West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 23 Sep 1880, p. 3

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attle to You se TsS nuuerois 1N himan at the ord, was killâ€" in d o t coupiung Cars d before he er his body, taken home â€" summened, he expired, the accrdent id four cliidâ€" 180 Incl 0t ~~ womin and re dead. The W er cannot be able â€" interes good feeling i and 10th Lunerston usiozates was y huve beem being necesâ€" nsequence of ary of the A«â€" 3 cuuaty ention of the r the County «1 UR & lette ve nol ye% ‘de ut m ©@ Wwith course beef z. vitl Gulloways x and butcher, Youg *# onorthorns iller, & respected tme to tam al, Witie Â¥ shors at e ‘Cen appoing. est breeds of this is meang t oano tumes dead meuy e is curricd 1 look wife of it the neuth lits were & SUrp m hw * from Nr, t, buteher, is opinio® » from C€q. ty p of use ut breed. d besk for athorm af ud soth for i ve 1% Ti the o wilogis sorn of cither tlat is th [d nu by L I.M fceder well fetes Witde Wid dank CCim wia #ual the 4 vi wd *Castorine" Machine outwegr seal or lard on oi Frescott, Ont‘, has becomo the recipient of $1,000,000. The amount was bequeathâ€" ed to hiin by his father, who was a wholeâ€" sale bookseller and stationer in Loadon,and who died some vears ago. . Jones, it scems, ran away from home when he was young, and his whereabnuts have been for some time auknown to his friends. He has been emploved at Peadieton quite, however, unâ€" known to his relatives. His father‘s solâ€" jcitors advertised for him, and his attenâ€" tion was called to the adveitisement by a hiend. Canada has thirty paper mills, fifteen of which are in Ontario, fourteon in Quebec, and one is in New Brunswick. They are palle of producing fifty two tons every wou!ly four hours, and make, principally, wrapping, manilla, news, and book papers. Ume manufactures strawboard, and two leather board. Only one, Messrs. Buantin & Co., at Montreal, has tried writings, and that to a small extont. American compeâ€" tition is top active for that. A young man named Joues, in humble cweuinstances, living at Pendleton, county a€ Proscots. Ont linc nomerinm HEW ssabntiheg held An Incian named Stiversmith was found about two o‘clock yesterday morning, near Onondaga, in the Brant reserve, with his throat eut and evidences of a deadly strngâ€" gle sll around his body. Another Indian, who wus seen in bis eompany on Sunday night, has been arrested an inquest is being sal appointe dence of rived in Yille met Itis learned that Fredric M. A., of Beloil College, Oxf appointed elasâ€"ieal tator and and i Inanse oo ons nmmnanindrcctraeae < m Hptmem mE under ¢ Te William miscreauts were Duke‘s intended are visiting the 1: Lue 7 unes says it is sitggosted that the atiempt to Liow upthe Nortlrwestern Rail Wuy is connected with a Nilntist plot to deâ€" stroy the train on which the Grand Duke Constuntine was travelling. If so, the ck, with the prow 8 We Th eut «nu ohereo the pouce a sovereign to be reâ€" leased, saying that the sacks conteined roâ€" volvers to be shipped to Spain, and that he and his companions were entirely innocent of any intention to commit any erme what ever. Not satisfied with this explanation, the police detained the men and opened the sacks, which were found to contain six ewt. of gunpowder which was packed in Durglars are An attempt was made b An CX the spokesman for the party. as Fernandez, and said ho w posit in. . lhe men scew»d anxions to escapse ob* ':::; servation, and procecdot¢ fartively from of x sitke point to point, keeping as mauch as possible lady. ~P within the shadow of buildings ¢r vessels. i mained 1 Apprehendiug some illegal proceeding, the ' on $2,00 police made a lescent upon girl frrested | ing bis w the men. They st first itterapted to 65â€" | tawen aw caps, lut ssemg themsolves overpowered, | ing tura surreudered to the offcers, On examinâ€" | the depo ation, one 6f the men, who anveared to be | her two ¢oin The police who were on duty Tnesday night zt Birkenberd, tivar the Woodride ferry, which conmects Birkenhoad with Livâ€" erpool, had their attention attracted to the suspicious movements of three men who were carryiog saeks towards the magnifiâ€" cent doeks surroundifig the Woodsils Lzsâ€" in. The mon scem»d auxions to eseaps ob servation, and procecdot¢ fartively from poiut to point, keeping as mauch as possible j within the shadow of buildings ¢r vessels. Apprehendiug soame illegal proceeding, thef police made a lescent upon girl frrested | T Cunpowder plots in England. e from J CANADIAN ITEMS tl i nuanimons call tt auada tn expl it, Coan m 4 rct im Manit H man con s« part of cert ~ train. ‘The aus far followe evening of it pr 4 Silversmith movend na uiversity. Hoe has m d is on his way to 6 uinware « Oil i+ warranted to aud is Culurely tree n &A cartri int Forest] a PFriday d n, who a $800 a vear ard month. â€" There steers for feed. it P at it lon» secme tion of mar 13th i vas §134 duty pa ive 1 tre ared to be \W m 1880 b Qurey In Monunt Forest, on the lith inst., My. : â€"_l.siuder Q 1inn, agod 39 years und 5 mouths, Beouryâ€"In Proton. on Sapt, 'Dvxx.npâ€"vrnn:t-â€"Bfi the Rev, G.L. Wittet, at the rosidence of the bride‘s father, Fitzroy Harbor, Ont., Sept. 8th the Rev.J. C. Dunlon, of Dur. l}x;un, to Agues, eldest daughter~of Wu. Froel, 18q. Puss cunâ€"TunvEeyâ€"On the 18th inst., at the resiâ€" donee of tho officiating clergyman, Rey E, Bosâ€" worth, Mount Forest, Mr. Sammel Plester, to Miss Minnic Turvey, both of Egremont, Hagruxaxâ€"Dopncâ€"At the residence of bride‘s fither. near Orchardville, by the Rev. D. P. Niven, Mr. Albert A. Hagerman, of the town of Oshaws, to Miss Agnes Nichol, duughter of Mr. Jaumes Dodds, miller, Egremont. ‘ Davtaâ€"WarT â€"In Mt, Forost, Soept. 15, by the Rov. J. Macmillan, Mir. G. L. Davis, manager of Halâ€" sted & Co.‘s bank,Durham, to Miss Cora,daughâ€" tor of Jumes Watt Eu{.. of Monnt rorest. PusstE®â€"â€"Tuayzy.â€"On the 15th inst.. at the resiâ€" Dexctorâ€"Prextâ€"By the R Ontario, which met at Seugeer® on the 4th inst., closed on the Oth. ‘There wero 59 delegates presout. ' The worst General in the battle field of Itfe is general debility, which the vital forces of« ton fail to conquer. Burdock Blood Bitâ€" tors are ever vietorious against all attacks of chronic disease, they regulate the bowels, act upon the kidneysliver, aud ail the secretions, tone up the debilitated system, strengthen the nerves, purify the blood and restore lost vitality. One dollar per bottle. All dealers country. During the first six months of the year the outflow by way of Hamburg, Breman, Antwerp, and Stcttin has comâ€" prised 50,422 persons, against 16,099 durâ€" ing the same period of last year, 18,814 in 1878, and 12, 021 in 1877. ‘The cause of the exodus :s doubtless the improved conâ€" dition of American industry and the desire to eseape the dseaded consecription. bowel complaints, _ Wild Strawlerry is a specific for sea sickness, nansea, vomiting coâ€" lic, clmwlera morbas, diarrhoea and dysentery. Contains n > opiates, is pleasart to the taste, and certain in its eftects. 374 cents a bottle, Ask your drugaist for it. â€"b1353 priric & ( tA Rare Cifincs.â€"Any ons havinga good ! horâ€"e, spring wagon, single or double set of | harness to exchange in whole, or paist, for a I new fiestâ€"class Cabmet Organ or Piano, or a { second hand Organ, should send their address |at onee to J, J, W. Simpson, Owen Sound.â€" crHu®rsonâ€"At Bracside, Owen Sound, on the 10th inst.. Evan Porey McGill, only son ‘of Henâ€" ry Ma~sherson, Judge of the County Court of the Conaty of Grey. ‘LEYâ€"In Proton. on Sapt.4th, Flizabet wife of Mr. John Begioy, aged 60 year«. den o of the ?m~istâ€"inim-l;ht:jw 'fi-l;t:: vorth, Mount Forest. Mr. Samuel Plester, to Minnic T:urvey, als of Eqremont. marufacturers. â€"â€"m1l2d. j Slicht earthquakes are felt at intervals at Maunilia, but business is being resumed. The destruction of property in the city is estimaâ€" ted at $6,000,000. Durbam, ftor genuine *‘Castorimne" Machine oil.â€"1m129. Advices from South Aferiea seem toinâ€" dicate that prepatations are being made for the renewal of the war. (G. C. MeFarlane, Lower Town, and J. H. Hunter, Upper Town, Durham, keep the genutue "Castorme" Machise Oil. â€"m129. "Castorine is a registered trade brand, and any persons selling other orls under this name will be prosecuted. ‘Toronto Oil Co., sole marufacturers.â€"â€"mI29. *sâ€"In Egromont, on the 9th Daniel Isles of a sup, The No truth Oun | atrested on a charge of larceny, lur carrying ‘ of a satchel of clothing belonging to the young lady. He was placed in gaol, where he reâ€" | mained till Saturday, when he was released | on $2,000 bail. He has had no thance of seeâ€" ; ing bis wife since their ma: riage, as she was | taxen away to hor relatives. Aniother startlâ€" ing tura of the affair occurred this morning at the depot here. Miss Chase, accompanied by | her two brothers and her brotherâ€"inâ€"law. the Rev. G. Higgins, were aboard . the 7 o‘clock \train for Peoria, where the Hon. Horace Chase one of her brothers, resides. â€" Miss Chase had scarcely seated herself in the c&r when, to the surprise of all, her colored lover and husband put in an appearance and insisted on seeing his wife. An altercation at once took place between him and the young lady‘s relatives, during which blows were exchanged and Horâ€" ace Chase drew a revolver and fired at the reâ€" treating negro. â€" The ball missed its mark and struck Mr. Geo. Crocker, a well known merâ€" chant, in the shoulder. MHis wound is not serious. | This bronghtâ€"together a crowd, aud | a regular rough and tumble fight took place |, upon the platforin, in which Mono, the Chase brothers, and policemes were participants, Monro eseaped usharmed, and Horace Chase | was taken before the police cuurt, and gave| ; ves, purify the blood and restore lost ._ _ One dollar per bottle. All deaters cine can supply you. â€"T. MILBURN lorouto, General Ageuts,â€"b135 teamboat inspectors in the case of irraganselt disaster" have revoked use oef Young, the captuin of the r, and fined the Providence and [hursday ten miners were lot fall t in a Nevada mine by the breaking ble. Nize ware killed and one badly Indian Woal it A Family Free Fight â€"*‘The blood is the life. *. * * vos shall be for th6 bealing of the Burdock Blood Bitters is etabie, and make® purs blood, renâ€" igorates, and restore: the system varislied by discase. One bottle, insl coct of one dolisr, will conâ€" iost seeptioul of the truth of these ued emigration from Germany, > the United States, is causing of uncasiness in the former b135 MARRIED. DEATHS BIRTHS of magihines use *‘Castorine‘ ‘or sale by G. C. McFarlane ig Store, and J. H. Hunter‘ nreware Sfore, Durham.â€" imcil of the Frovince of t at Seugeer®‘ on the 4th c Oth. There wero 50 t Machine manufacturers ie best oil in the market. tha inst., the wife of «on is at hand, i bottle of Drp. d Strawber cts of change of tiul sources of Â¥ râ€"> » n 0. WWggmemgm n S« > riptural de MiON of NOTICE is hercby given thit a call of the romaining Stock of the said Company is ‘ paynble Thirty days alter the date of this notice, to Ronrmt Cocmnaxs, Treasurer, at Varney. By order of the ;‘Coud al‘lerfidm vou, ROBERT W\‘}lfl". m . Varney Cheese moe tar ce tz‘ tiinP ar n Bbnihr ies ces Bhiscoca sc id ard description, the full particulars of their claims, a stetement of their amounts anrd the nature of the secureties (if »nv) held by them, or in defiult thereof they will be excladed from any cluim against the said estate. And all partios indebted to the said Estate are herebr notified to pay the same to the executors on or before the 23rd of November next. Dated at Priceville this 23rd day of September, A.D. 1990. TUESDAY, 23rd NOV., A.D. 1880, Th:ir ;'hri_.‘.tllgn names nnd surnames, addrosses 10. NCOR 720 CZed on or about the 5th d‘A‘y of J A.D.1880, are hereby notified to send, if by E prepaid, to the Executors of the last will and n.mlen!t of the suid Donald Murchison, deceased, or before \LL persons holding claims against the LA Estate of DONALD MURCHISON, late of the Township of Glenglg, in the County of Grey, }’elmur.n, who died on or nbout the 5th day of July, \\ MALE TEACHER holding a second k or third Cortificate wanted for $.8. No. 4, in the Township of Glenelg in the vVounty of Grey, Ont. ior the year 1881 i‘or information, stating s«larv, apply to John Black, Lot 9, Con. 10, Glenâ€" elg. Wraverston P. 0., or t.: T’Pog. Townsend, Glasâ€" A. tion No. 8, Township of Nomanby, with eithâ€" er w Second or Third Class Certificate, Duties to commence 1st of January, 1881. A&{-Huntitm to be mude personally to any ‘of the undersigned on or before Smturday, October 16th, 1880, at 1 o‘clock 1 A. 8. No. 5, Glenelg Township, Connty of Groy, holcing a third class certificate, Dutics to comâ€" merce on 1st January, 1981. Apfilicnfioh to be made h{ Tender during the month of October, to the undersigned. The lowest, or uny tender not necessarily gecopted. TNEACHER WANTED tor School Seeâ€" h136 * tuob dairy,... Eggas, per doz...... Potatoes, per bag Turnips, per bush Hay, nor bormsses Fall Whert, per bush gpring Wheat + Barley, 6 Onts, 6# Peas, No wefeee Dressed Hogs, pe# 100 ibs Butter, rolls, per lb......... [Fail WWRORE ssiv.iv.2:cv00 TEPIREE : *( avsnepenservient OE : : ue e+ rriner in en vesibuin ie PBR ... +e/reversrerereresirrs Burley, #€ Wool por TD..sse/fscrcacesss. Flour per Ild..cccrssstancees Cabbage per doz............ Tarkeys per tb. av...... .4. Geese 85 odritverutises Onions per pushel ... Cord wood, dry per cord Butter per D .. l.vzareknes. Eggs peF dof....caclill.... G1 No manby, Sept.-‘-zii."llg;)fi. (@lenely, Sopt. 9rd, 1880, Wool per lb.. Sheep skins... Lamb Skins... Hides per ewt FBGY ssrsevssse+ss Confederate Office, Sept, 21, 1880. Flour per barrel...............$6 00 to$6 00 Oatmeal per barrel............ 4 50 to 5 00 Fall Whent....................... 0 85 to 0 90 Troadwell Wheat............... 0 85 to 0 90 Spring Wheat.................... 0 85 to 0 90 BAKIOY :..:::1:2ssssvsssesssus:11s«» O 40. to 0 65 OHES se rrerereratsrererreerrcercrrse O 28 &0 O 80 FOMG ... ie veriees iecsetviedisatec iss Y BW UE DL Potatoes per bag MAAESCL .. .. . c4.2e020 Shoepskins, each ...... Butter, per Ib ........... Lygs, per doz........... Wood, dry, per cord WoOl, PHF Wrisscccl.sss Apples, per bag........ Hi Sb Oats, $ Barley, bran, h Oatmeal _ * Fall Wheat, per Spring Wheat, cnels, Sept, 18, 1880. Flour No. 2,* Corn Meal * Shorts, $# TEACHER WANTED. Dumitax, Sept. 28, 1889. ?‘_}our,_}_)or 100 lbs............$2 50 to $2 50 North Grey Show takes place at Owen Sound on Tucsday, 5th October, Proton, Dundalkâ€"Wednesday, Oct. 6. _“E_h;lli'vm Show at Desboro, on Thursday, Oct. Mclamethon, at Shelburneâ€"September 30 and October 1. Holland at Chatsworthâ€"Friday, Oct. 1st. Sydenham Show at Aunan, on Friday, Oct, 1st, Western Fair, Loudonâ€"Oct. 4 to 8. 5 Egremunt Towuship, Holsteinâ€"Tuesday, Octo er o. & Tay, per ‘otatous, ‘ork, per |_siavures Own Remédy, for the ‘prompt, pertect, ahd speedy cure of cholera | morbas, colic, eramp», diarhga, dysentery, | and all bowel complaints in adults, and that | terrible scourge, tholera infantum in childrev, | which aunually destroys so many pets of the | household. _ Nature‘s cure for these devastaâ€" | ting maladies is that ever r,puhr medicine, | Dr. Fowler‘s Extract of Wild Strawberry, " pleasant to administer, safe to take, and, ever. | reliable. â€" Sold by all druggists and dealers at | 27} cents per bottle.â€"b135 J th Now Advertisements. Untario Provincial, at Hamiltonâ€"September 20 to Oct. 2. P South Grey Agrieulaitural Exbibition/ at Dur huraâ€"Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st. 7 FEMALE TEACHER wanted for S. Reports from Cliester, Malton, North Shields, Nottingham, Nuneaton, Penzance, Sheffield and Traro, represent heavy rain, gales and floods, which have zaused great damage to the eraps. Mature‘s Own Remédy, for the Manufacturing Co. Executors‘ Notice. Normanby, at Aytonâ€"Thursday, September 23. Bentinck, at Hanoverâ€"Sopt. 2th. East Grey Show at Flesherton, Sept. 26th and Central Exhibition, Guelphâ€"Soptember 21 and dNOTTPT ETE Teacher Wanted. MOUNT FOREST MARKETS. , per 100 lbs Teacher Wanted. W Fall Exhibitions, 1880. VALKERTON MARKETS. Sept. 17, 1980. ORKE cxzrvcssrrccsrerss U B7 to â€" OM M U evs spagesiensstcsc n o NY B7 40 : 1 ie t en tira ie ie ncieuls 25 to revirevsersesrssassre5s 50 to ‘ #€ ... 0 40 to 0 A Th: sineriscrresctusiees ~UTEG 20 Â¥ bll..cccisesirisc.e.., 600 to 6. pOF doBerserssvirerses 86 to l pOr 1J AÂ¥/sv41.,. ies 0 to ( CC Frtbsetseterenes 0 to ( er pushel/........ . 0 00 to 0 )d, dry per cord... 0 00 to 0 OP Th .eilclreructiivesd 16 to _ _ FUOKL. : redsthinecea se 09 to I DURHAM MARLKETS. JOHN MACRAE 4 JOHN McQUARjrE, } Executors Priceville P.O JOHN MACRAE LOM..... ier basg _ Glasgow per bushel..... cott P.0., Ont THOMAS GEDDES,) THOMAS BYERS, + Trustecs LUDWIG BRUSSO, ) THOMAS COOK, Secretary, Hayward‘s Falls P.0 weyere n er n en e® ceveerenrrnens evvererrerserres #€ a1+ afveavensdtes ues en 444446 s en 64 Moeccoceeereree i EHFYHAUEEErews UUECIecceccaerne® Aboimuoureeribnne rvnstrimbens P sfrrems": bush......«. R. Chadf... 13 to 28 to 00 to 90 00 to JOHN BLACK , Malton, North; A PPRENTICE WANTED to learn the 4 50 to 5 50 to 0 75 to 9 20 to 0 11 to 1 20 to 0 42 to 0 50 to 0 28 to 0 30 0 50 to 0 55 0 85 to 0 40 0 18 to 0 19 0 11 to 0 12 0 25 to 0 26 0 40 to 0 50 0 50 to 0 70 6 00 to 6 50 5 50 to 6 00 2 50 to 2 30 to 1 00 to 0 50 to 2 50 to 0 85 to 0 85 to 0 95 to 0 25 to 0 45 to 0 45 to 6 00 to 0 40 to 0 00 to 5 *c136 11 €136 , on 0 90 0 00 18 10 0 45 6 50 50 0 55 0 40 0 19 0 12 0 50 1 80 0 20 0 11 1 24 0 40 0 45 0 48 20 21 14 40 50 0 50 2 50 0 85 0 85 0 95 2 50 T Greditors and all othors intorested in the " .&uotmulMMMHel“..wJ 83 In the Goods and Chattels of RODERICK McLEAN, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that after the expiraâ€" tion of one month from the first publication of this notice at the requost of the wufw and one of the next of kin of the said doceased, I will apply to the Judge of the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey, for letters of administration to the nâ€" al estate and effects, rights and credits of Kob‘.. tck McLkas, late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, “eomn deceased, who on or about the Tenth day of An; u‘flh the year of our Lord One Thousand t Hundred ‘and zal'l:y-nm. at the said To of Glehelg, inâ€" And tike notice that if any person interested in the said Estate, as creditors or otherwise, desirous to have such letters of administration granted to him or knows of any just canse vh'y they should not be ted to me is to give notice therenf to lnfinlsq Clork of the said Court at Owen withit: the time montioned for the publication In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. _ Published by order of the Judge of the said Sur. promptly attended to. Pipo ferrulos, Silver and Motal, made to order, Ameritan Clocks from §2.00 nEwuds. American Elgin, Geneva and other Watches La dies‘ Chaing, Ladies‘ Scts; Collar Buttons, Cuff Buttons and Studs, Wedding and Engagement Rings, Baby Pine, Bilver Thimbles, Silvei Chains, Spectucles, &c. Clocks, Watches, and Jewellery. 1L00OKOUT ! : A. GORDON, Sign of the Big Watch up on the Hill, Durham, Sept. 2, 1880. . y79 Tenders to state amount ef Cash payment and number of years required for balunce, ana rate of «Interest, Dated at Durham this 6th Sept., A.D. 1880 I AM instructed to offer for sale the folâ€" lowing Lots in the Town of Durham on ensy terms of Buymcm, viz: 8,9, 10 and 11 on the East side cf Albert Street, and 8.9, 10 and 11 on the West side of Elgin Street. I am also authorizod to receive tenders for the purchase of lots 58 and 59 in the 2nd Con., E.G.R., in the Township of ()lon'cl'l. either together or $ K+ The Prices nrelow, and the goods such as to soâ€" FOR Ladies‘, Misses‘, Gentlemen‘s and Youth‘s wear, have %ust been openâ€" ed out by Boots & Shoes Repairing of all kinds ___ cure the patronage o{ all who call. Durham, Sept. 16, 1880. JAMES WILLEY, LOWER TOWN, DURHAM ASâ€" on hand a New and Complete Durham, Sept. 16, 1880. stock of Town Lots ‘tor Sale. For the VERY LARGE STOCK OP A. GORDON Priceville P. 0. per C. B.JACKES, C. B. JACKES, Lowor Town, Durham. T. DONAGEHY. ' E. & A. DAVIDSON‘S. Any quantity of Butter and Eggs Wanted. And all the Novelties in WOOL GOODS, Just Received at MANTLES, Mantle Cloths, We would extend a cordial invitation to all our neighbours to give us a share of their work, as we are satisfied that we are now in a position to make a Pomona Grist and Flouring Mills, GLENELG. Of all kinds, suitable for the Season, The right kind and at right prices, to which I respectfully solicit the attention of intending purchasers. BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS ! Sleigh Shoe Steel. Spring Stcel, Horse Nails, C General Blacksmiths‘ and Waggon Mal Special Inducenrents to Cash Buyers. Tubular Lanterns, Lantern Glasses and Burners; Broad Axes, Loggi;g Chains, all sizes; Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, very Cheap. Builders‘ Hardware, Bar Iron, {\ Lairge Assortment of Goods for the Fall Trade, Consisting of Axes, in great variety, splendid valiié ; Cross Cut Saws | In Lance, Champion, Diamond and Hanlan, Very Cheap. _ CATTLE TIES, withots doult the Chenpest lot ever offerel LOWER TOWN, Scoop Shovels, Manure Forks, Cheap Quality of Work Second to none in the County. HARDWARE, Hardware. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap. Another Large Stock of Boots and Shoes Just Arrived, Selling as cheap as before. Dou‘t fail to see them before all are sold, as we mean business Glenelg, August, 1881. Over Coats & Readyâ€"Made Clothing Shawls and Clouds, at all prices LADIES‘ MANTLES that cannot be equalled for price and quality, _ Newest Patterns of Iweeds for Fall and Winter Wear, The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Goods ever offered to the Public Large Piles of Dress Goods, Winceys and Shirtings, Call and See the Large Stock |_ Burkam, Sept. 2id, 1880. CHOPPING Done every Day in the Week until further notice. Grocéries New and Cheap. J. WOCDLAND, Jr. Lower Town, Darham, Kept. 28, 1880. Fuesday, Wednesday, 6 Sept. 23rd, 1880, Mills have this Summer received an extensive addition of the Latest lm‘i)rovemeuu in Mill Machinery, and the old work has also been completely an GRAND OPENING! have just Opened Out an Immense Stock Of Just Received at MOWATS Thoroughly Overhauled and Renovated. Cheaper than ever. Men‘s Felt Hats, Shirts and Collars, at all prices, "Keep your Feet Dry." A BIG SHOW. 16, 1880. FANCY WOOL GOODS, At E. & A. DAVIDSONS‘S. BOOTS, Meunt G. & A. MOORHOUSE. J. H. HUNTER. JOS. F. MOWAT, AND Lowoer Town, DURHAM. RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO , Cutter Trimmings, and [akers‘ Supplies. NP e em130 Remomicasic !j~~â€"e short diste t ie P oA Mljoy 4 /. 0% A FIRATâ€"CLASS AHEAKSE TO HTNKYF BUILDER, Durham, keeps on hand a largestock of Bush, Doork und nll kinas of Building materials,wlso & stuck of Mouldimge in Walnut, Rosewood, and Gilt. Plans specifientic) s and Bills of Lumber made out on short notice, A fullstock of Coftine, Caskets, Shrouds and Trim . minesalwavson hand Small PicturesCopied and Enlarged to any size and p“""""l,“i Oil, India luk, or Wate Uulor. to order in any style moulding. Mettecs & Motio Frames always on hand. I_!'A'.\ ING Dought the Photo Business 4. lately.curyiea on by Mir. helsey, and feeling Coniident from my long expericnce and succoss in the past of pleusing evon the most Instidous in their tustes, I would solicit the putronage c-ld m hum and the countiry North, South, ast and Wost . J also keep on hand a large stock of Picture Mouliding Whoicsale and Retat GROCERIES, of all l:inds Always in Stock, Grocery and Provision EStore Durham, Avril 15 1890, PARKER‘S DRUG STORE, French Vinegar, French Vinegar, Machine Oils, Machine Oils, Machine Oils, Paints, Blind Factory., Durham Art Gallery. commend as firstâ€"class, Heintends keeping conâ€" stantly on hand, a stock, so that those in want of any can have their wants supplied at reasouable ratos, . For further particulars apply to WILLIAN D. vaRTY, Dye Stuffs, Dye Stuffs. Dye Stuffs, 4. public generally, that '.II;V'VI;‘--I-MI"-‘-::I’I‘ hand a lurge quantity of KED BRICK which he can reâ€" Durham Fem EFruit.Fars, * 00 t for Prices and Quality canmot be surpassed. Partios will please call and examine before purâ€" chasing oisewhere. Remember the place, Tosth Concession, Proton, nour Ventry P., THOMAS LUTHERFORD Just to Hand! t hn aveeams d saa 0 e mt RORICEE, as to the names loculity, exient, ote., of over 1,800 Linkes and Kivers; a Tabls or Reutks, showing the proximity of the Railroad Staions‘ and Bou, Like and Itiver Ports, to the Citics 14 v ns, Vidlug» 68, at~.. in the soveral Provinces. (this T«ble will be found invaluable); and n neat Colored );-.» of the Dominion of Cunada. Edited by P. a. CRoshy, weâ€" sisted by a C of Writers. Subscribess uaimes Mmum,;wucmd. Agents wanted, Price83â€"BPayable or Delivery. JOHN LOVELL & $0X, Pablishers, Montreal, August, 1830, June "~7 fhontic desoriptions of over 7,500Cities, Towas And Villages in vho Provinee: of Onturio, Quobes , Novea Bsotie, New Bruuswick, Newfoubdland, Prince Raward Islund, Menitobs, British CoIUIMâ€" bis, mnd the North West Werritorics, und other l'l.ehu information, drawn from cficith sourcer, )A Wigo o rergpeiptabgiay snn Mb {ONTA!NING the latest and most nuâ€" thentic desawintione afment? NMiAudoat Wws i. in Prossâ€"To be Poblisbed in Jan. ASSL + LOVELL‘S Gazctoor of British Nortk AMERICA : BURNET S Proton, August 26::, 1830 ~â€"~~ & & Dentul sugery, Wili mdsit wourâ€" uamâ€"OfMlce, sritish Huiolâ€"buc iabt two weeks of every mouto, w aere he will be most hup.{ Lo wait apon ail those chet uy favor bim wi redu past â€" jumMge. All work entrusted io lin will be por» lormed in the latest sitd most approved scyld. RumuiNor, any or the fouding Veulists uf LTucusâ€" ME Subscriber would call the attention â€" of parties intending to but? to tha ‘uet that ne has burued u large quenlity of J em Fruit Jars, Upper Town, DURHANM, EEap Orrion ~Wintau. HE undersigned widhes Picturoes Framed ow Brick Ya IX FPLESEERTOX. WHITE AN» EED LBRICK, and intonds burning more, which Now Brick for Sale. Anotber Lot of Sulendid 1859 Stock, and will be sold Cheap fo Cash or Farm Produce: Durham. â€"ATâ€" wriiN x‘ 40 d 46 K. . 6. JEROME, Licoutinte T. DONAGIHY. y 11% Paints, to inform the Paints, Md C orll Plesherson «insl 49

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