West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 19 Aug 1880, p. 2

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2e. all! [H form of "incongruous utterances" or pro- tection and (no hide, or preUttdingto ex- tricate linlinrdl oat of the Munch- of th- Iimpln. or “If" oneself foe forty days, it mun: not 2 for. he who pronunc- the moat on tho mdulity of the ignonnl itch. halo d the boat. The M. P. " East Grey be.” much] to profit by the signs like“ biitrbtUt tho luc- - but cl his club nth" "has on tu-itreehis “in“... Boron: the ddrorh'arr-.,natdutmbethaaa. m a. an. “In” - a no a... m with dug-h 'mb-ttne. liq hm boncbu"; would ban [impaled the alibi-hr foe the exhibition to which be 1m that 0min. mbjooud. Dumbnponry, in its mmhuukbntjnat criticism. on the "in. congruous vacuum" of this "very windy member" outlooks an very obviolu thet that an In. of mankind no very gullible And that when)" the MW tnkeq.th. The Advertiser wry chain“) mppom that tho not. of the evening would be much should at the one: Inn. of good bracing and good mu shown by one of his politiod followers, lichen!) tho "pre. mmpcuouo hood-hm of the M. P. for Faust any in tho Homo In. union when he forced him-cl! into I nun. not, among the WI Indus, hom which ho wu complied to rotten to one of the book "But," no]: the Advertiser. “There no some people who cannot “dent-mt even this much, and unfortunately for this money the Dominion member for But Grey bu more than once demonstrated himself to be one of them. Bio latest out- age on good taste In: at the Collingwood banquet. when he shunned his own Month ond insulted his politieol opponents by in. Aietine on them what u reported to hove boon o ted-hot Tory opooeh, in tho shape of one of bio ineongruone campaign ur. mgnee dightly modiiUd to unit the occu- Under the above heading the Owen Sound Advertiser comments in its usual racy sto , 2, on a speech recently delivered by the Member of the House of Commons from But Grey-who, it appear, in femilierly known In the“very windy member." On the oeetusion of the visit of the Hon. Mr. Lan gain to Collinqwood A few dsys ego the citizen- of tbet town, having en no to grind in the form of bro-haters to “mild and e harbour to repair, “enterteined the hon. teatime to I banquet, Refonnm u Well no Connery-tine contributing to make it I m" The coal-ion and the attend. ant oirtrttrnstano-, u e matter of course, I precluded my one-sided petty speech“. I or Judge Clark, Cbmrman, Messrs. Keefer, C. E., Edward Mull, and Mr. Davin, Bee. retary. The text ofthe Commission won read mdstatcd that wheretutt4,287,trgoud been "pemled on the Ihuritio Railway and that certain irregularities, "trttvagtutetm and neglecta are said to hnvc occurred in connection with this "penditars; thors. lorc, tho Commission wu required to on- quire into tho conduct and mention of the Canada Paulie R. It. to the present time. No onc is present to crow-examine the witncuca. and it may be thcrcfo fairiy interred thnt the information cliciug will be of a one-sided Ind partisan elm . ter. However. " fanthc only points m c up, that Mr. Mnekcnzic'l mode of let u the telegraph contract and the oontrnc " and 15 on tho Thunder Bay Branch to 1 in the public intcmt. , --The Commission recently uppoinied by tho Dominion Government to enmiue into the put history end the present condition of the Paaiile Railway, com- menced its work on Thursday last at the city of Git-we. The Commission consists of Judge Clark. Chairman, Messrs. Keefer; l --.1ru news hom Ireland in not encour- uging. The defeat of the Irish Compensa- tion Bill new to hue had on irritating "set upon the pennantry, and acts of hwleunon on reported to have oeenrred in the south western port. of the country. Luge quantities of Arnie hue been lined and distributed and drilling in going on actively in deBanmr of tho lor. How-vet the Government hare taken - pronu- tion for the protection of life and property. -.'rlu, Grand Trunk Railway Company In. Hosted 3 five, per cent. loan It the high rate of 105. Tho money thus borrowed is to be use] in paying off old debts running " 6 and 7 per cent., by which mngement the Company will etteet u curing of $h5,. ooo a year. This suceeuful piece of tutan. daring by the Grand Trunk Ihows two thing» rtlmt there in . lug. mount of money in England seeking investment, and that the finsmtint condition of the Grunt] Trunk is better now than It any previolu period in its history. I --'rumowm reviewing the met- ofthe National Policy on we!“ of domestie, use. Arrive. " the mew-ion that . null householder whose, mural oxponditnro on 1h. necessaries of life mount. to .370 in roquiml to pay An increased nun“ tn of 080.44. If his household upon-u ex-‘ oeedthatamomtt than an inmmd hr tuned by tho N. P. in proportionately l [re-tor. Durham, August "kir,-iiiiid Along-4n In”... iron- c. grid"... Agents for the Grey Review, Ak-nndcv New M. I. loving-u, Om of British North Am-UO-aan Low" I Son, Montreal. Dun.“ ”Iain Bepsratom---A. Cochran. Durban. Pom-nun Flowing Milu.--ty. . A. Moor' “VERY WINDY MEMBER.' camar'beii. Advertisements. REVIEW. woollon raetoir.-aohn tttr the “Stars" is goin' ta be wild do" an the "an19 Leda" will walk on 'em In aqua-Mb. an. lib. out ttfum, In them ther'ii bo mrtitehetttsoametre. MOI-I'll fur the , - fl. -.. -.u5uuol|u [Ol- ' low, and predict his Ipeedy ruin. _ Base Bara.--ahe "hnpu Lem" of Durham went oat to Prioeville on Mondey last to take the shine out of the "Sure," but they did not succeed. At the close of the game the wore stood Priceville " Durham 28. The “Meple Lou." believe their tram can boat my tom of their on weight, however. writes "D. B." in red name: sad the mom: years' “helping “Gag,” go abonk abusing him fo low, tusd predict hi: lam mo editor ia"a prettygood Ion oniollow." The trouble is that then follow: hardly over pay for their paper. and at last the deluded editor tind. that any are Just heir. ing him Ilong towards the poorhouso, And this he would need helping I long time befoto they would do him any good. Then sadly he drops them from his lint and Benet on Eran. - Them?! In none: on on): mu- mama; _ Burma A Pm: ALoua.~Thera m men who take nu editor'. paper "just to help him ttlong." They don't cue for the papa. don't read anything but city papers. but they take the home paper, just beam the editor ia"a [31’9"va my. “I- Lu, - ..1 Goon 8.ua.-Mr. Joseph Why“. of the Township of 1Untinek, " last Wir Day sold four hand ofcaulo two yam old for the sum of $180. This canclun‘voly 'hows the advantage otstook raising. Mr. Whyte is on enterprising farmer And given great “tendon to the breed of stock " well " to keeping them in proper oomlitiom The present. sale at all event- il a mward tot! his lobe". Tn: Fxrr..-on Tuesday Inst the usual Monthly Fair was held, and quite a number of cattle were driven into Durham. Several very large droves were driven south during the day. The Attendance of people in the Town durmg the day was not " Inge u mun], owing to the lumen being busy in the harvest just now. The new mount oi hone trading we: done in the afternoon. Tar. Toronto Evening Tolerant bu been wonderfully nuccesdul sine» its com- mencement a few vents ago, and now has acircnlntion of 10,000. We received I copy the other day, giving I description of its handsome new omee and splendid {not pron which bujnsc been put up. The Tehran» is a nu] live city paper, and fully up to the Set. Tn: new Railway station house has re- (,,2',t one coat of plaster. We understand l that the G. W. R. Co., have pat in the "diamond" at the crossing of the arB. a KW. R. at Palmerston, and that track laying on the S. t L. H. Railway has commenced at 1istowot and will be continued to Ai) mar-ton. LEG 1htt"trm---on Friday Walluce, of mmnnby, wh struck on the leg by a pole was crushed agaitut . 'mat outer bone. Dr. Kiennn w the patient is progressing l 16ould be "peeted. l, We, are informed that Lovell'n Adnnced Geography (148 pages) willbe published on the 18th inst. n mll contain 45 Colored Maps, 210 Illustrations, a number ot Stat- istical Tables, and a Pronouncing Vocubnl- my. Price 91.50. ‘ Pomvsa Mrraar.--The Pomona Milla, Glcnelg, have been thoroughly overhauled and are now placed in t1rst-olaat, order by the Messrs. Moorhouse, end are capable of doing " good work " any mill in the County. _ - _ .7 WV”. - ax". luau, 1nd paged through Durham on his wedding in“. Mn. J. W. ELLIOT, draught. of Chats- worth, ha been appointed Postmaster of that village. . Dott'r brgot that Domaby'a in the place do get your children's Pictutu, And now in the time to get than new Picture: and frames just to hand. Nntrotrar..--w. L. Mackenzie, tench", of Horning’s Mills, bus ceased to live A life of celibacy. He joined partnership with I young lady of Walkettonpn the 14th inst", The Cheapest Woman'. Boots m " B. W. MockIer'a. annwcx Council will meet at Allan Park on Saturday, August 28th. meux's Boom in grant variety and " the lowest pics at H. W. Moeklor'u. n In announced that " John A. Mao. donald and Mr Charles Tapper have left London on route for Canada, and that they will probably be accompanied by certain of the negotiating Capitalists. A similar an- nouncement was made last year, and every body knows that the result wee nil. Then " now, some elections were on the topic, and the ordinary way of dealing with the public on each occasions requires. that something must be said to give the couleur do ran to the promredimts of Miniatera. The Globe says that the negotiation la either a blind under cover of whiohthe Min. iatere can return without ulnowledging failure, or else the terms agreed upon are so injuriona to Canada " to call for the condemnation of Parliament and of the people. tolontod him up to the wt, but than in l limit beyond which to loud.“ indul- gence cannot go, ind an]... - indict- siou is fallacioua. tlmt limit, in the one of l the Dominion member for East Grey, In: l been reneho'l. It in now only A man of {time until the balls of Parliament mu} 'know tio more, and until he be al. lowed to "lag" into that inconspicuous mediocrity which . combination of pecul- iar eiretmutamses, fortunate foe bun but unfortunnte mm. 'torutltuenu, haa Butt. tseeded in mining him," Local and other Item: in red ink opposite Amount of two or PACIFIC RAILWAY DEPUTA- TION. rrrunnby, while logging, 3" after which the; for an “Crustal fel- g by a. pole, and his ankle in“. snag, breaking the Kierunn was called in and Friday last Mr. Thou " flvombly their . LITTELLL'I LIVING Aotr.--lrhe number- [O or The Living Age for the week- ending I August 7th and 14th reapecuvely, contein a the following articles: The Sulten'e Heirl I in Asia, Fortnightly; A Stranger in Ameri- 1 es, and Story-Telling, Nineteenth Century; F Psuuuutt Life in Portage], and The North- l em Shepherd, Macmillan; A Lay Confes- sional, Black-coed; The _Herdemng end Tampering ofSteel. Popular Science Rt- view; The Austria: Power. Frmer; The Romance of Chineee Boom Life, end Wan. tome, Temple Bar; The Decline of Hypo: criev, end the Seine Democreey. Spectator; Artitihl Diamonds, end the Caribou: See. Nature; "Wanted-. Groom," Graphic; with the eonelneion ofMrtrc.01iptsant's "He l that will not when he mV," "A Forgotten , Crime."end the and moon! of poetry. 1 For nay-two numbers of ling-{our large I m eeeh (or nose than 8,800 page. . J _ you); the subscription priee (08) in low) I ‘while for 010.50 the publiehen othr “and t “unseen!" " America: monthiuor I ”Ilium The Living Ageing. ym, c baa-Humouyumma a. latter, h Hire-paid manta... noun, no I. . "nu-a "I“ leas form to the floor beneath. of some twelve feet. Medic-l once procured, but no hopes kind of his recovety. At the erection of th than barn upon the premises of Mr. Snell. Maple Villey Bim, coo county, on the evening of the 6th inet., A dispute arose between two men from the ’viciuiry of Mason-ills, in which one endu- vored to pull the other down tram the banding. The letter, in solidefenee struck] his assailant two sledge hummer blown on I the head, instantly telling his almost life. ,___ ._, ' .. A Mr. Tipping has received his claim in full from the Sovereign Fire Iaiurmce Company, which wu promptly paid. [ We are now in the midst of harvest ; tt deal of the grain is already st our mills. TOur crops promise an abundant yield. _ Our harvest in rich. And none 'rompiain. _ Fun. Accmrsr.-A gloom has been‘ cast our us by I. painful circumstanmr The Fair on Monday was not so well attended as usual, but there were severe] head of cattle offered and sold. The Amr tkn sale of Mr. Alex Webster’s was quite u' uccess, and Mr. A. Brown will no doubt rr ive numerous “calls," to omciato u iiii,'is,.iij, . The sidewalks in Ptieevilu are undergo- ing a. thorough overhauling, and a number of extensions made. Very heavy trusts visitod here on Sum day night. Late potatoes and garden veg~ etables were damaged. It is feared that Jute wheat will be injured. Harvesting is being Vigouronsly pushed forward by our farmers, and we notice that some of the early buds have got nearly all their crop m. ‘ho 1 l The Rev. Mr. Coohnne, late Missionary ‘in anon, now chairman of Toronto Dia. trict, will give a lecture in the Methodist Church, Flesherton, on Friday evening. Subject: “Life in Japan." As the admis- sion is very low (M cents per couple) doubt. less many will avail themselves of the _ p 'rtunity of enjoying a treat. The young people ofthe Methodist con- gregation, Fltuherton, gtve a garden party in Mr. John Dinwoody’e orehard,Werdmur. day evening Int week, which was a very enjoy-hie emit, end from the large num. ber present must hnve been quite a success BntuMiue. Quite a number were present from a. distnneo, amongst whom we noticed our old friend, J. W. Henderson, IUq.; a]. no Dr. b'proule, of Mnrkdtle. Mr. Turner and Mrs. Hall of Pricevilie, Mrs. John Sproule of Prince Arthurs's Landing. Pais:---), event ot the week here it the Wand Union 8. B. Pie-nie, now et the height elite enjoyment; whibh, however; i. likely to he candied tir the ruin jut commencing. The 8; Schools repreeenied are those of the Weeleyen end Bpieeopel Methodist Churches. and the Bali“: Church. The Lady Eberth lune been en- med tor the whole atterrsoon by Dr. Law derkin end Mr. Chilean, who oregeneroue- ly giving the "little folke" e free boat ride. Two very Inge Joule of children end odd!!! have already gone down to the scene of the pio-nio et Hell's Mills, per steamer, and also lame eight or ten loads of from 0 to 8 in email boats; while egoodmeny enxione purnio people were left on the bridge, leweiting the "udrhf' third return. The llittle steamer ie being thoroughly tested lend seems to beer up with oeee ell who ’cen Bud either sitting or standing room in her. We hope she mey convey ell home in eefety, though they may get e fair duck- ing.. We observed e minister of each of the denominations mentioned prmmtt.--- Coll. In: Satin-any evening I little boy, e Mr. Manager. of the Woolen F ry met with on mldent which mtg . how ' proved serious. He happened to iron I lumber women on which he w riding and one of the wheels peeled ove his leg I just above the linen. No bones w e brok 'smbttttlst, little fellow Wu nth bull) brniud,’ but u now up And doing There was I slighthet hm on ttoim, morning, seen only by only risers. The result is that henna, 'ttt11tuerts,pumpkimr, are slightly black!!!“ in min, gardens. Hanover, August 17, 1880. Homing’s Mills m w _ -eke ":2: Priceville. Flasherton. beneath, a distance [odicll aid Va: " hopes were enter. Hanover. I low', Anguilla. There no not a present more ound than half . doun house: in the plus m- u'u or ant, lad some of than no only waiting 3 you, clung. of bank. The haven: m tbat latter, loamy in Mel-u, and every one mm I, m hopefnlot umfutnn fortune,.: '"ur-G+ new. I or. -.dg. g I little boy, of Up Woolen F ry, and)! vhich mtg . hue votoy upened tof from oiferit ich he w riding, aid of and one his leg howev a ban“ w e brok. the by was mth bully and th 3d doing Mg. st here on Main?” has In norly risen. The tom! htbempumpkins, {nor-1 min, gardens. "Peet t the week here in mute! Ik has been , :umstance. chi When he 2 ch tannin. ll m highly 1 Benn by m? Prlt elancthon my the you om ', against .3 you may bim shinny oft? for this long who claim in in t aiunnce tmm d, Dru sews Ton the omb V Bim, Ta 'thinst. Glob on the Ware Iondu- Colic; Mn the math "truck noun lows on “HOW )stlife- Dr.D Manna in Iht, wu It Proton 'enter. Show ford,i ton terin, informs an that the County buildings are progressing very favorably. The most of the brick work is completed. The struc- turo in 1 very hmdnomo one, and there will be ample "tsomodatton for all the oituas. Wm. --- I _ - - tttt Aocumrr.-..A young lad nemed W. Ito. V hineon, in the employ of Mr. George Fee. ' of Glenelg, while driving some homes ba. d. longing to a neighbor, out of a. field of wheat last Tueedey, received n severe he} Ln in the feee, which split the roof of his .'tt mouth and knocked out some of his teeth. Dr. Outer of this place was called in and sewed up, the out, and it is progressing tav. e omblr-aarkiao Ezpodtor. _ Tn Gunman. Paorsrssomsrrrr.-Tue Globe "ye I we regret to lean that Mr. t Warren has declined the offer of University . College mode to him by theMInister of Ed. _ , ncetion. Wu are, however, happy tonn- l : nonnce tint the place hue been filled I through the tstforta of Hon. Mr. Mowet end ' Dr. Daniel Wilson both of whom are now tl in England. Mr. Maurice Hutton. M. A., I Professor of Classic: in Firth College, t MtettUld, Fellow of Merton College, Cx- E ford,its the new incumbent of the chair. P m obtained ttmt clue honor- It the exam- ination by Modentore. end 1150 for his B. Ol A, degree. The choir will undoubtedly be B worthily tilud, and we oongntulnte the Cl Guriiu' of University College on obtain. - ing no distinguished e oolieegue. " th-sua.-.' correspondent who f.ti guide visit to the County Town of Dut. if W TkT s".-.".- Ann-chum ou. Fur Bale by G'. UrhfeFarlane, Lower Ivwrt, and J. H. Hunter’s Genet-l Store, Durhamimiei. Negotiations no now going on between the Walkerton Town Council and the pro- prietors of a boot factory in Gnu with the view of laying the factory moved to Walk- "ton. Ir you want 3 CL my Pair, Boots go to H. W. Mockler’a. only drawback in the A. R. Fraser, EH., l Mr. Alexander Fraser, well known in this Town, who is employed " a lecturer on the science and Art of dispensing in the Ontario School of Pharmacy in Toronto, wee presented ,iith the following address, mompnnied by a heavy gold watch chain, by the students attending during the ses-‘ sion just closed _ l ‘then. calculated to endanger tho living of people, are deserving of the several con- demnation, and tutu1thorititu, of the Tom:- ship will not do their whole duty unless they take means to discover and punish the perpetrators-Mount Fond Examiner. bonus previously given was a Inge one, “Milly, but notnearly so large in Pom. p'erison to the mlth ofthe township as other municipalities have giseu to provide nilwei facilities. It is to be regretted thnt rowdyism of s most pronounce” type mode itself conspicuous. We feel assured that I large majority of the people of the township can have no sympathy with the disgreeeInl conduct of a number of young men who created disturbances last Week at the meetings held at Allen's school house ; 1 It the wheel house on the 20th concession. end " Yeovil. At all of these the young fowdie‘s dot only interfered with free du. cussion but attached the delegates of the railway company with missiles of vsrlous kinds; At the Yeovil meeting the nut was removed from one of the wheels of a; con- vevonce of luors.Meu dues! and Kingston, the spokes of the wheels were either slto~ gather or partially cut tluouglv-hs latter outrage not being observed till the Briggy was examined next morning. Tricks like Up to the time of going to pron-we were unable to obtain efnll statement of the vote yesterday in Egremont on the brim! oirerma an additional bonus of 97,000 in aid of ma. B. & w.' Railway. in mm, however, that a. majority dec?: red lgxu'ut I the by-luw at etch of the flve paling places end that the total majority against it in Mg. From the general fooling tut ‘hu menifested itself thoughout the the tomhip during the campaign a more {nor-bio result enuld scarcely have been expected. After due consideration we feel ensured that the electors of the township will be fully persuaded that therequest of (Riel-tore for idditionnl aid, all thing. con- sidegtrd, Wu not In unreasonable one. The gllur By-law in Iiigreinont. - __-..-..° ovl-Il' not»! WV oighbor, out of I. iU1d of day, received 1 severe kid: lick split the roof of his lied out some of his teeth. is place Wu called in and I ;, and it in progressing fav- f 11¢ Ezpou'tor. I u. Pnoretssororrrr.-ru C regret to law that Mr. t ned the offer of University ' him by theMmister of Ed. tl u however. balmv to An- o imw _ Presentation. Auaver Cuss or 1880, ere, and Threshing Ma. Mlchm: Oil. For Bale, height of the Pair of men's Aug. 4th, 1880. -"e --... ""b""% Tor ’ putting out their lira, And aesp‘ito the” and the Shorbrooke engine, which tho tel. implied for, the union had I hunt: a- npo. Ammhut and: Joseph 1Udaed bullion» "'l"oeuorgooaiirtiriii. th; the ki points. ,_-- """"" “up no- binsan. Auditors-Geo. Bengough and E. ,Horton. Twenty two new members were ndmimd. The members of the Associap tion left in the afternoon on an excursion to Thunder Bay and Duluth. The axon:- sionistl returned to Collingwood on Batur. _ day last, highly pleased with their Ittti the kindnou extendod to them " all Kip m. PRESS Asgocurros. -qllts, annual meet- s. ing of the Canadian Press Association took of place in Toronto on Tuesday, Aug, 3rd, at at which there was a " attendance at mem- is here from different parts of the country. y. Mr. A. Mathcuon, of the titratford Beacon. d the retiring president, in his address re " ferred to the successful manner in which the craft generally weathered the timuseisl a depression oflate gears ; paid e werm tri. '. bute to the late Mr. Brown as a journalist , who loved his protession ; commented on . the fact of the election of a large number ' of Journalists to the British House of Com. i none; said that the power of the press " 1 a public critic was universally recognized ; I and expressed the hope that Cenedien l newepeper men would be min] to use t their pave: for good only. The election of I oditusrs reeulted " follows: President-g. , B. Treye, Timer, Port Hope. First Vice- e Prom, E.J.B. Pense,Wlu'g. Kinglton. See- ond Vice Preisidens-oeo. Tye, Time, ', Brampton. Beeretnry T%stai-w. B. h Chmie. Bowminville. Assistant Secretary J --A.J. Metheeon. Etpou‘tor, Perth. Er. ii ecntive Ctsmmittoo-C.D. Bur, Bough, G. te Jeekeon, J. Inna, J. Bonner-ville. an Rn, . V . - _,_-_....._, am: cuuuleu Wt 1; Gm AccrDrat---nmuusu, Aug. 18.--h bathing in b'turgeon Lake when the ti or gun accident occurred tina morning among accident occurred. Id term, bays who were camping totyrther ou Rev. Principal Grant has just been ma ld 'P island the er tsix miles from PM." ptri. the happy recipient of a. letter hout Y, tr lug. While the 'to"ea.u. was “any“: tn. George Stephen. President of the Bank I. to that pu.ets the .cnptuln was mled by Montreal, containing a cheque of M,0 e tltree boyam tl “hm Oue of tho lads, tt for Queen‘s College. Within the hut " " son of Donald Guthrie, M. I": of Guelph, yenra he has received five subscriptions . had accidentally been shot and wounded .5300 each, and four of 92.500 each. 1 WE." h'.', fulll 1.'l"rirts of gunshot m the hip, In the township of Draper,MuskoU dil , w Ino .on using examined presented ' triet, . mcherpuniehed his pupils by ken t fa.l y mangled appearance. The flesh cov. ing them in after hours. One parent ol ermg nsxnneh use man's hand was ell torn jected to this came m “hr four o'eloel I . . ' I away, 'nnd the sight wan nickening to look and took nwey his child. He Watt brough . u. What makes the Accident still udder before the stipolulu'y magistrate at Bruce is the {not that it was the IMP: brother who bridge, end iiusd " and costs for so doing was unfortunately the cause of it. The two The offender was 1. trustee end ajueticc o, of them were sitting in the tent-the elder ths peace one about to remove the cartridge from a bir Wm Murdock of Adeleide has n gun, while the youngnrune was sitting two oomph,“ 511““ ot gum. worktt u, his feet distant. Some incident occurred. the farm From tttt excellent mrll of never shifting oft blanket or sonwthingliketot, failiutz water ut his house the water is ole. and the gun forthwith discharged. The vuod by menu. r u windmill, .nd by . Ianred boy is about ten years of Me. His foree pump driven th ugh pipes to "up father had left the camp the night before mi” " his “ms " the, I‘I'POIO ofnater., Bttd VII tot-churn to-day He “(In tele itnt stuck. The reservoirsn "oeered, ex. mthl to smut the urrn‘ul of his son at WN- certain plaees for cattle c, drink " Gravenhurst. If the lad rec-oven it will be and hie stoek can get anytime, winter or only through the best of medieat trent- tsammetrabttmhuree, of the purest voter in ment. the yen]. It is " intention to convey the Puss Aagocurrox.-ays nnmml meet- I water through pipes to his pasture fitshU, ink of the Cnnndiun Pram- Ammninlinn 41...]. I _.I..‘_L “M A,,!I, . . - _ " A Luna Btmumss..-Nr. J. T. Brill ur stole: that within the ten week: preceding t. the let of Angust there Were delivered st t, the Toesrterter crummy 1350M lbs, of " milk we a the Walkerton memory or ' 270,000ibtu; that out of tun gummy us y Manufactured 906 peckngee of batter Bttd, e 60.00010: of cheese; and that 800 hogs ( 'f Were (likened on the whey, Ind exported. f He any: the amount paid on: for milk in : that time wee 912,900; a Full in thu"giazttstt. -L O‘rengeville. Aug, 16.--About 11 o'clock last night a. fire wee discovered in a. building used by the agent of the Oshawe Reaping and Mowing Machine Company here“ I trtorhooom l at the Toronto, any; and Brad. nanny l Station, but it wee put out before any ceri- I one injury was done to the building or its l contents. It broke out Again; however, di. rectly in the freight house of the milwny l company, about twentrtivis yard. distant I from the store-room. The height house 1 was completely destroyed, and also six box ', cars and one cattle car, which were stand- t mg directly in front of the freight house. The steam saw mill of the company. used a by them for sowing wood, was also destroy- J ed. There was only a small quantity of r freight in at the time, but none of it was a sewed. The property of the railway com- d puny was partially insured. The loss is e estimated at about M,000. The ilreis sup- posed to be the work of an incendiary. no el the floor of the stateroom where the fire " wits first discovered was saturated with coal (h m . . " d Jr' I The evidence of . respectable witness ‘hving within full vieWof the [medal ofUeta ‘of the policy at present eat in force from Ottawa mth regard to the North West, is worth columns of speculum: amt theory in the organs of the aovtsrtumsett.--afotmt For“! Examiner. ens“ wherever I go. A number of the people t have spoken to tell no they hue been to Mmitoba And left on account of the existing land regulations and the N. We be" received e communication from well Informed com-pendent wha left wnshlp of ligament lest tinit end who now settled non Grand Forks. anotn errltory. U. S. From the letter we are led to believe that the use colored story told some time ago by Lord Bmusomrtfeip with Sir John McDonald as authority, re: carding North West immigration is hardly enpported by the total] feats. Our corral pondent says: "I like thin country very well for e new place. It ia mostly lettled by Canadians. " met the census enamel-nor recently be. ‘tween the Turtle and Forest liven, and I um him whet clue of people be mostly met with. m informed me thet out of five hundred names which he had on his book four hundred and seventy iives of them were Candi-nu. Thin state of things The North West Maddie, I, J. Somcnille, GER;- In the internment] much It Crudmoro khan Canadian nu! American taunt, the Utter vanity nfowpoinh. Thom no wry “I! contest“! on both ' I matter he visited Toronto . few (1.51;. bot could find out nothing win-1m: about oi. thor the child ttrthe wanna. Tim. the, ~ we mv-ertisement tt women tame to M il. m ton. and represented herself u living in " Toronto, and that she had been merried " for eight yous, but had no childmn. Her Mr husband, she said, wee a clerk in Header. ; eon'a wholesale store on Front-stree. The n woman nppeered to be very respectable, (t and Mr. Pitcher, believing everything Kr: l be all right, concluded togive her the child. . The necessary documeuta new in such . - were written and eigucd by the two . parties, under the direction of Rev. Mr. ' McKenzie. Church of England clergyman . here. The woman uidher name we: Mm. , Jenna Harper, and that the lived " 98 Benfrew-etreet, Toronto. Afew days " terwerde agentlemen or Milton who felt inure-ted in the matter being in the city 1 on A visit thought he would pay a visit to l the above addreae and see how the child I was getting on. Upon enquiry, howevu; l he found that there was no such numbered 1 home on that street; that the highest i number was“ ; end that no such woman 1 wee ever known in that locality. Upon ' further enquiry it wee learned that no anon ' man anemee Bdeper had ever worked a for the Hendereon firm. When thia be. tl cane known here, Mr. Pitcher'a ninety,“ {or " child'e woken became intense. and n - _ . _ H..- -"'" "new m us- you expres- fur Camden. 'which on: wily be done from the elevated All the cm had M the ohtah except. position of the ground gt hi. bung. two, when tho nomad section can. thun- A Brrutras Catsa.--TU Milton Kw. , ' deriug on behindi A; the locomotive for. August 12, says :--"aortlr after the dam. l :ad ita "Y iuto the Mr, the cylinder had: of Mrs. Walter Pitcher, of this town, A few " r m forerd ot" tl and ““0 ttioode of month: Mo, Mr. Pitcher advertised in the slum pottrtrd throcuu the '9': "aiding Toronto Daily Ma" for some respectable non-1y "err ”“0130" in it. In In in. womm toadopt his mug child, . girl oft tttant titere "- new"! hurl-l eunu- year Ind 8 months old. In response to tmteti. The ”m ef "1‘5“le and the advertisement a woman cum. L, Mit, the shriek. of an “.14 . - - _ Rev. Principal Grant has just been made the happy recipient of a. letter hom Mr. George Stephen, President of the Bank of Montreal, containing a cheque of $5,000 for Queen's College. Within the hut two yours he has received five subscriptions of $5,000 each, and four of $2,500 each. In the township of Dreper,Muskoka dis. trict, I teacher panicked his pupils by keep. 1 ing them in after hours. One parent ob. ‘ jected to this, came in [her four o‘clock! end took I.le his child. He was brought before the stipeiuluy magistrate st Brace- bridge, sud iiued " and cash: for so doing. l The otiestulvr was tt trustee end a Justice of 1 ths pence. ( lands. a Inhjoct of ooiriiLiiii' I Mr. Robert Wilketr,ttus woll~kuown mer- yehant of Toronto, together with his only son, Bertie, um! his daugter IWrttree: were drowned at Sturgeon Point, in Victdna County, on Monday. The children were bathing in Sturgeon Lake when the and weident occurred. i Buying is about eompleted in Maniwbl, and the harvesting of grain his commenced. A great qmotjty of barley Ind oait, is " ready out. Wheatis ripening beautitttilr' and will be may for the reaper on Mon. day next. A heavy yldd is predicted ev- erywhere. f A which bttt rééllou icing m "d Pratt; living' at St. Alun, 00 an old than on Thursdsy to pilot h the wild rapids of the tit. Ann Their' bout mu dashed to pieces rocks Ind both men were drained l The clothing store of Messrs. T, t Son; Clinton, Wu broken into l day night; the Ttlt inst, nnd goo value oft800 carried oif. Exam made by forcing s bulk iin'dow. Gm“, sud nu been sentenced d LL" yam in pennant"); Ga'tnfran, A and mum! Romain was arrested at Barrie; for “oiling I tom of horses and buggy belonging to Robert mum of West Ahke daemon-jun guru report: there ere Inge tttt aging on tit. Joseyh. Cockbum, end Anitaulin Islands. Rain in vented badly in that section to pat them out. Rev. Dr. stidaon, Bsptiat minister of Chadian. has resigned his patents, owing to ill hum: In In: funny. The re- sag-Wu will an enact on November the Ist. The Stntford School bond have dead“! to do in, with the County Model Souool on the grounds that in anatom- interfered with the 'rtritisney of the publw schools. The Inn: of John Bitumen. not: Medea we; burned along with some hay mdgnin A week ago.- The tim is attributed to win- undies-y. The Methodist Church of the? W101: District, intend holding a camp meeting neu- un village of ll'yth, ”unending Thundny, 9th 829mb». The man George Smidhwbowus Hiram out of a. wnggou on Wedneldny ch ”in; of last week between Paisley Ind Burp; no, died on Sunday morning last. - I _ The poiidution orttiathain' is i,et. It. Alumni in 09,061,389, of 0120.000 low. er than last you, nnd its rule will bo the“ 17 mills. #iitoa's witch”: ieat property this jut Im’bunh to 0274,665;pernoual propor- 01,119,974; income, 07,700. Population. Tho Echelon Pala Guam inporto the dimmer, ot tine marble on' i tum in the township of BomervilU.' Mr. George. A. Fowler bu been sppoint- ed “dim! in Kind-Mina High School u I “lay of Moo. _ CANADIAN ITEMS. " rMhu" icing mu nut- f at St. Alun, Quo.,- hind Thurshy to pilot him down a of the St. Anne River. wu broken into on tiatur. Ih inst, and goods to the rd En tmnoe 7W Lodge. Seventy polio. wb a on- ‘duvorul to “do" order um ova-pulver- ed. No otttu when“: Inn Ljurod so “I that ttmram 30¢.me “00"”- thre VII W br I - and ttretwty. tim mutated. '. chkwn ,_v__ """'""'t5 II I]. - tt Pomona-sum: in Chugov on Sum- 1tU1"'ttt the {lone Buick pas-in: " t"'ttis _-I-in'¢ and an m. dd Ln a: I.“ “ now One-cod in touching for “MOI of,the dm'nod. Elna: pub In mum; I are position on high Ittotusd. The bridge was: the strum at that point Ill entirely demolished. Great acclaim“ was created in the neighborhood. Parties elm-n In 'tow on.“ in n-ndxinn for rititt load on Mondny swept down the Glen of Glendon end detained the pen-uh chunk st Connicone and mm the entire commotion. who wen u m It the time. The Bood an. with fearful sud. denneu, fairly swooping Around the di- tus, end seven! per-on. of the oonznn' tion were swept any while nttdaitptiag to coupe. Some of than. we eubeequenll! rowed, while ttthtm wet. drowned. The priest, nfter doing all that lay in hie power to direct the light of his people. succeeded .- -- - -w"'" .uu-uc. hum an: own); to the noon! heavy run: I tor rith, flood on Mondnv “mm an-.. an- far-.. Pte tn lat-I'm Mug gt the Hon. I --- - -""""'e"" In. with few exception, woman: tbr. otlbly. It is hoped the death to". which in new 01gb”. will stop that of (won- tr: q A ohmic!) from ihniatat, imiane, state. slum poured throrau the an, nodding newly every pusenger in it. In In in. aunt than vs. a mu. of hum] awk- mont. The sound of Whining-hum and the chicks of tho teeriNd wet. “nodal and carried through the ban. “in; "rc mr to the hum of 3.". Th. victim.“ the disaster now u the WM in Philuipiu. m, nit}. l.-- -__A, train consisted of meaty-nix can. sir. teon in the first section, and ton in tho nec- ond. The tmin In and rim 5;. Ann's antholio excunioniau from Lemma . ( Philadelphia. When the indication ruch- ed May's landing the Galileo! slowed and started moron clan a aidingto allow tho page of the 5:80 apron for Camden. All the em Ind mud the switch except. o... ...L.. n - uom e'tP0um Ind run of attention. The 'other wanna Inc since been Inc-Md. AN Execute: Tun: Ru 1rro.-th, Wdenudny owning the second action of " emulsion tmin whuh loll Atlantic City, New Janey. st sir, run into the Gut. loc- telescoping the rear or. The elm-nim- I vagrant. She lingered until Suturday night, , when death can“: to her mliei. The bon presented "appear-nee "stthrient toaicked those most. well-tuned to "Eating. The head and shoulder. had humanly hacked to piecen. Jud than Wound. were tilUd wick: thounn-l- of crawling Inna“, and that: de. serted the cares“, and All-oat coveted thr, Boor on which " lay. An inquest wu held when the jury returned I "aim that demsamht who had been an itttomi-ate woman, died (you expo-um And run of "taution. The other woman In. .inn- n... ----. , lqwi-y went the Mud. of ai: dyed do her daughter having quamllsd new and that one haul been dreadfully w The ranger had evidently been hurt, no informed that the true nature of he: wu not di-wveml, n the refund to, Illumination. On hid-y evening fortunate creature mu brought to the jail uudern "ommitanmttof Mr. Wuyl vagrant. She linen-d mail Rat-lulu Dun: he! Exmrn:-~The Thrtetvrr nyneAbouq two we: Quettuh. Aug. w.--ut- inning the tribe- to the but been mm. t mean“; Mu can.“ I». brought 5 letter from Gen. Priduou dsted the m The mom, had openod he with Ann. uérodg gm» 1 dUtanire of 2.500 ma. from the iftr,' but tho duh-go. Io firm alight. In the morning 1 henvy musket, life VIM opened " the wall- from the xil. [ages on three side- of tho town, In! only! few of the troop: wore wounded. There wu wtstef tid the Mon for forty " days. The and durum; of the garrison is 1,248 efreeuve Europeans, 8,886 mum, Ind MN sick. Gen. Primroao “tunnel Ayoob Klmn's force at 10,000. I: --- -w_v “IVA m f tityputd it [urge alumna! men “pushing forward trench“ tow-rd the “In. Mes. sengen deny that the Hertha in. due: ted Ayoobehua. Maurice" from Genoa] Pure to Candubu‘ u" netumod, as they were " able to enter the city. The my has now ‘oommenced in most. Bony and con- tinuous tim is kept up on both sides. A, yoob ltUn is “new; on two hone! the 'G6.._.pa,cs. _ _-V aMum... Tho “pun-ion "troeut suspicion." N- (ti?, "(on to Blush initial". my], to tamoid of mm co-opontiou with A. J volt “In; _" London. Aug. td...-A dtsedteh from Quetu ', Icy: the T.ua I'll eat just ahet the details of the mpuh, of the Afghan a Koch were waived. Although the dot.“ of the tritium-n opium to be comphu, reinforcements lave been nut, in one tat. ther attacks m made. " have luv. muons 90 bolkve thu 3'wa Khan has be 'tluig in comm With "od boon '!ris.ud by Abdumou, " _ And that the dam luupicioug m M was.' out some fouuation. t would Minted}, tlot term and: Men?” New”) deep! on the moat seriou's gfonudg," m“ ____7,. .. -- T -, “IN-W“ “HP-lea Hedi“ from i cone-walrus in M. p, any": hot 'uettt:-- acting in ”Prof-n - __ “slum 3.37;? "may ' hurt, but... true nut-re of but qNttttd I the refund to lude'go Friday evening (LI; um dreadfully maui, -ev - "" m In. . LEM i. 'till “I ”a lid: milie n . ' ip. ' WW _ a hae I“. b _, mi tit. 'ii't'i';'t't magmatic-m um" Dal, ' I ”AMY-knob“... I; llion. Mn" a. f" i' I tUt mrih m We. rs by “MM hau. ij. a» a...“ . on i,'.',', atrittao. Nov-0%. F" M“ “noon-"an if; "A “Mb from o was out itut we: he. of the M,'ututt .--The Brunch“ "! wry' dune . aged Imam “a " ‘Wu"m; inteioses, tto' My "operation trith l. important to the candy Weymu, " n followin‘ Lyndon. Thunumlu of children m Itat Miami] (mm dolor: Infmwr ' '.iluarrbr_ and Use maniac: -itruiqu, whmelwu an.“ I: M by can; Enact of Witd Mada"; " dc:- _ rocomnuud and um " on“, I”. I - msl known, and no" my "I.“ .Wkuu. hut-tuba, att W - ”Indium Mich " - ~. It in MI], W that tu (“an than in km, Bat in“ with puttmoaoumoauu.' 1'l1!r;r';ed'a.tt,',tyiti nwufmunreuv “.11.. By I. Wuhan)“. :2“;iouxp01 Pr " “My. twenty person. We " a “new”. in given u . closr ind liter $mat+tieset of that. portions of the M116 '0 It“. oopiod. " will oerve to sin! I“ tttn Mn; is in Wk: the ’Inglu III it will aim We lo show how ioetfa 'rtei'trrttmomiattttoemort.ut. In. In and: tuned mum I... “a! nut I foot hold on Chum that n WNW“ bring to but wi In". any M in diuodeing them. Fir, - NM Colon-id. will have to tnnkr m - d t Ind bargain. l cw "No." Thuotom we uljun: the (A M to lose no time In commend Won with the Govarnmeuu Gnu Britain .um tls." l'uncd Suesbrl tu-sou A . uutum Man-cal Tutrtain My .1 I' .. mg. And " 'dl a“ m 0;”..ng I W to the foreige “a In: owo to our cuuntrymen ', und 1 ”yin: the has Madonna forluddungl W of His l-phn'n! Nojodv‘a n teit.trtttetttaa,tkoett when“ any hm - h M CtM6ttqt" and ttro mom! q - duh Wit-Sisal The time h .a'-titetuqrhotoatioestoratastise d K "gh. 'gatgtieA - go." “a: qtrbesta Woll'd be ftulmldx' mum" the, extreme', bumnsr a!‘ tho t.eut.. of tish Ind Andi-mi: '.yttctors an .m toesonsteuet mullinvry whirl: :lmil a “In mmnnl labor. By nut-um of a bauu of coals Ind brwkett, of water put " law an in": dewl nf pm]. mm, which sets cumplmutrd pm Winn) in motion: wh'ci; do as I indie tel-y an {mama men 1 " in O WOOL The iron (ll-vi] pluugln hip- aad “when. He eplnemud we 3. Would ethics. He pump»: m. an “no - Weigh“. rt, l Id Whit)“; Ind, in short, he dut an: a banana lulu; is capable of d., only he u I hundred timos m. strotw I: lulu. Now if the foreign olnll‘rc-n All heser. In.” of all“ iron dew” Chi-c. ho. a! “mum of our indunu Wm All Inducing“ would be thr 001.0me and Maul!» penny ml mm. Can we nonhuman. uucl In" Vilma! alum , Gatt we " this (an and ancient empire to Lea 't-qietg mad at an interior n with a but ototimtioes, and a much (do: nullity? Bury loyal at.” In. 'ta-int My will ludigu-ntly I y?..tee.tttere- m". brand ts. “mu! m and.“ can; “I mid: than (on on in mu? dMremst “in!!! of tfh,l2 Fattdid . a. guilty. the chief 'nx cruelty has. “knuckle. pre'itetton, dim In. I“ tilusy habits gem-ru’ly "" Mull] lulu will these foiwuucu bred to fol-rum the higher (Than-m "this. which in "'tsrerwtsted Me com Gtr P'" ll“! refined, to that of Milo biaeisrus. I‘Vhidl'h. tltrrr: Quotations objection in thr..r immd id iddeuiuery, and ‘hiu mun-1- ts tren M I Simple and dill It! t' Hun! tl "not retain from giving the nut-tun thinning it broadly that the Cl “on cannot ponnit them lurlmri: into the country mu! m mum tis,:'.;',,.,,'.'.';,,",: thr. otwle gum. tut number: of ita num- nth-9w “on In Math ‘mprllod l tltme m the unknown nooks and on 's6ttoube,.esd mayo! than! die h MW of {hilarious Iona " chic." u. “do in. my moped: ”CU-$11. begun by I‘ll cf “VI-it. butane-inn ' m in “In" Ian] "es. m1 1m. ”in. who mask the "me Isin is-s, belonging to rival lmtioui "I ' “kill and Alumna“ link." It [on on to my p--'", ir-eftheErtg1u1ore mum 'nd than “American: nu m ih " attrae - they In Very m M War nttmbee Hind" m '-u-.4t tit, in. .ol--atsd th itr to but than they 'tueatro to mu. Mote the expiration of may. in the and: on the u 0- ma; an Muted iUelfiu p, h, HIO “In of the African cont jun. islands and the Wect tad beat mtion known In t" “mull. It“. ”And south at Ann, from w G. Iliad tn 1-1;"? “hunt: in the Oat-n. We! “in" but obc. M ofthe was! cout mull ofNort “I not oectiried by sts elder Both can mum“! maple. much to m. und accustomed to “mm: win no“ whom they fud in t d tho land they wish to npprupna aboriginal hibca of NortltAtucrwa, l Mu. 'of Atutr.lia, of New Zeal “‘0 “all. of the Paeitir, m mt CHIN“. them. Thin-o whom 4 not clay by the I‘m-d mr bun! ild Me. ther destroy by sputum?! hn'l lion-e. Thin nun-um- vau- in no " tue. by . recent, nach- in cm; I Wu] "Indium"; ( him in the Melbourne (tum-uh “In“ "th, which has been I it by Mr. Robert Thompson, E Meow- Prom thrthrctth Kama trttuold-ertu but 'euo,turt-l-stsusua" MEateusu.."reetuiou. Albion turatutset.edthmao than! it 'u-da-hit-on. Thu foal qv.r,intimeitutxrott; unadu- ti-tBeit-, Main” " My bound-agency. Ttie cl fun-bummtiu ChinAJ "The English Inst 9'-.- - “an "mud, am Pit 'tfy tha m “MM-n We

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