West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 1 Jul 1880, p. 3

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TEAMEFR BURyP asel on a sunken island. ‘“y perâ€" nd were ‘l!’u'n..l. m of the vessel re burner to deatis. to have been d to have pefsned, have been recover. r. Boboise, a wenl« ce unknown, and sail the.c were 350 All went well until Hell Gate, when iJ the flames were i» froum Peekslip up #, L. L., took fire »g 1e off Eandall‘s T .. fhe was enused by ine room, and the was Lurned t the e a total loss, on bfluli“ wIO lh discoveredâ€"two Among the former , member of the . Thit informant the loss of !ife is ngers unprovid. re saved by cling. es, and other por, iman, were identi~ prominerce know n were Charles A, haka, which ram Pvint, and makes nd, left her doek we 4 p. m. to day passengers aboard ere women and id for some country Nothing unusual e pussing through ery of fire from rror through the imediately became hed about almort hundred leet from anite State, of the is passing, went to wanhake and pickâ€" ok to Whiteston« . d up amajority of reeeded to College was soon in flames, mained at his post leath, and succeed. ssel on a sunkem han usual. Until lxe season the Gulf ally blocked with s to ocean steamâ€" route, as well as Lawrence ports. ummer, collisions m very frequent, s have narrowly ngh. An Amerâ€" the Government amine the flors ment made iast ald be considerâ€" ment.an Honorâ€" by the 1co. Late nd are to the efâ€" irge iceborge and ‘ng their way to to be illinaitable ly ended in the , which became ped by a narrow was fact closing achusetts for the in \May, found 1# the fiftyâ€"second ico. â€" Several at« around the its ce. navigators state er been experi« that it is ouly position of the climatic change treal Witmess. 48 by atly puzzled me 10 m : the pilothou» e «ed the pmssewâ€" ger, and the boat the s .J. B. Plumb, dins, MPPâ€", T as yet nnerâ€" An H. Koehl.r, commy frome rth Atlantio As id led to take minutes after 1 was badiy it without the FiveR r to save + Smnith h One Men, in t, with he offi rrent alwâ€" 1 had to ROBERT McFARLANE, atâ€"the DURHAMâ€"â€"CARRILAGE . WORKS, § j . Is | AgeBt ‘for the Sele of the _ |~~ j Â¥ * PATTERSON ITHACA SELFâ€"DISCHARGING HORSE RAKE, with Plasterâ€"Sowing Attachment. An American Divine has been making a atatittical estimate of the power of Christanity in the United States as compared with the liquor law. _ HMore are his figures: Al Christian Jenomiaations have about $5,500,â€" 000 annually to home and foreign missions; the amount spent in liquor is 3600,000,000 annually. In other words the people of the United States spend as much for liqnor in three days as they do for the salvation of souls in one year. The preliminary workings for the tunnel wuniting England and France have had the most satisfactory results. The promoters have sunk their shaft to the stratam in which they propese to bore the tunnel, and are now going to sink another shaft, and lower all the machinery for the bore. In eightcen months they expect to have reached two kilometres, about two and a quarter miles, under the channel, and in three or four years to have commleted the task. cow in his park and tenderly cared for. The patriarch of the collection is a mule 73 years old. There is a goose of 37, a cow of 36, and a hog of 27; while a bwilfinch of 24 and & sparrow hatched in 1849 twitter in the aviary. It having been reported to the Commanderâ€" inâ€"Chief of the British Fleet in the Mediterâ€" ranean that piratical vessels hsve recently been committing acts of depredation in the neighborhood of Smyrna, the Standard says that Admiral Sir Beasuchamp Seymour has despatched two of her -.j‘l"'l l’l!l. im zoo ch of the suspected pirates. Lzapv:ix, the great mining centre of the west, must bea wouderful place. The popâ€" ulation which is now 25,000 or 30,000, has been doubled in a year. It has waterworks, gas, graded schools, churches, a police force in short almost every characteristic of an old city except a bonded debt. That, too, will no doubt come in the course of time, but thus far the Leadville people have managed their corporate affairs on the payâ€"asâ€"youâ€"go principle, A wenlthy French gentleman, who owns estute at Gonesse, near Paris, has made his place a "Home for Aged Animals." All the superannuated beasts and birds that he can find are accoamodated with residenâ€" mons untilhe was 32. Of Mr. Gladstone‘s leading colleagues, Mr. Childers and Mr. Bright entered the House of Commons at 32, and the Marquis of Hartington at 24. Of doue, At Blyth, in Scotland a few days since, the sun‘s rays, focussed through the glass of a round water bottle, set fire to a dwelling house. . The smoke and crackling noiseawoke the inmates, but the flames were not extinâ€" yuished until considerable damage had been The coftsus taken last © February shows that Denmark, including the Fareo Isles, has 1,980,675 inhabitants. ‘Ten years ago the total was 1,784,741. The Albanians are making warlike demonâ€" «trations along the Greek frontier, and the wravest apprehensions a~e entertained at the British Embassy in Constantinople. The proâ€" posed union of Bulgaria and Eastern Roumelia threatens to take revolutionary shape. When the censusâ€"taker, wishing to compliâ€" ment, said to a citizen: "Ah, sir, you‘ye a wife of a hundred!" . the lady grabbed a rol‘â€" ing pin and sailed inon him, saying; ‘‘You villian, I told you 1 was only twentyâ€"five. Don‘t you dare to put it down as one hundâ€" Ix Som® interesting geographical investigaâ€" trons, made and published by Prof. Reade, of Englacd, the river Thanves is credited with washing away 147 tons of solid matter per square mile every year; the Rhine about 92; the Rhone 232; the Danube about 73; the CGarronme 142; the Seine 97. He thinks that probably througout the world 100 tons of rock material ars dissolved per square mile eyery year; and, taking the solids removed mechanâ€" isally at six times those in solution, the total denundation on the globe would be 600 tons a year per squars mile, to which may also be addod oneâ€"third for denundation effected by the sea on its coasts, and for what volcanic erruptions add to a given stratum. former lw\ors-. Mr. Pitt entered at 21, and Mr. Fox was returned at 19, two years before he could be received in the House. He is also Agent for the Ontario Horse Rake, the lowest priced Rake in the Market. Call and See the Rakes. All kinds of Implements Sold. Carriages, Buggies, Democrat Waggons, of the best matérial, good workmanship and at low prices. i R. McFARLANE. Mr. Cladstone entered Parliament at 23, a year ; iter leaving the university, . Two years Intor, Sir Robert Peel made him a Lord of the Treasury, and within a year, Under Secretary of State for the Coloures. Lord Beaconafield did not make his way into the House of Comâ€" mad Neumeyer. He was busily engaged n auperintending the construction of a new railway in the south of Russta, when, on Dec. 19th last, he saw himself suddenly surrounded hy a body of palice, and made prisoner, On being shown a photograph portrait, he innoâ€" cently exclaimed;â€"*‘Where have you got this pisture from?* I have pever had my likeness tawen." . This extraordmary resemblance of his to Luis Hartmanu, or rather Wolkofâ€" the alleged author of the Moscow attempt on the Kinperor‘s lifeâ€"and a sear on his right hand, brought peor N@umeyer into a serious predicament. He was put in chains, taken to Moscow, submitted to a wearisome investâ€" igation, then dragged across the country on foot to Warsaw, with no bourishment other than bread, cabbage, and spoiled fish on a journey of forty four days. â€"After spending ahout six weeks more in prison on bread and water, surrounded by a low set of criminals awaiting transportation to Siberia,he succeedâ€" For Simplicity, Strength, Durability, and Ease of Adjustment this Rake is unequalled. Any boy who can drive a horse can rake with it as well as the strongest man. It was awarded the Diploma at the trial Exhibition, 1879 ; afao in the County of York this Spring over all comers, f A strange story of the hardships of Rusâ€" sian captivity is related by a German eugineer ad in forwirding a letter to the Gflmr-l General of Polade, whose brother had formerâ€" ly employed Neumeyer on his estates in Esthâ€" 1 ania, . Thanks to Count Kotzebus‘s intersessâ€" im, Count Lors Meliko® allowed the poor victim toreturn to Germany in a penniles® cogdition, covered with vermis, and wearing tz« same slothes in which be had bean seized, aad whch h3d uever uesn washed. MISCELLANEOUS. An eleven year old son ot Chas. Patterâ€" son, of Athol, Cumberland county, N. S., was bitten in the hard five weeks ago by a dog, from the effects of which he has since died. â€"Previous to death he manifested the ferocity of a mad dog,and made several atâ€" tempts to bite his mother. A staff of explorers are to go over and make preliminary explorations of the proâ€" posed Winnipeg & Huadson Bay Railway. The road will be about 182 miles in length, giving a short water route to the Old Counâ€" try, and it is thought that graiu grown in Manitoba can be shipped to the English market at 17 cents per bushel less than at present. * On Saturday night a burglary was comâ€" mited at the residence of Mr. E. Sleep, near the G. T. R. station, Whitby. The thieves entered the house by a window and took from a drawer $57 and some jewellry. Two tramps have been arrested on suspicâ€" At a meeting of the sharcholders of the Consolidated Bank on Wednesday, a Comâ€" mittee was appointed with power to enter a civil action against the Montreal directors for the recovery of the sums paid tor diviâ€" sends out of the capital, and the amount lost to the Bank through their malâ€"adminâ€" istration. At the Directors‘ meeting of South Leeds Agricultural Society Mr. George Taylor suggested that the prizes for "twoâ€"rowed" barley be struck out, as it was heavier than the sixâ€"rowed variety, and therefore likely to take precedence at Exhibitions ; while it is of such poor maiting quality asto be comâ€" paratively unsaleable. Mr.‘ Alex. Elliott stated as his experience that he could grow the twoâ€"rowed with fess trouble than the other variety, and tliat it was better for feeding purposes than the sixâ€"rowed. He said some lands would not grow the sixâ€" rowed ; and for other purposes than malting the twoâ€"rowed was most profitable. Mr. E. Bowser said his experience confirmed the statements made by Mr. Elliott‘s ; and the Board d@ecided to leave prizes as they w ere. The Manitoba and Southâ€" Western Railway have been promised municipal bonuses, averâ€" aging over $2,000 per mile, along the Ime beâ€" tween Winnipeg and Rock Lake. The death is announced on Anticosti Island, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, of Rev. Joseph Little (Uncle Joe), a venerable Methodist minister. One of the simplest ways to get rid of rats is to place within their reach a pan of flour mixed with unslacked lime, and a pan of water placed beside it. The lime cnuses thirst, and the rats die almost directly they drink. The Governor of Buenos Ayres has deâ€" elared the secession of that Prevince from the Confederation of the Argentine Repubâ€" lie. At last reports the city of Buenos Ayâ€" res was besieged by the national troops and fighting was going on. 108. Tus Roman Catholies of Formosa, in the county of Bruce, are building a handsome new Church, which will cost about $30,000 when completed. Gaelic Verses Written on the Lute Hon. are even more jealous of their privileges and more zealous than those of Canada The adoption of the motion is an expression of the House in favor of the principle, which in regular course will be embodied in a bill over which the real fight wili take place. It is said that the measure was o‘pund by the Government; this is hardly likely, as the Axotwenr Temreeraxcs Vicrory has been won in the English House of Commons. Last Friday evening a motion for the closing of public houses on sunday in England and Wales was adopted by a majority of thirtyâ€" six votes in a House of two hundred and seventy members, the vote standing one hundred and fifty three for, and one hundred and seventeen against. This is a very small vote, but it may be that the motion being one affecting England and Wales alone directly, granted that al! the opposition that could be brought forward was arrayed against the motion, as the licensed victaullers of England Tnx Loxpox Field Battery, the Perth, Waterloo, Wellington and Haron Battalâ€" ions went into camp at London, on June 24th, for ten days‘ drill. The Mount Forest Company is in the 30th Battalion, which is undor the command of Col. Clarke, M. P. P., and Speaker of the Ontario Assemâ€" bly. a the Irish and Scotch members refrained from voting. Atall events, it may be taken for (Government is divided on the question, and If views you want of any place, ‘ wou!d not oppose it as a body, but if it were ng-{l!.':::g:' m é:.w I true, it would ‘onlv‘ show that the Liberai Let thant be ne‘er forgos. ... members are, many of them, temperance men Unto the people I would sav., â€" first and Liberais next, and that the tereperâ€" J::#:,‘:'â€"?m” snce issues are fast becoming the tirst issues J you call on B. B. Jackmes. of the times. â€"RMontrec? 5 itmase. Purhaz, Fune %, 1680 Â¥. 9. Jacauay. She feun a sheas ind ans gach cath bha eruaid. Ged bha e ard is uille urramach, Gisheadh, bha e na dhuiune corramach, Gu tagridh coir nan wllo sluaidh Nis god the na laidha San n umich. Tosal nis tha o San talochd, Sa chaoidh cha cuiddich e am bochd Ach, mo thuair e chor air uain a ghaol, Cis Souna dha gun dlug e n Saoghal. Tha mhuiter nis air chur an sas, * Sbiodh ceart thoirt mach dha binn a bhas; Dean trocair air, O Righ is Ard, Mun teid Aimhich granta chur as ait. â€"â€"JomX McDoxaLb. Tha n duaich air fad a gul gu trom, Airson sgun bhaisich Dorsa Brown, The riochd air fad a caodh gu mor A cbuin agun dolbh an duinne coir, Chur duinne, gunnaich angidh ole, An nurrachair an is 6 gun lochd, Do chaidh ara pealoar chur nachois Thug dbhs am bas gun tamh sgun fhois. Co e am fear Sin nis a thann, As uirrean Seasaibh suas le pheann, Mar rinn Brown an ait an taluaidh ? jealous of their privileges and Hides, _ * Sheepskins, each ............. Butter, EP 1b .....ckccsccek66++ EgG8, pEP AOZ.ccccc ce ereceer+ Wood, dry, per cord....... WoOl, PCP lh..cscrreessereess Apples, per Oatmeal per barrel............ Fall WheBbt....c««crrsrcesrercce++ Treadwell Wheat..............« Spring WDHORbL.s ces eresee se eee ++ Duruas, _ June 24, 1880. Flour, per 100 lbs............$8 00 to $3 00 Flour No. 2, 4 * 2 T5 to 2 75 Corn Meal ** ** ......... 2 50 to 2 50 Shorts, K6 .8# 1 00 to 1 00 Bran, se . We 0 50 to 0 50 Oxtment .. * .. * 2 50 to 2 50 Fall Wheat, per bush........ 1 05 to 1 10 Spring Wheat, R. Chaff... 1 00 to 1 04 te Glasgow... 1 00 to 1 04 Onts, . _ per bushel........ 0 29 to 0 80 Barley, k ........ 0 40 to 0 45 Peas, ¥€ ........ 0 55 to 0 55 Hay, per ton................. 6 00 to 7 00 Potatoes, per bag............. 0 50 to 0 50 Pork, per 100 (bs............. 0 00 to 0 00 Beef, w sererseres... 4 50 to 5 00 Hides, * eviecsrecessss & OW 60 0 00 Sheepskins, each ............. 0 75 to 1 50 Onts, . _ per bushel.... Barley, k Peas, C€ Hay, per ton._.............'.... Potatoes, per big............> Pork, per 100 (bD§....00ee Beef, hi seesuesnlcent Nearly 8.'000 cotton spinners are on atrike at Mossley, Eng., the master spinners having refused an adyance of fiveper cent, on wages, The census makes the population of Utah 135,000; of Salt Lake City, 21,000. MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. Confederate Office, June 29, 1880. Flour per barrel............... 86 00 to86 50 !{urle}: Sheeg skins, Lamb Skins injured by rust, but the silver mounting on the hilt is as fresh and perfect as the day it was finished 180 years ago. How did it get to Thessalon River? How long has it beenlyiug there?" No doubt the sword belonged to some of the French adventarâ€" ers who explored all that region of country shortly after the discovery of Canada. For particulars soe Parkman‘s histories of the Jesuits and the explorations by the French in Canada and the States. The effects of the Glasgow Bank failure aro still painfully apparent in Scotland. Stockholders who were compelled to sacriâ€" fice their property are now in extreme poâ€" verty ; the small holders who depended on their stock for an income are destitute. A relief fund of nearly a million for their be nefit has been subscriked and is held in trust, but it is eutirely inadequate to their wants. Real estate in Glasgow and other cities has depreciated fully 80 per cent., and a great part of this decrease is attribuâ€" ted to the depression consequent upon the failure of the bank. It is estimated that the farmers and landholders in Scotland have withdrawn deposits from the banks to the amount of over $8,000,000, under the pressure of the times,. Emigration, as a means of eseape from the dilemma, is quiâ€" atly but widely spoken of, and the sitnation is not improved by the want of sympathy between land owners and tenants. Itis stated that two or three agents or pioneers of companies proposing to emigrate are alâ€" ready in the United States. LAIMND DRINB2rererrcrsescosenne e Hides peF CWb....ccescesscre6e++ A Rer1c.â€"The Manitoulin: ‘Eaposifor says :â€""Mr, P. A. Switzer, Inspector of Public Schools, has come into possession of a French court sword of a very lntiqlo‘ pattern, which was dug out ofa mass of decayed vegetable matter near the mouth: of Thessalon River. The blade is mlfl}} Potatoes per bag. RHELCY,..sre«ssreccer Hay WOOL DN ND.s e +se ase cee se see ene FIOUF PCP Dbl..sscsssessecsceess Cabbage per dOZ.......â€"â€"â€"}»++ Turkey$ p@P D. se sseree + Geese 450 cevcasererrrrres OQOnions per pushel........... Cord wood, dry per cord... BUbWEP POF TB ... se seecke 0s Eggs peP dOZ...... .cc cce k606»+ Fall Wheat Spring * Fall Wheat, per bush gpring Wheat * Barley, 6€ Onts, f* Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs Butter, rolls, per 1b......... omm oy t e â€"__ CUD COHEY yressecere 6e 00 Egg8, pEF dOZ....ccccc cce cc6k++ Potatocs, per l Turnips, per b Hay, por ton.. OMIG:s1+12.1sses se ces ararie6es ces PCMS ... sirecivresereretaiierers Barley, fo~ * Wiuiih BB ecea en en n e en n ns snn n 6e P UV New Advertisements. sessssecee 600 c0e en0 se 00000 60004 ++ l‘nuhwoldnz kind On H. B. Jackman do call ; "Yeor Siazdieg in Tour vitage:" ow s your : » Aund when to Jackman you do Pon‘s come away vn‘m yc.u.r visage. Epnteimteamaniake _ â€" > e o And mno‘l gown- take likewise; Do call on H. B. Jackmap. His too, very low, M work it is well done : ‘The people all to hims hould WALKERTON MARKETS. DURHAM MARKETS. To TORONTO MARKETS. Toroxto, June 19, 1880. bag.........+ sivevessatatsccees $1 1010 THAT CAB. pice you‘ll ever find, June 18, 1880. $1 04 to $1 05 1 04 to 1 18 08 00 to 12 D0 0 08 to 1 20 to 0 22 to 0 00 to 0 12 to 60 to 6 50 to 15 to 18 to 14 to 1 25 to 1 04 to 82 to 4 50 to 5 00 0 95 to 1 00 0 95 to 1 00 1 00 to 1 02 0 40 to 0 45 0 80 to 0 81 0 51 to 0 55 0 85 to 0 40 0 16 to 0 18 0 14 to 0 15 0 00 to 0 00 0 00 to 0 00 0 60 to 1 00 6 00 to 6 50 6 50 to 7 00 0 40 to 0 00 to 6 00 to 0 00 to 0 00 to 15 to 0 to 0 15 1 24 1 11 6 40 62 17 14 15 16 10 New Goods! New Goods! Every day something new in Jewel. lery. To farmers and business men on short date enâ€" dorsed notes or good collaterals, Sale notes purchased at a fair valuation. Drafts issued at usual Bank rates, m.bu at all Banks in Ontario and Quebec. GaiER.â€"In Pricoville, on May 30, the wife of N. B, Grier, of a son. â€"A¢ Wil , Bontinck, on the 21st '"‘.i',m :i!o dlom“ R. Wilson, of a son GORDON‘S Jewellery Store, Collections of notes and accounts on reasonable VV 'ifi.{g:-énlm-, Chains, Studs, Gents!Jowelâ€" lery, Thim , Spectacles, and Jet Brooches, in REPAIRING and Cleaning. ‘VATCHES. Gold and Plated Jewellery, _ Rings, Charms, Chaing, Studs, Gents‘Jowelâ€" Office opposite McAlister‘s Hotel. And Interest allowed at the rate of siz per cent, . per annum, Durham, July Ast. 1880, J. A Halsted & Co., E3 A. DT ECc S, 3 § M 5$ OEZBq Py Epcio 390 :J 8 C 3 $3 Great Variety. c §0 t 3 9 M $ All work warra Deposits Received, MONEY ADVANCED Special attontion paid to McBzrax.â€"At the residence of the warranted. Give me a call. A. GORDON MARRIED. the 23rd June, by the Rev. bdbylh.'fl.JO‘lG ln:- father‘ of the bridegroom, G. L. DAVIS, Manager, Bargains, Bargains, Bargains! at J. H. HUNTER‘S. Men‘s Plow Boots for $1.63, worth $2. Men‘s Fine Buckled Shoes for $1.50, worth $2. Girls‘ Prunnella Boots for 75 cents, worth $1. Press Goods for 10 cts., worth 15 to 20 cts. Men‘s Starw Hats for 75 cts., worth $1. Table Linen at 25 cts., worth 40 cts. Large White Counterpanes for $1.50 I Towels at 5 cts., worth 10 cts. Worsted Coating at $1, $1.75, $2, $2.50 per yard. HARVEST MITTS at 20 cents a pair. Paris Green! Harvest Tools, Harvest Tools, _ Bcythes, Snaths, Rakes, Hoes, Scythe Stones, Cradles, Hoes, &c These goods have all been marked at very Low Prices, and for quality and finish are unsurpassed. JOS. F. MOWAT. DRUG STORE, The undersigned wishing to return thanks to their numerous friends an 1 customers for their liberal patronage in the past, would again remind that they are paying the Highest Price in Cash for Wool. That they have a large stock of Cloth to exchange for Wool or sell for Cash, and are prepared to do WOOL, WOOL, WOOL! For which the Highest Market Price will be paid in Cloth or Cash. CRADLES of a very superior degtription expected in a few days. Durham, July 1st, 1880. JIUST RECEIVED AT Mowat‘s Hardware Store, HARVEST TOOLS, PARKER‘S Custom Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing June 17, 1880. Hanover, May 20, 1880. Hanover Woollen Mills, 100,000 lbs Wool Wanted! PURE Scythes, Forks, Rakes, Cradles, Hoes, &c. A Large Assortment of in the best possible manner. _ Satisfaction guaranteed. â€"ATâ€" Lower Town, DURHAM, AT Harvest Tools. anvean have thoir wants sunplied at reasonable| "*M®MD°T "ho !"hce, "rar RIAND MMUIUEL Tetee, twt-nhcmwy.u i Glenelg, March 17th , 1880. 108 WILLIAY D. VARTY, ' h Em 1 ween in your en ols NS e P week in your owatowa. Termsand #5 7 Fleshertonâ€" 68 ie R 7 i . § g “ '.m'.ctno Allx-l.lt.mtw.. Port. â€"M"â€"Jfiifiw' mce of Mrs. Slatcher, in rear of Mr. ews‘ Farniture Warerooms, where shy will be pleased to receive orders in the above li» ;. AVI the ladies of Durham and vicinity that she has commenced the business of Dress and Mantle Pasture and Mcadow Land for Sale or to Rent. ABOUT 90 acres of.fiutnm and mendow for sale or to rent, 0 a few mores of Fall Wheat for Sale on lot No. 65, Con.2, E. G. R., Gle nelg. This land is well watered. There can be a g‘fldfllofiby.ot off this land. This land will be sold chaap for cash, or part on time. For fur New Brick Yard *"IN FLESHERTON. Dress and Mantle Making. Durham, June 24th , 1880. 12 May, 27th, 1680. ISS MARY BANKS wishes to inform ADAMS & MESSINGER. emll7 igned wishes to inform “.] Particular attention given to H« wll has pow on hand a Shoeing. ‘ m&;wu Can ro. ts t ¢ keeping cap. | pairing Promptly Attended to :a'. “‘g""h "”fl‘:’“ -._n:.s.- :n‘. MT.. u.y.. pvixie aa Â¥F. MacRAE, Durham. Pev Â¥ABt 05 ! nomember the Piace, Kear RYAN‘8 HOTEL HAVI!\'(] Bought tue Photo Business lutely carried on by Mr. Kelsey, and foeling confident from my long experience and success in the past of l])luus'mx even the most fastidous in thoeir tastes, I would solicit the put.ronnr of Durâ€" ham and the country North, South, East and West, Tl‘{nE Highest Market Price will be paid Cash for Wool, Durham, June 1, 1880 WOOL Wanted! _ ____ T also keep on hand a large stock of _ Picture Moulding Wholesale and Retail. to order in any style moulding. Mattors & Meotte Frames always on hand. to any size and pdnwdc l:‘ Oil, India Ink, or Water or. T. DONAGHY. . The very best material used , workmanship lni:rlorm snytmnfim the county, having made 5: wmig the privcipa} cities of Cunuda and e Uni tates . Former}y Master Shoemaker in Hor Majesty‘s Hundredth lsegiment. For Summer Trade, Fine Sewed Wellingâ€" ton Boots, only $6.00. Laged Balmor» als, Sewed, only #5. Low Shoes, Sewed, only $4.50,. The best W. CALDWELL k) Yurd Hotel, having commenced business in the abovelinâ€" would respectfully solicit a share of the patronage of the public. Small PicturesCopied and Enlarged ‘BDILDEB, Durham, keeps on hand a largestock of Sash, Doors and all kinds of Building materials, also a stock of Mouldings in Waluut, Rosewood , and Gilt, Plans,specificntions and Bills of Lumber made out on short notice. A fullstock of Coffine, Caskets, Shrouds and Trigaâ€" mingsalway: on hand, A FIRSTâ€"CLASS HEARSE To HIRKE. Rememberthe place,â€"A short distance north o [\T THE ROCKVILLE MILLS. Also 4 A. a large quantity of JOISTS. Lot 41, Con, 2 1600 Bush. Fresh Lime. Durhum P. O., May 25th, 1880, Field and Garden Seeds, ALSO A quantity of Lost Nation WHEAT for Sale at WAGGONS!â€" WAGGONS : Lumber, Lumber, Shingles, Shingles, Lath & Lime, hey Bought their stock of Iron when it was at it 4 dowest and can a.flur:l' to ;-Il mflmy e Particular attention given to Horse NV Patronage in the past. and to inform them that they have commenced Wapgon and Carringe Builcing, and are now prepared to offer to the pub« Waggons, Carriages, Sleighs and Cutters, Quantity of Iron (OUTH EXD, Durham, near Cattleâ€" Seed Messrs. T. & J. BROWN, OF GLEXELG, ‘VISH to Thank the Public for their Patronage in the past. and to inform them Manufactured from the very best Matorial, Good Workmunship and works gunarrauteed and on Koeasonable terms. They bave also a Which they are solling at BOTTOM PRCES es They Bought their stock of Iror when it at its lowest and can afford to sell Mlm& Durham, Avril 15 1880 Durham Art Gallery. Upper Town Durham, March, 1880. y42 Durham Planing Mill, SASH, _DOOR. Blind Factory. ROBT. BULL Opposite J. H. Huntors Store, Durkam. E. RUBINSON J. BURNETTS PROVISION STORE. Boot and Shoemaker, Pictures Framed French Stock used. OF ALL KINXDS. /. G. . Bentinek., _ â€" J. W. CRAWFORD, the Post Oflice Toronto y 12 o $

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