West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 2 Sep 1880, p. 4

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UÂ¥ side, and t‘other jadge from La said it wara‘t ; and our Recorder, back, when, after halfanâ€" they brought in a verdict two years, your lordship, a; Again the jadgeo had to amount of the sentence wa to him. â€" They were the in dictment, nor charce of m window in hor pantry, that she saw tl pw‘soner escape out of the window, and in earmed or wards the tion of pr Doorty ar the seve In courts of law, and in connection with the legal profession, there often occur seenes full of instructive interest, in which some betray great want of judgment,others show marked keenness of intellect, and not afew abound in views of humor or in sparks of wit. In such scenes pregnant with curious phenomena, we have frequent opâ€" portunity to view human nature from difâ€" ferent standâ€"points or under various phases and to gather ample materials for the furthâ€" Heart hath its depths, unfathomed, undivined, Bome thrilling love in deep recess enshrined. Soul hath its tendor foelings, anrerealed:; elucgs GLAD THOUGETS IX DARKNESS. Legal Facetiz. cumen is 7 t 3 & | times doth overflow, Jance of the world below H e system of juries to sal cases an institu« > in the interests of but it is not always t and principle toâ€" es, as may be shown y some strange power der, he said | knew who the "party" . was, and .on being} *#%*Y¢ Tannery, -mn"-slenlighteued exclaimed. "Dear me! Was uin i oos that really the Duake ofâ€"2Just think of his| â€"â€">â€"= W WL Lannon, 1€ / talking in that way to a couple of little cads 5 to Eg i4 ler, he said | like you and me!" PortJand, of explain. . The , by law, left zes of the quesâ€" He read over 11 tted a crim ocean waves F. W. Postes Lt t as met ling a| The railrord monopolies don‘t have it eposed ]nll their own way aifter all. A lady in ar the | Chicago sued the Central Pacific for $75 w the | damages for allowing a locomotive to seald ad imâ€" a‘lthe hair ofa valuable dog expressod at she | her from San Francisco. She obtained r presâ€" | judgemment and collected the money before spoons | the company found ont that it was a Japâ€" idenee | anese dog, and never had any hair. ation, : An Irishman once saw a clock which Manâ€" ! showed the Greenwich and Dublin time, lained | and he saw that the Dublin time was twenâ€" 16 inâ€"| ty minutes behind that of Greenwich, and port a | ho asked how that was, and it was explainâ€" 8, in« f od to him that Dublin being to the west of ; prisâ€" | the first meridian, must have its time later + jary | than that of Greenwich. "Then, by the sence, | powers!" said Pat, "there‘s another injusâ€" + him | tice to ould Ireland !" nerceive on the im t Lidden that _| _ Aesextâ€"artsoepness.â€"An Irishroan hayâ€" e : ing signed the pledge, was charged soon t ) afterward with drunkenness. "Twas me " | absent mindedness,"said Pat "an‘ a habit »‘r" I have of talkin‘ wid meselt. I said to meâ€" 8| self,sez I.**Pat,coom in an have a dhrink,‘ e | *No, sez I, ‘I have sworn off. ‘Thin I‘ll Â¥e II dhrink alone,‘ sez I to meself. ‘An‘ I‘ll * | wait for yez outside,‘ sez L â€" Aod whin meâ€" | self cum out, faith, an‘ he was dhrunk," “( A Geography recitation in Nevada must + | be intoresting. Just imagine a schoolboy 1| standing up and gravely rattiingff o the & ‘ following before a committee of the Board * | of Education: "Buttermilk Canyon is in "the Paradis6 Mourtains, northâ€"west from | Eden, about ten wmilos from Goughâ€"Eye,on | the road leading from Limburger to Whoop ‘|‘Emâ€"Up, by way Boll Town, Lay‘Emâ€"Out and Hungry, and just over the mountaing | frorm Bungâ€"Eye and Knockâ€"‘Emâ€"Stiff." A Doctor telis with pardonable pride how, being called in at the debut of his ‘career to & consultation with an imminent prince of science, he bad insisted, despite the opinion of his famons ‘%enior, that the | patient had an incuralle affection of the f heart. "And what were my delight and & pride," he says, beamingly, on learning | 1 three days later that my pationt had gone || olyneiulyulluddoeh'nah, would." | There is a story that the Duke of Argyle and the Duke of Sutherland were once travelling together by railwaywhen‘a cofaâ€" mercial traveller entered the carriage. The newcomer took his share in MWI sation, till one of the peers got out at an intermediate station. _ ‘The _ commercial traveller then asked hi# companion if he de 0 Rxstuecrrattox.â€"At aninquest in a cerâ€" tain vart of the north of England on a man who had been drowned the policeman givâ€" ing his evidence was asked by the coroner if means had been tiken to resuscitate the body. "Oh, yes, sir, we searched his pockâ€" A Frenchman who attended a fox bunt was asked where the meet cameoff. He bad been thrown; so he replied that it came off his hands and knees each day, and the four thousand a y Man with a friend. "I admit have no hair; but my own, anyway A Frenchman was asked where Not a few appear resolved to give as litâ€" t!e evidence as they can, and when taken to task for their reticence or evasion, they return a provoking answer. "Pray, sir," said ajadge angrily, to blunt old Quaker, from whom no direct answer conld be obtained, ‘Do you know what we sit here for?" "Yes, verily I do, said the Quaker. "Three of you tor four dollars each day, and the fat one in the middle for four thousand a year." 0. S tributing his death to bad treatment. Durâ€" ing the course of the trial a witness (Brown) was called to the stand as to how Mr. S. treated horses, Lawyer, with a bland and confidenceâ€"invoking smile, "Well, sir, how does Mt. Smith generally ride a horse ?" Witness, with a very merry twinkle in his eye,otherwise imperturbable, "Astraddle, I believe, sir?" Lawyer, with scarcely a perceptible finsh of vexation on his cheek, but still speaking in his blandest tones, "But, sir, what gait does he ride?" "He never rides any gate, sir. His loys ride all the gates." Lawyer, his bland smile all gone, and his voiceslightly husky," "But how does he ride when in company with others ?" Wituess, ‘"Keeps up, it his hom} is able ; if not, he goes behind." Lawyer, trinmmphantly and in & perfsct fury, "How does he ride when he is slone *" Witness, "Don‘t know, never was with bhim when he was alone." "Lawyer, I havo done following dialogue, which _ occurred many years ago between a lawyer and a witness in a justice‘s court, is worth reâ€" lating :â€"It scems. Mr. Jones loaned Mr. Smith a horse, which died while in his(Mr. Sinith‘s) possession. Mr. Jones brought suit to recover the value of the horse, atâ€" 2.â€"THe Wirsxess.â€"Witnesses widely differ from each other as to their capacity to bear testimony for or against the thing in dispute. One is so stupid that he is inâ€" capable of giving an intelligent answer on the point at issue; one is clearâ€"headed,and answers every question with accuracy. One harassed by a series of questions, gets conâ€" fused, and contradiets himself; . another keeps perfectly calm under the fire ot interâ€" rogations, and outwits the lawyer. The The vagaries of juries are often the outâ€" come of prepos:»»sion, partiality, and local infuence;but they oftener proceed trom nonâ€" intelligence. "Have you read anything about this case in the pazers?" asked a lawyer of a juror, in an exciting eriminel ease. *"No, sir, not a word." "Not a word and the papers have been fall of it?" *No, sir, I don‘t read the papers, nor anything else ; for I can‘t read at all." The juror was declared competent and was duly sworn. he thought the men warn‘t guilty, and the other cld man from Imunon said he thought they were, and it wasn‘t likely we was going against.our Recorder, aud we wern‘t going to s6¢ Him bulled Heithe?, so we gave him the verdict." â€" It is hardly rccessary to add lhat the learned counsel for the prisoners, beiug Recorder for Portsâ€" month, had "packed" a jury of Portsmonth with a wig gibes a Lbaldâ€"headed "I admit," says the other, "that I hair; but the hair I haven‘t got is 0; 80 ‘Dal mome will be disappointed. He emâ€" 1o: special sell his &u,dmdm 'o,n Thoix n“"’.fl"’?m for his. ess, Su n“ or Quality: no cbe.{mm is the basis orhis t eompetition ut old prices ‘for cug, although the raw material has -R-aeod trom 10 25 per cent). Customers in want of anything in hifs line will please call earâ€" ly, so that nome will be disappointed. He em. FIRST CLASS ARTICLE Having received his Fall stock of Goods is now in a position to offer & â€"J. C. JOPP, ROCKVILLE, l\IANUFACTUBER and Dealer in Boots, Shoes, and Leather. Sewed Work Dye Stuffs and Perfumery, Stationery, &c., &c. PATENT â€"MEDICINES of all kinds constantly in Stock. DEALER IN Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Lower Town DRUG STORE. CLOTHIN G ! Ladies‘ Corsets, good quality, 35¢., 45¢., and 50c. Very nice Parasols for 50 cents worth $1. Felt Hats from 50c. up. Good Table Linen for 25cts per yard. Muslins and Grenadines for 10cts per yard. Tweeds from 45 cts up. Very Superior Prints still selling at 8¢ pery‘d. Wonderful Dress Goods at 106 cts. per yard. Towels at 5 cents. And a lot of Look here, More Bargains One door South of PARKER‘S DRUG STORE, Upper Town, Durham Farmers, Builders, Blacksmiths, Painters, Carriage Makers, Cabinet Makers, and the General Public will find prices and goods to their satisfaetion, G. C. McFARLANE, _: CELEMILST & DERETCGGISTH, have Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Carriage Trimmings, Glass, Cutlory, Silver Plated Goods, Mouldings, Bankrupt Sale of Hardware IN DURHAM. GROCERIES Cheap for Cash. Durham, July 24th, 1880, Purham, July 27th, Nrs. FREFMAYS WORY POWDFR is a safe, sure and cfectual destroyer of worm in children or adu‘its. | Price 2% cents, or 5 for 81.00. Mre. PREFENMAN® NFW DOMEST DYFS are perfect in every color. For brightness and durability they have n@equal. Price 15 cents per package. / . _ Harvest Tools, Harvest Mitts, &c., &c., A1 Prices never heard of before in Durham. bought the large stock of Hardware belonging to the estate of JAMES BLAIR & CO, is now offering to the Public the whole Stock, consisting of REMEMBER THE STAND, At such prices as will astonish everybody. At J. H. HUNTER‘S. FOR HIDES,. . J., HALL, of Walkerton, a Specialty, Dress and Mantle Making. M ISS MARY BANKS wishes to inform Tha Li Mas a# Mrasik 222 o es ud nnil FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Carriages, Buggies, Demoâ€" crat Wagons, etc., Of GOOD MATERIAL, GOOD FINISH, and ROBERT MceFARLANE DURHANLE Carriage Works. . Proprietor. ~* Has Now on Hand a Good Stock LOWEST PRICES. subscriber is also Agent tor allkinds Call and Inspect: My Stock F. J. HALL. R. McFARLANE. t127 Dominion Organ & Piano Company Correspondence Solicited. Send for We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker The Largest and Most ORGANS AND PIANOS. Feb. 12th, 188000 Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. We will not be undersold and are sellimg HATS, The Latest Novelties in Parasgols. MILLINERY, Manfles and Fancy Dry Goods STOVES, Stoves, STOVES! Who are anxious to have their Dwelling Houses, Barns and Contents Insored agzinst loss by Fire, can do so at a low rate, and in a reliable Company who pay losses promptly. Wall Paper and Window Blinds. Always noted for Goodâ€"Flavored TEAS from 35 cents up. Lovely China Fichues, New Style of Embroidered Collars, Gretchen Bows, Muslin and Silk Scarfs, Cheniile, Ruchings, Motto Pocket Handkerâ€" chiefs, Damask do., Hair Ornaments, Back Combs, Ladies‘ Neck Chains, Lace Gloves, Coloured Lace Mitts, &c. Frillings from 5 cents per yard up. GENTS‘ REGATTA SHIRTS. Fancy Goods at John Cameron‘s. Durham, Sept. 18, 1879. Cash for Hides and Skins. Truck taken as Cash. COOKING PARLOR BO from $20 up. from $5 up. from ~_All Sizes and all Prices. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, ... ... ... 1876. do do SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, ... is77. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TOROXTO, 1878. HIGHEST Award at INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, Toronto, 1879, MEDAL TTA RMER®S AND OTHER®s BONNETS, Men‘s Folt HATSâ€"â€"New, Stylish and Cheap. Factory in the Dominion, â€"â€"â€" 140 x 100 â€"â€"â€" Durkam, 18th Jnly, 1890. Another lot of Boots and Shoes, comprising, Meu‘s Women‘s and Children‘s Goods. No trash, but a good article, which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH C. L. GRANT E. & A. DAVIDSON, Special notice of the Ladies is called to his Stock of Goods, viz : FEATHERS, FLOWERS, Are Showing the Largest and Best Assorted Stock of Boots and Shoes. Mailed Free. Addressâ€" Ever offered in DURHAM, consisting ofâ€" JUST TO HAND, Best in the Market. DONI[TNTO NX SILKS, Also a Choice Selection of SATIXN®S, Applyto JOHN CAMERON, Bowmanville, Ont. Agent Western Insurance €o., Durham RIBBOXS, LACES, Illustrated Catalogueâ€" HARRIS & Co. J. CAMERON. &c FRILLINGS, TIES, Complete in the World. BOX from $3 up. €COLLARS, CUFFS, yâ€"105 outh, Depart 6:55 a. m., 245 p. m. i5 al€ Arrive 155 p, m., 7:8’p.n‘ TRESWATRER Depart 6:00a. m., 1145 a. m.* Arrive 1040 a. m., 4:30 p. m., *The Mixed train will only run on Tuesday, Thur days and Saturdays. &e Toropto Fovember, 1870 month, > Walkertonâ€"The last Wednesday in cach _ month. Mildmay â€" Last Wednesday of each month. * June, August, Octover and December. Primroseâ€"Wednesday preceding . the Orangeville Fair. OMnnlf:â€" The 2nd Thursday in each month. * e Flesheriounâ€"Monday before Orangoville. Dundalkâ€"Tuesday Eefore Orangeville. Sbelburoeâ€"Wednesda'y before Orangevilie. Marsvilleâ€"Second Wednesday in each month, : Gudphâ€"l"iut Wednesday in cach mouth Harristonâ€"Friday before the Guelph Fai Draytonâ€"Saturday before Guelph. Eloraâ€"The day before Gueiph. Douglasâ€"Monday before Elora Vair. Hamiltonâ€"Cyrstal Palace Grounds, th day after Guelph. Berlinâ€"First Thursday in each month Brampfénâ€"First Thursday in eachmonth Listowelâ€"First Friday in each month. Fergusâ€"Thursday following Mount Forest Bou:nontâ€"l"ifteenv.l. of February, April i MECHANICS INSTITUTE. | _ Town Hallâ€"open every Friday evening Yo‘clock. Shares $1, annual l’-'o 1. A | Robertson . Librarian . On Sunday Servicesâ€"preaching at 11 8. m.; Sabba ’ School at 230 p.ra.: l’n&uu? p.in. We evening Servicesâ€"Monday omx young peopl wayer meeting at8p. m.; Wednesiny ovenit Iblh\e class at zp. 10. ThnrsAay everiog, resil | pruyer meeting at 8pan. T‘astor, MReÂ¥. Xs. Dun. Pricevilleâ€"Monday before Durham. _ Hanoverâ€"Monday before Durham. Mount Forestâ€"Third Wednesday in cach noght of meeting, Thursday on c moo’i:nhmouhmon . T. Carson,See Durhamâ€"Third Tuesday in each m Babbath Schoo! at @0 p. in. . P‘rayet meeiing 9s +7? f:}""v‘t!'«]l) «vening at * oclock. Pastor Rev. :’ Night of meeting every Monday gt_ae_‘_&‘id Pej.lov':'nfl.u.u‘ Visiting b Kenz Thomas Lauder, Bnmr. John A. Munro putyâ€"Registrar, Ofice from 10 a. im. to 4 CHANGE OF TIME OLONTO, GREY, AXD BRUCE NIQ, GREY, axp Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of Wild Strawberry cures sammer complaints, diâ€" arrhcea, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholers infontum, sour stomach, colic, n*r=ea, vomit ing, canker, piles, leucorshces, and all may~«> Church V DURHAM DIRECTORY sion of Madoc, saw four large lyures, of which they shot two. A few days ago the miners employed it the iron mine o lot 17, in the 9th contes of fluxes.â€"bM131 TT e e Tan) 101 MBE 10r0000Kicy " l.d. into genergl nse for form PUrposes, and M’d such an inferior Order as '.' prejudieo farmers agoinst them as Nbfit to compete with horses in work upon the roag or farm. Consequently there were no jacks but Washington became eonvinced that the introduction of mnles generally Among Southern planters would prove to them q grent blessing, as they are less likble to deseases and longer lived, and work Upap shorter feed, and are much less linble t, be injured than horses by careless servants. As soon as it became known mbroag that the illustrious Washington desired to stock his Mount Vernon estate with mules, the King of Spain sent himljlcklu:ltvo,‘.,_ nets from the royal stables, Lafryette sent another jack and jenny from the Island of Malta. The first was agrey color,16 hands high, and of singgish nature. H. whas named the Royal Gift. The other was called the Knight of Malia; he was about as high, lithe and ficry, even to terncity, The two sets of animals gave him the mos! favorable opportunity of making improv.. ments by cross breeding.the resn‘t of whicy was the favorite jack, Compoand, becrmsy he partook of the hest points in hoth origin. als. The general bred his brand mares to these jacks,even taking those from his fam. fly coach forthat purpose, and produced such superb mule# that the country was all agoz to breed some of the same sort, and they soon became quite common, This was the origin of improved mules in the United States.and though over seventy years ago there are now @ome of the third and fourth generations of Knisht of Maltsa and Royal Gift to be found in Virginia,and the great benefits arising from their introâ€" duction into the country are to be seen npâ€" Am every enltivated acre in the Southerz States.â€"Arerican Paper and after MONDAY, 5th May, 1879 $ will in as follows:â€" TORONTO(UNION STATION. t, 7:30 a. m., 1220 p. m., 500 p. m DURHAM LODGE No. 306 OF A ©wEN soUND. Depart 6:30 a.m., 12:00 noon Arrive 4:00 p.m., 10:10 p.m. Few of the farmers of this aware what a depth of gratit Gerrge Washington for the i: mules into general nee for for How Mule inte Fac S t‘::!-ne inte Fagh, MONTHLY CATTLE ath & STEPHEN LODGE No. 160 L O.0.7 e hours from 6 «. m e, Postmaster. DUREHAM L.O.L. No.G 8.G. REGISTRY OFFi "flall, Visiting brethren w 2P S3 S Offetmg brethren w THIN at PosT OFFICE stationssee Time Tableg DIST Snbbath a% 17 s H HURCH CHULCHK of this conntry P gTatitude they at 7:30 o‘clock. in and G: Thuks Alox the con qOV, TH EXD, Durhom. k.) Yard Hotel, having common the abovelin would respoctiuiiy s the patronage of the public . The v-':‘y b:&tfin:uhl -“‘t :mg... anvOn the county, has H:"-':nu The principal cities of Canea United Statos . s Pormer~ M»ster Shoomaker in Hor Maj Hundredth iegiment . For Suminer Trade, Fine Sowed Wel W. CALDWTE 1600 Bush. Fresh Lime. Darham P.O., May 25th, 1880 J their past favore and soliciting their f utu bz to say that be is now fully propmred cute any orders thas .28~ be entrasted to hi neatness and puncpuality , and wt praes the est in the village. Cutting Specially Attended Dundalk. Nov.19th 1879. Lumber, Lumber, ‘ Shingles, Shingle Lath & Li He is propared to fill all ordors entrugted h the shortest notice and in a first cluss THE subscriber wishe Farmers, and the Put having had the mbove Mills best imachiner EDGE MILLS, DUR T 3 enbscril» shes to in [‘"l'!nr’::x‘--r:?'alm:ru‘:l I".n,'.t <..':,' Gristing & Merchant 4 k« his New and Commod South of Mr. Jaumes Brown‘s 8t constantly keep on hand a sup; wto. Tea and Surprise Partic #hortest notice and mt very i made to order. He would #iso nity of thanking the inhabitant oumud:fn:uunu_\,lw the q on him d the past two wno as usual will supply broad daily Town Durham, May 13, 1880. Bouth End Bakory, Du TRIZS NCPA I ton Boots, only $6.00. Lnced Bal Continnos F9 Faa F McFAYDEN & RC BA’BR[STEI:S. Solicit« #&e. Oflice, one door on#t Jauk Unionst.,Owen Sound (3 Will be at Must Auy and Pridey Durham. Feb 12. 1880 NZ Poronto, and I versity, Montroal. & Owen Sound; have resumed ©pen every ThursAuy as he ALFRED rrosr. Cotuty Crown Attorne June 24th 1830 W. CHITTIC I‘Alllus’”fl(fl @1 Aâ€"2 Bolicitors in Chan W ! MAIN STREZET, DUNDA N thanking his numerons cust »m Ordinary motices of 1 fleaths, and all kind: of 1 free of charge. Advertisement by written instr mserted wiitil (o tlar rites, _ STRAY ANJMALS, « weeks for $1, the adveor heed 8 lines. otessional aad busines space and under, per : T wo inches or 24 lines A o# Three inches do, per year Qaarter column, per year #nll coltimn, ** ne coliluiin, *# Oo. six month®. . Oo. %ik month®.,. . ..+.> Do, three months . . . . . . Casaal advertisements charged lch for the first insertion, and 2 c or eath subsequent insertion â€" ameasure. Dundalk, Mos T THE ROCKVILLE MILLS Atthe OMBee, Gatafraka Street, __MISCELLANEOU: ALEXANDER RROV BUSINESS DIRECT Boot and Shoemaker * PWMCEVILI SSUER of Marriacs ife]nsurance A ge=‘ Oe TSver‘sy Thur DR. K1 * RADUATE of alarge quuntity of JOISTS. Lot 41 ‘\'. G. R. Bentmck. Money to Loan Durbham, â€" â€" ower Towl CHOPPENG oa: McFaypaN Frost & Frosi, ARRISTERS snd Attorney‘s s, Sewed, only *5. . Lo Bowed, onl‘y ‘460 Th Frene) Stock used TERMS C N6 3 A C060 %, M3 A TTORNEY at Law, Solicit E.D. MACMILLAX TTORNXEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, & THE REVTI cery, Comm opposite Parker‘s Drug # PALMER. 1 Merchant Tailor, RAT ow and Commodious Bu; James Brown‘s Stome, whs ep on hand a supply of Br I Surprise Partics suppli ce and mt wery low pric .. Me would #lso take thi hu'.lu-(u'h-Nhnu of Du country, for the pwtror ; the past two and a :..‘fl" upply broad daily at any j DR MEDIC A L. D DI hrea J. W. CRAWPO 1 .00 is rvsursurp arg ZENUS CLA Keept ns t« W1 1 mt 3 The ards* 0 db Mn artel n W N intim ti usin 181

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