West Grey Digital Newspapers

Grey Review, 30 Sep 1880, p. 4

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. lil; Foe Rm In“, and Thu-hing Ma, QNH'EKSW Awhile Oil For our. t u. c. Mei“. i2Grioirii, .3511}: I - an". Dunne-mm. that Joann. Mr. A, Minna, of Salton. Ion four shins]: {In tho unknown ml- .Jy. John Curt No, and IU. Belong one. A strum”- Reuasa has broken out among the hogs in the It. gulporhood of Ridgetown. The ninth Hulda-l, not stupid Mad hhud and than wally. Though [tumbling wisat I. and “blind W." n in not _ ___-__ .....e J"" .u- "'"""""", an“ Matrsa-cqcatb--at almost seems like n m i the baby?" The attswer--"b'rac mace to read of the do lication of 3 Con. cakes and the 1ucasler.'." mg Itionnl church within the Palace enclo. I "Will you have some iruawlierriee sure of the Island of Madagascar. But ed a lady M a guest. “Yes, modal such a cunnuny did take place there, not i,,C'd",vtir.,.ir'.',, with ontlitrsmsm." u; many weeks Mo. There were present Her i We lmvon't anything but cream an Majesty, Ittutovalomnnjaza ; his Excellen- i for them this evening.” ey, 1ltt'ihaiari.v1sts,., Prime Minister ; the i A ncgro's Jeiination of higotar menu-01‘s Mid ladios of the e? and a igoud and as inclusive as that of Ill Urge '"e" of people. in" 1ty.es.ty., by i Dictionary. "A bigot!" said he, o, the "I" is Lot vuly a sincere Christian, is amen who knows too {finch for o but-to 1er.honor be it said-a thorough- I ml quite enough for two." gen-i; abstain" and Temperance advocate. . The“: w. , something quite English-like inl Thnt win; l triumphant appeal the ceremony as described by "tin repor- i lovct .uyotitylitr, who, m amount: tera.' The admission, we ure told, on the C',ri'/1rllrr. of old ""9" Ita, tlow, opening day was by ticket. The time on- stifle filly?“ ftf an)" Toma-n. 1" ttortrwod was ten o'clock. and shortly after t in ms astel so ong tit', be ancien that hour the Queen’s singers iwre heard i Tlu, owu0r ofa pair nfhright eye singing a native tune to a native hymn as I that the prettiest compliment sho c' they pioceeded her Majesty and the Prime ’ceived come from it child 'of {our Minister on their way to the church, the ' Tho little frllow, after 1o.okt)t'g py 2r ‘n being attended by her cunrtiern and 1 her eyes a. moment, enquired naively their adieu in fall dress. The opening Ber. your Erycs tICR otus?" vices extended over a firtnight. Such an "Cars you keepn secret?" said Mr, advance Com barurihm to civilization is,* dhuib, impressively looking at his indeed, a striking illustration of the pen or ‘indecd I can," she exclaimed en ofthe Gott {running across the room that she 1 b'osos or Scorrasm.--r said that Burns cling to the. lappcls of his coat whi had given . wire to a wide range of “aw i listened. "Well," said the brutal tion-to many moods ; I did not my to all "you can do a great deal more than - that would have been to o.vtf,prate. them I never could remember out There u the whole range of sentiment that enough totell it." belongs to the learned and philosophie,that "Arrah, Pat, and why did I men: which is born of subtile, perhaps over-re- Jist tell mo that; for its meself that' fined intellect. which he has not touched. i to maintain ye iver since Father on No Scottish gong has touched it Into that I you sent me home to your house. "f rngiou it could not intrude without abroga- jewel,"rephoil Pat, not relishing the ch tins its nature and destroying its intrinsic "and its meself that. hopes to live ti charm. Thug charm is that " makes no the day when ye're a widow, weeping breathe awhile the the air of the mountain the cold sod that covers me, then 1' and the moor, not that of the school. But how " get along without me, h there is another side on which Scottish dear."' song is limited, which it is not so easy to Una-”Bu AND t"ssrtarrrarsta.--t explain. It is this : there is little, almost .-The breakfast table. Mamma l, no allusion to religion in it. It is slnwst I "Hamilton, go upstairs and change unntinly Jeannie of the spiritual element clothes. Now you “a " the seasi " ii it hid been comm“ by NEW“ want you to wear out your old may I Certainly. if Wet wished to express any real Hamilton, who is nine,appeuts {our l Christi-n feeling " aspiration, " should later a sight to behold. Mammalhorri thQ to look elsewhere than to these songs. --"Hamiiton, what have you been doi Thut thb been peculiarly eotafirted to Burns' Hamilton (elMrerfallv)-"oh, mammn, songs. '0 might tian, accounted for it, been having such I jolly roll down since he. ti:th not without a haunting. elim You v'iuhed me to wear out mycl “I!" of "ligion, lived th lite, that shut him as you know!" And he had done it of oat from its manor side; he never had the wily. heart "t tree, from which "we 'tli.xioms The habit of exaggeration grows uh poetry on Bow. But the name want is up- imperceptibly on one hy use. "I'm , pmrent in ahnoat all Scottish songs of every to death," says one. So you have an Mo. The Scotch hove Md hitltetto it ' tltouiuuu1 times and you'll any son thoua . nl'xiouo p.opu, und, I hope, uot without times more hetero you die. “I had n reason. Yet there i' hardly or) of them wink ofnleep tulttight,"sttys another. J Porrthte M which breathes My deep “ . vet your bed lellow heard you more In Mancunian, 'hhh “PT.“ my ofthooe times. “I would not do it for all the wor MM. Out wander towsrds etemity.- says a third, and yet you have done it; AtUntie hfonthlv. many things equally " bad min on It “on. that to BHtUh Columbia its to gain. “We were up to our knees in In: bstomtt thohooor ofuine the ""3" of the says: fourth, when you knew very , first W ofs pttoino '“ serpent. At that the mad was not over your sin Ions-o sap-Whom Tutoeia. “It Allofthio is. torn: oflyingmnd and 3 MW .5 having . hood liha a P?” the moral character of one indulging in ther, . mi ttatd . 1tuytroitt", tail,and A Tun "tte.--"" u. no tom as beintt M d: Mun length. so my musket with powder and hull.”nid I Sp no mt- of a dubious character have ish “a," to an audience at a“. hen son Ind described that people will Plums County. OIL, last Sunday " *-tr-dtSmtltrtnuttuviintt- artttettrutthe DIM“ the bind. “NBC... " I to be out to “.3...“- ROMVM mo. G , m. v -. Ila-on or " 1aous.--tht Monday Ladies, would you be beautiful, hwe a morning, while . Pagan dance at Onomla- clean unmpltxiuu free from Matches, pimplel, . _ . and other skin diseases arising from impure ff Ieahouss W“ In progress, "some P.". blood I would you restore the hlnum of Insult!) ties diaaoaered at; Indian nmed b'iiversmith l to thv, pallid check. the brtliiant tsparkle to with his throat cut and his hands badly cut l the eye. and via-.ticity to the step. take Bur. in tho woods, nhout two hundred yards _ lock 1.310.0‘1 Bitters, the great blood pur- f th Lo h Th d l t I mer. \ntithzrr, and tome. A cure for all rom . W otu0. tt grout) tb 'ou Ifmmsnf inhale mmplmuu, weaknes- nml ir. [uneven] het was very much torn up and ' regularittea. Him dollar er bottle. Sold by very bloody in uppeuunce, as if . terrilco I 1lldigle". T. MILBDRN & Co., Tordhtu. 21et, had taken place. Constable Wil. .__- J , ------ I inns unneeded in arresting: aftern long I ohm through the vornheld4, an ludmn H orous. 'P'.' had hoon‘in oompahy with Silversmith Porter, pounding on the '1oor--'0et up, during the tight. Iris panta tsboat the right oft, I say. orvou'll be too late. The tttp 1:“ Fllmllef 21°01: "pou if?” :1. traiu‘s been ghno this last halfhour." ugiteym: atey on vase. n Alub Ital . . . _ enleit hiswite-. Inquest will beheld. t .-.. in am g up) t o n w e 33-va Ann 23 Ynu-’l'ho family of John Sins, . Honor mu, PL, made tea. chu. huh“- n-Initorl after gurus. separ- ation for Rayon". The family were then liv. ing in St. Paul, lion" uni Mn. Sim. and her My girl wm cap-ind white rowing on Lake Min-clocks, St. Paul', summer relort. The paper- nportod by midwt that both were drowned, while, Mm. Sims, without knowEng this, went to vi-it friend» in Iowa, And. read. il. ot the than: ot a Mr. Sims, married again. An ndvertumrtent in a Chicago punt hat spring for the missing wife and child fell tut. I dot tho danghter’l eye, now Mrs. Boach, of Albina]. Nah, uni aha speedily rojuined her htho: informing him that her mother had be- en. a widow for the second time n the Bill'- I an. immune!) wealthy. In company with mother brother he is now working two mines, whilo I third brother is keep- in. store in the some 1oealitr. Orncu, Sept. 28.--T'he" in " present u Ottawa. on A he,“ to his mother. . man, we 2tysrt, who left chin city twelve Poo 1:10 I pennil' "3 boy, but who is now wort onr‘cin millions of dollan. m rule hie - may while mining .2. Utah. Ycueraky be punch-ct! the residence of Mr. Joi n mug " a .. m... bank, ' .' .7,- 5‘?", ma when it u furnished will present it '0 his mother, who resides on Church and. Mr. Llym'c history rend: like 1 romance. He In: the Ion of . tamer new Broke, an" when he left for California it in nu. that ti, Luthor Fad to cell . cow for in: purpose of securing the mom" Hs enguged thl' a farmer in Utah, and took , . portion of the man'- land in payment l for his wing“. When prospecting for c I cite on which to commence building oper- f do. be in aid to he." diacovercd gold. A compcny wen formed end Mr. Ryan bo. I 1 How a Penmless Ottawa Boy! CANADIAN ITEMS. Became a Millionaire. I -- _ A, 7 - .‘-.. ' , The balm. of exaggeration grows almost . imperceptibly on one by me. “I'm tired _ t, death," says one. So you have said a thousand times and you‘ll sny son thousand times more before you die. "I had not a " wink otsleep all uight,"snys another. And l vet your by] fellow heard you more many times. "I would not do it for all the world," snys a third. and yet you have done it and I many things equally us bad again and R. gain. “We were up to our knee: in mud," says: fourth, when you knew very well that the mud was not over your shoes. All of this is 3 tom oflying. and is Udfor l the moral character of one indulging in it. l A Tau: Sreor.-"You see me load this I musket with powder and ball,'baid a Spam ish Juggler to n audience at Summit, Human County. Cal., last Sunday night. He then pat the misket in the hands of Pat Barns, of Reno, who works on thm. ninuhuun‘e ranch in that neighborhood. Wham" said the Juggler, extending his: ‘ right arm, "when I count three fire It my ihand and I will catch the bullet," Pat fired at the word and with eueh quickness and good aim that the ball passed through the Spriml‘e wrist. The performer ran howling through the when” and out of the hull. This endod the performance. When T. Y. Julian came by there yester- day the hmniard's wound we: doing well, but ye mid, "1 no ploy the! trick my --"Hamiiton, “but have you been doing?" Haunlton (elMyerfallv)-"oh,mamma, I've been having such I jolly roll down tho e'.itP, You wished me to wear out myeloth. as you know!" And he had done it oireet. ually. Ussmmau AND Ussrarrrsraa.-..&sene --The breakfast table. Mamma hrq.- "Htuviltott,go Upstairs and ohanga your clothes. Now you are " the seaside I want you to we" ont your old grey unit." Hamilton, who is niae,appearg four hours later a sight to behold. Mamma(horritied) "Arrah, Tht, and why did I marry ye? Jist tell me that; for its meself that's had to maintain ye iver since Father OMatti. grin sent me home to your house. “Swan jcwel,"replwd Pat, not relishing the charge, "and its mace” that. hopes to live to see the day when ye're B widow, weeping over the culd nod that covers me, then I'll see how " get along with out me, honey dear!" "Can you keeps! secret?” said Mr. Mid. dlerib, impressively Inching at his wife. 'lndecd I can," she excluimad eagerly. running across the mam that she might cliagto the lappels of his coat while she listened. "Well," said the brutal man, "you can do a great deal more than I can then. I never eould remember one long enough totell it." ‘ strawl,erries with ontlu1sutsm." "Do tell! I We havcn't anything but cream and sugar for than) this evening." I A negro's ilefituttion of bigolnry is as I good and] as inclusive as that of Webster's Dictionary. "A bigot l" said he. “why he is a. man who knows too tu, for one and nut quite enough for two." _ That was a triumphant appeal of the Ion-i of antiquity. who, in nmueing for the superiority of old over the new, said: I "Where will you fand any modern building that has lasted so long as the ancient?" The owner ofa pair ofbright eyas My! The Semis Canadian dubs the lake re- ttion of Lambton ‘the orchud of Ontario." It says :-"The Lake Shore bait tarms, though but of recent origin,hnve practically aolved the question of the resntrrltabilit7 of ’ the mil and climate to fruit raising. Our' ‘ peaches. grapes, apples or peer: clnnot be excelled if equalled." A Mrs. Shelley who, having separated from her husband on account of his dissi- pation and abusive conduct, adopted heri maiden name of Hymn. died in the hospi. tal at St. Catherines on Monday, a short time after giving birth to n daughter. She was apparentlv friendless, but is said to have relatives in Markham. The child is ahve. I w On Tuesday evening Mr. P. E. Lucy Barnes, 1: music tench" in Montreal, ap- parently while suffering from over-wrought Ind over-sensitive nerves, committed sub aide by placing a revolver to his mouth and firing it off. He is said to be An organist of superior ability. . l, Muloo is "tkt'rstr from malarial fever and fever and can, and the .1? wine up it is useless to attempt to deny it. Imperfect drainage, slaughter-houses, and the ink. made by means of a dam are the muse of this state of things. At the Manon Assizes , man named Bur. well Stpvensnn w.a semcuced by Chien Judie!) Wilson to seven years in the peni- tentiary, " an assault with intent to com- mit rape upon the wife of John Moore, a) farmer residing in East Flamboro. l I sums to be the settled determination of the Toronto nud Ottawa Railway Com. pany to " the manila-miss for I bonus of 01,000,000. Valuable dis-ies of like: and lend mines have heed mudeiu Guysbcro county, 'clliest compliment. she we: re. no from n. child of four years. fcllow, after looking intently at moment, enquired naively "Are r dint Epnf'ng’m g; the.“ at old prices tor 1uurh.(attttottttu ttttt raw material has advanced trom go to 25;)" cent). Customer: in want of Anything in hm no will pious cal! oar- iy, so that none will be disappointed. Ho em. plays no special agent to sell his boots, (lapenduy on their superior maria tor his business. Myer» or Quality and not chmppgu h the bull a lus Having received his Fall stock of Goods ig now in a position to otttsr . FIRST CLASS ARTICLE 1IAsu"'Ac'TCP"' and Dealer in L _ Boots, Shoes, and Leather. Sewed Work a Specialty. CASE FOR RIDES. Rochillo mey.July ”A“. Who are nnxinua to have their Dwelling Houses, Barns and 1 by Fire, can do so " a low rate, am itra reliable (‘umpany Applyto JOHN Cl Always noted for (hsod-r'1avdred TEAS from 35 cents up Gretchen Bows, Muslin and Silk Scnrfs, Chgnille, Rnchings, Motto Pocket Handker- chiefs, Damask do., Hair Ornaments. Buck Combs, Ladies' Neck Chains, Lace Gloves, Colored Luce Mitts, te. Frilllngs from 5 cents per yard up. GENTS' REGATTA SHIRTS. Lovely China Fichygg. Irerr $13er of Embroidered Collars, Fancy Goods at John Cameron's. Dye Stuffs and Perfumery, Stationery, &c., dx. PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds constantly in Stock. DEALER I) Pure Drugs and Chemicals. Lower Town DRUG STORE. Ono door South of PARKER'S DRUG STORE, Upper Town, Durham Farmers, Builders, Blacksmiths, Painters, Carriage Makers. Cabinet Makers, and General Public will tiud ' rice: and goods to their satisfaction. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Paints Oils, Varnishes, Carriage Trimmings, Glass, Cutlery, Silver Plated Goods, Mouldings a. C. JOPP, have bought the large tstock of Hardware, belonging to the estate of JAMES BLAIR t co, is now offering to the Public the whole Stock, consisting of Durham, July 24th, 1880, Bankrupt Sale of Hardware IN DURHAM. G. C. McFARLANE, CHEMIST a: DRUG-GIST. Wall Paper and Window Blind; L‘AJIDIER,S AR"D ()l‘IIlClIS Men’s Stoga Boot; $1.50; Men's Kip do. $2.25. See his Women's Boots at $1.25 . Call and be convinced that H. W. Mockler's is the place to buy the Best and Cheapest Boots in Town. Eras this week received a Large Stock of Boots and Shoes. GBOCERIES Cheap tor Cash. August 12, 1880. Harvest Tools, Harvest Mitts, &c., dx., At Prices never heard of before in Durham. REMEMBER THE STAND, BOOTS AND SHOES. Special notice ofthe Ladies is tnlled to his Stock of Goods, viz: Il0CKYILLE, oumperiiudit . HALL, of Walkerton, Rowswell’s Building, Upper Town, Durham. IE. W. MOCKLER, H. W. MOCKLER, W STOCK Houses, Barns and Content, Insured against Ion Av- _.|.‘ ,l I A I . _ Agent Western Insurance Co., VDurham MISS MARY BANKS wishes to inform the ladies of Durham and vicinity that like bu commons“! the human of Dun and Knuth; and"... n.- ...u____ _. .. - . " A ’Carriages, Buggies, Demo. , crat Wagons, etc., i0f GOOD MATERIAL, I GOOD FINISH. and Dress and Mantle Making. FARMING IMPLEMENTS- LOWEST PRICES. T be subscriber is alto Agent tor nllkindn Burbank” m:h.1éiof --_. ROBERT Mel-‘ARLANE " [11(1ng " Carriage Works Durham. Proprietor. Has Now on Huud a Good ir9mrpuirratoir, Gallant! Inspect My Stock J. CAMERON. F. J. HALL. It. MOPARLANE. 'miami/of 1tAniitTiiaii", iiria"r' "Prtrasttttrx, Wursmnmu, whet“ :she fame?" “Witt 3599921,”? une- who pay losses; riGaiy Stock of t-l27 596 Dominion Organ & Piano Comp any} tir Correspondence Solicited. Send for Illustrated Catalogue We are now manufacturing Square and Upright PIANOS Highest Honors ever awarded to any Maker The Largest and Most Complete ORGANS AND PIAN OS Feb. 12th, 18% 'all and see before purchasing elsewhere. We will not be u Done on the shortest notice and in the best tstyle. Flauncle, T ing Yarn to exchange for Wool or sell for l STOVE-S, Stoves, STOVES ! Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, Cloth Dressing and Dying, in the latest styles, and at the lowest rates. The au'bmriber The Durham Woollen Factory Durham, Sept. 18, 1879. Cash for Hides and Skins. Truck taken as Cash HARE} if? d: ( COOKING PARLOR Bt from $2t) an. from $5 up. from All Sizes and all Prices do 4o SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. ... 1877. GOLD MEDAL at PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TORONTO, 1878. HIGHEST Award M INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, Toronto, 1879. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, CENTENNIAL, ... ... Durham, August 17, 1880. Mrs, "WWII?“ WM"! "omtrat " u I!" worm In rlllldru-u or ndn'u. Prin- " run“. m M". FIRTH“?! " W MWIZhTII‘ I"?! Mann-en and dun-alum) In: In: we no mull. Factory in the Ddminion, CUSTOM WEAVIN G I Durham, 18th July, 1880, No trash, but a good article, which mll be sold CHEAP FOR CASH Another lot of Boots and Show do willie- to inform the inhuman“ of Durham and Me that he is now prepared to do Boots and Shoes. JUST TOHAND, Mailed Free. Address--- --- -- 140 Best in the Market. 19CrNE I N TA )3' Sham, cnmprising, Men's Women} and Children’s Goods. 'ownru " n arr. "In and tin-In] deulroyn- of PM" " Huh. or 5 fur IIJKI. Boxvmanville, Ont. C. L. G/RANT. 100 J SHN CAMPBELL. are perk-rt In ow Price " "I" per (Huh Cheap. ‘vf'engtfull Cloth, Ind Stock in the World. BOX from $3 up. Home“ an surrounding Town-hips, 1876. 5103 are selling of Co. and: Devan I25! n. m., 2245 .m. ' All“. 1:5; p. m.. 'hilly. In fol-“Io "i-into lumen-um Time Turk I . Emmy!) “A665 - - WRF'A'I‘KI PM "tta. M., 11:45 nun! All"! IQNLIIV 42m p. m. 'The Kind “I: will our run on Tummy, Ther .hya at! human. South Input 7:15 u.m._11:2m mm A1110. 11:10.41... 4."A5tott., North. Bop-n, 11:30:. an. 6.'Cstr in. I t C'a"ph..l'e.','ieiLi'it,i,'i."t on. Donut . |.m.n out “an: 11:00 a. In.. all p. m. "I! mun. Day-In. 0-30 1.111.. "Hnttttrttt All-iv. 4:00 p.n1.. 10:10 pm. Ott cut! Mter HOV-AIS Sill lay. IS79 tum wti1ruroatottomr.L ronox'rm mums urn-lax Depart. 'tair I. m.. ":20 . m.. we p. m “TWO. 1“ I. m., 8:00 l,': m., 10de p. m. onumnvxum. Toto-Io I'm an TORoxTO. GREY. AND mun- RAILWAY "0tuutto_ttutcatttt of Februnry. Apr June, August, October and "ecetut, PdmIos4s--Virinituusr luau-ding ti Orangeville Fair. oratttwville--Tue 2nd Thursday in mm month. Fleiheruur--uom1n ' before Ornngovillo. putehdk--Tuetow gum! ()mngm ille, 8elbtyye--_Wedeadts, before Urungm ill Mea-ilu-Neon:, Wednesday in em math. _ Watkerto-T'ite hat wane-idly in enc mouth. . 1tiltiatay - Last Wesdttdiday of one month. IhwUm-Third Tuesday in one]: month. Price\'ille-'-Mondny heron Dun-1mm. IAsttovtt--MomU.f bottm, Durham. Mount Forest-Third Wednesday in (Mb month. . quelph--Firtrt Wodnnthv n ettehmontlt. 1._Grriutott--rh'riae before the Guelph Futr I?.rtrytoertutttrdisr before Guelph. Elora-Tite day before Guelph: lyugltus--hiouiias harms Elam Fair. Ihuuptott--c.vrtaiu Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berliud-Firt,t Thursday in each month Brampton .-Firmt Thursday in cm-hmumh LiMowel--hust Friday in and: mouth. Fergus-'l‘hursduy following Mon In Form-'1. ilomsmout--yit'teaa of Felmmry. Avril Nwht [mum " sum of {making every lunch A n tin odd Fallow-1h“. Vumuium M. Erna N. u. W. B. Vouct. BC. n! can“ uogut. “chunks, w. M CHANGE OE TIME DURHAM DIRECTORY I A lad matted Zubur, living in West _ Monti-om, was shot in the flee by another boy named Weber. while the two were out hunting squirrels. Weber digchurgod his pieca into a wood pile. into which he had seen I chipmunk enter, while Zulur was looking into it from the other side,thurt receiving the eltarsrtsutmtrels' into hi, Ger, otliee 11 Th land, assistant trttpr'ritttetuhrttt of the Tun. nel Company, who perished with his men. {he body was 1mithrsq,istsarulewi. blackened L, youd nll reeoguition ot the features, tn. iu the lust. 'tttSeger; of dasompoaitioa null de. cor, Ind could only he moaniud Ivy the clothing, but its identity but ' fully es- “blinked. The first body was teccvered from the Hudson Rivcr tunnel Int Thursday night " ll o'clock. It wu (but of Peter Wood. The wont Gem-u] in the battle field of ht, ll Renard dehillty, which the vital fun-w ot, ten fail to conquer. Burdock Blood Hit tors are are: victorious, Against I” "mu-kn tr' chronic dueuc, they regulate thy tum: In, ac upon the kidneyulwer, we! all the seen-(mm tone up the dubilitated ppm“. strength- t the nervel, purify the Hand And restore hm vitality. One dollar per bottle. All all-{law tn medicine an supply you. "'. MILlunty t Co., Toronm, General Agemu.--btas 1 AScheuIdady tirrn has shipped brush and broom-making machines to the Xiuly Lind, when American colonists, at the to rt of Mt, Carrmel--douute" near by the brook of mum and the Cave of the Pro. phet Elijah-were min. then: minivan- nae. M clan u! g p. ti. TtttirvoaVtvAri-r,tr ver lamina It 8pm. Tumult“. Mr. " tt.G.tgtrausrtti' orrxc‘x. ‘homu Hulda, n tt',g.f,,i Jan. A. Hum 441 ml? 2 (“Has "ttrttirtcu IO a.m.l _ In! ti"',',,',,':,' walling an»; QJiici,i' ‘11,: wfil rr‘awutml. Toronto Oil Ctr., 'rsamstaufutrem, --m I 29. The people in several ronnties of lin are said to be mm .m. for um 'tl (minute the fun-m: at eroPr. Thr! papers Ire chm-god " " """FQuHHg t,1,, lest it should injure tuc a. Tho Fountain of Life i, the 1.1 krw the iotttttrtin [um IL an the mhm of health Bre in good conclude“. Baru 1alrtrut Diners wilt cit-WM. the How] 1 All purities. ups-“inf Semiul: and ah qunJune- up the dobi Rated u hwlIlJl‘L'l In; “to liver, have]. And kidneys. Ind h: health to the Imicted. - blM MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS VERA)! LODGE Nu.ittu,0tr A. l Bani: but 650,000 l, Ind 880,000 whose :11 "EPIIEs' 1:01:02 N tl, new LE M mouth: b, Thursday or 1'i'il,'lllt'i. trawl-Joe ll“! fm DURHAM L.0.l macamnzous Ming. T rui- Pt, will!“ (In "ii7"aiGiiii,i.r' barium. mun-mu TJHKITY CHI m; tHMi"arBeP'r, as.” 'ot/t' NIr ti' INST] 'ttl .50.“ he: irl it.” 01’1"le n or huh an 'ettitioo. u" It If; m below lull Arch. M - lollk. "rim with "Hunted m entirely fr " " “Win-d Male“. .4 Jtt.nua a!” Nunavut: each t Kan ot fo the mu, it South End Bakery " , it“ q D V Gristing & More}. thin "Ge luv you]. r" the pare-u: ot an M W? war a "and Ttso Fort but In“ Ivy-clot to “will”: " I‘oln'puu EDGE 'MILLS, DURHA My Mann-r (boo-uh" In ker In um WM“- W. CALDWE L For Summer Tm lo. Fina Sow-ad Well Q. Ma. only M.00. [and "ml-nu .h, Rural. orrtr Vt. In. Rhoes w. oottr "ro. Th! hest Tram-h Stock and. Lumber, Lumber Shingles. _ 1600 Bush. Fri-r Durham P. o " TERLN A ll ALFBI: l k “J P-Whn nlnrr W. CHITTICE V OUT" F, N " , Yud Kt"-.-l. In. Immu- mr - atol u Fro inclu- or', TIM. inch. d Quart-r column Kale aolumu. on column, oo. " "v. th Cu“? If; l m buetor tb: tir, me " ll " ALEXANDE Atthe 0.00.:Gutfnxn Street, C”! ‘JL‘ZSII not paid BUSINESS DIRECTO urtmiti, Mont-r co Inna Durham, - -. “THE REVI E "rdiun RAhl'ATI TERMS:~N I [an TTOT Boot and She: l'IIOI'PI‘h TTm SI 3v cur-v 'l‘lnum TR Al MLS CELLANILG Ouioml and bun " RATES OF ADVl-Il " AKIN for " M front At Frost. 1STERS nun] Alzurnn , Herc Fl ‘FA YI STE" u rub E. " NFA' Ix r.II..Iu “I“ MEDICAI LEG AL " " lo I'm-rum u M on I) Eu I": ttr bath d: Lit make

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