmn, will elm " Minnesota next week, to par- chne had for himself if he likes the coun- try. This in too bud" IAwnnco in A good Tho times in our vidage mgr; dull at present. Tho "hum" at the bullkog I the ably one that has ruched III this opting. our “mung” lot. " Mal 'tnoaiitttueshnaarot boonln ammo! the Accounts for some yam. Al- though money ha- been raised Ind upon- ded thin last three you, no on. can tell how unleu the" oftitGts. Thin in I very atlas. WI, of doing, and it in “has. no My" In. the beaver, of akin; for a adamant. Como gesutlemeu.'it that nothing wrong In an Ice whit you In" boon doing with our money. Mr. Robert Gurdon'l ham, "By Grips," won the running nee u Markdule. Thtudatk, May 25th, 1880. mmmzuwy Inn. " i. Brewed to luv. I He time on Dommion wi J/Gu-i to 1am. may. ttout Mommy... brain at our mt-od Dr, Pullman & Hamilton's Confederation. they In ninth; 0mm 9... BM Items. no». in quite " gamut .511 and ' no". had "atom ttf his Mice, and in " billy- ing Juneau.“ Manual- the public. who generally regret Id: dismiss M. So strong in the feeling that I premium local Co-tive 'rTote to I pater mar the than“ n on." aging that tho dunuUat In "teosuv1ertsd, and Iva-ind durum: naphtha-c "all h I nouMnV. oh-p know." um! Mr. Athnrth - h! ttot-rd. TM my _ not may jut iikntims. In: 'ttFit-ao-a-ot Mr. A. "who. hit I... to ma. thtrestiestiu_ an expo-ad no u] aunt...“ and and “cumin-Ibo... “(dun-u. But “1"“ and m it '"r. and the tau-M In and. $tad'irtth.tiq.tG. Vcrur. “an new. New th. No. 45.! ”300'“ PM” - tlte than” lb... w “My it Ite “I'M was “blaming... manta-v2. “no lik- below [man , he an um Toronto, Grey and Bruce many Company. bumble mommy Melange than of the line, and generally to law. it out- dition. The “not occupied the chit. Thee were present on hehdfol the emu-guy, “can Noiter, Dickey, Batty and wrasa.. After . full (lineal-inn at the -tion. I Isolatin- wu moved by Mr. Ken-ugh, urn-clad by Mar. dson and carried mu only two din-ruin“. utging the nap-yen to carry he bylaw o. the conditions which had been Agreed-[Io- bottom the Conway and m town. The Nuance Erpr-u saw: -Mr. Jamel ‘ Min-only tho p lhutet " Tumult, In: hen unloved, And it u stated that Mr. " E. Rom wilt take hit place the fun at June. Them u not a wad "tfault to " ("and with titltrimntmurst,. in but be In“ undo! WW. both t. th. will“ - plume muting wu W in the Town In“, Gwen Sound, on the '..'ht, to ec-ill,,. [h [2- ul prioty of granting a bonus cl CHAIN to the Tomato. Crew and “rum “Ann.“ Fun-nnr ------, - c ----Mr. Tm. T,' G, * n. IV-a large .54 mama-l public meeting wu bald in tho To". In). In the mum. - to and my one at the twin: .4 uontHiu or Ire-Hie. with TI" Lin'pg Ar in: I yen. including the extra nmben of n. Utter, both pmt'dd. Lttell i Co., Beam, And “Vermin Fan-ind- Re%itiem.." and the In.) about“ of poetry. Put “into [1|th at duty [on In," page. and: {at-nu than 3,300 pige- I rear), the uni-wipin- pne- i8t0ie low, while for "0.50 the yaw (Raucous, The Suppreuio- of [1-011-me". in England. Ill-at, of Memory. Now an Irtfinitr. by Rxdurd A. Proctor, and Tho Dog and it Folklore, Ell-our, I TA]. ot Non- 'rr-. The Civil Code of the Jun, Mr. “and! Carter on Short tiight, A Bil-tin Ice Rout, with incur-2cm“ “Ad- and Ere," " He That Will Not When u may," f 1.117%": Lrvvrn Amt.-Thr lumin- of Tlu I..'riu_7 A.er tor the weeks, ending 3]., l5th and 22ml, "awfully, comma the ful. lowing nrticlés: 41.9 Maury of rentin- Eng- land, The Irish Sun Farmer, Pena-d " collect-ion. of Mary C-ter, new". Aching and Math. by " "on. W. k. l Thu Potomac coined: routers, 'sertttrtC. ' not thweumriomaii, of Atuenea, tor that ' ,wn won by Hunlm from Mom's " Pitt" i burg. but the fate of C'oarutry " on our I mum His "(martian was nevor anything ' but Betitiom, and new tUt h- trailed " I bndly yam-day In will hardly ever tiadi t backers Agni". Wlnetlur his coll-poo boa r {are he reached the tummy buoy n- he to real or prutemlod Ive-1km matters little in so far as his future pro-1m no oun- cerned. for the men who have lust by bark... ing him will be the first to denounce him, rightly or wrongly, " having sold the new. Hlnlnn in: established his claim beyond all reasonable question to be considered the intent Muller in either Amer-in or Eug- lnud. There in only one man who“ roll- tion to him in the matter of speed and. sorinu-ly in doubt. and the clullongo which we are authorised by cable to plan-INA. morning will probably not“: tho question both» You: whetlnr Dalian " Trick“ j. entitled to the clinmldonshlp of the solid. ft my be that Boyd will yet give titer of than a hard race. but at present kw will, believe that Hulls" hu much tn far from, him, while he will find plenty of lunch“ in I contest. with the gigantic Auatmtirt- G" lobe. _ 12anle Eli-ulna by: adder on. non to his Jon; and winter-mph! series of Victoria " the on. The uni-emu. taco u Chun- usqua. lost you well nigh ding-chi tho Ann-inn publi: with .attutios, but the mot- not in which the mishap-sud afoul Wed. new” " Waatagton will don-oiling to tutor. ooedidrtuse) in this manly "lautie oxerciu. The conduct of an referee. Mr. Blaikie, throughout the whole binary of this much has boon moat eu-pluy, and so long as men: lib him holé the post of chief whiter in such content: the Interval. M mimic upon In taker-My nk.- Nor in ther. Inything to he nil to lquluu'. dir,. oredit. “Thain": “a of indiumu'ou " min-inn may hue been chargeable wrth Inst year, he In. to nil "men-nee not"? fairiy Ind above board. At I" event. In. Dower showesrtu. wlsits {command alt-y. professed his wiilingtteto to low over up“: for n prim which by all tho "I” of bank inttu had his!) won, for his workunndn'g -'-N...%F- I. punt. John A. Sank“ u bailing a “W to " hotel. D. K. Hen-that In. w I th" bailing 30138 feet, " I." "st. We understand Ibo building in In a. Agrteul. hnl M. It in v.“ Gunmetal for tlte ih -ther in (Ms my b M. The limo-sandman mm.» a... '1tee.tureotraeiii." TIA-tumors "Ortrttiatein. lug. - this apt-in. m whim-ton in atill caving tho mail from D tndnlk to Hop" "--atu. Ill his (I mblcs 3nd his pilrtaanU-d linking good time, considering: the MI. Mr. W. Inn; is putting up a new building in .44.. tion to " the “up, nut is new prep” to “to “some. of all sizes. Then u Another ragga» shop in opp. '.'U. tion to Xenon-Id Bros. Mun. undoumeu in tho village In" HNrosition. W. V mid like moth" surname! hotel, in oppoxiuuu to Mehrthur and John scuba. n Mo... Ill In Idler in the contractor: , ”u put up in Mm”... '. "that dowry“ m 'mdit ’r " I "user.. ition. W. . MM 'sl, in Oppou'thm tuarutt, e tur “and“: u "I" . " Chih- IMin. who was mlhdi - by ”actual Dolan, " M4 died on Inlay. A L-doe township f.rmcr named W com-161M wield: by H vroomaotmt, that, 0.; mt. hm. --e Tmimminh I" out On I. “maul In m pm at than”. dy,' you-om no uh A when“ I . sun-ml aha! Cool: a Feat cord 9M up” IP',', Gama-ans r--' but. a up... m' Teal d the 1tr,t Puu, t 1u'LT rev. yun w ' V with“! our: wt, who! null! a 'ldrlfftd1'ti 3-0:: P. “not one but .eto"rdisrq tn ‘IMIIM, well, and weiatt auh - Ohu Hun “In . A “on d. “and". on a. "tpt-sl below Mic Dining Atlanta, has luau [m ' " on tbe lout M AtOrnpvillo a El.- dny, ' heavy nine] an arm-k. brake . dam, In] tal chug -t'aeal "who it run-4| away a h pieced tin ”bald Ibo Tammi AM Inn Bailarar, "otttt'tsit Mt trattic you: ' M. dore mun n you! u;¢olawq.ud W‘s-Agni»... 1'de ban: a! Mr, John Hall-ch $ro-.tirt- “a Ml: coma-lion M new by. "bully M. mus awn. new! - with the furniture and clothing 0.- “may. who MI I Veer ”ml-I' m4 3|.th In. the a!" Iindmu. l 'outr"ue-amoutaeeaad Ian-d! "an In... my“... 5.. " Autumn" hu-M (Handout: u prcvduut an; the towmhpd Ameliaalmrsr. a' “In that tbr of d In: A“ sci, “In. “I! "if 01 Ch I]: nu Luke It“ by odor of t nun-"y A"; Whoa the Little Ones oeiNr from Wanna thew till Imus] or In" of the [alluring nymln In“. pate, ullnr, m [$14-11 C with Won-l t"ttt Ins-”Urn -umrd ”Advil, a tivi, eirelr. and qeith Men or cumunn of the new! nun-ion. tin-turban! nleet (a: at!“ 5.3315": 'G m-- . I - - at emvulau'um. " r T.'h to Induce the "tttrose to c thru Item Candy. Prim-25 em A nation: modem Immunod _ Conn-hie. I [nun-r "shim: a village. on Sunday. m1. ms! dam his Lon-u to n hay-suck loading In” on his wagon but.“ darted. In cudmmrm; than. being an old man of Um: lad. hi: footing. and the front wh Wm punt! over the small " oauaitq - internal Injury. [in in I critic-l continuum Tho “hamburg Olm-w-rr my: _ huildingn fur the mwufutun‘ ot gang! up: an now up and manly click The." gnu-m I very neat 'bl'p'uuautee. botii.rd that them will ho lirluiy Gm a "I mtqrbtuts planted In than “an", 'ct,)',", "at the “My will hnrr a u; y to led in nanny fur sugar-nu] AMI prove to “than titat " a. mou- pr all]. than their ttmeat gun; cup... A young In“ named mm. madman] non- “latent-m. "tte-om, While washing slurp um. n “run after limshmg Cheap. and “and”; exhuma- "new Masll " cmupuuuum, ulna. wu able to urn“ to lus Tho body I‘ll necouud um“ ten-uh. A mummy Incident no PM road on Satan] what-by MnJlem-y hum mud an new“: scalp mm put pm! ortla, head. And A. um Mines about do he: us with“ is when and in decide]. m cm“ of "Mic “VT Sod “I ”W ot we Toronto, I, ”(In Railway that “my have up. “on Ron. Mel-ado: Hacksaw I 't' on their behalf, to lake delivery ul l mun which an new about to be m the 'tMmiesittuiuum lo Add tlee Cousis eaateuagtutta-ott1ae lat u During A ttmaaetriorus Mrs. Henry Sisbctt. ot may killed It: llglmlil the ad a fuliug u pull at , door when the lightning r have: two young childn t ". chip labourers omldoyrd by “In: Whip Cunpuuy ul Mama-l ch number of three hundrul .uJ M I“ [at Thursday ovcumu. (I. “not“ Captain My they qu dwwuvu't an answer from uptown no“. morning. “a ou Indians an: gun in tn: - of tho- hviu‘ up!!! open the In I M Canadian who In". to tahe ”do. of. M of Iliad witluu their rm thick ho Ind awaited from the New: at Hutu-l. hoopla Balm. who ded It Feven on an“ inst. in ha 7bch you. w Eatgtkut-t, and one of the tint u in Albion toqrnship, And m-u In " "I“ III “an Interest m pul l u. very huge. The chum-h " bu beiah, and cod. "2,700. Tho W City lu-term Club ta to!" to (in I grand chum-t to In. in the Ancient Capital, to occur dun ”inning of mm. mouth. The ctu' time law about!“ mount on. The at“! Fair " [known on M w nth: poorly “mum. Cow. ehiuly what In o‘er-d and luau“! no to Malina Herald. Orin“ a. muo- by in 1 in a (In Felicia: Full: Ganmr u. par in inning for a for much u nixed ted Olly on one side, that being dot My». A It. “on“: Catholic Plum l, u ind-d u Wdhcebnrg on sundry by " “Wu. of London. The new: 130M of Winglnm nil-go 1 . “I. " Hum or 020.000 " nu do. of tho Toto-to. Urey. l Bruce my to tut 'flue.. A "vi-ion of the “can“! roll. M POW Inn . popuhuon C“. . ”lulu a! Ill sine. host yea A Punch Candi-u nun-ed Jo. “0 Putin has been mm " l) in.“ with luring an. Nun. a May (onuoon It. Jon-ll: Nonhvood. of Chad-1| ha qtminted to the son-u in u- d the hm lion. George Brown. CANADIAN ITEMS .3 ud- In that at]. ' ..ef.rue.oorra. my .1 ”haw-ba- 'tednemt 0--.. M“ Oxrouv no] Int MT sully up... drveou li' ty wl el If ONO”! " M an H ll

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