West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 27 May 1880, p. 4

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go Cumin: lumpi- hnvo no can food H a... mule: tnd mushroom; The Own! has ordered the tutthoeities to no, nxnigmtiou. Thom in North Hungary u in. ching. About 1,400 reruns an Shun. Best of all things In us is home. in ':t,ft,r:tiaheieit? Ltg',t,ltt home of ennlvitiou anti plcasure we may . eometimee forget :ts exquisite sweetness, nalled J', l “my “wink: far “huh?” but let sickness or sadness come and we re- we l', i: if V“ "I',"! . h It mun er o 1m tum to it at one. Let the hollow hearts moral eli1gs “12:3; 1'11'2',. '.f'f? m thet feign a friendship which they do not I more, Cl accju ll“ C", ll' it?“ Ill.' feel stand revealed before tts-lot us know i we '"Y can Parc y 9 es ma e . - a” no we ell must at moments, that howeveri no” "air #4...” --- -- important we may be in our mm estimation, Ii 'tr.n Laot' To TAxmznms'r '.--"ron can our places would he tilleduttt hour's notice l see for yourself, man. You only tstuffed should we die to-morrow: then we whispcr ( my poor parrot in the summer, and hem to omelvee the magic wvrd borne, and no l are his feathers tumbling out before your comforted. “Home, swcct homei" it does I eyes." Taxidennlst: “Bleed yi,. 'm' not matter how humble it, is nor In it less a j that's the triumph ofthe art. We staff em’ home for being a palace. it is where those i that “mum! that tlsey moulu in their Irro. we loved dwoll-s)erever that may be--- P" season." where we ere velued for ourselves and are ( h DI.“ up Dunn MIDICANI WM " d. hdd in esteem becnuso of what we are m “only startled bi the rude shouts of wine t"Il,'.", 1"d, ,"d'eat'lrt'c',/'2'or"prorg". I boys while walking down a certain “not, '" ' otw w M: C' O F , . end on turning elippedouen camped "Who wtmH bo Without a home? y1i.:2',1'l','l. He gave the lads neevereleetnre. would teke the word I applause and honor much to the amusement of n blind beau- et in PM of the for true hurts and “I. ”a, I the eomer. who saw the whole occurrence bssido "than. when the truth maybe I through his green guise} and was pitch - withqu dieguue, end canons carp- unused thereat. -" ' I in” no , In Me's ‘2: le, "Gem‘len," eeid the old n- a he. get even tt 2'Ji,,'tt,,,1":,'atr21rti,.. but hielege under him, " pie-eon who than - tfit . m...“ ht tobe theee under do ideeh dat he em foolia' de world “new. I . I ' : it will eooner or later git do grand let. A this: never tind way. The; Sd', w e pm“ can M" de public beefew day: mm “mun“; " in," or n few weeks, but " noon en de 115an w-rrteyetrtftt"'r Tdll a. expoeed'he am e gone can. You mi, a... “I” T3nited m M were stand yer hate abet on yer ears, hen: out Every inch of growth in the weeds in so much "then from in; crop, irrecuvcrsbly " lhet season. This makes it so impor- tant to 'tot' the beginnirtr--to slice " the tiny seedlings with n sharp blade, or stretch them out And expose their roots to sun and wind jut " noon a: they show themselves. In genlene where the nail has been raked very t1tse and made very smooth, u. thin blade pushed or drawn through the fine Ml Just below the surface is the easieatand no“ tepid and themes! completely offec. he] destroyer of the weeds and opener of the met. But when the surface has been left hen", the work is Mill easier And more tepid. provided that a prong hoe or tooth eultivntor or burrow is used. These beech the clad: Ind scatter the mould end weeds in all directions. like foam before I boat. It u new that the aid of dry weath- er is so veluable. Many weeds grow very Wily from pieces. and a WITH] broken into three or four cuttings becomes three or (our weeds in lieu of one, ifthosoil is worst Ind the air humid. In this regard our eli. mte gives us a great advantage over the hamhnners of old England. They are m obliged to rake and pick weeds out of the loll. and carry them " to prevent them , “the root ttgain-tus enormous job, yet l che- mvoideble.-Nm York Tribune. I Very few excel in this art. tt is more than any other the criterion ofa good eul. tivotor of tUlds and gardens. We were on the point of saying that the month of May istho time for beginning to praetise this ossoutiolol success. True, so It is, as br u more killing goes, but the wide “rake "or - had on eye open all hurt sea- son to loo that no enemy was sawing turns upon tho Innd--ato thistledown Boating in tho wind; no sly plant- in obscure comers‘ motoring seeds and dropping them into the toning ooil ; no rotting manna, full 01‘ nods of docks and grasses and all manner at woodoIoloonneu. put on as much mulehl or rotation. to treat the erop by and by as tho axons did the _Britorts--sarirtg them from the Pitts to iMiet erulty themselves. Any vegetehle u o weed that robs. by its growth in the some ground, the particular phat we wish to carry to perfection. In tho meadow, grass is tho crop, Ind every other plant or bush is a weed. But in tho I geain.tield or potgto-p-ttr-h the some grass been“ a weed, to Le extirpoted to tho I Wm blade. Dry weather, so now! l We in the growing season, has the great I megitet siding “W farmer efrectsrelv in , - ---- -. I"""')""".'. me name arm beestane, a weed, to Le extirpated t; tho WM blade. Dry weather, so mum! “if in the (lawns season, has the gran “a“ et W113 “W farmer effectively in ”it. bony, weary work, which he needs but do, and do promptly; if he hopes to have return fer his outlay. 1 Home, Sweet Home For a. Review. In 1.1qu emansx Aatd am II why I :nmus “an I behold you no Tototrs the would "out! yox lacunae t love you so. o hm. 1min of Ions! low mend mm- the place, 'ehrmt. your woman numb mm A. - m. o “at: mu. bio-oom- That me am maid of '0" [would that yu might not" " an“... norm n how ' Den. dand- u. Tho sum: will “in no” qriit To any: yum I I”. .0 ma. can.“ WI. m- that - Mint. Wtth mu. team that chm Fro-cu], mom an lint. l low in hm iaoltve- nou bull- no VIVID III ‘y The“ may unad- And daunting In! only on um: play ; Whoa little brow. no no“: (handout! by s cue; Mo wrinkle or no furrow Inn I.“ m impra- ' o an... out child'uh In“! I know no joy In. thus: Whoa they to mun: are mud " planing more 11 km Tho mu m new: mac . in. doxr'tot. from than, " m their do"; :mhncu- . in... “do on" t but M an no hit pd holy. “how nor thin or In: T In God laud! hathlov'd than ”bonny“. nuns. Thom some my an In , kn than sun. m. my am beam to no. li-tues-on. " P. VII-L83“! fulfil. t to" the Hm cm. 1.0 am new." that glow Cron at“ tau-nu Ian at om. To no a. wand baht Weed Killing - at the aid of dry wonth- "l Many weeds grow vary ly' be. and a WITH] broken “I, Ming: becomes three or hei I one, ifthosoil " mots! the In this regard our eli. In, rent advantage over the f'? Ild England. They are IW' e and pick weeds out of "r hem " to prereettthem por an enormous job, yet ud- -Neae York Tribune. .5" _ - -..- at net Kama t t not Iva mu vet-u XII-Il' lo very smooth, tt thin I rnwn through the flue .urfaco is the oasiest and most completely eitee. no weeds and opener of d [hen the nurfnce but ti u.-.- teat tho stop by and by w _Britons--sarisw them mic-t malty themselves. weed that robs. by its ground, the particular any to perfection. In is tho crop, and every is a weed. But in tho ttit".t the same maul "0 , 'wund yen to loan bogus, won b. Itttd as it so impor. -to slice oi the hula, or scratch out: to sun and r-savrng them He steppe} aside to make roan for I Ity themselves. couple of young men who hndjust entered. tt robs. by its and the landlord waited on them very po the particular likely. Tho other had stood by, silent end wrfection. In sullen, and when «boy had flatshtd no op, and every walked up to the landlord and addressed I J. But in the him: tum, yer cheap cigars, but tureiut, ob non will bee right {argon like. u buzz my elsoppin' up cheapo. What we all! we m tut' let us bu'r In wiunl dc wlcmu fuck ant while skim milk hats in value Bn' its men, it you} nah ice cream lic.r dicair- 4.. ubus.--Naie-ii _ "0erm'Un," said the old man u ho. pt hislegn under him. " was“ who labor. I under de ideal) dat he Mu foolin' do world' will sooner or later git do grand 1adr. A pussou can and" do public fora few days ‘ or a few weeks, bat " soon " do fmudun exposed be am I gone coon. You may stand "r hats chat on yer ears, lung oat yer brass much chains! tut' ptut May at I Um LADY To Tssrrtzruurr..-"Yot, can In for yourself, man. You only stuffed li; poor parrot in the summer. and here are his {anthers tumbling out before you i eyes." Taxidermist: “Blur yi,. 'm'. I that’s tho triumph of the ttrt. We stuff trn' I that natunl that they mount in their pro. 1 I par season." I The landlord Iiuonod, palc'ind ling. Setting down his decanter claimed : "Godhelp mo .' This is tho last drop will over ttell to any one!" ' mind A young man entered the bur-loom a! I village tavern and called for a drink. ' "No," said the landlord. "You have had the delirium lumen: once and-I“ cannot sell you any more." And he kept Isis word Dmsnso In: A mile is 5,280 het or 1.730 yub in length. m. The following are sold by Weill“ our noun A Scene from Real Life and The first steamboat plied the Hudlon in 1807. Tl A cubit is two feet. A fathom is six ieet. A sped is lol inches. A great cubit is 11 feet. A palm is thaw A league ie three mika. - " There ere 2.1m league”. A deys journey is 881 miles. Two persons die every second. A square mile contains 640 Acres. A tub of butter weighs84 pounds. The "we human " is}! - An acre eontsius u,tr4ty square yards. Slow rivers flow seven miles per hour. A hand (horse unsure) 1'. four inches. A ritte ball moves t,000 feet per second. The first iron stesmsliip was built in 1830. The ilrst Ineifer match was made in 1829. The first horse railroad was built in 1826-7. Geld we: discoveredin Californb in Wt). Electricity moves '288,000 miles per see- moderate wind blows seven mile: per ice arm nu dcceivo I'rtc Preu. Worth Knowing. “.uo - sold by weight per dd tremb, be ex. The very‘but mun-m.un'¢t; 1!"me superior to gunning In the county, hnvmu made prizarwnsk in thrmcipul ciao: of Canada. and um Unibd “at... Formtmht M ”We: in Ber mic-cr- 1tamuuthiiiiiiiii" , _ _ .' For Summ‘er Mb. Pixie Bowed 1yelling. ton Boots, only 86.00.}..ch Bulmar- uls, Sewed, only " Low Shoes. l by , t ..._- w Boot and Shoemakerj SOUTH END, Durham, near Ch Yard Hotel, having cominencod busily we nbuvohnw would: tall, aoladitartt; the puma“. of the pm @Dcn't Fail to give me I: can My Spring Meek of HARDWARE is Spades, Shovels, Manure Forks, &o HARDWARE, Hardware ! Cheap, Cheap. J 11815 Received at MOWAT’S Gem's 601:! Albert 99.00. "S"""';.""""- v. “HM/"Jun. " now Complete and will be found very Cheap. Barthes. Cradles and Harvest Tools on the way. It Will puzzle you Give me April M, 1880, IS K't. heavy Ringl - "tlo, HATS, A Goid Ring $1.00. MILLINERY, Mantles and Fancy Dry Goods Sewed, , CALDWELL Aprfl 8th, 1880. A good Spade for I END, Durhati: lHOW}. 3:1:va coats: mm to r no ot ttte Pm ' Nut material. uni ',2lttU'l 1n the coun in mum-mu cido Shun. 1880. d, only 54.50. Tiiii, i2ii' French Stock used. s1il1ijPtrs:miaoii,E"'fiiizDs BONNETS, 13. The 1i'it'tyy? Puzzlg rVSrolVVea E. &UL. DAVIDSON; kc. L. . ”Ulrike Latest Novelties in Parasols. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, Are Showing the Largest and Best Assomd Stock Felt CIA )V " _" acmtRrfi,""""i5"iririrtiri LARGE ASSORTMENT of Choice FIELD and GARDEN FASHION ABLE Spring and Bummer Which will be sold at very Low {lye Sr 351m H. C. Watch ' 10.00. a trial. 8 day Clock only " it, near Cattle- xenct‘d basins" in 'ro1'aettartirri, or Ever offered in A Clock for "oo. At Very Low SILKS. 14. 10. Also a Choke Selection of gr: pw 75c. Manure Forks 75c A 1rail Stock JOB. F. MOWAT, All goods are marked at the Lowest Cas1fPriee, . G. & ir . Jyllldirillil,CElctiii" IE Cheap sums. Town Met, now Complete and """"V _.._,u gun-tun. . f ,7 Small Pictttresitootisd and Enlarged to any me sad "111:0er ou, India Ink, or “Inc: 0 ur. ttiitrriiilihir, DURHAM. consisting of-- FRILLINGS‘ TI NS, TIES, Pride. Wham. April IS 1880 Lower Town RIBBONS, LACES Trtrer Watch .Leaver 81t.00. thar, qnpted above, shikiug9ick,itday Receiving a -A Clock for 93.00. . "___- “v... Tim/ m Mnnnv. B-----", l Btvlish and Cheap. 'Al rs- H. Prices m . th McFARLAN E. into! by io' , odairim, a sprehlitr. "A" work warranted. Gent's Watch and Chain, 812.00 T. DONAGRY. , tle Lady 's Opra Chain gum. Lady's Set, $4.00. yer.rtiririir- COLLARS, . cums. of my way. up! y79 I Gold, Dominion Organ &Piano Company; CorrespondencéSolicited. Send for We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS Highest Honors ever awarded {to any The Largest and Feb. 12th, new ORGAN S Call and STOVES, Stoves, STOVES I Who urn anxious to hive their Um by Fire, can do no at a low pate FARMERS ANIS OTHERS They are Cheat-p, . . They are Excellent Value. Bought before the Advance Try Them. TEAS, TEAS, TEAS! _ ATTENTION! Durham. Sept. 18, 187t?. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA. CENTENNIAL, ... '.. ... 1876 do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, ... 1877, GOBD MEDAL at PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TORONTO, 187t HIGHEST Award at INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Toronto. 1879, MEDAL AND Cash for Hides and Skins COOKING PARLOR BOX from $20 up. from $5 up. from $3 up. All Sizes and all Prices. Factory in the Dominion -- _- 140 x 100 JOHN CAMERON‘S Mailed Free. Address--. purclum'ng duwhcre. We will not be Best in the Market, 19E9NrrPitTr- Dwelling Hansen, Burns and Content. Insured again-t loss rate, and in a. Nimble Company who pay 103505 promptly. IBosarrrutnvinee, ()nr A wily to. 1. germ CAMERON, Most Complete Agent Western taiutiiJi,N, Illustrated Catalogue Truck taken as Cash H A KRIS d' ( Maker in the World, Goods. PIANOS. , Toronto, 1879, underth and 103 ’80. '0., Durham um mum Ct 0 _ Kduhg mmn'geul .. chOum Witt be nu» and um "tum 'dlhl 'l, In. [up-Lam“, on "PAt1at6t"r Tue “Emu own will be no: tree ot pox-Lu“ to my Post uh: ts. can Mum tor .2 'go. " mm “with” nmllu' . Bum IlK-III‘,‘ {new by P0 mot-mum". but. dun. t.T'.imd "t t L or by um... n wur nil I Atty one u " “my to 'gut up I dun an mu own lapel-mum} " Iiwh mu: [It-IT NU) be when“! mutual]. "tl PN be M: an) Mama. CLUB RATES :E-ESK‘imp'}; Spring and Summer Thi. Wart addilmn lo the capncll) ot the 5 I" wiltertatue I in“ ot hummin- pro-Mel iel'f,' pmmbn mm.- raid and intern-mm Um" “I Her Mme umunpn-hcd in my \ux-kh Juiarml The “man tttattet I'm be murh int-xmu-d ; mum ”in ml: be dunk-u lo 'l'it:/c,"p', "td and “fun; and tho. Ati." lvununl irpwlulcm It” he "'1de m 'u. etBvicut “In Her Idem. Notwnml than the teat cnluvgcnum. and Improvement tobe mufc thr annual bulrrcrip “an luTuv. “In” Own “In mum. a. l.ctr h-hn_only - 7 " --. 3 m , TWO DOLLAR. PER ANION. It"! Pohttrte hula-n Inn-n1 1....-.“ _. A -. _ use"! ”(an In: to all who; ' diiri,5 "1 Pulled Blues, panhleim-nrilbly in Mum. t' Tire DURHAM St., Duitn Residence~0ppnsite the Calm term) Church; JOHN ROBERTSON TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. will be than to that on a Md: [up I I". an Im‘n an.“ wt nu lug, s -7 nu trri]1ilrl-runtr utwsmm most}? Fr" a n NORTH assiutici.T. Tri" HEW P338338 Ai,17 TYPE’ nrtmuiaat SPEED " PUBLICATION. " rec-owed Durham, Heir. 14, 1878 The Mu 1lliiilrl,)fo0umE mu llK- my “not by P0 mun order. dun. teestrcisd " q, or by um... n our e I and mum-m to In new to an l .4 6L Jr.f Willa canny. have. Cutting done to Order, On an 2nd at January, IN N... _-- _ - rm: Mildm ml (mu r IMPRO "terriiGU7n, - 35 BEST! THE lARCESI! m CNWEST In IN \nn-rn ........ nn " Walkcrl I'tamrore- Wm _ Orau,vvilh 0tutrtgerille-'r _ month. Flesh-rum" If DuiHalk 4111(- d Shelbnrnu -11'c Mathivill_ Soc. ath, It, --- W 't "2!“ " “(NEON RAHA' DttHUmt--Tuird Tuesday Prieeville- M onday beio: Iyttover--Monunf l,ofor Mount I"ore.n--T'iu't.4 MI sum of Inn-Ling, Th moon itt and: mouth. T CHANGE OE Night of utc"U of each month Vullct W. M. *1 OF BRITISH AMERICA. on" hour: “an; a Ksnaier, “Munster. Town mu -owm u I o'clock. Shines " Bahamau, mum-u -rairu%Girri;ir/ M. Suvim -a,rlici lab-n! it 230nm: Pro "can; “Moon- landm- ver meeting at tt p. n. ma clan-u 8 p. In, YI my" mum; ttt hymn. 1 . S. O. ILIQUIS‘I'I Thom-a Lauder. "cum: ....... u, -__ [ __..._... P"""M'BM" a. m. and 7 .m. land“ '1roorityF,iii: ArLu'i1l7l'rlh."'i., Chunk Waiting. iit'aill?du B. 'latte -N. w, _ - -"-, --A-, __ ------ PUEtuwrhauas CHURCH. Diving Burris: "ttT Sabbath "t_ta.rtt.otd no p. m. Wget Ochoa! 91. Sao g. m. Pu)" manna 01.7 Mien-mg u so. Bible Chou-vary My owning M 7.30. 1"iwiliriGiGaT,'l _ [lawman i'.uuitcat. ' Sand 5." Sabbath tst In A)" m. until...” att 1h',1fh'liWgt',r.t no ll. m, Pruyer Inst-tun; can “My owning at n .. (Ix-uh. I'll-tor Rev. It My. TRINITY t'tt CIR“ Biblical ”V100. u u I. m. Ind 7 PAtyt.iepriiiL' ”.1113, “3-" " ___A. ... _ DURHAM " Ih-pnrt Arri ve A rr' DURHAM LU! . ' -. In: I I " tukc mulling! ot "use upward Mt', mm ul .mpun-culcnl glut hun- man for mu!) lunywm Ill It. mat you mouth MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS Iddlhon to the and“ at the III!!! . brit ot hue ("he pron-Mal MN " ore xarud m4 [Mon-1mg than mu t'S:yTlyrf in brtweeklt Juurml trnGao - In Mum-,3 I",-,"-.',:-,-";'?:."-"). ['i')1'iii'i"itait; fit') F) _'. 'u).?':,-:),?]...-?).'),',?,--' {f V '79-». ,_L n: Viz-xi bind ... .5“! Daemon. III mu "(DYIIA BAPTIST CFI'IN " rmstri. '1“an xxs'n'rc'nz 'tty tur Km! 'whtr no we'. instte, no u to n. u "very Edd? .mr from 'l to " an“! on u. Alum-Inn In, tu, ; Mancini “omit“ ovum .1'Pt,thittg M ll i, Eh We DU, it n A M sday in one]: month before Durham. More Durham. 1 Wedmsduv it n. at m mind-L‘- 'oud in Pre""' DIRECTORY hivo regular! Hm day in each mp we the Guelphl "um Prlpu.. urriiGria7llt% ; WE army y (WI-1Q 51!: Mor, [873. W, mm N" wt, IIIHCIII etuntt " ve/ug, '. trot, " 40“ as fresh) u ll n. m, ' Soul-u " It 7 P. m. “not lt Emma )Ioupl.’ (-4 "sting 1-H . . " "WW. Mal" tttev. Mr, Dunlap, id. m Table- AGGE. Hunger I)’ Ite, (It ntl lids Mun”, I). huh 6pm South End Bakery, Durham RIC!" D" A I a. C 'o-v r) nun-r. n ml M (1.}. VETERINARY BURG LO In. Gristing & Mcr I Mu 'ropuis EDGE MILLS. DURIIAD " uhrr S' " "i'pc. Illustrated Floral A human" "rotunda.“ out tt up“. Incl-1nd Two in” or Ml Th“ he“! do. l ' 1” column, I 'tr, ooh-u. L'utoolluu. oo. mix u Do. (him unliuuy testis. sn- t rug ot char ivy"", I) III".\I'II’\‘ w t l,,",-, I?" Il " Atthe Ollicehuuduu SH $5 to $20 Pam-Id. Mott Durham, - - on! Q“"I . - I r , I . , I II n 12min A” BUSINESS DIELECTOR LEGAL “THE REVIE “can". I." " Lon-n ALFIU ALEXANDER BRO “iii-.65...“ "mum, Rum-1h“ W. CHITTICK: ftthl HCI’AVI ”Immune Gaming Sp-nIu'y named MMIIJ‘MJ“ "N. MT MAI Adv TE lt My: --t l .00 tbra. Addr- ad M . TI I‘TOI "ppm " and tan"rrt,e. MISCELLAN EC Us u RATES OF ADI " A Y “an Merchant. Taiicr, in! not paid u Front As Fund . um. I'. I}. I ‘l'hli‘.l‘ ANOt Al " thc I MEDICAL i'l " “I; MI ' lt It ll I.IIKIDO‘ R 'v H H "r-orb'.' “a” "er " DON n W tft

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