West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 3 Jun 1880, p. 3

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*heat, Belgines, o« ising consid=rable have been reduverâ€" . on the Teras ‘\-stroy.d 1 N~ pers ounded. and f Cothard tunnel is giving way of the me formation. The it‘s end, and it i+ way to oversome 4 round the white it, which would ths from sunstroke lny . f An-trinonum,y. is received in a duel wolyi. nstroke were report Brooklyn on Friday esult of the extreme the oil room lying in the Deleâ€" 2.. exploded on essel took fire and on board ignited., a seaman, while board and . were o wese serionsly ed. The approm« . One pmeyfully he barrel. intendâ€" ions. The barret ‘ately. _The fire he wheat in iL “'l‘fjml:.?. di~« ‘ately. _ ‘T] tle trouble © boiler and enâ€" House for workâ€" ilt up, and it is all the wastes of it in necessary, i pure. . If the Assembly Chamâ€" c at night. ‘The y Mr.De Bouechâ€" Legislative Counâ€" one hundred and n from the boure , Portsmonth. A nd his wife, who that night, were t there not bein, ur, t them they were Desaver lane Irated by wing desâ€" im pare fuler dinonsé al plagnes of d yoeld is realized apetition with the e the Pfi“ £1 per o congregâ€" of the conâ€" LN ot stona ill seat 250 lant journal ter the Govâ€" rel and Throce lay morning Â¥as â€" anumonsâ€"ly reeting petitions ominion Governâ€" inag systems.. > the mollier * gunlimg her c‘:o nt those icly often seour hing else,. such mey . etc. Them» al of the peâ€" the s«trikers 1e mo wiy ingâ€" lled . agra> i% c«ombles the longth from woved, ow n the humen it Jw wouktchedl a i# their effecte iabes, _ If vou of Yellow Oid ut a hottle um of intestinal nd these dis« met greauttonal was laid on nenal cere: ‘ere was a avery mhere Iee@s belore six rm Powders 25 conts per y Rev. Mr. megor, lnté y of the chewan /erald * various settle. rtlhâ€" west ‘Perri al #, bat that ot & lhonmmry,l %z policy just hently await at the poli« in 1878, es cherished P. hive been, g of the tunnel when the w m and purifvin i It also ling the Et in fromy ¢ have OUs. no yed by a persons and forty with a conren ationa! I hewe Irom leer 1€ * tab dairy, Lags,perdoz... I‘ntatoss, per b: Tarnips, per bual Hav, poer tom..... Fall Wheat. per bush ...... $1 15 to gpring Whent °* _ _ ...... i 17 o K 2 °) L. ~Dratoicipeiin . SAbbetnemeraee ie * *T *C Oubs, t Â¥er uce 30 to ?“‘ y® asiive 66 to Dressed Hogs, per 100 lhs 6 50 to Batter, rolls, per 1B......... . 16 to Spring Onts ... Fall Wheat "ntitoes per bag guner...............‘ Wool per Ib...... Sheep akins....... Lamo Skins . Hides per ow*. .. Y 240254 MOUXT FOREST MARKETS, Confederate â€" Oflice, June 1, 18 Flour per barrel...............§6 00 to Ontmeal per burrel............ 4 50 to ult WBRBRE:.1«ccccrrcarcerscceree C O t Treadwell Wheat............... 1 05 to Hpring Wheat........«..~...«... 1 0G to BRPIOY .. x« sasrexsrrerscrere«s«.~ O 40 t SOMWNE snn on cxneven unc cengrucenncene U OF 6h ) .( 7 Apeanenernemnniniiin e nete P . © 033 Wood, dry, per Wool, per lb.... Apples, per bag Butter, per lb Eugs, per doz hre The right of the asbestos mine .m,n,'l discovered on the property of one Loucks, | i« the township of Lake, has been purchasâ€" | & ed by Messers. Harney & Willson. of Hamâ€"| ilton, and Messers. Iinton & ‘Faylor, of n Grand Rapids, Michigan, These gontleâ€" men have been with a gang of men busily 1 engaged during the last fortnight in openâ€" ing up and developing sevpral leads, all of g which seem wich. They have taken up many very fing specimens, and have shipped |.; several barrels to Boston and Now York to be tested by experts. A large offer has| It been made for tha mine, but has not as yet Ae been accepted, * On Thursday evening a mecting was|* held in Mongreal to discuss the chances of is 1 commercial union with the United States. | 5t About 2,000 people woye present, being enâ€"| 4 urely French Canadians, Mr. Perrault it was the orator. o went over theold story sbout the laek of power of Canada to make her own treaties, showed she was able to two ago. Yet if the \. P. could make any city in the Dominion prosperous that city is Montreal. Betore the N. P. the popula« tion increased rapidly. FaTat, Acetoext.â€"On Monday night a young man named Paul Quinn, supposed to be under the influence of liquor, was driving along the street in Caledon East when the horse took frigat aad throw him i out in front of the buggy, completely tearâ€" | ing off oze of his ears and bruisiaghis hoad in a shocking manver. Death released his sufferings next morning. ' The population of Montreal, if the corâ€" poration official statements are correct, is le«s by four thousand than "it was a short time ago. There are many hundreds of houses uncecupied toâ€"day in Montreal where five or six years ago it was almost impossible to find a house waiting for a | € tenant, and the rents and valuss of properâ€"| ty lower than they wers even a year or l # rt Mount Forest, has recieved il»tl'lustin-s.,I from the Department of the Crown Lands. Ontario, to undertake the survey of the Township of Springer, at the northwest corner of Lake Nipissing, adjoining an Inâ€" | dian reserve in that district. I Mount WaLRERTON MARKETS, f May 28, 1880 Ferp ;:â€"qssp.cc: zesc "Fh WO _ 1 C Te mqusnoninees"" P boy * & nethiinkiok buaths. ) pbidcaan)>. * * Survkv.â€"Mr. J. K. MeLean, P.L. $., of| TOI h dry, per cord er 100 pushel......... .‘"" per cord RHAM _ MARKT Duwtas, _ Jane M OxTO MARKT Toroxto, â€" Mav xâ€"In Mownt Forpst . D. Fruser, Mr. Joh Mason. both of thi MARRIED DEATH ifl t ) AY «$1 30 to 10 30 to Ar §3 OO { thy 3 00 to $3 00| x The Most Talented 1 2 To to 2 75 sical F 2 50 io 2 50 ('nnndn:-!u. ::l'l'.':' 1 00 to 1 00 Febus 0 50 to 0O 50 2 30 to 2 50 The most pr-pulu)\ 1 12 to 112 1 08 to 1 08 LA POTINT and 1 08 to 1 08 sault Champions 0 2# io 0 30| EL NINO ED 0 40 to O 45 Champion Fight Rope 0 55 to .0 s5|JOEN FORBEBE] 6 00 to 700 of the 1 0 45 to 0 45) Miss LIZZIE 0 00 to O 00| Only Femule Horize 4 50 to 5 00 former 5 50 to 6 00| La Potite, JUOT 0 75 to 1 50) The Midget Fairy T 0 14 to 0O 15 0 08 to M ORK| Mastar TBAt 0 0 0 75 ¢ 0 14 t 0 08 t 1 50 t 6 14 to 10 to 50 to 18 28. to 00 to }, 1880 M 1880. 91 18 15 00 0 0 0 i 70 18 14 12 id (X An Ezhibition which the Entire Canadian Fr:ss says Does all it Adwertises, and which returns And POPTLAR DOMINION ORCHESTRA,drawn in the MASSIVE cQLQEN CHAXRIOT of )\t'ouo\ in the Â¥ASSLVAL GOLDEN CHAXRIOTâ€" of MOMUS, , KELLT and HALEY, The First and will give, at 10 n‘clock each Doors on at 1 and T o‘flesk. Perlormances commmence at 2 and 8 o‘clock. The Eatire Bingsâ€"In a JOEN FORBER, The Wonderfal Wizard of the Floating Wire. In his "Dafiéing Burrel" and " + glualitios ° JDSPCCCUGE Nouniabank March of Chnally anbed Wagons, Tinsel and Trash, to gull the public and entice them into empty canvases. Prof, Charics Frank‘s Monster Silver Cornet Band, HARRY MACK The Famous Five nanprr The Creat and Only Realta, Ma |The Great Elostric Light. est of Irish Song and Dance .(:k.n;;nccer Comedians. e Eutire Grand Cinlaxy of Calisthenic mqsâ€"In a grout Combined Rival Act of Vaultâ€" , Tumbling and Somersauit Sensations, reviving all the glory of the Grecian games. A Thrilling Feature Free to All. zof. Forbor‘s Cloud Walk, "HUMPTY DUMPTY," And 8t C 20 AER P AEECR EOeC TTE IPmen PeuIns more for the money !icu any show, at any full LFTI Its Planctwry, Constellated ('.,m‘cwn of Eifulâ€" wence, nnd Heaverâ€"bora Byle . exceeds the _*_ _ eclipsing feats Positively no Cirens S Itsel{ an unparalicled and glorious exbibition, well worth going full 100 miles to see. Et Cost $30,000. Requires m 30 Horseâ€"power Engine, a 40 Horseâ€"power Boiler, and liB: of Copper Cable Conduetors, We Monopolize itâ€"No Other Show Has itâ€" None Other Uun (Obtain it. Itsel{ an To all of which one 35 CentTicket Admits. Children Orn Tihursday,Junesrd,1880. It is Far the Best and Cheapest Exbibition on Earth, Actually Combining Seven Complete and Unsurpassable 50 Cents Shows in One Stnpend: ous Accregation. Of Equine, Pantomimic. Educated Animal, and Olympinn World‘s Wonders, Great London Sevenâ€"Fold GONFEDER ATION This is the Great Cuanadian Show, and Most Positively the Only Tent Exhibition that will be in the Dominion this Year. spperrs at cueh exhibition in her #10,000 ns6 schievement of :u!fullllg upon her tocted Shouldors n Buge 300 Pound on,. while it is dischnrged, and gives prodigious iDustrations of . tremendous th, â€" bhe is the most wonderful woman that At DURHAM, JSohn #cort‘s Porform i# WITH THREE GREAT CLOWXS, Pullman & Hamilton‘s LZZIR WENTWORTIH, The wle Horizontal Somtersault Bar Perâ€" former in the World. to, JULIA and Mastor Goco, ct Fairy Pgil‘!s:flau ol the Running s s l Pn 4 00 40000 chanee, or s\vimmné podi;n aad )wers perinitted upon its grounds. ° t, Mountabank March of Cheaply 1 M Caverlsc | Fune«Maker, JSolly Jobnuny Prindle, ELECTRICâ€"LIGEHETED, th afterr r the first time to the Canadian wnd nowhere elso to be soen, Cirens Sm,und_o’pgn. enâ€"bora h‘mnldhr, exceeds the 1000 Gas lights. IAisexhibited antomimic, Gymnastic and aily in the World. Will Exhilit enrs 25 Cents. 500 Luzuricus Sents, 15 Cents extra. nt and mptly paid for any "Trained Horse ltlmt can eqnal '&. woes in anything. " " * nsformation Pantomime of Most Amazing Stnd of Eronche Horses, wved . "P, _ The _ Champion { all Physical Laws. The Pedal Marvelâ€" d "Thespian Cross" ori n &nd evening tortaining of all of Preâ€"eminent r Orpanized. Mn csiitm Cash for Wool, POpposife J. H. Hunter.s Store, Durham. E. RUBINSON Durham, Jupo 4, 1880 dilg THE' Highest Market Prico will be paid 4. in WOOL Wanted! AT Lots 1. 2. & 3., Tth Con. CGlenelg, 4 k. Horso 80 cts., and Cowâ€"or Steer 70 cts. ger month, | Youngsteers less. â€" Sult always accessiblo. Water abundant. 130 ncres of oxoelfeni passure, p 0, C, HAYWARD, *b119 On hand, consisting of Teas, Sugars, Currants, Rice, Raisins, &c. Bulter and Eggs taken as Cash. The Latest Shades and Patterns, â€" Black and Golored Lustres, Muslins, and Linens, Cottons and Ducks AT OLD PRICES. â€" See‘our ALL WOOL SUITS ap $8.00, exâ€" cellent value, nothing to beat them in the market. GENTS‘ FELT HATS, COLLARS and TIES in Great Variety, BOOTS and SHOES from 50 cts. per pair. Ladies‘ and Children‘s Shoos and Slippers that cannot be equalled for price and quality, A Large and Well Assorted Stock of Spring and Summer Goods! just recieved, which will be sold at PRICES*THAT DEFY COMPETITION. No old bankrupt stocks, but all goods new aud wel! assorted, See our Who are anxious to have their Dwelling Houses, Barns and Contents Insured against loss by Fire, can do‘so at a low rate, and in a reliable Company who pay losses promptly. App‘yto JOHN CAMERON, New Pompadour PRINTS and BDress Goods, Wall Paper and Window Blinds. . Always noted for Goodâ€"Flavored TEAS from 35 cents up Gretehen Bows, Mnslin and Silk Searfs, (’]l(:!)i:](‘. Ruehings, Motto Pocket IInndker: chiefs, Damask do., Hair Ornaments, Back Combs, Ladies‘ Neck Chains, Lace Gloves, Coloured Lace Mitts, &o. : Frillings from 5 cents per yard up. GENTS‘ REGATTA S#HRTS. Fancy Goods at John Cameron‘s. Lo_v_ely_‘Chhj.g, Ficllues. New Style of Embroidered Collars, Try a can of Chemically Pure White Lead which was awarded first at the Provincial Exhibition, and pronqunced far superior to any White Lead in the Market. Try it once and you will use no ¢ther. s ‘ 4 JOS. F‘. MOWAT, We are bound that we we will not be undersold and will sell at the lowest living price. Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, : "WNVWVite KCLeoad, â€" 4dte. Spades and Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Harvest Tools, $ &e., &e., in groat vatiety, VERY CHEAP, Durham, May 11th, Stock Pastured Cut Nails, Barn Door Hinges, and General Builders‘ Hardware; And is the.best placo to buy your Hardware, as you get a Langer Assortment and greater variety at the Cheapest Price, Is the only exclusively Hardware Store in Durham, THE CHEAPEST YET! In all the Liatest and Improved Methods. Also that he has on hand f , _ _@ sqpply of 5 Flannels, Tweeds, Full Cloth and Stocking Yarn â€" ‘ Carding, ICARMER®S® AND OTHERSE The Subscriber having purchased the building known as G’rra,jr's Foundry, Lower Town, Durham, and having turned the same into a Woollen Factory, is prepared to do f June 3, 1880 To exchange for Wool ‘or sell for Cash, cheap. Durham, May 27, 1880. JOHN CAMPBELL. The Durham Woollen Factory. | Special notice of the Ladies is ealled to his Stock of Goods, viz : FRESH GROCHERIES MOWATS B‘ROM Lot 20, Con. 14, Egremont, on J‘ the!ith day of May, 9 Young Cattle, 4 of them l‘HE undersigned . wishes to inform the public genepally, that he has now on hand a large quantity of RED BRICK which he can reâ€" commend as firstâ€"class. Heintends keeping conâ€" stuntly on hand, a stock, so that those in want of nny can have their wants supplied at reasonable rates, For further particulars apply to New Brick Yard IN FLESHERTON. J. WOODLAND, Jr., Lower Tows, emâ€"118. Jund 3, 1880 Agent Western Insurance Co., Durham STEC./A. y DJ Lower Town, DURHAM. J. CAMERON. 3, Weaving, Fulling, and Cloth Dressing WILLIAM D. VARTY, Tweeds and Tailors‘ Trimn Clothing Made to Order if required. ALL GOODS AT LOWEST CASH PRICE. f ... u. o IWâ€" MOCKLER, _ | ... ® McFARLANE 3:.'"11' 1288 owswell s din‘) UPPOI’ Tm. w’w.’w&?fl.mflmm” which will be largely incnfiad by Fpesh Arrivals nest week of Gent‘s and Youths A good stock Soft and Stiff Felt, Wove, and Fur Hats. A splendid range of Gent‘s Silk Scarfs, Bows and Ties, in Black and Colours, f Linen Collars all sizes and Styles. Gent‘s Merimno Underclothing, Hosiery and Braces. Gent‘s White Dress Shirts, from 75c up ; Gent‘s Oxford and Regatta Shirts from 50c up. Has opened out a Nice Stock of A First Class Stock of Ready mades for Summer wear, on hand, Cheap, Ordered y Clothing a speciality. ® + Cash Paid for Butter. No {trouble to Show Goods. Another lot arrived, which will be sold Cheap for Cash or. tnd;a. comprising all elasses of Goods usually kept in a General Store. un qb L2 90000 0 E00e 2C NETCTT AOCTAS 30 PNOT AUIRCTOUS ITI@NUS an.i customers for theip liberal patronage in the past, would again remind that they are paying the Highest Price in Cash for Wool. That they have a largo stook of Cloth to exchange . for Wool or sell for Cash, and are prepared to do The undersigned wishing to return thanks to their numerous friends an l customers for (Liats. HLicca 2 ul ue 1 us C L1 C w6 E WOOL, WOOL, wWOooOoL! READY FS~All Goods sold at the lowest figures and the Highest Price paid for Butter. Good and Cheap. Try my J apan Tea Dust at 35 cts per lb. . A lot of Kpives and Forks of superior quality, Very Cheap For which the Highest;Ma,rket Price will be paid in Cloth or Cash A good suit of Summer Clothes for $5.00. _ 20 yards of Grey Cotton for $1. Fast Coloured Prints at 8 cts per yard, Worsted Coating $1,75 per yard. Felt Hats for 70 cents worth $1.00. Good Garden Spades for 60 cents, * JAMES H. HUNTER‘S, New Goods Just Opened Out AT GRANT‘S. Special Bargains Durham, May 20, 1880. HManover, May 20, 1880. Durham, May 20th, 1880 Hanover Woollen Mills Tweed Suits, Linen Coats and Dusters, &c. _ | 100,000 lbs Wool Wanted ! in the best posvnible manner, -(fiztt{gfuâ€"cfionâ€"g;:r:umd. . _ W. MOCKLER, Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing OM dn og C dama ced in id hy ales d t C NEW GOODS. s GROCERIES CLOTEIHING. MADE " CLOTHING, A First Class Stock of LABGE ETOCK OF D U R H A M. AT THE â€"ATâ€" ._H. HUNTER. ADAMS & MESSINGER eml17 C. L. GRAxNT. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. LOWEST PRICES. The subscriber is also Agent tor allkinds of Of GOOD MATERIAL, _ GOOD FINISH, and DURELA M Carriage ‘Works. ROBERT â€"MeFARLAWNE Toar hohol ie Imint 3t iroe mpen ibat e ie Jowest and can afford to sell nccordingly. Particular attention given to Horse Bhoeing. Repairing Promptly Attended to Remember the Pliace, Near RYAN‘S HOTEL, Glenelg, March 17th, 1880, 108 Manufactured from the very bost Material, Gnod Workmanship and works guarranteed and on Reasonable terms. Tgoy have also a Quantity of Iron Harrows OF GLENELG, \‘,‘ISH to Thank the Publis for their miat mioy ho o Coiecentat ied t lnfoen them Building, and are now p;:-.ucd..t'oooler to the pub. c Waggons, Carriages, Sleighs and Cutters, Messrs. T. & J. BROWN, WAGGONS! WAGGONE:! A quantity of Lost Nation WHEAT for Saile at J. BURNETT‘S PROVISION STORKE, Seed Has Now on Hand a Good Stock of Field and Garden £00 0 OOE CERCCCY : 2CEme UETIRge, Te To) All the Staple Garden Seeds sold by the oz. or 1b, Seed Potatoos, Alpha and Early Rose. A select assortâ€" ment of Flower Reeds, Red and White. Beets, Cabbage, &e., &c Upper Town Durham, March, 1880. yae Alsike: and White Dutch. TIMOTHYâ€"No, 1, Orchard. GRAS S~â€"Kentucky Blue Grass Hungarian Grass Millet, Tares &c. Mangel Wurzel, Carter‘s Long, Mammoth Prize, grows to grealZsize, Mangel W‘zel, Carter‘s Warden Orange Globe, CLOVERâ€"medium, large, late Aberdeen Purpleâ€"top, Yellow, Green Top, or Yellow Buttock, Devonshire, Greystone, Red Globe, & _ The finest I‘urple-top-Swdo grown. e Swode, Bangholm‘s Improved, A very fine Bwedo and a large Croppor Swede, Sutton‘s "Champion," Grows to large size. Swede, "King of the Swede," A remarkably fine Turnip, The Staple Seeds includes Swede, Carter‘s Imperial Hardy Seeds, For Seeds, Seeds, 1600 Bush. Fresh Lime, Durham P. O., May 25th, 1880, Call and Inspoct My Stock. ~*~ crat Wagons, etc., )D MATERIAL, Till January, 1881, 1. PARKER, Druggist & Seedsman, Durham, OP ALL KINXDS, CAFMIL. Imported. J. W. CRAWFQORpP, Lath & Lime, o $

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