West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Aug 1880, p. 2

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H' n ' go U 2?. ' 0 Leann for thLGrey Review. a. I. snub-u. -- WU...“ I. M. Inh- . can. I. Ila-1600. Run-an run-Ia. Durham, August 12th; iisao. --Mr. 01mm. in ooumuseogtt and WM IN! to go to Windsor on Hand”. It is n yd main whether in will be “do to lib his mi in Parliament during the - union. --ah. diam-m in Afghanistan is un- ah-god. Omen! Burrow-'10" do" not “and 1,000 men, including 400 Europe- “: and 21 others. General Roberts with . good {om is mucking rapidly to the re- 1ief of Cnndzlur, tad fully “pm to be M)- Tho country is quiet. --2he Triah Coupon-lion Bill bu been aeteued in the noun of Logo-the tttsa. M” includihg . my number ot Liberal ”on. The opposition which the Bill bu not with in: can). from the Whig mom- bonoltbo Bonn, and the “but! - in coiling loudly on Mr. Gladstone to thrort then Hammond to plamOimsuf at the M of the true Liberal party which lull truth! and followed him in the "at, nod vill do Bo spin. The immediate qsulU of the hint-of the Bill, or. that troops have bsm oraerod to Ireland in onticipntion of motion outrage» 3nd “at Mr. Parnell and his friends hare “nuanced their intention of "wwnit the war nation the landlord: into England. An agitation for land reform in that Britain in to be not on foot, and than in no doubt.but that the notion of the majority in tho Home of Lords will give mum to the mitators, Ind precipitate a uttloment of the land question in both Kingdom. Mr. Forster announced in the Mom of Commons that u the Compoun- tion Bill us: only temponry in its applica- tion, tho Government did not intend to bring it again boron the Home. but hoped, than the bountiful have“ an! ths increased oomfort ofthe mph would render unnecen- nry the Miami“ contemplated by the ~On former otttsitontt we have referred I “It. rapid dovelopoment oi the St. Tho. l no. Aluminum! Woxh under me man- qomt of our hie townsnnn. Mr. Adan; Coohnno, And only the other any we ob. mod the following Baturiug notice of that man-mm in tho St. Thomas Hot-o Journal: "Moan. Hugger: a Coeh. nm Ure Jone In oxeoodingly lugs busi- Jaou thin you. and In" eluted out almost awry “nibble implement in their premilo an. Tho local ind. bu been double that only proviom "non limo the opening ad tts..stablishrrtont. So (at tho mount of ogricnltural implement: disposed of col-pd»- 500 "were,” new“! ind MO by ' The firm has just bogus the auction“ a new briok atonhouu and ht. t'ateroom, 120 by Mt feet. Some “tannin 1 improvement: will be made shortly in the my ot winging tho main mum and erseting A lugs “ox-chain, intssodintely being c.8.It, trash and in "" of the foam dry. The "ttse" at tho Manitob- ngoncy undo: the management of Mr. B. Cochran, has acceded the most sanguine expecta- tion. of the Arm. In two darts 02,300 worth of implement- wen sold, and in I tow a." afterwards return: of tho "l" um made to we iirtu here." --Tho odultontion of food Home to hovel reuhod on blaming extent in the United But“. What is sold on good gunpowder to. in New York is found to consist of one- Ulf Won Blue, and just imfileutit ten dint to gin a little Bssver. Sugars and only on timely ndultamted with chloride of tin, who with ulta of lime sud barium. 1nd so on with other utielas. But milk "ttem the most-flour, chalk. animal aub- Itnncu. and, of course water. being freely mod. and it " said that the only way tel or" in put. milk is to procure it in needed can from the dairies. These are some of l tho "oeta of prctoctinn Competition will high when stimulate the tendency to cheat‘ tho public, into activity, and if we are not l My being dosed in a similar way by you“ And teaaosltsrs,the Y. P. will soon mmpcl the dishonest tradesman to substi- tnb the opinions for the genuine article. artiAeial butter, known as Oloomargnrine, " holy gold d exported to tho genuine Article. arsd hand, is clnimnd by can» ro. iinblo authorities to be superior very often to it. The mmulactnxo of ouomargsriue in. ottoinod of late "traordinaty propor- 'tion' in the United Stntel~ono firm, it is laid. lining manhunt“! 13,000,000 lbs. ”II-Ir. " inland: by subjecting tho fat .01 dmnd mind: to outdo process“ by aaauatrrortioai-ud. Thin is the. ohurrted with who“! the molt in o peoNet which in may 1'“th in very turf-u to dairy butter. At All "out. it in - cold no biannual u it on be mun- hctuwlot I has cost than the genuine I)“ it will you no wonk competitor “but! b,tttarotNatadosdtU UM Stato- in tho {mist Ian-ht. SIB JOHN AND BIB MISSION TO ENGLAND. be. “that I certain fortune W to be made out of the mutation ofthe nilvny"; and that it John and Bi: Charles I low a". mud-no): their (lop-nun wanglnd, “mom-infomOanJu tho pm‘ of napkin; the tteirs ttogms " Octun‘ Dom: tho Gov-nun”! And Lard Dona. not. all . London beoher. Hornet, u Ibo dd NM marl-“That'- any . clip. “J‘s-l Wynn un-iunco-tho " h-I'Iha-uhol “pit-list! h kill the W W: a " b if. in,“ Own-don My bought the Pte in it: mult- u uni of tart yum The Globe up that Sir John's fkiiuro in 'toomplau. duaaitouiforuslting ; " butifh. has filled in convoying tho best has of the North-Wont into tho buds oi land companion his kiln:- has served his conn- try: toeaur-nidbrtu-otit"eh1t It thstwestsruregionnheu lend shri- se- A curing ntootholdinthe county. The“ (:7th would! to "mini."' pt wholesomesdvieeto BirJehuindhis ttr h: leagues in the moonstone“. "The thm m erument is now, therefore. urgently eslled oi leper: to tendon all the mad schemes ithu tl initiated during the lost two yous. Ex. e: penditure st Ottawa must be out down to t: theleweet point eonsistsnt with due per- e term-nee of the duties of government. But t; no expense or pains must be spared to push I slang the construction of the Thunder Bey h Brunch. Every month during which that remains nrdinistmd odds to the time during s which Censdisns resort to theUnited States i end every Canadian who loves his home i becomes the trusted emigration agent for t the district he has left. Sir Charles Tup- t per mast also quit fooling with the road , ) west of Winnipeg, and ifhe has any friends 1 yet unprovided with contracts hiscollesgues 1 should supply s. list of them forthwith, and i get them "tiatud. Most important of all 1 . the ruinous lend regulations which have I I been strangling the country for the last _ ' twelve months be sholished root and brunch . An essentially liberal land policy is the ' most pressing of our needs. We must not t be content with doing what we consider is ' enough to entice settlement, and for that ' reason our land policy mast be more liberal i than that of the United States, or of the I American railroads. We mast give 160 a some, without restriction as to location, to 'f every bone fide settler, and we must allow d the settler to purchase another 160 acres at u n low cash price. We must extend our im- It migration system, but must eoniims our n tyifortg to bringing in such portions as are d wanted here. Finally, nil idea of spending 9 ten or twelve millions in British Columbia 'tt must be abandoned until thefintuMttrshtwtr a been restored to as sound a state as that in h which the Government found them, and q until taxation has been reduced to the rate "' which prevailed two Years ago." We should " add that some of the organs denounce the 'o Globe, as is tneir wont when the truth is l, plainly stated, sud assert that Sir John "l hes not failed in his mission, and that the I " consummation of the bargain is simply a- Mt waiting Mr. Gludstone's recovery. Mr. Gladstone has recovered and gene id to the country bat what the Eng- 0- lish Government can have to Jo n- with the bargains of English capitalists it in is diffieut to guess, however,three elections b. are on the topic, and in keeping with the if time-honored Tory practice it is necessary .5 that some visionary projects or imprubtrblts h. srxilatsation of failure should be thrown out si. . to keep the electors in good humour. In another column will be found a full , report of a meeting of the Bondholders of I the Twento, Grey and Bruce Railway and l of delegates from the municipalities along a the line. The meeting was tolerably well I attended. and the procedings were of great l importance to the territory traversed by the T. G. a B. R. R. Two things were brought oat by the oremuu'on--eithsr the line must be closed or the municipalities must come to its assistance with another bonus. The first alternative, of which we have no fear. railways being endowed with wonderful vitality, would certainly go a i great misfortune to a large portion of the ‘County of Grey, but at the same time it cannot be gain-said, that these recurring appeals to the municipalitiesl'or further aid, to fiuish or to repair lines of railway, is a most vicious practice and therefore one which should be put a stop to. The Gov- ernment has set the example and We see no good reason why the municipalities should not do so likewise. It was stated at the meeting that everywhere there is great dis- satisfaction with the past management of this railway, and it may be tisrly inferred, that its failure as a paying concern was ehieffy due to this cause. If so. it must. like all other business concerns that have been ruined by mismanagement, pass into} other hands. when there is little reason to) doubt it could. be made remunerative to the purchasers " well " advantageous to‘ the public generally. It was stated at the ‘meeting that the Grand Trunk Bailwayl Company had adored to repair and run the 1 road on receiving bonuses to the amount of l 9300.000. But we are informed since, that no such arrangement has been entered in-' to with the Grand Trunk. It is probable however that such an arrangementis under consideration, and itis very likely that it will become an accomplished fact, and when it is carried oat, there will u an or cellent opportunity atrordedtothe Georgian Bay & Wellington Railway of reaching Owen Sound by otreetiag a junction with y tho T. G. t B. B. B., " Chateworth. The I western section of the County will then have secured the railwaw facilities which were otursd but refused about twelve years Dr. Tanner, ofNow York, tinishtril his fasting term efforty days on Saturday last and. so far as is yet known, he has: not only survived the experiment, but is not much the worse of it. His weight Ina de- creased from 160 to 1211 lbl.,but otherwise he "err" to be in good physical condition. During the term he wu united by my of the curious sight seeker-ladies not I few--" I fee of twenty cont: "eh, and om ‘tho Hat any 2,000 persons amend the ttall _ ‘ill which he In oxhibiting himself " fifty) Vent- por head. The uporimont then, has' but: no In I "" protitatrU one. Whether this vs; the objoct primtrily in view with WI! and " oo-tdjnton it in hard to my. Emma, on thin! in oeetairt, nut " . manic uprimnt it is utterly nluolcu. Tho noun-try condition: won “bathe: waning. Ho wu under no competent nuporvidon.undno Andy-i- wu and. of tt-io-tittata of tho body, or of “twat “it wu- Illowod to “to, I! of tho Mono Nth: which he oeearl THE FASTING MANIA. T, G. k B. RAILWAY. ionplly indulged in. "no fut null then have been entered upon for the par-pogo of, crating unenution Ind imponing upon . gullible and vulgn public. The Ifaitgtst" in)... tho opinions of meal London, aims.) medial gantlonun of tho highs-t "mtding unang "Untiho men, 3nd they Ill an. that Tamar's {at is without any "UntifU ulngAhat it I. either I grant im. pounn‘ or on unwmntablo plea of fool. hnrdinen which would not has been per- mitted, my: Dr. Brown Sequud, in any‘ other civilizod country but the United Staten. It in I. well established that that, ( except in onsetof disuse, life can be main. ‘ttined without food or drink only torabout (iiii or tan days, but that when waist is taken and still more alcohol, both of which are foodsin certain circumstances, lit: may be prolonged for many days more; Dr. Swan gives an account of a nun who Wu found alive nits; inning been that up in a con! mine for twenty-three his, tak. ing nothing bat I little foul wuei,'tmit that only tor the first ten daya. There in tswell authenticated record of a young mu who under great religious excitenieut wag' Me tasubsist for 60 days without food or 'itf, and during the whole time took nothing l gbnt some orange juice, and that only occa- sionally. There is also a. well-known case of I (at pig, which was buried in its sty for 100 iltltii, under thirty feet of the chalk of Dover Cliff; and which was dug out at the end of that time alive and well, and only reduced in weight 75 per cent. The heterodoxy of Prof. Smith's opus. ‘1 ions on the Old Testament Scriptures, is s becoming more and more apparent. At a e Presbytery of Edinburgh Drs. Begs; sud t Horstins Boner uuimsdverted ii‘the sever- 1 eat way on the articles written by Mr. E Smith recently, and Hebrew and Hebrew ( Litaraturo.--Dr. Boner characterising them I as an outrage upon the Christian Church. l ‘the Bible, the principles of Christian truth ( l and sound Biblical criticism. A motion l was carried at this meeting to memorialize l the Commission of Assembly, which meets ( to-dsy, to adopt such steps as may he I necessary in the circumstances. These 1 steps, in the opinion of the Rev. Mr. Me. Tuyish whose name is well knownto many ‘ of our readers, are to remove Mr. Smith from his oitiee. And this certainly seems to be the proper solution of the difiioulty. When religions teachers find themselves out of accord with the communion to which they belong, common honesty requires them to walk down and out. Some object that the truth must he maintained. The truthl It is only by such a course that the truth can he maintained. If those men continue within the pole of the society whose principles they are seeking to sub- vert, they will sooner or later be compelled to out the leek of submission, and to put what they hold to be the truth under foot; whereas if, like honest men, they with. drew, then they can pursue their investiga- tions unfettered, and air their notions es best they can before the world. The but. , don “Weekly Review,“ in commenting Itil on the destructive style of Prof. Smith's‘ , trestment of the Scriptures, says tut his . sweeping judgments of msny of the Books ', of the Old Testament are unsupported by u ' particle of tuolid.'proof sud are given forth , with the eonfidenee eta men inspired. The l Review wonders, like Mr. McTnvish, that , Prof. Smith can retain his chair, and adds r that many tt men in his place would hove i resigned it long Mo. But Mr. Smith, like t many another of the class of so-cslled ed- ' veneer! thinkers, is not troubled with an a over'sensitive moral sense. It is a sad t commentary on the Christianity oi these , latter days, that when private and personal , objects interfere, the good of the Church is 1 but little thought of, even by those who are e sworn to protecthcr. PROFESSOR ROBERTSON SMITH. SEVERAL communications and other mat. Oers are crowded out this week. Mas Gunman DAVIS, of Glenelg, while climbing a. fence on Sabbath last fall and broke her an). grnrties wanting Photos of nuperior style should hear in mind that Donaghy's studio in in Kelsey" old stand. Does't mistake the place. The milwuy station building in being plastered, and if the brlaw in Egremont is carried we any expect to tea . railway in Durham in about sir, wttrks. Brzar,ma.--A number of pawn! in this Town have had their pototatomr dug up And stolen out of thtsirgardsnr. Certain parties no suspected, and if caught In example will be made of them. Exrmmvz tusrm--Eight parties were brought before the magistrates in Pricville the other day for breach of the - law. Five were fined " and costs each, total t8.8th-rather dear game. WOOL 8roram.-Johrt Staples, 8rd Con. Glenelg, had about 601ba. of wool stolen on the night of the 20th of July. It was taken out of the hem between 11 end 12 o'eloek at night, and I number of grain bags were also taken, together with some threshing machine belts, which were found on the line fence between his own and Mr. Deaf fume. m has suspicions of certain parties. Tux lay-law in lid of tho G. B. t W. It, K, ma carried in Mount Forest, on Tues- day last by a majority of 29. The bylaw in Eminent. is being voted on to-dny. The rrrpresentativetr of the “why, at the meetings during the past week were very badly treated“ some of the meetings, Mr. McMahon. of Mount Forest, had the spokes inthewheehafhinbuggy out. Thinkind ofworkieedisgrwetoenypleoemndwu not expected of Wat. former pastor of this Church. Ba Ipukl Manly of his mvly found {rind- d Allen- fud.ndia mum“ "his lin- In" {Allen in pleasant plates." Mmomst Cmnum.-hfr. Hughes, of Melenethon, he been eppointed u e young men on this mission, end wee very thvora. bly received It the venous Appointmente on Sabbath last. The quirhrly meeting on the tirat Sabbath in the month we: well “tended. and About eight parted of the sacrament. We were much pleu- ed to receive yesterday . all from the Rev. R. Godfrey. (now of W), the former page" of ttut Giggle. Ju. Ie"' Local and other Items. We hue been tented with and enmined In advance copy of Beldon'e Illustrated Atlas of the Dominion of Cumin. and the County of Grey, which in being now deliv- aredtosnshserit-iathisthrtntr, Think one of the timit'wo6a ever published in! the Dominion, everything about it being'; got up in the beetetyh. - The In: include laverything from the world down to our los [1:31 municipalities; Allhelutifully engraved LU 1solorisd, mi showing mu Church, Orange or Grange Ball, Post oftiee, School LL/i/ina., ou, em, in each township ip the County of Grey, with corrections up to the prmnt time. _ I The historical department embmee o l history of each Province of the Dominion, I with o genenl history of aryr9tptr, end i sketch of oaeh municipality. These are well written and based as they ore on the most reliable dots, ofhtsial tad otherwise, they possess the Mt cumoterisrtios of accuracy, end form 'ts moat interesting and instructive feature of the work. The statistical and general matter embraced in it forms in itself a. cyclopedil of just such information as is most valuable to business and professional men, end useful to all. But perhaps the most attractive feature to many will be the illustrations, which in. clude beautiful and lithographic portraits of the leading men of the country, togeth- er with those . number of our County's pioneers, and leading men in trade, tinane and politics, including a number of the public men of this Town. There are also finely executed lithographs of a large num. ber of public and private buildings, farm. stoeds and other localities of general inter- est. Besides all this, the work contains avast amount of extremely useful information, re- ( lilting to the geological, climatic, chronolo- f gicul, political, statistical, Me., etc., con- 1 cems of Canada. It contains the new Ce- ‘ nudism Tariff, postal rates, etc., etc., etc. Of Canada, the work contains railroad, elec- toral, post Mice and other mops, and is in every respect up to the prospectus. We have no doubt but those who are fortun- ate enough to have subscribed for this , elegant work will derive the utmost satis- ' faction from their possession of it for many , years to come. Beldon’a Dominion Atlas. A Beer PIamt.-We were very much interested in examining the other day the Apiary of J no. II. Head, Eau., Fleeherton. Mr. Heard has been engaged in keeping bees for about ten yes", and we believe has been very successful of late, but is still an eager to gain intortmrtiott and introduce improvements in the management of been as a new beginner in the work. This spring be imported a. number of Itelien queen! hoes from New York, and has at present 1 26 hives of the improved kind; he has also 1 other Italian tend native bstss--ltssvitag el- I together 66 hives of these busy insects. He has secured about 1,000 lbs. of honey this season already, which he sell: at 20 eta. parlbo in in! " 600. 760 Ind 01.25 each. Thieennmer ’13th ”was. m is a pro-ant building our! opium on the hteet improved principle. We could not help thinking. when viewing Mr. Reard's industirioue colony of busy insects, that there are "millions,in it"--thst is in the honey business. We have no doubt any one visiting Mr. Heard’e will be much pleased with their visit, on he is very oblig- tug, and is thorougely posted on the men. egement of been. The new brick yard is in full operation, have burnt three kilns alretdy, mad the brick are of ilrst.eltuus quality. The fair was held on Monday Inst. The farmers appear not to understand the day as some drove in theit cattle on Monday week. The date in the Monday before the second Thursday in each month. Mr. Robert Clark, blncksmith,‘hu an apple tree in " bloom, this being the se- cond time it has blossomed this year. Many people have viewed with wonder this remarkable freak of nature. The Germ-n Debating Society in increas- ing both in numbers and in interest. It is desirable, as the chief object of the society in improvement in the use of German, that a critic should be eppeinted to make note of any inaccuracies In gramme: or pronnnv ciation in order to avoid them. Subject for next debnte is "Whetner is the Home or the O: the most useful to man?" There is some talk of whooping cough bevinn made its nppeerunco hero, so in many other ylaces. But the one: no, we think, not numerous or violent. Mr. J. Lister he: Manny shown lpeci- meus of his system of secret correspond- ence to various persons, bat In every one the result invariably has been en utter failure to read even the shortcut and simp- lest sentence until they were let into the secret. when it suddenly became us any u could reasonably be desired. m sends a very simple unaenco in plain English for the bettaiit of 99.11 and sundry," and omrre a copy of 'Shakespeare' to whomsoever sull told it correctly, vim, the tdfirmstivtr sentence, “Us: spit: itf was vtxhvu Mata." Itis to be read from right to left. Cox. The holiday term expires, and School opens, in this town, on Wednouhy next. the 18th inst. AtaaNrottD.-Rer. B. Godfrey writ-.- We received I very candid reception on our arrival on thin circuit. At 11 o'oloek at nightwe found Huge party in poison- sion of the mouse. They hid Ill our 1:133:30 nicely stowed away; . sumptuous table was spread. groaning under tho good thing: provided by tho lulu-and the batty welcome made u feel a home. Our tron. gregation. no good throughout the circuit, the poopla In" . mind for work, out! both minister and mph m looking {mad for that“! otbussiztr.-AJhrtutims Guti- Go to G. C. MehrlsmN or J. B.Bunt. er'a, Durham, for genttine"Ntrtorine" My chine oiU-een IN. ’WBO" .Wahtno Oil in mud to give satiiittrt.-omt29. ‘ Fleaherton. Hanover. The Presbytery of Owen Sound met on‘ 6th intent. to induct the Rev. A. Helium mid into the mutual abuse of Bums') gym-ch. 3.8.. new united with Luann iongregatiom luv. Mr. Cnmeron,Cinh- “my Ir" appointed to preside end pro-oh“ s most excellom sermon, from Heb. It") “He looked for e, city which bu foundation, whose builder end meker in God," which won discussed most thoroughly by shown: the biased hope which the 0 . entertain: in reference to the future in S petition to the belief of those who say there in no God. no future state of being, that mm in only like the beasts that perish. Rev. Mr. Carrie, of Easily, addressed the minister in very suitable terms, shooting u basis for his remake. “Feed the Boek of God." Rev. Mr. McKenzie, of Killytlx, gave an excellent shire" to the congregation. how they were to mm and receive their pastor. taking the words of Paul to the Corinthism " the thread of his address '. "Now if Ti. motheus come see that 119 may be with you without fear." The very interesting and well “tended meeting wu brought to I clan, altar which tho pastor received . bonny welcomo at the door " the congregution dispersed to their homes; The Secrement of the Lord's Snpper wee} dispensed on the lat. Sebbeth of August., The pastor we: Assisted by Rev. Messrs. Perk, and MoLennen of Sydenhem. The services were well ettended both on week and on the Lord's Day. There in reescn to hope that these Communion Services proved I union of refreshing tokens of God's presence to merry souls. The Ber. Mr. McLennen took the Gaelic pert in the Old Church, at which there were about tit. ty tmtutmufteanttr, and Mr. McDiermid conducted the eervicee in Burns' Church, ‘et wlnch there were seventy-nine common. §ioents. Answer to "trs, Wanted." be,-t Would like to any a few words in I reply to Macbeth's letter ofleet week, head- ed "WiU Wanted"; he begins (Confession, they any, is good for the soul." Now, Mr. Editor, if you will glenco over his letter, I think you will, with me, come to the con- clusion that his soul is I very small one ; yet the poor fellow Is to be pitied, for his trouble seems to be almost more than he can bear. I would like very much to heu- Mecheth's description of a. model wife; I ithian it would be something of this style ' l She should be very economical, plain in her dress, fond of house, be willing to proo- tise greet Half-denial, and to make herself generally useful. And as to hfttot,etls's friend Tom end his wife, perhope an inti- ( mute Beqaainttrnee with Tou would reveal the secret of his wife turning oat to be "an untidy sluttern. ores: and dhogreeshle." If Tom's object in proposing to and merry- ing this "foil-est of Eve’s fair daughter" was to make B slave of her, A busineu speculu- tion which. after due consideration, be con- eluded would to o profittsble one, then it served him right that she should turn out to be cross Ind disagreeable, and was quite a. natural cooneequeuce. t think that the conduct of the husband must have been far short ot perfection or such a . sweet-tem- pered cresture" would not hove changed so very, very math in the ihort Ipoeo of . year. Rocky Baugeen Church. Now, Mecbeth, if you went ecomptnlon and are willing to treat her we each end an m equal. if you cannot gut one it will not be because number one girls ere scarce and hard to be found, but rather becuun’e they don't consider such men so you any greet catch. If you Wlnt some one to “and for. ever over your wuslamb or a cooking-stove, clothed in six-com. calico, IlmuJur gracious cake. give up the search, and do not be guilty of Mugging any girl into misery by compelling her to constantly “swine with such A nsrrow.uarted mnser. I would say in conclusion, never on may aceuunt let it beknown who wrote "Wife Walled," or even than "rain, fiokU, worthless" ones you lpelk of will give: you tin the cold shoulder. Duham, Aug. 9, 1880. Burn. We give below, in the order of merit.‘ the names of the successful cendidntee " _ the examination held " Owen Sound lest' month, for Third Class CertifieMes. There were 170 applicants, out of whom Bt pass- ed, The school in which taught. is given after the name of each ettndidtate:-- E. J. J. Ferguson, Owen Sound; French 8. Means, Owen Sound; D. J. Wright, Clarkiburg; Israel Melanie, Owen Sound; W. Bomeranm Owen Bound; T. Smith, Owen Bound; James tNor, Owen Sound A. Eddie, Owen Bound; G. Peasant, Owen Sound; 8. D. Geudin, Thornhury; MI. Johnston, Mentord; J. Balfour, Owen Sound; Margaret Locke, Owen Sound;Cn- siee Russell, Alton; S. Club. Medical; M. M. Pearson. lekdlle; B. Goheen. Owen Sotnd; A. C. McKenzie, Durban; M. Maria Ferrier,Melsoethon; M. Cunning. I luun, Markdale; J. mmstoek,0weu Sound;' John Evens. Owen Bound; D. C. Day]: Owen Sound: John McDoadd, Calling- wood; Ebenezer Young,0wen Sound; Spar. ling, Walter: Falls: Fannie Ford, Mark. dale; M. B. Kelmnn. Bentinck; W. Wright, Flosherton; E. Jamel, Medan!” o. P. Wright, Owen Sound; J. B. McCsuy. Owen Sound; J. P. LePan, Owen Bound; A. Hey,0wen Sound; George o. Young. Kihyth; M. Our, Owen Sound; M. Clark, Durham; G. W. Felice. Collingwood; J. A. Brown. Durham; J. A. Snell. Emma-t; B. Davis, Owen Sound: John Bruce. Om", Sound; William Rudd. Honing- In»; and: Monroe, Owen Sound; Nettie Wutt, Inform Ann Letitia Wright, Nether-ten; B. J. Booth, Owen Sound; J. Rounds, Oven Bound; M. Edge. Tnvonton; M. A. Norrie. Lion'a Had; L. Galina. Dtutdath; §ohnID. new“? (ltg't:'hp,ig,',tlt: x . norm . a run; JI',',,', has Styli“; mu. J. 1rf,'dl'bttti ‘orlon; It. 8. otntrm, Own Sound; Alu- ll'. B. Gallop, 1hrnd_A._B.MdArytrtr, Third Class Examination. ItattrtNt0tt. Huh: Moved by Mr. Anew. mull-d M Mr. Ano- Boyd, Thet this Gteuttil do' n6- “Wm “but. to “MSW outboW'l'hnnday o... in 1utrtsmur--4hrrud. Proton Council not so pot Idiom-uncut at Coduvillo, on Thursday, the 6th day ot Aug., 1080, st 10 mm. Council nil pro-on! new: prodding. Ilium of the previous muting hold ii Dumb-1k wow mad ma “opal. Moved by Mr. Boyd, ascended by Mr. Fleming. Thu: June- McEIchem be mid the sum of 61.25, hing hit “count for ro- psiring mud sonpen. and that the new. issue an order for the "ms-irish loved by Mr. morrtiutt,iterttonOd by Mr. Boyd, that Juno: Graham bopdd the cum of one dollar for delivering road sew-pen in vaiaions Nos. 1 and 2.-4htrried. Moved by Mr. Fumm-omud by Mr. Agnew, Th“. there Ire . aunt of '80-420 on the gnu! road and 010 appoint. the 4ttt Divilion and the boundary line of Hibac- thon-to meet similar grant from Malac- thom-Carried. Moved by Mr. Fleming.ooeonded by Mr. Bord, Thu the Reeve be instructed!» issue In order in {not of B, B. No. 8, for M.60, being we Imount of debenture of school money lowed them sturdedtutting the sum of forty Mute, (eoupon).-Ahrrried. Moved by Mr. Agnew, seconded by Mr. Bistsk,Thids grant of tttteast donut be given to open townJino between tho ou mad New Survey. batman sidoroods 210 Ind Mo.--thrrried. Moved by Mr. Buck. seconded by Mr. Agnew. Thu the Reeve iuue an order in favor of Sumac) MoLeu: to the emonnt of two dollars, for statute labor tor lot No. 18, can. M, u the same bu been mid to the Trsstumrer.-thvrried. Mona by Mr. Boyd, seconded by Mr. Fleming, That tho mm of tio be expended opposite lot 29 in the 2nd ttom, u the road in in In impnnsabh 'rtate.--4rrud. Moved by Mr. Agnew. uoondod by Mr. Fleming, That Agnol of 010 bogivcn to open up the 87th side mad, com. T Ind 8, to be expended under ch. Councillor of the Divisiou.--arrrwL Moved by Mr. Fleming. seconded by Mr. Boyd, Tlust there be u grant of ten do" In: in Division No. 2,0ppolito lot 6, con. q,-.Alsrria6. Moved by Mr. Fleming. ucondgd by Mr. Agnew. That the Reeve. Deputy-Reeve 3nd Councillor; receivo .15 "eh for letting and inspecting road job- for the yes: 1880.- Carried. Moved by Mr. Fleming, eeconded by Mr, Bled. That the Reeve iesne en order in {not of John Vert, for Messengers " Ink tro cents, Express charge- 80 cent, Postage Sump! M.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Fleming, seconded by Ur. Black. That By-an No. 215 to cubic the Truman of B. S. No. 8 to borrow the mm of Mott for the purpose of erecting 3 school house and Ippendngu thereto be now read A first tims.-AUrrisd. Moved by Mr. Fleming, nooudod by Mr. mack, That the Add Br an No. 215 be now rnd I second tad third time, in CommMeo of the Whole, be signed. salad and engrossed in the By-Luv book.-Ahrrried. Moved by Mr. Agnew, "oorrded by Mr. Blmk, That. grant of Mo bogiveu towmdu opening the 7th com, in lieu of mm. la. bor to date for lots Ek of 80 in 16th com, and 80 m the 14th, to he upended under the Councillor of the Div'uan.--thsrried. Moved by Mr. Boyd, secondad by Mr. Black. That Arch. Betsy be paid the sum of 61.20. and W. W. Hall. the sum of“. sud James Mcanhern the sum of 01.26 for re- paving road nor-pen. sad the Reno have bis ordain tot {be utms.-Aurried.. _ Moved by Mr Agnew, seconded ht Mr. Blush, That the sum of " be given to im. provo the "Bois Back," con. 6,boing stu- ute blror money paid to tho Treasurer for lot 27, con. T.--Currud. mm by Mr. Boyd, anaconda-d by Mr; Agnew, Thu there be I grunt to improve the 6th com. bongo}: lots 29."!!! as of the Elle mu can" awn-cu» nu. --r u..."- v- v. --_ sum of Mo, provided than. similar amount be expanded on the “me road by those ia. terested. the: whole to he performed under the supervision uf the tteiv..--Camod. Moved hy Mr. Bitch, seconded by Mr. Fleming. That. the Reeve issue In order in furor of Samuel McCullough foe the sum of " for expenses incurred in obtaining information for the Commission of Agricul- tur-Comme. Moved by Mr. Fleming,neeonded by " new. That the Reeve issue " orderin favor ot John Vert for tour months' Nay. amounting to "0.--Cartied. Moved by Mr. Black. seconded by Mr. Fleming. That the Clerk be instructed to ”certain the amount of mm. labor peid into the County Treasurer from the proper. ty of Leno & Doyle, Dundelk, end to certify the “zonal of the “no to the Rep“. sent-tin of the Dineiou. who shall u en. titled todraw the eeme hom the Township Treuurer for the Roads of the Divuion.-. Curiae}. _ _ _ _ -- Moved by Mr. Buck. “waded by Mr. Agnew. That the Clerk notify the County Treasurer to erase the (“as “and lot 86, con. 6, is uid lot was pdrchuod from the Crown in November, 18T9.--Csrrsud. Moved by Mr. Bitch, seconded by Mr. Aguor,TUt the Truman of 8.8. No, 10 tre permitted to bcrrow the mm of Mo horn the Treasurer, to noon a fund- ». avail:- bU.-Ahtrried. Moved by Mr. Fleming. "eotrded by Mr. Boyd, Tbnt than u . grant of fan dollar, on the 87th side line, con. t, to be expend- ed by the Councillo: of the Dirtuiorc-- Curried. Moved by Mr. Bord, uoonéed by Mr. Agnew. Thu the to!“ due on lot b"o. M, in the 5th com, be upended on the 4th 311.! an: 00:11.. opposiu lots 81 ad 8E-- Carried. Moved by Mr. Blah. seconded by Mr. Homing. That . grant of 920 be ttivon to repair the Bridge on the 12th rid. line new the Samoan River-Carried. Moved by Mr. Agnew. seconded by Mr. Bord, tut the sum of 050 be muted to improve the Tth can, oppocih Iota S to 86, nnd the 82nd side but on the 6th and 6th cons" pr "ided um tho parties but.» " give an equivalent in money and work. sad the me to be let And We“ by the 1u-.--Nrvtud. Moved by Mr. Agnew, "oomud by Mr. Bord, Ttmt the Reeve be paid the mm of 82.00 for " service- in “pending money- ou the boundary line “ma Mat and Protort.-Carriod. . Moved " Mr. 82mm uoonded hy Buok,fhu tho hayn._Dopncy-Roen Hui. Thai tho Rein. Deputy-Ron; and Cotittei1lortr naive (hair pay up to due. and that the Remix” out." foe the Aug. T, 1800. Ion Parr, tr. #rcpmet, mi“ by “a limo or Muddy Wtrgt ru to”... 0n Tannin bani-i _ M, u H o'clock. the do!” from an mung“. 020. do»; the line of the M., Guy . Bruce Runway. who M can. t, LU. thm to “and . tsont-o. will. u. Dim.. ton of the Bond in Toronto, mud u the olht-ortbe Oomph-{yo- MM At the m-tion of the Dir-don, - u. jonrnmout van M to . who... m.. site, when mom commodimu room “a secured. Owe: on. hand”: Milan... w». put-m from tho vniou nunicim. tire mm. .Thm wen mm nu u. ( In" of the Compnny o-Wm. Run”. _ Vigo-Pnddent ; J.0. Wow, Ed. Icky, Wu... Gum-d Manager; w.u. My, Goliath! i and W. Eamon-ad Taylor. lue. pruont _ North ther-ra,?, had. an.. WP., ml D. CreightOn, K.P.P. mmm-Tho.. Gibcon. Bog., M.P.P. Albion-W. anforl. Goo. Vernon. Councillors. Bolton Pill--). B. Bolton, Boon; Dr. Bonner, Wm. Lulu, D. tiorton,0. Cosh. Councillors. East tumtri--B. Milton, W. Pst. temn, Councillor: ; W, B. Hum. Hono--B. Wilson. Bun. Onmvillo-D. B. Scott, H. or; RC. Stewart. Bun; Dr. Tuck. B. Lance". W. H. Robinson, R. Bnler, Councillors. Amamnth--Tho.. Won. Councillor. 'E.1nttethon--Wiiruan Am». Deputy. Bun; Mr. Bailey, Couucxllor. o.Arterrseira--A, Elliot, Mr. Edgar. Coun- onion. _ - _ Bhe1bttrn.--J. leBolh. Deputy Bun. 11unelg---F. lento. Run. and Wad. of Grey. BuphmaU--Wm. Fave-n, Councillor. Boiund--W. Harvey, In"; J. Cum- ron, Deputy-Boers: J. Karina. W. tlor. ton, Councillon; A. Cunpboll, Dr. " Gregor. Owon Botusd--Dr. Baum Kim Eon Dewy-.3090: J-C- 995%: . "iia'tri,"ir.'ririrG'rsiii,' as; m. Councillors; Thom-l tuott, J. Chisholm. Luther-W. him. nutty-Bun ; w. Mourmh-n, A. Nun, “acumen; Dr. Levin. Arthur Talta-rt--" Fri-u. Born; W.B. tttT" E, Allan, A. Bunchlin. Com. cil on. _ .Ar‘h'ur t'omtairs-dtou. (IMO. I). Quinta, Councillor: _ __ - Mount Forest-Thom" Mn. Ivor: Jamel McMahon. Bun; B. Ynrtett, T. Kyla, Cumin WirtN1d,dottt' Reynolds, John Kiigour, W. 1Joltr1tugh, Connemara; J. Hangman, Downy-Boon; J. mum. - Btretyol-harr" Alun, In. Damn. Cour-willow TGrtistoet--A. idilojohn, luyor; Ju. Bailey, Thom" Douglas. Henry mama... Just- Wibon; Wm. Tuylor, Cottmrillom. Mitno-aohtt Paint. have. 1rowMtk--3otttt Kline. More; B. 8. Cook, D. Weir, Deputy-Root“. Turn-rr-o. Burton, Councillor. Cuiroas--Wm. Scott. Boon; A. Mah- tym. Deputy-Boon; s. erkl-nd. F. Bol- hgh. A. Bbumnur, Coutuullom. Wr-ter-h. I. bemm. have; T.B. ‘Sndon. Jae. Kant-on. Coaneillomt Jehd l Snider-on. WA. Futon. Dr. W.H. Bun; Wm. Bobimon. J. For-m. 'N-ter-Tho.. Stephens. Rom: B. Waldo, W. Btlhgh, Counciilon; 1.1. lo- Lem. John Oluver, A. Helium, It. Soft- ley, P. Stephan. - _ Wineum---rr, Wilson, Mayor; John Neelmds, John Hanan. W. w, hulk. Councillors. Wingbm J,t""2tp.2ht Bowman: Ir. Rodorun. Inc. El or. B. M. Robinson. H. Kerr. Mn, Buy,CoInullon; W. NIH. Ind others. Mr. Romy "pr-ed his plooouo " seeing ouch a boon, rayon-o on tho port of the delay-Au to tho inn-ion tttrm “no Director: to in ”out Imdoy. tt in corkiuly notifying to tho Pinon" to ooo that on many guano-n M loo “I 1sosrtea.oesetot-rti-h-vattd he hoped tho. moped would com of their deliborotiono; no and on Mr. J. G. Worta, ono of tho Dis-om. a “than On motion of Mr. Crichton. coco-M by Mr. Softly. Mr. Wm. My. Vine Ptaeiidont, Ivu nominuul to 'te-ide our the meeting. the meeting. Mr. lion: “id that from on only pol-id in the history of tho mod until hwy. he bod not bod on opportunity of pononolly intestine nay you portion of the lino. When the mod woo built it Wu intondod to maintain It simply no u nmow - roilwoy. the who being 8 feet 6 inch“. for tho touch that the diture- in not or construction woo oo [not botwoon o mod of that width, out! on of tho then notion-Ll - 5 foot 6 nachos. If the national Kongo had thou boon who. it in now-4 h. 8 im-the mod would hon boon him my eonfortn with that page. In order to also fund. for III construction. tho city of Toronto bod given lonely. ond ho ammo to ooy that it did not mgmt having (loco so. Neet the out: of "00,000 woo ouhoorilml by ohmholdon. sad then come the con- tribution from tho mtmieipaliti-, out! an: oll they bod not boon awful. Of oonno the mkholdoro hove boon wipod out on- timlr, and t hero - oomo ”00.000 Ir- roorl of intorolt due to the handheld”. Then m n proposition to build an lino. out! it woo for the ”you and bond- holdon to soy if it would ho done. Tho new won willing to nth oonooooionl if the people would only do the mo. nod ho oouu‘duod that tho pooplo living do“ tbe lino were mom iota-odd in the moon of the mod than the bondholdrrs. " we pagonnwldonodtoobotsinoho. Utd withoholnilofmmo“ hudgondw' ouglxly oqnippod. Me. Rich“. of tU Grund'huohnovmiu. huh it fora hm " - This would "quit. " leart 0760.000. If any Mot to rob-Bid ttte 'roodmolitmu “mom.- 'lo0trrutttmatauNtsmmttti-ur , (nailing “onto-d it villi-cu- ttt ,ltaU tata/ttroad-tsinus-tslr-ef Mot. ll "igtst ho vol! Me than b H .imao (“mom in "ti-hiatt 0- , -rthilihies of to nod. no ' [at tend the be a m a. has. not - 'l,cs,u out}. sad will, - tmdttN. Tho and In“ and in On}. Wtcterrt in} be» [or a bun-0 Balm Omani“. (Fun the 010k.) “pain. an the we 0 I‘m on! auV Mach “all“. Re would not. direct to the oc oo- so!“ ill Toruuto .0- than to Eugmnd; bl. N “do by tht. dt ttse, M in I good w M no not . new lad-In: 3.“le urn“ d! camp “mushy from u VII to ptce:d " ttAi, Sound, ieilh I hi 0“. if the mod wore put ik-tate bum. Madlaud ol H“ 0.011: to Given put in inn-bot and over the I bag b would all then: ll " it. lines would be him b at)! the uurplm grain tttb. ”men word; Lu “0 won iriihus, tn d,, th, "" would be made a gm ' I - and it the “hp. More the Um I. Ibii%r,d, pr w)wtlter til - and. only to Mr. m it. My bid Gere I 'k W501: to the Board in If. Softly "rnd whethrsrl W to the Gun? "; mt M would have to be sul on K it w being robuilt Company. _ _ tti. Wed! replied thud 1 h Willy equipped bef M could touch it. A Wm - if lunv WM proposed to I i?' bow" would go to my Mr. wad! replied m the - of internal would b my "a“ bo invested 1 Trill. from m augwnor “(In road at u mung: tho nunicipchtion. In pm mm In found the slum M of di-tburma u m. Di I Convicuun that " Mil p, took hold ofthe In": ll an. lid to it. Now, Mr It. Badly aid m u b tusd-stood than 00.9”, a new mm II. bold of the mam ttttt " help LIN .000 to lay not) tir" from Talon!" b, h old iron on the Th - propoetu"" WM with qrhtils “lure [we I“. entered mm “.11 .hageould be don" i_I red order. n wm. ho Ola-inn“ culled on y . 1Vieie. of the Company W to like the roll on “I! and run It tor twenty-m. “I bond " buck if n beetsttr bet " improumn wu that - under (hind Tru ii?iriyiii nun“: m tlw h I mung of the mm but“. it would be tween“) at bondholders to “up uh . “my name be put tilt-m hill the ”canary (mph. Th0 mod-Rug than a Danton tho detletyr Walker House. where mddqatv-um t,lorrl a. a” Mr. h. Sh um U a. char. B. . uae, M, P., thought. “In!“ the Urge gun-um. 5.) " w M Ute whiny-“t ”you tunM “mu: m. tot ” O ftutl"tr yum nun-a w otrtMt "it '1'“ u an can tas.. Re did but Hunk h ‘0 M of the C'omustsy - u-mpduien In [mum V. not to imp the run-l m , r lmt imvrovemrus' lb inlet! a as. um Ihrn H w M. To lave a punt n r “mum Um” n! 'he 4' my to widen tlw gm ttt=1it't1','t H-- mm wluuou.ux:uunlw1 by 39001706, Thu huh-g lu- and glut by we "nurtur- m " C3eenied linen Ruin-y 1 mupq tho apt-io- of “in meetow m [In “I ‘md cull-try mud by I tut tho me. should be chant W gauge o6 4 we! " "“th -ml aksouhi Ge. nude " u d it by 0:00er Trunk, In - Direttto" should make cu'r Wo- with the mum-11min“ out . at“. at page nod mahe at UM tho Guild Trunk for u d the lilo. gstti 15.000 fee "5A',,',ril' -,feiif22"ie, be well enough 'gmmd, M [a 'eu- gnu: tho ”with his Ilmcudnty mm; . Mr. “his? Msettae Ind an M - had, or nu lhuul “d a. maxi e. 'eel' i'i'ii'ivui. road die. The . ttttt u A whole. Would not K tin F "muons! buuul ugh: a ii,iiiiii,- hi and Welitusttor "1 Mn too much mum u ' Inn-cl thi. and 51-0. The I It. In!!!“ ot M, um F With: “any.” May I - “'I'Jud that (Adam the d that IE.- the [name wouui ha - lite that prawn-M, Lu Id u “did to vote . bunn- tatt.", it uil mm the bum». (d. boo-nu the lunar and - Georgian Kay uni " vi I. my ttrat tbe pauplo- M - win-Hm: for the mum 'hi I ihtrg,1 rm; t, ‘III a, .110. d come do 'l'dStlTdllTi,' tha can; of the If. trrtatt, 03-“. P, " tor Grey, ”HIM“ “at the Grorptan WM ‘0 con-tuned MM " and on an oMertstaruitug that n omttmltod br the t3reut 1Terteru. I“ WY, and Bram hail “1"“,"ilv ttsat an hr.- muly mun, MM bl “I " And t'gudt"i/pitl utst put ”an to e h the: m. ”MT-nu “a anointing. “I. Weir, I.“ at "much, on min» T.u. t B. R. R MI I...“ "I“, unlu mortar ttteehrd. II. in in [not on m Id tod honing It to the Hum! l ur- "I! but. glut um [nth-rt w “an; any h... run m. (cu, “A with great mm L Tho-oth- w- then putt'; “an! unmod- M150 Directors - [347‘de «in. Hun-wan for the puny-M a - “m ill the muttwtpaltu'* br, in” tuna-quad to pup... "id out.“ the. to tbe prune . I”... t.rrArrod to the (Ln-inn: ”nan-1W. the dolegnw le any lot that in... " C o'eiol. In the M d In ftesertt's runs ruliuirvv and“ at tho Wat" fir-veg Wm M - Me the way r, Tom-m but no. knumuxu- t w.- lh tow-chap - Touvratv: mind“. ”on I - M Incorpnwn. Chet M It. 8“. thought Ahe're Wu in “MM” oomph Tannin and totarlm mug! with Dr. Fowl: nrt-r, (h. h." "I m...“ m“ 'i-err at" tNttth A” a a) “My, " AF M GA., ' (all it)" Mnul In Pam. th P.. “lulght . until“. ., [ uttetutrert l .Imc u. mu. punt rather tt new " and lid not think u I In 'Ar-tr w I I for further an " you] in rink nun-mew um l h Mr dun. owe if.“ Mammal m marina Ibo-M t >I'wlq’u In“: In _ .60 mi: on In. 1 , Hm“. - MI:‘:IM.‘.A 1.1 r! ”walnut. MW“ that M th in

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