West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 12 Aug 1880, p. 4

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go tl , tti it to brood over bis mouthful ttitantion in bitterness ofspirit and to become tun sub- ject of "lf.refteetton in the forms of regret, anguish and remorse. Fermented with such as“ and womwood he strives against the power of God " furiously u the bird, thatalrsagnittsttuwim. of the cage, within which it is ttontirted; but he u, in tho wisdom of God, mowed to continue unaided in hits struggles with pride and in his oonitieta with condom. uni] he be. coma and“. Mttin own wanna- And loohluhdp homo: high. Hone. the mmdoodonuliniln occasion, “I Vinson“ m to my place, an they ..wa unit club... and Ink my M: in this aiRiatitrq M will and I. into prison in order to humble tum and no other mean! hank! in his circumstances more etreetnally anomplish this end. It marked him with the special displeunre of his wvereign; it degraded him from his high position anon: men ; it lessened him in his own "an. in the eye. of his country- men, and in the eye- of has common. Again, placed in dreary solitude, he in leit (at. The Divine plumes. in the impris- oument ol tho Count As designed by the Dispose: of all event-.1110 Count wu mt of seven trial; m there makes the ele. ments to rage warlike nronnd him in order to enleinnlze him with A sense of the pres- ence and power of the Almighty ; and He there so nets on his conscience and reason by various means as to bring him to nright frame of mind in rmnl to Divine things. This great end havmg been momplished in the Count. God then sate him free from his imprisonment by . series of means similar to than used to restore him in the spirit oil his mind. God disposes the King on his restoration from eickueu, "to forgive any one in his kingdom who had omrnthrd him." end elm the Queen to remind him of the Count in the fortress. "The King therefore said "Ut him be pardoned.'" All ie than the outcome of Divine wisdom and power embodied in n eerie- of means end eddreued to the ntionnl nature of man, no}: destined to perform e peculinr function of its own nnd to net in unburviency with the other: towards the ucomplishment of the emtemphted end. Let. I! to View them: a). Tho mad cm. Com Mire an of I. ~God‘s special dealings with the Conct. God looks on the Count with a propitious eye and arts towards him tut. cording» the condition of his mind mad the varied circumstances of his mum. m disposes the King to be offended with him and to cut hun into prison in perfect Incl-non hom the tatutinatimg scenes of the mm. 110 the" subject. him to a process of xenon Wu have here I drama of no ordinary 'rignitiea- and point. The actor. therein an God Ind man, who each act their puts in their distinctive ehttraeUm. God not: from behind the screen with sum-cm. wis- dom; Ind man, acted upon by mysterious tuheneeu, stands on the stagnprommently l/cfuro as. The mind of God displayed in the diaerent nets of the drama is under- tstood and applied by the mind of man. This uualrss opens up I wide range of van-l: d thought: which let us view, not so much in 9*» light of theology as in the light 1 fortress, he laid, “La him In the early morning a can way to an. lonely fortress m he was new at liberty. That same night the King was in his pa- )uco " Berlin. Isying in bed in great pain had suffering tram bodily disease. He pnyed that he might get but on. hour', quiet, refraining sleep; he did, Bud when he ”who he felt so grateful that he aid to the queen that he world forgive toy one in his kirgdom who had offended him. TU queen reminding him of the count in the fortress, he said, "Let him be pardoned." In the ttarly morning a courier was on his was to the lonely fortress to tell tho count Some years ago I Prussian count wee e when" in n lonely fortress, that wee built high up among etoep rocks and by e duh. his. denser-om- river, oat oleight. end beer- ly eut of reach, to the traveller. The count had offended hie king and woe in this most demlete eotstitt.rt..ttt " neerly e your. A Bible lay in the cell, but tor e long time he scorned to look " it. Solitude end suffer. ine, however, break runny e heart. end at last he felt induced to read the deepised book. He read, end reed until he be. gun to feel It strange power in it, and his interest deepened. One November night, when ft storm was raging furioust outside the fortress, there seemed to oriee emitter storm within his own breast. m could not sleep. Thoughts of pest sin rose up within him. and denpeir seemed to be lay- ing hold of him, when " Inst he eprnng from hie bed. opened the Bible. and cough” with his eye these words, "Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver the." --Ps. l. 15. This ween word for tum. m knelt end prom] to God, called to Him who gave the promise of deliverance; and deliverance came, for before morning he hedlnund peeee by believing in Jesus as his Saviour. Like the "are of tho gen. -SherbrooU, Que. FA!!!" Pun: Might in maven ninth: know l Ramble work ot Liar, printer, Hard at! Indy though it be, Ls man My, u moot noble, u 'tU “and. Lord. to The. E..sothina down "etlt rugged highway, 'Nouh the mighty Conqueror', feel, Till, in blessed Christian union, All mun banded union. meet. Speed the time, 0 Thou moat mighty, When Thy truth nu! lave dull be Spread shroud thin world of ours A Story, Interesting as In- Emotive. A man of toil, I mm of non-ow. Mari-g pain And In“ and won: All that kat Ind mined sinners Teliiug (at m. ancient story In the wall-loved tongue: of home, Tiuie how the Lad of do" Did on out]: . mon been "sauna Br III anu- mm " no“ nus A Icahn» will”!!! LANGUAGE! " Till sun “It?! I! LLXDOI, ERG. Recently n matron made her appear-nee on the piazza I has her daughter sad the laster‘l young nun 1nd gone seven] hours before to enjoy the evening air uni moon- shine, and boson looking around" if she had lost something. "What are you look. _ ing for, in. t" liked the young lady. “Tho morning pom’W tho reply. Tho porch was vacated, "Hi! where did you get thorn trousers?" asked an Irishman of . man who happen- ed to be [maniac with a pd: of remuhbly short trousers on. N got them when they gnw."was the indignant reply. "Then by my consdonu, aid Pat, "you've pulled them I your :00 soon!" “Tan dimes make one dollar," and the "thool.master. "Now go on at. Ten dollars make one -what. “They mukeone mighty glad these tinsel," replied the bov; and the teacher, who hturnt got his last month's salary yet, concluded that but boy was thou: right. Waitor:"Do you with to be called in the morning, sir?" Guest: “You. sin?" Wait. er:“When will you be called. sir?" Guest: "That depends on how I feel in the morn- ing. I tun very tired now. I'll ring for you when I shall desire to be called." “When I was your age," laid old Mr. Trot, “I to" with the lurk. " beat you clear ont of sight then," said Tom, wearily and triumptuitusuy,"I'ro been up all night with him." "Whnt must I do?" asked a menu 3nd conceited man of u friend who knew him well, "to get a picture of the one I love most ?" “Sit for your own portrait," was the reply. I path which others missed. Liftmg the veil ( he unfolded to his students, who gathered round him with anger attention and tulmir. ing reverence, the way of life, warning , them especially against that Pelagianism iwhicln was rapidly substituting u. worship I of externals for a religion of the heart, and ’ touching men to trust in their power of will i for n salvation which can coma only from the sovereign grace of God. Brndwardino was greater as a theologian than he had been as a philosopher. The fame of his [ lectures filled Europe, and his evangelical [ views, dimmed by his scholars, helped to prepare the way fur Wytrliifs 3nd other: who Were to come after him. It was around his chair that the new day was flrgt seen to break.---Hutory of Prolentaniam. College, the oldest foundation save one in Oxford. The youth of England, “hint for knowledge, the fountains ofwhichhed long since been sealed up. were then crowding to the universities, and when Wveliih en- tered Merton there were not fewer than 30,000 students at Oxford. These numbere Awakened surpiee, but it is to be taken into account that many of the halls were no I better than upper schools. The college ' which Wycliffe joined was the meet l, distinguished It that seat of learning. The ‘ Ifnmo, unrivalled in their own day. which‘ 1' two of its scholars. William Ocean) and _ Duns Scottie. had attained shed a lustre i upon it. One of Its chairs had been filled by the celebrated Bradwunlinn, who was closing his career at Merton about the time that yotmgWyelims was opening his at ox. ford. Bvtulwardiue was one of the first nmthematiciuus and astronomers of his day; bat having been drawn to the study of the Word of God, he embraced the doctrines of free 32m, end his ehaie heme n fountain of higher knowledge than that of natural science. While most of his contemporar- ies, by the aid of a subtle scholasticisml Were odeavoriug to penetrate into the es. _ sencc of things, and to explain all mysteries Brndwanlinu wad content to accept what God bad revnled in His Word, and this humility was rewarded by his fiadiug the At the age of sixteen or thereabonu, wr cliffe was sent to Oxford. Here he became first a. scholar, and next a fellow of Merton You, in the duh ; tum-nub: “MM”... Like intuit on it. mother's brunt: Rarely, richly. "can, hint. Yes, in the cloud To have no noxiou- em, In M; To luv. no bitter in our Mar, But to GodU hurt to be to near. From M" to eon-u. This in true me! " (r). The condition of the County mind superindaeed by the ordenl, through which he is mode to page. The Count's mind in so tempered by the trials, to which he wu subjected, as to receive the truth in the love of it; to know God, whom to know is life everlasting; tobe conscious oi God's love, mercy, and grace. A marvellous in- cident this, in the history of the Count. m was found of God in the un- speakeble riches of His grace, while he sought God not. God in mindful of us while we are unmindful of Him. “Remind Him of it." Remind Him ofit! Oh, how fuolhhly we speak ; when we remind Him, it is because He has reminded us. eo fer turned townie God by hie painful experience in the prison, God week! to him in the languege of e tttrrithe storm. Around the solitary place of his eoniintr. ment, the wind howls with piteous moan. the lightning ttasus with unusual fiertto. ness, and the thunder men with great fury Thu storm without him intensities the storm within him into n momentous issue. Affected to the leet degree with the critical juncture, he becomes the subject of diverse emotions in rapid enccemon. m chef», he fem, he quail; ; but tUUr much many of soul in the content with his Meter, he is conquered into tmqttalifUd tmtnnUsion, subdued in epm't, and emptied of all. m bee new peace of mind. Not when oar sky is cloudleea bright, Not when our heerte Ire full, yet tight, . Not when tor us there meme no night-- The sinner wipes his weeping i I. The tanner swarms his b b; The printer daily let! his m m, The tum-Ger yd): tyu g . The lawyer anthers in bin ' v, When he bl.- tried his k l. The Sheriff: ever on the c c. The gambler MI ttin . O. The 1mm feeds tu.Neatirse u u, The sail” Shun the c c; The gardener Nut.- tho p p he does, The printer take- hits o o. Not then: but when Ont has" for other ham m ”an. on "" with named an: do bum. And our hope to God don. doth tam, Wycltfi'e at Oxford. - - The Latest Novelties HATS, MILLINERY, Mantleé and Fancy Dry Goods] Who ure anxious to have their Dwelling Houses, by Fire, can do no at I low rate. and in a rali: Wall Paper and Window Blinds. Always noted for Good-Flavored TEAS from 35 cents up. . V -"- ___~--_..---.. -v.....~, Gretchen Bows, Muslin and Silk Scarfs, Chenille, Huclxings, Motto Pocket Hummer chiefs, Damask do., Hair Ornaments, Buck Combs, Ladies' Neck Chains, Lace Gloves, FA)...._-.I r__, Ar's, . uyuvuu nuucu 01 mo names ls called to his Stock of Goods, viz '. Lovely China Fichues, New Style of Embroidered Collars, flu-ohms" It.,...., xv..-I:_ -7 T rr"tr .. - ~- -=- A Fancy Goods at John Cameron’s. Clothing Made to Order if required. U ALL GOODS AT LOWEST CASH PRICE. H. W. MOCKLER, Rowswell’s Building, Upper Town, Durham. Tweeds and Tailors' Trimmings. which will be largely i A good stock Soft and Stiff Felt, Wave, and Fur Hats A splendid range of Gent's Silk Soul's. Bows and Ties, iu Black and Coloitts, Linen Collars all sizes and Stylos. Gent's Manna Uuderclothmg, Hosiery and Braces. Has opened out a Nice Stock of Gent’s White Dress Shirts, from 750 up ; Coloufcd Lac; iiiii,Ti, Frillinga from 5 cents per yard up. GEN' Dye Stuffs and Perfumery, Stationery, &c., " PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds constantly in Stock. . DEALER lh Pure Drugs and Chemicals, READY MADE CLOTHING, Lower Town DRUG STORE. Cardin"g, Spinning, Weaving, Falling, and Cloth Dressing In all the Latest and Improved Methods. Also that he has on hand a supply 'of Flannels, Tweeds, Full Cloth and Stocking Yarn To exchange for Wool or sell for Cash, cheap, The Subscriber having purchased the building known as Gray’s Foundry, Lower Town, Durham, and having turned the same into a Woollen Factory, is prepared to do _ IVAII DIERS AND OTIIE BONNETS, . A1soaChoiee Selection of _ Men‘s Pelt HATS-New, Shiloh and Chen)» May It, 1880. CHEMIS’I' dk: DRUG-GIST. GROCERIES Cheap tor Cash. Durham, May 27, 1880. ‘nxwuu to have their Dwelling Houses, Barn: and Contents Insured against loo :, can do no at a low rate, and in a reliable Company who pay Io-m promptly. The Durham Woollen Factory. E. & A. DAVIDSON, Tweed Suits, Linen Coats and m1iiiii,-ii; Durham, 18th J My, 1880. Gent's Oxford and Regatta Shirts from Another lol of Boots and Shoes. comprising, Men's Women’s and Children's Goods. No trash, but a good article, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH Special notice of the Ladies is mudii to his Stock of Goods, H. W. MOCKLER, Are Showing the Largest and Best Assorted Stock of FLOWERS, Boots and Shoes. Ever offered in DURHAM, consisting of--. SILKS, FBILLINGS, G. C. MCFARLANE, JUST TO HAND, increased by Fresh Arrivals next week of GeuL's and Youths A LARGE STOCK CF A First Class Stock of SATIN B, Apply to Agent Western Insurance Uo., Durham. RIBBONS, LACES, up. GENTS' REGATTA SHIRTS. C. L. G/RANT. JOHN CAMERON. J. CAMERON. commas, CUFFS, 500 up. y96 Dominion Organ & Piano Company, Correspondence Solicited. Send for We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS Highest Honors ever awardedzto any Maker in the The Largest and Most Complete ORGANS AND PIANOS cull and see before purchasing elsewhere. We will not be undersuld and m. mu, new, STOVES, Stoves, STOVES ! WOOL, WOOL, WOOL! Durham, Sept. 18, 1879, COOKING PARLOR B0 from $20 up. from $5 up. from li All Sizes and all Prices. Custom Cash for Hides and Skins. Truck taken as Cash. muunu any UJL’LUMA, UHNTENNIAL, ... ... m 1876; do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, ... 1877. GOLD MEDAL It PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TORONTO.1878. HIGHEST Award It INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Toronto, 1879, MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, ... ... Hanover Woollen Mills, Factory in the Dominion, -------140 x 100 m-----------. 100,000 lbs Wool Wanted! JOHN CAMPBELL. Mailed Free. Addrear--. Best in the Market, I)OI\IIN TAhpi Bo‘vmanville, Ont. AT THE HARRIS & Co. Illustrated Catalogue BOX from $3 up. 9103 World. He selling - “mum. Mun, It-t luau-1.3;“ .In. Arrive at p. In.. 's"lll m. lent-o a hm [Monaco Ttme Tums Depart Gm 'l. m., minnow. A!!!" “I! p.m.. to "nun. Hanan Dorm-t IMrp.m.,tr.4s a - All-in In; m., no p. m.. "he Km my will only run on Tum Welt South On and “to! Iii-Ar. Mb Mauls" tutu will run ll totiowrr- mmatmnou sunny. "on”. 7:80 I. In. "no . m. Min F m Arrive. tttatt u. m., am l,'.' In: no p. m. -- A orutrqrTtra,r. Touoxm, GREY. AND ItMLWAY - CHANGE or T) _ - - wan-- ' n vru, J une, August, October and 'iil'ed,Slr'.' PrimImus--Veudmtarr preceding the Orangeville Fair. ortutgoville--Tu 2nd Thursdnv in ml- _â€"_ --e..+. Ill - month. a F1esherum-htouiuv before Ounnville. 1rytyulk--ryesa.v Before Onngrville. 1ite1lnt..r.netWedtietuuy before Onngevillo. Mtmsvilu--Noond Wednesday in and: month. 1"teter-0o hurt Wednesday in and. month. hriMtmry - Last mouth. Toronto Km”. day after Guelph. . - Berlin-Fir" Thursday in ouch month Brampton-First Tlmrsdnyin mhmonth lirtowcr--First Friday in one}: month. Legg,t,-i1",e,r2,: following Mount Forest” ”"2211? -,t1ttyyht!rtim:ej', April, month. J Guelph-w-First Wednesday in each mouth, lhrrm u-r-Friday before the GuelphFlir lLrayvour-Sirdis Info” Guelph. Eloht-.-Th, any before Gunlph. pouglmt--Mouiiay befme Blur: Pair. nttiltottrStttU. _l’nlue Granada. tho 1rieeville--9rundsay iai,'rrrriiiUiiir"" "atooveI-5tondaf before Durham. Mount Fonsst-Tfuid Wednesday in nah !!yu.P,--'rhinl Iae+y in_nch month Night of 1umrtintt, Thur 3) on ' moon in ml: mouth. T. Canon. we tlu, of “we the dd lit-Um M. liter :\.(1 Tutu tun -ot'tul 0 90'cluck, Shara- (rl Bourbon. , Lihruriaul Bnnhy _g'g"/,'rg'.'..T,1eg n t n a School at 2; In p. m. '. I'm-r- ing tttr, evening 1thytf-:yytdtsy arguing, 3 v . "_'-".".' .- "'"-t'. I" ""' " In “this 'rt8ir. 1.1.; Wodnnnduy owning, Libyan u p. m. Thursday a can; nu. “gull! payer mum-g " 14pm l'uuvr, Mer, Mr. Dunlap. ti. G. B50181 " oFFrcF, Thoma- Imvk-r. Begum-x: John A.m1nro,he- pucy-Bocmnr. (mm hourn from 10 A. m. to 4 pm. Dlv'lno Smite we? when M II a. m, Ind 6:30 p. m. Hubbub Selma a 3:!!! P. "t. My" mung envy Wake-day evening -. (in. Bi'otr Plum ovary Thursday evening It i.ai. Mov. Wm. 1usrit,paator.' - METHOD!" c' "In; .. --- V We” our; Sal-haul " tos" I. m. “(60:10pm mt]: Seton “My. m. 1',rr.v:rtnmet1iieo'xrFr Timmy wanna at unlock. t'tt "se law I: am. Stunt}: sank-u at " I. m. “a ' n m. Sand-y Scum-l 'step. In. Kev. Ii. B. Wily. M. A, {nun Church Wardens, n. W. Madden-ml ll. Put er. DURHAM DIRECTORY We giv a clu‘enge tn the boil a Huber- ton we wanted them tu Imm out And play In . match at bol but ya bet they didnt kum they is shred uf amen not. your: (rucly tode mnwl. l Mr. Ghdstone (an: one day in tin Loud ',dototrieer of Mr: Lindny, the shipownar, muting n ttou of some shipping return. lfor his bsigot, a brusqne 3nd wetlthy Sundorhnd ship-owner, who VII watching him. and mu struck by the industrious And intelligent way in which he wont to work, without draining of who he was, "id:--. "T'l.ou writes a bonny hnud, than dost," om». hour, tron rune. P-natmuwr "I m glad you think so," wntho reply. "Thou dost; thou mnlut thy tigur" well, thous'l just the chap I want." “lucked?" "Yes, indeed, said the Snmlerhnd mu. "I'm tt man of few words, uoo; ifthou'lt come over to Sunderland, I'll give that _ By the census just taken in ling]. :il found that the Janene: any the an; are more 'tttttc-tim than the Smiths. ter the ism-r eathe the septa wc Tnylor, Dun, tad Brown. Jon "ands tenth, Robinson oleunlh, W twelfth. Thump. ,r"h a "p." t only twonty-fomih place, aud Clark,, ttttttttt "e/'twtrvdrrieich. C "b, , In "a," is thirty-eighth. Am mg stanza names ttre Albertin- Regina $ortU Goth: Bonn, Tummy-ion Hrnriet o'c- do Glam de Living Qobcom Tu Ind Romulus Ophigenia Maria lin Wake. ight of "seo/qt, funky on m- bionTHmInom mn‘ll Inn-mm. \‘isitvinf Mm Volcano. A. Krnzia. W. M. LP.) an“, Seer-Mn. An Englishman up that no othe pie in the world, so {on he know equal the Amman: in otr.ua on axiom. "Do you tee that spring om sumgcr?"nid one of them to him mid he did, whereupon the some: . "Well, thlt's In iron spring, thui, it's so mighty powerful “at the fat homse about hare um drink the w. it never have to be shod. The shoes on their feet tttttttrally. 1mm“): LODGE so. we or k. F Mrf , it,ITnGTk'r', tb. ','hi'..i1,',' M n 11:10 mum, 4:25p. In.. a. p. m. Dunn. _tH1rt.rn.', 4.45 p m. AM". unsung“ no [mm mucus-5 B. m. 1115 nu. " ll. a. 15.. 4:” p. m. He who sponge. his religion in .m sent in this World will ninly sigh for free sent in the next world. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS bTJIPHEN ‘01ij 1mm rti.o.k I'RE SBYTERIAN CHUBFH DEBRA} “l mu Mir run on l 4'" Ind Uncanny-I. MECHANICS" INETITI‘TE ___--, -.- - a ' - - T'"""" CW!“ ”1103 at! f'? {fut sprung om there. B.u'TT NT TRINITY cmmt'N 1r l'usT ohtitt. V W --e - manna!» 1 p. In. Arch. tte A Wednesday of LT) Friday evening trom ' to luau-J (so " Mounds: T Hand-v at 7:10 o'clock. ll Yuma-1 bAitii% union-e. Vollct. E". mm “506; pupa Tue-day. nun cul‘lu'u Thursdny in no]. I the "ttter Mad.. "Vial. that u, I!!! I um the farmers' drink the W... of i. mmmm'w In! no other poo I u knows, etttt (Ia-Mud cm", ms noggin. he. ries Hem-in Cl. thbeeun Turner, Mui- Hypihilo all Smiths: T if.' Sept: Wtliiaau, FB. Johnson month, Wilma C "P." tabm od CUrk.v 'ti.. in England it BRUCE m . t “than: p. m. Wonk {nun poem-1' only damn! Probation! and 1." free ulur nu Atthe om hl'l H Itll "THE REVIE Durham, My Bl Dun li VETE‘R [DIARY I on" )unn r South End Bak EDGE MIL BUSINESS DIRECT Gristing we menu In.” to I Jun Lumber, Lumbc Shingles W. CALDWE I000 Bush. 1 Durham I TlaWMt'r:--,ti.0t ldv M W. CHI'ITIC tt.Mtt not MAI IOI'TY' END , Yard "Mo-Lin I " oe PI _ i " I'ZNI( DY A I Boot and Shoemaker MISC A Y " H Sound. nnlv we. Tho in Franc. Swot Ind. Tl ro MEDICAL ercua LEG M lll'lsl . Wt, u rsdn IV SAL 16.00 Durham I; comma “Mull: nf Law Shoo 1110 , Balm

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